Self-Heal Flower Essence

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Self-Heal Flower Essence

Awaken Your Self-Healing Power

The remarkable Self-Heal herb: Prunella vulgaris

The Self-Heal flower essence is a leading remedy in the FES Quintessentials line. It is an excellent choice for initiating and sustaining a personal wellness program.

Herbal Use of Self-Heal

A member of the Mint (Lamiaceae) family, SelfHeal (Prunella vulgaris) comes from an impressive lineage of herbs, such as peppermint, basil, rosemary, thyme, and lavender. The Lamiaceae are noted for distinctive medicinal, culinary, or aromatic qualities, growing with sturdy square stems, regular opposite leaves, and remarkable longevity. Prunella vulgaris holds a unique place within this family and was called “Self-Heal” and “HealAll” by medieval herbalists, or “Heart of the Earth” by early American herbalists. Many of the mint family plants have intense aromatic oils and prefer hot sunny locations. By contrast, the Self-Heal has strong “water” or etheric forces and grows abundantly in cooler, shadier places, staying low to the earth. The Prunella is more contained than other Lamiaceae plants, and its vigorous forces are directed more inward.

One of the most basic herbal uses for Self-Heal involves poultices or compresses made from its fresh leaves for wounds or cuts. The medieval herbalist Gerard wrote in high praise of this plant, “...indeed, the Virtues do make it good, for this very herb without mixture of any ingredient, being only bruised and wrought with the point of a knife upon a trencher or the like, will be brought into the form of a salve....” Self-Heal is also used by herbalists to reduce inflammation, as a gentle astringent, or as a general tonic in convalescence. The beneficent qualities of the Self-Heal are perhaps best summed up by the seventeenth century herbalist, Nicholas Culpeper, who believed it was ruled by the planet Venus, and “ qualities and virtues, serving to all good purposes...”

Flower Essence Qualities

The traditional herbal use of Self-Heal as a poultice for skin afflictions indicates strong vital, or etheric forces. These forces act like a sheath, or “life body” around the physical body, and are responsible for keeping its form intact, thus allowing wounds to heal. As a vibrational remedy, Self-Heal flower essence works at a “higher octave” to stimulate self-healing forces associated with the etheric body. The flower used specifically for the FES Self-Heal flower essence is a vibrant magenta color, especially resonant with regenerative life forces.

A word which is often used to describe the healing process is “recovery.” The action of Self-Heal flower essence literally involves re-covering the physical body with the life-giving activity of the etheric sheath. This ability of Self-Heal herb is obvious in the healing of physical wounds, but in the activity of the flower essence, there is a deeper process of recovery, involving both body and soul.

Self-Heal flower essence is especially indicated for those who have lost belief in their own capacity to be well, or who have abdicated this inherent responsibility to others. It is a very beneficial remedy for those who face great healing challenges, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. Self-Heal stimulates the core identity of the Spiritual Self in stronger relationship to the etheric life body, thereby facilitating deep healing and restoration.

The name “Self-Heal” is its own affirmation, because all healing depends on an inner commitment to be well and to affirm the gift of life at whatever level it is available to the body and soul. No variety of outer measures and techniques can bring about healing (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual), if there is not a quickening from within the individual, and motivation to seek and affirm the wholeness of life.

When to Use Self-Heal Flower Essence

✬ Introductory Remedy — one of the first to use in flower essence therapy, awakening self-development and motivation to be healed.

✬ Integration — can be considered a core component for many different formulas, uniting various healing themes, and promoting wellness at many different levels.

✬ Healing Crisis — Self-Heal should automatically be considered when faced with any major medical crisis, so that decisions are made that support core values of life and health.

✬ Stagnant or Chronic Health Problems — often a breakthrough remedy for those beset by chronic conditions, and who may have lost touch with life options and belief in inner healing capacity.

✬ Hard to Diagnose Ailments — Self-Heal is indicated for those with ongoing health problems that change easily or are hard to diagnose. Self-Heal shifts the experience of needing to be understood by others, to being able to perceive what is needed for one’s own self-healing.

✬ To Support Life Passages — Self-Heal should be used to support major turning points in the life biography: children who encounter typical childhood diseases like measles and mumps, elderly persons with difficult life transitions, aging animals, or plants prone to disease.

Intended Use: Self-Heal flower essence is a herbal supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product and the statements made in this brochure have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Anyone suffering from physical illness should consult the appropriate medical practitioner.

How to Use the Self-Heal Flower Essence

✬ Using the Stock Concentrate — Self-Heal “stock bottles” are available in 1/4 ounce (7.5 ml) and 1-ounce (30 ml) sizes. Add several drops of Self-Heal stock concentrate to a half glass of water, and sip from it four times per day, making a fresh batch each day.

✬ Making a dosage bottle — Make a dosage bottle from stock concentrate by placing two to four drops in a one-ounce dropper bottle, filled one-quarter with brandy and three-quarters with fresh water. Take a dropperful two to four times a day at rhythmic intervals.

✬ Topical Applications — Add several drops to a misting bottle and spray over the skin and at the pulse points. Another effective method is to add several dropperfuls to bath water, and stir in lemniscatory (figure-eight) patterns for two minutes.

✬ Self-Heal Creme — Developed especially for topical applications, it contains both the essence and herbal tincture of Self-Heal in a soothing herbal creme base.

Self-Heal Flower Essence Case Reports

Finding My Own Voice — I had a challenging medical condition which required my utmost spiritual forces. Almost from the moment I took the Self-Heal essence, I seemed to be able to hear my own voice speaking amidst those of doctors and worried friends and family. I had a renewed ability to make personal choices and changes that ultimately led to my complete recuperation. C.G., Roseville, CA

Transition from Psychiatric Medication — I was trying to get off of psychiatric medication for the second time. The flower essence that really helped me make a breakthrough was Self-Heal. I knew intellectually that I’d been wise to discontinue medication, but Self-Heal somehow moved this realization to a much deeper level. I became capable of taking responsibility for my own healing in a whole new way.

Eloise Watt, New York, NY

Recovery from Serious Illness — I became seriously ill and almost died. I began taking the Self-Heal essence on a daily basis for 3-4 months and I feel it really helped. My stomach was so sensitive I was unable to “handle” vitamins, supplements, herbs. So, I began rubbing Self-Heal behind my ears and on the inside of my wrists. “I feel it was instrumental in my slow, but steady improvement.”

Kim Rockshaw, San Clemente, CA

Restores Life Force in Cat — Self Heal was especially useful when my cat, Pax, suffered a painful injury and months of even more painful medical interventions. After all those experiences, she gave up her interest in living. She became disengaged. It seemed to me that there were still many more adventures and life to be had for her, so I assisted her with energy work and Self-Heal essence. She eventually decided to rejoin the living and many years later is enjoying life with even greater zest than before.

Ayleyeall Kinder, San Diego, CA

Healing Chronic Knee Pain — A friend was using 10-12 painkillers a night and had been to a number of specialists at the VA Hospital. Although the knee problems were caused by injuries, she was still in pain with a lot of swelling. After taking the Self-Heal essence she started paying attention to how she walked and sat, stopped wearing thongs, and started looking for a new doctor. She found a good sports physician foot doctor, who did exploratory surgery and found a torn tendon and ligament in her knee. We credit the Self-Heal essence with her starting on her journey of self-healing.

Susan Slyter,, Rockville, MD

Dog Recovers from Severe Neglect — I am a psychiatric nurse working in animal rescue. I used Self-Heal essence with a rescued dog who had suffered severe neglect and physical abuse, and who was deaf, blind, and arthritic. She arrived not wanting any physical touch, was very withdrawn, and slept constantly. She flinched and cowered when we attempted to touch her. After one week of using Reiki and Self-Heal this dog interacted enthusiastically, approached and nudged for touch, and spent hours playing and walking in the yard, nuzzling other dogs.

Mary Popp, Northwoods Rescue, Pine City, MN

Abandoned Kittens Revived — I used Self-Heal for a litter of kittens that had been abandoned and were nearly dead. In my experience, it is ordinarily very hard to revive such kittens; most will die, or will show poor signs of life for several weeks, perhaps diminished in over-all growth and weight. All of the kittens in this litter survived with the application of Self-Heal. They showed remarkable recuperative abilities within days, and are full of energy and thriving to date.

Dr. Lauren De Rock, DVM, Aromas, CA

Injured Dog Recuperates — I recently treated an Australian Shepherd dog who was hit by a car. He was severely hurt, unable to walk. He looked like he would have to be put under, or pumped full of steroids. However, I was able to treat him with acupuncture, Five-Flower Formula and Self-Heal flower essences, and herbs. He calmed down and never flinched as I applied the acupuncture needles. He walked out of the office under his own power three days later. Dr. Jay Janssen, DVM, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Resolving Back Pain — I had a horrible lower back problem—pain so bad I had to stand on only one foot at a time if I was up. The doctors said they were going to have to operate, most likely. I started taking Self-Heal essence along with an herbal supplement. Within two months I had no more pain, and my back has been fine since. Kyle, West Hartford, CT

Positive Turn from Illness — One customer told me that after taking Self-Heal she felt better for the first time in a long time. She finally began to see a positive turn from illness toward health. All of the healing things she had been doing now seemed to be working better.

Teressa, manager, Vitamin Express, San Francisco CA

© Flower Essence Services. All rights reserved.

POB 1769, Nevada City, CA 95959 USA 800-548-0075

Written by Patricia Kaminski Photography by Richard Katz

Art by Catalina O’Brien Ely

FES Quintessentials are certified Organic by Oregon Tilth

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