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Atlanta, October 15th - 18th Clearstar Coatings Corp./Marabu, Booth 2123
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- quality of screenprinting, capacity of offset
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- for UV or conventional inks - parameters under request
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;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
HXgZZc ^c`h \d º\gZZc» >ciZgcVi^dcVa 8dVi^c\h VcY OnYZm >cYjhig^Zh gZXZcian VccdjcXZY i]Z XgZVi^dc d[ V eVgicZgh]^e id bVg`Zi VcY YZkZade V a^cZ d[ º\gZZc» hXgZZceg^ci^c\ ^c`h# <:C >K ^c`h bVg` i]Z a^cZ»h Ãghi egdYjXi ^cigdYjXi^dc VcY egdk^YZ Vc ZmXZaaZci VaiZgcVi^kZ id di]Zg EK8";gZZ eaVhi^hda ^c` egdYjXih! ^c iZgbh d[ Wdi] eZg[dgbVcXZ VcY eg^XZ# ¸<:C >K ^h Vc ^ccdkVi^kZ ]^\]"hda^Yh ^c` i]Vi egdYjXZh V kZgn hd[i ]VcY l^i] ZmXZaaZci deVX^in! VcY d[[Zgh bVcn d[ i]Z hVbZ VYkVciV\Zh d[ igVY^i^dcVa eaVhi^hda ^c`h!¹ hV^Y HiZe]Zc @V]VcZ! EgZh^YZci d[ >ciZgcVi^dcVa 8dVi^c\h! VYY^c\/
¸>i Vahd eZg[dgbh ZfjVaan lZaa dc bVcjVa VcY VjidbVi^X eg^ciZgh#¹ 6cdi]Zg jc^fjZ [ZVijgZ d[ i]Z ^c` ^h i]Vi i]Vi ^i YdZh cdi Ygn dc i]Z hXgZZc VcY i]jh i]ZgZ ^h cd cZZY [dg ]Vgh] hdakZcih dg X]Zb^XVah l]Zc XaZVc^c\ ¶ lViZg ^h hj[ÃX^Zci# I]Z ^c^i^Va <:C >K a^cZ Xdbeg^hZh &. eg^bVgn Xdadjgh Vh lZaa Vh hZkZgVa heZX^Vain ^c`h! hjX] Vh V 8aZVg 7VhZ! Ej[[ 6YY^i^kZ! ;d^a$IgVch[Zg 6Y]Zh^kZ! VcY <a^iiZg 7VhZ# >ciZgcVi^dcVa 8dVi^c\h VcY OnYZm eaVc id YZkZade VcY VYY di]Zg cZl egdYjXih id i]Z a^cZ ^c i]Z cZVg [jijgZ# ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#^XX^c`#Xdb
<B< hXdgZh Vi I6<6 8dadjg BVcV\ZbZci 9Vnh <B<! V hjeea^Zg d[ ]^\]"ZcY Xdadjg bVcV\ZbZci VcY egddÃc\ hdaji^dch! egdcdjcXZY idYVn ^ih eVgi^X^eVi^dc Vi i]Z I6<6 8dadjg BVcV\ZbZci 9Vnh ^c >iVan id ]VkZ WZZc V gZhdjcY^c\ hjXXZhh# I]Z VccjVa iZhi dcXZ bdgZ XdcÃgbZY i]Z nZVgh d[ djihiVcY^c\ gZhjaih i]Z XdbeVcn ]Vh VX]^ZkZY Vi egddÃc\ XdciZhih! hjX] Vh i]Z >E6 EgddÃc\ H]ddidji ^c i]Z JH6 dg i]Z 9^\^iVa Egdd[ ;dgjbh ^c <ZgbVcn VcY egZk^djh I6<6 ZkZcih ^c >iVan# 6 idiVa d[ [djg ]VgY" egdd[ egdYjXZgh [VXZY je id i]Z Xdadg^bZig^X VcY k^hjVa bViX]^c\ iZhih# I]Z dcan hnhiZb id YZa^kZg idiVaan Xdck^cX^c\ gZhjaih ^c i]Z Xdadg^bZig^X VcY i]Z k^hjVa VhhZhhbZci lVh <B< 8dadgEgdd[ l^i] bm egdÃaZh! ^c XdbW^cVi^dc l^i] Wdi]
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6aa^VcXZ [dg HVl\gVhh VcY ?"IZX`( HVl\gVhh IZX]cdad\^Zh VcY ?"IZX`( ]VkZ ZciZgZY ^cid V a^XZchZ V\gZZbZci jcYZg l]^X] ?"IZX`( Hga! Vh Vc Vji]dg^hZY HVl\gVhh a^XZchZZ! l^aa hZaa ^c`h [dg hjWa^bVi^dc ^bV\^c\# HVl\gVhh ^h Vc ^cYjhign aZVY^c\ YZkZadeZg d[ ^ccdkVi^kZ eg^ci^c\ iZX]cdad\^Zh! l]^ahi ?"IZX`( ^h i]Z aViZhi bV_dg hjeea^Zg id ZciZg ^cid V a^XZchZ V\gZZbZci l^i] HVl\gVhh! [daadl^c\ h^b^aVg a^XZchZh l^i] 76H;! 8^WV! HZch^Zci! @^^Vc! @^lV! =^adgY VcY CVoYVg# CVi]Vc =VaZ! EgZh^YZci VcY 8:D d[ HVl\gVhh IZX]cdad\^Zh! XdbbZciZY/ ¸LZ VgZ YZY^XViZY id \gdl^c\ i]Z Y^\^iVa igVch[Zg bVg`Zi VcY ?"IZX`( Hga! Vadc\ l^i] di]Zg a^XZchZh! l^aa ]Zae ZmeVcY i]Z hjWa^bVi^dc Wjh^cZhh ldgaY l^YZ [dg Wdi] igVch[Zg VcY Y^gZXi eg^ci^c\ iZX]cdad\^Zh# 8dchjbZgh l^aa i]jh WZcZÃi [gdb i]Z XdbeZi^i^dc VcY ^cXgZVhZY egdYjXi dei^dch¹# ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#hVl\gVhh^c`#Xdb VcY lll#_"iZX`(#Xdb
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
L]Vi»h ^c V cVbZ4 9EAZci^XjaVg! i]Z hjeea^Zg d[ AZchiVg aZci^XjaVg eaVhi^X h]ZZih VcY gdaah [dg i]Z \gVe]^X Vgih ^cYjhign ]Vh V cZl cVbZ VcY WgVcY ^YZci^in i]Vi WZiiZg ZmegZhhZh ^ih gdaZ Vh hdaZ :jgdeZVc kZcYdg d[ V jc^fjZ gVc\Z d[ aZci^XjaVg egdYjXih# ;dgbZgan `cdlc Vh AE8":jgdeZ I]Z AZci^XjaVg EaVhi^X 8dbeVcn d[ :jgdeZ ! i]Z XdbeVcn ]Vh bdgZ i]Vc iZc nZVgh ZmeZg^ZcXZ ^c i]Z aZci^XjaVg bVg`Zi VcY ^h cdl Vbdc\hi i]Z aZVY^c\ egdk^YZgh d[ aZci^XjaVg egdYjXih ^c :jgdeZ# ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#YeaZci^XjaVg#Xdb#
9^hX ejWa^h]^c\ bVYZ ZVhn I]Z :ehdc 9^hXegdYjXZg EE"&%% ^h Vc ^YZVa VcY ÄZm^WaZ hdaji^dc [dg adl"kdajbZ Y^hX ejWa^h]^c\ l]ZgZ ]^\] fjVa^in Xjhidb^hZY aVWZaa^c\ ^h gZfj^gZY#
6 eaZi]dgV d[ egdYjXih e [gdb H:6A >c gZXd\c^i^dc d[ i]Z [VXi i]Vi ^c`_Zi eg^ci^c\ ^h deZc^c\ je bdgZ VcY bdgZ Veea^XVi^dch! H:6A <gVe]^Xh ]Vh VYYZY V [jgi]Zg '% ^c`_Zi hjWhigViZh id ^ih gVc\Z d[ XdchjbVWaZh# The materials include new vinyls, papers, polyester fabrics, cotton fabrics and digital wallpapers, as well as an environmentally-friendly banner material, which is made from 100 percent corn. SEAL’s Solvent Corn Banner offers an excellent inkjet coating, enabling it to offer the same print quality achieved with polyesters. As well as corn inks, it is printable with all current solvent, eco-solvent and UV-curable inks. Other newly available textiles, such as Solvent Cotton Coarse and Cotton Fine feature 100 per cent cotton fabrics in either a heavy or light linen weave, that offer fast drying times, a soft touch and brilliant colour reproduction. They, too, can be printed using solvent, -
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
eco-solvent and UV-curable inks. Notable among the new vinyls and polyester films is Solvent Vinyl Quickmount, an 80 micron, monomeric vinyl with a dot-structured adhesive that enables fast, easy and bubble-free appliance to virtually any surface. Designed for rigid indoor applications, such as exhibition walls, the unique dot coating of the glue also makes it extremely easy to remove at the end of its life. For outdoor use, SEAL Graphics’ new Solvent Mesh PVC offers durability and stability, as well as vibrant colour rendition. It is an excellent choice for building wraps and banner applications. Returning indoors, the Stoplight backing film range has been complemented with Solvent Stoplight 400, a new 400 micron addition that combines the unique lightblocking properties of Stoplight with a universal coating, thus making it suitable for all kinds of solvent, eco-solvent and UV-
curable inks. Besides excellent print qualities, this scratchand water-resistant polyester provides the rigidity and opacity required for Pop-Up and flexible indoor displays. SEAL Digital Wallpapers have been designed for wide format digital print applications. They consist of a white PVC coating on a woven fabric base and can be used with solvent and eco-solvent, as well as UV-curable inks. Besides superior print quality and vibrant long-lasting colours, they offer scratch-resistance and come with a NFPA 701 fire rating. They are available in four contemporary textures: Soft Satin, Crushed Rock, Raw Silk and Venetian Plaster. All are easily applied wallpapers, requiring no special skills or tools. For additional protection and longevity in heavily trafficed areas, they are also ideal for finishing with liquid lamination using the range of AquaSEAL coaters and liquid laminates. ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#hZVa\gVe]^Xh#Xdb
A compact integrated desktop disc duplication solution, which enables businesses to create professional quality customised CDs or DVDs on demand, it can burn and print up to 100 copies of the same disc or unique discs, in a single, fully automated process. Equipped with Epson’s patented AcuGrip robotic technology, Discproducer’s robotic arm ensures highly reliable single disc pick up. It also incorporates a built-in, six colour, inkjet printer that delivers high quality print. Using Epson’s patented Micro Piezo inkjet technology, the printhead provides precise control of the ink droplets, ensuring labels with sharp text and vibrant graphics. The high capacity, individual ink cartridges increase ink efficiency and can produce over 1,000 discs. Each cartridge includes a low-ink sensor and LED indicator to ensure that operators have adequate ink to complete a full run. Combined with Epson recommended Taiyo Yuden Watershield discs, the glossy prints are instantly smudge and water-resistant. ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#Y^hXegdYjXZg#Zehdc#Xdb
EdhiZgEg^ci \Zih hZVa d[ VeegdkVa
=ZlaZii EVX`VgY ]Vh d[ÃX^Vaan XZgi^ÃZY :g\dHd[i»h G>E hd[ilVgZ hdaji^dc! E i E ^ i '%%-=E EdhiZgEg^ci k#'%%-=E [dg jhZ ^c Xdc_jcXi^dc l^i] i]Z =E 9Zh^\c?Zi O+&%% A;E Eg^ciZg hZg^Zh# HP has developed a unique certification program to ensure the compatibility of the HP hardware with different RIP software solutions. The test program ensures that the high printout quality and speed of the Designjet Z6100 is achieved and supported by the evaluated RIP software. PosterPrint v.2008 was tested for compatibility with the printer’s hardware using different criteria, such as verification of productivity and printer status reporting in comprehensive tests. Various
image types were printed on the Z6100 and the printout’s quality and the overall performance of the RIP were then evaluated. ErgoSoft’s new RIP software, PosterPrint v.2008 met the demanding requirements for the HP Designjet Z6100 certification program. The product even received full points (three of three possible stars) in the evaluation category “Productivity”, “HP media support”, and “Printer status reporting”. PosterPrint v.2008 also supports the internal spectrophotometer of the HP Designjet. ● ;jgi]Zg >c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#]e#Xdb
HiZaaVg?:I XVgg^Zh ZmigV lZ^\]i <88 ]Vh ^cigdYjXZY Vc ^ccdkVi^kZ ]ZVkn"Yjin gdaa" [ZY hnhiZb! [dg ^ih aVg\Z [dgbVi JK XjgVWaZ ^c`_Zi eg^ciZg! i]Z HiZaaVg?:I &-(JK@# GCC StellarJET 183UVK provides a standard heavyduty roll-fed system which is capable of carrying 154lb. (70Kg) rollers. In addition to the optional roller take-up system, the heavy duty rollto-roll system can carry more double-volume weight than other machines of similar class.
It provides an ideal solution to applying a bigger roll at a lower unit cost for operations using flexible printable media. ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#\XXldgaY#Xdb
GZa^VW^a^in Zc]VcXZh cZl (B Ãab <gVe]^X hdaji^dch [gdb (B ]VkZ WZZc [jgi]Zg ZmiZcYZY l^i] i]Z ^cigdYjXi^dc d[ (B HXdiX]XVa <gVe]^X ;^ab l^i] 8dbean VY]Zh^kZ HZg^Zh >?)%8# Developed for solvent-based piezo inkjet and electrostatic printing processes and for application to flat surfaces, the new film offers a number of visible advantages to both graphic converters and end users. The inclusion of 3M’s patented Comply adhesive performance feature assists bubble-free application without affecting the smooth appearance of the face film. With Comply, special channels in the pressure-activated adhesive allow trapped air to escape to guarantee fast and easy application every time. 3M Scotchcal Graphic Film Series IJ40C is a white calendered 75-micron film featuring a grey pigmented and pressure-sensitive solvent-based acrylic adhesive and polycoated paper liner. It is available in a choice of white gloss and white matte formats
incorporating either a permanent or removable adhesive and provides excellent hiding power for opaque films. It also carries 3M’s renowned MCS (Matched Component System) warranty of up to three years for intermediate applications. Developed for both interior and exterior locations, typical applications include signs and displays (including back-illuminated manifestations) and fleet and window interior graphics. For graphics that are likely to be exposed to abrasive washing cycles (typically, commercial vehicle fleets) and harsh environmental conditions, the performance of 3M Scotchcal Graphic Film Series IJ40C can be further enhanced by the use of an appropriate overlaminate film (also available in the range) and to thus ensure compliance with the 3M MCS warranty requirements. ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i lll#(b#Xdb$j`$ \gVe]^Xhdaji^dch
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
:;> ZmeVcYh FH ;Vb^an
;Vch d[ i]Z edejaVg KJI:` FH [Vb^an d[ hjeZgl^YZ [dgbVi eg^ciZgh [gdb :;> l^aa WZ ^ciZgZhiZY id aZVgc i]Vi i]ZgZ VgZ cdl ild cZl bdYZah ^c i]Z VlVgY" l^cc^c\ FH hjeZgl^YZ [dgbVi eg^ciZg [Vb^an# The addition of four and six colour configurations to the QS2000 and QS3200 family of printers offers ease-of-entry options for companies who wish
to add digital UV production to their product mix. The QS2000 and QS3200 offer superior image quality at 1080 dpi on both rigid and flexible substrates up to 3.2 metres wide and up to 5.1 centimetres thick, with changeover from flexible to rigid substrates taking less than a minute. The printers use EFI’s QS Series UV inks. With this expanded offering, customers
can now choose from systems with four colours, six colours, or six colours with white ink for a superwide format printing solution that best meets their financial and production needs. Additionally the QS 4C and 6C models are field upgradeable, thus enabling customers to enhance printer capabilities as required. ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i lll#ZÃ#Xdb#
>XZ 8daY Ãabh [gdb <78 <78 8dbbZgX^Va AVb^cVi^c\ Hdaji^dch <gdje ]Vh ^cigdYjXZY 6gXi^X EgZhhjgZ HZch^i^kZ XdaY aVb^cVi^dc Ãabh# As the latest offering in GBC’s Arctic range for indoor/outdoor applications, these films are processed at a temperature between 40-50°C, and are considered by GBC as a ‘cool’ solution for heat-sensitive inkjet output. The full range of Arctic films address the growing industry trend towards cold lamination, to ensure optimal colour and finishing for banners, signs or trade show displays. GBC is well known for its hot lamination films
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
and systems, but has also developed a broad selection of cold lamination films for its range of entrylevel laminators up to the professional GBC Tuscan-1. For several years now, it has owned a manufacturing facility for cold pressure sensitive films in the US and the low dollar rate has enabled the company to provide its European customers with a complete range of lamination films at a competitive price. The biggest advantages of using cold lamination are the low maintenance requirements and ease of use. As cold laminators do not use heat, no electricity
is required to operate the machine, resulting in no warm-up time and faster movement of the material through the laminator. There is no need to adjust the roller tension or thermostat, as cold lamination machines use pressure sensitive adhesives to bind the lamination film. GBC’s Arctic Pressure Sensitive cold lamination films ensure high colour density and brightness, enhanced contrast and a top quality professional finishing. The full range of competitive GBC films is currently available and ready for immediate delivery. ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#\WXÃab#Xdb
HeZX^Va Z[[ZXih dc Xdiidc
>ciZgcVi^dcVa 8dVi^c\h 8dbeVcn ]Vh ^cigdYjXZY V cZl lViZg"WVhZY (,%, 9^hX]Vg\Z 7VhZ VcY (,%. 9^hX]Vg\Z 6Xi^kVidg [dg jhZ dc &%% eZgXZci Xdiidc Y^hX]Vg\ZVWaZ [VWg^Xh# The Discharge ink can be used as a stand-alone, as an underbase, or in combination with other inks for a variety of textures and looks. The ink system is extremely versatile and complements the printers’arsenal of printing tools when striving to achieve special effects or the “no-hand feel” designs, which are currently popular in the marketplace. The discharged area has virtually no hand, even on black fabrics. In fact, use of the Discharge system can improve productivity and print quality when working on dark fabrics. The 3707 Discharge Base and 3709 Discharge Activator can be mixed with dischargecompatible pigments to leave a bright colour tint after discharge, or can print over a discharged area with plastisol or water-base inks to create even more varied effects. For completely unique results, the Discharge system (tinted or plain) can be sprayed over a printed design. ● ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#^XX^c`#Xdb
HeVg`a^c\ XaZVc hXgZZch BVcjZa HX] aa^\! EgdYjXi BVcV\Zg [dg 8A:6CA>C:! Vi @^hhZa Lda[ <bW= ZmeaV^ch ]dl dei^bVa gZhjaih XVc WZ VX]^ZkZY ^c ^c"a^cZ hXgZZc XaZVc^c\ jc^ih# “Over the last few years, automatic screen cleaning has changed considerably. Whereas the standard for earlier screen cleaning units was based on the chamber system, now ‘In-line screen cleaning units’, which incorporate individual treatment sections for ink removal, circulatory water rinsing, screen decoating, high pressure water rinsing, degreasing/preparation, clear rinsing and drying are becoming more popular. Cleaning times and chemical usage can thus be kept to a minimum during continuous screen cleaning. Nevertheless, some consideration must be given to the choice of screen cleaning chemicals to get the best cleaning results. For reasons concerning explosion protection, chemicals compliant with EN 1010 / BGI 801 with a flash point of 55°C must be used in non-explosion proof, continuous screen cleaning units. The screen-cleaning agents are rinsed during the cleaning process with water and may be carried over into the screen decoating section, where they must be easily biologically degradable and not contain any aromatic or aliphatic hydrocarbons. It is recommended that specially formulated
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
screen cleaners are used, as the ink cleaning results are significantly improved and usually last longer (effective usage time of the screen cleaning agent) than conventional screen cleaners. In in-line units, the cleaned screens are usually sprayed with water from the circulatory system or with aqueous screen decoating solutions. Therefore it is important that the ink, which is softened during the cleaning process, can be easily removed from the screen with water and is not re-absorbed into the screen mesh. Due to circulation of the screen-cleaning agents in the washing section, the amount of residual ink increases in the cleaning agent. If there is insufficient rinsing of the contaminated screen cleaner, residual ink, or haze, will remain in the cleaned screen mesh. This will harden during the subsequent screen decoating process and can usually only be removed with very aggressive haze removal agents. However, the use of specially formulated cleaning agents means the amount of residual ink is
kept to a minimum during the cleaning process and the haze formation on the screen is thus significantly reduced. Filtration of the cleaning agents further extends their usable life. Two different screendecoating methods are commonly used in continuous units. In the first, the screen decoating chemicals are mixed in a reservoir and from there, the required amount is delivered. Thus, a fresh screen decoating solution is used each time. There are also circulatory systems used for screen decoating. Here the screen decoating solution is prepared in a tank and fed into the jets. Since photoemulsion and screen cleaning
agents accumulate during the decoating process, it is recommended that specially formulated decoating agents be used, as conventional decoating solutions may not be fully effective. For the most part, mesh degreasing is not usually necessary when an in-line system for screen cleaning is used, due to the emulsifying agents in the cleaning agents. However, it is recommended, in order to make the screen surface hydrophilic. This will improve water flow on the screen and the subsequent coating and printing results will usually be greatly improved. Depending on the configuration of the unit, an automatic mesh preparation station can normally be retrofitted as an in-line module”. ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc! k^h^i/ lll# `^ld#YZ
SaatiChem offers you a wide range of complete, technologically advanced solutions in constant evolution. SaatiChem produces and distributes high-quality photosensitive emulsions and auxiliary chemicals for screen-printing, covering the most demanding expectations in different applications: graphic, textile, ceramic, electronic, glass and optical disc. SaatiChem combines reliability and accurate research with an innovating spirit and the enthusiasm. SaatiChem is a division of the SaatiGroup, a leader in the production and marketing of fabrics and chemicals for more than 70 years, with a considerable presence in the market worldwide and a know-how without any comparison. SaatiChem has the capability to develop the best product for your projects, and always provides results that are more real than reality itself. via Milano,14 - 22070 Appiano Gentile (Como) Italy - Tel +39.031.9711 Member of Saatigroup
Chemicals in action.
8]g^h» 8dajbc 8]g^h Hb^i]»h gZ\jaVg gdjcY"je d[ Vaa i]Z aViZhi ;:HE6 VcY 6hhdX^Vi^dc CZlh
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was in China recently for a FESPA supported event, leaving Shanghai the day before the earthquake. My visit now seems somewhat insignificant in the light of the events on 12th May, but it is in honour of, and with the agreement of our many friends in China, that this report is being published. However, I must first of all reflect on the earthquake, which has caused immense loss and suffering to so many Chinese people. In addition to the terrible death toll, thousands remain homeless with inadequate shelter or clothing and at high risk of disease. The images on our televisions have been shocking, but the response of the Chinese government and the assistance provided by other countries and organisations such as Red Cross, Unicef and WHO has been tremendous. On behalf of all FESPA Associations, the FESPA Board and all FESPA staff, I’d like to express our deepest sympathy to all Chinese people at this difficult time. Hopefully, with the real support of friends everywhere, they will be able to overcome this terrible disaster and, in time, pick up the pieces of their lives.
7Z[dgZ i]Z ZkZci The symposium was held in the city of Hangzhou, which is located 180 kilometres southwest of Shanghai and is one of the &)
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
most important tourist cities in China, being famous for both its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritage. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and is also its political, economic and cultural centre, as well as producing green tea and silk. It has a subtropical monsoon climate, covers a total area of 16,596 square kilometres and has a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometres of actual city, which is home to 1.69 million people. Having agreed to support a special effects screenprinting symposium in China, my first task was to identify a printer and ink specialist who could deliver an interesting and entertaining programme for an audience of 150 Chinese printers. So who better to involve than Michal Kridel from Pasja in Poland (one of the companies that printed Sensations) and Dak Patel from Small Products (one of the sponsors of Sensations, who probably produces more special effect inks than any other ink manufacturer). We also invited our old friend Stewart Partridge from Nazdar to participate, so the stage was set for a very informative conference. Michal, Dak and I flew from London to Shanghai, arriving at the most impressive Pu Dong airport, followed by a three-hour drive in torrential rain to Hangzhou. We
arrived to a warm welcome by CSGIA representatives, who laid on a wonderful lunch. In the afternoon, we inspected the conference room and equipment and ran through the presentations with our translator, before attending a special dinner, organised by CSGIA, in recognition of the event. It was a truly memorable evening, with lots of JianNanChun (a very strong, gin like, white spirit) and conviviality, which due to our long journey, finished in good time for an early night.
I]Z :kZci The symposium started at 08.30am on Friday, to a full conference room. After formal introductions, Michal and Dak started the proceedings, using Sensations as a reference tool and, for over three hours they explained how the effects were achieved and the pages printed, while also discussing the various properties of the different inks used. The audience was both enthralled and inspired and many questions followed, with Dak and Michal advising as to type of mesh used, thread diameter etc. in respect of the samples. Dak had also brought along some other samples to illustrate effects not used in the Sensations portfolio and these also attracted much interest and provoked great debate. During the morning break,
8=G>HÂť 8DAJBC intrigued printers surrounded the sample table and kept Dak and Michal busy answering further questions. Later Stewart Partridge joined them for a question and answer session, during which many interesting technical issues were raised, so much so, that the Vice President had to wrap things up, as lunch was being served! In the afternoon, I provided an update on current FESPA activities, after which Stewart Partridge made an informative and, as always, entertaining presentation entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Digital Printing for Screenprinters â&#x20AC;&#x201C; threat or opportunityâ&#x20AC;?. In the UK we were faced with a similar challenge a few years ago and now, although screenprinting is diminishing in terms of market share in Europe, the two technologies often go hand in hand for many printers. Stewart drew attention to the fact that there are huge differences between each region/country in terms of their adoption of different analogue and digital printing/imaging technologies for wide format applications, which are dependent on multiple factors, such as market history, strength of suppliers, market maturity, demands and applications. He said: s %UROPE AND 53! BOTH HAVE SIGNIlCANT graphic screen printing activity, mainly to service POP and outdoor applications s )N #HINA THE LATE DEVELOPMENT OF the outdoor advertising industry has allowed ink jet to emerge as the dominant process s )N *APAN A STRONG OFFSET INDUSTRY
combined with limited long-run retail advertising, means the graphic screenprinting sector is much weaker than others. Textile printing is rapidly progressing, with Mimaki leading the way, but now many new high productivity, high capital cost inkjet printers are also emerging with Reggiani introducing an Industrial textile machine capable of printing 150sq.m (1600sq.ft) per hr, or half a million metres per annum. Stewart added that it was now possible to print acid dyes on leather, reactive dyes on cotton, disperse dyes on polyester and reactive and acid dyes on viscose, cotton and silk. Much of this work is being pioneered in Italy. A growth in UV curable inkjet platforms with capabilities for ďŹ&#x201A;atbed, hybrid and roll to roll from leading manufacturers of equipment has seen an increase of sales from 206 ďŹ&#x201A;atbed machines purchased globally in 2002, to 2480 purchased globally in 2006, an incredible increase.
Now inkjet solutions are appearing for use in conjunction with home furnishings, packaging, ceramics and glass decoration and 3D applications, as well as in industrial ďŹ&#x201A;atbeds. Stewart concluded: s FOR PRINTERS IN GRAPHIC AND TEXTILE printing, screen and inkjet are partly competitive, partly complementary â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and probably the level of competition will increase; s GRAPHIC SCREENPRINTING IS STILL GROWING in Asia and USA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but not in Western Europe; s )N INDUSTRIAL MARKETS SCREEN AND INKJET are mostly viewed as complementary processes with different strengths and capabilities; s &OR INDUSTRIAL PRINTING BOTH PROCESSES will grow; s )NKJET MAY GROW FASTER FROM A SMALLER base; s 7ISE INDUSTRIAL PRINTERS SHOULD CONSIDER investing in both technologies. 4HROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EVENT *INGSONG Liu (a colleague of Stewart from Nazdar) undertook translations for everyone with total ease and professionalism. It was a pleasure to work with him and if we ORGANISE OTHER EVENTS IN #HINA ) HOPE HE will be willing to work with FESPA again.
H^\]ihZZ^c\ VcY di]Zg VheZXih d[ i]Z k^h^i At the end of the conference, Mrs Pei, #HAIRMAN OF #3')! PROPOSED A FACTORY visit and we were taken to see Maxim !RTS AND #RAFTS WHERE 0RESIDENT 2OBERT Luo welcomed us. The company, which operates from an 18,000 sq.m factory, employs around 700 people in total and specialises in the printing of stretched canvases, art plaques, art mirrors and frames, wa all decorations and other specialist applications. a It has a big customer base in the US and it was clear from the many samples w we saw, that quality is high h on its list of o priorities. We W only had time t to visit thee showroom m, but the quantiity, as
well as quality of the work produced, was most impressive and the one-hour visit was very worthwhile. Mr Luo is clearly a capable and successful businessman, with great ideas, who presides over a competent, professional workforce. Following this visit, we were taken to an excellent restaurant at West Lake, which is renowned for its scenic beauty and where we enjoyed yet another splendid MEAL IN A lNE OPEN AIR SETTING 7EST ,AKE is also famous for its many historical and cultural sites, including Solitary Hill, THE -AUSOLEUM OF 'ENERAL 9UE &EI THE 3IX (ARMONIES 0AGODA AND THE ,ING 9IN Temple, although, as it was getting dark, we were unable to see them all. However we did see a fantastic fountain and light show performed to music, which was an enthralling experience. Saturday had been reserved for sightseeing and we were fortunate to experience rafting on the Fuchen River, IN LOVELY WEATHER A VISIT TO THE 9AOLIN CAVES AND lNALLY BACK IN (ANGZHOU A visit to a silk factory, where three ďŹ&#x201A;oors of the most beautiful silk products (clothes, bedding, curtains etc.) were on display and available for purchase. We enjoyed another wonderful lunch and a very memorable last day /UR HOSTS #3')! MADE US VERY welcome and extended the warmest hospitality throughout our stay. Many #3')! BOARD MEMBERS WERE INVOLVED IN the arrangements, but in particular Mrs 'UIFAN 0EI #HAIRMAN -R *UNMING :HENG 6ICE #HAIRMAN -R +EVIN :HANG 6ICE 3ECRETARY 'ENERAL AND -S ,ILI :HANG n Editor, deserve special thanks for their support, help and friendship. 4HIS WAS MY lRST EVER VISIT TO #HINA and I sincerely hope that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have another chance to see this amazing country. â&#x2014;?
^kZg i]Z ;jX]Zc G GV[i^c\ Ydlc
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
;:HE6 VXfj^gZh BZm^XVc h]dl
;:HE6 ]Vh VXfj^gZY Vaa g^\]ih id i]Z ^bV\ZL Z dgaY ZkZci [gdb HII BZY^V <gdje >ciZgcVi^dcVa! with the aim of expanding it under a new brand – FESPA Mexico World Expo – and has assumed full responsibility for all sales, marketing and operations,
although ST Media will remain involved with the show in a consultative capacity over a fiveyear period. Regarded as Mexico’s leading trade show for the signmaking, screenprinting and digital imaging industries, the show, which will be held at Centro Banamex, Mexico City, on 21st-23rd August 2008, has already attracted the support of such prominent industry brands as Canon, EFI VUTEk, Fujifilm Sericol, Gandi Innovations and HP. In addition, FESPA has also expanded the available
floor space by 25 percent to accommodate demand from first-time exhibitors. FESPA Mexico World Expo will be co-coordinated by FESPA Event Manager Michael Ryan, who will be supported locally by Humberto Garcia, ST Media’s local representative for the show, who will continue to handle Latin American advertising sales for Signs of the Times and Screen Printing en español, the region’s leading publication for the sign and graphics sectors. Michael and Humberto will both have the support of FESPA’s
exhibition organising team, based in the UK. At the same time, FESPA board member and former president, Ricardo Rodriguez Delgado will take on an ambassadorial role for FESPA in the region and will focus on cultivating relationships with the local printing community, including trade bodies, vendors, distributors and service providers. ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc dc ;:HE6 LdgaY :med BZm^Xd k^h^i/ : lll#[ZheVbZm^Xd#Xdb dg ijgc id eV\Z (% id hZZ i]Z heZX^Va h]dl hjeeaZbZci
;G:: L^YZ HjgkZn GZhjaih CZl ;:HE6 6bWVhhVYdg I]Z gZhjaih d[ ;:HE6»h L^YZ HjgkZn! i]Z egdeg^ZiVgn eVc":jgdeZVc gZhZVgX] ^cid i]Z Y^\^iVa l^YZ"[dgbVi eg^ci^c\ bVg`ZieaVXZ! ^i XdcYjXiZY ^c VhhdX^Vi^dc l^i] >c[dIgZcYh! ]VkZ cdl WZZc ejWa^h]ZY ^c [jaa VcY VgZ XdbbZgX^Vaan VkV^aVWaZ# Members of FESPA’s national associations are entitled to receive a copy of the survey results free-of-charge. The data is also available to non-member companies and industry suppliers for a fee of €1500 and can be obtained direct from FESPA. Conducted by leading worldwide graphic arts industry research and consulting firm InfoTrends, the web-based research comprises data from 400 respondents in over 66 countries, across six continents. The overall aim of FESPA’s research was to determine the state of the wide format graphics market in Europe and to try to measure the outlook for businesses operating on a number of levels within the sector. The research thus provides valuable perspectives on the opportunities and challenges facing the European screen and digital wide format market and enables companies to plan successful business strategies for the future. ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#[ZheV#Xdb
[dg 6h^V"EVX^ÃX ;:HE6 ]Vh Veed^ciZY 6Y]^lVigV 8]VcVed`V`ja Vh ^ih 6h^V"EVX^ÃX 6bWVhhVYdg! with responsibility for communicating regularly with FESPA’s national associations and members in Asia-Pacific, strengthening existing relationships and forging new ones within the print community. He will also help to support and encourage local printers with knowledge-based initiatives, and help to organise specialised training schemes and workshops tailored to the needs of printers in the region. Adhiwatra, who will be based in Bangkok, where he will be easily accessible to the whole Asia Pacific market,
will report to Asia-Pacific Event Director Marcus Timson. Adhiwatra brings over 18 years’ combined sales and management expertise to his new role, having previously worked for large multinational companies over the last 15 years. Prior to joining FESPA, he worked as General Manager for Dermal Concept Co., Ltd. in Bangkok, where he was in charge of promoting and distributing the leading Dermalogica brands to the Thai market, experience that has provided him with a unique insight into selling retail products to the consumer market. ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i lll#[ZheV#Xdb [dg bdgZ ^c[dgbVi^dc#
CZl [ZheV#Xdb \dZh [gdb higZc\i] id higZc\i] ;daadl^c\ ^ih d[ÃX^Va aVjcX] Vi ;:HE6 9^\^iVa Eg^ci^c\ :jgdeZ ^c <ZcZkV, when the FESPA stand was themed around it, FESPA’s new website, www.fespa.com, has gone from strength to strength. During the show, visitors were able to gain hands-on experience of all the new features using plasma touch-screens and &+
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
many FESPA members took the opportunity to register for the new FESPA Community and the chance to network with other members across the globe. In addition they can also access the technical information in the FESPA Academy, as well as search through archived issues of FESPA World magazine for articles relevant to their
business and interests. Features accessible to all, include FESPA TV, a section containing interviews and insights from FESPA personalities and opinion leaders drawn from the worlds of screen and digital printing, plus a brand new discussion forum, where visitors can ask questions, gather information or just make contact with like-
minded people. The hard work and investment in the website has been rewarded with a marked increase in traffic, with visitors, who originate from more than 160 different countries, also spending longer on the site whenever they visit. ;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#[ZheV#Xdb
6aa X]Vc\Z [dg Eg^hb >c a^cZ l^i] i]Z Zkdak^c\ gdaZ d[ igVYZ VhhdX^Vi^dch ^c i]Z bdYZgc bVg`ZieaVXZ! i]Z J@»h 9^\^iVa VcY HXgZZc Eg^ci^c\ 6hhdX^Vi^dc! [dgbZgan `cdlc Vh i]Z 9HE6! gZXZcian gZ"aVjcX]ZY ^ihZa[! l^i] V WgVcY cZl cVbZ ¶ Eg^hb ¶ VcY V cZl hZi d[ dW_ZXi^kZh! l]^X] ]VkZ WZZc iV^adgZY id bZZi i]Z cZZYh d[ idYVn»h hXgZZc VcY Y^\^iVa eg^ciZgh#
?d]c @Z^i]
rism used the occasion of Sign & Digital UK 2008, the UK’s premier trade show for graphic providers, to launch its new identity and to unveil a series of exciting new member benefits and initiatives. These have been designed to support market changes and address the needs of all businesses operating across the supply chain. They will also help Prism members to increase their business competitiveness, productivity, profitability and performance. In the first instance, Prism is opening up its membership to include all practitioners within the digital, screen and pad printing sectors throughout the whole of the UK, but the association also intends to host a seminar, tackling industry-related ‘hot topics’ and to participate in various events and exhibitions. Two of the first initiatives on its agenda, are the staging of summit, which will look at the whole issue of cost versus value and a special ‘green’ forum, both of which will be supported &-
by HP, who has agreed to become the association’s sole Digital Technology Partner. Prism’s Business Manager, John Keith, explains that whilst the industry is enjoying the fruits of a period of startling growth and innovation on one the hand, it is also wrestling with the problems caused by over-capacity and the growing green lobby, as well as the well-documented credit crunch. He says: “We recognise that both current and potential members are facing very challenging times at present and thus believe that we must do everything we can to help them enjoy continued success. With this in mind we have unveiled a new, very cost effective membership package, which also includes such incentives as discounted energy packages.” John continues: “At a time when the bottom line is all important, we are very conscious that we need to deliver a range of benefits that represent real value for money. Happily, as a part of FESPA we are also able to offer easy access to a whole host of global resources too, such as events, market reports, project funding, best practice and industry expertise and training, in addition to our own member activities and support.” John remarks that, as the association of print specialists and manufacturers, Prism represents a market with a value in the region of £2.1billion. He says: “This market spans a wealth of different applications in the graphic, industrial and textile sectors. It’s our job to represent the interests of all of the many different companies who provide print for these sectors and to represent them when new legislation is being formulated, in order to safeguard their interests, as we have over the past 74 years, when the association
was originally launched under the banner DPSPSA (Display Producers and Screen Printers Association). Of course, there have been substantial changes to all areas of the industry since then, which is one of the reasons why we were keen to re-establish ourselves with a new identity.” He adds, that this isn’t the first time the association has undergone a change of name, as it became the Screen Printing Association in 1991 and more recently, the DSPA. John concludes: “We like to feel that we have established something of a tradition for moving with the times and in this, our latest incarnation, we intend to preserve everything that is good whilst also redefining our offering to suit the needs of today’s screen and digital printers. ●
;dg [jgi]Zg ^c[dgbVi^dc k^h^i/ lll#eg^hbj`#dg\
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Eg^ciZY :aZXigdc^Xh 6h^V '%%-i]".i] DXidWZg! '%%-# ;djg HZVhdch =diZa! Id`nd! ?VeVc Dg\Vc^hZg/ >YiZX]Zm IZa/ )) % &''( -&(,%( ;Vm/ )) % &''( -&')%% :"bV^a/ X#XaVgZ5^YiZX]Zm#Xdb lll#^YiZX]Zm#Xdb$eZ6H>6
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Cold laminators Thermal laminators Cutting devices Display systems
;:HE6 6 LdgaY :med 6h^V" EVX^Ă&#x192;X '%%'-i] Âś (%i] CdkZbWZg '%%7>I:8 8ZcigZ! 7Vc\`d`! I]V^aVcY Dg\Vc^hZg/ ;:HE6 IZa/ )) &,(, ''. ,', ;Vm/ )) &,(, ')% ,,% Z"bV^a/ ^c[d5[ZheV#Xdb lll#[ZheV#Xdb
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Laminator made in France
KALA SAS - 35410 Nouvoitou-France / TĂŠl. : +33 (0)2 99 37 64 64 Web site : www.kala.fr / Information & contact : info@kala.fr
:kZci gdjcY"je DkZg i]Z aVhi [Zl bdci]h! ;:HE6 ]Vh gjc V cjbWZg d[ heZX^Va ZkZcih VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY! Vaa d[ l]^X] VgZ YZh^\cZY id egdk^YZ i]Z bZbWZgh d[ ;:HE6»h VhhdX^Vi^dch l^i] i]Z iddah id [jgi]Zg ^begdkZ i]Z^g Wjh^cZhhZh VcY ^cXgZVhZ i]Z^g egdÃi ediZci^Va
6h^V EVX^ÃX Hjbb^i hZih V\ZcYV [dg i]Z [jijgZ I]Z cZl ;:HE6 6bWVhhVYdg 6Y]^lVigV 8]VcVed`V`ja
BVgXjh I^bhdc, who also acted
I]Z Hjbb^i WZ\^ch
I]Z Ãghi ZkZg ;:HE6 6h^V"EVX^ÃX 9^gZXidgh» Hjbb^i idd` eaVXZ gZXZcian ^c 7Vc\`d`# Designed to bring the region’s screenprinting and digital imaging moguls together under one roof, the event covered three key themes and hot topical issues: the environment, marketing and technology. Taking as its premise the fact that when industry is constantly changing and evolving, the only way for print companies to survive and effectively tackle the challenges that lie ahead is to be creative and innovative, the Summit theme was, “Setting the Agenda for the Future.” The event thus provided a unique, high-level forum for discussions about the future of screen and digital wide-format printing industry in the Asia-Pacific region. Participants exchanged news and views on all of the trends, issues and challenges facing the industry, while the reception dinner provided a unique pan-regional networking opportunity. FESPA President, Anders Nilsson opened the event with words of welcome before introducing Marcus Timson, Event Director, FESPA Asia-Pacific; Pirach Thampipit, President, Thailand Screen Printing and Graphics Association (TSGA); and Adhiwatra Chanapokakul, FESPA Ambassador, Asia Pacific. '%
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
as the forum moderator, was the first speaker and provided some compelling insights on how marketing, branding and communication can be enhanced. In total, he made four presentations during the two-day conference, comprising: The Big Screen/Big Picture; Beating Overcapacity; De-Mystifying Marketing; and The Wide Survey, thus providing delegates with a host of valuable tips to help them increase sales and maximise profitability (These presentations are available online via www.fespa.com).
B^X]Za 8VoV iV`Zh id i]Z edY^jb
B^X]Za 8VoV, one of the founders of FESPA, said that the versatility of screen printing has enabled him to print thousands of fine art original serigraphs and reproductions, earning him the title ‘Art Master Screen Printer’ in the process. He is actively involved in the development of sophisticated improvements in screenprinting technology, particularly in the fields of UV, very fine line halftone printing, high screen tension, inks, squeegees and much else besides. According to Caza, increasing environmental awareness has spurred most consumers to take a second look at the products and services they buy. There are many ways in which companies can become more eco-friendly and any steps that they take in this direction are certainly to their own benefit as well as being good for the planet.
6cYZgh C^ahhdc lZaXdbZh i]Z YZaZ\ViZh
6cYZgh C^ahhdc, whose FESPA Presidency runs until FESPA Munich 2010, revealed that his key goals are to further extend FESPA’s value proposition to its national member associations and their members, to intensify the dialogue between FESPA and screen and digital print service providers and to expand FESPA’s global membership. In his presentation, which was entitled “Digital – The Printers’ Perspective,” he asserted that screenprinting in Europe is not dead and suggested that, for best results, printers must combine the best of screen and digital printing as well as developing a strong network with other printers.
EZiZg @^YYZaa egdedhZh V XgZVi^kZ VeegdVX]
EZiZg @^YYZaa of PDS Consulting proposed that printers take a more creative approach. According to Kiddel, logic alone cannot solve all business problems and neither can it provide all of a company’s opportunities. He suggested using the following formula: Innovation + Market Need + Company Resources = New Business Opportunity, stating that innovation is the way that companies can differentiate
;:HE6 C:LHA:II:G themselves and really stand out in a crowd. On the technical side, he offered the opinion that since screenprinting is a mass imaging process, the key to success lies in reducing the variables by maintaining precise process control. Inks, stencils and curing may be different, but the principle remains the same.
:a^ >hgVZa^! Market Segment Manager, Hewlett Packard Large Format Printing Division, discussed how things have changed in the field of marketing communications – moving from mass marketing to multiple touch points through integrated campaigns.
9ZaZ\ViZh iV`Z cdiZh Yjg^c\ BVgXjh I^bhdc»h egZhZciVi^dc
BVgXjh I^bhdc explained why marketing is an integral part of business today, while pointing out that in 1990, there was no Internet, laptops, DVDs, websites, or digital printing. Now, less than 20 years later, a seismic shift has taken place, but despite this massive technological change, brand messages can remain consistent, as customers’ needs and aspirations remain more or less the same. The only real difference is that they expect a better return for their time, money, energy and attention. FESPA’s own Wide Survey research revealed that print customers’ priorities are quality, new and imaginative ideas, price, turnaround time and project management. In an increasingly competitive environment and a challenging economy, marketers need creative ideas in order to effectively sell their products and services in a crowded marketplace. The need for visibility and a strong brand identity are also key. Experiential and aspirational designer brands realise 20 percent to 200 percent higher profits than their mid-range competitors. Timson also offered some advice to printers on how they can improve their interaction with today’s buyers. He recommended that they appeal to the buyer’s emotional instincts, tailoring their pitch accordingly. In Timson’s view, the key to success centres on initiating excellent, focussed and clear communications with customers, meeting their specification and exceeding their
service expectations. However, he also cautioned against spending too much time with overly demanding, yet low- yielding customers, citing the 80/20 rule (80 percent of profit usually comes from 20 percent of the client base). He advised printers to identify that key 20 percent, in order to help them overcome the challenges resulting from overcapacity and to help maximise profitability. In today’s environmentally conscious climate, corporate sustainability is no longer a marketing buzzword. EVja BVX]^c, FESPA Consultant, a member of the United Kingdom Health & Safety Executive’s Printing Industry Advisory Committee and advisor to the European Union Environmental Agency on best environmental practices, informed delegates that more European companies now require suppliers to have green credentials to support environmental policies. One of these is legal compliance to REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. Machin’s presentation set out who will be affected by REACH and the measures that they need to take in order to be compliant. FESPA’s Wide Survey, the proprietary pan-European research project into the digital wide-format printing marketplace, indicated that the top three features that buyers look for in new wide format printers are: Print Quality (89 percent); Reliability (63 percent) and; Running Costs/Cost per Square Foot (60 percent). BVg` 6aZmVcYZg, Xaar’s Marketing Director, discussed in-depth how Xaar’s
inkjet technology delivers profit by offering flexibility, choice, quality, reliability and productivity.
I^b ?VX`hdc, Sales Director, Fujifilm Sericol, analysed print technology trends including mass customisation with shorter lead times and run lengths and opined that inks have helped to propel digital growth by offering everything from solvent to UV and multiple ink technologies (UV Screen + UV Flexo and UV Digital, Digital + Screen). According to Jackson, analogue printers must include digital technology in their current and future plans.
HiZlVgi EVgig^Y\Z Wg^c\h i]Z hjbb^i id V XadhZ
HiZlVgi EVgig^Y\Z, Sales Director AsiaPacific, Nazdar, concluded that although screen and inkjet complemented each other, they were still competing processes and the level of competition is likely to increase. Nonetheless, graphic screenprinting is still growing in Asia and the USA, although not in Western Europe. He also advised that industrial printers should consider investing in both technologies. ●
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ESPA World Expo Asia-Pacific, which will take place at Bangkok’s BITEC Centre on 28th-30th November 2008, is the first FESPA exhibition for screenprinting, sign and wide format digital printing to be held in the Asia Pacific region. The show has already attracted the participation of the world’s leading brands, thus providing the region’s printers with the perfect event at which to source new products and innovations that will help them improve both their performance and their profitability.
6h^V"EVX^ÃX cZZYh ;:HE6 With an average GDP of six percent, the Asia Pacific region is home to some of the world’s fastest growing economies, which in turn has fuelled the growth of wide format digital printing and thus created a real thirst for the calibre of information and education that only a FESPA event can provide. According to FESPA research, screenprinting, digital printing and textile printing can all provide printers with exciting opportunities in a region which has become the accepted global manufacturing hub.
This is reflected in exhibitor bookings, with all of the leading brands from the digital, screen and textile printing sectors eager to meet a printing community that has never previously been brought together before. Despite expanding the available space, the show is already over 70 percent sold, and features HP as its Corporate Sponsor and Xaar as its Global Technology Partner. The exhibitors will represent Australasia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, the UK and the USA- making it a truly international event. Key industry players who have recently signed up include Canon, Epson, Konica Minolta, NAZDAR, Bordeaux Inks and GCC.
I]Z ;dXjh [dg i]Z 6h^V EVX^ÃX GZ\^dc More than 7,500 image-makers will attend the show and these will comprise digital printers, signmakers, industrial screenprinters and garment decorators, thus amply reflecting the three core categories of exhibitors. And whilst this show is located in Thailand, visitors will also travel from China, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, New Zealand and Australia in order to source new products, swap ideas, solutions and techniques.
6 gZ^ckZhibZci deedgijc^in [dg 6h^V EVX^ÃX “FESPA is unique in the respect that profit is not its primary motivation,” commented the show’s Event Director, Marcus Timson. He continues: “Our aim is to deliver world class events that stimulate markets but also leave a legacy of reinvestment, which in turn, provides member associations and visitors with the opportunity for further business growth. FESPA has now been organising events since 1962 and since 2002 the FESPA community has virtually tripled in size, as the world’s printers begin to appreciate the value of being part of the FESPA movement.”
6 egdkZc bdYZa [dg hjXXZhh FESPA’s track record for running market leading exhibitions, along with its unrivalled ability to launch highly successful shows, such as FESPA Digital and FESPA World Expo India, has attracted both significant support from exhibitors ')
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
and a rewarding level of interest from visitors. Now, printers in Asia no longer have to travel all the way to Europe; they have their own FESPA event and they will discover what other FESPA visitors have already learned – that the FESPA brand guarantees a high quality show! FESPA World Expo Asia-Pacific will offer screen and digital printing equipment, consumables and ancillary services from across the world. All of the leading global brands will be present under one roof, thus enabling visitors to compare all of the available options. Visitors will find it easy to navigate their way around the show as the hall will be split into three sections focussing on: Sign & Graphics, Digital Printing, Pre-Press and Finishing; Screenprinting, Pad Printing and Industrial Decoration; and finally, Garment Decoration. As well as attending the exhibition, visitors are also invited to take part in the FESPA Inspire educational conference, which will include expert speakers. The full conference programme will be available for view later in the year at: www.fespaasia.com There will also be a concurrent awards programme - “FESPA Lotus Flower Imaging Awards 2008”, which is designed to recognise and reward excellence in screen and digital printing in the Asia-Pacific region.
L]n 7Vc\`d`4 Not only is Thailand the most hospitable location in Asia, it also offers a splendid array of facilities, including a world class venue, a superb partnership with TSGA and an established and dynamic printing community, all of which combine to make it the natural choice for the event. The show will take place at BITEC, a state of the art international exhibition centre, which is conveniently located in close proximity to the airport and the city centre. Bangkok itself is a vibrant and dynamic city with excellent travel connections and a plentiful supply of first class hotel accommodation. ●
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HE:8>6A ;:6IJG:
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he name Mutoh has long been associated with the wide-format side of the industry, and the company is an important player in the market with its machine families, which are popular throughout the display sector. What many people don’t realise, however, is the major role played by its European headquarters in Belgium, with many customers being under the misapprehension that its Ostend factory is merely home to sales and service departments. In fact, Mutoh Europe is a whole '+
;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-
production plant in its own right, with research and development, manufacturing and administration facilities all on site. Having started with 16 employees and a single building, Mutoh now has around 275 staff, and occupies more than 15,000 square metres, with much of this dedicated to engineering and production. The majority of Mutoh’s product portfolio for the digital market is manufactured in Belgium and Managing Director of Mutoh Europe, Arthur Vanhoutte, explains: “The ValueJet and
the Osprey are both produced in Japan, but all the rest of our inkjet machines are manufactured here, in Ostend. We sell to each other but unlike in the old days when both Japan and Europe were responsible for producing the original Rockhopper series, today we concentrate on our products which are supplied world-wide through our distribution channels.” Recent developments from Mutoh, which have also helped to make its products easy and logical to use, include its i2 technology, which is pronounced “eye-
HE:8>6A ;:6IJG: squared”. This is now incorporated into printers throughout the current portfolio with the intention of bringing simplicity and improved results to users. This technology bucks the trend of putting down layers, or ‘passes’ of ink in straight lines. Instead of working to the conventional algorithms employed by most printers, i2 uses intelligent interweaving which, in simple terms, means that the ink is laid down in optimised waveforms. Stephan Heintjens, Product Marketing Manager at Mutoh Europe, describes its benefits. He says: “Our intention was to be able to improve print standards and to make it easier for customers to output the best quality for the type of jobs they are producing. “Thus, i2 removes many of the problems inherent in many inkjet printers, such as banding, ink mottling and bleed. And it also takes away the visible effects caused by misfiring or missing nozzles, saving on costly reprints.” The i2 technology was developed by Mutoh to bring to users vastly improved print quality amongst its benefits. But it also saves on set-up times and simplifies workflow. There is an increase in the density of the ink put down onto the material, as the formation of the wave patterns superimposes thin layers of the ink and these create an even coating. Heintjens says that the end results show noticeable improvements in clarity and a better colour gamut. The inherent problems associated with digital printing and banding led to Mutoh’s development of an improved method of laying down ink by removing the hard edge between passes made by the printhead. By using a wave form technique, it’s easy to appreciate that any slight intolerances can be concealed in the way in which the ink is applied to the substrate. Formerly, machines had to be run in slower modes with a greater number of passes, in order to achieve the quality levels demanded by many end customers. In theory, i2 lets users work at higher rates with fewer numbers of passes, with the obvious benefits of overall greater throughput. The intelligence element of this interweaving process is also clever
enough to know when there’s a likelihood of banding or bleeding and it’s able to adjust its dot placement and flow of ink to eliminate poor results. The other inherent benefit of i2 is the fact that it has enabled Mutoh to simplify the user-to-printer interface, removing the hit-and-miss element when choosing output resolution, number of passes and speed. The accuracy and reliability found in intelligent interweaving has eliminated many of the variables encountered when printing to different types of materials, coated or uncoated. Instead of an operator painstakingly having to pick through often complex menus and options on-screen, Mutoh has developed its own method of making sure the best mode is selected for each job. Factored in are options such as optimum viewing distance, image type and content and overall quality requirements. Heintjens explains: “For displays which contain large areas of solid colours and text and, perhaps, graduated tints, we have configured a ‘Sign’ option. This concentrates on higher quality, necessary for blocks of colours, graphics and text. For faster output which is well suited to the output of half-tones and photographic elements, there is the ‘Picture’ option.” However, despite this facility, Heintjens points out that many advanced operators want to maintain full control over the settings they plan to use. Thus, manual configuration is also available. With intelligent interweaving now incorporated into a growing number of printers in the Mutoh portfolio, it originally coincided with the launch of the Blizzard machines that were launched in 2007. This product line incorporates the company’s latest eco-solvent ink technology as well as i2, but it has the added benefit that users can upgrade these
printers to accommodate mild-solvent inks if preferred. Commercial Marketing Manager for Mutoh Europe, Nick Decock, states: “This potential two-stage investment programme is extremely valuable for businesses entering into solvent production for the first time. Initially, they might not be certain of their overall potential or requirements and, for example, they could be operating from premises not equipped with ducting and extraction units. However, once their production volumes increase, instead of having to buy a new printer, users can upgrade to mild solventbased inks to give them the benefits of longer and more regular production.” Mutoh’s solvent family printers include the Rockhopper, its original eco product range, which has continued to retain its popularity with its ability to print to coated and uncoated materials. But the company has been adding steadily to its portfolio with machines that cater for most types of application. For example, its Spitfire is designed to use mild solvent-based inks and comes in a choice of three widths, plus optional bulk ink cartridges. At the budget end of the market, the ValueJet is made by Mutoh in Japan but is, of course, available worldwide. Interestingly, a new development which is currently coming to fruition is a flat-bed option called the
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