FESPA WORLD Issue 52 (Part 3) - English

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;:HE6 G:K>:L

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f you attended FESPA Digital, it can’t have escaped your attention that there’s relatively little being done on a truly exclusive basis these days. Competition though, is generally considered to be good for business; it’s the incentive that is


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needed for us to make things available at sharper prices, to make products that out-perform and to generally engage in whatever tactic is necessary to “get-one-over” on the competition. The upshot of all of this has a certain inevitability about it. If you were able to take the contents of the exhibition and give them all a good stir, what you’d see is an exhibition dedicated to the idea that it must provide the means for the industry to produce ever-larger volumes of printed material, at ever-greater speed, and at ever reducing cost - not an especially alluring prospect. Producing prints seems to be getting easier all the time, whilst making money at it is getting increasingly difficult. I’m a long term and committed

advocate of the simple idea that somebody has a responsibility to grow the market. By that, I mean something should be happening which helps to increase the consumption of the products that the industry produces, without simultaneously driving up its capacity to do so. With that in mind, I’d like to share my perceptions of some exhibits you too may have seen at the show, which do something to satisfy that need. I hope the premise finds your approval and I hope my conclusions are something you generally agree with. Very widely anticipated, and even more widely reported, is the advent of Hewlett Packard’s new Latex Ink. You may have seen the significance of this new arrival qualified or diluted; I

L^YZ [dgbVi eg^ci^c\ iV`Zc ^cid V cZl Y^bZch^dc# With top quality printing on both uncoated rigid and roll media, :Anapurna XLS printer is the driving force towards the next level of industrial wide-format inkjet printing. This fully Agfa made printer provides highly saturated top quality colours at resolutions up to 1440 dpi, using Agfa made UV curable inks.

Agfa Graphics Septestraat 27 2640 Mortsel Belgium www.agfa.com

:Anapurna XLS gets you top quality results on posters, billboards, fleet displays, POS & POP displays, exhibition panels, stage graphics, construction announcements, ad panels etc.

;:HE6 G:K>:L

personally think it is of epoch-making epoch making proportions. I’m quite certain that HP’s development is deserving of our praise and the people who actually did it, our admiration. Let’s take that as given on our part. But I’m less interested in how clever this new ink is, than I am in what it actually accomplishes and what it may portend. HP’s new ink is positioned to the world, as we clearly saw at the show, as being Latex based. I don’t think that means too much to the industry at the moment, but it accomplishes a couple of things. Clearly it’s not solvent as we understand the term and it’s also something that HP is alone in being associated with. What this benign ink does for output, for printers and for those who use them is very significant. It produces outdoor durable prints using a wide or superwide format printer with characteristics that more closely resemble those associated with the humble desktop printer. In other words, the printers don’t smell, they rarely, if ever, malfunction, and for those who don’t care about technology, they’re genuinely easy to live with. The promise of something with such a level of ‘switch-it-on-anduse-it’ ease is attractive. The fact it involves a difficult substrate is profound. Anyone who thinks that HP is playing the niche game is a bit misguided. I think that in time, we will see this new ink species being driven into the heart of applications and that eventually, it will displace toner technologies in the broader sweep of


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print. It’ll also take elevated levels of durability to places that haven’t given the idea a great deal of thought. It takes the sting out of making output that lasts. That’s a big step forward for an industry that’s wanted exactly that for as long as I can remember. It could even be argued that it potentially nips at the heels of UV, or at least, at part of its remit. This development may even have the potential to deliver the production of durable graphics right into the hands of the end-user, given the right cut of hardware – that’s something that certainly needs thinking about. Textiles achieved a higher profile at the show this year. The world is still waiting though, for a no-brainer, entry level system enabling “the rest of us” to march confidently into the Lions versus Christians world of markets we only notionally understand and start making waves, let-alone a profit. One exhibit that grabbed my attention, whilst not claiming to do anything for textiles directly, made a great impression, as it was being used for a novel application. America Digitaal Druk BV V put on a display that clearly demonstrated the power of print in retail promotions. The product makes it possible for a retail establishment to get huge expanses of print, evenly backlit to the very limits of its borders, into a frameless display, which doesn’t diminish the impact of the graphic itself. The company isn’t the least bit shy in bringing its technology into the open. The desk across which I discussed the product with its designer, was a cross section of the product itself. It follows the basic theme of a fabricated extruded frame, bordering a flat light source, with a built in retaining bead for the graphic. You could, if you so desired, cover some big spaces with this product and use the interchangeable graphics to make a tremendous impact in terms of scale

and quality. The product’s really neat twist is that the graphic is printed on to a textile and that is an inspired piece of out-of-the-box thinking, since it means it can be literally stuffed, in one piece, into a box and shipped from the printer to the point of display. I’ve never before seen a system that uses such large graphics, which is also so tolerant of inexpert hands at the point of assembly. The textile doesn’t crease like a filmic product and it has a bit of stretch too, so no matter how it ships, it stretches into a nice, tight looking display that takes only minutes to set up. Quite brilliant in its way. This system enables the display of print in places I’d previously have considered to be out-of-bounds. More places to display print mean a bigger market. We need more products like this. If you were in a hurry to get around the exhibition, you might have made the decision to exclude the stands of the ink manufactures from your visit list. You’d have saved a lot of time, but you’d have then missed Hilord. This company is no stranger to digital events and it always leaves its visitors with an expanded vision as to what’s possible with sublimation printing. Hilord takes the idea a step beyond T-Shirts and mugs, by pressing the same technology into the wide format arena. Hilord’s stand was a barely contained riot of colour from the desk to the eyeball popping carpet. A total antidote for the idea that digital print is something you stick on to flat things you can print directly, Hilord sends you way with the idea that there are no boundaries when it comes to digital print. All in all, the show indicated that there’s no shortage of capacity, but there’s a good application buzz going on too. The fact that ideas naturally seem to gravitate to the exhibition bodes very well for its next outing. See you there! ●


Still stitching banners? Weld them!

UNIPLAN E: the best you can get.

Leister Process Technologies Switzerland www.leister.com

We know how. ;:HE6 LDGA9 HJBB:G$%-



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rganising the FESPA Summits and Forums requires the same skilful touch as that of a magician, who effortlessly conjures flowers, rabbits and doves out of a seemingly empty top hat, much to the delight of his audience. And although delegates to FESPA events have a good idea of what to expect, they also want to go away with a new piece of ‘magic’, which they can use to improve and enhance their day-to-day business dealings. So our FESPA ‘magicians’ have certainly had their work cut out during the last several months, having had no fewer than three such events to organise! However, before I assess whether FESPA is ready to take its place in the Magic Circle, I’d like to re-visit the summit organised by our Chinese member association, CSGIA, in Beijing at the end of September 2007. This event enabled attendees to fully participate in debates with the many speakers and exchange information and ideas amongst themselves and to realise, in the process, that all companies operating within the screen and digital sectors share many of the same problems and challenges. The attendees were, of course, mainly from China, but there was also a fair smattering of Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Indians and Philippinos. Topics included Future Technology in the Digital Age; Tomorrow’s Technologies and Marketing for Screen; Looking Ten Years Ahead; Market Trends in the USA; End to End Process Management: the Key to Future Profit; The Influence of REACH on Chinese Exporters to Europe; Opportunity and Challenge for China’s Industry; and finally, Win-Win. This extremely surprising presentation, which was delivered by Edward Zhang, the President of one of China’s biggest graphic suppliers, left all of the Europeans in the audience both shocked and delighted, since it suggested a return to traditional Chinese values, of the kind extolled by Confucius and Lao ZI, and the abandonment of the more punitively competitive business methods which are currently practised in China! I have listed all of the topics discussed because they serve to illustrate that we all face the same future problems: how to harness technology, the environment, globalisation, ++

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integration of screen and digital processes, customer service, new industrial markets and last but not least, how to tackle all of these diverse challenges with a modicum of flair and imagination. We move on to the first FESPA event, the Directors’ Forum, which took place in Budapest at the end of February and attracted delegates from all over Eastern Europe as well as Germany, Holland, France and the UK. This event was designed to inspire companies to become more innovative in the ways in which they market their facilities and services to end-users and for me, the two presentations which best captured this theme were given by Christian Duykaerts and Mark Simpson, both owners of large companies based in Belgium and the UK respectively. Christian revealed his own tried and tested model for success, whilst Mark insisted that he was not merely a printer, instead he provides his clients with a service that is all encompassing. This certainly struck a chord, as I have long been preaching the need for screen and digital printers to offer a full service and to delete the word ‘impossible’ from their vocabulary! At the FESPA Asia Pacific Directors Summit, which was held in Bangkok in March, a similar list of topics was debated: The Big Picture; The Print Service Provider; Innovation; The Green Printer; Industrial Printing; The Digital Age and Beating Overcapacity. And, despite the fact that the digital age has taken longer to arrive in Thailand and its near neighbours, it seems that printers there share all of our concerns! I must confess that I did not attend the Digital Textile Printing Conference in Geneva, although by all accounts, this ‘first of a kind’ FESPA event was a great success, but I did attend many of the seminars which took place during FESPA Digital Printing Europe exhibition, where once again, topics centred on the environment and green issues generally, UV inks, colour management; industrial inkjet applications and the future of printing. Having had time to digest all of this, I feel that I must reiterate the need for screen and digital printers to become multi process users, to become more creative, and to use some of that creativity to initiate effective marketing activity, both for themselves and for their customers! After all, there is no earthly point

in being good at what you do, if no one but you appreciates your prowess! When it comes to green issues, there are no easy answers alas, but it is up to us to ensure that our clients are aware of the increasing need to be as ecologically responsible as possible. Competition and overcapacity remain huge problems and we must take care that we don’t tread the same dangerous path to oblivion as offset-litho printers. Meanwhile, I believe that screenprinting is enjoying something of a renaissance in the area of visual communication, as end-users discover that for many applications, it is a faster and more cost effective process. And of course, thanks to the recent Sensations portfolio, customers are now rediscovering the many special effects that screenprinting can offer. Future challenges include the increasing popularity of electronic media, which at present remains expensive, unwieldy and costly to manage, but we should view this as a complementary technology and devise ways of including it in our portfolio of services. I am not worried by all of the new digital companies who are springing up, as they will soon discover that it is much harder to sustain a living than they think! Many will disappear as quickly as they came. However, we do need to start finding new niches within the area of industrial applications, rather than merely relying on visual communication for our bread and butter. When it comes to summits and forums, I feel that more debates on technical topics would be welcome, since there is nothing better than a brainstorming session that results in a true ‘Eureka’ moment, when we discover a new, easier and better way of organising our production methods. In conclusion, I’d like to make one final point: in future we will see two distinct types of company; the big players who can afford to invest in all of the various printing processes and who concentrate on all of the big contracts, coupled with thousands of smaller companies who will service their local areas, but whatever the difference in size and scope, they will both face the same environmental constraints! It is important therefore that we all work together to ensure that being green doesn’t become synonymous with being any less profitable! ●

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