FESPA WORLD Issue 52 (Part 2) - English

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JcV YZ aVh eg^dg^YVYZh Zc Za {bW^id VXijVa Zc ;:HE6 Zh Za VnjYVg V adh ^begZhdgZh V Xdci^cjVg h^ZcYd XdbeZi^i^kdh n V hdhiZcZg hjh cZ\dX^dh eVgV Za [jijgd# HVWZbdh fjZ aV egZh^ c Zc adh egd" kZZYdgZh YZ ^begZh^ c ]V VjbZciVYd Zc XjVcid V aVh hdajX^dcZh YZ ^begZh^ c# :c XdchZXjZcX^V ;:HE6 Xdbd jcV [ZYZgVX^ c egdkZZ V hjh b^ZbWgdh n V aV ^cYjhig^V Xdc gZedgiZh YZ ^ckZh" i^\VX^ c! ]ZggVb^ZciVh! Xdc[ZgZcX^Vh ZYjXVi^kVh n egd\gVbVh YZ VegZcY^oV_Z fjZ VnjYVc V adh VhdX^VYdh V Xdch^YZgVg bZ_dg hjh cZ\dX^dh! n Za X bd Zaadh b^hbdh ejZYZc hZg b{h ^ccdkVYdgZh! bZ_dgVcYd hj gZcY^b^Zcid#

¿QUIÉN ES FESPA? ;:HE6 Zh jcV [ZYZgVX^ c YZ VhdX^VX^dcZh n jc dg\Vc^oVYdg YZ Zmedh^X^dcZh n Xdc[ZgZcX^Vh eVgV aV ^cYjhig^V YZ aV hZg^\gV[ V! gdijaVX^ c Z ^begZh^ c Y^\^iVa# ;:HE6 hZ [dgb Zc &.+' edg jc eZfjZ d \gjed ^ciZgcVX^dcVa YZ ^begZhdgZh Zc hZg^\gV[ V n egdkZZYdgZh eVgV XdbeVgi^g XdcdX^b^Zcidh hdWgZ hZg^\gV[ V! ZhiVWaZX^ZcYd jcV XZgXVcV XdaVWdgVX^ c ZcigZ hZg^\gV[^hiVh n egdkZZYdgZh eVgV egdbdkZg aV hZg^\gV[ V Zc :jgdeV# =dn Zc Y V! ;:HE6 gZegZhZciV V '- VhdX^VX^dcZh :jgdeZVh n + VhdX^VX^dcZh b^ZbWgd Zc 6jhigVa^V! 8]^cV! >cY^V! ?Ve c! 8dgZV YZa Hjg n IV^aVcY^V# CjZhigV k^h^ c V]dgV Zh bVndg YZ XjVcYd ad [jZ ZcidcXZh0 Za egdkZZg jcV Xdbjc^YVY c^XV Zc YdcYZ cjZhigdh VhdX^VYdh ejY^ZgVc ^ciZgXVbW^Vg ^c[dgbVX^ c! XdcdX^b^Zcid n hdajX^dcZh eVgV VnjYVg V aVh ^cYjhig^Vh YZ aV ^begZh^ c Zc hZg^\gV[ V Z ^bV\Zc Y^\^iVa#

6Y^X^dcVabZciZ V Xdc[ZgZcX^Vh n [dgdh! ;:HE6 dg\Vc^oV jcV Vbea^V kVg^ZYVY YZ Zmedh^X^dcZh aVh XjVaZh gZ cZc V aV ^cYjhig^V Zc jcV Vib h[ZgV k^WgVciZ n Y^gZXiV Zc YdcYZ adh k^h^iVciZh ejZ" YZc ZmeZg^bZciVg Xdc cjZkdh egdYjXidh! iZXcdad\ Vh! Vea^XV" X^dcZh n aaZkVg V XVWd cZ\dX^dh# :c jc ^c^X^d! ;:HE6 gZVa^oVWV jcV Zmedh^X^ c XVYV XjVigd V dh! h^c ZbWVg\d Xdc Za VkVcXZ YZ aV ^begZh^ c Y^\^iVa! aVh XdchiVciZh ^ccdkVX^dcZh n aVh YZbVcYVh Zc adh bZgXVYdh! ;:HE6 ]V Vbea^VYd hj edgiV[da^d YZ ZkZcidh! XdcXZcig{cYdhZ Zc Y^[ZgZciZh hZXidgZh n Y^[ZgZciZh bZgXVYdh \adWVaZh! Xdc Zmedh^X^dcZh Xdbd ;:HE6 9^\^iVa Eg^ci^c\ :jgdeZ! ;:HE6 9^\^iVa Eg^ci^c\ >cY^V n ;:HE6 6h^V"EVX^[^X# ;:HE6 Xdci^c V XgZX^ZcYd Zc hj VaXVcXZ ^ciZgcVX^dcVa n Zc hjh hZgk^X^dh eVgV WZcZ[^X^d YZ hjh b^ZbWgdh# H^ZcYd jcV dg\Vc^oVX^ c cd ajXgVi^kV! ;:HE6 Zh jcV dg\Vc^oVX^ c c^XV h^ hZ aZ XdbeVgV Xdc digdh dg\Vc^oVYdgZh YZ ZkZcidh! hjh VXi^k^YVYZh hdc \j^VYVh edg jc Xdb^i YZ ^begZhdgZh Zjgd" eZdh! fj^ cZh ji^a^oVc hj ZmeZg^ZcX^V egde^V n XdcdX^b^Zcidh eVgV VnjYVg V YZhVggdaaVg jcV [ZYZgVX^ c fjZ hVi^h[V\V aVh cZXZh^YVYZh YZ adh ^begZhdgZh# ;:HE6 Zh Y^g^\^Yd eVgV ^b"egZhdgZh! edg ^begZhdgZh0 ;:HE6 Zh jhiZY#

LOS PROYECTOS DE FESPA EVgV VnjYVg V aV egdbdX^ c YZ aV ^cYjhig^V n \ZcZgVg hZgk^X^dh fjZ WZcZ[^X^Zc V adh b^ZbWgdh! ;:HE6 ]V XgZVYd Za Egd\gVbV YZ EgdnZXidh# ;:HE6 h^ZcYd jcV dg\Vc^oVX^ c cd ajXgVi^kV ^ck^ZgiZ aVh ji^a^YVYZh \ZcZgVYVh YZ hjh Zmedh^X^dcZh Zc Za ZhiVWaZX^b^Zcid YZ egdnZX" idh n hZgk^X^dh eVgV WZcZ[^X^d YZ adh b^ZbWgdh n aV ^cYjhig^V# 9Z aV b^hbV [dgbV Zc fjZ aVh ^c^X^Vi^kVh YZ ;:HE6 VnjYVc Zc aV egdbdX^ c n ZYjXVX^ c YZ aV ^cYjhig^V! Y^kZghdh egdnZXidh V c^kZa cVX^dcVa ]Vc h^Yd aaZkVYdh V XVWd Zc XVYV jcd YZ adh eV hZh b^ZbWgdh Xdc aV b^hbV [^cVa^YVY! XgZVg b{h WZcZ[^X^dh eVgV adh VhdX^VYdh#

(' FESPA hZXX^ c ZheZX^Va

8]g^h Hb^i]! \ZgZciZ YZ egdnZXidh n hZgk^X^dh YZ b^ZbWgdh! hjeZgk^hV aVh egdejZhiVh YZ egdnZXidh Z ^YZVh YZ aVh VhdX^V" X^dcZh b^ZbWgd Va Xdb^i YZ egdnZXidh# 8]g^h XdbZciV! ¸:a egd\gVbV YZ egdnZXidh ]V h^Yd jc \gVc m^id# 6 igVk h YZ Zh" iV ^c^X^Vi^kV ]Zbdh h^Yd XVeVXZh YZ gZ^ckZgi^g Zc aVh ^cYjhig^Vh Xdc aVh XjVaZh ZhiVbdh ^ckdajXgVYdh n XgZVg WZcZ[^X^dh c^Xdh eVgV adh b^ZbWgdh YZ cjZhigVh VhdX^VX^dcZh! Xdbd ad hdc Xdc[ZgZcX^Vh n hZb^cVg^dh! igVYjXX^dcZh YZ Vgi Xjadh n YdXj" bZcidh! iVaaZgZh n bViZg^Va egdbdX^dcVa# 9ZhYZ Za V d '%%)! ]Zbdh YZhi^cVYd VagZYZYdg YZ ,%%#%%% Zjgdh eVgV [^cVcX^Vg b{h YZ &(% egdnZXidh! Xdbd gZhjaiVYd ZhiVbdh VegZcY^Zc" Yd iVbW^ c b{h VXZgXV YZ adh Y^[ZgZciZh gZfjZg^b^Zcidh Zc adh bZgXVYdh ^ciZgcVX^dcVaZh fjZ gZegZhZciVbdh¹#

E-LEARNING ;:HE6 ]V YZhVggdaaVYd jc Xjghd c^Xd Zc hZg^\gV[ V Zc a cZV! Za XjVa ZchZ V V adh hjhXg^eidgZh idYd ad fjZ cZXZh^iVc hVWZg hdWgZ ZhiZ egdXZhd c^Xd# 9ZhYZ Za ZciZcYZg fjZ Zhi{ hjXZY^ZcYd Zc aV egZchV V [VXidgZh fjZ gZeZgXjiZc Zc aV XVa^YVY n Za gZcY^b^Zcid# 6a VWg^\d YZa Xjghd Zc a cZV! V adh ZhijY^VciZh hZ aZh [VX^a^iV Za eVgi^X^eVg edgfjZ hZ VXdbdYV V hjh gZfjZg^b^Zcidh! h^c cZXZh^YVY YZ Vh^hi^g [ h^" XVbZciZ V adh hZb^cVg^dh# :a egd\gVbV YZ &+ aZXX^dcZh XjWgZ jc gVc\d Vbea^d YZ iZbVh YZhYZ i^ciVh n XdcY^X^dcZh YZ adh hjhigVidh ]VhiV Za ^begZhdg n Za bZY^d VbW^ZciZ! idYd Zhid Xdc Za Vjm^a^d YZ X^Zcidh YZ k^YZdh! Vc^bVX^dcZh n YdXjbZcidh# :a Xjghd Zhi{ ZhigjXijgVYd YZ iVa [dgbV fjZ gZhjaiV iVc Vegde^VYd eVgV ^begZhdgZh YZ hZg^\gV[ V eg^cX^e^VciZh Xdbd eVgV adh b{h ZmeZg^bZciVYdh# :hiV ]ZggVb^ZciV ZmigVdgY^cVg^V Zhi{ Y^hedc^WaZ Zc - ^Y^dbVh! ^cXajnZcYd ZheV da! edgij\j h Z ^c\a h#

SENSATIONS HZchVi^dch Zh jc a^Wgd cjZkd n ZmX^iVciZ Za XjVa ]V h^Yd Y^hZ VYd eVgV bdhigVg Va\jcdh YZ adh Z[ZXidh ZheZX^VaZh hdgegZcYZciZh Z ^che^gVX^dcVaZh fjZ jc ^begZhdg Zc hZg^\gV[ V ejZYZ egd" edgX^dcVg# :hiZ a^Wgd Xdci^ZcZ (( i^ciVh YZ Z[ZXidh ZheZX^VaZh! fjZ Zhi{c Vea^XVYVh V jcV XdaZXX^ c YZ Y^hZ dh YZ VaiV XVa^YVY eVgV egdYjX^g gZhjaiVYdh h^beaZbZciZ hZchVX^dcVaZh# ;:HE6 e^ZchV fjZ Za [jijgd YZ aV hZg^\gV[ V Zhi{ Zc hj ]VW^a^YVY c^XV eVgV bZ_dgVg gVY^XVa" bZciZ Za Y^hZ d Xdc aV ]{W^a Vea^XVX^ c YZ i^ciVh YZ Z[ZXidh ZheZX^VaZh# Adh ^begZhdgZh fj^ZcZh egdkZZc hdajX^dcZh Zc bZgXVYdiZXc^V eVgV hjh Xa^ZciZh! hZg{c ^cYjYVWaZbZciZ adh fjZ Xdci^cjVg{c Xdc m^id Zc Za [jijgd# AV ^begZh^ c YZ Z[ZXidh ZheZX^VaZh Zh jcV \gVc [dgbV eVgV ZbdX^dcVg V adh Xa^ZciZh! h^ZbegZ n XjVcYd adh gZhjaiVYdh cd ejZYVc hZg ^\jVaVYdh edg Va\ c digd egdXZhd YZ ^begZh^ c# Adh Z[ZXidh kVc YZhYZ X]^heVh ]VhiV i^ciVh VXi^kVYVh edg V\jV d XVadg# :a a^Wgd egdkZZ jcV Zmea^XVX^ c XdbeaZiV YZ XVYV i^ciV Zc XjVigd ^Y^dbVh! ^cXajnZcYd ZheV da Z ^c\a h#

THE WIDE SURVEY :hiZ egdnZXid YZ ^ckZhi^\VX^ c Zc hdX^ZYVY Xdc >c[digZcYh [jZ gZVa^oVYd YjgVciZ Za V d '%%, Xdc aV eVgi^X^eVX^ c YZ )%% egd[Zh^dcVaZh YZ ++ eV hZh! idYdh adh ZcXjZhiVYdh [jZgdc ^begZhdgZh Zc hZg^\gV[ V Z ^bV\Zc Y^\^iVa# Adh dW_Zi^kdh eg^cX^eVaZh YZa ZhijY^d [jZgdc Za bZY^g aV eZcZigVX^ c YZ aV iZXcdad\ V Y^\^iVa Zc Za bZgXVYd YZa \gVc [dgbVid! dWiZcZg aV ^c[dgbVX^ c hdWgZ eaVcZh YZ XdbegV n kda bZcZh YZ ^begZh^ c! n eZgheZXi^kVh YZa jhjVg^d [^cVa hdWgZ aVh dedgijc^YVYZh n YZhV[ dh fjZ ZcXVgV Za bZgXVYd# Adh ]VaaVo\dh Zc ZhiV ^ckZhi^\VX^ c gZ[aZ_Vc Va\jcVh X^[gVh n ZhiVY hi^XVh ^begZh^dcVciZh#

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:hiZ gZedgiZ ZhiVg{ Y^hedc^WaZ Zc ZheV da bjn egdcid#

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Alcance Global FESPA… FESPA MÉXICO WORLD EXPO 2008 ;:HE6! Za dg\Vc^oVYdg bjcY^Va a YZg Zc Zmedh^X^dcZh eVgV aV ^cYjhig^V YZ aV ^bV\Zc Y^\^iVa n Zc hZg^\gV[ V hZ XdbeaVXZ Zc VcjcX^Vg aV VYfj^h^X^ c YZ ^bV\ZLdgaY! dg\Vc^oVYV edg HI BZY^V <gdje >ciZgcVi^dcVa# AV cjZkV Zmedh^X^ c! ;:HE6 B m^Xd LdgaY :med '%%iZcYg{ aj\Vg YZa '& Va '( YZ 6\dhid YZ '%%- Zc aV 8^jYVY YZ B m^Xd! B m^Xd# :a WZcZ[^X^d ^cbZY^Vid eVgV ZhiV cjZkV Zmedh^X^ c hZg{c aV [jZgoV YZ jcV bVgXV n jcV Xdbjc^YVY \adWVabZciZ gZXdcdX^YVh! Xdc VXXZhd V jc ZmiZchd Xdcd" X^b^Zcid! ^ccdkVX^ c Z ^che^gVX^ c Xdch^hiZciZh Xdc aVh Zmedh^X^dcZh ;:HE6# :a 9^gZXidg <ZcZgVa YZ ;:HE6! ;gVoZg 8]ZhiZgbVc XdbZciV! ¸:c gZhejZhiV V jcV [jZgiZ YZbVcYV YZa bZgXVYd! ;:HE6 Zhi{ XdbegdbZi^YV V ZmeVcY^g hj edgiV[da^d YZ ZkZcidh ]VX^V bZgXVYdh ZbZg\ZciZh [jZgiZh# :hidh ^cXajnZc edg Z_Zbead! Za aVcoVb^Zcid Zm^idhd YZ ;:HE6 >cY^V! ;:HE6 9^\^iVa >cY^V! Vh Xdbd aV eg m^bV Zmedh^X^ c ;:HE6 6h^V"EVX^[^X Zc 7Vc\" `d`! IV^aVcY^V Zc Cdk^ZbWgZ YZ '%%-¹# ¸:c B m^Xd! aV YZbVcYV YZ ^begZh^ c eVgV \gVc [dgbVid Zh ^ciZchV# :a VbW^ZciZ eda i^Xd n ZXdc b^Xd Zh b{h ZhiVWaZ fjZ cjcXV! edg ad fjZ Zh Za bdbZcid dedgijcd eVgV jcV Zmedh^X^ c ;:HE6 Zc aV gZ\^ c# ^bV\ZLdgaY hZ ]V ZhiVWaZX^Yd V h b^hbV Xdbd jc [dgd Zm^idhd eVgV Za bZgXVYd bZm^XVcd YZ aV ^begZh^ c YZ ^b{\ZcZh# AV ^ciZcX^ c YZ ;:HE6 V]dgV Zh ZmeVcY^g aV Zmed" h^X^ c! VeZaVcYd V jcV bVndg Xdbjc^YVY YZ ^begZhdgZh Zc hZ"

() FESPA hZXX^ c ZheZX^Va

g^\gV[ V! gdijaVYdgZh n egdkZZYdgZh YZ ^begZh^ c Y^\^iVa! Vh Xd" bd V [VWg^XVciZh YZ iZmi^aZh n gdeV! n Zc \ZcZgVa V idYd Za bZg" XVYd AVi^cdVbZg^XVcd¹# ^bV\ZLdgaY Zh YZ [VXid aV Zmedh^X^ c a YZg eVgV aVh ^cYjhig^Vh YZ aV gdijaVX^ c! hZg^\gV[ V Z ^begZh^ c Y^\^iVa# ;:HE6 Xdci^cjV" g{ bZ_dgVcYd aV XVa^YVY YZa ZkZcid eVgV Za bZgXVYd bZm^XVcd! n YZ aV b^hbV [dgbV ZaZkVg{ Za eZg[^a ^ciZgcVX^dcVa YZ Zmedh^id" gZh n k^h^iVciZh! egdedgX^dcVcYd Vh jc aj\Vg eVgV aV Xdbjc^YVY YZ ^begZhdgZh Zc AVi^cdVb g^XV! Zc Za XjVa hZ edYg{ YZhXjWg^g aVh b{h gZX^ZciZh iZXcdad\ Vh! ^ccdkVX^dcZh n dedgijc^YVYZh# :a egZh^YZciZ YZ HI BZY^V <gdje >ciZgcVi^dcVa! IZYY Hldgb" hiZYi XdbZci ! ¸8gZZbdh fjZ ;:HE6 igVZ Xdch^\d jc c bZgd ^bedgiVciZ YZ [dgiVaZoVh V ZhiV Zmedh^X^ c! b^hbVh fjZ ]Vg{c edh^WaZ Za XgZX^b^Zcid h^\c^[^XVi^kd Zc Za [jijgd WV_d ZhiV cjZkV ^YZci^YVY# ;:HE6 Zhi{ bjn W^Zc edh^X^dcVYV eVgV Xdchigj^g aV gZegZhZciVX^ c ^ciZgcVX^dcVa YZ aV Zmedh^X^ c n ZmeVcY^g aV bjZhigV YZ iZXcdad\ Vh V] Zm]^W^YVh¹# AV Zmedh^X^ c XjZciV nV Xdc (#&%%b' YZ ZheVX^d! Za XjVa ^cXajnZ bVgXVh egdb^cZciZh YZ aV ^cYjhig^V Xdbd 8Vcdc! :;> KJI:@! :EHDC! ;j_^;^ab HZg^Xda! <VcY^ccdkVi^dch n =E# ;:HE6 hZ ]V XdbegdbZi^Yd V VjbZciVg Za iVbV d YZ aV Zmedh^X^ c Zc jc '* b{h eVgV [VX^a^iVg aV YZbVcYV YZ adh Zmedh^idgZh YZ eg^" bZgV kZo! n Vh ^c^X^Vg Za egdXZhd YZ ^ckZgi^g Zc VXi^k^YVYZh egdbdX^dcVaZh eVgV VigVZg jcV VjY^ZcX^V egd[Zh^dcVa YZ VaiV XVa^YVY YZ idbVYdgZh YZ YZX^h^ c V aV Zmedh^X^ c#

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WILKOMMEN TO ADL AND. ANOTHER TRANSFORMATION AT JET SPEED MADE POSSIBLE BY HP. Arrivals and departures. Not the only reason businesses rely on Zurich International Airport. It’s also one of the most high-profile advertising sites in Europe. So when companies need to react to market opportunities, the work has to change fast. From large-format outdoor boards to backlit posters to bus wraps, HP printing technologies help them meet their deadlines. See how Christinger Partner AG and HP Scitex printers help transform ZRH at jet speed. hp.com/zurich

Š2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Simulated images.

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he demand for environmentally responsible printing solutions is growing around the world. Some large-format print service providers may be facing greater scrutiny from environmental regulators, while others have customers asking for quality print solutions that leave a healthier footprint on our planet. Print solution manufacturers, like HP, have been heavily investing in technology development to address environmental concerns regarding air pollution, hazardous materials, resource and waste efďŹ ciency, and energy consumption. This increased focus on environmental impact has led to revolutionary innovations in our industry, which can potentially translate into greater efďŹ ciency and new revenue streams for large-format printers. An exciting example of the transformation possible is the environmental advancement embodied in HP’s recent technology announcement – HP Latex Printing Technologies.

=E AViZm Eg^ci^c\ IZX]cdad\^Zh In March 2008, HP announced HP Latex Printing Technologies, which combine HP Latex Inks with HP Thermal Inkjet Technology to offer print service providers an environmentally responsible largeformat printing alternative for a wide variety of outdoor and indoor applications. This latest set of innovations enables printers to achieve durable output, sharp, vivid image quality, broad outdoor and indoor application versatility, highproductivity and reduced environmental impact – all at a cost to end-users similar to that obtained with existing solventbased inks. The key is the water-based ‘latex ink’, which uses a carefully selected polymer (in latex particle form) that upon printing, ))

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forms a tough, elastic ďŹ lm that binds and protects the pigment colourants – and adheres to the types of uncoated synthetic substrates typically used in signage and banner applications. This odourless, nontoxic ink formulation eliminates the need for special ventilation systems and air discharge permitting, which can add to installation and ongoing operational costs. Moreover, the enhanced print operating environment allows printers to consider opening or relocating their businesses to more populated areas, such as retail shopping centers or ofďŹ ce complexes. “As environmental regulations and public demand for greener print production increases, printers can turn to HP Latex Printing Technologies as a viable alternative to solvent inks. HP’s new high-performing, quality solutions reduce the total impact of printing on the environment, allowing printers to enter the new green era with conďŹ dence,â€? said Yariv Avisar, VP and GM, Large Format Printing Industrial Solutions, Imaging and Printing Group, HP.

>c` 8dbedh^i^dc HP Latex Inks use aqueous-dispersed polymer (“latex�) technology to provide print durability and display permanence

comparable to solvent inks. They consist of a liquid ink vehicle that carries latex polymer and pigment particles to the surface of the print media. Physical and chemical properties of the ink vehicle are critical both for drop ejection performance and control of ink-media interactions. These properties are obtained by formulating the ink vehicle with a combination of water, co-solvents for aqueous inks and additives. High water content gives HP Latex Inks the high surface tension and low viscosity that are ideal for use in HP Thermal Inkjet printheads. As the major component of HP Latex Inks, water offers important beneďŹ ts to commercial and industrial production environments: it produces no VOCs, requires no special handling, and is non-toxic, non-ammable, and noncombustible. Co-solvents and additives play an important role in drop ejection and inkmedia interactions. They lower surface tension to wet the internal surfaces of the drop generators to keep them primed with ink. They keep the surface of the thermal inkjet heater resistor and oriďŹ ce plate clean for consistent drop ejection performance, minimise viscous plugs in the nozzles that can cause missing or misdirected

HE:8>6A ;:6IJG: drops, and affect how the ink droplet wets the surface of the print media to control dot formation. Co-solvents also soften uncoated vinyl for better adhesion to the latex polymer film, and they evaporate in the printer to produce a completely dry, odourless print.

>bV\Z ;dgbVi^dc EgdXZhh Inside the printer, a liquid film of HP Latex Ink on the print media is exposed to radiant heaters and airflow in the Print Zone and Curing Zone. No connection to special ventilation equipment, such as a vapor extraction or air purification system, is required because HP Latex Inks emit extremely low levels of VOCs. This process evaporates the ink vehicle and causes the latex polymer particles to coalesce, forming a continuous polymer layer that adheres to print media and encapsulates the pigment to form a durable colourant film. Completely cured inside the printer, the prints come out ready to use, finish and prepare for shipment. Although some solvent ink printers use in-line high-speed dryers or off-line print storage to evaporate ink solvents before handling and display, these methods still release high VOCs into the work area. Special ventilation to meet occupational exposure requirements is often needed in these cases.

>c` 8Vgig^Y\Z With a pioneering design, the HP Latex Ink cartridge contains an outer shell and internal tray both made of recyclable cardboard and thus reduces materials use. A collapsible ink bag inside the box contains the ink and provides vapour and air barriers to minimise changes in ink composition during shipping, storage, and use. The ink is extracted as the bag collapses, maximising the amount of usable ink that can be delivered.

A cap with a septum assembly is attached to the spout on the ink bag. The septum is a valve that opens when the ink cartridge is connected to the printer’s ink delivery system. During shipping and storage, a dust cap keeps the septum clean. The integrated circuit makes electrical contacts with the printer when the ink cartridge is installed. Bi-directional communication with the printer provides information about the status of the ink cartridge including type of ink, ink colour, and remaining ink quantity.

EZg[dgbVcXZ HP Latex Inks deliver long-lasting, durable prints that withstand intense heat or cold, rain and snow, while also providing sharp, vibrant image quality that stands up to close inspection. Outdoor prints produced with HP Latex Inks achieve display permanence up to three years unlaminated and up to five years laminated and are scratch, smudge, and water resistant on a range of media. Indoor prints produced with HP Latex Inks achieve display permanence up to five years unlaminated and up to 10 years laminated on a range of media. Printers can attain great results with HP Latex Inks on most low-cost, uncoated solvent-compatible media. Even more eye-catching, consistent results can be achieved with Original HP large-format media, which includes a variety of specialty options, as well as a range of recyclable substrates. In addition, a proprietary new HP media surface treatment technology – designed together with HP Latex Inks – produces a wide colour gamut that makes it possible to achieve both durability and sharp image quality on woven High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Tyvek.

=E L^YZ HXVc Eg^ci^c\ IZX]cdad\n HP Wide Scan Printing Technology is based on HP Wide Scan Printheads and the HP Optical Media Advance Sensor. Working together, these scalable technologies deliver superior quality at high speeds with outdoor-quality prints at approximately 74m/hr (800ft/hr) and indoor-quality prints at approximately 37m/hr (400ft/hr) When paired with HP Latex Inks, the printheads produce a wide colour spectrum, comparable to solvent-ink technology, for vivid image quality. And, unlike printing systems using solventbased inks, individual printheads are user-replaceable and do not require daily manual maintenance, eliminating the down-time and expense of a service call.

Eg^ci L^i] i]Z :ck^gdcbZci ^c B^cY As our communities increasingly ask us to print with the environment in mind, HP is responding by designing greener solutions that are easy to adopt, reducing the total environmental impact of printing and helping print businesses flourish. New HP Latex Printing Technologies offer environmental, health, and safety advantages in comparison to solvent-based inks that can facilitate simpler and less costly printer installation and operation without compromising quality, speed or durability across a range of substrates. It’s clear that environmental innovations such as these will continue to unlock new opportunities for large-format printers everywhere. ●

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ikipedia” defines mass personalisation as a process by which a brand provides its owner with the power to personalise a product or a service, so it becomes as unique as possible. This possibility is part of a collective movement whose goal is the total integration of the consumer in the creation of the product, or, at the very least, in its customisation. This means that the product, unlike other marketing scenarios, is not only formulated by the company, but also by the clients themselves! When it comes to textile printing, we can distinguish between customisation, which deals with the product, and the personalisation, which actually concerns the packaging or the branding. The Internet, due to its continuing expansion is becoming a more and more attractive proposition for companies who are seeking to piqué their clients’ interest and indeed, certain brands have already developed online creation interfaces with powerful functionalities. After having seen some recent examples in this domain, we have become interested in the T-shirt and communication textile sectors in general. To this end, we will continue to take an interest in the latest digital techniques, and textile personalisation: specifically “direct on garment digital printing” (or DOG) that facilitates this response to today’s market evolution.



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IgZcYh ^c bVhh eZghdcVa^hVi^dc With the launch of Nike iD a few years ago, Nike Brand started a buzz on its online service by proposing custom-made shoes for its clients and enabling them to choose the shoe tongue, laces, sole, heel and air

cushion. Now everyone can customise their training shoes and create a unique model for themselves. Similarly, during the launch of its latest perfume, “Fuel for Life”, Diesel offered a perfume bottle personalisation service on its website, thus creating a strong selling tool in the process.

A young start-up company, Kaorigin. com, has also based its business model on the personalisation of winter sports products. Its objective is to sell skis and snowboards bearing big brand names, on which the client can add the graphic of their

choice. The fact that a company has created a way of realising personalised products reveals the strong potential market that it believes this process will attract. Many other initiatives will certainly follow… The T-shirt impression is probably one of the areas where personalisation tools are the most widely used and are thus the most developed. Printing techniques like plot printing (or flex, flock, etc.), digital transfer, and more recently, the direct on garment digital printing (DOG) has further enhanced this evolution. “Spreadshirt” is the European specialist in the online merchandising of personalised T-shirts. On its site (www. spreadshirt.com) it proposes a module that allows the client to create original artwork or to download existing material and arrange it however and on whatever they wish, before the chosen decoration is applied to the T-shirt, using either plot printing or digital transfer. But Web interfaces, like the process of printing, are developing and in the process are offering tools that are more and more rigorous. For example, a real online photo shop, the brand new website


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his event, which took place at the PalExpo Centre at the beginning of April, attracted a total of 12,817 visitors over the three days of its duration and showcased all of the latest digital developments, thus providing manufacturers and suppliers with an ideal opportunity to meet digital printers drawn from all over Europe and even further afield. Over 30 percent of the visitors came from France, Italy and Iberia, whilst 38 percent travelled from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with Swiss visitors numbering 1,763. There was also good attendance from other parts of Europe and the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and the Americas. More than 50 percent of the visitors devoted two or more days to the show, with many of them explaining that there was so much for them to see and investigate that they needed to take their time! Exhibitors too, expressed their collective satisfaction with the show and declared themselves particularly pleased

with both the broad mix of visitorss and their decision-making authority, an with h many m vendors remarking that the major jority of discussions were with someone with a genuine ability to make or influence a major ma purchasing decision. Visitor data bears this th out: over 40 percent of individual visitors vis were owners or general managers of their heir businesses. “FESPA events have a speci ecial resonance for the wide format community, and our events provide a unique environment in which suppliers and print service providers can connect with one another”, commented FESPA Managing Director, Frazer Chesterman, adding that the first ever FESPA Digital Textile Conference, which ran concurrently, was also a sell-out event, indicating that digital printers are also very interested in exploring all of the possible new revenue streams that other market sectors can offer. He said: “I think that since all FESPA events offer a host of ancillary attractions, such as the Showcase Theatre, where we hosted

both a ‘green’ and a digital debate, as well as a full seminar programme and the culmination of the annual FESPA Digital Awards competition, attendees tend to Aw thin ink of them as being more of a onestop forum fo than just another exhibition. The vibee a T among exhibitors and delegates alike ike was overwhelmingly ov positive, with many ny stating g tthat they were using the show to o help h the hem shape their wide format deci ecisions.” ” In fact, bo both exhi hibitors and digital printers have already alre sign ignalled their commitment to the nextt FESPA F Digital Printing Europe event nt, which ch will return to Amsterdam next year and run from 12th h to 14th May 2009. However, wever, here we take a m momen ent to re-live the whole exhibition exp experience ce and overleaf, Mark Godden explains explain what most impressed sed him during his time at the show. On pa pages 56-60, you can learn more aboutt some so of the product launches that took plac lace at FESPA Digital Printing and at some me of the other shows which followed it. ● ;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G $%-

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