Fettes: A place that transforms lives

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Fettes: A place that transforms lives

Bursaries are so important because they give children like me the chance to flourish in an environment where they can really thrive and would otherwise not have the opportunity to do so. For me, it’s not just about the academic aspect, because there are lots of schools in the UK that are fantastic academically, but it’s more about the all-round experience. The opportunity to go to Fettes really opened up my horizons. It introduced me to people from an international background. It showed me that the sky and beyond is the limit.



In 2022 I launched a bold new vision for Fettes, one which focuses on what I believe Fettesians should aspire to be, the skills they will need in life and the impact I want them to make in the world.

I want our students to receive the best possible quality of education and be inspired to aim high, but a Fettes education is so much more than what is learned in the classroom. It is important for us to ensure that Fettesians understand what it means to be a good person and give back – curious, creative and kind, they give their best while considering others and valuing a sense of community. We are so fortunate that Fettes provides our students with a family for life, ready to support each other from near and far.

For more than 150 years, the school has benefited from having a diverse student body. We are therefore continuing to prioritise fundraising for transformational bursaries to enable more children to benefit from a fully funded Fettes education.

To achieve this, we need your help to increase philanthropic income towards 100% bursaries, which have substantially grown in number over the last decade. Every year we receive many more applications for bursarial support than we can accommodate, in addition to actively identifying deserving recipients through initiatives such as our Kick-start programme.

I hope the life-changing impact of bursaries shines through in the examples on the pages that follow, and that you may consider giving the same opportunity to others by supporting our vision for transformational bursaries, if you are able to.

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Sophie (CE 2012-2017)


We asked Old Fettesians who received financial assistance to attend Fettes to tell us about the impact of this and what their time at Fettes meant to them. We are very pleased to share a few of these responses with you:

I wanted to get in touch to say how grateful I am for the opportunity that was gifted to me to attend Fettes. Although I am still relatively young, Fettes has left an enormous mark on me, teaching values such as responsibility and decency, and instilling a sense of self-confidence that I hope to carry with me throughout my life. I left with hugely expanded horizons and was able to explore new areas of life such as music and the arts, learning how to play the guitar or taking part in debates for example, which I otherwise

would not have had the opportunity to do. I left with friendships which are still as strong today as they were three years ago.

After Fettes I went on to study Politics at university, where I was able to get involved in a wide range of activities such as reeling which, without Fettes, I wouldn’t have even thought of doing! In addition, being able to play sports regularly growing up at Fettes bears similar fruits, and the importance of regular exercise

and sports, which was stressed during my time at school, is something I try to carry forward with me. Attending a boarding school, living with, and even sharing a bedroom with other people, as well as learning to look after myself helped no end when leaving school and stepping out into the world.

I left university in September and have started a job working as an Investment Analyst in London which I’m thoroughly enjoying. From the careers fair to informal discussions with Housemasters and peers and having the opportunity to develop my soft skills, Fettes has equipped me and all

who attend with so many tools which have already proven invaluable in developing myself career-wise and beyond.

I am eternally grateful for the financial assistance I received which allowed me to attend Fettes, and I look back on my time at school with nothing but the fondest of memories. It is my hope and goal that in the future I can pay forward the generosity I received and contribute financially to help another have the opportunity that I had as a child of 13 years old.

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The positive contributions of Fettes are many and hard to explain in a short space (I sometimes think I could write a book), but they include:

• Providing an opportunity to develop as an individual, dealing with other personalities and situations without parental involvement or intervention – solving the problem on my own.

• Adapting to the ways of a different country and a different set of people within an organised and positive

I realised that, along with my bursary, I had been given a unique opportunity to broaden my horizons whilst being able to excel in subjects which I would later find of most value to my career. I was also able to make some lifelong friends and see

the world as an opportunity to be cherished. It always surprised me that those out with these walls thought that we would be more insular when Fettes encouraged such open minds.

Gavin (Ar 1972-1974)

environment – this was in hindsight an almost miraculous crucible that allowed or enforced all of us to communicate, deal with issues and generally get along.

• Encouraging participation and contribution –academics, sports, music, art, theatre, Cadet Corps, outside service - the scope of learning and personal development was rich, we had choices and most activities involved others with whom we had to participate (good life lessons).

• Maintaining high ethical standards and providing honest advice – I never felt that teachers had anything other than my best interests at heart. They did not always tell

me what I wanted to hear but they provided balanced, encouraging and honest feedback. I gained an enormous amount of confidence in myself by the time I left Fettes; not cockiness, but an awareness that

if I worked hard and paid attention, I could succeed at whatever I set my mind to. I learned how to deal with people of different views and from backgrounds different from my own. I knew how privileged we all were to be attending Fettes and that I needed to show that I was appreciative of that privilege.

Bill (Mo 1968-1973)

I had a very happy time at Fettes. I became Head of Carrington House in my final term. I was the Deputy Head of the school and the Senior Cadet in the Corps having

served in the artillery section and commanding a section firing the One o’Clock Gun at Edinburgh Castle (a great experience!).

I was the first Fettesian to go to the London School of Economics where I obtained my law degree. When I was 23, I ended up driving a Land Rover from the UK to India together with my friend Ian (Ca 1960-1965).

I eventually arrived in Australia where I have

lived for the past 50 years, most of the time in Sydney where I held a senior role in the insurance industry until I retired. Most of my best friends still in the UK and around the world are Fettesians. I have always been immensely grateful for the opportunity to finish my school career at such a great school as Fettes.

Angus (Ca 1961-1965)

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Perhaps it is the environment at Fettes, perhaps the mindset and culture, it is not clear. Whatever it may be, it is something that helped me – and I am grateful.

How Fettes helped me:

• An all-round education

• Volume, variety and high level of sports on offer

• Music as well as excellent theatre productions

• The quality of buildings, campus and grounds

• Small class sizes and outstanding teaching

• The environment of ‘yes you can’

• Fostering curiosity

• Developing the ability to ask questions

• Developing the confidence to ask (difficult) questions

• Discipline and commitment stemming from my own motivation to act and learn

• High competition in academic performance (driven by pupils) which improved grades

• Opportunity to build strength of character and, crucially, self-awareness

• Internationalism and exposure to many different types of people from around the world

• Boarding life and friendships made – community of OFs

Ursula (CW 1994-1996)

I consider myself extraordinarily fortunate. The whole environment of Fettes was one that fostered and encouraged learning. As I have grown older, I realise that this culture is one that cannot be taken for granted. The enthusiasm to seek out new reading and culture, to challenge it, to discuss it with encouraging teachers, shaped my thinking and continues to. In my day-to-day life I work with cutting edge technology

that requires a careful holistic approach, and wide consideration of not only the technical but also the ethical and moral consequences of an action. This holistic approach was consistently emphasised at Fettes and forms the bedrock of how I approach new challenges.

(Inv-Ca 2001-2009)


Launched in 2018, we work closely with local primary schools to recruit up to two students from low-income families to the Prep School every year. There are now eight Kick-start children thriving at Fettes.

Developing and delivering this special programme has been energising and humbling. There is no doubt that those who benefit from it and their families are grateful for this life-changing opportunity, made possible via philanthropy.

The Kick-start bursary has enhanced all our lives, with Fettes providing help at each stage of the process. Being part of the Fettes community and watching the skills and opportunities the children get is so rewarding. The impact of the Kick-start bursary isn’t just until you’re 18 years old, the lessons and skills they’ll learn will be with them for the rest of their lives. We are truly grateful for all that Fettes provides and all the support. The Kick-start bursary is so amazing and has changed our family’s life for the better.

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Like many other independent schools in the UK, transformational bursaries for students who could not otherwise afford a Fettes education are paid for from philanthropy and income. It remains the Fettes Foundation’s top priority to increase philanthropic giving towards 100% bursaries, so please help us continue transforming lives by donating to this appeal.

Without the generous gifts we receive towards 100% bursaries, which are currently awarded to 5% of our students, we couldn’t deliver the extent of bursary provision that we do. We really are extraordinarily thankful to Old Fettesians, parents and friends of Fettes who give so willingly.

The impact you can make by supporting 100% bursaries is, in one word, immeasurable.

I remain ever grateful for the bursaries which enabled our children to attend Fettes and benefit from a first-class Fettes education.

The children’s years at Fettes have stood them in great stead at the start of their adult journey, encouraging them to keep learning, be kind, aim high and give back.

I hope with all my heart that in the future they will be able to give back to

the school that has given so much to them. I would encourage anyone who is in a position to donate to the Fettes Foundation to do so. The Fettes experience has opened windows and doors into academic excellence, extra-curricular experiences and enriching lessons for life for my children and so many others.

Parent of Bursary Recipients

In my position as Bursar, I’m so fortunate to be able to see the faces and witness the reactions of some of the families who receive bursaries. It is a real privilege to be able to change people’s lives by awarding transformational bursaries. But more importantly, it’s so special to be able to watch these children develop over their time at Fettes and really embrace all that the school has to offer. This is echoed in the sheer gratitude that is expressed to me

by the parents of bursary recipients and which must be passed on to our donors.

I would like to reassure anybody who is considering donating, that in my view there is no better way to make a huge difference to a young person’s life than offering the opportunity of a Fettes education.

The gift of education is one of the best you can give, and it changes lives far beyond that of the individual recipient. Every bursary student has the ability to have a positive and lasting impact on their peers, teachers, House, family across generations and wider community.

Fettesians go on to study at destinations across the world and have successful careers across a range of sectors. You can be involved in helping to change the direction of a child’s future at a crucial stage in their life, by donating towards transformational bursaries.

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Peter Worlledge, Bursar



We are honoured and grateful to receive gifts of all sizes towards 100% bursaries. Each and every gift is a valued contribution and makes a difference to bursary recipients. We hope that many more members of the Fettes community will consider donating to collectively help create significant impact.


The more regular donations we receive, the more powerful your giving becomes:

223 people donating £15 a month

67 people donating £150 a quarter

27 people donating £1500 a year could fully fund the annual school fees of a 100% bursary recipient.

My parents would not have been able to send me to Fettes had I not secured financial support. Receiving this made all the difference and opened up a future for me. I was always very conscious of the need to give back. I tried to do so while at Fettes, followed by a career in global education support in developing countries, and now

by earmarking my own modest alumni support for bursaries to help those who could otherwise not attend Fettes today, which I would encourage others to consider supporting if they are able.


All bursaries at Fettes are objectively meanstested and awarded to those who will gain the most from a Fettes education in the opinion of the Head. This ensures that your bursary donations are used with most effect and greatest impact.

For students in need of the highest level of financial assistance, your donations cover not just fees but also extracurricular activities, educational trips, uniform and equipment.

We strongly support the commitment Fettes has made to broaden access to the school through means-tested bursaries and we have donated specifically towards the 100% bursary fund. The offer of a Fettes education gives talented and aspiring children the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential.

Donations towards 100% bursaries are important and crucial in supporting these offers and are hugely welcomed and appreciated by the school. We hope more are able to donate towards this initiative.

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Leave a legacy

We understand that not everyone will be able to make a gift in their lifetime but may wish to follow in the visionary footsteps of Sir William Fettes by supporting future generations of Fettesians. Remembering the Fettes Foundation (charity no. SC028350) in your will is a simple, tax efficient way to recognise what Fettes means to you. After taking care of loved ones, if you would like to give something back through a legacy, however big or small, please ask your solicitor for help with this.

Donate a Fettes education

Some Old Fettesians and parents have very generously committed to donating a major gift which is equivalent to the fees and extras of a 100% bursary recipient throughout their time at Fettes. A gift at this level can be made as a one-off donation or pledged over a number of years and donated monthly, quarterly or annually.

Build the endowment

To maximise both the short-term and long-term impact of bursary donations, philanthropic income is currently split between funding current 100% bursary students and building the College endowment. Our ultimate goal is to increase the endowment fund to generate enough investment income annually to fund our 100% bursary places. We know that some donors may prefer to gift a significant lump sum to the endowment to drive us forward to reach our goal and help provide transformational bursaries for centuries to come.

Spread the word

If you have been inspired to donate after reading about the impact that your support can have, please spread the word and encourage others to join you in making a difference.

Please get in touch if you would like a confidential discussion on how you can help:


T: +44 (0)131 311 6960

E: n.pickavance@fettes.com

T: +44 (0)131 311 4758

E: r.melrose@fettes.com

Thank you – we are enormously grateful for your support.


When Fettes offered me a bursary it was completely life-changing for my family. I don’t think I can put into words how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to attend Fettes. I think you can’t really quantify the way you feel about people selflessly contributing to support children that wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to attend such a school. For me, without bursary donors I wouldn’t have gone to Fettes. I'm incredibly, incredibly thankful.




The Fettes Foundation is a registered charity in Scotland, No. SC028350.

It is a company limited by guarantee in Scotland, No. SC189253, with its registered office at Fettes College, Carrington Road, Edinburgh, EH4 1QX.

(CE 2012-2017) Photography by Dougal Nicol Photography | Design by Alan Davison at HERO Creative.

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