17 minute read

Old Fettesian Events 2020–2021

Events have certainly faced challenges this year, however we have embraced technology and brought thousands of OFs together virtually throughout our special anniversary year.

2nd October – Book Launch of Fettes: Our Place

Our wonderful book, Fettes: Our Place, was launched virtually on Zoom, via a panel interview hosted by much loved member of staff Rob Harrison (Staff 1991–2021). Rob directed questions to the author of the book Ralph Hughes (Staff 1985–2017), to our Archivist Craig Marshall (Staff 2014–present) and to Karen Jones (née Houston) (Ar 1989–1991, Staff 2012–present). The team were able to talk about the journey to create and curate the book, sharing their choice of favourite nostalgic photographs, printed materials and objects from across the generations, reflecting life at Fettes on our beautiful campus over the last 150 years. The event was recorded and is available to watch here: vimeo.com/466071475/d15a413bb2. We had some great feedback:

“Thank you to everyone involved in the virtual event for the Fettes Book Launch. It was lovely to see Mr Ralph Hughes after so many years – he was the reason I chose to study Art History at the University of St Andrews back in the 90s! It was wonderful to hear him talk of what people remember from their time at Fettes – his comments about wading through the gravel every morning brought memories flooding back! Many thanks to everyone again – I'm off to order the book!” (OF, leaver of 1993)

“A little note to say a massive well done for your book launch tonight. Such a relaxed, conversational tone and very informative. Thank you for such insight.”

3rd October – OFA AGM

The OFA AGM took place on Saturday 3rd October on Zoom, with around 90 signed up to attend, including the full OFA Committee. The meeting included a report on recent OFA activity, an update from the Head, and the approval of Honorary OFs.

Prior to the AGM, at the OFA Committee meeting, the OFA Presidency was passed from Amanda Forsyth (née Baker) (Ar 1982–1984) to Henry Cave (SH 1980–1984) after Amanda’s three years in post.

We are extremely grateful to Amanda for all she has done as President of the OFA. Our sincere thanks also go to Eric Young (Ar 1969–1974) for his support as OF Governor over the years. He has now stepped down from this role and Roy Leckie (Ca 1985–1990) has taken his place.

5th October – Virtual Premiere of the Celebratory Film featuring Archive Footage and OF Voices

Old Fettesians, current students, parents (past and present), staff and other friends of Fettes came together on the 150th birthday of the College to watch a short specially commissioned film that emotively conveys the true sense of Fettes. The film was introduced on Zoom by Helen Harrison, Head of Fettes College, who was joined by Michael Osborne, Chair of the Governors, and Torran and Ianthe. Afterwards, everyone watching raised a toast to Fettes College to celebrate this momentous day, from wherever they were in the world.

We were delighted to receive some lovely feedback from people who watched this special film, which can still be viewed using this link: vimeo.com/464504965/aaa5079d56.

“The film certainly captured recurring memories and appreciation of what Fettes did for us, in our formative years, albeit a few years ago now. Floreas Fettesia!” (OF, leaver of 1965)

“As the parent of two very lucky Old Fettesians and the sister of one a bit older, I was really impressed with the footage and I very much look forward to watching it again with something a bit stronger than a glass of water!” (Past Parent)

“Now having two sons at Fettes and with one to come next year, I feel as if I know the campus well, but I particularly liked some of the pictures of the slope going up to Youngs and remembering balmy (or so they seemed then) evenings on the running track, practicing for Sports Day or chipping a ball around the golf course; sadly, something no more, but great memories. Thank you once again for pushing my personal nostalgia button, which I greatly enjoyed.” (OF, leaver of 1986 and Current Parent)

“Watching the video filled me with a deep sense of pride and so many happy memories came flooding back. I wish I could do it all again! When you’re at Fettes you're so focussed on results, but what I think is so special about the school is that when you look back, the results don’t mean a thing – it is everything else about the experience that one cherishes. I remember fondly the Rev. Brian McDowell (Staff 1999–2007) saying in Chapel that ‘education is everything we remember, once we’ve forgotten what we’ve been taught’. Never a truer word spoken by the great man.” (OF, leaver of 2006)

“My girls were really taken with the video – such a nice way to showcase the school. Well done – lots of proud Westies/Fettesians on campus and around the world.” (Houseparent College West)

“This anniversary film is remarkable.” (OF, leaver of 1990)

“I have just watched the video and it was amazing – it was so moving, and it was a perfect way to celebrate the 150th.” (OF, leaver of 2020)

“This film is so great! The girls in College East loved watching it together this evening. What incredible archival footage you have been able to include! It was so interesting to see what the school used to be like, what things have changed, and what has stayed the same over time. The girls enjoyed spotting themselves/their friends in some of the more recent footage too. I found it very moving, and it really gave them a sense of what a special place Fettes is.” (Current Assistant Houseparent)

“Really beautiful words and footage. I watched it with the kids and replayed my favourite bit twice – the lady who says it’s all about making choices and that the more you put in the more you get out. Spot on!” (Current Staff)

“The speakers were brilliant, and the film was amazing – I loved the voice overs and the images – the black and white shots were so perfectly interlaced with the present; I was quite teary by the end!” (Current Houseparent)

“It was wonderful to be transported back to Fettes, not only in listening to the speeches but also watching the wonderful Fettes 150–year celebration film.” (OF, leaver of 1992)

“Thank you so much for sending this link. I'm in Canada, in quarantine, with dreadful Wi-Fi and poor cell phone reception, so it has been lovely to be able to view the 150th anniversary film in full. My daughter joined the Fettes Prep 2nd Form as a boarder this September, and the film has not only moved me deeply, but filled me with a new form of hope and optimism for her future, despite these horribly challenging times across the globe.

“I'm going to toast Fettes with a cup of tea and try and regain my composure now (!), but I wanted to let you know that your film touched me, as a new parent, and that I hope that one day, my daughter will contribute her voice to your 175th anniversary celebrations as positively and movingly as today's Old Fettesians have done for your 150th.” (Current Parent)

“It was lovely to see familiar faces and hear of others, and so many memories to be proud of.” (Former Staff)

“The film was stunning and beautifully encapsulated everything that we love about Fettes.” (Current Prefect).

“Gosh, what a film. Quite emotional for me somehow.” (OF, leaver of 1970s)

11th November – Remembrance Film with the Last Post

As we were unable to invite anyone on to campus to gather at the War Memorial, we created and shared a poignant two-minute film featuring the War Memorial, accompanied by a performance of the Last Post by student Davina H-M to help us all remember those who lost their lives.

You can watch it here – vimeo.com/477621289/d6df96fd59

12th November – OF Female Panel Event

We were treated to an exceptional virtual panel event on Thursday 12th November to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of girls joining Fettes. Dame Stella Manzie DBE (Ar 1976–1978), Dr Alison Brown, PhD (Ca 1973–1975) and Dr Jo Twist OBE (Ar 1986–1991) provided a meeting of great minds, giving us their view on the next five years. From Leicester, Colorado and London, they gave a fascinating and uplifting view on the global pace of change from their perspective. There were key thoughts on technological enablement, digital literacy, creativity, tolerance, the environment, humanity and care. This event was expertly chaired from New York by Poppy Mitchell-Rose (InvCW 1991–1998) and well attended by around 200 OFs, members of the Sixth Form, staff and parents. You can listen to our podcast of the full recording of this intelligent, inspirational and insightful conversation by searching ‘Fettes Community Podcast’ on your usual podcast provider or by visiting this link: www.buzzsprout. com/1544329/8081645

30th November – St Andrew’s Day Events

Our aim for St Andrew’s Day was to give everyone in the Fettes community the opportunity to join us for at least one of three events, so they were programmed to span different time zones across the globe. We were thrilled therefore to be joined by members of the Fettes community from all over the world, with subsequent positive emails of support arriving from Johannesburg, Hong Kong, London and California – to name but a few.

The day began with our History Highlights at 8am in the UK (5pm in Tokyo / 7pm in Sydney), insightfully delivered by members of the History Department. This was followed at noon in the UK (2pm in Johannesburg / 8pm in Hong Kong) by the Head, Helen Harrison, on the topic of Fettes Today. The day closed at 6pm in the UK (1pm in New York / 10am in San Francisco) with Into the Archives, expertly delivered by College Archivist, Craig Marshall, who shared a range of artefacts and associated stories, leaving everyone who tuned in wanting more.

We are delighted that these virtual events were able to bring the global Fettes community together. We recorded the Into the Archives session and if you would like to watch it, it is available to view using this link vimeo.com/486788797/303f39d104

Some of the fantastic feedback received from the day includes:

“I have just listened to/watched the Archivist’s programme and found it interesting, although of course my appetite has been encouraged and I now want to see more about the Old Days at Fettes!” (OF, leaver of 1961)

“Just to congratulate you and all concerned with the History Highlights. It was brilliantly researched and delivered; a thoroughly interesting, worthwhile and enjoyable 40 minutes.” (OF, leaver of 1959)

“Thank you so much for hosting the three St Andrew’s Day webinars – most interesting and informative.” (OF, leaver of 1958)

“Thank you so much for your riveting and informative presentation tonight. So much history – and it is good to know that it is in the best hands possible. Very interesting about the digitalisation – at least it won't get lost.” (OF, leaver of 1964)

14th December – Carol Service for the Fettes Community

We were delighted to be able to share our 2020 Carol Service with Old Fettesians. This was filmed in advance, in accordance with government guidelines. The readers were filmed safely in Chapel and the carols were from recordings made in 2016 and 2019. In these unprecedented times when we were unable to gather, sing and pray together at Christmas time, it was wonderful to have Old Fettesians, parents, staff and students joining us from all over the world to participate in this Festival Service of Lessons and Carols.

“Well done to whoever put it all together – it might be the nearest thing to a church service, that most of us will see this year!” (OF, leaver of 1960)

15th December – Launch of the Fettes Community Podcast with Organ Music for Christmas

Our very first podcast featured long standing Director of Music, David Goodenough (Staff 1998–present), insightfully introducing a collection of organ music that he had chosen to play for us for the Christmas season. To listen again, please visit www. buzzsprout.com/1544329/6856303 or search ‘Fettes Community Podcast’ on your usual podcast provider.


Gerre Hancock (1934–2012): Fanfare on ‘Antioch’ (Joy to the world!)

J.S.Bach (1685–1750) arr. Marcel Dupré: Sinfonia, from Cantata No. 29

Louis-Claude Daquin (1694–1772): Noël Suisse

J.S.Bach: Three Chorale Preludes: Wachet auf, ruft uns die stimme (BWV 645) – ‘Sleepers, wake’; In Dulci Jubilo (BWV 608); In Dulci Jubilo (BWV 729)

John Ireland (1914–1992): The Holy Boy (The Carol of the Nativity)

Herbert Sumsion (1899–1995): The Holly and The Ivy

Healey Willan (1880–1968): Prelude on ‘This Endris Nyght’

Richard Purvis (1913–1981): Prelude on ‘Greensleeves’ (What child is this?)

Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937): Toccata from Organ Symphony No. 5

G.F. Handel (1685–1759): Hallelujah Chorus

February 2021 – Fettes Fit in February

During February, the Fettes community competed against Strathallan School in Perthshire to see which school could run or walk the furthest number of kilometres during the 28 days of February. The competition was a huge success with over 800 members of the Fettes community getting involved. We were delighted to see students, staff, parents and OFs from all over the world taking part. During the difficult time when the UK was in lockdown, the feeling of community was particularly important, and it has been fantastic to feel connected even when far apart over the last year.

As part of the challenge, both schools competed in a two hour-long virtual fixture on 20th February to see which school could total the furthest distance during this timeframe. Both schools made a tremendous effort, and after hours of number crunching by Mark Appleson, Director of Sport at Fettes (Staff 2020–present), the results were confirmed as follows:

297 runs/walks recorded by Fettes for 2530.57km

343 runs/walks recorded by Strathallan for 2612.24km

Very close indeed!

3rd March – 150 Years of International Rugby – Fettes College Panel Conversation

On Wednesday 3rd March, Mark Appleson and Head of Rugby, Duncan Harrison (Staff 1999–present), hosted a light-hearted rugby conversation with former international players Ian Robertson (Staff 1968–1972) and George Biagi (Gl 1999–2004).

As the 150th Anniversary of Fettes College coincided with 150 years of the international game of rugby, we took the opportunity to enjoy a reflective conversation on the changes to international rugby over the last century and a half.

The first game of rugby at Fettes, or ‘football’ as it was known then, took place on 12th October 1870, just a week into the very first term of Fettes College. A first-hand account records:

“Football began on the 12th with a Bigside. It was indeed a big side, as the whole School (except one delicate boy) and three Masters were in the one game. There were five backs and twenty-two or twenty-three forwards aside. It was Rugger, but very different from the game we know now, and we played with a round ball.”

Several months later, on 27th March 1871, the international game of rugby began with the first Calcutta Cup match between Scotland and England at Raeburn Place, less than a mile away from Fettes in what is now the heart of Stockbridge.

When Ian Robertson joined the Fettes staff in 1968, international rugby was still an amateur sport. Whilst at Fettes, Ian balanced playing three Calcutta Cup matches with being a member of the English department, a Bigside XV coach and resident tutor in Carrington! During the podcast, Ian shared his thoughts and memories with us from his time at Fettes to many rugby tales from his life as a BBC Rugby Correspondent from 1983–2018.

In 2000, when George Biagi was in Third Form at Fettes, Italy joined the Five Nations Championship, creating what is now the Six Nations. George recalled watching the very first Italy v Scotland match in Glencorse Area and being relieved that Italy won the game. His allegiance was with Italy who he went on to play for between 2014–2018, gaining 23 caps. George shared with us his rugby journey from player to management, placing an importance on academics and on developing a career alongside professional sport ready to step into should physical injury prevent play.

We are exceptionally grateful to Ian, George, Mark and Duncan for their time and thought-provoking conversation. It will be interesting to watch the journey of international rugby as we look to the future.

This rugby conversation and a Q&A, which was recorded following the live event, are available to listen to by searching ‘Fettes Community Podcast’ on your usual podcast provider or by visiting these links: ʜ 150 years of International

Rugby – www.buzzsprout. com/1544329/8074336

Q&A – www.buzzsprout. com/1544329/8075046

1st May – 20th June Fettes College 150th Anniversary Global Golf Competition

The 150th Anniversary Global Golf Competition was the only one of the 150th anniversary events, programmed before the pandemic, that was able to go ahead as planned and even then, we lengthened the time to participate so that as many as possible could get a tee time over the period.

Old Fettesians, students, staff and parents were invited to take part by playing a round of golf on any course in the world with a world handicap rating. Golfers were asked to play a round of golf during the competition period 1st May – 20th June 2021 and upload a copy of their scorecard.

Congratulations to the winners:

Bryce Fraser, Current Parent, who received the special Donald Steel (Gl 1950–1956) Quaich.

The winning Old Fettesian Golf Society Member was Andrew Soulsby (JS-Ar 1973–1980).

The winning OF was Simon Waller (CE 1967-1969).

The winning Senior Student from Fettes College was Rory C (PS-Ca 2015–present)

There were four winners from Fettes College Prep School

2nd June – Fettes Community Podcast – Fettes Talks Golf

To coincide with the Fettes College 150th Anniversary Global Golf Competition, we were delighted that the following Old Fettesians were able to join us to have a conversation about the world of golf.

Abercrombie Nisbet (PS-Ar 2014–2020), previous captain of Gullane Golf Club Juniors

Graham Findlay (Ki 1972–1975), previous captain of Royal St George’s Golf Club

Alistair Campbell (Ca 1967–1971), previous captain of HCEG Muirfield

Chris Hilton (Ki 1963–1967), previous captain of The R&AC

haired by Doug Philip (Inv-Mo 1999–2005), captain of the OF Golfing Society

They talked informatively about the effect of the pandemic on the game, the changes in the rules of the game and about developing the game across the world for families and women.

To listen to this podcast search ‘Fettes Community Podcast’ on your usual podcast provider or visit this link: www.buzzsprout. com/1544329/8630008

In-person events will begin as soon as it is safe to do so. These events will be supported by our Regional Representatives who are working to establish deeper connections with the OFs in their region. A full list of OF Regional Representatives can be found on page 52 so you can contact your local representative. If there is a region you would like to volunteer for please contact Vivienne Clark at ofa@fettes.com. To facilitate the organisation of regional events there are now some Regional Groups on the Fettes Community Portal, www.fettescommunity.org with more Regional Groups going live in 2021/2022. We will continue with some of the virtual events too, noting that many OFs around the world have enjoyed taking the opportunity to engage with Fettes events from home. We very much look forward to seeing you all soon whether in person or via a screen. It is rewarding to stay connected.

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