Separated Land Series
| 2016
Bill Lowe Gallery Atlanta, GA, United States
Agartha This is the third part of the Separated Land Series. It is an exhibition that follows the major conceptual lines of the series, although earn life and emancipate itself in aspects related to the treatment of canvas surfaces, inks, color range etc. Is a less gestural phase and the less physical exhibition of whole series; throughout the process dedication and work practice became more in a patient labor, almost monastic and much thought at all the options and moments, in opposite to the work of Separated Land I and II, where the processual speed is evident, the physical dedication to the materials, the spontaneity of the color stains. As far as the name suggests is the arrival in another territory, what these paintings denounce; a more interior place, more silent, more prolonged and eternal. It is quest for the minimum, the most essential. The layers of paint, slowly form the shades and transparencies of a state of mind more than a tangible and livable place. Now I did not want to paint the speed, turbulence and noise; my proposal and challenge now, was to stop time, build the silence, the more peaceful place to be reborn. Fernando Gaspar 2015
www.fernandogaspar.com fgaspar@fernandogaspar.com