FES Flowers Bridging Body & Soul

Fear-Less™, a leading FES formula featuring Red Clover for calm containment and courage in times of emergency, panic or fear.
Discover the complete line of FES organic and wild-harvested products, backed by over four decades of international professional practice.
What are flower essences?

Flower Essences are prepared directly from Nature’s Living Forces to instill health and vitality in body, mind and soul.
What are flower essences?

What are Flower Essences?
Flower essences are unscented liquid, potentized plant preparations which convey a distinct imprint, or etheric pattern of a specific flower. Originally developed in the 1930s by the English physician, Dr. Edward Bach, flower essences enjoy a reputation of being highly beneficial and safe to use. Because they contain only minute traces of physical substance, flower essences differ from pharmaceutical drugs, conventional herbal remedies or essential oils used for aromatherapy. Although they are legally classified as herbal supplements, flower essences properly belong to a new modality of potentized remedies that derive their active powers from life forces within natural substances. Because they are highly diluted, they are benign and do not cause side effects. Their power derives from the principle of energetic resonance with the life pattern of the flower.
Flower essences expand our understanding of health care by recognizing a relationship between body and soul, and the interweaving of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of wellness. They address the subtle but very important realm of the human psyche, from where thoughts and feelings emanate. Just as food sustains the human body, flower essences nourish the human soul, enhancing emotional and psychological well-being.
Flower essences are generally taken orally — a few drops or sprays — several times per day. They can also be applied topically, used in baths, and sprayed in the environment. Body care products containing flower essences are another way to enjoy their benefits.
Continuing the Legacy of Dr. Bach
Continuing the Legacy of Dr. Bach
Julian Barnard...has devoted his life to the work of Edward Bach. The Healingherbs™ are genuine Bach flower essences prepared in exactly the same way as shown by Dr. Bach. … These essences are prepared with great care, love and integrity to ensure perfection through simplicity, and to achieve the miracle of Nature’s Healing.
Nickie Murray (1923-1997), former director of the Bach Centre

FES is the exclusive North American distributor for the Healingherbs™ flower essences of Dr. Bach, made precisely according to his original indications, using the same plant species collected in pristine habitats. Healingherbs™ is located in Herefordshire in western England on the borderlands of Wales, where Dr. Bach made many of his early flower essences. It is directed by renowned naturalist, teacher and author, Julian Barnard.
FES has continued in the tradition of Dr. Bach with its own lines of North American flower essences, FES Quintessentials™ and the Range of Light™, researched and developed since 1978. All of the flower essences are prepared from wildflowers or organic garden flowers, using the living forces of the fresh air and water, and the warmth and light of the rising morning sun, in vibrant gardens and natural habitats.
Continuing the Legacy of Dr. Bach

Healingherbs™ Gorse flower essence prepared in its natural habitat according to the original method of Dr. Edward Bach
Let it be noticed in this that the four elements are involved: the earth to nurture the plant: the air from which it feeds: the sun or fire to enable it to impart its power: and water to collect and to be enriched with its beneficent magnetic healing. — Dr. Edward Bach, 1930

Flower Essence Services: Who We Are
Flower Essence Services, incorporated as Terra Flora Gardens, Inc., is co-directed by Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski, who are married and professional partners. Established in 1979, FES is based in the foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains, a tree-studded land of granite peaks, sparkling rivers, and goldembedded quartz. Our private workplace and residence, Terra Flora, encompasses 27 acres of Biodynamic® organic gardens, ponds, and natural areas. This environment is ideally suited for preparing the pure and potent plant products. FES is respected as a leading company in the field of etheric plant remedies, with an international reputation for quality and efficacy. FES flower essences have been developed carefully through research and case reports by qualified practitioners from around the world. Today, FES products are used in more than 50 countries by hundreds of thousands of health care professionals and family caretakers.
Hand-crafted products

Despite an age of increasing mechanization, FES believes that the warmth of human hands and hearts is paramount for its healing products. FES products are grown and harvested with hands-on care and produced and bottled in small batches by hand.

Terra Flora Gardens: Biodynamic® & Organic
Terra Flora Gardens: Demeter-Biodynamic® & USDA-Organic
The gardens at Terra Flora in Nevada City, California, received official Biodynamic certification in 1997, by the Demeter Association, the international accreditation agency for Biodynamic® Agriculture. Biodynamic® is a term that actually predates “organic” by several decades; it includes all the requirements of organic agriculture, such as the use of natural fertilizers and biological pest controls, yet goes further. While typical organic certification programs protect the consumer by establishing safeguards regarding the use of chemicals and other harmful agricultural practices, Biodynamic® practitioners are also required to develop extensive, proactive methods of caring for the earth and the soil. These approaches involve a comprehensive understanding of the living forces of Nature inherent in minerals, plants, animals and the surrounding cosmos. Terra Flora Gardens are also certified organic through the National Organic Program of the US Department of Agriculture.

Commitment to Ecological & Social Values
✩ Dual-certified organic/Demeter Biodynamic®, the highest standards worldwide
✩ Composting program to regenerate and “give back” to the soil and plants
✩ Limited packaging that emphasizes natural, recycled, and reusable materials
✩ An aggressive recycling program of all possible production materials, with printing on recycled paper
✩ Natural materials for production when at all possible: glass bottles, ecologically harvested wood with natural finishes, natural fiberboard displays
✩ Ecological work strategies such as 4-day work-week, on-site lunchroom facilities, energy, water & paper conservation
✩ Only use earth-friendly, non-chemical cleaning and maintenance products
✩ Products are hand-gathered and hand-assembled in a cottage environment that is socially nurturing and warmly embraced by Nature
✩ FES tithes and donates to local community projects, and natural disaster and social relief programs throughout the world
✩ Medical, dental, and eye care health benefits, retirement savings, vacation and holiday benefits for FES staff

Five-Flower Formula™ for Emergency, Trauma & Stress

Five-Flower Formula™
Dr. Bach's formula for stress & emergency
Contains: Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem
Positive qualities: Calmness and stability in any emergency or time of stress
Patterns of imbalance: Panic, disorientation, loss of consciousness; acute trauma or pain
This best-selling formula may be used in any kind of emergency, trauma, or in circumstances when one needs immediate help, before and after moments of difficulty, for accidents and upsets. It has a calming influence, helping to restore peace and emotional balance. It is especially effective with children. It is also good for plants and animals, with the addition of other single essences as appropriate.

The Affordable and Effective Alternative to Rescue Remedy®
Five-Flower Formula™ is hand-prepared by Julian Barnard of Healingherbs™. He makes the mother essences in rural England, based on three decades of expertise and experience with the Bach remedy plants, using the same species as the original Bach formula.
Five-Flower Formula™ is made according to Dr. Bach’s original instructions as an herbal preparation. It is not homeopathically diluted and is labeled as an herbal supplement. It is priced fairly and is available in a convenient 1/4-ounce pocket/purse size as well as in 1-ounce dropper and spray bottles. Compare our $16.95 MSRP for the 1-oz. (30 mL) size with the $22.15 price for the 20 mL size of Rescue Remedy®. Bring in Five-Flower Formula with our 2-for-1 display special: three dropper bottles and three spray bottles of both the alcohol and non-alcohol versions, at half price. Dimensions of display: 5.5”L x 4.5” D x 6.75”H
Non-alcohol formula also available with organic vegetable glycerin
Available in both dropper bottle and spray bottle at the same low price.

Last year I purchased Five-Flower Formula™. I had used Rescue Remedy® previously. I felt yours was more effective in our rescue work with our dog rescue program, so I am switching to your essences.
— Karen Oscar, Irvine, CA
I was working one day in my herb store when my three-year old daughter decided to throw a temper tantrum. Casually, with my customers watching, I placed a couple of drops of Five-Flower Formula™ into the palms of my hands and rubbed this on the top of my daughter’s head. Instantly, my daughter wanted to be picked up and she laid her head down on my shoulder without uttering a word. Her tantrum stopped immediately.
— Lynda Baker, LongBeach, MS

Yarrow Environmental Solution™ (YES)
Yarrow Environmental Solution™ (YES) is a highly beneficial blend of flower essences and plant tinctures in a sea salt base. Its purpose is to strengthen and protect against toxic environmental influences, geopathic stress, and other hazards of technology-dominated modern life.
It contains five powerful flower essences, pictured at the right. Arnica and Echinacea build strength and integrity of the mind-body complex, while the three Yarrow remedies, Yarrow (white), Pink Yarrow and Golden Yarrow, balance sensitivity with protection and maintenance of healthy boundaries.
History and current use
Developed in its original form as a response to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986, the YES formula is now widely used in Japan and elsewhere to cope with the effects of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. YES is not a substitute for appropriate medical care. Rather, it is a tonic to revitalize the etheric body or life energy of anyone subject to harmful environmental influences.
Indications for use of the Yarrow Environmental Solution™
✩ As a general tonic and strengthener to meet harsh technological and environmental challenges in the modern world
✩ Before, during, and after exposure to radiation from X-rays, computer monitors, televisions, airports, medical treatments or nuclear fallout
✩ When subjected to forces of geopathic stress, strong electromagnetic fields, or other forms of environmental toxicity
✩ To strengthen the immune system, particularly in those who are prone to allergies and chemical sensitivities, or other forms of immune dysfunction
✩ During or after times of extreme stress, especially experiences which seem to shatter or tear apart the core sense of identity and integrity
✩ For those with pronounced sensitivity, especially when traveling, in large crowds or similar environmental situations

Strengthening healthy immune response when environmental conditions challenge well-being and vitality

Yarrow Environmental Solution™
Yarrow Environmental Solution™ is very effective, not only for air travel, but also in urban environments, such as riding subways and buses, and driving in traffic.
— L.M., health practitioner, Front Royal, VA
Your YES formula has saved me so many times! I work in the natural foods industry and need to attend conventions and meet with vendors and customers. Before discovering the YES, I would be drained at the end of each day.
— Bonnie Jackson, San Diego, CA
My daughter and I are very environmentallysensitive. Everything from chemicals in the city to perfumes in small spaces, causes allergic reactions such as headaches, sinus problems and grogginess. We both use YES...it greatly helps...leaving us more clear-headed and focused. — C.S., Fallbrook, CA
I have personally used YES. It has helped me not to take in so much of customers' 'stuff.'
— R.R., Golden Temple Natural Foods, Baltimore, MD
YES has made such a difference in my life! My energy level is much better... . Things that would challenge my body and cause stress are now more subdued. Thank you so much for this product!
— C.T., Richardson, TX

Bring in YES with our 2-for-1 display special: six dropper bottles and six spray bottles at half price. Dimensions of display: 5.5”L x 4.5” D x 6.75”H
Animal Relief Formula (ARF)

Calming & comforting for animals in transition or trauma

Primary Indications for Animal Relief Formula:
* For any abandoned animal, whether feral or residing in a rescue shelter
* Any animal being adopted into a new home, or being given a new guardian or caretaker
* For loss of the primary caretaker due to death, divorce or changes in the family system
* During any time of significant travel or re-location to a new home or living space
* For any animal with a prior history of physical abuse, torture or abandonment
* For performance or work animals who are exploited, or valued only for monetary worth or reproduction value
* During times of prolonged illness, or extensive surgery; can be used in tandem or alternation with Magenta Self-Healer™
* For any time of pronounced stress in the animal – such as the prolonged absence of the primary caretaker or environmental disruption due to any natural disaster; the formula can be used in alternation or in tandem with Post-Trauma Stabilizer™
I’ve had profound results using the Animal Relief Formula with two dogs who had been abused and were rescued—they had huge trauma and were in crises. Almost instantly, one of the dogs accepted the family and another animal in its new home. The other traumatized dog took longer to adjust and needed another essence as well, but the outcome was positive.
— S.S., Pebble Beach, CA
This formula is a blessing! I have two cats that are each 15-years-old. I put drops of the Animal Relief Formula in my cats’ water in the morning and evening. I definitely see improvement in their health and energy.
— M.M., Tempe, AZ
Animal Relief Formula

Behavioral therapists and breeders that train animals report amazing results with ARF – Animal Relief Formula.
— Spirit Wind Trading Post, Amelia, OH

I am so impressed with your Animal Relief Formula. All 13 kitties in my house finally are at peace and can show “no fear” around one another. My horses are less uptight and spooky. Thank you so much for creating this wonderful healing helper from Nature.
— A. Eiermann, North San Juan, CA
My step-daughter has a young dog who is about one-year old. He is a wild dog that will not sleep – he just runs around and is restless. One spray of the Animal Relief Formula on his nose, he sniffs, and then goes to his bed to sleep, where he remains throughout the night.
— R.K., Vinterbro, Norway

I found a bird lying on the patio, hardly moving, even though there were workmen walking in the area. The workmen pointed out a spot on the window where the bird had flown into it. I went to get a bottle of Animal Relief Formula and sprayed it around the bird’s mouth several times. About a minute later, the bird flew up to a tall tree across the driveway and chirped happily.
— R.K., Nevada City, CA

flourish: To thrive and prosper; to achieve success and fare well; to express with artistry and flare; to reach higher development and excellence Latin: florire, flor (flower)
To grow like a flower
The FES Flourish Formulas™ are twelve one-ounce spray bottles, each formulated for a specific purpose, and ready to use directly from the bottle. They are specially blended from our Demeter-certified Biodynamic® flower essences, with highly dilute food-grade essential oils. Simply spray twice in the mouth, and/or around the body, four or more times per day.
FES Flourish Formulas™
When we first got the Flourish line in its pretty display, we couldn’t even keep them in stock. It also helped open up people to the individual essences and we are selling more of them.
— Sharon Dwyer, Buyer, Viroqua Food Co-op, Viroqua, WI
I am amazed by your Sacred Heart™ formula. ... There was more light, more space, more breathing around and through my heart. I literally began to feel and hear what my heart was saying to me and what I needed to do to heal my relationship.
— G.H., Davis, CA
Over a period of eight weeks, my son woke up every Monday morning with a migraine headache and vomiting. I recently discovered Fear-Less™ at a local store. On Sunday evening, I sprayed my son’s wrists, head and in his mouth; it worked immediately. He awoke Monday morning feeling fine and took the Fear-Less™ again; he was well all day at school. After a few more applications, he is now using it regularly. This is so exciting for our whole family, to see him feeling better.
— Aimee Dixon, Laguna Beach, CA
My daughter has struggled with feelings of being unloved and ignored ever since she was a toddler. I have used over a dozen Bach flower essences over the past two years and they made no effect on her emotional beliefs. I was introduced to FES flower essences three months ago and I have seen dramatic affects on my daughter. My daughter actually begged to have more and more of the Kinder Garden™ Flourish blend. She is feeling secure, doing well in school, and feels confident in her love from mom and dad. I am amazed at how quickly and effectively the FES flower essences work! Thank you for such a great product.
— Kellie Sletten, Stillwater, MN
We love Grounding Green™ for ourselves and our customers...it helps us to become centered and grounded in earth/nature awareness.
— Boney's Bayside Market, Coronado, CA
I am a light sleeper and never seem to have dreams. With Flora-Sleep™ I am not only waking more refreshed, I am actually having very significant dreams for the first time in years.
— Kay S., Santa Fe, NM

Our 2-for-1 introductory package includes the full Flourish display plus four each of the twelve formulas (one set can be used as testers), a total of 48 bottles. 16 1/2”L x 6”D x 7”H.

The Flourish Kit— one of each of the 12 formulas
The Twelve FES Flourish Formulas™ Flower Essence Formulas for
Body / Soul Wellness

Eight flowers to empower positive Purpose and Passion
Positive qualities: Positive activation of the will to accomplish one’s goals and complete projects; affirmative leadership; sustained energy and enthusiasm that fires the will; healthy expression of strong masculine “yang” energy in both men and women
Patterns of imbalance: Hesitation, procrastination, apathy; inability to engage the will to manifest one’s goals, poor leadership skills, flagging energy or distraction, difficulty completing projects
Composure and containment when challenged by fear, anxiety or panic
Positive qualities: Calm composure and containment during any threatening situation; ability to move forward with courage and fortitude despite adversity; proactive resolution of any stressful situation; valor and bravery
Patterns of imbalance: Fear and anxiety; inability to act due to paralysis or numbness; restless agitation or disturbed sleep due to pronounced worry; paranoia, or panic due to extreme fear; nervous tension and distress
Quiescent flowers for restful repose and rejuvenation
Positive qualities: Relaxation, restful sleep, de-stressing; nourishing body and soul in sleep; mental and spiritual rejuvenation from deep rest; waking refreshed
Patterns of imbalance: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep; excessive worry and anxiety; restlessness, nervous agitation; inability to release challenging thoughts and feelings before sleep or rest
A symphony of white lilies to nourish feminine qualities of Soul
Positive qualities: Positive relationship to the feminine soul identity in women or men; ability to express and champion feminine values in one’s self, family, and community; mothering grace, nurturance and sensitive receptivity as active soul virtues; affirmative alignment with biological and cultural milestones within the feminine body and soul
Patterns of imbalance: Devaluation of feminine values and virtues; degradation or exploitation of women or women’s bodies; alienation from feminine roles of mothering and nurturing; trauma due to sexual predation or violence; loss of essential dignity and humanity due to female social status
Solace and Insight in times of sorrow and searching
Positive qualities: Heart balm after painful loss, bringing strength, encouragement, acceptance and a spiritual perspective regarding death, or any adversity
Patterns of imbalance: Feelings of emptiness or despair after a loss such as death, divorce, or disaster; unable to feel whole or to initiate process of re-building and re-visioning one’s life
Green flowers to strengthen Body-Earth Alignment
Positive qualities: Ability to integrate personal identity with a larger awareness of the Earth as a living organism; deeper bonding with living processes, animals and plants, with the ability to see their inter-relationships
Patterns of imbalance: Ego rather than eco consciousness; need for personal wealth, comfort and convenience without awareness of larger consequences for the Earth and other sentient beings; inability to imagine or relate to the Earth as a living organism; lack of integration and harmony of personal lifestyle and larger planetary reality
FES Flourish Formulas™
The FES Flourish Formulas™ provide an opening within one’s soul for self-healing, to see all possibilities when things seem blocked or hopeless. These flower medicines provide healing for the major afflictions plaguing mankind in today’s society, including Fear, Depression, Loss of Hope, and Loss of Energy.

– M.R., Arizona
Allowing the Light of Understanding to transform discouragement and depression
Positive qualities: Energized and sustained by a bright flame of optimism and joy for life; ability to maintain equilibrium when challenged by adversity, life transition or seasonal fluctuation; soul capacity to respond to any life crisis or setback as a new opportunity for growth and transformation
Patterns of imbalance: Lack of resiliency when tested by life challenges; needing to build sustainable structures of soul light that provide strength and sustenance during times of misfortune or hardship; history of depression, despondency, or seasonal affective disorder in oneself, family or household
A child’s bouquet to soothe feelings and nourish radiance
Positive qualities: Vibrant developmental growth throughout all stages of childhood and pre-adolescence; ability of the child to harmonize interior states of soul consciousness with bodily development; integration of mental forces with emotional learning patterns; soul radiance and exuberance as the foundational identity of the child
Patterns of imbalance: Developmental challenges, learning impediments, emotional trauma or inappropriate sexual disturbance; loss of innocence, radiance or natural receptivity in the child due to stress or trauma; hardening forces from technology or abstract pedagogical methods that stymie the child’s natural curiosity and balanced development
Magenta blossoms to encourage self-healing potential and physical vitality
Positive qualities: Profound recovery from illness leading to deep restoration and rejuvenation; sustained healing capacity and endurance even during severe illnesses, physical accidents or trauma; ability to develop new capacities of bodily resilience and soul insight as an outcome of illness, trauma or disease; core immunity through accessing deeper levels of soul consciousness
Patterns of imbalance: Lowered immunity and vitality as a result of prolonged illness or disease; bifurcation of bodily and soul forces during illness and disease; inability to bring deeper insight, understanding or positive soul direction when challenged by a devastating illness, physical trauma or disease; loss of Self-knowing due to overwhelming medical procedures and related external processes that numb or paralyze the soul
Imparting a vibrant state of mental coherence and clarity
Positive qualities: A vibrant state of mental coherence and clarity; rhythmic and balanced use of intellectual forces; wakeful focus, interest and insight of one’s mental forces
Patterns of imbalance: Scattered or shallow thinking, easily distracted or disengaged; depletion of mental forces due to extreme demand or over-use of stimulants; confused, dull or sluggish mental forces
To recover and rebuild from shock and trauma
Positive qualities: Ability to recover body and soul forces following from any shock or trauma; regenerative and re-building forces within body and soul following a crisis, or catastrophe; resilience and re-integration following devastation or loss
Patterns of imbalance: Numbness, paralysis, disassociation or disembodiment following a shattering life episode; inability to recoup and recover one’s body-soul forces after loss or violation of any kind; prolonged shock or paralysis, including fixation on original trauma
Integrating Heart Strength & Compassion in Relationships
Positive qualities: Integrated heart forces of strength and compassion; beneficial relationships that balance self-identity and receptivity to the other; ability to establish loving boundaries with children, pets or others in one’s care; replenishing soul forces after death or divorce
Patterns of imbalance: Emotional numbness or retreat due to failed or severed relationships; compassion fatigue due to poor boundaries; depletion, emotional enmeshment and merging; lack of trust or healthy vulnerability due to previous relationship trauma
Self-Heal Creme™

Self-Heal Creme™
Body Balancing and Soothing Skin Creme featuring the amazing Self-Heal plant
Self-Heal Creme™ is made with the flower essence and whole plant tincture of the remarkable Self-Heal herb Prunella vulgaris, grown in our Biodynamic® and organic gardens. It is blended in a base containing organic herbal extracts, vegetable oils and essential oils.
Use it as a moisturizer and soothing skin creme, or as a foundation for topical application of flower essences and essential oils. We receive many enthusiastic testimonials from satisfied customers around the world.
Self-Heal Creme™ contains Totarol™ natural preservative Totarol is an excellent all-natural preservative extracted from the recycled heartwood of Podocarpus totara. This native tree of New Zealand is known to live up to 1000 years. After about 200 years of growth, it develops a strong anti-bacterial substance which acts as a defense mechanism to protect the tree.
Totarol has no taste and very minimal aroma. The substance has been extensively tested at independent laboratories to demonstrate bioactivity, safety and product composition. In addition to Totarol’s potent anti-bacterial activity, it also possesses potent anti-oxidant and therapeutic properties.
Self-Heal Prunella vulgaris
My son suffers from terrible eczema and your Self-Heal Creme™ has worked wonders. ...After just a couple of days (2 applications per day) his hands are so much better. I am astounded and so pleased!
— J.E. LischalkI started using Self-Heal Creme™ in 1995 for facial lacerations after an auto accident. Since then, I have told many – over 100 patients – about this product.
— Erin Pass, L.Ac., Dipl. C.H., Boulder, CO

Self-Heal Creme™ has been flying off the shelf.
— Sally VanSickle, MIGUN Body Sense, Bay City, MI
I love your Self-Heal Creme™; I could fill a notebook with customer testimonials.
— Sandy Gerhardt, Natural Market Place, Jasper, GA
Self-Heal Creme™ is the best skin care product on the market!
— Gareth, Greentree Co-Op Grocery
Mount Pleasant, MI

Available in a 2-oz (60 mL) tube, 4-oz (118 mL) jar & an 8 oz (236 mL) pump top bottle
This is one of the BEST facial skin cremes I have ever used. After using it for three weeks, people were commenting on how healthy and glowing my skin was.
— Donna Czarkowski, Scranton, PA
I have been using a steroid-based cream recommended by the doctors, with little result. Your Self-Heal Creme™ is just magical. It has softened my skin, and eliminated the redness and soreness.
— M. Madigan, Berkeley, CA
I'm 65 but people can't believe my age ...I credit your Self-Heal Creme™.
I've tried a lot of products over the years, but yours is the only one that works!
— M. T., Vacaville, CA
Self-Heal Creme™Certified Organic FloraFusions Solar-Infused Herbal Flower Oils for Massage & Bath

A Restorative & Regenerative Balm for Injury, Pain and Trauma
Ë For trauma or injury: use for bruises or sprains in warm compresses or over bandaged areas (not for direct application to open wounds)
Ë Before and after major sports events: use in massage or baths to speed recovery from any physical strain
Ë Energy depletion: apply in warm compresses to any de-vitalized areas of the body
Ë First Aid travel kit: keep on hand when traveling, hiking, etc., for immediate application
Ë Surgery: use in baths or massage to prepare for surgery and in compresses over the bandaged areas after surgery

Soothing, Nurturing, and Softening for Body and Soul

Ë For irritated, inflamed skin: especially slow-healing wounds or skin ulcers; apply in compresses
Ë For children or infants: soothing for delicate and hypersensitive skin
Ë To instill calm receptivity: use in bath or massage during times of tension and irritability
Ë Mothering harmonizer: for the breasts of nursing mothers and as a balm for the birthing belly
Ë Lymphatic drainage: apply compresses over any swollen or tight areas, or use in baths

Ë Any time of agitation and angst: massage into entire face, or forehead and temples, and/or to the palms of the hands, closing eyes and breathing in deeply for several minutes
Ë Bedtime bath balm: add several ounces to warm bathwater and soak yourself serene for sleep
Ë Cranky kid calmer: for teething, excessive crying or general fussiness – rub on child’s belly and other places of discomfort
Bring in the FloraFusions line with our 2-for-1 display special, 4 each of the 6 oils (24 total) for the price of 12.
Display dimensions:
8 ½”H x 13 ½”W x 8 ½”D
I use the Calendula Caress™ in my massage practice, it really calms people down, is good for the lymphatic system, letting go of anger, and feeling better.
— S.B., massage and Reiki therapist, Sedona, AZ
Available individually in 2-oz and 4-oz pumptop bottles or in this beautiful gift set of all six 2-oz bottles including Arnica Allay, Calendula Caress, Chamo-Mild Calm, Danedlion Dynamo, Mugwort Moon Magic and St. John's Shield.

Ë Tranquil tummy: rub in circular patterns on the stomach when experiencing symptoms of indigestion, flatulence or general tension in the solar plexus
Ë Menstrual mender: for cramping or general moodiness during menstruation
Ë Tame your flame: rub frequently into any area of chronic inflammation, to bring restorative soothing relief
Ë Meltdown massage: use as a full body massage to nurture your partner or friend, or even to soothe your pet
I would like to offer my gratitude for the creation of Chamo-Mild Calm™. This herbal oil is simply heavenly!
I feel such a soothing, peaceful, subtle and joyful sense of being when using it. My awareness moves deep into my breath, and into every fiber of my being.
I work with so many clients who need deep restoration in the nervous system. This new formula is a Godsend for my practice.
— Anna-Maria Pierce, Nevada City, CA
I’ve been doing healing work for 25 years and am really impressed with your FloraFusions oils. They really shift people.
— Dr. Peter J. Pinto, Phoenix, AZ
FloraFusions Herbal Flower Oils are an extraordinary fusion of flower essences, botanical essential oils, and herbal flower infusions in a base of organiolive oil. The flowers are handgathered at the peak of their natural seasonal vitality, and prepared in small batches for optimum potency. They are solarized in glass containers, then infused with the finest quality botanical essential oils and flower essences.

Dandelion Dynamo
To Release Stress and Feel Rest
Ë Health tonic: nourishing to the liver and other vital organs
Ë Muscle tension: stiff or tight muscles from pronounced physical activity
Ë Water retention: especially as a prelude to the menstrual cycle
Ë Drug detoxification or menopause: any situation in which the liver meridian needs support and balance
Ë Chronic neck & shoulder tension: rub directly into neck and shoulders after the morning shower
Dandelion Dynamo™ was popular [in the relief work following the great Japanese earthquake of 2011]. The sensation of having it applied to the shoulders seemed to have a relaxing effect. ... the oils immediately relieved tension in the part to which they had been applied, such as the hands and shoulders. The user’s facial expressions and atmosphere became softer.
— Kaori Nagata, Tokyo, Japan

and Nourishing
to the Circulation
Ë Warming and vitalizing: for cold hands and feet, rheumatism, varicose veins
Ë Female reproductive health: painful menstruation, irregular cycles or perimenopause
Ë Birthing: to relax the birth canal and facilitate lactation (should not be used during pregnancy itself)
Ë Circulatory tonic: excellent massage and bath oil to increase energetic flows in meridian pathways
Ë Night-time sleep: relaxes the body and creates receptivity for deep sleep and dreaming
I use Mugwort Moon Magic™ for menstrual cramps and swelling. ... After rubbing it on my belly area, ...the rest of my cycle is much easier.
— C. B., Saint Petersburg, FL
Saint John’s Shield

Restoring Radiance in Times of Darkness and Depletion
Ë Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): stimulates and nourishes internal lightbearing capacity when external seasonal light is changing
Ë Depression and anxiety: apply to heart and solar plexus when feeling anxious, numb or fearful
Ë Nerve trauma: apply in compresses or baths for peripheral nerve damage or other nerve trauma
Ë Disturbed sleep: use at night in baths or massage for insomnia related to travel or other disruptions of light-dark rhythms
Ë Bed wetting: massage into the innerthigh and bladder regions nightly, and apply warm compresses on the kidney and bladder areas
Benediction Oil™ and Benediction Forte™

Benediction Oil™ and Benediction Forte™ Heart Balms to Soothe, Center and Sanctify Body & Soul
As a comfort care therapist with hospice, I have used the Benediction Oil™ Patients respond with letting go and calm.
— Karen Lohmann, Olympia, WA
Benediction Oil™ is magic – I have used it over time with difficult cases with astonishing results. ...It blesses and seals the healing process.
—Eileen Kinsella, The Soma Center, St. Louis, MO

Ë For all life passages: use as a sacramental anointing oil during any major life celebration
Ë Illness and transition: a sacred unction to ease pain and assist body-soul alignment
Ë Baby’s birth: to feel and accept the force of human love as the pathway to human incarnation
Ë Dark Nights of the Soul: when feeling depression, anguish, anxiety or bewilderment
Ë Recovery from any violation: such as violent attack, sexual abuse or other similar trauma
Ë For chronic pain: to help the soul accept and transform pain and suffering
Ë Heart-centered sexuality: to help body and soul experience heart-centered love

Roll-On Radiance
Exquisite Blends of Flower Essences & Essential Oils for Body-Soul Healing

FES is pleased to present TerrAnoint™ , beneficent healing blends of flower essences and essential oils in certifiedorganic MCT* coconut oil, designed for direct bodily application to pulse and acupressure points. They are protected by Miron dark-violet glass, and apply easily with glass roller-ball tops.
These formulations are based on six master blends developed during the last three decades in the private practice of Patricia Kaminski, Executive Director of the international Flower Essence Society. Patricia has observed that in addition to standard oral doses of flower essences, topical applications of flower essences combined with essential oils can help to support or further amplify one’s wellness program.
Be-Bright™: Living in the Light of Now
Connect™: Celebrating Self Through Others
Protect™: Consolidating the Core Self
Roots™: Anchoring & Aligning Life Force
StressRest™: Letting Go and Letting Flow
Wings™: Nurturing the Inspired & Spacious Mind
*Medium Chain Triglycerides
Available individually, in a boxed set, or in display packets for individual oils or for all six of the oils.

FES QuintessentialsTM
North American Flower Essences for Emotional Well-Being
For over three decades, FES has been praised throughout the world for the quality and effectiveness of its flower essences and for its commitment to education and research through an extensive, international network of practitioners. The FES Quintessentials™ are developed from North American native, naturalized and garden flowers, known for their pristine, potent qualities.
Introduce these fine products in your store with elegant oak displays for our flower essences; we make it easy to bring in our flower essence lines with our everyday “two-for-one” specials.
Foremost Forty™ FES Flower Essences
The Foremost Forty™ FES flower essences are a selection of forty of our leading FES Quintessentials™ flower essences. This display configuration is an alternative to the FES Complete Display, where there are space or other considerations that do not allow for the full set of 103 FES Quintessentials™ to be offered. If this is your first FES display, our introductory offer gives you 80 essences for the price of 40; 12”H x 21½”L x 8”D.
Complete Display of FES Quintessentials™
Our display package includes the following:
I All 103 FES essences listed in the Flower Essence Repertory
I Pay for 103, get 103 free! (2-for-1 special)
I 1/4 oz (7.5 ml) size in convenient sliding shelves
I Beautiful hand-crafted solid oak display, no plastic
I Free brochures
I Store copy of reference book: Flower Essence Repertory
I Modular two-part display with horizontal or vertical configuration (vertical is pictured)
I Capacity to hold six bottles of each essence

I Space provided to allow stocking extra essences, or future expansion Dimensions: 22¾”H x 25”L x 8”D
FES remedies have been the most potent, most effective, and most pointed remedies I have ever used in my life — equally as effective as any and all homeopathic and Chinese patent remedies I’ve ever used.
– Elizabeth Wolf, LMT, NTS, Albuquerque, NM
The FES line sells very well here. They are really accessible for people and usually work immediately.
– National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR
As a holistic practitioner since 1979 and a homeopathic manufacturer (KingBio) since 1989, I have connected with many leaders in the natural healthcare movement. For the record, I want to personally commend Richard Katz & FES for their special work with flower essences. Their excellence in spirit and purity of heart shows in the quality of their products.
— Dr. Frank King, Jr., President, KingBio

I have found FES products to be highly effective... . I wholeheartedly recommend them for professional therapeutic use, and invite other practitioners to use them personally to experience firsthand their healing qualities.
— Dr. Thomas Worden, DC., Danbury, CT
FES and Healingherbs™ displays at Alfalfa's Market in Boulder, Colorado
Practitioner kits of the 103 most familiar flower essences, in both 1/4 oz and 1-oz sizes
Kits of the Range of Light™ line, 48 newer essences developed from California's Sierra Nevada bio-region

FES Select Display for flexibility in shelving where space is limited Compact and colorful cardboard display that holds 4-deep of 12 1/4 oz FES and Healingherbs™ essences, available in two configurations:
6⅛”H x 12¾”L x 4⅞”D or without the attractive back panel at 2¾”H x 12¾”L x 4⅞”D. Multiple displays are available if needed. If this is your first order of FES and/or Healingherbs™ essences, you can get 48 essences for the price of 24 with the display.
We offer this display for the FES Intro Set (pictured here and described on page 26), or you can make your own custom selection of 12 essences.

Customers come in and tell us, “Thank you for bringing in the FES products.”
— Ocean Beach People's Co-Op, San Diego, CA
— C.L., Athens,OH
Your flower essences are wonderful – and affordable! My clients and I thank you for doing such a high quality job and keeping costs low, when so many forms of alternative healing are becoming very expensive. Keep up the good work – you are doing so much good for so many.

The flower essences of Dr. Edward Bach

“Healing Herbs was established in 1988 to prepare flower remedies... precisely according to the original direction of Dr. Edward Bach. We are a small company where people work together...in the Herefordshire countryside in harmony with our surroundings. We put the living forces of Nature at the heart of our production process." — Julian Barnard

The Healingherbs™ Kit contains 40 bottles, the 38 flower essences originally discovered by Dr. Bach, and two bottles of the Five-Flower Formula™ emergency combination, in two boxes with a vibrant box wrapper, in either the 1/4 oz or 1-oz size
The quality and efficacy of the Healingherbs™ is unsurpassed. I tell my customers Healingherbs™ are more cost effective, more reliable, and have a higher energy quality.
— Audrey Simmons, Audrey’s Good Vibrations, Venice, CA
We carry the entire Healingherbs™ product line and are very impressed with its performance; our customers appreciate having such a wonderful alternative at reasonable prices. The Healingherbs™ sell particularly well.
— Friendly Foods and Deli, Eugene, OR
I made the switch to the Healingherbs™ a few years ago and have been extremely pleased with their efficacy. ... Julian Barnard seems to have captured the real “essence” of Dr. Bach’s original work, continuing on with the legacy.
— Melissa Wright, L.V.T., Valleyford, WA
We carry your Bach (Healingherbs™) remedies in preference to Nelson's. We feel that yours work more effectively.
— Nature's Grace, Honesdale, PA
Healingherbs™ Bach FlowersHealingherbs™ Bach Flowers

The Healingherbs™ display package includes:
I Two each of the 38 Healingherbs™ flower essences in the 1/4 ounce (7.5 ml) size
I Four of the Five-Flower Formula™ emergency combination
I 2-for-1 pricing
I Beautiful hand-crafted solid oak display, no plastic
I Convenient sliding shelves
I Capacity to hold six bottles of each essence (12 Five-Flower Formula™)
I Free brochures
I Store copy of reference book: Flower Essence Repertory Dimensions: 12”H x 21½”L x 8”D
1-ounce Healingherbs™ Display
I Large 1-ounce (30 ml) bottles — compare to Nelson's 20 ml bottles at a higher price
I Same package as 1/4 ounce display described above, buy 40 essences, get 40 more free!
I Three-shelf design, beautiful solid oak display, 17”H x 21½”L x 8”D
FES distributes Healingherbs™ in the 1/4 oz (7.5 mL) and 1 oz (30 mL) sizes

Our customers love the Healingherbs™ English flower essences; we receive many comments on how effective they are for emotional healing and balancing... .
— The Herbalist, Seattle, WA
The Healingherbs™ are more true to the original vision of Dr. Bach, and our customers like the price point better.
— Jim Kase, Ocean Beach People's Co-Op, San Diego, CA
Our switch to Healingherbs™ was a smooth transition. Customers prefer the smaller size and lower price.
— Deb, Mastel’s Health Foods, Saint Paul, MN

Customers find the Healingherbs™ to be very effective and gladly return for more. Dependable availability and attractive display rack make this an easy product to stock and promote.
— Whole Foods, Santa Fe, NM
I have been using Healingherbs™ at our store since 2002 with great success. Many of my customers are active in animal rescue and are seeking natural remedies. We have found the Five-Flower Formula™ to be a wonderful product.
— Jo Bighouse, Midas Touch Naturally Healthy Pets, LLC, Berryville, VA
The FES Intro Set
Twelve Leading Individual Flower Essences
Healingherbs™ line of Bach flower essences
Larch: Confidence and creativity
Mimulus: Courage to face life’s challenges
Olive: Rejuvenation, stamina
Star of Bethlehem: Soothing for shock, trauma
Walnut: Healthy independence in thought and action
White Chestnut: Quiet mind
FES Quintessentials™ line of flower essences
Angelica: Spiritual protection and guidance
Blackberry: Manifestation, decisive action
Bleeding Heart: Emotional healing in relationships
Chamomile: Emotional calm
Lavender: Relaxing, soothing frayed nerves
Self-Heal: Activating healing from within

Twelve of our most popular individual flower essences in 1/4 oz / 7.5 ml stock bottles. They can be used directly, in water, or used to mix up custom blends.
MSRP $7.80 per bottle, wholesale price $4.68. Same price for each of the 12 essences.
Also available for practitioner and home use:
The FES Cor Kit™
Twelve Flower Essences to Nurture and En-Lighten the Heart
Many customers inquire about the most important flower essences for introductory or fundamental use. We recommend those flower essences that go right to the “core” of healing, to nurture and en-lighten the human heart.
(“Cor” is Latin for “heart.”) During our research spanning nearly four decades, we have especially paid attention to those flower essences which are at the core of soul healing, helping the human heart to have greater resiliency, expressive capacity, emotional depth and physical well-being. We are now offering 12 of the most fundamental heart-health flower essences in one handsome boxed set. This kit comes with its own 28-page color brochure featuring an in-depth discussion of each remedy, accompanied by a beautiful photo of each flower. The Cor Kit features: Bleeding Heart, Borage, California Wild Rose, Downy Avens, Forget-Me-Not, Green Rose, Hawthorn, Holly, Lotus, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Rock Fringe and Yerba Santa.

Affirm a Flower™ Cards

The Affirm a Flower ™ cards unite exquisite images of the flowers with transformational soul words. They are a vital tool for selecting flower essences and for enhancing the therapeutic process while taking them.
Choose from among the three boxed sets that correspond to the sets of Bach / Healingherbs™, FES Quintessentials™ and Range of Light™ flowers. Also available in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese. Ask for details.

The Complete Affirm a Flower™ Card Set, in a handsome birch wood cardholder, is arranged in one alphabetical order for easy access by your staff and your customers. Get one for your store today.

The Affirm a Flower™ cards are SO beautiful. I have been so moved by both the stunning and expressive images of the flowers, and the sacred language of the affirmations, too. The blending of the images and the affirmations proves to be profoundly powerful for both myself and clients.
— Jane Ellen, practitioner, Ashland, OR

Your affirmations and color pictures are truly a magical healing force in their own right. When I shared these cards with the earthquake victims in China and hurricane victims in Taiwan, the cards immediately elicited tears of recognition, release and spiritual realization.
— Dr. Julia Tsuei, MD M. Med. Sc. FACOG
Books, Posters and Accessories
Flower Essence Repertory

This spiral-bound reprint is comprised of Parts II and III of the most recent publication and includes a listing of essences and their qualities arranged by a wide range of categories, and profiles of the 142 English and North American flower essences. The Repertory has received praise from experienced practitioners as well as beginning students of flower essence therapy, as the clearest, most informative guide to flower essence selection and use. 306 pages, large-format. By Patricia Kaminski & Richard Katz.
Empty Dropper Bottles

Flower essences heal the soul through their archetypal qualities and formative forces. These same all-embracing archetypes are echoed by poets and visionaries in their Wordcraft. We have married some of the most inspirational of these words to the masterful flower photography of Richard Katz. These are unique and ideal for conveying the meaning of flower essence therapy through a larger literary context.

12” x 18” large prints, suitable for framing Stunning images, which include the following: Almond, Alpine Aster, Angelica, Arnica, Blackberry, Bleeding Heart, Calendula, California Poppy, California Wild Rose, Cassiope, Desert Lily, Downy Avens, Forget-Me-Not, Glassy Hyacinth, Green Cross Gentian, Hound’s Tongue, Hyssop, Iris, Lady’s Mantle, Larkspur, Lotus, Lupine, Mallow, Morning Glory, Mullein, Red Larkspur, Redbud, Shasta Daisy, Shooting Star, Splendid Mariposa Lily, Spreading Phlox, Star Tulip, Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Trillium, Zinnia
Accessory Products
One-ounce glass bottles with clear glass dropper caps. Available individually and in boxes of 12.
Dosage Bottle Labels
Self-stick labels include room for practitioners and home care flower essence users to record the contents of a dosage bottle, date, preservative used, and other important information. Available in packs of 120.
Vegetable Glycerin
An alternative preservative when making dosage bottles, for those who wish to avoid using alcohol products. Vegetable glycerin is a sweet-tasting derivative of vegetable oil. Glycerin is available in 4 oz and 16 oz bottles.
Misting Bottles
Glass bottles in 1-oz and 4-oz sizes, with plastic spray pump caps. Disperses a very fine mist of your blend of flower essences or essential oils. Available individually or in boxes of 12.
Travel Bags
An FES exclusive! Cloth carrying bags hold 1/4 ounce flower essence bottles firmly with elastic loops. Bags fold for storing or carrying your essences. Choose from three color patterns in shades of blue, purple or green; holds 40 bottles.
Sage Smudge Sticks
Bundles of Salvia apiana (White Sage) are burned for ceremonial cleansing, to help release and purify old, stagnant energy. Wild-harvested and handmade by indigenous people. Beautifully packaged in boxes.
The Finest Products at the Fairest Prices
Product Prices: Comparing FES & Healingherbs™ with Nelson Bach’s products
North American FES Quintessentials™ and Healingherbs™ English flower essences: your best choice for quality and economy.
Note these advantages:
FES & Healingherbs™ are offered in both the compact, affordable 1/4-oz (7.5 ml) size as well as the economical 1-oz (30 ml) size
FES Quintessentials™ and Healingherbs™ (essences of Dr. Bach) are hand-bottled, handpotentized, made with certified organic or wild-harvested ingredients
FES offers stores a substantial opening order two-for-one special
Cost comparisons (based on list prices) Size
Other Nelson Bach flower essences
* Contains the exact same combination of essences as Rescue Remedy®
Nelson Bach’s prices compared to FES & Healingherbs™
* Healingherbs™ and Five-Flower Formula™ are trademarks of Healingherbs, Ltd.
• FES Quintessentials™ is a trademark of Flower Essence Services.
• Rescue Remedy® & Bach Flower Remedies® are trademarks of Nelson Bach USA, Ltd.
Please note that Flower Essence Services and Healingherbs™, Ltd are not related to Nelson Bach USA, Ltd, nor to Bach Flower Remedies, Ltd.

Herbal Supplement Status – The flower essence products described in this catalog are herbal supplements. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These products and the statements made in this brochure have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
I acknowledge FES for your strong moral accountability in developing flower essences. In order to advance this modality for healing, we must develop the discipline to carefully track what is happening when we use essences.
– Jeanne Peters, RD, El Segundo, CA American Dietetic Association
We have the strongest admiration and respect for the FES essences. Here in Cuba, we do not have great economic means, yet our public health system has recognized flower essence therapy. Your essences are clear and powerful and can be relied upon for professional results.
– Drs. Pedro Sastriques & Xonia M. Lopez Cepero, Psychiatric Hospital of Havana, Cuba
FES Commitment to Quality

1. Customer-friendly pricing
A Commitment to Quality:
Twelve outstanding features of the FES Quintessentials™ and Healingherbs™ products
FES is exceptionally committed to prices which respect the customer’s need for a quality product at an economical price. Please consult our price comparison page for a complete overview.
2. Two-for-one discounts for opening display orders
In addition to superior pricing for customers, opening orders for the full-line FES Quintessentials™, Range of Light™, Foremost 40™, and Healingherbs™ displays, as well as displays for our other product lines, receive an unprecedented two-for-one discount. You pay for one set of products, and receive another one at no charge, along with a handsome oak or colorful cardboard display. Please see our display information for more details.
3. Highest quality products, certified Organic®
The flowers used for our products are hand-gathered in pristine wild areas, or from our Biodynamic® Demeter-certified organic gardens at Terra Flora, in California’s Sierra Nevada foothills. Wild-harvested plants are gathered in very small quantities, following strict Demeter and ethical standards for environmental purity and ecological preservation. In order to protect the sensitive properties of the flower essences, all products are hand-prepared and handpotentized; no factory or robotic assembly-line methods are used to manufacture the Healingherbs™ or FES lines of flower essences. The highest considerations are paid to selecting plant sites and plant specimens which are in exceptional states of vibrancy and purity. The FES and Healingherbs™ lines are preferred by practitioners world-wide for their extraordinary purity and efficacy.
Our flower essences and herbal oils are made with organic and wild-harvested ingredients, following the standards of the National Organic Program and certified by Oregon Tilth.
4. Packaging which is both environmentally-friendly and aesthetic
FES is committed to packaging which is not wasteful and which can be recycled or reused. Wherever possible, we avoid the use of plastics. For example, some of the displays come in hand-crafted oak, both beautiful and durable. No excess packaging such as separate boxes are used to market the individual flower essences. Glass is used to store all products.
5. Products with a proven professional reputation
FES is the only company which has developed since 1979, a solid research base for both the English (Healingherbs™) and North American (FES) lines of flower essences. Practitioners have been carefully trained in fully professional certification programs and are part of a world-wide network which provides research data for the FES lines. Indications for our essences are based on thousands of case studies by flower essence practitioners who have used these essences for years. Many of these case studies have been submitted to the FES headquarters, where they are carefully documented and entered into a computer database. The FES products are well-known and highly respected, not only nationally, but throughout the world.
FES Commitment to Quality
6. Finest and most professional source of Dr. Bach’s flower essences
The Healingherbs™ brand of Dr. Bach’s flower essences are bottled under license from Julian Barnard of Hereford, England. Julian is an internationally recognized expert on Bach flower therapy and has written and published in this field for over 20 years. He was trained in the original methods of flower essence preparation and plant identification by the late Nickie Murray, director for the Bach Centre in England until 1988. Beginning in the early 1960s, Nickie Murray was selected and trained directly by Nora Weeks, the colleague and contemporary of Dr. Edward Bach who administrated his work until Nora Weeks’ death in 1979. The mother essences of the Healingherbs™ are personally hand-prepared in England by Julian according to Bach’s original methods and standards. They are not homeopathically diluted, nor are they manufactured in a factory assembly-line. Julian lives and works in the rural west of England, along the border of Wales, where Bach made his first flower remedies.
7. Strong customer demand
The extensive network of FES practitioners and widely available educational literature has created an unusually strong and knowledgeable customer base. These customers are seeking specific products, and have been referred by practitioners or are themselves well-informed home-health practitioners. If the customer does not find the products s/he is specifically seeking, they will order directly from Flower Essence Services.
8. Educational support
The Flower Essence Repertory has been translated into several different languages and is uniformly praised by practitioners for its excellent descriptions and practical accessibility. Numerous articles and other information from FES literature can be made available for store newsletters and other flyers. Each product has specific support literature which explains and identifies the uses of the product. Contact FES for details.
9. Established media and cultural presence
In addition to its own ad campaign, FES is prominently featured in numerous books and articles on flower essence therapy. Due to its unequaled professional contacts, research program, and extensive experience, FES is the main company which is consulted for leading articles, books or educational seminars related to flower essence therapy.
10. Clear labeling standards and manufacturing policies
Unlike other companies which have caused confusion with homeopathic labeling and/or homeopathic dilution of their flower remedies, the FES essences have always been clearly classified as herbal products. FES worked closely with legal counsel Loren Israelsen, the prominent attorney who was one of the principal players in guiding the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) to Congressional passage in 1994. Non-drug labeling not only wisely places flower essence products in the dietary supplement category, but also honors Dr. Edward Bach’s standards and intentions for flower essence formulation. Dr. Bach left the practice of homeopathy to develop the first flower essences in the 1930s. He clearly distinguished flower remedies from homeopathic remedies, because flower essences are prepared differently, and do not work by the homeopathic “Law of Similars.”
11. Distributor representation and order fulfillment
The FES line is strongly represented by full-service distributors for convenient order fulfillment. FES works with each distributor to offer outstanding specials for even greater savings to stores and customers. If you are in an area not served by a distributor, FES can fulfill your orders directly until a local distributor is able to serve your needs.
12. Product guarantee
FES believes that its products are of unparalleled excellence and value. It stands ready to resolve any problems with its product, and promptly and cheerfully replaces broken or otherwise damaged items, directly or through its distributors. FES works actively with its sales team and distributors to receive feedback or advice regarding store needs, and to make changes or improvements as needed.
Distribution and Sales Support
Distribution and Sales Support
Thank you for your interest in FES products and services. We are pleased to be in contact with you! Flower Essence Services offers flower essences, related herbal products and literature that we feel are of the highest possible integrity and quality.
In this brochure, we have provided you with a wealth of information about our products and company. However, if you have any questions remaining after you read the material, please do not hesitate to contact us. We feel strongly about the positive contribution our products have made to holistic health care, and we know your customers will value their availability in your store.
You are welcome to order directly from our company or from our family of distributors.
FES Distributors
Threshold Enterprises (full line of FES products) Scotts Valley, California 800-777-5677
Lotus Light Enterprises (full line of FES products) Silver Lake, Wisconsin 800-548-3824
All Natural Distributors (full line of FES products) Foxboro, Massachusetts 800-666-2225
Southern Herb Co. (full line of FES products) Troutman, North Carolina 800-795-1354
Palko Services (partial line of FES products) Michigan City, Indiana 800-759-4931
Self Heal Herbal Centre (Canadian Distributor) Edmonton, Alberta 800-593-5956
The FES Store Finder
Coming soon with the launch of our new website.
FES invests time, effort and money in research work, in obtaining the feedback of therapists from all over the world with regard to their experiences and results... . I have absolute trust in their research, and development of the therapeutic work. I deeply thank them for their evident dedication.
— Dr. Claudia Stern, Director, Centro de Estudios Florales, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Your contribution to flower essences and ethical approach are very much respected and admired.
— Caroline Van der Mey, Naturopath, Australia
Terms for Wholesale Accounts
Terms for Wholesale Accounts
Wholesale status requires prior approval by FES, and is given only for items resold, unopened in the original FES packaging. No dropshipments are provided at any time for wholesale orders.
Minimum order for the full wholesale discount (40% off MSRP) and free ground shipping* is $150. Orders below the minimum may be eligible for 20% discount and paid shipping, by contacting our office.
State Resale Certificates (sales tax exemption) must be provided for resale accounts, otherwise, sales tax will be charged in states where FES has economic nexus. Note that possession of a resale number does not in itself qualify an account for the wholesale discount.
New accounts: The online wholesale application is available here: https://fesflowers.wufoo.com/forms/application-for-wholesale-discount.
Returns which are unused and in sellable condition are acceptable for credit toward future purchases. Customer is responsible for all shipping fees. Returns can be accepted only within one year of original purchase date on orders direct with FES and not from a distributor. A 10% restocking fee will be charged ($10 minimum fee). Note: all returns require prior authorization from Flower Essence Services.
Independent agent: Purchaser agrees that he/she is not an agent of Flower Essence Services, and is solely responsible for all claims made concerning FES products.
Shipping and Payment
*Free ground shipping within the continental United States for all prepaid orders (check or credit card; $150 minimum order required), and for Net 30 orders over $250 after discount. Other services available at the going rates. Offer not available to Hawaii, Alaska or Canada addresses; all other orders are charged actual shipping costs, including insurance when applicable.
Orders are processed within one to three business days of receipt at our office.
Shipping in the U.S. is generally by United Parcel Service (UPS). Transit time for UPS ground service varies from 1 business day in Northern California, to 8 days to the Eastern U.S. We offer a variety of options for faster delivery. Please inquire for rates. A street/ rural route address is necessary for UPS or FedEx delivery. If you prefer shipment by U.S. Postal Service, please let us know—also let us know if you would like the package insured. All orders to post office boxes will be sent by U.S. Postal Service. FES is not responsible for packages not insured.
Prepayment is required for all orders unless Net 30 Terms have been established. Payment may be made by personal check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. There is a $10 service fee for returned checks. Foreign checks and money orders must be in U.S. dollars, drawn on a corresponding U.S. bank, and include a $5 bank processing fee. Any amounts owed or credits will be indicated on the invoice accompanying your order. If there is a balance due, please send us a check upon receipt of your order. If you have a credit balance, you may apply it to future orders or request a refund. Wire transfer fees must be included in all wire payments; please consult your bank.
Net 30 Terms may be granted to established accounts with prior approval. Please visit this link for the application: https://fesflowers.wufoo.com/forms/application-for-credit-terms-with-fes/
Prices subject to change without notice.

Flower Essence Services
P.O. Box 1769, Nevada City, CA 95959 USA
Telephone: (530) 265-0258 • (800) 548-0075 • Fax: (530) 265-6467
mail@fesflowers.com • www.fesflowers.com