North Star: First Day Edition

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First day edition As a new school year begins, get all the information on what is happening around FHN

Clubs at fhn Learn about the different clubs you can get involved in here at North

people you need to know Find out the people you should know going into the new school year

places to know The places every student should know while walking around school

school map Don’t get lost. Find your way around with the school map

Francis Howell North St. Charles 08.11.15 Vol. 30, Issue 01

NEW CLUB FOR A NEW YEAR Clubs at FHN • FBLA • Work Experience • Ecology Club • Students for FHN • Speech and Debate • DECA • Quill and Scroll • Senior Delegates • Drama Club • French Club • Scholar Bowl • African American Senior Leaders • Sign Language Club • Senior NHS • Newspaper • Yearbook • Web • Video • Mu Alpha Theta • A+ Program • Science Club • Gay-Straight Alliance • Knightsound • Mentors • Treble Choir • Spanish Club • TASC • FCA • Freshman Delegates • Epsilon Beta • Young Democrats • Marching Band • Junior NHS • Concert Choir • Jazz Band • Symphonic Band • Color Guard • StuCo • FCCLA • Robotics • Chemistry • Art Club • KOE


Being a part of school through clubs is a great idea to get ahead to have fun with new people for the new school year. Here are some clubs North has to offer

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Fellowship of Christian athletes FCA is a club devoted to helping teenagers get closer to God. The sponsors, Science Teacher Dawn Hahn and FACS Teacher Sara White, hold meetings Thursdays from 6-7:30 p.m. twice a month. Students play a big role in leading the club’s activities. FCA’s first meeting takes place the month of August which is the Fall Kick-Off. The Fall Kick-Off is a way for people interested in joining to check out what FCA is like. It’s a barbecue with food for anyone who wants to show up. FCA is a part of many events throughout the year, but their biggest event is FCA Night at Busch Stadium during second semester. For information on any of the

“I think in my opinion, FCA is a place where people with the same kind of belief can come together as one,” senior Bailey Marek said. “My favorite part is just seeing others who have the same belief stand up for it.”

Epsilon beta Epsilon Beta is a club for students interested in reading and serving in the Learning Commons. This includes helping serve coffee on Coffee Fridays, helping out at Trick-or-Treat Street and helping lead book discussions. Media Specialists Angie Davis and Tara Willen sponsor this club. The event this club is most known for sponsoring is Coffee House which is held in February. Students who are chosen to perform after auditioning get to perform their song, skit or reading on one of the two days. Members help serve coffee or hot chocolate with cookies to the audience during the event. The first meeting is at the beginning of the


events sponsored by FCA, students can go to @FHNFCA on Facebook or Twitter. (brief by michal basford)

year while general meetings are later on in the year and are usually held every third Tuesday of the month in the Learning Commons. For more information, students can visit the Epsilon Beta page on the Learning Commons website or talk to Davis or Willen in the FHN Learning Commons.(brief by michal basford)

“I think it [the club] means that we have students who are taking ownership of our Learning Commons and moving our program forward,” sponsor Tara Willen said.

deca DECA is a co-curricular club that reaches out to students and teaches marketing and management skills to help them succeed in the business world. This club helps students learn interviewing skills, how to network and prepares them for the real world. This club sponsors the annual DECA Jump-Off and also sells cookies every day in the business hallway. (brief by brianna gonzalez)

“I think people should join DECA because it’s a really good opportunity to jump-start future careers and figure out what you really want to do with your life in business,” senior Anthony Lupo said. DECA

Ecology Club Ecology clubs meets every other Thursday after school in Joe Brocksmith’s room to plan for upcoming events such as float trips, trash pick-ups, campus beautification and caving. Their main goal is to get in touch with nature and increase environmental awareness, especially with youth. They are in need of members and are student oriented. (brief by sami schmid) “I like seeing kids and getting kids involved with and being appreciative of the outdoors,” sponsor Brocksmith said. “I think it’s important for kids to spend more time outdoors.” Ecology Club

Speech and Debate The Speech and Debate team meets in the learning commons every Joelle Sanders, Com 1 Tuesday and Thursday after school to prepare for events such as: Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Public forum debate, and many more forms of speech and debate. They participate in tournaments where they perform their speeches and compete with students from other schools. Winners are determined by the scores given by judges in multiple rounds. (brief by sami schmid) “The atmosphere is really fun and the people are very supportive,” sophomore Caitlind Walker said. Speech and Debate

We Are All Knights We Are All Knights is a club that gets students who receive special education together with other students at North to meet new people and promote friendships between students. During meetings every other Thursday, club members make crafts together, eat items they bake and work on ways to raise money for charity. Last year, they raised money for a cancer walk by selling baked goods. (brief by sami schmid) “It’s a great way to broaden your perspective of people and their value,” sponsor Lisa Pentecost said. We Are All Knights



there is still time to Earn a Free Yearbook • Sell just 10 items of Gourmet Cookie Dough, get a FREE($55 value) 2015-2016 yearbook AND a chance to win $100. • Sell more than 10 items? Get free goodies along with your yearbook. Sell 12 = one free box of chocolate chip dough, sell 15 = a free FHN Newspaper Paper Day or Excalibur Yearbook t-shirt. • All orders selling 10 or more items will entered in a drawing for $100 cash prize. • Order forms will need to be turned in to the yearbook room (026) no later than Aug. 20.

Have questions or need an order form to start selling? Visit room 026, or email

coming up at fhn...

At FHN there are many different school events that students can participate in during the 2015-16 school year. Here are some of the major events to mark on your calendar

The FHN football team walks the track at Black and Gold Day.

Students at the Homecoming dance.

AUG. 15

SEPT. 15-18

Black & Gold Day

Homecoming Spirit Week

“It’s so fun because everyone has so much spirit. I love the energy that everyone has that day.”

“I thought it was fun because I liked seeing people dress up. I thought the assembly was cool.”

Chassidy Johnson, 11

Wilkens’ first hour takes a group selfie for Spirit Week.

SEPT. 19


Homecoming “The Homecoming experience was fun and exciting because I like dancing and I like girls.”

Fall Play “I know Sulzner wants to keep the theme a more dramatic show in the fall. Audiences can expect something dark and a little creepier with more tensions and less laughs.”

Ke’Dar Gates, 12

Marissa Meyers and Marygrace Cole act out their roles in the fall play.

DECA Jump-Off

Coffee House

“The DECA Jump-Off is a fun event that really brings the whole school together to watch the big ‘seniors vs. the faculty’ game that raises money for charity.”

“I think coffee house was really entertaining. All of my favorite people performed. For the most part, everyone did a good job.”

Anthony Lupo, 12

Madi Bowen sings at Coffee House.

Victoria Brooks, 11


June 4



“It was very eccentric, and it had very nice decor going on. It was fun and a new experience.”

Jayden Arnold dances at Prom at the St. Charles Convention Center.

Zac Cary, 11

FEB. 25-26

Nov. 12

Tyler Firth attempts a shot at the DECA Jump-Off.

Alana Simmons, 10

Vincent Mack, 12

“I’m really excited just because I’m ready to get out of high school and start my career.”

The Class of 2015 attends their graduation ceremony at the Family Arena.

Antonique Moore, Graduate


4 Keep track of FHN’s latest scores, stories and events that students want more of. All of the info is easily organized and complied here on this student-run website. Here is where you can find recent stats and scores from each sports games. Scores are updated daily.

Use the navigation bar at the top to get you to whichever sport you’d like to check up on.

This is a slideshow of the week’s top stories. This includes recent game recaps, previews, and other sport related stories.

Looking for content by sport? We have got you covered here. Here you can find each sport divided into separate sections to see stats, stories, and players from a specific type of sporting event.



Fall Activities

Athletes share the goals they have set for themselves and their team this upcoming fall sports season in an attempt to improve their records from last year




Last Season: 4-7

Last Season: 11-13

Last Season: four runners qualified for State

“My goals for football season are to make first team all conference, and to break some of the school records, and my goals for my team are to win more games and make playoffs.”

“I feel like this will be a great year for FHN soccer. I believe we can win it all with the talent we have this year.”

“I hope that we are very successful just like we were last year and get a few runners to state and hopefully the entire team. As an individual, I’m working harder, getting faster and I’m going to try and make it on varsity.”

Akeal Slaughter, 12

Luis Negrete, 11

Jacob Drum, 12

Last Season: two swimmers qualified to State “I hope we will be doing even better this season, since we have some new freshmen coming in. It will be cool to see what the new people can do.”

Peter Lucido, 11


Girls GOLF



Last Season: 8-2

Last Season: two golfers qualified for Finals

Last Season: 7-15

Last Season: 13-2-16

“As a team, I’m hoping that we accomplish more wins together and as an individual, I’m hoping that I become a lot better at the sport and hopefully am able to make varsity my junior year.”

“My goals for our team this year are to get top five at Districts and to make State again. I also really want the team to break 80 this season.”

“My goal is to play really well this season. For my team, I am hoping that we can win State and for myself, my goal is to have a .600 batting average.”

“What I’m looking forward to the most this volleyball season is being a senior and a leader to my young teammates.”

Emma Eckhard, 11

Jessica Quan, 10

Olivia Schindler, 11

Meghan Mitchell, 12




The presidents of clubs, administrators and staff members every student needs to know at FHN going into the 2015-16 school year




lindsay horton


HEAD Principal


• His office is located on the bottom floor in the gymnasium • Janes is your go to guy for anything with activities such as sports tryouts, seasonal sports and locating coaches. • Favorite thing about FHN: “I think that FHN has a lot of ways for students to get involved,” Janes said. “Whether it is sports, clubs or other activities, I would encourage everyone to get involved.”

• His office is located in the main office • You can come to Downs for anything school related, he can answer any of your questions. • Favorite thing about FHN: “The people who are here and how they treat one another,” Downs said. “And the atmosphere that exists between students and staff. I just enjoy being here.”

• Her office is located in room 23 on the bottom floor • Horton is the person you go to regarding anything with student parking. If you were to receive a parking ticket, Horton is who you would see to pay it. • Favorite thing about FHN: “I‘m a former graduate from here and I really enjoy the environment,” Horton said. “And it’s great working with the students.”







• Her office is located on main floor in the guidance office across from front office • Kerr-Grant is one of the seven counselors here at FHN. She can help you with personal issues as well as academic ones. Even if Kerr-Grant is not your assigned counselor you can meet with her or any of the counselors. • Favorite thing about FHN: “The kids,” Kerr-Grant said. “I love our kids here they are awesome.”

• Her desk is located in the front office • Wilcoxen is who you would go to if you arrive late, are leaving early or to take a class attendance sheet given to you by a substitute teacher. • Favorite thing about FHN: “The potential of all the students, and helping them realize what they can accomplish,” Wilcoxen said.

• Her office is located on the main floor by the art hallway •You can go to the resource officer to report any bullying you see or experience • Favorite thing about FHN: “I like teaching at North with kids everyday to break from patrol.”


student presidents

Tessa smith

Michael Shine





• Works with the other class officers on designing and selling senior class apparel. • Smith is who you go to with any questions about the All-Knighter, and senior apparel. • “The clubs and after school activities give you the chance to meet like minded people, to have fun, and some clubs make a big difference in the school,” Smith said. “I’ve met most of my friends through clubs.”

• The junior class officers are in charge of organizing, and planning prom. • You can go to Shine with any questions about prom, as well as suggestions for the junior class. • “FHN’s environment is mostly friendly and I think that is a great thing for a school to have,” Shine said.

• Conducts meetings for FBLA, works to organize events and spreads the word about it to the school. • People go to Define for help and questions about FBLA and to organize all events and ideas for the club. • “My favorite part about FHN is being so involved with everything,” Define said.







• Organizes all school events for StuCo with the officer and cabinet members. • People go to Morse for any questions regarding StuCo, such as questions about dances like Homecoming and Snowcoming. • “My favorite thing about FHN is all the extracurriculars that are available to us, especially sports, and the people that you can meet through them,” Morse said.

• Helps put together events for members of NHS to volunteer at and runs meetings to make sure everyone is informed. • People go to George for information about a certain event for NHS, suggestions, comments or to find out when the next NHS meeting is. • “My favorite thing about FHN would be the amazing learning opportunities,” George said.

• Runs meetings for all of seniors in NHS and works closely with other NHS officers in organizing events, as well as volunteering for those events. • People go to Koso for suggestions, comments, recommendations and problems related to NHS. • “My favorite thing about FHN would be all the closeness amongst students and the teachers,” Koso said.



a Word of Advice

2015 graduates share their past experiences through high school and their best advice for next year’s students in each grade to have a good year

“Senior year can be stressful: managing coursework, extracurricular activities, applying to colleges, applying for scholarships, working, being a son or daughter. Working BY RISA TAKENAKA on their post high school • @Ricericebaby143 plans early can decrease The first day at a new school is a little nerve the stress and increase wracking. I mean come on, no matter how many their joy.” times you tell yourself that you won’t go to the wrong class, get lost in the hallways, or make it - Lisa Woodrum, Counselor to class on time, there’s a little doubt in the back of your head. If you have watched High School Musical or Mean Girls, you have a good idea of what high school is like, right? Wrong. Believe it or not, there is no breaking out in dances on lunch tables during lunches, or cliques of girls who dress in pink head to toe. Give it a few days, and you’ll see. But don’t worry, these halls and classrooms will be familiar before you know it. A few weeks from now, you will be laughing about how you “Take advantage of the couldn’t make it around the school without asking four years that you have for help. because before you know The transition from middle school to high school it, they’re over. You want may seem drastic now, but it is crazy how much to make sure you can take you will grow to adapt to this new thing called with you everything that “freshman year.” Over the next few months, the 6 you can.” a.m. alarms will slowly become a routine, you will be juggling a good balance between homework - Dawn Hahn, Science and friends, and by the end of the semester, you teacher will have been able to say you’ve been to your first high school dance. But one helpful tip: if

Freshmen: Don’t be scared things become overwhelming, which they will, don’t be afraid to ask to help. The teachers, counselors, and upperclassmen were once freshman, too. They will be glad to give you a hand if you need it. Try your best in every class, but don’t stress about the small things, and try not to get carried away worrying about all the things you can’t change. The next four years are really what you make them, so get involved with whatever you’re interested in. Whether it’s a sport, a club or both, there’s always room to try something new and have fun. You’ve heard it a million times, and chances are, you’ll hear it a few more times: high school flies by. The coming days spent in classrooms will seem to drone on, but the weeks and months will go by in a blink. Before you know it, you will be a senior, looking back in disbelief of how fast it all passed by. So make the most of your time here. Focus on your grades. Get involved. But most importantly, don’t forget to have fun.

sophomores: Don’t settle in just yet BY ALEX SHANNON • @therealtwin96

“You should also build relationships by getting involved in clubs and activities. And above all, have fun and enjoy the high school experience because it doesn’t last forever.” - Brian Santos, Spanish teacher



If there is one thing that I can’t stress enough, it is not to get too comfortable with how things are for you right now. Don’t feel locked into the clubs and activities that you did last year. There’s one thing that will always apply to you in high school, don’t be afraid to try new things. If you weren’t involved with a club or activity last year but it looked kind of cool, don’t be afraid to go for it. If you didn’t like one of the clubs or activities that you did last year then don’t be afraid to do something different this year. It’s better to try something out and to hate it than it is to completely miss out on it. At the very least you will make new friends and find something out about yourself. Sophomore year can seem like one of the hardest times to try new

things since there are going to be people that have already been involved in the things you are trying to get involved in. However, these people are going to be excited to welcome you aboard. So whether it’s art club, the football team, or the robotics club don’t be afraid to try something new this year and don’t be afraid of any sort of stigmas that go with them, we don’t live in the movie screen. And if you really don’t like any of the clubs at our school, you can always make your own. Out of the 1800 kids that go to this school there’s bound to be a couple of them with interests that are similar to your’s. Plus, there’s always going to be teachers that will be happy to support you. So go have fun with sophomore year while it lasts.




“Always know that your teachers are here to help you and that they’re a great resource. Be sure to get involved in some kind of activity, club, or sport that interests you. That lets you meet new people with similar interests and make new friends.”

juniors: over the hill BY STONE BIRKNER • @jammnicole

You are over the hill. You are no longer underclassmen. This is when everything starts to speed up. Before you get to hit that year of your lasts in senior year focus on this year. Your future can still wait. This is one of the most stressful years in academics but this is when your class at school starts to bond and become closer. Drop the drama that still lingers from middle school and your first years of high school. Be comfortable with yourself and everyone around you. This is a fun time of your life. Don’t waste your year not getting along with the people who you are going to

experience prom, jobs, sports, and then finally graduation with. School is a fun place to be when everyone is friendly to each other. Don’t live your life through Twitter and Instagram. Finish your homework and then go out with your friends. The best memories start now and when graduation comes around you will look back and remember how far you have come from just this moment. Have fun and be yourself because that’s who you are going to be for the rest of your life get your practice now.

- Chip Crow, Government teacher

“Get involved and work hard this year. Give it your best effort. Don’t be shy about reaching out to meet your counselor and ask your teachers for help.”


- Mary Kerr-Grant, Counselor • @danbodden

Senior year is like a victory lap. A victory lap where the car starts to run out of gas and then you have to push it across the rest of the way. Another thing about senior year: everyone will ask you where you’re going to college and what your major will be and what you’re going to do with your life and how much money you’ll make and when you’ll get married and where you’ll live and how many kids you’ll have and if you’ll have pets and what their names will be and if you can look into your crystal ball and tell them their fortune… Ok, that may be a bit dramatic, but you get the point. Senioritis is real and every adult on Earth is waiting around every corner ready to incite panic at all the worst moments possible. Don’t let that scare you. You’ve made it to senior year; you’ll make it to the end. Just know that millions of people go through this process every year nationwide and you are certainly not the first to have no idea what you want to do next. Take small steps as

you dive into the wonderful world of college applications and don’t let yourself get caught up in knowing everything you ever want to do right now. Seriously, nobody knows. Secondly, don’t fall into the trap of only doing what’s “good enough” and figuring out what “doesn’t matter” anymore. You’re going to want to look back at the end of the year and be proud of what you accomplished. Don’t let yourself accomplish so much in 12 years just to have the last one ruin the scholarship you wanted or damage the reputation you’ve built. Senioritis inflicts every student with apathy, but the cure is not sacrificing your ambition and making up your mind that you will meet your goals regardless of your feelings. Don’t settle for just coasting to the end of your countdown to the last day. Put the car in drive and take advantage of opportunities, make memories with friends and finish what you started. Panic about the future and an overwhelming laziness are the two biggest obstacles that stand in the way. Decide now that you won’t let them.

“Make sure you know where all your classes are. You need to know the building and make sure you’re not running around in the math department when you’re supposed to be down by the gym. It can help make sure you’re not late to class, which makes you more confident.” - Charles Lott, Math teacher




Find the latest news and happening at the revamped Redesigned banner to reflect our school spirit. See our latest videos and recent uploads.

Our photographers tell the visual story of events at FHN with galleries posted each week.

The most recent details on events at school and in the community can be there.

The multimedia page will showcase the latest interactive graphics and videos for your enjoyment.




Follow us on all of our social media channels: Twitter: @FHNtoday

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Snapchat: FHNtoday

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Facebook: FHNtoday





Location of the place by floor number


Location of the place is outside

These are places you will visit or need to use the most often in your high school career. This guide will help locate some of these places and give a quick description of what you will need to know about them Stadium

The Guidance Office This is located to the left of the main lobby as you walk in through the front doors. Here, you can talk to your designated guidance counselor about any problems you have regarding their schedule, classes or any personal issues. Exemptions for finals are found here as well.

FHN’s stadium hosts all of the home football and soccer games as well as many events for student accomplishments and extracurricular activities. This is also used for evacuation drills including fire drills. The stadium is complete with a football field, bleachers, concession stand and a track for running.



The Main Office When you walk into the school through the front doors, the main office is to your left. Here, you can talk to your principals and administrators. This is also where students are called in for conferences regarding behavioral issues. The main office is connected to the nurse’s office.


Office 23 Office 23 is located at the bottom entrance to the left. Juniors and seniors excited to drive their cars to school will find the parking passes they have been dying for since they first came in as freshmen. Passes for the year are found here and daily passes can be found in the main


Butterfly Hallway down the hall from 2 Located the learning commons and right next to the commons, this is not the place to be when you are in a hurry, as it is very busy. The hallway was originally painted as a memorial to holocaust victims by Diane Fingers’ students.

Activities Office For everything relating to sports, clubs or any other activity, the Activities Office is the place to go. This is the location of Alrene Kearns and Mike Janes, the current activities director. Sports schedules and rosters can be found here too.



Snack table by the cafeteria

“They have Goldfish, candy and Grandma’s Cookies which are all bomb.”

Landon Porter, 12




Cookies sold by the business department


Loft seating in the cafeteria


Courtyard near the cafeteria

“Maybe you forgot to eat breakfast, however they [the cookies] are healthy so it’s a good option.”

“The loft is awesome because you can see everything going on in the cafeteria below.”

“It’s exclusive to the seniors and it’s outside, nothing else in the school is like it.”

Melissa Trochim, Business Teacher

Anna Livingstone, 12

Sydney Hart, Graduate


Butterfly Hallway These stairs lead you straight into the mess of the butterfly hallway.

TO THE BUSES At the end of the day, these stairs fill up in the rush to get home. If you plan on using these stairs, make sure you are going with the flow of the crowd.

DECA COOKIE SALES Most mornings, DECA sells fresh-baked Otis Spunkemeyer Cookies. For just $1, indulge with two gooey, chocolate chip cookies.

CULTURED CORRIDOR This hallway is where you can often find people dancing, singing or practicing lines.

STAIRCASE to the Math Hallway Avoid these stairs throughout the day if timeliness is a priority for you. These stairs lead straight into the Butterfly Hallway and fill up quickly.

Big GYM The Big Gym is the place where the pep assemblies happen. Take a gym class or practice or show your spirit at a pep assembly.

MATH Hallway This hallway is where all of you math classes will be. This hallway is also known to be very cold, so bring a jacket.


THE MAIN LEVEL HIDDEN PLACES Don’t let the room numbers confuse you, the science hallway is situated between the art hallway and the Commons.

ART HALLWAY Add a little culture to your day by passing through this hallway. Check out some amazing sculptures or paintings from the artists of FHN.

FIND YOUR WAY This is the place to be if you need any information about the A+ Program or classes, or if you just need to talk to someone. Don’t be afraid of the guidance counselors; they don’t bite.

SENIOR COURTYARD This is just another perk of being a senior. When it’s warm, seniors are able to enjoy their lunch around the outdoor tables.





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Although crowded during lunches, this hallway is the place to get your snack on. The snack table provides a variety of sweets and chips to satisfy any craving but closes when lunch ends. The money raised from the snack table goes to the All-Knighter fund.



In the center of the school, the Commons is the place to grab some lunch and socialize with your friends. On Wednesday afternoons, this is where people wait for activities until 2:20.


Many clubs hold their meetings in this large classroom, located in the Commons. Clubs such as Speech and Debate and National Honor Society met here.


During passing period, avoid this hallway at all costs. Traffic turns into a stand still making it nearly impossible to get to classes on time.


Formerly known as the library, this quiet, techfriendly environment is great for studying. With plenty of books and computers, the Learning Commons has all of the resources needed to be a successful student.

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