Central Focus August 2011

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{central focus} francis howell central high school | volume fifteen | issue one | 8.8.2011

If you’re reading this at 7:21 and you’re not in class, you’re officially tardy. if you want to buy a Pepsi product at lunch, you’re out of luck, because school vending machines are now filled with Coke products. If you’re walking down to the baseball fields, you’ll see a new Spartan statue, thanks to a donation by the classes of 2010 & 2011. If you have a mobile web device, you’ll be able to access the internet on it - thanks to the district’s new wireless internet system. If you want to play tennis, you can now take advantage of the school’s brand-new courts built this summer. If you’re looking for the writing lab, you’ll have to walk in a different direction, because that room is now a business classroom. if you’re reading this at 7:21 and you’re not in class, you’re officially tardy. if you want to buy a Pepsi product at lunch, you’re out of luck, because school vending machines are now filled with Coke products. If you’re walking down to the baseball fields, you’ll see a new Spartan statue, thanks to a donation by the classes of 2010 & If you have a mobile web device, you’ll be able to access the internet on it - thanks to the district’s new wireless internet system. If you want to play tennis, you can now take advantage of the school’s brand-new courts built this summer. If you’re looking for the writing lab, you’ll have to walk in a different direction, because that room is now a business classroom. if you’re reading this at 7:21 and you’re not in class, you’re officially tardy. If you want to buy a Pepsi product at lunch, you’re out of luck, because school



A new face in the crowd


enthusiasm for the new addition of the spartan statue, students such as senior Courtney Tebeau and Standing strong with its shield junior Briar Larowitz are also happy in hand and sword raised, the with the statue. Tebeau agrees the Spartan statue overlooks the statue itself will not bring spirit to competition field of the Don our school, but what it symbolizes Muench Memorial Stadium. This will. spartan statue was a gift from the “The statue itself won’t bring graduated classes of school spirit, but 2010 and 2011. when we’re at football According to games this fall we’ll Principal Dr. Sonny look at it and be “The statue Arnel, the idea for reminded that we the statue was are Spartans and itself won’t decided between the that we’ll always be bring school one even once we class officers, class sponsor Jennifer graduate,” Tebeau spirit, but Denney, and himself. said. “Like Dr. Arnel when we’re Dr. Arnel said the says, ‘It’s a great day statue was shipped to be a Spartan.’” at football from California Unlike Dr. Arnel games this because not many and Tebeau, Larowitz local places could the new statue fall we’ll look feels create the statue at a could help boost at it and be reasonable cost. spirit. Funds for the “I think that [the reminded statue were raised spartan statue] could that we are by both the students help promote school and sponsors of both spirit at football Spartans graduating classes games,” Larowitz and that we’ll said. “A lot of other over the course of the four years they have statues always be one schools attended the school, or something with even once we their mascot on according to Dr. Arnel. The money for it outside of their graduate.” the statue itself was school.” raised by the class of The spartan statue { Courtney Tebeau } 2010; although, the is in a centralized senior class of 2011 paid location as it for the base and the overlooks the football, Tebeau is an avid fan of all lights that brighten soccer, and baseball school sports. She will be atthe base, Dr. Arnel fields. The statue is tending all football games in the said. in the middle of the fall like many other students. However, many believe the “We used the plaza in the stadium. statue will not help to improve money that the “I think [the school spirit as it is just classes of 2010 and statue]’s great and is another aesthetic part of the the school. What do you think 2011 raised and in a good location,” about the statue? Tell us about some of the parking Dr. Arnel said. “It will it on our Facebook page! funds,” Dr. Arnel said. be neat for parents In addition to and visitors to see at the Terry Kasper Corridor, the games.” Athletic Hall of Fame, and the According to Dr. Arnel, alumni Spartan Academic Hall of Fame, will be able to return to the school, the spartan statue will help to see the statue, and remember their represent the pride of the school. spartan pride. “The statue alone won’t create “[Graduating seniors leave gifts school spirit, but it’ll help portray so] they can leave the campus our school to our community,” Dr. better than when they got here, Arnel said. as something to be proud of when Along with Dr. Arnel’s they return,” Dr. Arnel said. print executive editor

what’s up with the new... 2}

first day edition | august 8, 2011

photo by ellen hinze

Spartan statue most visible of many new changes around campus

The new Spartan statue stands with its sword raised towards the competition field. The statue was installed early this summer.

tennis courts? In May, the Board of Education approved plans to remodel the tennis courts at both FHC and FHN. The new courts are built ‘post-tension’ - the concrete is reinforced with steel cables to prevent cracking.

“I’m excited for [our] athletes to have an opportunity to play on professional level courts.” {Activities Director Scott Harris}

A new school year brings changes BY LIZZI HOLLAND the scene editor

Summer brings many changes. This summer, however, did not only bring changes to the students attending Francis Howell Central, but the school itself. A new yearly schedule and new lunch times are now the rightful whisperings of the crowded hallways. The real question is not what changes occurred, but rather why these changes were made. The new yearly schedule was talked about for months as the board of education went back and forth over the decision to merge the elementary and upper level schools to the same schedule. There were both positive and negative aspects to this consensus, but because of the


million dollars that would be saved from buses, it was decided to put all schools on the same agenda. This not only changed things for elementary students, but high school students as well due to the school starting time being made five minutes earlier; thus allowing longer breaks for the students. “I think that it will likely take some getting used to by all who will be ‘experiencing’ the new calendar,” Dr. Steven Griggs, chief human resources officer, said. “However, I think that once we have lived with it for awhile it will be as natural and ordinary to us as our former schedule was.” The scheduling changes did not end at the additional five minutes being added to each day; the lunch shifts have been completely

redesigned. As opposed to the usual five lunch shifts, there will now only be three. This will lead to increased lunch sizes, but will also eliminate split classes. “I’m ecstatic about the new lunches,” Principal Sonny Arnel said. “Before, the split classes were a hassle for the teachers, and because you can’t split gym classes, band classes, or science classes, it was not fair to all of the other academics.” However, not all students feel Dr. Arnel’s enthusiasm about the changes. “I think it’s going to be really inconvenient because I am going to have to go to my locker a lot, and it’s near the lunch room,” junior Hanna Smith said. “So, the bigger lunch shifts are going to lead to more traffic, but I guess I

understand from an educational stand point.” Because of the new lunch schedule the custodians will have more time to clean between each lunch and there will be fewer supervising shifts for office workers, giving them more time to do other work. Both Dr. Arnel and Dean of Students Mr. Todd Berck have said that none of the lunches are going to be any larger than 4C used to be due to the decrease in students this year. “There are only about 1,800 students, so with the work program, tech kids, and students eating in other rooms such as the band room and the Spectra room, there should only be around 500-600 students per lunch,” said Mr. Berck.

new teachers new teachers new teachers new teachers new teachers new teachers new teachers

What is your full name? Chrissy (Christina) Young

What is your full name? Melissa Christin Rademeyer

What is your full name? Stacey Anne Hilker

What is your full name? Elisabeth Kaye Baird

What will you be teaching here at FHC? Studies III/Enviromental Studies. I am Resource for Special Ed.

What will you be teaching here at FHC? Physical Science and Physical Science Success

What will you be teaching here at FHC? Physical science and Biology

What will you be teaching here at FHC? All Vocal Music classes: Chamber choirs, concert choir, and Treble choir

What is your educational background? Graduate of FHC in 2006! GO SPARTANS! SEMO Grad 2011 with a Bachelor’s in Special Ed and Elementary Ed.

What is your educational background? BS - Biology from Maryville University MA - Teaching from Missouri Baptist University

How long have you been teaching? This is my first year! Wish me luck! What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite HS memory would have to be playing soccer. Those bus rides, two-aday practices, and the friendships! I am still great friends with my teammates!

What’s your teaching style? All styles of teaching, but my favorite are hands-on activities and labs. What is your favorite high school memory? Dancing on my pom squad and meeting life long friends.

wireless network? FHSD has been planning for years to make the entire district wireless for practicality and convenience for teachers. The school also has an ‘FHSD Guest’ network for student and parent use.

What is your educational background? BS - Business and Emphasis Accounting and Science MBA - Business Mgt. MA - Education What is your goal for this year? Not to get lost on my first day of school and to help my students with growth in academics. What is your favorite high school memory? Senior ring actvities and graduation

“Right now is the most exciting time to come to any of the Howell schools because we are very current in technology.” {Assistant Principal Dave Stofer}


What is your educational background? I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Music Education at UMSL. What is your goal for this year? My goal is to get to know all the current students in choir and to encourage even more people to come see all the great stuff we can do in all our choirs. What is your favorite high school memory? I met my husband on the first day of Marching Band in high school, so that tops my list!

soda machines? In late June FHC removed the Pepsi product vending machines and replaced them with Coca-Cola product machines. Pepsi products will still be sold at all concession stands at school events.

fhctoday.com | first day edition


Regular Bell Schedule Here is the new bell schedule for the 2011-12 school year. 1st period 7:20-8:13 2nd period8:18-9:10 3rd period9:15-10:07 4A/B period (4C or 5B Lunch)10:12-11:04 4B/4C period (4A Lunch)10:37-11:29 4C/5A period (5B Lunch)11:09-12:01 5A/B period (4A or 4C Lunch)11:34-12:26 6th period12:31-1:23 7th period1:28-2:20

Lunch Period Times

4A Lunch 10:07-10:32 4C Lunch 11:04-11:29 5B Lunch 12:01-12:26

Early Release Bell Schedule 1st period7:20-8:06 2nd period8:11-9:57 3rd period9:02-9:48 4A/B period (4C or 5B Lunch)9:53-10:39 4B/4C period (4A Lunch)10:16-11:02 4C/5A period (5B Lunch)10:44-11:30 5A/B period (4A or 4C Lunch)11:07-11:53 6th period11:58-12:44 7th period12:49-1:35

Lunch Period Times 4A Lunch

9:48-10:11 4C Lunch 10:39-11:02 5B Lunch 11:30-11:53


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{central focus} francis howell central high school | volume fifteen | issue one | 8.8.2011

If you’re reading this at 7:21 and you’re not in class, you’re officially tardy. if you want to buy a Pepsi product at lunch, you’re out of luck, because school vending machines are now filled with Coke products. If you’re walking down to the baseball fields, you’ll see a new Spartan statue, thanks to a donation by the classes of 2010 & 2011. If you have a mobile web device, you’ll be able to access the internet on it - thanks to the district’s new wireless internet system. If you want to play tennis, you can now take advantage of the school’s brand-new courts built this summer. If you’re looking for the writing lab, you’ll have to walk in a different direction, because that room is now a business classroom. if you’re reading this at 7:21 and you’re not in class, you’re officially tardy. if you want to buy a Pepsi product at lunch, you’re out of luck, because school vending machines are now filled with Coke products. If you’re walking down to the baseball fields, you’ll see a new Spartan statue, thanks to a donation by the classes of 2010 & If you have a mobile web device, you’ll be able to access the internet on it - thanks to the district’s new wireless internet system. If you want to play tennis, you can now take advantage of the school’s brand-new courts built this summer. If you’re looking for the writing lab, you’ll have to walk in a different direction, because that room is now a business classroom. if you’re reading this at 7:21 and you’re not in class, you’re officially tardy. If you want to buy a Pepsi product at lunch, you’re out of luck, because school



first day edition | august 8, 2011


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