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The expected has come true! The United Kingdom officially left the EU

Brexit, which has never fallen from the country’s agenda since the referendum in 2016, took place on January 31, 2020. The UK officially left the European Union, of which it has been a member since 1973. As the separation process continued with many crises which was locked in the voting in Parliament, early elections were held in December to realize Brexit on January 31.

The European Parliament ratified the Brexit agreement, which regulated framed the UK’s conditions for leaving the European Union (EU), on January 29, and the country has officially left the European Union on January 31. Brexit, which hads never fallen from the UK’s agenda of the UK since the referendum in 2016, has been was thus accepted and enacted by the terms of the agreement and approved by the EU Parliament; Tthe UK has officially left the European Union, of which it hads been a member since 1973, on 31 January 2020.


After the Conservative Party achieved a sufficient majority in parliament in the elections held

8 Turkish British Magazine I January - February 2020 in the United Kingdom on December 12, 2019, tThe first job of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the founder of the new government, was to put Brexit to vote. The government determined that its first priority was to exit the European Union on January 31 and this process was completed quickly. After the British Parliament ratified the treaty, which regulates put forth the conditions for leaving the EU (Brexit) on January 9, the bill became lawful an Act and entered into force with the approval royal assent of Queen Elizabeth II.

The European Parliament approved the Brexit agreement, which regulated Britain’s conditions for leaving the European Union (EU), in a vote on January 29th. The parliament, which met in Brussels, Belgium’s capital, accepted the agreement with 621 votes against 49. Thus, the UK officially left the European Union, of which it hads been a member for 47 years, on 31 January. In the next coming period, it is aimed the aim will be to sign a new trade agreement with the EU until the end of 2020.

How did the process work? In the UK, historic results came from the polls of the early general election, which had been overshadowed by the Brexit debates. In the snap general election held on December 12th, the Conservative Party won 43.6 percent of the vote, and gained sole mandate with 365 MPs. The main opposition Labour Party lost 59 seats and suffered one of the heaviest defeats in its history.

Johnson, who strengthened his hand against the Remainers with his victory, brought the bill to Parliament right after the election, and, with a vote on 20 December, the Parliament decided for Brexit to take place on 31 January 2020.

Three-stage approval to the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Draft The Brexit bill, passed by in the first stage vote in the House of Commons on 20 December, was approved in the final voting on 9 January after being held open to amendments in the House of Commons for a while, and sent to the House of Lords. The House of Lords had asked for amendments in the five articles of the Brexit bill in their meetings since January 20. The draft agreement, which is officially called the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) and which regulates the Brexit conditions, which that allowed UK to leave the EU with an agreement on January 31, was put into enacted after the approval of the Queen Elizabeth II after passing through the House of Lords. With the approval of the EU Parliament on January 29, the Brexit agreement was accepted.

What is the expected schedule for the country?

With UK departure from the EU it had joined in 1973, this will be For the first time, a country will have left the Union. when the United Kingdom left the EU it joined in 1973. After the UK officially left the EU with a withdrawal agreement on January 31, it is entering a transition period planned to end on December 31, 2020.

During this period, the UK will effectively remain in the EU’s customs union and the common market. However, it will not be involved in the political institutions and there will not be a UK member in the European Parliament.

July 1st; the last day of the trade negotiations Until the end of 2020, the parties will negotiate a comprehensive agreement to regulate their future relations. The first priority will be to negotiate a trade agreement with the EU. The two parties will meet back at the negotiation table in a few months, to map out how their relationship will work from now on. Trade and security agreements will be at the top of the agenda. In the meantime, existing transactions will continue as they are.

The negotiations will focus on everything from trade to fishing, aviation, medicine and security. If no result is achieved by July 1, the United Kingdom will be able to ask the EU for a one-off extension.

The EU wants the deadline extended until 2022, arguing that it is impossible to reach an agreement on all of these issues in less than a year. However, the Government does not want the transition period to be extended in any way and insists the negotiations to be completed by the end of 2020. If no agreement is reached, trade relations between the two sides will be handled according to World Trade Organization rules. During the transition, the UK will continue to adhere to EU rules.

December 31, 2020, the end of the transition process If negotiations on Brexit or the deals go according to the set timetable, the full separation will be on 31 December 2020 when the EU will end its association with the United Kingdom, a 47-year member of the European Union.

If no trade deals are agreed and approved by the end of the year, the UK will face export tariffs on trade with the EU.

The Ankara Agreement visa, which enables Turkish entrepreneurs with a permit to work and live in the United Kingdom, will also come to an end with Brexit. The Ankara Agreement is a right, which at the time had been based on an agreement with the customs union, in 1963. After long legal struggles, Turkish citizens who applied through the Ankara Agreement have obtained this right and settled in the UK by establishing a company in the UK or as Turkish workers. However, the UK has no obligation to continue the Ankara Agreement after leaving the European Union. Unless there is an unforeseen change, those applications made by 31 December 2020, the date of Brexit, and any rights acquired, will not be affected. Those who have obtained the Ankara Agreement, officially known as the ECAA (Europan Communities Association Agreement) Turkish businessperson visa, will continue to move forward in the legal process through to naturalization, provided they fulfill the required conditions. No new visa applications will be received under the Ankara Agreement from 31 December 2020, when the relationship with the EU will officially end. Instead, a new category of visa which is devised for investors and entrepreneurs, is expected to replace it. How will the Ankara Agreement be affected?

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