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A welcome

Welcome to your Fettes College Boarding Handbook which has been created to support and guide you and to give you key information which you will need for life in your Boarding House.

It is updated annually, so all members of the House and their parents should acquaint themselves with its content each year. The Handbook provides you with some understanding of the structure of House and School life and it also includes important sections on keeping you safe, looking after your wellbeing and additional student support.

You should also read the School Handbook and the School Rules with your parents or guardians. This Handbook will have more detailed information on our standards and expectations and important school policies, such as safeguarding guidelines, promoting positive behaviour and complaints procedures. You may also find it helpful to view Term Dates.

I hope you will find this a useful resource but if you have any questions, please get in touch with your Houseparent or contact me directly at

The Aims of the College

To achieve our Vision and Mission we will ensure that our students:


Fettes College is dedicated to ensuring that all students and staff live together in a safe environment.

• feel valued and respected as individuals

• receive the highest possible quality of education, engaging them in rigorous and relevant opportunities in a dynamic curriculum that creates life long learners

• feel safe, have a sense of personal worth, are thoughtful and considerate of the needs of others, while possessing a willingness to take on responsibility

• are encouraged to stretch and challenge themselves

• develop a sense of self-confidence, integrity, emotional resilience, loyalty, good manners, leadership skills and teamwork

• value a sense of community

• are surrounded by inspirational caring staff

• feel represented and are provided with equal opportunities regardless of gender, identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or religion.

All staff at Fettes want you to feel that you are happy and getting the best of the opportunities that this school provides during the time you are with us. If you are concerned or worried about anything you can take any issues and concerns to an adult, confident in the knowledge that you will be treated with respect, listened to and the appropriate action taken. We are here to help and support you.

All safeguarding concerns are taken very seriously. If you raise a concern with a member of staff, depending on its nature, it will either be referred to your Houseparent or to a member of the Child Protection Team. Further guidance on how safeguarding concerns are followed up is published in the School Handbook.

Responding to Safeguarding Concerns Information for Students

The Chair of Governors and the Governing Body are responsible for overseeing all aspects of safeguarding in the School. Ms Lindsay Paterson is the Governor responsible for safeguarding in the College and there is also a Safeguarding Governor with responsibility for the Prep School. Alongside the Head the following team have responsibility for safeguarding matters in the School:

Health and Wellbeing

“feel represented and provided with equal opportunities regardless of gender, identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or religion”


Fettes has a dedicated Medical Centre. In addition to our Nursing Team, we are supported by the GPs at Bangholm Loan NHS practice, who run regular doctor surgeries in school and issue prescriptions. Fettes has a professional Wellbeing Team made up of independent counsellors, a life coach and clinical psychologists. Beyond that The Hub is our dedicated safe space at school. It is staffed by our Head of Wellbeing and our PSHE Prefects and is used for Therapet and some 1:1 sessions.

More Information can be found in our Additional Support Services booklet


It is important that you let us know of any dietary requirements and allergies (e.g. halal, vegetarian, vegan, gluten/lactose free, peanuts and legumes etc) so we can pass this on to the Catering Team in the Dining Hall and ensure that we cater appropriately for you at meals and other events.


Matron must be informed of any medications, including painkillers, and these should be handed in for safe-keeping. It is therefore essential for parents/ guardians to tell Matron/Houseparent if they have given their child any medication. Those who are taken ill or who are injured must report in the first instance to Matron, the Houseparent or the Tutor on duty for medical attention.

Emergency cases should go straight to the Medical Centre. Medicines must not be self-administered unless permission has been given by the Medical Centre. If day students are taking a course of medication or have been given one-off medication before attending school, families must inform House Staff. Any medication that needs to be taken during the course of the school day should be handed in to staff upon arrival in House in the morning.


Peer to peer support and mentoring is provided by our School Welfare and PSHE Prefects. They are also trained Mentors in Violence Prevention, which aims to support young people to positively influence the attitudes and behaviour of their peers. Our student Mental Health Ambassadors have undergone more specific mental health training and are visible points of contact for the student body to speak to and are part of our Pscyhciety (Mental Health and Psychology Society). The team of Bold Voices Ambassadors empower young people to recognise and tackle gender inequality and gendered violence. Tootoot is our anonymous reporting tool where students can report any problem or concern and members of our community are trained and on hand to help as they understand the school and the issues that may arise.

House Prefects assist the Houseparent with the general running of the House. They are expected to set a good example, provide practical and moral support, and reliably carry out whatever duties they are assigned. Other members of the House are expected to co-operate with the Prefects to ensure the smooth running of the House and the maintaining of the positive ethos. Each new student will be assigned a Mentor, whose responsibility will be to provide support and advice.


All students have the opportunity to voice their suggestions regarding the running of their House or to raise concerns through established committees. There are a wide range of groups and societies which provide a platform for student voice to be heard, this list includes but is not exclusive: the Student Council; African Caribbean Society; Queer Culture; Asian Society; Fettes Equalities Society; Bold Voices; Islamic Society; Jewish Society and Christian Union. Members from across all year groups are welcome and encouraged to join these groups.

“…surrounded by inspirational caring staff”

Welcome to Moredun

A place to live.

From HouseparentMr Jamie MacKenzie:

It is my absolute pleasure to be writing this to welcome you to Moredun and to the Moredun House Handbook. My wife Nicki and I, along with our children Cara and Fionn, are very much looking forward to seeing you all on your arrival in House at the end of the summer holidays.

It is important that you build good habits from the very start – particularly around study, exercise, health and general behaviour. This means making sure you work hard in each of your subjects and utilise your time effectively to complete prep to the best of your ability; you take part in and give your best effort to the many activities and sports on offer at the school; that you look after your wellbeing and ask for help should you ever find things become too overwhelming; and finally, that you are polite, well-mannered and treat others as you would expect to be treated.

This Handbook contains a huge amount of useful information and will answer many of the questions you have in anticipation of starting, or starting back, in the Autumn Term. It may appear a little daunting,

but the more you can familiarise yourself with the routines and rules, the better prepared you will be for your Fettes journey. However, please also understand that we have an excellent system of looking after you from day one of your time here and you must never hesitate to ask me, Matron, your Tutor, your Godfather or indeed any of the Moredun Men, who will be only too happy to help.

We have clear expectations of you here in Moredun and you will be held accountable to the values of the House. But above all, I hope that you will be proud to call yourself a Moredunian and know that you are part of a House that is caring and supportive, and one where you will flourish and become the best version of you.





Mr Rory Bredin


Moredun Ethos

There are three key words that encapsulate the Moredun House ethos: Community, Commitment and Courage.


Ms Tanya Wallace

Your Houseparent is your day-to-day contact point – they will be happy to answer your questions and grateful to you for any information you can share with them to ensure your child receives the best possible care and support.

Community: it is important that you feel safe and part of a kind and caring community, so we expect you to respect and value those that you share the House with and beyond. Treat others as you would like to be treated and try to represent the House as best you can in all areas of school life.

Commitment: give everything your all, no matter how (in)significant you feel it is, and always remember to fulfil your commitments and promises. Be resilient and learn from the many challenges you may face in life.

Courage: have the courage to take on challenges and responsibility. Stand up for what is right and support each other by being upstanders in the community. Be willing to put yourself out of your comfort zone and push yourself to achieve your full potential.


The College is justly proud of its successful tutoring programme. Every student in the House is assigned a personal Tutor who is responsible for overseeing that student’s academic welfare. Each one of our visiting Tutors regularly comes to Moredun on a weekday evening to do a duty, where they supervise the running of the House and give tutorials. The team of visiting Tutors bring to the House a huge wealth of experience and wise counsel.

The visiting Tutors are:

Mr Alex Carter [Teacher of Geography]

Mr Campbell Davidson [Teacher of Economics]

Mr Ben Owen [Teacher of Art]

Mr Andrew Speedy [Head of English]

Mr Neil Ward [Head of Science]


House Prefects assist the Houseparent with the general running of the House. They are expected to set a good example, provide practical and moral support, and carry out reliably whatever duties they are assigned. Other members of the House are expected to co-operate with the Prefects to ensure the smooth running of the House and the maintenance of the positive ethos.

The student senior leadership group is made up of the Heads and Deputy Heads of House.

As the year progresses, more boys from the Lower Sixth will be added to the team of Prefects. This group of Prefects meet with the Houseparent, Assistant Houseparent and Matron every few weeks to discuss House matters.

The most important role of a House Prefect is to set the tone for the House, to embody the values of being a Moredunian and offer guidance and support to the younger boys in the House as they navigate school life.


Community living in a boarding House offers a unique and enriching experience that fosters personal growth, social connections and a sense of belonging. It is within the dynamic framework of shared responsibilities and co-operation that the true essence of community living thrives. This significant aspect of community living is the responsibility of each member and ensures a harmonious and fulfilling environment for all.

“feel safe, have a sense of personal worth, are thoughtful and considerate of the needs of others, while possessing a willingness to take on responsibility”

By recognising the importance of community, respecting responsibilities and actively engaging with other members of the House, we create a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive. Embrace the value of community living and let us all play our part in making our boarding House a place we are proud to call our home from home.


Is Accountable and Responsible:

Honesty and integrity are aspects of community living. Everyone should adhere to the rules and regulations, and actively contribute to maintaining the safety and security of the boarding House.

Promotes Co-operation and Collaboration:

Teamwork plays a vital role in community living. Active participation, such as organising House events, resolving conflicts amicably, and contributing to decisionmaking processes are encouraged.


Creates a Supportive Environment:

By embracing the value of community, we foster a supportive environment where everyone feels respected, appreciated, and encouraged.

Community Living

Boundaries and Privacy:

Recognising and respecting personal boundaries is crucial for fostering a sense of safety and privacy within the boarding House.

Builds Lasting Relationships:

By fostering an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere, we create a sense of belonging that enriches the boarding House experience for all.


Cleanliness and Order:

Taking responsibility for maintaining and cleaning our personal spaces and shared areas helps create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and proud to call the boarding House their home.



Leave House for Lessons 7 and 8 (Mon, Wed and Fri)

Leave House for Games (Tue, Thur, and Sat)

5.30-7pm Tea/Supper in the Dining Hall 7.05pm All Students in House for Area/ Check 7.15-8.45pm Quiet Time in House - no one may be out of House after the start of Prep without the specific permission of the Houseparent or visiting Tutor 8.45pm Area/Check followed by House Assembly/House Prayers 9pm



Brunch in Dining Hall.

If Morning Chapel, Brunch served following Chapel

6.45pm Chapel Check followed by Evening Chapel


Area/House Check following Evening Chapel. No one may be out of House after 7.45pm without specific permission from the Houseparent or their Assistant Houseparent 9.40pm Bed Time/Lights-Out starts Third Form Lights-Out and silence at 10pm 9.50pm


Matron is available to assist with illness, laundry, medication, off-games, duties completed by students and the general day to day running of the House. They are also able to book nurse, doctor, dentist and physiotherapy appointments for boarding students. The expectation is that families of day students will be responsible for booking their appointments. Individual House timings for Matron’s duty hours and surgeries are displayed in Houses. All property must be clearly and indelibly named and the Houseparent should be provided with a list of any valuables, including serial numbers where appropriate.


It is important that ALL members of the House indicate their whereabouts using the correct system for each House e.g. sign-in app/folder/“IN/OUT” board. The School has a legal duty to register the attendance of day students as they arrive in the morning and again as they leave in the evening.  Between these times attendance at all Areas/House Checks is obligatory for all students.


All school meals are in the Dining Hall and it is compulsory for all members of the School to attend. Food must not be taken out of the Dining Hall. In House, snacks are provided but students may wish to buy some of their own food, and this must be kept in pantries as well as adhering to the Safety and Hygiene Rules.


Every House runs a House Bank where money can be deposited and withdrawn at agreed times in the week. However, it is recommended that students have a contactless debit card linked to their own bank account so that they can access money. The nearest bank to the school is the Bank of Scotland and the application process can be completed online and in person with the relevant documentation. Other alternatives are available such as prepaid cards/GoHenry accounts etc. Please speak to the Houseparent if you require any assistance. If students do have their own bank accounts, they are responsible for the safe keeping of their debit or credit card.


Our policy aims to reduce the distraction of phones whilst understanding their place in our modern society. Mobile phones should not be used around campus during the school day / before 5pm. Students in the Middle School leave their phones with House staff throughout the day. Sixth Form students are not asked to leave their phones with House staff but their phones should not be seen or used around the school campus before 5pm. If a member of staff sees a phone around campus it will be confiscated and not returned for a period of time. Mobiles can be used in Houses during social times (generally after 5pm) but their use will be monitored to ensure everyone is socialising effectively. Phones are also handed in during prep and overnight.


Only items approved by House staff are allowed. Standard size fridges, heaters, toasters, kettles etc are not allowed. Please ask House staff before purchasing or bringing any electrical items to House.


We celebrate birthdays in houses usually with a card and a cake with your friends. Any large celebrations involving members of the School must be kept to the holidays. If parents wish to host a small meal during term time, the number of other students invited should be limited and permission should be sought from their Houseparents.


Students taking Leave must sign out on leaving and sign in on their return to House. Leave Times are published in House along with further information about birthdays, Indulgence and cultural leaves (L6th only) and other celebrations.

Read more in our School Handbook

All School Rules continue to apply, whether on campus or not, during term time. Leaves are available on half-day afternoons and Sundays but may be taken only when all School and House commitments have been fulfilled and permission has been obtained from the Houseparent.


i-gtm is the system we use to record student travel. It is a requirement that we know the whereabouts of our students whilst in transit to and from School.

This system meets the requirements of our regulators (including Tier IV and Care Inspectorate). It gives parents peace of mind and helps us run an efficient and timely transport system for you and your children.


Visitors are welcome in the House only at the following times:

Monday - Friday: 6-7pm

Weekend Visiting is at the discretion of the Houseparent.

Visitors who are not current Fettes students must, as a matter of security and courtesy, inform the Houseparent or the Duty House Tutor on their arrival in the House.



Students and staff are to leave the House via the nearest fire door or escape and assemble at the House tennis court.

Fire Drills - In House

Make sure that you know the whereabouts of the fire-fighting equipment kept in House.

If you discover a fire, sound the alarm at once, then try to put it out if that seems sensible and there is no danger to you or anyone else.

On hearing the Fire Alarm, those in Dorms should check the beds on either side, waking anyone who is still asleep, and then all leave the building by the MAIN STAIRCASE.

Those in the Study Bedrooms should check the studies on either side, waking anyone who is still asleep, then leave the building by the MAIN STAIRCASE.

All should assemble at the Astro. Line up in year groups alphabetically. Maintain SILENCE until ALL names have been checked.

Fire Drills - At School

Leave School buildings by the nearest exit.

Gather as directed by your class teacher, stand silently and listen carefully to any instructions given.

Do not re-enter any building for any reason until the All-Clear is given.

Maintain SILENCE until the All-Clear is given.

N.B. It is a very serious offence to play or tamper with any of the fire protection or fire-fighting equipment. Lives are put at risk if appliances are damaged or discharged and the matter not reported. There will be a minimum of one House fire practice each term.

A place to learn.

“…the highest possible quality of education… that creates life long learners”


The Fettes College academic timetable operates on a two-weekly cycle: Week A and Week B. Week A example: Week A

0830-0850ChapelChapelLate BreakfastAssembly (0825)ChapelCongers (0825)





1215-1255P5 1300-1335P6

1355-1440 Lunchtime Det / Coffee Concert (‘til 1435) Games from 1400 Games from 1430 Games / Service / Activities 1440-1520P7


1630-1725Activities Snr Ac PriActivitiesActivities

1730-1825 Activities / Bigside ActivitiesActivitiesActivities


Every student has a Tutor who takes a close interest in every aspect of their academic and pastoral development, happiness and welfare. Tutors meet weekly with tutees to assist them with any challenges or problems they may be experiencing. In addition, they help them with both the planning and review of term targets and creating programmes of extra-curricular activities, as well as reviewing their academic progress from one week to the next.


Firefly is our digital platform on which teachers can share resources with students, set Prep and send out information.


Prep is an essential part of learning at Fettes, allowing students to consolidate work from previous lessons or prepare for forthcoming ones. All students are expected to do 90 minutes of Prep each weekday evening. Teachers set work on Firefly and students manage their time accordingly in order to complete the tasks.

Support for Learning (SfL)

The SfL Department supports students with additional learning needs, with the aim of helping them develop the broad range of skills required to fulfil their academic potential. Early morning, lunch and study support lessons run throughout the timetable and are tailored to the specific needs of each individual student.

Academic Priority

After lessons on Wednesday afternoons, subject departments run informal drop-in sessions for students, who can visit their teachers for extra support.


At Fettes, we want all our students to thrive academically but sometimes they will experience challenges and difficulties. We are very good at noticing and often teachers will be able to anticipate any problems before they become major issues; nonetheless, if you have any concerns you should speak to someone - ideally your teachers but if not them then your Tutor. Use Academic Priority sessions for extra support and approach your House Academic Prefect for some guidance. Often these measures will be effective but if difficulties continue we can use more structured support mechanisms to help you through challenging periods. Sometimes students can struggle to meet our academic standards because they are not working as hard as they could, or their approach in classes is inappropriate. On those occasions teachers might be much more direct about requiring you to redo work or give you extra tasks to complete. Ongoing underperformance or poor behaviour might lead to detentions or the short-term use of a daily report card so Tutors, Houseparents and members of the Academic Leadership Team can track progress and begin to see improvements.


The ICT Acceptable Use Policy sets out the expectations of all users of the school’s network. It applies to any device connected to the Fettes College network, including but not limited to laptops, tablets and mobile phones, and is guided by the following principles:

1. Ensuring student safety

2. Ensuring network integrity

3. Promoting responsible use

4. Responding to breaches of the policy

Students are required to read and electronically sign the ICT Acceptable Use Policy. A breach of the policy may result in a ban from the ICT Network for a period of time and other disciplinary measures.

The full ICT Acceptable Use Policy can be accessed below.

“develop a sense of self-confidence, integrity, emotional resilience, loyalty, good manners, leadership skills and teamwork”

A place to grow.

“…encouraged to stretch and challenge…”


The School’s Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy is based on our belief that all members of the Fettes community, staff and students alike, have an individual responsibility to contribute positively to a tolerant, inclusive school society. This is supported by the generally excellent relationships between students and staff. Students are asked to pursue their own goals with enthusiasm but with respect for others; they are asked to treat others with empathy, understanding and tolerance as outlined in our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.

Read the Promoting Positive Behaviour policy


The rules are designed to give a clear parameter for acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and apply to all students whether they be day or boarders, otherwise there is unfairness in disciplinary situations. The most important thing to note is that anything that contravenes safety, common sense, the law of the land and normal civilised behaviour is automatically forbidden.

The following are specifically not allowed:

1. Bullying in any of its forms

2. Possession/Use/Supply of drugs

3. Sexual conduct and public displays of affection

4. Theft

5. The unauthorised consumption and purchase of alcohol

6. Possession of fake ID

7. Smoking including use of e-cigarettes

Breaking bounds without permission The possession of any weapon (offensive or otherwise)

10. Gambling

Driving a motor vehicle without the special permission of the Head and giving lifts to fellow students

12. Going onto the roof of any School building

13. Interference with fixed installations of the School, electrical or otherwise

14. Any communication with the press or media other than with the express permission of the Head

15. Anything that contravenes the ICT Acceptable Use Policy


A boarding school cannot exist without its nonacademic activities and, in addition to clubs and societies, a great many sports are played at Fettes. We cater for students of all abilities and offer a broad range of sporting and physical activities for our students. All students are involved in the Games programme on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons.

Furthermore, Fettes is fortunate in its situation in Scotland’s capital city, a centre for both the Arts and Sciences, and we make the very best use of the facilities that Edinburgh and the surrounding areas offer.

A selection of co-curricular opportunities on offer at Fettes include a plethora of music based events, including lessons, Orchestras and Choirs, Drama, Pipes and Drums, Combined Cadet Force (CCF), The Duke of Edinburgh programme and The Challenge, which enhances teamwork, communication and resilience.

There is a programme of fun activities offered on Saturday evenings for all Middle School students and regular outdoor activities and trips on Sundays, such as Munro climbing, white water rafting and mountain biking.

House Competitions also form a key part of school life, where students represent their boarding house in a wide range of competitions and challenges throughout the year. Every student is encouraged to get involved and the events cover the full spectrum of academic, sporting, artistic, charitable and outdoor life.

All students who are about to join the College will also receive a New Entrants' Pack and this enables students to sign up in advance for a selection of co-curricular events including future school trips and music lessons.

A selection of our co-curricular opportunities can be seen on the following pages.


‘value a sense of community’


If you have a problem, suggestion or complaint about any aspect of your treatment at Fettes, in the first instance you should speak to your Tutor, Houseparent, or any other member of the teaching staff.

If the matter cannot be settled to your satisfaction, then you can make a formal written complaint. In the first instance this complaint should be made to your Houseparent who will reply to your complaint within three days. A copy of your written complaint and the reply will be passed to the Senior Deputy Head and a record will be kept.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you should make an appointment to see the Senior Deputy Head. You may take a friend, a Prefect, your Tutor or any other member of Staff with you to this meeting. The Senior Deputy Head will talk the matter through and will try to sort out the problem. A record of the meeting and outcome will be kept.

If after this meeting you believe that the matter has not been satisfactorily resolved, you should make an appointment to speak to the Head. Again, you may take a friend, Prefect or member of staff to this meeting.

Safeguarding complaints can be directed to our Safeguarding Governor, Ms Lindsay Paterson, who can be contacted by email:

You can also contact the Scottish Care Inspectorate if you have a serious complaint: +44 (0)345 600

9527 Monday to Friday, between 9am and 4pm or via email:, or you can ask the Deputy Head (Pastoral) for information or advice.



There are two school uniform options at Fettes: the Striped Blazer, which is worn with either a charcoal grey kilted skirt or charcoal grey trousers and the Navy Blazer, which is worn with the Fettes tartan kilt. All students are welcome to wear either option but please note the navy blazer cannot be worn with trousers. Pictorial details of the two uniforms, information on formal and sports wear and guidance on casual wear, shirt sleeve order and tracksuits in lessons are shown.

Either of the options shown are acceptable for Day Wear.

Day Wear - Striped Blazer

• 1 School striped blazer

• 2 Pairs of charcoal grey trousers/2 Charcoal grey kilted skirts (kilts must fit neatly at the waist and be knee length)

• 6 White long-sleeved shirts – no button-down collars

/6 White long sleeved revere collar blouses

• 1 Dark navy V-neck jumper

• 1 House tie/1 House badge

• Sixth Form option- alternative “professional” style shirts for day wear

Day Wear - Navy Blazer

• 1 School navy blazer

• 2 Fettes tartan kilts (kilts must fit neatly at the waist and be knee length)

• 6 White long-sleeved school blouses with revere collars

• 1 Dark navy V-neck jumper

• 1 House badge


Hair colour should appear natural. All students must have their hair off their face and hair should be tied up if it is long enough to reach the collar. Hair accessories should be simple and unobtrusive.


Students may wear the following:

• ONE simple pair of plain gold, silver or pearl studs in the lobes of the ears.

• A PLAIN gold or silver necklace. No chokers, ‘chunky’ or coloured necklaces allowed.

• A PLAIN gold or silver bracelet.

• ONE simple gold or silver ring.

• NO jewellery may be worn during games.

Nail Varnish and Makeup

Only clear nail varnish may be worn with School uniform. If makeup is noticeable, it is unacceptable.

Outdoor Wear

• 1 Smart, plain dark coat

• 1 Fettes tartan wool scarf (optional)

• 1 Fettes College striped wool scarf (optional)

General items

• 1 Pair of sturdy, polishable black leather shoes (flimsy shoes and shoes with high or kitten heels are not acceptable)

• 6 Pairs of dark grey/black socks or black opaque tights

• 1 Rucksack or bag for books and files

• 1 Pair of warm trousers - for Field Trips

• 1 Cagoule or waterproof anorak - for weekend camps etc.

• 1 Pair of walking boots (optional)


• 1 Named bag to contain all equipment

• 1 Towel (all towels must have loops for hanging stitched to the middle edge of each towel)

• 1 Pair of Fettes tracksuit trousers

• 1 Fettes tracksuit jacket

• 1 Fettes hoodie

• 2 Fettes magenta polo shirts

• 1 Fettes baselayer top

• 1 Fettes PE shorts

• 1 Fettes skort

• 1 Fettes baselayer leggings

• 2 Pairs of Fettes games socks

• 2 Pairs of white sports socks

• 1 House top

• 1 Pair of House socks

• 1 Navy swimming costume/trunks

• 1 Swimming cap (for shoulder length hair and longer)

• 1 Pair of non-marking indoor trainers

Rugby - Autumn Term

• 2 Fettes reversible rugby shirt

• 2 Pairs of Fettes navy rugby shorts

• 1 Pair of baselayer shorts

• 1 Pair of football boots

• 1 Mouth guard

Hockey - Autumn Term for girls and Spring Term for boys

• 1 Hockey stick

• 1 Pair of shin guards

• 1 Pair of AstroTurf trainers

• 1 Mouth guard

Lacrosse - Spring Term

• 1 Lacrosse stick

• 1 Lacrosse goggles

• 1 Lacrosse gloves (optional)

• 1 Pair of football boots

• 1 Mouth guard

Tennis - Summer Term

• 1 Tennis racket

• 1 Fettes white polo shirt

Cricket - Summer Term

• 1 Cricket shirt

• 1 Cricket trousers

• 1 Abdo guard

• 1 Cricket slipover or jumper (optional)


School scarves may be worn and other scarves which are awarded e.g. Colours may also be worn by those that are eligible.

Smart Casuals

When students go on a School outing in smart casuals, clothing must be clean and in a good state of repair and must meet with the complete approval of the Houseparent.

Shirt Sleeve Order

Students must maintain a very neat and smart turnout. Shirts must be tucked in and sleeves folded neatly to just above the elbow. No tie, jersey or blazer is to be worn. Jerseys may not be tied over shoulders or around the waist. During shirt sleeve order shorts may be worn in the Dining Hall.


Only SCHOOL tracksuits may be worn for Games. Tracksuits should be clean and in a good state of repair.

Tracksuit trouser bottoms are to be zipped and neat. Frayed and excessively long trousers are not acceptable.

The ONLY times it is acceptable for students to attend lessons in tracksuits are:

• when they have been specifically instructed to because they are leaving for a games fixture immediately after a class

• when they have been specifically instructed to attend a PE lesson in PE kit

• when they have been specifically instructed to because they will be doing a unit on movement in Drama class

• when they have been given special permission because the work they will be doing in Art class requires it

If students are required to wear tracksuits for a lesson they must change into uniform as soon as possible: if a tracksuit is required Period 1, 2 or 3, they should change into uniform at break; if a tracksuit is required Period 4 or 5 they should attend the first three lessons in uniform and change at break. If a tracksuit is required for afternoon lessons, they should change AFTER lunch.



The Fettes College Shop is managed by the School and sells all school uniform, sportswear and equipment, academic books, stationery, gift items, toiletries and confectionery. Full details of uniform requirements can be found on the shop website: Orders can be managed by phone: +44 (0)131 311 6723 or by email:

During term time, the shop is open Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm (closed 12-12.30pm) and from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays. Students and parents/guardians can purchase items from the shop and charge them to the school bill, the only exception being tuck. At the end of each term parents/guardians will receive a detailed invoice with the main school bill.

Heads of Departments make all arrangements for ordering textbooks.


Situated within the main Fettes College shop, the Thrift Shop offers good quality second-hand items of uniform and accessories. The proceeds of any sales of second-hand items handed in to the Thrift Shop are available on a broadly pro-rata basis to individual Boarding Houses to fund mini projects identified by the students.



All students are issued with a security fob for access to the main buildings around the campus. It is essential that fobs are carried at all times. If intruders are detected in or around the House or School, do NOT confront them but rather report the matter immediately to a member of staff or call the police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.


College Reception: +44(0)131 332 2281


Medical Centre: +44(0)131 332 2247


The following members of the Administration Staff are able to help with various matters and their offices are on the first floor by the back door of Chapel.

Mrs Worlledge, the Head’s PA, can help with appointments to see the Head, letters concerning visas and opening bank accounts and School reports. Her email address is:

Mrs Crawford, PA to the Senior Deputy Head and Deputy Heads, can help with appointments to see the Senior Deputy Head, Deputy Head (Academic) and the Deputy Head (Pastoral). Her email address is:

Mrs Taylor, School Secretary, can help with the daily absence list, lost and found, School mailings and forms and special stationery requests. Her email address is:

Mrs Atkins, the Director of External Relations, oversees our marketing, admissions, public relations and partnerships. She is always happy to receive feedback and suggestions. Her email address is The Admissions Team is led by Mrs Gordon. This team support all prospective families as they discover and enter Fettes:


The Fettes app has been created to help increase parental involvement in the school. It will enable you to access all school information in one place including news, calendar, fixtures and SchoolPost.

You can access it here

Once the app is downloaded, here are five tips to get started:

1. When you open the app, you will be presented with options, please select the relevant ones for you and then scroll down and press ‘Save’. You can go back and change this at any time through the ‘Settings’ function.

2. Once you have saved your settings, the app will show our latest news, brought to you from all our social media platforms, there is no need for you to be on social media to see these updates.

3. The menu at the top left of the screen gives you access to ‘Useful Links’. This is where you will find the links to the school calendar, term dates, school shop, campus map etc.

4. A link to SchoolPost can be found within ‘Useful links’ and is also available at the foot of the main news page.

5. When viewing the calendar you will see five magenta boxes at the top of the screen, these will allow you to filter your view. Once you have selected what you would like to view, tap the bottom half of your screen and the filter will be applied.

Map of the Campus

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