WELCOME TO THE WEDDING MICHAELAOFCAPIES & August Twenty-Seventh Two Thousand Twenty-Two

WELCOME TO THE WEDDING OF Michaela Hicks Capies Pitts AND SATURDAY, AUGUST TWENTY-SEVENTH TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY-TWO LUXE EVENT VENUE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA OFFICIANT REVEREND DON MORPHIS Order of Events GivingEntrancePreludeofGroomProcessionalBrideProcessionalWelcomeAwayofBrideInvocationScriptureReadingsVowExchangeRingExchangePronouncementRecessional

Favorite Food: TV Show: Stranger Things Season:
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Bride & Groom
Spring Michaela Capies Meet the
Hometown: Fayetteville, NC
Zodiac: Cancer Favorite Song: Forever in Your Eyes by Mint Condition Favorite Food: Chinese Food TV Show: My Hero Season:
Zodiac: Aries Song: Lady by D’Angelo
Academia Favorite
Spaghetti Favorite

Meet the WeddingPartyTheLadies KIERA HICKS Maid of Honor LATESHA FORD Bridesmaid FABRIAN KEELS Bridesmaid ZAKKIYA VILLEGAS Bridesmaid JACELLE CANNON Bridesmaid OLYSHA WILLIAMSON Bridesmaid The Gentlemen DWIGHT PITTS II Best Man ADAM WILLIAMS Groomsman MATTHEW DIGGS Groomsman SEAN ALLEN Groomsman GREG HARVEY Groomsman ERIC MELINE Groomsman

Dinner Menu Starters Caesar Salad Main Course Au Poivre Filet Florentine Stuffed Chicken Sides Mac n Cheese Green Beans Lemon Pepper Asparagus Parmesan Rice Dessert Wedding Cake Strawberry and Vanilla

ChartSeating Bernette Melvin Natasha Adwaters Orlando Adwaters Phyllis Galbreth James Galbreth Janet Melvin James Brown Table 1 Chloe Mary’iamNajimGriffinLoydNelsonOliverNelsonEzekielAdwatersAnaiyaAdwaters Table 2 Tyia Ford Darius KaidenCrystalJustinHartsfieldMackWhiteRavenMooreRavenPitts&Robyn Table 3 Rico Wilson BrittneyTybreshaBrockingtonDouglasShanelleEnochStefanEnochDemiEnochEliEnoch Table 4 Dwight Pitts Sr Lisa Staton BK DeloresStatonAustinJamalAustinTonyPittsTerriPitts Table 8 Tawanna Peoples RaneeshaReggieKeels-CooperCooperBrianaPeoplesBreyonEriyonnaDamariya Table 7 Travis Hicks Jameel Hicks Kevin JosieMauriceKeelsKeelsTomikaKeelsArmstrongVieThornwell Table 6 Prince Jordan Aeryn McCain Kaleb McCain Richard SavannahWilliamsonWilliamson Table 5 Dwight Pitts II Matthew Diggs Sean Allen Adam Williams Eric Meline Greg Harvey Table 15 Kiera Hicks OlyshaZakkiyaJacelleFabrianTeshaWilliamsonFordKeelsCannonVillegasAlyr Table 14 Nardia GlendaShavonKahrienMcEwanScottBowserShanBowserAnitraGearWilliams Table 13 Karlia JomaurieGabrielleCarsonE’LiciaSediraFranklinHiggsAllenJonesJonesJonesEmoryJonesGreeneRodman Table 12 Bryan BrandonRasheemBenjaminTennieTaylorKyhekaTaylorNateTysonShabazzChristaShabazzBrockingtonAlexisBrice Table 11 Jamaal CeejayShavawnKellyKellyImanRattiganMcMichaelAlexWilsonIrenahWilson Table 10 Sonja KimberlyMatthewMichaelGaylordGaylordGaylordMilohGaylordJohnsonReggieJohnson Table 9

To our family and friends, Your love, friendship and support have influenced who we are today and we are so blessed to have such important people in our lives. We thank you for traveling near and far to be with us on this special day. The celebration would not be the same without you!