4 minute read
Cause and Effect: The Development of Religious Creeds ...............BV4628 .. Religion, Faith & Philosophy ...Commons ...Feb 7
Making/Taking Better Photos $28 / $33 March 11 at 10 – 12pm, Friday
NC4618 – FGCU Naples Center
Speaker: Frank Berna Ansel Adams said, “You don’t take a photograph, you make a photograph.” Photography is a very subjective endeavor. There are no hard-and-fast rules to follow that always assure your picture will be, well, “picture perfect.” However, an understanding of light, exposure and compositional guidelines that can be applied to virtually any scene will enhance its impact and quality. Understanding these principles will help you to capture more compelling images, turning your snapshots into works of art. This lecture is for all photographers, regardless of the camera they use.
Download, Save and Share Your Photos $28 / $33 March 16 at 10 – 12pm, Wednesday
NC4619 – FGCU Naples Center
Speaker: Frank Berna You love to take photos, but after you press the shutter, what do you do next? What is the best way to get them into your computer? Do you have a ton of photos on your computer, but can never find the one you want? Did your computer ever crash and you lost everything, including your precious memories? Do you understand all of the printing options that are available to you now that have never been possible before? This lecture is designed to teach you how to handle all of those organizational tasks that you may not fully understand, but that can save you time and money if properly implemented. Students with laptops should bring them to class.
Improve Your Photography the Easy Way! $28 / $33 March 18 at 10 – 12pm, Friday
NC4620 – FGCU Naples Center
Speaker: Frank Berna Improvement is incremental and gradual, not instantaneous. And while it’s true that we all learn in different ways, all creative growth starts with an idea. How one perceives and applies an idea will vary considerably and that’s the point of this class. Allowing yourself to be exposed to the ideas of others and then using these ideas in a way that fits your own style is one of the most consistently effective means of avoiding creative stagnation. This class is ideal for any photographer, using any type of equipment.
Understanding Your Mirrorless and Digital SLR (3-part series)
$72 / $84 April 4, 6, 8 at 10 – 12pm, Mon/Wed/Fri
NC4621 – FGCU Naples Center
Speaker: Frank Berna For those wanting to explore their creative side with digital photography, nothing compares to the choices available with a mirrorless single lens reflex (SLR) camera. But learning the myriad of alternatives can be daunting. This course is designed to make sense of these options: how, when and why to use them. Topics will include understanding exposure, white balance, file formats, better flash photography, focus and shooting options.
“In the Beginning…” What Really Happened and When?
$25 / $30 • Option #1 – January 14 at 1:30 – 3pm, Friday
GL4622 – Moorings Park Grande Lake (Southeast Naples)
• Option #2 – February 1 at 1:30 – 3pm, Tuesday
SL4623 – Siena Lakes (North Naples)
Speaker: Scott Flaig Choose one of the course options above. “In the Beginning” are three words that for centuries have been debated by theologians of all faiths, philosophers from Aristotle to Descartes and across several disciplines within the scientific community. Was there a beginning to the universe and time? Or is the universe eternal and static? If there was a beginning, does that mean that there is an end as well – a self-deterministic property of nature or a divine revelation? We will discuss how the beginning is perceived through a holistic lens of faith, science and reason.
Why Luther? The Protestant Reformation $25 / $30 • Option #1 – January 18 at 1:30 – 3pm, Tuesday
SL4624 – Siena Lakes (North Naples)
• Option #2 – March 10 at 1:30 – 3pm, Thursday
NC4625 – FGCU Naples Center
OL4717 – Online via Zoom
• Option #3 – May 20 at 1:30 – 3pm, Friday
GL4626 – Moorings Park Grande Lake (Southeast Naples)
Speaker: Kent Commons Choose one of the course options above. This lecture takes a historical look at the main people involved in the Reformation and the roles they played. We discover why Martin Luther is the name most connected with the Reformation and discuss if that is justified.
Why Does the World Exist? $25 / $30 January 20 at 1 – 2:30pm, Thursday
CO4627 – The Collaboratory (Downtown Fort Myers)
Speaker: Dr. Arthur Wenk Behind the Big Bang lies the question of why there is anything at all, an issue that has been described as the fundamental question of metaphysics. This presentation draws on science, philosophy, and religion to take on a question that everyone has probably pondered at one time or another. We will examine a number of creation myths before turning to a variety of hypothetical answers to the question: the null world (why not nothing?); the eternal universe; the Big Bang; and the problem of people, or, fine-tuning the universe.
Cause and Effect: The Development of Religious Creeds
$25 / $30 • Option #1 – February 7 at 1:30 – 3pm, Monday
BV4628 – Bentley Village (North Naples) • Option #2 – March 17 at 1:30 – 3pm, Thursday
NC4629 – FGCU Naples Center
OL4630 – Online via Zoom
Speaker: Kent Commons Choose one of the course options above. Why were the creeds created and how many were there? Are they both in the Old as well as the New Testament? Are there others that are not in scripture? Each one was the answer to a question that arose during the early years of the church and each one expresses a unified answer to those questions. From the Code of Hammurabi to the Apostles Creed, we will look at both the cause as well as the effect of those queries.