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We asked Old Fettesians who received financial assistance to attend Fettes to tell us about the impact of this and what their time at Fettes meant to them. We are very pleased to share a few of these responses with you:

I wanted to get in touch to say how grateful I am for the opportunity that was gifted to me to attend Fettes. Although I am still relatively young, Fettes has left an enormous mark on me, teaching values such as responsibility and decency, and instilling a sense of self-confidence that I hope to carry with me throughout my life. I left with hugely expanded horizons and was able to explore new areas of life such as music and the arts, learning how to play the guitar or taking part in debates for example, which I otherwise would not have had the opportunity to do. I left with friendships which are still as strong today as they were three years ago.

After Fettes I went on to study Politics at university, where I was able to get involved in a wide range of activities such as reeling which, without Fettes, I wouldn’t have even thought of doing! In addition, being able to play sports regularly growing up at Fettes bears similar fruits, and the importance of regular exercise and sports, which was stressed during my time at school, is something I try to carry forward with me. Attending a boarding school, living with, and even sharing a bedroom with other people, as well as learning to look after myself helped no end when leaving school and stepping out into the world.

I left university in September and have started a job working as an Investment Analyst in London which I’m thoroughly enjoying. From the careers fair to informal discussions with Housemasters and peers and having the opportunity to develop my soft skills, Fettes has equipped me and all who attend with so many tools which have already proven invaluable in developing myself career-wise and beyond.

I am eternally grateful for the financial assistance I received which allowed me to attend Fettes, and I look back on my time at school with nothing but the fondest of memories. It is my hope and goal that in the future I can pay forward the generosity I received and contribute financially to help another have the opportunity that I had as a child of 13 years old.

Leo (Gl 2014-2019)

The positive contributions of Fettes are many and hard to explain in a short space (I sometimes think I could write a book), but they include:

• Providing an opportunity to develop as an individual, dealing with other personalities and situations without parental involvement or intervention – solving the problem on my own.

• Adapting to the ways of a different country and a different set of people within an organised and positive

I realised that, along with my bursary, I had been given a unique opportunity to broaden my horizons whilst being able to excel in subjects which I would later find of most value to my career. I was also able to make some lifelong friends and see the world as an opportunity to be cherished. It always surprised me that those out with these walls thought that we would be more insular when Fettes encouraged such open minds.

Gavin (Ar 1972-1974)

environment – this was in hindsight an almost miraculous crucible that allowed or enforced all of us to communicate, deal with issues and generally get along.

• Encouraging participation and contribution –academics, sports, music, art, theatre, Cadet Corps, outside service - the scope of learning and personal development was rich, we had choices and most activities involved others with whom we had to participate (good life lessons).

• Maintaining high ethical standards and providing honest advice – I never felt that teachers had anything other than my best interests at heart. They did not always tell me what I wanted to hear but they provided balanced, encouraging and honest feedback. I gained an enormous amount of confidence in myself by the time I left Fettes; not cockiness, but an awareness that if I worked hard and paid attention, I could succeed at whatever I set my mind to. I learned how to deal with people of different views and from backgrounds different from my own. I knew how privileged we all were to be attending Fettes and that I needed to show that I was appreciative of that privilege.

Bill (Mo 1968-1973)

I had a very happy time at Fettes. I became Head of Carrington House in my final term. I was the Deputy Head of the school and the Senior Cadet in the Corps having served in the artillery section and commanding a section firing the One o’Clock Gun at Edinburgh Castle (a great experience!).

I was the first Fettesian to go to the London School of Economics where I obtained my law degree. When I was 23, I ended up driving a Land Rover from the UK to India together with my friend Ian (Ca 1960-1965).

I eventually arrived in Australia where I have lived for the past 50 years, most of the time in Sydney where I held a senior role in the insurance industry until I retired. Most of my best friends still in the UK and around the world are Fettesians. I have always been immensely grateful for the opportunity to finish my school career at such a great school as Fettes.

Angus (Ca 1961-1965)

Perhaps it is the environment at Fettes, perhaps the mindset and culture, it is not clear. Whatever it may be, it is something that helped me – and I am grateful.

How Fettes helped me:

• An all-round education

• Volume, variety and high level of sports on offer

• Music as well as excellent theatre productions

• The quality of buildings, campus and grounds

• Small class sizes and outstanding teaching

• The environment of ‘yes you can’

• Fostering curiosity

• Developing the ability to ask questions

• Developing the confidence to ask (difficult) questions

• Discipline and commitment stemming from my own motivation to act and learn

• High competition in academic performance (driven by pupils) which improved grades

• Opportunity to build strength of character and, crucially, self-awareness

• Internationalism and exposure to many different types of people from around the world

• Boarding life and friendships made – community of OFs

Ursula (CW 1994-1996)

I consider myself extraordinarily fortunate. The whole environment of Fettes was one that fostered and encouraged learning. As I have grown older, I realise that this culture is one that cannot be taken for granted. The enthusiasm to seek out new reading and culture, to challenge it, to discuss it with encouraging teachers, shaped my thinking and continues to. In my day-to-day life I work with cutting edge technology that requires a careful holistic approach, and wide consideration of not only the technical but also the ethical and moral consequences of an action. This holistic approach was consistently emphasised at Fettes and forms the bedrock of how I approach new challenges.


(Inv-Ca 2001-2009)


Launched in 2018, we work closely with local primary schools to recruit up to two students from low-income families to the Prep School every year. There are now eight Kick-start children thriving at Fettes.

Developing and delivering this special programme has been energising and humbling. There is no doubt that those who benefit from it and their families are grateful for this life-changing opportunity, made possible via philanthropy.

The Kick-start bursary has enhanced all our lives, with Fettes providing help at each stage of the process. Being part of the Fettes community and watching the skills and opportunities the children get is so rewarding. The impact of the Kick-start bursary isn’t just until you’re 18 years old, the lessons and skills they’ll learn will be with them for the rest of their lives. We are truly grateful for all that Fettes provides and all the support. The Kick-start bursary is so amazing and has changed our family’s life for the better.

Kick-start Parent

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