Nolinaceae Liliaceae Montiaceae
Fritz Hochstätter Nolinaceae
Beaucarnea Lemaire
Dasylirion Zuccarini Nolina Michaux Liliaceae
Calochortus Pursh Montiaceae
Lewisia Pursh
Fritz Hochstätter P. O. Box 510 201 D 68242 Mannheim Deutschland Webseite:
©All rights, including that of translation, reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the author.
Titelbild: Dasylirion longissimum Am Standort in Mexiko. Photo: D. Donati.
Inhaltsverzeichnis .................................................................................................................................... 4
Forscher.................................................................................................................................................. 10
Beaucarnea Lemaire 11
Beaucarnea compacta Hernández & Zamudio 12
Beaucarnea glassiana (Hernández & Zamudio) Rojas Piña 13
Beaucarnea goldmanii Rose 14
Beaucarnea gracilis Lemaire 15
Beaucarnea guatemalensis Rose 16
Beaucarnea hiriartiae Hernández 17
Beaucarnea hookeri (Lemaire) Baker 18
Beaucarnea olsonii Rojas &Alvarado 19
Beaucarnea pliabilis (Baker) Rose 20
Beaucarnea purpusii Rose 21
Beaucarnea recurvata Lemaire 22
Beaucarnea sanctomariana Hernández 23
Beaucarnea stricta Lemaire 24
Dasylirion Zuccarini 25
Dasylirion acrotrichum (Schiede) Zuccarini 27
Dasylirion berlandieri Watson 28
Dasylirion cedrosanum Trelease 29
Dasylirion durangense Trelease
Dasylirion gentryi Bogler 31
Dasylirion glaucophyllum Hookerr 32
Dasylirion graminifolium (Zuccarini) Zuccarini
Dasyilirion leiophyllum Engelmann ex Trelease
Dasylirion longissimum Lemaire 35
Dasylirion longistylum Macbride
Dasylirion lucidum Rose
Dasylirion micropterum Villarreal et. al.
Dasylirion miquihuanense Bogler
Dasylirion occidentalis Bogeler ex Hochstätter
Dasylirion palaciosii Rzedowski........................................................................................................... 41
Dasylirion parryanum Trelease ............................................................................................................. 42
Dasylirion quadrangulatumr Watson .................................................................................................... 43
Dasylirion sereke Bogler ....................................................................................................................... 44
Dasylirion serratifolium (Karwinski ex Schultes & Schultes f.) Zuccarini........................................... 45
Dasylirion simplex Trelease................................................................................................................... 46
Dasylirion texanum Scheele .................................................................................................................. 47
Dasylirion treleasei (Bogler) Hochstätter.............................................................................................. 48
Dasylirion wheeleri Watson ex Rothrock.............................................................................................. 49
Nolina Michaux 50
Nolina arenicola Correll 52
Nolina atopocarpa Bartlett.................................................................................................................... 53
Nolina azureogladiata Donati 54
Nolina beldingii Brandegee 55
Nolina bigelovii (Torrey) Watson 56
Nolina brittoniana Nash 57
Nolina caxcana Ruiz - Sanchez et al. 58
Nolina cespitifera Trelease 59
Nolina cismontanan Diece 60
Nolina durangensis Trelease 61
Nolina elegans Rose 62
Nolina erumpens Watson 63
Nolina excelsa Garcia Mendoza & Solano 64
Nolina georgiana Michaux 65
Nolina greenei Watson ex Trelease 66
Nolina hibernica Hochstätter & Donati 67
Nolina humilis Watson 68
Nolina interrata Gentry 69
Nolina lindheimeriana (Scheeles) Watson 70
Nolina longifolia (Karwinski ex Schultes fil.) Hemsley 71
Nolina matapensis Wiggins 72
Nolina micrantha Johnston.................................................................................................................... 73
Nolina microcarpa Watson 74
Nolina nelsonii Rose.............................................................................................................................. 75
Nolina orbicularis Hernández Sandoval & Luis Gerardo ..................................................................... 76
Nolina palmeri Watson .......................................................................................................................... 77
Nolina parryi Watson............................................................................................................................. 78
Nolina parviflora (Kunth) Hemsley....................................................................................................... 79
Nolina pollyjeanneae Hochstätter.......................................................................................................... 80
Nolina pumila Rose................................................................................................................................ 81
Nolina robusta Hernández Sandoval & Luis Gerardo........................................................................... 82
Nolina rodriguezii Ruiz Sanchez et al................................................................................................... 83
Nolina texana Watson 84
Nolinaceae Literatur Summary 85
Liliaceae Calochortus Pursh ............................................................................................................... 86
Calochortus albus (Bentham) Douglas ex Bentham 110
Calochortus amabilis Purdy 111
Calochortus ambiguus (Jones) Ownbey 112
Calochortus amoenus Greene 113
Calochortus apiculatus Baker 114
Calochortus argillosus (Hoover) Zebell & Fiedler 115
Calochortus aureus Watson 116
Calochortus balsensis Garcia Mendoza 117
Calochortus barbatus (Kunth) Pinter 118
Calochortus bruneaunis Nelson & Mcbride 119
Calochortus catalinae Watson 120
Calochortus cernuus Painter 121
Calochortus clavatus Watson ssp. avius ( Jepson) Hochstätter 122
Calochortus clavatus Watson ssp. clavatus 123
Calochortus clavatus ssp. gracilis (Ownbey) Hochstätter 124
Calochortus clavatus ssp. pallidus (Hoover) Munz 125
Calochortus clavatus ssp. recurvifolius (Hoover) Munz 126
Calochortus coeruleus (Kellogg) Watson 127
Calochortus concolor (Baker) Purdy & Bailey 128
Calochortus coxii Godfrey & Callahan ............................................................................................... 129
Calochortus dunnii Purdy 130
Calochortus elegans Pursh ssp. elegans .............................................................................................. 131
Calochortus elegans ssp. nanus (Wood) Hochstätter.......................................................................... 132
Calochortus elegans ssp. selwayensis (John) Hochstätter................................................................... 133
Calochortus excavatus Greene ............................................................................................................ 134
Calochortus exilis Painter.................................................................................................................... 135
Calochortus fimbriatus McDonald...................................................................................................... 136
Calochortus flexuosus Watson
Calochortus foliosus Ownbey.............................................................................................................. 138
Calochortus fuscus Schultes f.............................................................................................................. 139
Calochortus greenei Watson 140
Calochortus ghiesbreghtii Watson 141
Calochortus gunnisonii Watson ssp. gunnisonii.................................................................................. 142
Calochortus gunnisonii ssp. perpulcher (Cockerell) Hochstätter 143
Calochortus hartwegii Bentham 144
Calochortus howellii Watson 145
Calochortus invenustus Greene 146
Calochortus kennedyi Porter ssp. kennedyi 147
Calochortus kennedyi ssp. munzii (Jepson) Hochstätter 148
Calochortus leichtlinii Hook. f. 149
Calochortus longibarbatus Watson ssp. longibarbatus 150
Calochortus longibarbatus ssp. peckii (Ownbey) Hochstätter 151
Calochortus luteus Doglas ex Lindley 152
Calochortus lyallii Baker 153
Calochortus macrocarpus Douglas ssp. macrocarpus 154
Calochortus macrocarpus ssp. maculosus (Nelson & Macbride) Hochstätter 155
Calochortus marcellae Nelson 156
Calochortus mendozae Espejo et al. 157
Calochortus minimus Ownbey 158
Calochortus monanthus Ownbey 159
Calochortus monophyllus (Lindley) Lemaire 160
Calochortus nigrescens Ownbey 161
Calochortus nitidus Douglas................................................................................................................ 162
Calochortus nudus Watson 163
Calochortus nuttallii Torrey................................................................................................................. 164
Calochortus obispoensis Lemmon....................................................................................................... 165
Calochortus ownbeyi Garcia Martinez et al........................................................................................ 166
Calochortus palmeri Watson ssp. palmeri........................................................................................... 167
Calochortus palmeri ssp. sanjacintoensis (Ownbey) Hochstätter....................................................... 168
Calochortus panamintensis (Ownbey) Reveal .................................................................................... 169
Calochortus plummerae Greene.......................................................................................................... 170
Calochortus pringlei Robinson............................................................................................................ 171
Calochortus pulchellus (Bentham) Wood............................................................................................ 172
Calochortus purpureus (Kunth) Baker 174
Calochortus raichei Frawig & Girard 175
Calochortus rustvoldii Callahan.......................................................................................................... 176
Calochortus simulans (Hoover) Munz 177
Calochortus spatulatus Watson 178
Calochortus splendens Douglas ex Bentham 179
Calochortus striatus Parish 180
Calochortus subalpinus Piper 181
Calochortus superbus Purdy ex Howell 182
Calochortus syntrophus Callahan 183
Calochortus tiburonensis Hill 184
Calochortus tolmiei Hooker &Arnott 185
Calochortus umbellatus Wood 186
Calochortus uniflorus Hooker &Arnott 187
Calochortus umpquaensis Fredricks 188
Calochortus venustus Douglas ex Bentham 189
Calochortus venustulus Greene ssp. venustulus 190
Calochortus venustulus ssp. imbricus (Reveal & Hess) Hochstätter 191
Calochortus vestae (Purdy) Wallace 192
Calochortus weedii Watson ssp. weedii 193
Calochortus weedii ssp. intermedius (M. Ownbey) Hochstätter 194
Calochortus weedii ssp. peninsularis (Ownbey) Hochstätter 195
Calochortus westonii Eastwood........................................................................................................... 196
Calochortus Literatur Summary 197
Montiaceae Lewisia Pursh................................................................................................................. 198
Lewisia brachycalyx Engelmann ex Gray............................................................................................ 200
Lewisia canteloviii Howell .................................................................................................................. 201
Lewisia columbiana (Howell ex Gray) Robinson ssp. columbiana..................................................... 202
Lewisia columbiana ssp. rupicola ( English) Ferris ............................................................................ 203
Lewisia columbiana ssp. wallowensis (Hitchcock) Hohn ex Mathew................................................. 205
Lewisia congdonii ( Rydberg) Clay ..................................................................................................... 206
Lewisia cotyledon (Watson) Robinson ssp. cotyledon......................................................................... 207
Lewisia cotyledon ssp. heckneri (Munz) Hochstätter.......................................................................... 208
Lewisia cotyledon ssp. howellii (Munz) Hochstätter 209
Lewisia disepala Rydberg 210
Lewisia kelloggii Brandegeei ssp. kelloggii..........................................................................................211
Lewisia kelloggii ssp. hutchisonii Dempster 212
Lewisia leeana (Porter) Robinson 213
Lewisia longipetala (Piper) Clay 214
Lewisia maguirei Holmgren 215
Lewisia nevadensis (Gray) Robinson 216
Lewisia oppositifolia (Watson) Robinson 217
Lewisia pygmaea (Gray) Robinson 218
Lewisia rediviva Pursh ssp. rediviva 219
Lewisia rediviva ssp. minor ( Rydberg) Holmgren 220
Lewisia sacajaweana Wilson & Rey Vizgirdas 221
Lewisia stebbinsii Gankin & Hildbreth 222
Lewisia triphylla (Watson) Robinson 223
Lewisia tweedyi (Gray) Robinson 224
Lewisia Literatur Summary 225
Glossary 226
Autor 248 Dank 249
Sereno Watson (1826 1892).
William Trelease (1857 1945) in1906. Photo: © Missouri Botanical Garden, glass plate archive. Reproduced with permission.
Joseph Nelson Rose (1862 1928).
Beaucarnea Lemaire
III. Hort. 8: Misc. 59. 1861.
Typ: Beaucarnea recurvata Lemaire 1861.
Forscher: Lemaire, Baker, Rose, Trelease, Hernández, Walker, Hochstätter. Vorkomen: Mexico,America.
Section Mexicanae Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Serie Mexicanae Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Typ: Beaucarnea hookeri Lemaire as Dasylirion hookeri Lemaire 1859. Vorkommen: Mexico.
Sectio, Serie Mexicanae 9 Spezies
Beaucarnea recurvata, Beaucarnea sanctomariana, Beaucarnea gracilis, Beaucarneua compacta, Beaucarnea glassiana, Beaucarnea purpusii, Beaucarneae hiriartiae, Beaucarnea stricta, Beaucarnea hookeri.
Section Southamericanae Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022
Serie Southamericanae Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Typ: Beaucarnea pliabilis Schott 1892. Vorkommen: CentralAmerica, Guatemala, Honduras.
Sectio, Serie Southamericanae 3
Baucarneae pliabilis, Beaucarnea guatemalensis, Beaucarneae goldmanii.
Beaucarnea compacta Hernández & Zamudio
Brittonia 55. 3: 226. 2003.
Ponnytail Palm, Short Stemmed Guanajuato Beaucarnea
Typ: Mexico, Guanajuato, 12. Sept. 1997, Zamudo et al, 10465 IEB.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Guanajuato.
Beaucarnea glassiana (Hernández & Zamudio) Rojas-Piña
Taxon 63. 6: 1207. 2014. Glass Beaucarnea
Typ: Mexico,Guanajuato,12. Sept.1997, Pérez-Calixet al., 3719IEB,CHAPA,ENCB,MEXU,QMEX.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Guanajuato.
Beaucarnea goldmanii Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 12: 261. 1909.
Goldman Beaucarnea
Typ: Mexico, Chiapas, Goldman 887, US.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Chiapas, Guatemala.
Beaucarnea gracilis Lemaire
III. Hort 8. Misc.: 61. 1861.
Tehuacan Valley Beaucarnea
Typ: (neo) Mexico, Puebla, Hernández, 2354, MEXU, TEX, UAT.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Puebla, Oaxaca.
Beaucarnea guatemalensis Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10: 88. 1906. Guatemala Beaucarnea
Typ: Guatemala, Kellermann, 4320, US, F, LL, MEXU, MICH, TEX, UC. Vorkommen: Guatemala.
Beaucarnea hiriartiae Hernández
Acta. Bot. Mex. 18: 25. 1992.
Pony Tail Palm
Typ: Mexico, Guerrero, Hernández-Sandoval & Martinez, 1629, MEXU, TEX, UAT. Vorkommen: Mexico, Guerrero.
Beaucarnea hookeri (Lemaire) Baker
J. Bot. 10: 327. 1872.
Typ: K (Kew cult. 1873).
Vorkommen: Mexico, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosi.
Beaucarnea olsonii Rojas &Alvarado
Phytotaxa, 286. 1: 15 18. 2016.
Beargrass, Battle Palm, Estrellas
Typ: Mexico, Puebla, Olson et al. 1044, MEXU, MO.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Puebla.
Images of Beaucarnea olsonii and B. hiriartiae in the wild.A. B. olsonii, B. B. hiriartiae C. Bark (phellem) of B. olsonii. D. Bark (phellem) of B. hiriartiae.
Beaucarnea pliabilis (Baker) Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10: 89. 1906.
Typ: Mexico, Yucatan, Schott, 892, BM, MO.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Yucatan, Guatemal, Belize.
Beaucarnea purpusii Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10. 89. 1906. Purpus Beaucarnea
Typ: Mexico, Puebla near Tehuacan, Rose & Painter 8. Sept. 1905, 10156, US, MEX, NY.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Oaxaca, Puebla.
Beaucarnea purpusii Am Standort in Mexico. Photo: V. Rojas Piña.
Beaucarnea recurvata Lemaire
III. Hort., Misc.: 59. 1861.
Ponytail Palm
Typ: (lecto) Illustration Beaucarnea recurvata Ch. Lem. in 58, fig. 1, 1861.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Veracruz, Oaxaca.
Beaucarnea sanctomariana Hernández
Novo 11: 50. 2001.
Ponytail Palm
Typ: Mexico, Oaxaca, 28April 1988, T. Wendel, 5914, MEXU. Vorkommen: Mexico, Oaxaca.
Beaucarnea stricta Lemaire
III. Hort. 8. Misc. 61. 1861. Beargrass, Battle Palm, Estrellas
Typ: (neo) Mexico, Oaxaca, Hernández, S. 2391, MEXU, TEX, UAT.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Puebla, Oaxaca.
Dasylirion Zuccarini
Allgem. Gartenzeitun 6: 258. 1838.
Typ: Dasylirion graminifolium Zuccarini.
Forscher: Watson, Trelease, Bogler, Hochstätter. Vorkommen: USA, Mexico.
Section Dasylrion Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Serie Dasylirion Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022
Typ: Dasylrion graminifolium (Zuccarini) Zuccarini. Vorkommen: USA, Mexico.
Sectio, Serie Dasylirion 9 Spezies
Dasylirion graminifolium, Dasylirion acrotrichum, Dasylirion gentry, Dasylrion leiophyllum, Dasylrion lucidum, Dasylirion parryanum, Dasylrion serratifolium, Dasylirion simplex, Dasiyrion texanm.
Section Quadrangulatae (Telease) Krause
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022
Serie Quadrangulatae Hochstätter
Adventures. Oktober 2022.
Typ: Dasylirion longissimum Lemaire. Vorkommen: Mexico.
Section, Serie Quadrangulatae 4 Spezies
Dasylirion longissimum, Dasylirion miquihuanense, Dasylirion quadrangulatum, Dasylirion treleasei.
Section Glaucophyllum Hochstätter
Adventures Elektronic. Oktober 2022.
Glaucophyllum Hochstätter
Typ: Dasylirion glaucophyllum Hooker
Vorkommen: USA, Mexico.
Section, Serie Glaucophyllum 9 Spezies
Dasylirion berlandieri, Dasylirion cedrosanum, Dasylirion durangense, Dasylirion glaucophyllum, Dasylirion longistylum, Dasylirion occidentalis, Dasylirion palaciosii, Dasylirion sereke, Dasylirion wheeleri.
Dasylirion Zuccarini
1 Dasylirion serratifolium. Leaf with serrate margins by a tzuft of coarse fibres. 60 cm long. 2 D. longissimum cross section of the leaf. 3 D. cedrosanum in flower. 4 D. serratifolium in cultur in flower. For comparison: Jana B. and Polly Jeanne R. 5 D. wheeleri seeds and fruit. 6 D. parryanum. Leaf with serrate margins ba a tuft of coarse fibres. 70 cm long. Seedpart in “fusiform”. 7 D. acrotfichum brush leave tip. 8 D. serratifolium in cultur. Inflorescence in part. 9 D. cedrosanum, fh 0631.20, MEX, flowers in part.
Dasylirion acrotrichum (Schiede) Zuccarini
Abh. Math. Phys. C 1. Königl. Bayer.Akad. Wiss. 3: 228. 1840. Sotol, Green Desert Spoon
Typ: Mexico, Puebla, 1827, Schiede, s. n.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Hidalgo, Puebla, Queretaro, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Dasylirion berlandieri Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts. 14: 249. 1879.
Berlandier Sotol
Typ: Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 1843, Berlandier, 3218.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi.
Dasylirion cedrosanum Trelease
Sotol Cenizo
Proc.Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 431. 1911.
Typ: Mexico, Zacatecas. Cedros slopes of foothills, June 1908, Lloyd 118.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Zacatecas, Coahuila.
Dasylirion durangense Trelease
Proc.Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 438. 1911.
Typ: Mexico, Durango, 1896, Palmer, 557.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Durango, Zacatecas.
Dasylirion gentryi Bogler
Brittonia 50: 71. 1998.
Gentry Sotol
Typ: Mexico, Sonora, 4Aug. 1997, Bogler1145, TEX.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Sonora, Chihuahua.
Dasylirion glaucophyllum Hookerr
Bot. Mag. 84: t. 5041. 1858. Glaucous Leaved Dasylrion
Typ: Hort. 6. September 1895. K. Vorkommen: Mexico, Hidalgo.
Dasylirion glaucophyllum
Dasylirion graminifolium (Zuccarini) Zuccarini
Allgemein Gartenzeitung 6: 303. 1838. Zuccarini Sotol
Typ: Yucca graminifolia, Zuccarini, Cat. Hort. Monaco, 1837. USA, California desert east of San Bernadino, Parry, s. n. GH.
Vorkommen: Mexico, San Luis Potosi
Dasylirion graminifolium München 1837 Tafel I. Erstellt 1837. Anonym.
Dasyilirion leiophyllum Engelmann ex Trelease
Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 433. 1911.
Smooth Sotol, Desert Candle
Typ: USA, Texas, Harvard, s. n. MO.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Chihuahua, Coahuila, USA, Texas, New Mexico.
Dasylirion leiophyllum fh 1207.9 Am Standort in Texas.
Dasylirion longissimum Lemaire
III. Hort 3 Misc. 91. 1856.
Mexican Grass Tree
Typ: (neo) Mexico, Hidalgo,Ashly bank 8 km west of Cardenal, 1900 m, 26. November 1965, Quintero, 3329 MEXU.
Vorkommen: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, Queretaro.
Dasylirion longistylum Macbride
Contr. Gray Herb. 56:16. 1918.
San Luis Potosi Sotol
Typ: San Luis Potosi, Minas de San Rafael, 1911, Purpus, 5561, US.
Vorkommen: Mexico, San Luis Potosi.
Dasylirion lucidum Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10. 90. 1906.
Rose Sotol
Typ: Mexico, Puebla, 1. Sept. 1905, Rose & Painter, 10009, US.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Puebla, Oaxaca.
Dasylirion lucidum fh 0631.11Am Standort in Mexico.
Dasylirion micropterum Villarreal et. al.
Phytotaxa 253. 2: 141. f. 1 2. 2016.
Typ: J.A. Encina et al., 4177, Municipio deArteaga, Ejido Nuncio, Sierra La Veleta, 2843 m. MEXU. Vorkommen: Mexico.
Dasylirion miquihuanense Bogler
Brittonia 50: 76. 1988.
Miquihuana Grass Tree
Typ: Mexico, Tamaulipas, 13 Mar. 1990, Bogler, 738, TEX.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas.
Dasylirion occidentalis Bogeler ex Hochstätter
Piante Grasse 31: 28. 1911.
Typ: Mexico,Aguascalientes, 11.Aug. 1990, Bogler 790, TEX.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Zacatecas, Jalisco,Aguascalientes, Guanajuato.
Dasylirion palaciosii Rzedowski
Ciencia, Mexico. 15: 91. 1995.
Typ: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 18 Jun. 1955, Rzedowski, 5925 MEXU.
Vorkommen: Mexico, San Luis Potosi.
Dasylirion palaciosii Herbarblatt.
Dasylirion parryanum Trelease
Proc.Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 432. 1911.
Parry Sotol
Typ: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 1878, Parry & Palmer, 876.
Vorkommen: Mexico,Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato.
Dasylirion quadrangulatumr Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts. 14: 258. 1879.
Sotol Perilla Junquilla
Typ: Mexico, Tamaulipas, 1878, Palmer, s. n.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas.
Dasylirion quadrangulatum fh 0606.2 Am Standort in Mexico
Dasylirion sereke Bogler
Brittonia 50:74. 1998.
Sereke Sotol
Typ: Mexico, Chihuahua, Gentry & Bye, 23359,ARIZ.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Chihuahua.
Dasylirion serratifolium (Karwinski ex Schultes & Schultes f.) Zuccarini
Allgem. Gartenzeitung 6: 258. 1838. Maguey Cucharira
Typ: Mexico, Oaxaca, Juli 1827, Karwinski s. n. Vorkommen: Mexico, Oaxaca.
Dasylirion simplex Trelease
Proc.Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 434. 1911.
Mexican Sotol
Typ: Mexico, Durango, 1906, Palmer, 310.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Durango.
Dasylirion simplex Herbarblatt.
Dasylirion texanum Scheele
Linn. 23: 140. 1850.
Texasr Sotol
Typ: USA, Texas, June 1864, Lindhimer 549.
Vorkommen: USA, Texas, Mexico, Coahuila.
Dasylirion texanum fh 1207.11 Am Standort in Texas.
Dasylirion treleasei (Bogler) Hochstätter
Piante Grasse 31: 28. 2011.
Trelease Sotol
Typ: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Nov. 1910, Purpus, 5009.
Vorkommen: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, Queretaro.
Dasyilirion treleasei fh 0631.17 Am Standort in Mexico
Dasylirion wheeleri Watson ex Rothrock
Rep. U. S. Geog. Surv. , Wheeler. 272: 1878.
Wheeler Blue Sotol
Typ: USA,Arizona,August 1875, Rothrock, 655.
Vorkommen: USA, Texas,Arizona, New Mexico, Sonora, Chihuahua.
Dasylirion wheeleri fh 1207.15 Am Standort in Arizona.
Nolina Michaux
Fl. Bor. Amer. 1: 207. 1803.
Typ: Nolina georgiana Michaux.
Forscher: Watson, Trelease, Rose, Walker, Hochstätter. Vorkommen: USA, Mexico.
Section Nolina (= Graminifoliae (Trelease) Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Typ: USA. Nolina georgiana A. Michaux. W. Trelease. (Typ of the Genus).
Vokommen: USA, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Mexico, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Coahuila.
Serie Nolina (= Graminifoliae (Trelease) Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Typ: Typ: USA. Nolina georgiana A. Michaux. W. Trelease. (Typ of the Genus).
Vokommen: Vokommen: USA, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Mexico, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Coahuila.
Section, Serie Nolina (=Graminifoliae) 6 Spezies
Nolina georgiana, Nolina atopocarpa, Nolina brittoniana, Nolina lindheimeriana, Nolina pumila, Nolina humilis. Section
Erumpens (Trelease) Hochstätter
Piante Grasse. Speciale. The genus Nolina (Nolinaceae) 1 47. 2010.
Serie Erumpens Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Typ: Nolina texana. USA, Texas, San Antonio, May 1846, Lindheimer. 712 (on 4 sheets of more than one gathering).
Vorkommen: USA, Texas, New Mexico, Oklamhoma.
Section, Serie Erumpens 7
Nolina texana, Nolina greenei, Nolina erumpens, Nolina arenicola, Nolina ceespitifera, Nolina micrantha, Nolina pollyjeanneae.
Section Microcarpae (Trelease) Hochstätter
Piante Grasse. Speciale. The genus Nolina (Nolinaceae) 1 47. 2010.
Typ: Nolina microcarpa Arizona. Rock Canyon. Rothrock. No. 278.
Vorkommen: USA,Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico, Chihuahua, Sonora, Durango, Baja California.
Serie Microcarpae Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Typ: Nolina microcarpa.Arizona. Rock Canyon. Rothrock. No. 278.
Section, Serie Microcarpae 4 Spezies
Nolina microcarpa, Nolina durangensis, Nolina elegans, Nolina palmeri.
Section Arborescens (Trelease) Hochstätter
Piante Grasse. Speciale. The genus Nolina (Nolinaceae) 1 47. 2010.
Typ: Nolina bigelovii. USA,Arizona. Bigelow s. n. NY, GH.
Vorkommen: USA, California, San Diego, Nevada, Arizona, Mexico, Sonora, Queretaro, Zacatecas, Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Oaxaca, Puebla, Baja California.
Serie Arborescens Hochstätter
Adventures. Electronic. Oktober 2022.
Typ: Nolina bigelovii USA,Arizona. Bigelow s. n. NY, GH.
Vorkommen: USA, California, San Diego, Nevada, Arizona, Mexico, Sonora, Queretaro, Zacatecas, Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Oaxaca, Puebla, Baja California.
Section, Serie Arborescens 10 Spezies
Nolina parryi, Nolina bigelovii, Nolina beldingii, Nolina parviflora, Nolina hibernica, Nolina nelsonii, Nolina matapensis, Nolina longifolia, Nolina cismontana, Nolina interrata.
Nolina arenicola Correll
Madroño. 19: 187. 1968.
Sand sacahuista
Typ: USA, Texas, Culberson Co., Correll & Johnston, 18445, LL. Vorkommen: USA, Texas.
Nolina atopocarpa Bartlett
Rhodora. 11: 81. 1909.
Florida Beargrass
Typ: USA, Florida, Brevard Co.: Eau Gallie, Indian River, s.d., Curtis 5702, 1896, - the type; 2937, Gray Herbarium.
Vorkommen: USA, Florida.
Nolina atopocarpa fh 0523.30 In Blüte am Standort in Apalachicola in Florida.
Nolina azureogladiata Donati
Piante Grasse 31: 54. 2011.
Blue Leaf Nolia
Typ: Mexico, Hinton et al., 29252, Herbarium Geo, B. Hinton.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Oaxaca.
Nolina beldingii Brandegee
Zoe 1: 305. 1890.
Belding Nolina, Beargrass
Typ: Mexico, Lower California, Brandegee, 583.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Baja California.
Nolina bigelovii (Torrey) Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad. 14: 247. 1879.
Bigelow Nolina
Typ: USA,Arizona, Bigelow s. n., NY, GH.
Vorkommen: USA, California, Nevada, Arizona, Mexico, Sonora, Baja California.
Nolina brittoniana Nash
Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22: 158. 1895.
Britton Bear Grass
Typ: USA, Florida, Eustis, Nash, 459, 1894.
Vorkommen: USA, Florida.
Nolina caxcana Ruiz - Sanchez et al.
Phytotaxae 402 4: 188 190. 2019.
Typ:Mexico,Zacatecas, P.Carrillo -Reyes etal.7749,IBUGIT: CIIDIR,IEB,MEXU,QMEX,UAMIZ, XAL
Vorkommen: Mexico, Jalisco, Zacatecas.
Nolina cespitifera Trelease
Proc.Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 419. 1911.
Trelease Beargrass
Typ: Mexico, Coahuila, Wislizenus. 308, 1847.
Vorkommen: Mexocp, Coahuila, Zacatecas.
Nolina cismontanan Diece
Novon 5. 2: 162 164. 1995. Chaparral Beargrass
Typ: USA, Callifornia, Diez & Oberbauer, 651 , pistillate,ARIZ, NY, RSA, SD, UC. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Nolina durangensis Trelease
Proc.Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 421. 1911.
Creamy Green Flowers Beargrass
Typ: Mexico, Durango. Palmer. 249. 1896.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Durango, Chihuahua.
Nolina elegans Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10: 91. 1906.
Typ: Mexico, Zacatecas. US. National Herbarium No. 301305 (J. N. Rose, 2396.August 18.1897).
Vorkommen: Mexico, Zacatecas, Durango, Chihuahua.
Nolina erumpens Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts. 14: 248. 1879.
Foothill Beargrass, Mesa Sacahuista
Typ: USA, Texas. Wright, 692. 1849 (as Dasylirion erumpens Ci, Trelease 1911. The Desert Group Nolinaeae. 418.
Vorkommen: USA, Texas, Mexico, Chihuahua.
Nolina excelsa Garcia-Mendoza & Solano
Bot. Sci. 90.1: 22. 2012.
Giant Nolina, Beargress Tree Typ: Mexico, Oaxaca, Redonda- Martinez et. al., 481, MEXU, FEZA. Vorkommen: Mexico, Oaxaca.
Nolina excelsa Habit. Photo: A. Garcia Mendoza.
Nolina georgiana Michaux
Fl. Bor. Amer.1: 208. 1803.
Georgia Beargrass
Typ: Nolina georgiana Michaux. Vorkommen: USA, Georgia, South Carolina.
Nolina greenei Watson ex Trelease
Proc.Amer. Philos. Soc. 50: 418. 1911.
Woodland Beargrass
Typ: USA, Colorado, Greene, Jan. 1880. - the type. Cit. Trelease in Trelease. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 50. 419. 1911.
Vorkommen: USA, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma.
Nolina hibernica Hochstätter & Donati
Piante Grasse 30. 2: 72 77. 2010.
Green Beargras Tree, Mountain Top Tree
Typ: Mexico, Tamaulipas, Hinton Herbarium, No. 29065.
Vorkommen: Mexoco, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Léon.
Nolina humilis Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts 14: 248. 1879.
San Luis Potosi Bear Grass
Typ: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Parry & Palmer, 875, 1878.
Vorkommen: Mexico, San Luis Potosi.
Nolina humilis Biologia Central Americani: Botany. Vol. 5, Tab. 94 18. Januar 1884.
Nolina interrata Gentry
Madrono 8: 181. 1946.
Dehesia Beargrass
Typ: USA, California, San Diego Co., Gentry, 7330. SD.
Vorkommen: USA, California, Mexico, Baja California.
Nolina lindheimeriana (Scheeles) Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad. Arts. 14: 247. 1879. Lindheimer Bear Grass Typ: USA, Texas, Lindheimer, 213, 1846 - the type of Dasyliriom lindheimerianum Vorkommen: USA, Texas, Mexico, Zacatecas.
Nolina longifolia (Karwinski ex Schultes fil.) Hemsley
Biol. Cent. Amer. Bot. 3: 372. 1884.
Oaxaca Tree Nolina
Typ: San José del Prp, Schultes (Cit. Trelease, in The Desert Group Nolineae, 426, 1911).
Vorkommen: Mexico, Oaxac, Puebla.
Nolina matapensis Wiggins
Contr. Dudley Herb. 3: 65. 1940.
Wiggins Beargrass
Typ: Mexico, Sonora Wiggins, 7515, Dudley Herb.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Sonora, Chihuahua.
Nolina micrantha Johnston
J.ArnoldArbor. 24: 91. 1943.
Chaparral Beargrass
Typ: Mexico, Coahuila, Stewart 490 and Johnston & Muller, 1326 Gray Herb. Vorkommen: USA, Texas, Mexico, Coahuila, Chihuahua.
Nolina microcarpa Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts. 14: 247. 1879.
Sacahuista Beargrass
Typ: USA,Arizona, Rock Canyon, Rothrock, no. 278.
Vorkommen: USA, Texas, New Mexio, Mexico, Chihuahua, Sonora.
Nolina nelsonii Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10: 92. 1906.
Nelson Nolina Beargrass
Typ: Mexico, Tamaulipas, E. W. Nelson, 1898, No. 4489. US. National Herbarium No. 3332674. Vorkommen: Mexico, Tamaulipas.
Nolina orbicularis Hernández Sandoval & Luis Gerardo
Phyneuron 12: 1 4. 2019.
Typ: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Hernández, 7900, QMEX; IT: MEXU, XAL, IEB, UASLP.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Guanajuato, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí.
Nolina palmeri Watson
Amer.Acad.Arts. 14: 248. 1879.
Palmer Nolina
Typ: Mexico, Baja California, Palmer, 1875.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Baja California.
Nolina parryi Watson
Amer.Acad.Arts. 14: 247. 1879.
Parry Nolina
Typ: USA, California, Parry s. n. GH. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Nolina parryi fh 0523.23 Am Standort in California.
Nolina parviflora (Kunth) Hemsley
Biol. Cent.Amer. Bot. 3: 372. 1884.
Beargras Tree Nolina
Typ: Mexico, Between Hautilán and Tanepantha, (Cit. Trelease in the Desert Group, Nolineae, 425, 1911).
Vorkommen: Mexico, Queretaro, Zacatecas, Veracruz.
Nolina pollyjeanneae Hochstätter
Acta. Succ. 1.1: 7. 2013.
Polly Jeanne Nolina
Typ: USA, Oklahoma, Hochstätter, fh 523.50, SRP, HEID.
Vorkommen: USA, Oklahoma.
Nolina pumila Rose
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10: 92. 1906.
Rose Bear Grass
Typ: Mexico, near Santa Teresa, 1897, no. 2165 Rose, also in southern Durango, 1897, no. 2340.301074, US.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Zacatecas, Coahuila.
Nolina robusta Hernández Sandoval & Luis Gerardo
Phytoneuron 12: 5 7. 2019.
Typ: Mexico, Mexico, Querétaro, J. Rzedowski, 45033, QMEX, IT, IEB.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí.
Nolina rodriguezii Ruiz-Sanchez et al.
Phytotaxa 402. 4: 190, 193,196, fig. 3 4. 2019.
Typ: Mexico, Jalisco, Guzmán & R. McVaugh, 1324, HT: IBUG, IT, MEXU.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Jalisco, Michoacán.
Nolina texana Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts 14: 248. 1879.
Texas Sacahuista, Bunchgrass
Typ: USA, Texas, Lindheimer, 712, MO.
Vorkommen: USA, Texas, New Mexico.
Nolinaceae Literatur Summary
Beaucarnea Lemaire
Hochstätter, F. 2016: Beaucarnea.
Trelease, W. 1911: The desert group Nolineae.
Walker, C. C. 2020: Beaucarnea.
Nolina Michaux
Hochstätter, F. 2010: The genus Nolina
Hochstätter, F. 2016: The genus Nolina
Trelease, W. 1911: The desert group Nolineae. Walker, C. C. 2020: Nolina.
Dasylirion Zuccarini
Bogler, D. J. 1994: Dasylirion.
Hochstätter, F. 2011: Dasylirion
Hochstätter, F. 2016: Dasylirion
Trelease, W. 1911: The desert group Nolineae
Liliaceae - Calochortus Pursh
Fl.Amer. Sept. 1: 240. 1814.
Typ: (lecto) PH-LC 42 42. Calochortus elegans Headwaters of Kooskoosky, Idaho Co., Idaho, s. n. W. Clark & M. Lewis 17 May. 1806.
Forscher: Ownbey, Gerritsen, Parsons, Hochstätter.
Vorkommen: NorthAmerica, Central America.
Calochortus Pursh Section Calochortus (formerly Eucalochortus)
Typ: Calochortus elegans Pursh
Calochortus Pursh Serie Pulchelli (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Cyclobothra alba Bentham Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond. Ser. 2. 1: 413 pl. 14fig. 3. 1835.
Serie Pulchelli 5 Spezies
Calochortus albus, Calochortus amabilis, Calochortus amoenus, Calochortus pulchellus, Calochortus raichei.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Nitidi (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Calochortus nitidus Douglas Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond. 7: 277 pl. 9A1828.
Nitidi 9 Spezies
Calochortus coxii, Calochortus greenei, Calochortus howellii, Calochortus longibarbatus ssp. longibarbatus, Calochortus longibarbatus ssp. peckii, Calochortus lyallii, Calochortus minimus, Calochortus nitidus, Calochortus umpquaensis.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Eleganti (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Cyclobothra elegans Bentham ex Lindley Bot. Reg. 20: under t. 1662.1834.
Serie Eleganti 9 Spezies
Calochortus apiculatus, Calochortus coeruleus, Calochortus elegans ssp. elegans,Calochortus elegans ssp. nanus, Calochortus elegans ssp. selwayensis, Calochortus minimus, Calochortus subalpinus, Calochortus tolniei, Calochortus westonii.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Nudi (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Cyclobothra uniflora Kunth Enum. Pl. 4: 669. 1843.
Serie Nudi 3 Spezies
Calochortus nudus, Calochortus umbellatus, Calochortus uniflorus.
Calochortus Pursh Section Mariposa Ownbey
Typ: Calochortus venustus Douglas.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Venusti (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Calochortus venustus Douglas ex BenthamTrans. Hort. Soc. Lond.Ser. 2 1: 412. pl. 15. fig.3. 1834.
Serie Venusti 15 Spezies
Calochortus argillosus, Calochort catalinae, Calochortus flexuosus, Calochortus leichtlinii, Calochortus luteus, Calochortus monanthus, Calochortus palmeri ssp. palmeri, Calochortus palmeri ssp sanjacintoensis, Calochortus simulans, Calochortus splendens, Calochortus striatus, Calochortus superbus, Calochortus syntrophus, Calochortus venustus, Calochortus vestae.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Macrocarpi (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Calochortus macrocarpus Douglas Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond. 7: 276. pl. 8. 1828.
Macrocarpi 2 Spezies
Calochortus macrocarpus ssp. macrocrpus, Calochortus macrocarpus ssp. maculosus.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Nuttalliani (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Calochortus lutteus Journ.Acad. Phila. 7: 53. 1834. Conc. M. Ownbey 'The typ has not been lcated, and is probably no longer extant'.
Serie Nuttalliani 13 Spezies
Calochortus aureus Calochortus bruneauinis, Calochortus clavatus ssp. anus, Calochortus clavatus ssp clavatus, Calochortus clavatus ssp. gracilis, Calochortus claatus ssp. pallidus, Calochortus clavatus ssp recurvifolius, Calochortus concolor,Calochortus invenustus, Calochortus kennedyi ssp. kennedyi, Calochortus kennedyi ssp. munzii, Calochortus nuttalli, Calochortus panamintensis.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Gunnisoniani (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Calochortus gunnisonii Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Creutzfeldt. July 1853.
Serie Gunnisoniani 3 Spezies
Calochortus aureus, Calochortus gunnisonii ssp. gunnisonii, Calochortus gunnisonii ssp. perpulcher.
Calochortus Pursh Section Cyclobothara Ownbey
Typ: Calochortus weedii Wood.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Weediani (Ownbey)
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Calochortus weedii Wood Proc.Acad. Phila. 20: 169. 1868.
Serie Venusti 8 Spezies
Calochortus fimbriatus, Calochortus obispoensis, Calochortus plummerae, Calochortus rustvoldii, Calochortus tiburonensis, Calochortus weedii ssp. weedii, Calochortus weedii ssp. intermedius, Calochortus weedii ssp. peninsularris.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Ghiesbeghtiani (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ: Calochortus fuscus Karwinski s. n. Mexico Septembver 1827.
Serie Venusti 8 Spezies
Calochortus exilis, Calochortus fuscus, Calochortus ghiesbregthii, Calochortus mendozae, Calochortus ownbeyi, Calochortus pringlei, Calochortus venustulus ssp. venustulus, Calochortus venustulus ssp imbrictus.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Barbati (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ:As Fritilliaria barbata Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth Nova. Gen Spec. Plant. 1: 288. 1816.
Serie Barbati 4 Spezies
Calochortus balsensis, Calochortus barbatus, Calochortus marcellae, Clochortus nigrescens.
Calochortus Pursh Serie Purpureii (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Typ:As Fritilliaria purpurae Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth Nova. Gen Spec. Plant. 1: 288. 1816.
Serie Purpureii 5 Spezies
Calochortus cernus, Calochortus foliosus, Calochortus hartwegii, Calochortus purpureus, Calochortus spatulatus.
Calochortus albus (Bentham) Douglas ex Bentham
Botanist 2 t. 98. 1838. White Globe Lily Vorkommen: USA, California, Mexico, Baja Califdornia.
Calochortus amabilis Purdy
Proc. Calif.Acad. Sci., ser. 3, 2: 119.1901. Lanters Golden Globe Lily Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus ambiguus (Jones) Ownbey
Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 27: 505. 1940.
Doubting Mariposa Lily, False Sego Lily
Typ: M. E. Jones Contr. W. Bot. 14: 27. 1912.
Vorkommen: USA,Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Mexio, Sonora.
Calochortus amoenus Greene
Pittonia 2: 71. 1890. Purple Fairy Lantern Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus amoenus Am Standort in Californa. Photo: Kalelevin.
Calochortus apiculatus Baker
J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 14: 305. 1874.
Baker Mariposa Lily
Typ: Canada, Koouternay River British Columbia Lyall June 1861.
Vorkommen: USA, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Canada, Britsh Columbia,Alberta.
Calochortus argillosus (Hoover) Zebell & Fiedler
Madroño 3: 306. 1992.
Clay Mariposa Lily Typ: (isotyp as Mariposa argillosa) San Benito, California. 1938. May. 28. Hoover, R. F. 3488 US. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus aureus Watson
Am. Nat. 7: 303. 1873.
Golden Sego Lily, Golden Mariposa Lily
Typ: (isotyp as Mariposa argillosa) Utah, Kanab Region. E. P. Thompson 1872. US. Vorkommen: USA,Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado.
Calochortus balsensis Garcia-Mendoza
Sida 14 : 525. 1991. Las Balsas Mariposa Lily Typ: Mexico, Oaxaca. Distrito de Juxtlahuaca: Cañada Tziqui Cuaza, 7 km al SO de San Juan Mixtepec, bosque de Quercus Pinus, 2200 m, 21 Oct 1990.A. García Mendoza & J. Reyes 5090. MEXU. Vorkommen: Mexico, Guerrero, Oaxaca.
Calochortus barbatus (Kunth) Pinter
Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 13: 348. 1911.
Bearded Mariposa Lily
Typ: Conc. M. Ownbey. Chihuahua, Santa Eulalia Mts. Sept. 1885, Pringle 328 F, G, NY, PA, US. Typ as C. barbatus ssp. chihuahuanus Painter.
Vorkommen:Mexico. Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Hidalgo, Mexico, Federal District, Morelos, Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca.
Calochortus bruneaunis Nelson & Mcbride
Bot. Gaz. 55: 372. 1913.
Bruneau Mariposa Lily
Typ: Conc. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons. USA, East Bruneau, Owyhee County, Idaho. Nelson & Mcbride. 1881.
Vorkommen: USA. California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Oregon.
Calochortus catalinae Watson
Proc. Amer.Acad.Arts. 14: 268. 1879.
Catalina Mariposa Lily Typ: Conc. M. Ownbey. 'Without exact locality, Schumacher. 1878. F, fragment G. NY'. Vorkommen: USA. California.
Calochortus cernuus Painter
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 13: 347. 1911.
Nording Cyclobothra
Typ: Mexico, Morelos, Sierra de Tepoxtlan, 6700 feet, 12. September 1900, C. A. Pringle. 9341. Gray Herbarium, GH.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Morelos.
Calochortus clavatus Watson ssp. avius ( Jepson) Hochstätter
Pleasant Valley Mariposa Lily Typ: USA. California. Purdy s. n. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus clavatus Watson ssp. clavatus
Proc. Mer.Acad. Arts 14: 265. 1879.
Club Haired Mariposa Lily
Typ: Coc. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons. 'Near San Luis Obispo, June 1887, Lemmon'. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus clavatus ssp. gracilis (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Slender Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA. California Crow s. n. 28 June 1930.
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus clavatus ssp. pallidus (Hoover) Munz
Suppl. Cal. Fl. 174. 1968. Pale Yellow Mariposa Lily Vorkomme: USA, California.
Calochortus clavatus ssp. recurvifolius (Hoover) Munz
Suppl. Cal. Fl. 174. 1968. Arroyou De La Cruz Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA. California. Hoover 8349. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus coeruleus (Kellogg) Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad. Arts 14: 263. 1879. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus concolor (Baker) Purdy & Bailey
In L. H. Bailey, Cycl. Amer. Hort. 1: 220. 1900. Golden Bowl Mariposa Lily Vorkommen: USA, California, Mexico, Baja California.
Calochortus coxii Godfrey & Callahan
Phytologia 65: 216. 1988.
Cox Mariposa Lily
Typ: Herbarbogen Kew. Typ specimen for Calochortus coxii Vorkommen: USA, Oregon.
Herbarbogen Kew.
Calochortus dunnii Purdy
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., ser. 3, 2: 147. 1901.
Dunn Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. Ownbey, California, Dunn. Cuyamae Mts. July 5.1898. Vorkommen: USA, California, Mexico, Baja California.
Calochortus elegans Pursh ssp. elegans
Fl.Amer. Sept. 1: 240. 1814.
Elegant Cat´s Ear, Northwest Mariposa Lily
Typ: (lecto) PH-LC 42 42. Calochortus elegans Headwaters of Kooskoosky, Idaho County, Idaho, s. n. W. Clark & M. Lewis 17 May. 1806.
Vorkommen: USA, California, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Oregon.
Calochortus elegans ssp. nanus (Wood) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic, Oktober 2022.
Zwerg Mariposa Lily Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons.' from a area west of Yreka in northern California Juni 1868'. Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon.
Calochortus elegans ssp. selwayensis (John) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Selway Bitterroot Mariposa Lily
Typ: Idaho, Paradise Creek 1200 m alt. Baker, June 29. 1927. WS. Vorkommen: USA, Idaho, Montana.
Calochortus excavatus Greene
Pittonia 2: 71. 1890.
Inyo Country Star Tulip
Typ: Cit. M. Ownbey. Bishop Creek, California, May 30 1886, Shockley 427 (G, UC). Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus exilis Painter
Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 13: 346. 1911.
Hidalgo Cyclobothra
Typ: Mexico, Hidalgo. Collected on bare summits of the Sierra de Pachuca, alt. 3000 m. Sept. 14, 1899. C. G. Pringle. 8247. US.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Hidalgo.
Calochortus fimbriatus McDonald
Herbertia 55: 41 43. 2000 publ. 2001.
Late Blooming Mariposa Lily Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus flexuosus Watson
Amer. Naturalist 7: 303. 1873.
Winding Mariposa Lily, Stragging Mariposa Lily
Typ: Vicinity of Kanab, Utah. Ellen Powel Thompson. 1872. US.
Vorkommen: USA, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Mexico, Baja California, Sonora.
Calochortus foliosus Ownbey
Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 27: 535.1940.
Leafy Cyclobothra
Type: Mexico, Michoacán, Campanario, vicinity of Morelia, 2200 m. alt., 14 September 1911. F. G. Arsène. 5687. (MO/BC:MO 357182/A:846141).
Vorkommen: USA, California, Nevada,Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Mexico, Baja California, Sonora.
Calochortus foliosus US Herbarbogen.
Calochortus fuscus Schultes f.
Bijdr. Naturk. Wetensch. 4: 131. 1829. Cyclobothra
Typ: Mexico, Karwinski s. n. September 1827.Arismendi [Arizméndiz] M. Vorkommen: Mexico. Chihuahua, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoaca, Oaxaca.
Calochortus greenei Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts. 14: 264. 1879.
Greene Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. Ownbey. Siskiyou County, California. 1876. Greene 914 (G Type, M, PA).
Vorkommen: USA, Oregon, Jackson Co. , Klamath Co., California, Siskiyou Co.
Calochortus ghiesbreghtii Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts 14: 268. 1879.
Ghiesbreght Cyclobothra
Typ: Chiapas, Mexico.A. B. Ghiesbreght. 661. G. Vorkommen: Mexico. Hidalgo, Querétero, Chiapas, Guatemala.
Calochortus gunnisonii Watson ssp. gunnisonii
S. Watson Bot. Fortieth Parallel. 348. 1871. Gunnison Mariposa Lily
Typ: July 1853. Suthern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Collected by Creutzfeldt. Gunnison expedtion. Note: M. E. Gerritsen & R. Pasons. 160 161. 2007.
Vorkommen: USA, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Washington, Nebraska, Idaho.
Calochortus gunnisonii ssp. perpulcher (Cockerell) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022. Pecos Mariposa Lily Ty: New Mexico. F. Beschle s.n. [25 Jul 1899]; W. Porter s.n. Vorkommen: USA, New Mexico.
Calochortus hartwegii Bentham
Pl. Hartw.: 26. 1840. Hartweg Cyclobothra
Typ: Mexico, Aguascalientes. Hartweg. 1838. Leaves, Flowers/inflorescence (with inflorescence axis) Sheet No. 230. Herbarium Benthamianum.
Vorkommen: Mexico. Zacatecas,Aguascalientes, Nayarit, Jalisco.
Calochortus howellii Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad. 23: 266. 1888.
Howell Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & Ron Parsons. N. A. Fredricks. 1989. Illinois Valley, Josephine County, Oregon.
Vokommen: USA, Oregon.
Calochortus invenustus Greene
Pittonia 2: 71. 1890. Plain Mariposa Lily
Typ: (US)Herbarbogen USA, California. Collector F. V. Coville & F. Funston, #1743, Collection Date 1891/08/30.
Calochortus kennedyi Porter ssp. kennedyi
Bot. Gaz. 2: 79. 1877.
Kennedy Lily, Desert Mariposa Lily
Typ: California. Near Fort Tejon. W. L. Kennedy. Sprin 1876. F, G, PA. Note by . M. Ownbey. Vorkommen: USA, California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Mexico, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila.
Calochortus kennedyi fh 0502.5. Vergesellschaftet mit Sclerrocactus polyancistrus fh 83.4.
Calochortus kennedyi ssp. munzii (Jepson) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Munz Lily, Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA, California. Vicinity of Bonanza King Mine, east slope of Providence Mountains, Mojave Desert. 1200 m. May 1920. Jepson. Note by M. Ownbey.
Vorkommen: USA, California,Arizona, Mexico, Sonora.
Calochortus leichtlinii Hook. f.
Bot. Mag. 96: t. 5862. 1870.
Leicht Mariposa Lily Vorkommen: USA, Oregon, California, Nevada.
Calochortus longibarbatus Watson ssp. longibarbatus
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts 17: 381. 1882.
Longbeard Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons. 'Collected by Suksdorf in a low grassy area in what he called Falcon Valley ( the Camas Prairie Cowboy Lake area of northwest Klickitat County, Washington, 2 July 1881).
Vorkommen: USA, Washington, Oregon, California.
Calochortus longibarbatus ssp. peckii (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Peck Mariposa Lily
Typ: From grassy margin of wet meadow, headwaters of Marks Creek, Ochoco National Forest, Wheeler County, Oregon. Ownbey & Ownbey 1800. Herbariums State College of Washington. Vorkommen: USA, Oregon.
Calochortus luteus Doglas ex Lindley
Edwards's Bot. Reg. 19: t. 1567. 1833.
Yellow Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. Acc. M. Ownbey. Location uncertain, but pressumably near Monterey, 'Nova California'. Douglas. 1833. (G. NY). Vorkomen. USA, California.
Calochortus lyallii Baker
J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 14:305. 1874.
Lyall Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. Baker. Lyall collected the type specimen for C. lyallii at any elevation of about 1770 m on Mountain between the Columbia and Yakima rivers.
Vorkommen: USA, Washington, Canada, British Coolumbia.
Calochortus macrocarpus Douglas ssp. macrocarpus
Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7: 276. plate 8. 1828.
Sagebrush Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. Ownbey ' Douglas, photographs of theType in the Hooker Herbarium at Kew'. Vorkommen: USA, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, California, Nevada, Canada, British Columbia.
Calochortus macrocarpus ssp. maculosus (Nelson & Macbride) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Lewiston Mariposa Lily, Green Band Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. Ownbey ' in rather loose disintegrated or volcanic soil near Lewiston, June 17, 1894, Henderson 2727 (G, RM Type)'.
Vorkommen: USA, Idaho, Washington, Oregon.
Calochortus marcellae Nelson
Madroño 30: 250. 1983.
Marcella Matiposa Lily
Typ: 4280. US. Isotyp: Mexico, Nuevo León.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Nuevo Léon, Tamaulipas, Coahuila.
Calochortus mendozae Espejo et al.
Novon. 15: 279. 2005.
Mendoza Cyclobothra
Typ: Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 21 Nov 2002.A. Mendoza-Ruiz. 656. MEXU.
Vorkommen: Mexico, San Luis Potosi.
Calochortus minimus Ownbey
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 430. 1940.
Sierra Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. Ownbey.' Middle Fork of Toulumne River' May 9, 1926. Bacigalupi. 1448. (NY, P).
Vorkommen: uSA, California, Sierra Nevada Region.
Calochortus monanthus Ownbey
Ann. Miss.Bot. Gard. 27: 465. 1940.
One Flowered Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA, California, near Yrek. Edward L. Greene 887. 24 June 1876 (MO/BC: MO-1766444/A: 248911).
Calochortus monanthus Herbarbogen.
Calochortus monophyllus (Lindley) Lemaire
Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 5: 430 b. 1849.
Yellow Mariposa Lily Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon.
Calochortus nigrescens Ownbey
Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 27: 530.1940.
Black Cyclobothra
Typ:Cit. M. Ownbey.'based on specimens deposited in various herbaria by CarlA. Purpus. Isotype, 3930, collected in Los Sapatates, Puebla, Mexico, elevation 2134 2438 m, inAugust 1909'.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Oaxaca.
Calochortus nitidus Douglas
Trans. Hort. Soc. 7: 27. 1828.
Broad fruit Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parson. D. Douglas. KEW. Vorkommen: USA, Washingto, Oregon, Idaho.
Calochortus nudus Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts 14: 263. 1879.
Naked Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. Ownbey.' Without exact locality' May 1877. Austini (R, M).
Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon.
Calochortus nuttallii Torrey
In H. Stansbury, Exped. Utah. 397. 1852.
Sego Lily, NuttallSego Mariposa Lily
Vortkommen: USA.Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Nord Dakota, Süd Dakota, Nebraska, Idaho.
Calochortus nuttallii fh 0505.22, vergesellschaftet mit Sclerocactus parviflorus fh 69 Moab Region, Utah.
Calochortus obispoensis Lemmon
Bot. Gaz. 11: 180. 1886.
San Luis Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E.Gerritsen & R. Parsons. 'Collecte by Lemmon on a dry stony hill near San Luis Obispo, California, on 25 May 1886'.
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus ownbeyi Garcia-Martinez et al.
Phytotaxa 314. 2: 242. 2017.
Ownbey Mariposa, Ownbey Cyclobothra
Typ: Mexico: Sonora,Yécora, Los Pilares, 1315 m, 28°33'39"N 108°47'24"W, 7Aug 2016 Collector and Number: M.A. García Martínez et al. 274. MEXU.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Chihuahua, Jalisco.
Calochortus palmeri Watson ssp. palmeri
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts 14: 266. 1879.
PalmerMariposa Lily
Typ: USA, California. Near the Mohave River. 25 May 1876. Edward Palmer 527 (MO!/A:3270852). Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus palmeri ssp. sanjacintoensis (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
San Jacinto Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA. California. Riversde County, San Jacinto Mts., June 23, 1950, Munz & Everett. 14915. (HT:WS).
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus panamintensis (Ownbey) Reveal
In Chrionquist & al., Intermount. Flora. 6: 501. 1977.
Planamint Mariposa Lily
Type. Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons. (Ownbey. Munz on 7 July 1937 from a dry slope, Thomedyke´s Canyon, upper Wild Rose Canyon, Panamint Mountains, 2310 m). 14856 (M, P).
Vorkommen: USA, California, Nevada.
Calochortus plummerae Greene
Pittonia. 2: 70. 1890.
Plummer Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA, California, Cajon Pass, J. G. Cooper 1860-61 as Calochortus weedii var. purpuraeus. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus pringlei Robinson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts. 36: 472. 1901.
Pringle Cyclobothra
Typ: Top of knobs of the Sierra deTepoxtlan, State of Morelos, Mexico, alt. 2300 m. 15 September 1900. C. G. Pringle. 8435.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Morelos, Puebla.
Calochortus pulchellus (Bentham) Wood
Proc.Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 20: 168. 1868.
Mont Diablo Globe Lily
Typ: Calochortus pulchellus See Herbarbogen. Gray Herbarium, Harvard University. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus purpureus (Kunth) Baker
Linn. Soc., Bot. 14: 308 1874.
Purple Calochortus
Vorkommen: Mexico, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacán, Guerrero, Morelos, Oaxaca.
Calochortus purpureus Am Standort.Acambaro, Mexico. Photo:A. More.
Calochortus raichei Frawig & Girard
Herbertia 43: 2. 1987.
Cedars Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA, California, San Francisco Bay area. R. Raiche. 7. June 1986. Sheet. 60214. Y. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus rustvoldii Callahan
Phytologia 97 4: : 283. 2015.
Rustvold Cyclobothra
Typ: USA. California, Los Angeles Co. Santa Clarita, San Gabriel Mountains, 1 June 2013. Callahan, 243403. OSC.
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus simulans (Hoover) Munz
Suppl. Calif. Fl. : 1968.
San Luis Obispo Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA, California, La Panza. Keck No. 2815. Herb. Univ. California. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus spatulatus Watson
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts 14: 267. 1879.
Campanita, Little Bell
Typ: Coit.M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons. GH. Gray Herbarium. Vorkommen: Mexico, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Oaxaca.
Calochortus splendens Douglas ex Bentham
Trans. Hort. Soc. London, ser. 2, 1: 411. t. 15. 1834. publ. 1835. Splendid Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit.M. Ownbey. ' locality uncertain, but presumably, near Monterey, California. Douglas (G,NY)'. Vorkommen: USA, California, Mexico, Baja California.
Calochortus striatus Parish
Bull. S. Calif.Acad. Sci. 1: 122. 1902.
Alkali Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. Ownbey. Rabbit Springs, Mojave Desert. Parish & Parish. 1342. May 1882. (F, G, M, PA).
Vorkommen: USA, California, Nevada.
Calochortus subalpinus Piper
Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 11: 195.1906.
Subalpine Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & Ron Parsons. The type specimen for Calochortus subalpinus was collected by Howell,August 1881 on Mount Hood, Oregon.
Vorkommen: USA, Washingto, Oregon.
Calochortus superbus Purdy ex Howell
Leafl. W. Bot. 1: 11. 1932. Superb Mariposa Lily Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons. Branson 6. July 1901. California, Yosemite Valley, elevation 1500 2400 m. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus syntrophus Callahan
Herbertia 49: 20. 1993. publ. 1994.
Callahan Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA. California, Shasta County, The Cove, southeast of Roaring Creek 524 m, June 12, 1993, F. Callahan 1125. CAS.
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus tiburonensis Hill
Madroño 22: 100. 1973.
Tiburon Mariposa Lily
Typ: North slopes of Ring Mountain, Tiberon Peninsula. A. J. Hill 51239.4A. 1972. RSA. Vorkommen: California.
Calochortus tolmiei Hooker &Arnott
Bot. Beechey Voy. : 398. 1840. Tolmie Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & Ron Parsons. The typ specimen for Calochortus tolmiei was collected by R. H. Thompson.
Vorkommen. USA, California, Washington, Oregon.
Calochortus umbellatus Wood
Proc.Acad. Nat. Sci Philidelphia. 20: 168. 1868.
Oakland Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E.Gerritsen & R.Parsons.'Purdynoted,That thespeciehadbeenearlierdescribed byWood, Oakland Hills, California'.
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus uniflorus Hooker &Arnott
Bot. Beechey. Voy. : 398.1840.
Monterey Mariposa Lily, Large Flowered Star Tulip
Typ: Douglas 1833 s. n. Sheet.
Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon.
Calochortus umpquaensis Fredricks
Syst. Bot. 14 12. 1989.
Umpqua Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & Ron Parsons. J. Howell, Umpqua Valley, Oregon (as Calochortus howellii) 1887.
Vorkommen: USA, Oregon.
Calochortus venustus Douglas ex Bentham
Trans. Hort. Soc. London, ser. 2, 1: 412. 1834. publ. 1835. Butterfly Mariposa Lily Typ: Douglas. 1833.
Calochortus venustulus Greene ssp. venustulus
Pittonia 1: 158. 1888.
Bearded Cyclobothra
Typ: Mexico, Sierra Madre, 15 mi. n. of Guanacevi, 2250-2400 m alt., August 17. 1898, Nelson 4761. US.
Vorkommen: Mexico, Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco, Mexico State.
Calochortus venustulus ssp. imbricus (Reveal & Hess) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022. Durango Cyclobothra
Ty: Mexico, Durango, Sierra Madre Occidental. James Lauritz; William J. Hess, Robert W. Kiger., 1971/08/11. #2741. MEXU.
Calochortus venustulus ssp. imbricus. Herbarbogen.
Calochortus vestae (Purdy)
Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 18: 14. 1895. Coast Range Mariposa Lily Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus weedii Watson ssp. weedii
Proc.Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 20: 169. 1868.
Weed Mariposa Lily
Typ: Cit. M. E. Gerritsen & R. Parsons. 'San Marcus, San Diego County,Amos Weed'. Vorkommen: USA, California, Mexico, Baja California.
Calochortus weedii ssp. intermedius (M. Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Intermediate Mariposa Lily Type: USA. California. Howell. June 22, 1927. 2572. NY. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus weedii ssp. peninsularis (Ownbey) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022.
Baja California Mariposa Lily
Typ: Mexico. Nord Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martin. March, 1 , 1931. Meling 10. (D, NY, P, US).
Vorkommen: Mexico, Baja California.
Calochortus westonii Eastwood
Proc. Calif.Acad. Sci., ser. 4, 20: 136. 1931.
Shirley Meadows Mariposa Lily
Typ: USA,California, KernCo.,saddle at Summit ofthe Greenhorn Mountains, aboveShirley Meadows. May 20. 1927. Weston. 680. CA.
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Calochortus Literatur - Summary
Fiedler, P. & Zebell, R. K. 2002: Calochortus Pursh Magnonliophyta Gerrritsen, M. E. & Parsons, R. 2007: Calochortus Ownbey, M. F. 1940:AMonography of The Genus Calochortus.
Montiaceae - Lewisia Pursh
Fl.Amer. September 2: 360. 1814.
Lewis Lewisia
Typ: Lewisia rediviva Pursh.
Forscher: Lewis & Clarke, Mathew, Davidson, Hochstätter. Vorkommen: NorthAmerica, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala.
Subgenus Lewisia
Section Lewisia
Typ: Lewisia rediviva Pursh.
4 Species
Lewisia disepala, Lewisia maguirei, Lewisia redivivia ssp. rediviva, Lewisia rediviva ssp. minor.
Section Brachycalyx Mathew
Typ: Lewisia brachycalyx,Atchinson Mountains, Utah. PhotoA. Mühl.
4 Species
Lewisia brachycalyx, Lewisia kelloggii ssp. kelloggii, Lewisia kelloggii ssp. hutchisonii, Lewisia sacajaweana.
Section Cotyledon Hohn ex Mathew
Typ: Lewisia cotyledon Howell.
9 Species
Lewisia cantelovii, Lewisia columbiana ssp. columbiana, Lewisia columbiana ssp. rupicola, Lewisia columbiana ssp. wallowensis, Lewisia congdonii, Lewisia cotyledon ssp. cotyledon, Lewisia cotyledon ssp. heckneri, Lewisia cotyledon ssp. howellii, Lewisia leeana.
Section Pygmaea Mathew
Typ: Lewisisa pygmae Hochstätter fh 0011 White Mts.Arizona. Kultur.
4 Species
Lewisia longipetala, Lewisia nevadensis, Lewisia pygmaea, Lewisia stebbinsii.
Section Oppositifolia Mathew
Typ: Lewisia oppositifolia Howell.
1 Species
Lewisia oppositifolia
Section Erocallis Mathew
Typ: Lewisia trphylla, USA, Druck Lake Region, California. Photo: S. Matson.
1 Species
Lewisia triphylla.
Subgenus Strophiolum Hohn ex Mathew
Typ: Lewisia tweedyi Tweedy.
1 Species
Lewisia tweedyi.
Lewisia tweedyi fh 0027. Washington, Wenatchee Mountains.
Lewisia brachycalyx Engelmann ex Gray
Proc.Amer. Acad.Arts. 7: 400. 1868.
Short Sepaled Lewisia
Typ: Lewisia brachycalyx,Atchinson Mountains, Utah. PhotoA. Mühl.
Vorkommen: USA,Arizona. California, Utah, Mexico, Baja Calfornia.
Lewisia canteloviii Howell
Leafl. W. Bot. 3: 139. 1942. Cantelow Lewisia Typ: USA, California Cantelow 294735 CAS. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Lewisia columbiana (Howell ex Gray) Robinson ssp. columbiana
Sin. Flor. N.Amer. 1: 268. 1897.
Columbia Lewisia
Typ: USA, Mountains of Washington, Oregon Lyall. Cit. Hohn. Vorkommen: USA, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Canada, British Columbia.
Lewisia columbiana ssp. rupicola ( English) Ferris
Fl. Pacific States 2: 134. 1944.
English Lewisia
Typ: Cultivated specimens from Portland, Oregon, originally collected in Oregon Saddle Mt. 23. July 1931. English 1734. ('Herb. Carl S. English jr.').
Vorkommen: USA, Washington. Oregon.
Lewisia columbiana ssp. wallowensis (Hitchcock) Hohn ex Mathew
The Genus Lewisia. B. Mathew. 101. 1989.
Wallowa Lewisia Typ: USA. Oregon, Wallowa Co., Snake River Canyon. Kruckeberg. 2471. WTU. Vorkommen: USA, Washington, Oregon, Idaho.
Lewisia congdonii ( Rydberg) Clay
Present Day Rock Garden. 340. 1937.
Congdon Lewisia
Typ: USA, California, Mariposa Co., Congdon 45334 DS. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Lewisia cotyledon (Watson) Robinson ssp. cotyledon
Syn. Fl. N.Amer. 1: 268. 1897. Siskiyou Lewisia
Typ: USA. California, Del Norte Co. T. J. Howell GH.
Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon, Idaho.
Lewisia cotyledon ssp. heckneri (Munz) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022. Heckner Lewisia
Type: USA. California, Trinity Co., J. Heckner 143965 US.
Vorkommen: USA, California.
Lewisia cotyledon ssp. howellii (Munz) Hochstätter
Adventures Electronic Oktober 2022. Howell Lewisia Type: USA. Oregon, Josephine Co. 'Deer Creek Mountains'. T. J. Howell 732. GH. Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon.
Lewisia disepala Rydberg
N.Amer. Fl. 21: 328. 1932. Yosemite Bitter Root
Type: USA, California, Yosemite Valley Dodd 1891. Destroyed in 1906. Joel typifiziert here
Lewisia kelloggii Brandegeei ssp. kelloggii
Proc. Calif.Acad. Sci. Ser. 2, 4: 88. 1894.
Kellogg Lewisia
Typ: USA, California, Sierra Nevada, Cisco. 27. Juni 1870. Kellogg CAS. Vorkommen: USA, California, Idaho.
Lewisia kelloggii ssp. hutchisonii Dempster
Cal. Bot. Soc. Madroño 4. 3: 415 416. 1996.
Hutchison Lewisia
Typ: USA, California, Sierra Co., Sadleback Mountain. Dempster & Hutchinson. JEPS. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Lewisia leeana (Porter) Robinson
In Gray et al., Syn. Fl. N.Amer. 1: 269. 1897.
Lee Lewisia
Typ: USA, Oregon. Siskyou Mountains. 2.August 1876. Lee. Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon.
Lewisia longipetala (Piper) Clay
Present Day Rock Garden. 341. 1937.
Long Petaled Lewisia Typ: USA, California. Sierra Nevada. J .G. Lemmon 1081. US. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Lewisia maguirei Holmgren
Leafl. W. Bot. 7: 136. 1954. Maguire Bitter Root Typ: USA, Nevada. Nye Co. B. Maguire &A. H. Holmgren. 25346 NY. Vorkommen: USA, Nevada.
Lewisia nevadensis (Gray) Robinson
In Gray, Syn. Fl. N.Amer. 1: 268. 1897.
Snowy Lewisia
Typ: Nach B. Mathew. Nevada & Utah, subalpine region of Wasatch and East Humboldt Mountains, S. Watson; California, Sierra Nevada, 'at Summit and Cisco' Kellog & Balander. K. Vorkommen: USA, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington.
Lewisia oppositifolia (Watson) Robinson
In Gray, Syn. Fl. N.Amer. 1: 268. 1897. Lange blütenstielige Lewisia Typ: USA, Coast Mountains of Del Norte County, California, near Smith River. T. J. Howell GH. Vorkommen: USA, California, Oregon.
Lewisia pygmaea (Gray) Robinson
In Gray, Syn. Fl. N.Amer. 1: 268. 1897. Alpine Lewisia, Pygmy Bitter Root.
Typ: Lewisisa pygmae Hochstätter fh 0011 White Mts. Arizona. Kultur.
Vorkommen: USA. Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. Canada, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Lewisia rediviva Pursh ssp. rediviva
Fl.Amer.2: 368. 1814.
Bitterroot Typ: USA, Montana. On the banks of Clarks river. PH. Vorkommen: USA. Montana, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Californ, Arizona, Canada, British Coilumbia.
Lewisia rediviva ssp. minor ( Rydberg) Holmgren
Leafl. W. Bot. 7. 6: 136. 1954.
Small Miniature Bitterroot
Typ: USA, California, Ventura Co.A. D. Elmer 3886. NY. Vorkommen: USA, California, Nevada, Utah.
Lewisia sacajaweana Wilson & Rey-Vizgirdas
Western NorthAmeric. Nat. 65. 3: 353.2005. Sacajawea Bitterroot
Typ: USA. Idaho, Boise Co., Boise National Forest. 3276 m Höhe J. J. Schenk & Edna Vizgirdas 527. ID.
Vorkommen: USA, Idaho.
Lewisia stebbinsii Gankin & Hildbreth
For Seasons 2 . 4: 13. 1968. Stebbins Lewisia
Typ: USA, Mendocino Co., California Galinski & Hildreth 1048 40796 DAV. Vorkommen: USA, California.
Lewisia triphylla (Watson) Robinson
In Gray, Syn. Fl. N.Amer. 1: 269. 1897. Three leaf Lewisia
Typ: USA, Duck Lake Region, California. Photo: S. Watson. (USA, California, above Cisco. S. Watson. 1867. Nicht aufzufinden). Lecotyp: designated here. Photo.
Vorkommen: USA. Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island.
Lewisia tweedyi (Gray) Robinson
Sin. Fl. N.Amer. 1: 268. 1897.
Tweedy Lewisia Typ: USA. Washington, Wenatchee Mts. Tweedy GH. Vorkommen: USA, Washington, Canada British Columbia.
Lewisia tweedyi fh 0027.Am Standort. Wenatchee Mts., Washington.
Lewisia Literatur - Summary
Davidson, B. L. : 20000: Lewisias.
Elliot, R. C. 1978: The Genus Lewisia.
Hohn, J. E. 1975: Biosystematic studies of the genus Lewisia section Cotyledon Portulaceae
Mathew, B. F. 1989: : The Genus Lewisia.
Stemlesss of without visible stem below the leaves.
Stammlos oder ohne sichtbaren Stamm unter den Blättern.
Needle like; cylindroid, elongate, and tapering, and uniformly circular or nearly so in cross section.
Nadelförmig, zylindrisch, länglich und gleichförmig verjüngend.
Needle-like; cylindroid, elongate, and tapering, and uniformly circular or nearly so in cross section.
Nadelförmig, zylindrisch, länglich, verjüngend und gleichförmig kreisrund oder ähnlich im Querschnitt.
With the pointed end forming an acute angle, sharply pointed.
Mit dem spitzen Ende einem scharfen Winkel bildend. Feinspitzig.
Applied to allied species or populations inhabiting separate habitats.
Angewandt auf alliierte Arten oder Populationen in separatem Habitaten vorkommend.
The type of inverted ovule occurring most frequently in flowering plants.
Der häufigste Typ umgekehrter Samenanlagen in Blütenpflanzen.
The upper and larger part of a stamen, consisting principally, of pollen sacs.
Oberteil der Staubblätter, bestehend aus einem oder mehreren Pollensäcken.
Flowering time, thatis, the time when pollination takes place; specifically, the process of increasing in size and opening, followed by the giving and/or receiving of pollen.
Blütezeit, Prozess der Vergrößerung und Öffnung, gefolgt von Abgabe oder Empfang der Pollen.
The uppermost point; vertex; tip.
Der obere, höchstgelegene Punkt, Vertex, Spitze.
A small area. In cacti a small, sharply defined, specialized area in which spines are produced. The structures in the areole are developed at a node of the stem, where they arise from the (axillary) bud in the angle above a leaf or a rudiment Repräsenting a leaf. In mature plants the rudiment is usually indiscernible.
Kleine Fläche. Bei den Kakteen eine kleine, klar definierte, spezialisierte Zone, in der Dornen und Glochidien produziert werden.
Like a berry, form of a fruit that is fleshy or pulpy inside.
Beerenähnlich, Form einer Frucht, die innen fleischig oder weich ist.
Slope; the upper bajadas are the upper slopes of particular desert.
Schlucht. Canyon.
At the base of the stem; at or near ground level.
An der Stammbasis, am oder nahe am Boden.
Afruit that is fleshy or pulpy.
Eine fleischige oder weiche Frucht.
Leaf, with axillary buds or flowers at the axilla.
Blatt, aus dessenAchsel sich eineAchselknospe oder Blüte bildet.
Asmall, short branch.
Ein kleiner, kurzer Zweig.
Offsets, bulbs.
Brutzwiebel, Brutknollen
Expanded or inflated basally.
Erweitert oder aufgebläht an der Basis.
The young growing structure at the tip of a stem or branch or in a leaf axil. A vegetative bud encloses immature leafs, and it may be protected by scale like outer leaves; a flower bud encloses the parts of an immature flower.
Having numerous stems that form a dense, low tuft or mat.
In Polster wachsend durch die Produktion basaler Triebe oderAbleger.
CAMPANULATE Bell shaped.
In a dense cluster of head, as flowers.
In dichtem Polster oder Kopf, als Blüte.
Adry, several to many seeded fruit formed.
Eine trockene, aufgeplatzte, einige bis viele Samen enthaltende Frucht, gebildet aus mehr als einer Karpelle.
Having a stem or trunk below the leaves.
Stamm unter den Blättern.
Is part of ovule, where the funiculus is attached.
Ist Teil der Samenanlage, an dem der Funiculus inseriert ist.
CHAPARRAL Dry scrub vegetation, especially in the south western USAand Mexico. Trockene Strauchvegetation, speziell im südwestlichen USAund Mexico.
CHASMOPHYT In Felsspalten wachsend.
Growing in crevices.
A chamber or compartment. Used most frequently for a living cell, the primary unit of any living organism.
Eine Kammer oderAbteilung. Zelle, Basiseinheit aller lebenden Organismen.
One of the spines in the central part of an areole. The distinction from the radial spines is usually clear and obvious but sometimes arbitrary.
Zentraldornen. Dornen aus dem zentralen Bereich einer Areole. Unterschied zu Randdornen gewöhnlich klar, manchmal aber auch willkürlich zu treffen.
Agroup of individual plants propagated asexually, either naturally or by man, from a single original individual.
Eine Gruppe von einzelnen Pflanzen, die asexuell vermehrt wurden, natürlich oder künstlich, aus einer einzelnen Mutterpflanze.
Many stems arising from a common base and growing together, either loosly or compactly; caespitose.
Mehrere Stämme aus seiner gemeinsamen Basis entspringend und zusammenwachsend, entweder lose oder kompakt.
Concave on one side and convex on the other.
Auf einer Seite nach innen gewölbt und auf der anderen Seite nach außen gewölbt.
Twisted or bent upon itself.
Um sich selbst gedreht oder gebogen.
One of the first leaves of the embryo formed in the seed. In the cacti the two cotyledons are the first pair of leaves, conspicuous in the seedling.
Die ersten Blätter eines Embryos, bereits im Samen vorhanden. Bei Kakteen sind die beiden Cotyledonen am auffälligsten beim Sämling.
In the form of a cylinder.
CYLINDROID Zylinderförmig.
DECIDUOUS Laubabwerfend
Leaf shedding.
Turned downward.
Bodenwärts gebogen von der Basis weg.
Lying flat on the ground, but with the tips turning upward.
Nach oben gerichtet aus der Horizontalen.
To split lengthwise along precis line.
Entlang präziser Linien aufreißend.
Opening lengthwise by splitting along precise line, thus realizing the seeds or pollen.
Der Länge nach öffnend entlang präziser Linien und auf diese weise Samen oder Pollen freisetzend.
With the margin bearing angular, perpendicularly projecting teeth.
An den Rändern gezahnt.
Dentate, the teeth small.
Dentate, klein gezahnt.
Flattened on top and the structure appearing to have been pushed down.
An der Spitze eingedrückt erscheinend.
Sloping gradually downward.
Graduell abfallend.
Deeply indented, that is, almost to the base or the midrib.
Tief eingekerbt.
Of an organ such as a leaf, on the side facing away from the axis of the organism (for example, away from the stem). The back or lower side of a leaf is the dorsal side, because it is away from the stem axis; usually the leaf slants upward, facing the stem Cf. ventral.
Bei Blättern die Seite, die vom Stamm weggerichtet ist. Auf die Rückseite beziehend.
Mit Drüsen oder Drüsenhaaren versehen welche klebrige Flüssigkeit ausscheiden.
Provided with glands or glandular hairs which exude sticky liquid.
In the form of an ellipse, that is, like a flattened circle with the length about twice the diameter, with both ends rounded and with the widest point at the middle.
Ellipsenförmig im Querschnitt.
ELONGATE Lengthened.
In die Länge gezogen.
The new plant developed from a fertilized egg cell. In flowering plants, the embryo is the young plant in the seed, consisting of the hypocotyls and the rudiments of a root, a stem (epicotyl), and one or two primary leaves (cotyledons). The cactus embryo has two cotyledons.
Bei Blütenpflanzen ist der Embryo die junge Pflanze im Samen bestehend aus dem Hypocotyl und der rudimentären Wurzel, dem Stamm (Epicotyl) und einem oder zwei Keimblättern (Cotyledonen).
Occurring naturally only in a particular geographic area.
ENDEMISCH Natürliches Vorkommen auf eine geographische Region beschränkt.
A cellular layer enclosing the embryo in immature seeds of flowering plants and often persisting in the mature seeds and becoming a food storage area. The endosperm is unique to the flowering plants, and it is formed from a large initial cell in the ovule at the time of fertilization.
Nährgewebe des Samen, gebildet aus der Fusion der männlichen und weiblichen haploiden Zellen.
With a smooth, unintended margin. Bezieht sich auf einen glatten, ununterbrochenen Rand.
The cells forming the surface layer of a plant organ. The epidermal cells of aerial organs suchas stems andleaves usuallysecrete alayerof waxy material (cutile) that retards evaporation of water.
Zellen, die die Oberflächenschicht einer Pflanze bilden.
Auf anderen Pflanzen wachsend.
EPIPHYTIC Growing on the surface of other plants.
An adjective used as a noun, often forming part of the name of a plant.
Ein hauptwörtlich gebrauchtesAdjektiv, oft Teil des Pflanzennamens.
Shaped like a scythe or sickle; flat curving, and tapering gradually to a point.
Sensen- oder sichelförmig.
A taxon composed of a group of related genera. The names of plant families usually end in aceae.
Ein Taxon bestehend aus einer Gruppe verwandter Genera.
The fusion of two gametes of opposite sex to form a zygote, the two usually an antherozoid and an egg in plants, a sperm and an egg in animals.
Die Vereinigung zweier Gameten unterschiedlichen Geschlechts zur Zygote.
Bei Tieren und Menschen Vereinigung von Spermium und Ei.
Having, consistent of, or resembling fibers.
Hat oder ähnelt faserförmigen Strukturen.
The stalk bearing the upper, expanded portion of a stamen, which consists primarily of the pollen sacs.
Threadlike, very slender.
Hat fadenförmige Strukturen.
With a marginal fringe.
Mit winzigen Fransen.
Weak, flabby, soft and limb.
Dünn, schlaff, weich, sanft.
Afruit with juicy, soft internal tissues, the outer tissues either firm or fleshy.
Eine Frucht mit saftigem, weichem Innengewebe.
Plants; the plant species occurring naturally together in a particular region, usually through one or more epochs of geologic time. Cf. vegetation.
Gesamtheit aller Pflanzenarten einer Region.
Pertaining to flowers.
Die/zur Blüte betreffend/gehören.
(according to shape). A cup like or tube like extension of the margin of the receptacle (a hypanthium) or a coalescence and adnation of the bases of the sepals, petals, and stamens. This structure bears the petals and stamens on its margin. In perigynous flowers the floral cup is free from the outer surface of
the ovary; in epigynous flowers it is adnate with the ovary. In epigynous flowers and fruits, like apples, it appears to compose the outer layer of the ovary.
Röhren oder tassenförmige Blüte, die durch Vereinigung der basalen Blütenbestandteile gebildet wird.
The matured, usually considerably enlarged, ovary and the enclosed seeds. In the fruit of a cactus the floral cup or tube is wholly adnate with the ovary (except across the top), and the cup or tube forms the outer coat of the fruit.
Frucht. Der reife, deutlich vergrößerte Fruchtknoten mit eingeschlossenen Samen.
The stalk supporting the ovule or later the seed.
Strangwerk, das den Fruchtknoten stabilisiert und später die Samen trägt.
Shaped like a funnel.
A unit of the genetic material localized in the chromosome; a portion of a DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule that determines on (or more) hereditary character(s) of an individual.
Ein Teil des DNA (Desoxyribonucleinsäure) Moleküls. Bestimmt eines oder mehrere genetische Merkmale eines Individuums. Angesiedelt in den Chromosomen im Zellkern.
Of or pertaining to a genus.
Ein Genus betreffend oder zu einem Genus gehörend.
Ataxon composed of a group of related species or sometimes a single species.
Artenkomplex. Ein Taxon bestehend aus mehreren verwandtenArten.
Not hairy.
Nicht haarig, eben.
GLAUCESCENT More or less glaucous.
Mehr oder weniger glaucous.
GLAUCOUS With a bluish powdered wax on the surface.
Weiß blau, mit einer Wachsschicht auf der Epidermis.
Essentially spherical; spheroidal.
The locality and the local combination of environmental conditions in which a plants grow. A particular species characteristically assumes a particular habit.
Die Lokalität und die lokale Kombination von Umwelteinflüssen, bei der eine Pflanze gedeiht.
An organized collection of plant specimens, the specimens usually pressed.
Organisierte Sammlung von üblicherweise gepresstem Pflanzenmaterial.
A scar on the seed coat at the former position of attachment of the funiculus, or stalk.The hilum is thebasal point of a seed. If the seed is broader than long, the hilum may appear to be on the side.
Narbe an der Samenschale im Bereich der Verbindungsstelle Samen funicoulus.
The particular permanently preserved specimen upon which a taxon (for example, a species) has been based and with which its scientific name is associated permanently. The specimen is so designated when the original description is published and the name is there in applied to the plant; thereafter, that name must be applied only to the taxon that includes the holotype. The type specimen should be deposited in an herbarium.
Typexemplar. Ein konserviertes Exemplar, auf der die Beschreibung eines Taxons (z.B. einer Art) basiert. Der wissenschaftliche Name ist mit diesem permanent verknüpft. Das Typexemplar muss in einem Herbarium hinterlegt werden.
With a hook.
Mit einem Haken versehen.
An individual whose parents differ or differed in some hereditary characters. Often the word has been used to describe individuals resulting from crossing different genera, species, or varieties.
Ein Individuum dessen Elternteile sich in einem oder mehreren genetischen Merkmalen unterscheiden.
Oft benutzt, um ein Individuum zu beschreiben, dass aus einer Kreuzung von unterschiedlichenArten oder Gattungen resultiert.
Mating involving parents with unlike genes, often the characteristic combinations of different varieties, species, or genera.
Paarung zwischen unterschiedlichenArten oder Gattungen.
INDEHISCENT Not splitting open along regular lines.
Nicht aufplatzend entlang präziser Linien.
The portion of plant consisting of a terminal stem and the flowers borne thereon.
Blütenstand, Stamm mit endständigen Blüten.
Designating a rank below that of species, e.g. subspecies, variety, subvariety, forma.
Einen Rang innerhalb einer Spezies, z.B. Subspezies, Varietät, Subvarietät oder Form.
INFUNDIBULIFORM Having the form of a funnel or cone; funnel shaped.
INTEGUMENT The outer coat of an ovule, later becoming the seed coat.
Außenschicht der Ovule entwickelt sich zur Samenschale.
INTERNODIEN Teil einer Sprossachse.
Part of a stem axis between two nodes
Endangering or outcompeting local species. Eindringend, Gefährdung einheimischerArten.
A duplicate of the type specimen (holotype), that is a specimen collected by the same person at the same place and time, bearing the same field number or other identification, and so far as can be determined believed by the collector to be the same collection, from the same population.
IOS Internationale Organisation für Sukkulentenforschung
IRT Internationales Forschungsteam.
Ein Duplikat des Typexemplars (Holotyp).
Having the shape of a lance, that is, 4-6 times as long as broad, acute at both ends, and broadest near the attachment end.
Extending to the site; onthe side.Alaterally flattened or compressed structure has its broadest faces on its sides, rather than on the front and back. Cf. dorsoventral.
Seitwärts ausbreitend, an den Rändern.
A substitute for the type specimen (holotype) that is, one designated to stand in place of the type specimen if a type specimen was not designated in the original published description. A lectotype is chosen from among specimens mentioned in the original publication of the name of the taxon or from those known to have been studied by the original author.
Ein Ersatz für dasTypexemplar. Der Lectotyp entstammt aus der ursprünglich vomAutor beschriebenen Population.
Narrow, with parallel sides, and with the length 8 or more time the width.
Schmal mit parallelen Seiten.
Pflanze mit mittlerem Wasseranspruch.
Plant wich medium need for water.
The minute opening in the integument of the ovule (later the seed coat) through which the pollen tube enters the ovule. This passageway may be at varying distance from the hilum.
Die winzige Öffnung des Fruchtkörpers (später Samenschale), durch das der Pollenschlauch eintritt.
Aplant that bears fruit once and then dies.
Pflanze, die einmal fruchtet und anschließend stirbt.
Of the mountains; commonly, of areas of middle elevations in the mountains. Cf. alpine.
Aus den Bergen mittlerer Höhe stammend. Vgl.Alpin.
Occurring naturally in an area; so far as is known, not introduced into the area by man.
Natürlich in einem Gebiet vorkommend, nicht eingeschleppt.
Pflanzen, die sich in Gebieten ansiedeln, in denen sie zuvor nicht heimisch waren.
Plants growing in areas where they were previously not native.
A substitute for the nomenclatural type specimen (holotype) chosen subsequently if the holotype is known to have been destroyed or lost.
Ein Ersatz für das Typexemplar falls dieses zerstört oder nicht auffindbar ist.
Anew name substituted for an older on that is invalid.
Ein neuer Name anstelle eines älteren ungültigen Namen.
Anew name that is invalid because published without a description, or, since January 1, 1935, because published without a Latin diagnosis or description, or, since January 1, 1958, because published without the designation of a nomenclatural type specimen.
Ein neuer ungültiger Name resultierend aus einer Publikation, die nicht den botanischen Regeln entspricht.
The megasporangium. (The term nucellus is used only for the seed plants).
Teil des Fruchknotens in dem der Embryo und Embryosack sich entwickelt.
Conical, but attached at the apex of the cone, rather than at the base.
Konisch, kegelförmig, aber an der Spitze anhaftend.
Lanceolate, but attached at the narrow end, rather than at the broad end.
Lanzettenförmig, aber verbunden über das schmale Ende statt dem breiten Ende.
About two or three times as long as broad, with more or less parallel sides.
Zwei bis dreimal so lang wie breit mit mehr oder weniger parallelen Seiten.
Ovate, but attached at the narrow end.
Eiförmig, aber am schmaleren Ende festgewachsen.
Ovoid, but attached at the narrow end.
Eiförmig, mit dem schmaleren Ende festgewachsen.
A plant or plants that arise from and remain connected to another plant, typically from rhizomes, stems or tubers.
Eine Pflanze, die aus seiner anderen entspringt und mit dieser verbunden bleibt, typischerweise über Rhizome, am Stamm oder über die Wurzelrübe.
Broadly elliptic.
Oval, breit elliptisch.
The lower, expanded portion of a pistil, containing the ovules that, after fertilization, develop into seeds.
The ovary of a hypogynous or a perigynous flower is superior; that of an epigynous flower is inferior.The ovary of a cactus flower, except that of some species of Pereskia, is inferior.
Fruchtknoten. Unteres Ende des Stempels, enthält Samenanlagen.
Having the shape of an egg, about one and one half times as long as broad, with both ends rounded, and with the apex a little narrower than the base; applied to leaves and other essentially two dimensional objects.
Eiförmig, am breiteren Ende festgewachsen.
The structure (one of one or more in the ovary) that ultimately becomes a seed. In the ovary at flowering time the ovule contains the female gamete (reproductive cell, or egg).After fertilization the ovule begins to develop into a seed. After cell divisions the fertilized egg becomes an embryo made up of a main axis composed of the hypocotyl (continuous with the root) and the stem, and of cotyledons and leaf primordial. In the cacti there are two cotyledons (seed leaves).
Samenanlagen. Strukturen, die Samen bilden.
Thebranchedinflorescencewithflowersborneinumbellateclustersonlateral branches.
Verzweigter Blütenstand mit Blüten in doldenförmigen Gruppen an endständigen Zweigen.
Alow, usually rounded projection.
Ein niedriger, gewöhnlich abgerundeter Vorsprung.
Having papillae.
Papillae tragend. Warzig
Papillate, the papillae minute.
Verkleinerungsform von Papillate.
The stalk of a flower. Blütentraube.
The main stem/stalk of an inflorescence.
Hauptstamm eines Blütenstandes.
PENDULOUS Hanging downward.
Abwärts hängend.
The sepals and petals or corresponding structures in a flower, or the corresponding more or less undifferentiated or intergrading parts of some flower; in the cacti the intergrading sepaloids (sepaloid perianth parts) and petaloids (petaloid perianth parts) are of a different origin from ordinary sepals and petals.
Perianth, Blütenhülle. Calyx und Corolla bilden Zusammen das Perianth.
The sepals and petals or other corresponding structures constituting the perianth; in the cacti, the sepaloids and petaloids.
Beliebiger Teil des Perianth (Blütenhülle).
A floral tube formed by fusion of the bases of the perianth parts, these being joined at least basally edge to edge, i.e. sepal to petal to sepal, etc.
Eine Blütenröhre entstanden durch Vereinigung der Basiselemente des Perianth. Häufig bei Monocodyledonen.
Remaining attached or in places.
Haften bleibend.
Inmost flowersoneoftheusually highlycolouredinnerseries of flowerparts.
Bei denmeistenBlüten ein dergewöhnlich gefärbteninneren Bestandteileder Blüte.
A flower part resembling a petal but of a different origin. The leaves (if any) of cacti shade into sepaloid perianth parts (sepaloids) that shade into petaloid perianth parts (petaloids), and all are of a similar nature and origin.The petals of most other flowers originate through sterilization of stamens or their forerunners.
Ein Blütenbestandteil ähnlich den Petalen, aber mit unterschiedlichem Ursprung.
Drawings of ancient Indians.
Zeichnungen der Ureinwohner.
The detectable and usually visible characters of the individual, produced by the interaction between heredity (its genetic potential) and the environment in which it finds itself. For example, a plant may have yellow flowers or lanceolate leaves.
Das Erscheinungsbild eines Individuums resultierend aus einer Wechselwirkung von genetischen Eigenschaften und Umwelteinflüssen.
The ovule bearing (and later seed producing) female organ of a flower, made up of the stigma (receptive to pollen), which is (are) connected by a tubular style to the ovary, in which ovules, then seeds, are developed. A pistil is composed of a single carpel or of two or more coalescent carpels, each of which is specialized leaf.
Weibliche reproduktive Teile der Blüte, bestehend aus Fruchtknoten, Griffel und Narbe.
One surface flat, the other convex.
Eine Seite eben, die andere convex.
Bearing flowers and fruits several times during the life cycle.
Mehrmalige Produktion von Blüten und Früchten während des Lebenszyklus.
The spheroidal structures developed in the anther of a flower. The mature pollen grain is a minute male plant (microgametophyte).
Pollen. Träger der männlichen Erbinformation von Pflanzen.
Atubular outgrowth of the pollen grain. The pollen grain lands on the stigma, and the pollen tube grows down through the stigma and the tubular style into the ovary, where it may bring about fertilization through the joining of an
enclosed (but finally released) male gamete nucleus with the female egg nucleus.
Röhre, die vom Pollenkorn ins Ovarium wächst und über die die Übertragung genetischen Materials erfolgt.
Lying flat on the ground but not rooting.
Flach am Boden liegend aber nicht wurzelnd.
Pubescent, the hairs fine, minute.
Pubescent, die Haare aber fein und winzig
Hair or down.
Haarig, mit meist feinem, weichen Haar. Wird häufig verwendet, um die Präsenz jeglicherArt von Haar zu beschreiben.
Hairy, with usually fine, soft hairs, the term extended commonly to denote the presence of any kind of hair.
Pubescent, mit feinen, weichen Haaren versehen.
Soft, often juicy (tissue with a fruit).
Weich, oft saftig (Fruchtfleisch).
An inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on pedicels along a central axis.
Ein Blütenstand, bei dem die Blüten traubenförmig entlang einer zentralen Achse entspringen.
One of the spines around the margin of an areole, the distinction between radial and central spines sometimes arbitrary.
Randdornen, siehe Central spine.
Prominent ridge o a seed, derived from the funiculus.
Samennaht.Am Samen anliegender Rest des Samenstranges (Funiculus).
Curving downward or backward, that is, in the direction opposite the usual one.
Abwärts oder rückwärts gebogen.
In the shape of a kidney or a bean.
Bohnen- oder nierenförmig.
Underground stem or shoot.
Unterirdischer Stamm oderAustrieb.
Formed like an equilateral parallelogram; essentially diamond-shaped, with the attachment at one of the sharp angels.
Rautenförmig, an den schmalen Enden festgewachsen.
Aridge running vertically or spirally along the side of the stem. The stem ribs of cacti are composites of rib tissues and the completely or incompletely coalescent and adnate tubercles. The apices of the tubercles may protrude from the rib, and each tubercle on the rib bears an areole that usually produce spines.
Rippe. Vertikal oder spiralenförmig den Stamm entlang verlaufender Kamm.
The usually underground part of the main axis of a plant that has no nodes, internodes, or leaves and has a solid core of xylem instead of a hollow one with internal pith as in the stems of flowering plants.
A closely spaces group of radiating leaves limited to a portion of the stem, usually at the stem apex or at the base of the inflorescence.
Eine räumlich eng begrenzte Gruppe radialer Blätter. Meist am Ende eines Stammes oder and der Basis eines Blütenstandes.
A slender, creeping stem that puts forth roots an shoots either from nodes along its length or at its tip.
Schmaler kriechender Stamm der Wurzeln bildet.Ausläufer.
In the cacti, a small leaf on the floral tube, especially on the part covering the ovary and adnate with it. A scale leaf may be either thin or flattened or succulent; sometimes it is elaborate in form.
Ridged an indented on the surface.
Kantig oder eingekerbt an der Oberfläche.
A group of related species that forms are natural unit within a genus or a subgenus.
Eine Gruppe verwandter Spezies, die eine natürliche Einheit innerhalb eines Genus oder Subgenus bilden.
The developed and matured ovule.The seeds of flowering plants are enclosed in an ovary. The seed develop a usually hard or leathery coat, and it includes the embryo.
Asection of the ovary separated by a usually vertical radial wall. The mature cactus fruit has no walls, and there is only one seed chamber.
The outer hard wall of a seed; the integument.
An individual division of a flowers, like a tepal.
Ein bestimmter Teil einer Blüte.
One of the green (or at least usually not highly colored) outer perianth parts of most flowers, as opposed to the usually more strikingly colored petals (or in the cacti the sepaloids and petaloids).
Äußere Perianthteile der Blüte. Im Gegensatz zu den Blütenblättern (Petals) meist grüne oder zumindest nicht auffällig gefärbte Blütenhüllblätter.
Having the appearance of a sepal; in this work, a sepaloid perianth part.
With marginal teeth resembling those of a saw, that is, the teeth forwardprojecting and acutely angled.
Mit randständigen Zähnen, sägeblattähnlich.
A woody plant having several, to many main stems developed from about ground level. In general, shrubs are smaller than trees.
Busch. Holzige Pflanze mit mehreren Hauptstämmen. Auf Bodenebene entspringend.
In essentially the shape of a spatula; narrowly oblong, but with the corners rounded,the basal endtaperingand elongate,The apical endbroadened (often abruptly so).
Particular; also, pertaining to a species, as, for example, the characters distinguishing a species from its relatives.
Spezifisch, im Besonderen auf eine Art zutreffend und Unterscheidungsmerkmal zu anderenArten.
Ahard structure with a sharp point derived from a leaf or a part of a leaf. The spines of cacti develop as specialized leaves growing from the bud in the areole or from secondary buds derived from it.
Arranged in a spiral but often appearing to alternate on the two sides of a structure such as a stem.
In Spiralen angeordnet.
The male, or pollen producing organ of a flower, consisting of an anther composed chiefly of pollen sacs and a slender supporting filament or stalk.
Männliche reproduktive Strukturen der Blüte, bestehend aus Staubfäden und Staubbeutel.
The part of the axis of theplant above the cotyledon(s); usually bearing leaves and often bearing leaves and often bearing branches; the epicotyl.
The terminal, pollen receptive part of the pistil of a flower, supported by the style, which leads to the ovary.Asolitary style may bear more than on stigma: in the cacti, usually 3 to 20.
Narbe. Endteil des Stempels, empfängt Pollen bei der Befruchtung.
The tubular organ connecting the stigma(s) and the ovary of a pistil.
Griffel. Schmaler Teil des Stempels, der den Fruchtknoten (Ovule) mit der Narbe (Stigma) verbindet.
A taxon with a rank between that of species and variety; a group of related varieties.
Ein Taxon mit Rang zwischen Spezies und Varietät.
which more soft, watery tissue and therefore fleshy.
Mit viel weichem, wässrigem Gewebe. Fleischige Konsistenz.
Describing an overlap in geographic distribution of two or more taxa. Angewandt auf verwandte Arten oder Populationen, die in der gleichen geographischen Region Vorkommen:
The condition of being a synonym. For each species or other taxon there may be a list of discarded names; these are said to be in synonymy.
Die Tatsache, ein Synonym zu sein. Existieren für eine Art mehrere nicht mehr gültige Namen werden diese als Synonyme bezeichnet.
Acontinuation of the main plant axis from the hypocotyl into the primary root from which branch roots arise; in some plants, descending deeply into the ground. Rübenwurzel.
A taxonomic unit that is, a category of classification: for example, a species or one of the varieties composing it. The taxon of the first magnitude is Regnum Vegetabile, the Plant Kingdom, which is composed of taxa of the next rank, that is divisions, and in turn classes, orders, families, genera, species, subspecies, and varieties.
Eine taxonomische Einheit, z.B. eineArt.
The principles of classification of living organism and the construction of a natural system of classification, that is, of classification according to (presumed) natural genetic or phylogenetic (evolutionary) relationships.
Die Prinzipien der Klassifikation von lebenden Organismen.
one of the outer parts of a flower.
Blatt der Blütenhülle.
The spine located at the end of a leaf.
Stachel am Ende eines Blattes.
Asmall marginal projection. Zahn.
TOMENTOSE Covered with thickly matted, woolly hairs.
Mit wolligem Haar bedeck.
Ataxon of a rank between family and genus, but lower than subfamily.
Ein Taxon mit Rang zwischen Familie und Genus, aber niedriger als Subfamilie.
Awoody stem from which branches and/or leaves arise.
Holziger Stamm aus dem Zweige und Blätter entspringend.
Aprojection; in the cacti, a stem projecting bearing an areole.
Warzen, an deren Spitze sich bei Kakteen dieAreole befindet.
TUBERCULATE Bearing tubercles. Warzentragend.
Forming a hollow, elongate cylinder, or essentially a cylinder. Röhrenförmig.
Applied to leaf margins, with wavy, as compared to straight margins. Welliger Blattrand.
The lowest ranking taxon commonly recognized; a subdivision of a species or (if subspecies is used) of a subspecies.
Das Taxon mit dem niedrigstem Rang. Eine Untereinheit einer Spezies oder Subspezies.
The covering of plants in an area, whatever their floristic origin. Types of vegetation cover include forest, woodland, grassland, tundra and deserts. Cf. flora.
Der gesamte Pflanzenbewuchs eines bestimmtenAreals.
Growth of a plant fragments asexually into new individuals.
Asexuelle Vermehrung von Pflanzenteilen zu einem neuen Individuum.
Of an organ such as leaf, on the side facing toward the axis of the organism (for example, the stem). Cf. dorsal.
Bei Blattseiten, die zur Stammachse gerichtet sind. Seite dem Ursprung zugeneigt.
Athin and membranous or leathery expansion Of the surface of an organ such as a stem or a fruit.
Flügel. Eine dünne, membran oder lederartige Erweiterung an der Oberfläche eines Organs, wie z.B. beim Samen.
Covered with long, matted, strongly interlaced Hairs.
Wollig oder mit filzartig vernetzten Haaren bedeckt.
Aplant that lives under remarkably dry conditions, such as those in deserts or chaparral.
Pflanze in besonders trockener Umgebung wachsend, wie Wüsten und Halbwüsten.
ZYGOMORPH Blüten die aus zwei spiegelgleichen Hälften bestehen.
Flowers onsisting of two mirror like halves.
Fritz Hochstätter widmet sich seit über 40 Jahren dem Studium und der Erforschung von Kakteen und Sukkulenten.
Neben seiner Forschungsarbeit engagiert er sich sehr für den Schutz der Pflanzen an den Standorten im Rahmen der IOS (International Organisation for Succulent Plant Study) und als Gründungsmitglied des IRT (International Research Team). Schwerpunkt des IRT ist Erforschung und Schutz der Gattungen Sclerocactus, Pediocactus, Navajoa, Toumeya, Micropuntia, Escobaria, Coryphantha, Ancistrocactus, Echinocactus, Echinomastus, Echinocereus, Ferocactus, Glandulicactus (Cactaceae), sowie Agave, Manfreda, Polianthes, Prochyanthes, Yucca, Hesperaloe, Furcraea (Agavaceae) Beaucarnea, Dasyilirion, Nolina (Nolinaceae), Echium (Boraginaceae), Lewisia (Montiaceae) und Calochortus (Liliaceae)
Das vorliegende Werk beinhaltet eine Zusammenfassung der Gattungen Nolinaceae, Liliaceae und Montiaceae.
Adolf Mühl
Oktober 2022
Malta, Idaho, 2009
Digitale Bearbeitung Quinn Rebou.
A. Mühl für die druckfertige Bearbeitung einschließlich Übersetzung in die englische Sprache.
R. Mottram der seinen Wisenschatz einbrachte.
Bibliothek Team, Freie Universität Berlin, Bibliothek Team, Senckenberg Universität Frankfurt.
Für die großartige Gastfreundschaft meiner lieben Freunde im Hamblyn Valley, Utah, Colleen und Mike Flinspach und Familie, in Milford, Utah, Kathie undWilliamAcklin und Familie, in Belen, New Mexico, Waltraud und Horst Künzler† und Familie, in Malta, Idaho, Mae† und Heber Zollinger† und Familie, Tracy und Darien† Zolliner und Familie, in El Cajon, California, Beate und Jürgen Mezel†
Für die liebevolle Untersützung im Feld, meiner Frau Ilse und meiner Tochter Indra.
Hochstätter, F. 1989:An den Standorten von Pediocactus und Sclerocactus (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 1990: To the habitats of Pediocactus and Sclerocactus (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 1993: The Genus Sclerocactus (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 1995: The Genera Pediocactus, Navajoa, Toumeya (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2000: Yucca I (Agavaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2002: Yucca II. (Agavaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2004: Yucca III. Mexico. (Agavaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2005. The Genus Sclerocactus (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2007: The Genera Pediocactus, Navajoa, Toumeya (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2014 publ. 2015: Agave Linné (Agavaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2015: Manfreda Salisbury, Polianthes Linné, Prochnyanthes Watson (Agavaceae). Hochstätter, F: 2016: Beaucarnea Lemaire, Nolina Michaux, Dasylirion Zucarrini. (Nolinaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2016: Sclerocactus Britton & Rose, Pediocactus Britton & Rose, Navajoa Croizat, Toumeya (Engelmann) Britton & Rose (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2015. publ. 2016: Yucca Linné, Hesperaloe Engelmann (Agavaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2016: Furcraea Ventenat, Beschorneria Kunth (Agavaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2016: Escobaria Britton & Rose (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2016: Ancistrocactus (Schumann) Britton & Rose, Echinocactus Link & Otto, Echinomastus Britton & Rose, Glandulicactus Backeberg (Cactcaeae).
Hochstätter, F. 2017: Coryphantha (Engelmann) Lemaire (Cactaceae).
Hochstätter, F. 2017: Ferocactus Britton & Rose (Cactaceae). Hochstätter, F. 2017: Echinocereus Engelmann (Cactaceae). Hochstätter, F. 2019: Aeonium Webb & Berthelot, Aichryson Webb & Berthelot, Monanthes Haworth (Crassulaceae). Hochstätter, F. 2019: Echium Linné (Boraginaceae). Hochstätter, F. 2019: Lewisia Pursh (Montiaceae). Hochstätter, F. 2020: CalochortusPursh (Liliaceae). Hochstätter, F. 2020: Cylindropuntia (Engelmann) Knuth (Cactaceae).