Events have certainly faced challenges this year, however we have embraced technology and brought thousands of OFs together virtually throughout our special anniversary year. 2nd October – Book Launch of Fettes: Our Place
Our wonderful book, Fettes: Our Place, was launched virtually on Zoom, via a panel interview hosted by much loved member of staff Rob Harrison (Staff 1991–2021). Rob directed questions to the author of the book Ralph Hughes (Staff 1985–2017), to our Archivist Craig Marshall (Staff 2014–present) and to Karen Jones (née Houston) (Ar 1989–1991, Staff 2012–present). The team were able to talk about the journey to create and curate the book, sharing their choice of favourite nostalgic photographs, printed materials and objects from across the generations, reflecting life at Fettes on our beautiful campus over the last 150 years. The event was recorded and is available to watch here: vimeo.com/466071475/d15a413bb2. We had some great feedback: “Thank you to everyone involved in the virtual event for the Fettes Book Launch. It was lovely to see Mr Ralph Hughes after so many years – he was the reason I chose to study Art History at the University of St Andrews back in the 90s! It was wonderful to hear him talk of what people remember from their time at Fettes – his comments about wading through the gravel every morning brought memories flooding back! Many thanks to everyone again – I'm off to order the book!” (OF, leaver of 1993) “A little note to say a massive well done for your book launch tonight. Such a relaxed, conversational tone
and very informative. Thank you for such insight.” 3rd October – OFA AGM The OFA AGM took place on Saturday 3rd October on Zoom, with around 90 signed up to attend, including the full OFA Committee. The meeting included a report on recent OFA activity, an update from the Head, and the approval of Honorary OFs. Prior to the AGM, at the OFA Committee meeting, the OFA Presidency was passed from Amanda Forsyth (née Baker) (Ar 1982–1984) to Henry Cave (SH 1980–1984) after Amanda’s three years in post. We are extremely grateful to Amanda for all she has done as President of the OFA. Our sincere thanks also go to Eric Young (Ar 1969– 1974) for his support as OF Governor over the years. He has now stepped down from this role and Roy Leckie (Ca 1985–1990) has taken his place. 5th October – Virtual Premiere of the Celebratory Film featuring Archive Footage and OF Voices
Old Fettesians, current students, parents (past and present), staff and other friends of Fettes came together on the 150th birthday of the College to watch a short specially commissioned film that emotively conveys the true sense of Fettes. The film was introduced on Zoom by Helen Harrison, Head of Fettes College, who was joined by Michael Osborne, Chair of the Governors, and Torran and Ianthe. Afterwards, everyone watching raised a toast to Fettes College to celebrate this momentous day, from wherever they were in the world. We were delighted to receive some lovely feedback from people who
watched this special film, which can still be viewed using this link: vimeo.com/464504965/aaa5079d56. “The film certainly captured recurring memories and appreciation of what Fettes did for us, in our formative years, albeit a few years ago now. Floreas Fettesia!” (OF, leaver of 1965) “As the parent of two very lucky Old Fettesians and the sister of one a bit older, I was really impressed with the footage and I very much look forward to watching it again with something a bit stronger than a glass of water!” (Past Parent) “Now having two sons at Fettes and with one to come next year, I feel as if I know the campus well, but I particularly liked some of the pictures of the slope going up to Youngs and remembering balmy (or so they seemed then) evenings on the running track, practicing for Sports Day or chipping a ball around the golf course; sadly, something no more, but great memories. Thank you once again for pushing my personal nostalgia button, which I greatly enjoyed.” (OF, leaver of 1986 and Current Parent) “Watching the video filled me with a deep sense of pride and so many happy memories came flooding back. I wish I could do it all again! When you’re at Fettes you're so focussed on results, but what I think is so special about the school is that when you look back, the results don’t mean a thing – it is everything else about the experience that one cherishes. I remember fondly the Rev. Brian McDowell (Staff 1999–2007) saying in Chapel that ‘education is everything we remember, once we’ve forgotten what we’ve been taught’. Never a truer word spoken by the great man.” (OF, leaver of 2006) “My girls were really taken with the video – such a nice way to showcase the school. Well done – lots of proud Westies/Fettesians on campus and around the world.” (Houseparent College West) “This anniversary film is remarkable.” (OF, leaver of 1990)