North Star January 2015 Edition

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North Star

Francis Howell North St. Charles, MO 01.21.15 Vol. 29, Issue 7

Snowcoming • Dreads • Taken 3 • Feminism • Wind Chill Days?

a family legacy

Junior Austine Pauley plays key roles in FHN softball and basketball like her sisters before her PAGES 25-26



As the school faces a budget deficit, some teacher cuts will be made



Matthew Riffee finds inspiration after facing a death in the family 14


A Harvest Ridge student hit by a car on Halloween continues his recovery 16

WAFFLE CREATIONS A unique restaurant reinvents a normal breakfast food in an uncommon atmosphere



The top sports photos from the past few weeks 23

Snowcoming Tickets on sale next week In the Commons on Feb. 7 from 7-10 p.m. students can attend the annual Snowcoming dance.The techno bubbles have been booked again for this year and the theme will stay the same from previous years. Students are encouraged to dress semi-formally. Tickets will be $10 and will be sold at all lunches from Jan. 28 through Feb. 6.

Guest forms are available in rooms 133 and 217. “I always like to see what the kids do with the black light stuff,” StuCo Sponsor Shelly Parks said. “I am always impressed with the decorations, so that part is fun for me. I also think it’s cool to see the kids who get nominated by teachers to be on court.” (brief by michal basford)


Sam Ritchie and his father will both leave the wrestling program after this year


Students dance at the 2014 Snowcoming dance. Due to bad weather, the dance was cut short by 1 hour and 15 minutes for the students’ safety. (file photo)


It isn’t FHSD’s job to ensure students are bundled up or to close schools on cold days

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Have an opinion on something in this month’s paper? Send us a letter about it to room 026 or an email to

ON THE COVER Junior Austine Pauley balances two Varsity sports. Pauley has played Varsity sports for three years. (photo portrait by ashleigh jenkins)



class rings

Thespian State Conference

Today, during all English II classes, Jeff Rodenberg from Herff Jones is giving a presentation for sophomores about class rings. Jan. 31 is the last official day to order class rings. This day is considered “Parent Saturday” and the parents can see what they’re ordering for their student. Rodenberg will be at lunches on Jan. 28-30 to give students an opportunity to purchase class rings. A date has not been chosen for the Ring Breakfast in May where students who ordered a class ring this year, no matter what grade level they are, will receive their ring. If students have questions, they can see Sophomore Class Sponsor Diane Fingers in room 135, go to the main office or contact Herff Jones. “He [Jeff Rodenberg] also donates back to the school which is something no other company is going to do,” Fingers said. “So, if you go to Walmart and buy a class ring which you can do, you’re not going to get the quality you’re going to get with Herff Jones.” (brief by michal basford)

From Jan. 7-11, students from Drama Club attended the Thespian State Conference in Kansas City. Eighteen students from FHN shared a bus with about 20 students from FHC. Students were able to choose their schedule from a variety of activities including workshops, watching a one-act play fest, observing in the improv olympics or tech challenge or seeing main stage shows. They participate in these in order to learn skills that can’t be taught here, have fun, be with other students from around the state with similar interests and gain a better understanding what’s involved in theater. “There’s so many different things you can do that no matter what you’re interested in, there’s something you can go and do,” drama teacher Kim Sulzner said. “I think they do a really good job of having it not just about the actors but all the tech kids. They do a good job of having something for everyone.” (brief by michal basford)

HEAD’S UP.. Jan. 22 Schedule registration for 2015-16 school year closes at midnight

Feb. 2 UMSL credit registration ends for applicable classes

Feb. 2 Progress reports due from teachers

Feb. 6 Snowcoming pep assembly

Feb. 13 No school

behind the scenes: snow days Superintendent Pam Sloan and her team share the details on how they determine whether schools will be closed during inclement weather


FHSD has a school cancellation procedure that has recently come under scrutiny by the FHN community. When inclement weather affects the road conditions within district boundaries, the District must make a judgement call on whether or not a weather event creates a significant risk to student and staff safety. “We’re making a decision that is based on the best interest of the students and staff, and there are many factors, like wind chill and snow on the ground, which determine what our decision is,” FHSD Superintendent Pam Sloan said. When determining whether or not the District needs to cancel school, there are several factors and considerations they must make. The District’s boundaries span 150 square miles and include almost 20,000 students, so the decision to cancel school is one that is not taken lightly. FHSD must evaluate the conditions of all areas within the district boundaries. The western and southwestern areas of the district and the area near Daniel Boone Elementary can be more problematic because there are more rural roads that students must travel on that may not be cleared by the time students are heading to school. “We’re making a decision that’s in the best interest of the students,” Dr. Sloan said. “‘Can we get students to school safely? Can maintenance get the sidewalks and facilities prepared in time?’ These are the questions we have to answer.” Some of the factors that the district must evaluate when making the decision to close schools include: • If all areas of the district are affected by a weather event, or if the event is isolated to portions of the district • What other school districts decide and report • Whether or not maintenance and janitorial staff can adequately prepare the parking lots, driveways and sidewalks of FHSD facilities • How much precipitation has fallen, or what other weather events are occurring that could potentially affect

the community Road conditions within district boundaries According to Dr. Sloan, a District team, often including the Superintendent, the Director of Facilities, and the Director of Transportation evaluate road conditions from around 3:30-4:30 a.m. If the District has advanced notice of inclement weather. Difficulty arises when weather strikes between 5 and 6 a.m. The District tries to make a decision by 5:00, or 5:30 a.m. at the very latest. Having a decision earlier gives FHSD enough time to get the message out to bus drivers, students and staff. “This is an informed decision that isn’t made arbitrarily,” Assistant Principal Chris Birch said. “The superintendent confers with other area superintendents and makes the decision that is deemed best for the students.” Once Dr. Sloan has made her decision, the Director of Communications updates the FHSD website and social media and initiates the rapid notification system. The news and weather play an important role in that decision, but other factors play less of an important role. “We take a lot of information into account in a short amount of time,” Director of Purchased Services and Enrollment Planning Mike Sloan said. “We can’t necessarily rely on social media, so we have the news, and people on the ground to help make that call.” The district has 10 contingent snow days allotted for the school year. The first possible snow make-up day is May 22, then there are the first three days of spring break that can be used as possible make-up days, and once those are scheduled, the last day of the school year is pushed back as needed. The district almost never uses late start snow schedules, as they would be problematic for following bus schedules, and there isn’t always a guarantee that starting one hour late will improve road conditions. “I think people need to understand that we’re making a call at 5:00 a.m. when schools starts at 7:20, that weather changes, and things can happen,” Dr. Sloan said. “There is a small window we have to make a decision before buses have to get on their way, and conditions don’t always stay the same from the time we make a call to later in the morning.” •






IPhone 5s??? iOS 8?? It’s like a whole new world

I really hope these next 6 months go by faster than this morning has..


2 FAVORITES Mallory Schaffrin, 11

Hannah Wilson, 12

fhsd projects budget deficit

FHSD may cut employees from all over the District in order to save costs as they plan for the coming 201516 school year’s budget.


For the upcoming fiscal school year, FHSD is planning to make several cuts to the budget in order to save money since the district is projected to be in at least a $22 million deficit for next year. “We began the conversation with the Board of Education (BOE) when we did our retreat in June and then we had another work session with the Board in October,” FHSD Chief Financial Officer Kevin Supple said. “We always take a look at five-year projections as to where the district is headed financially and it was in the context of those conversations that we arrived at the termination to make the budget cuts.” The decrease in FHSD staff could come from any and all categories of employees who work for the District. Only some employees who are being laid off have already been notified. As for the others, the decision won’t be made until further into the year; however, as many as 66 positions could be cut District-wide by the current proposal. Typically, the majority of all of a district’s expenditures are staff-related so that’s a major area in which costs are cut. “We needed to reduce our expenditures to better align them with the revenue that we anticipate receiving,” Supple said. “It’s to ensure the fiscal stability of the school district on a long term basis.” The staff reduction will result in a $4.2 million decrease in the coming year’s expenditures. The remaining portion of the expenses come from non-personnel factors such as transportation, electricity, gas, water and sewer services where there is little to no room for cuts in cost. The other elements of the budget are still being discussed and will become more absolute in the next 1-2 months. The decision to make these cuts began with discussions in the BOE meetings where current staffing assignments were discussed to identify potential areas where cuts could be made while ensuring that essential programs for students are maintained. “Hopefully we’ll be able to reduce some expenditures, we’ll be able to come under budget,” FHSD Director of Finance Cindy Reilmann said. “If we can possibly get some increased revenues, whether it’s state or local revenues, then we can hopefully continue to provide the education that we’re known for.” One of the main factors that caused the deficit was the money lost to a special purpose levy. This was a tax collected to be used for special circumstances that would come up in the school year. However, the BOE had promised voters that after five years, the tax would not be collected. Last year being the fifth year, the voters will no longer pay this tax, causing a shortage in the District’s budget for the coming fiscal year.



2015 Teacher of the Year Laura Montgomery is one of the teachers retiring from FHSD this year. The District has to wait to make decisions about how many employees to cut until they are certain how many teachers are retiring. (alyssa savage)

Other factors that led to the deficit were additional professional development days that were added to the school calendar along with 6.5 percent staff raises this year and 4 percent raises last year. The budget-cutting proposal came after a Board-approved budget amendment increased District salaries by $665,000 one month earlier. Because student enrollment in FHSD has maintained fairly consistent stability over the past few years, it is not very likely that classes will have a drastic increase in size. “We anticipate very modest changes in class size as a result of the changes and it will be impacting different schools differently,” Supple said. The final budget will be established by the BOE and officially adopted on June 18 of this year. “I think that nothing’s going to change next year in terms of the quality [of education] that kids are getting,” Head Principal Andy Downs, said. “I really believe that our teachers are going to work hard to make sure that that continues to happen.”


I’m so tired. So so tired. But... I won’t sleep. Because that’s how I work

2 FAVORITES Elizabeth Jansen, 11



I actually didn’t sleep at all last night bc I watched five episodes of gossip girl

My tweets are as carefully constructed as my college essays.


4 FAVORITES Zac Cary, 10

Miles Thies, 12

Q &A


North Star editor-in-chief Daniel Bodden talks with the mayor of Ferguson about how the city is working to move on after the national spotlight present for the past several months has dimmed Q: How long have you been mayor of Ferguson? A: “It’ll be four years in April. I served on the city council for six years before that.”

Q: Do you have a different full-time job? A: “Yes. I coach wrestling at McCleur South and I also am the general manager of the Ferguson Motor Vehicle License Office.”

Q: You grew up with [FHN Principal] Mr. Downs in Ferguson, correct? A: “I went to school with Mr. Downs’ family and Mr. Downs and I used to coach wrestling together at McCleur. If you can imagine Mr. Downs as a wrestling coach, back in his younger days.”

Q: How would you describe Ferguson? A: “It’s always been a very diverse community, my entire life. It’s become increasingly diverse over the past 10 or 15 years; it’s become predominantly African American, but still a very diverse community, it’s 66-33 [percent] African American and white. As far as the community goes, it’s a very old community.” “Ferguson is 120 years old this year. You’ve got homes going back to the 1850s that predate the city and a lot of homes from the late 1800s and early 1900s and then you’ve kind of got the postwar housing that came after the 1950s. So, it’s a very diverse community, not just in race, but in

socioeconomics and housing. Just a couple blocks from where we have these three-story Victorian mansions, we have homes that were built in the 1950s, little brick bungalows and things like that.”

Q: Are there ongoing protests happening in Ferguson? A: We haven’t had a protest in Ferguson since [November] 24th. Not since the night of the grand jury announcement.

Q: What might people not understand about Ferguson? A: “I think that what people don’t recognize is that a lot of the issues we’ve seen play out in the city of Ferguson were frustrations that people have throughout the region. Even though Ferguson became the focal point, and the Michael Brown incident became the focal point, the reason why these people were so angry is because so much of this has been swept under the rug. Ferguson is only one small police department in this country. People are upset about law enforcement agencies, I think we can see that, across the country,”

Q: What kind of changes have the protests brought about in Ferguson? A: “As far as the long term effects of the protests, I don’t know that we know that yet. We’ve had a lot of conversations with protest leaders and community leaders in the past four months to try to get to the root of some of the frustration and what ways we can better serve the community. One of the things we’re in the process of doing is

instituting a civilian oversight board for our police department to allow for a board of citizens to give input on policies and procedures as well as oversee complaints and review complaints made by residents toward the police department. That’s a huge step because we’ll be one of the first in the area to actually accomplish this.“

Q: What damage has been done to local businesses? A: “It actually ranges from people who just lost business from people not wanting to come to town in the past four months, all the way to having your business burnt down. So, a lot of people, whether they had any damage, a lot of businesses have suffered because people have decided not to come out and eat at our restaurants or shop at our stores because they’ve been concerned with the unrest. That’s been very damaging to a lot of our businesses. But, then you have businesses that actually sustained physical damage. We don’t have a total damage number on that yet, but it’s millions of dollars in damage to businesses and hundreds of thousands lost in revenues from not having customers.”

Q: What do you wish people knew about Ferguson? A: “I hope people would understand that what we saw here is not really indicative of the way Ferguson has been as a community. We are welcoming and inviting, we are a safe community, and I hope people will take the opportunity to come see us for themselves.”



Behind the Beard


Matthew Riffee shows the beard that he has been growing in honor of his late brother-in-law. The beard is a result of a promise Riffee made to cut out things in his life that stressed him, which included keeping himself clean shaven. (jessica allison)


Inspired by a personal experience, Matthew Riffee’s decision to grow out his beard serves as a reminder for him to appreciate the aspects of his life and value the importance of family

BY RISA TAKENAKA • @ricericebaby143


His laughter can be heard from down the hallway. Many see him as the life of the classroom. He’s a Physical Science and Principles of Biomedical Studies teacher by day, and a father of two and a husband by night. But Matthew Riffee is also known by a unique facial feature: His beard. Long, thick, with specks of gray embedded in the otherwise dark hair. For years, Riffee had a two-week routine for shaving. Head. Beard. Neck. Every two weeks, he got rid of his facial hair using clippers with no guard. But in April 2014, Riffee decided that he would stop wasting energy on insignificant routines and channeling his energy toward more meaningful tasks in his life. To Riffee, shaving was no longer a necessity. “I hated shaving, so I don’t do it anymore, and it’s awesome,” Riffee said, “It looks awesome.” Behind the simple decision, however, is an experience close to his heart that inspired him to make this change.


April 2, 2014. It was a Wednesday morning, and at 1:30 a.m., the ringing of the phone broke the silence. Riffee would soon learn that this one phone call would change his life forever. “It was from the police; they said someone from your house needs to come and be with your mother-in-law, but they wouldn’t tell us what was wrong,” Riffee said. Later, a call to his father-in-law, who was out of town at the time, confirmed that Riffee’s brother-in-law of nine years, Christopher Meyer, had taken his own life. Riffee and his wife immediately went to comfort his mother-in-law. “He told us, you need to go over there, Christopher has killed himself,” Riffee said. Emotions flooded Riffee’s mind as he let the painful news slowly cut into him. Disbelief. Extreme uncontrollable sadness. Inability to think straight. Arriving at Christopher’s house, the helplessness he felt could not be described. “My mind was blank,” Riffee said. “But at the same time, it was racing in a million different directions. What hurt the most was knowing you can’t do anything.” Christopher had taken his life on his own birthday. The events of the past 24 hours replayed in Riffee’s mind as he tried to grasp the idea of why this had happened. The night before had been spent bowling, hanging out as a family and going to dinner to celebrate Christopher’s birthday. Everything had seemed so normal. “I still struggle with why,” Riffee said. “You can’t help but wonder. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t run through what happened that day and wonder what I could’ve done; it’s kind of like a guilt.”


Days filled with unbelievable grief and countless nights without sleep began to add up. For weeks following the loss, waves of uncontrollable sadness, guilt, and anger overtook Riffee and his family.

“To lose a sibling is an unimaginable grief,” Riffee’s wife, Amanda Riffee, said. “For as difficult as this still is for me, I can’t even imagine what my parents have felt. Losing a child is something that no person should ever have to go through.” Grief, with its multiple personas, engulfs everyone differently. For Riffee, the sharp stabs of sorrow hit unexpectedly. Other times, its constant presence slowly numbs all other emotion. “For me, the pain was the worst immediately after and easily for two weeks,” Riffee said, “It slowly got better, then crashed on me a month later, when I had to put my dog to sleep; I don’t know why that set me over the edge.” Now, the pain comes and goes. Some days, passing Christopher’s apartment every day on the way to drop off his kids at his motherin-law’s house is a living nightmare. Other days, it’s nice. But Riffee and his wife lean on each other, friends and family when the waves of pain crash. But the hardest thing for Riffee was explaining the situation to his sons. He remembers the conversation vividly.

“Daddy, when is Uncle Dude coming over?” “Owen, he’ll never be coming over again.” Hearing those words from his oldest son, Owen, left him feeling empty. “I guarantee you my youngest son won’t even remember him outside of pictures,” said Riffee. “My five-year-old understands to an extent, but he doesn’t grasp the concept of death.” However, gone does not mean forgotten. Riffee plans on telling his sons when they are older, so they can comprehend and remember their “Uncle Dude.” “The best way to recover from a loss is to know that there is support,” said Riffee. “Try to understand the situation, and honestly, don’t forget them. Create a way to remember.” Remembrance is key, and every time he looks at his reflection, Riffee remembers how the situation has inspired him to “live correctly.” A glance in the mirror serves a reminder for him to pay more attention to people, put himself in other people’s shoes, and focus his energy into the most important things: his kids, his students, and his family. “It really starts with simple thoughts; how you want to spend your days, weekends, and think about what really means the most you,” Riffee said. As a father and husband, he works to spend as much quality time with them as possible. As a teacher, he began to evaluate his teaching style, making sure that the education he provides prepares students for their futures. “I am proud of Matthew to have the courage to do what makes him happy,” Amanda said. “He never liked shaving, and after going through a life changing event like this, it puts things in perspective; shaving just because that is what people think you should do, seems small in comparison.”



Veronica Stewart poses in front of the glass case outside of the art hallway. She challenges herself by drawing a moose by only using a black pen in her Drawing I. During her free time, she enjoys drawing all kinds of animals and different celebrities. Stewart’s art teacher Mandy Knight picked her and a handful of other artists around FHN to feature a piece of their work in the glass case outside of the art hallway. (sammie savala)


Veronica Stewart’s creative art piece is displayed in the cases adjacent to the art hallway


Senior Veronica Stewart’s piece, a black and white drawing of a moose laying down, hangs in the display case of FHN’s art hallway. Because moose are Veronica’s favorite animal, she felt compelled to draw one for a project in Amanda Knight’s Drawing I class. “We were emphasizing line and texture and I think she really captured both those elements with her moose drawing,” art teacher Amanda Knight said. Searching the web, Veronica was able to find moose images to model her piece off of, and listening to calming music helped get her in the mood to draw. Stepping out of her comfort zone, Veronica also sketched the moose in pen, leaving a small margin for error in the piece. “We had a lot of freedom with what we could draw and what media we

could use,” Veronica said. “I don’t usually draw with pen so it was good practice.” Using her pen to capture the lines and texture, which was the goal of the project, Veronica’s drawing is viewed as realistic and detailed by her friends. “I love just how much detail is in it and how lifelike it is,” senior Evan Wilkins, Veronica’s friend, said. “It really looks like a real moose. Her art is very minimalistic, she doesn’t put too many lines, but somehow it still looks so realistic.” Veronica has taken a few other art classes such as intro to art and sculpture. Drawing is a hobby for her that she pursues inside and outside of the classroom. In her free time, her drawings vary from different celebrities to animals. “It’s a fun way to be creative,” Veronica said. “It’s nice to just sit and listen to music and draw. I like the end result and feeling of making something.”




? WHO’s THAT KNIGHT A randomly selected student suffers from allergies BY BENNETT SMALLWOOD

The North Star chose a student at random and asked her questions to help find her story. This person has been kept anonymous and is refered to as ‘Jane Smith’. Students can guess which student this is and can find the real answer using the link Senior Jane Smith sits at her lunch table, watching her friends eat their peanut butter sandwiches, unable to have a bite. In the morning, she can’t enjoy a few eggs to get her ready for the day. After a long day of school, she can’t go to a seafood restaurant to relax and eat all the lobster, crab, and shrimp she wants. She has been allergic to all these different foods, cats and outdoor pollen ever since she was a child. Due to her numerous allergies, she is not able to try many of the foods she’s always wanted to taste, she isn’t able to be outside as much as she wants to due to the pollen, and she isn’t able to go and spend the night at friend’s houses if they have many cats. “It’s something [she] has to get used to,” a friend of Smith’s, said. “Even if it’s hard for [her].” Although she has never had to go to the emergency room, she is still careful with what she eats in case her next reaction is worse than her previous ones. Nevertheless, her allergies have not made Smith upset and rather have given her a more positive outlook on life. “Not everybody is perfect,” Smith said. “So, me being allergic to stuff has made me a more unique person.”

MAKE YOUR GUESS A. Sidney Sheridan B. Elise Gertsch C. Alexis Emert D. Sammy White



Remy Kohlenhoefer shows off her dreads that she has had for about a year. She plans to add more dreads to her hair soon. (alyssa savage)

More than dreads

WATCH Follow the link to see how Remy rolls her dreads.

Remy Kohlenhoefer shows off her dreads and chooses not to care what other people think about them BY JAMIE HETLAGE

• @JammNicole

Dreadlocked junior Remy Kohlenhoefer loves her hair even though she has dealt with both criticism and approval of her dreads. She does not let people get to her about her hair because she knows she likes it and that’s all that matters to her. “Some people see them and go, ‘Oh my god you have dreads?’ It’s like they’ve never seen dreadlocks in their entire life,” junior Lucas Dykes said. “There are two different types of people: they’re either ‘Ew those are dirty’ or like, ‘Woah, those are the coolest things ever.’” The idea of getting dreads all started when Remy’s friend, former student Brittany Emerson, started getting dreadlocks. Remy started thinking more and more about the idea of actually getting them and Brittany pushed her to finally get a couple to see how she liked them. From there on Remy started making more and more dreads until she came to eight, which is how many she has today. “I started them and fell in love with them,” Remy said. “They’re pretty addicting when you start making them.” While making dreads, Remy secures sections of her hair together with rubber bands, then rolls the hair together. Some people like to use a dreadlock wax, but Remy prefers to let the dreads harden naturally. Once the hair completely hardens, the rubber bands can be removed. This process can take up to three months. Some methods people use to

make dreads are by teasing their hair until it forms a dread or by twisting and tearing their hair. To maintain her hairstyle, she makes sure to roll them everyday to let them harden and hold the shape of a dread. Remy uses a dreadlock shampoo every three or four days in order to prevent moldcausing residue from forming. She does this by taking two dreads at a time and washing them, then washing her normal hair separately with different shampoo. “When I’m pretty much not doing anything I roll them,” Remy said. “Walking down the hallways, I roll them. I basically roll them all the time.” According to her family and friends, her dreads complement who she is, which is a happy go-lucky person who stands out from the crowd. Family and friends believe that her dreads are something that makes her different from everyone else. “All I can say is she’s a very artistic person,” Remy’s mother, Shanon Kohlenhoefer said. “She likes to be different and that is something she wanted to do to set herself apart from everyone else.” In the future Remy plans to make at least two more dreads, having ten altogether. She also does not plan to have a full head of dreads due to the fact she thinks it would be a little too much; she would rather have a couple and still have some of her normal hair as well. “Obviously I like them because I have them,” Remy said. “I think people who have dreads [use them to] pretty much explain their personality. So, they pretty much match me as a person.”

Tim Williams leans against a boiler. The boilers heat the school in the winter. The boiler room is not directly accessible from the school. The cooling system is also housed in the boiler room. (ashleigh jenkins)



The maintenance team at this school is in charge of heating and cooling and reparing yet many students may not realize how hard they work BY EMMA PURSLEY

On the long trek from the parking lot to the school, students have one thing on their minds: warmth. They just want to get into the school and warm up their freezing bodies. But very few students take the time to realize who they have to thank for that warmth. One person that they should be thanking is Tim Williams, one of the maintenance men. “I don’t know that [students] realize all that we do,” Tim said. “You want to think that they appreciate what you do and for the most part I think the staff do but as far as the kids I don’t know if they really know the extent of what we get into sometimes.” Tim and his team work on many behind the scenes aspects of FHN. Tim gets to school in the morning around 5:30 to check the boilers in the winter and the air conditioning in the spring and summer. Whether its plumbing, or electricity, or even sometimes painting, Tim and his team work to service and maintain the school. “It’s out of sight, out of mind and I don’t think people realize that when you turn that faucet on what we have to do to make stuff work,” Tim said. The maintenance staff can be spotted among the crowds of students in the halls in their light blue work shirts and jeans. But that doesn’t mean that students take notice of them. “They’ve opened up the gym a couple times over the years for guard and they’ve never complained about it, but I don’t really know much else about them,” senior Sidney Sheridan said.

However, English teacher Jani Wilkens can understand why students may not notice the maintenance staff since their jobs aren’t as upfront as teachers and custodians. “I think it’s probably difficult to appreciate the maintenance people because I think they kind of walk around and work in the shadows,” Wilkens said. “When students are in classes they’re working on projects around the building. I think a lot of students probably rarely even see them. I feel like the maintenance men are kinda behind the scenes.” Wilkens has become friends with Tim over the years because of the odd jobs Tim has done for her. Just last year, Tim had to help remove birds that had been nesting in Wilken’s ceiling. “There was a storm one weekend and it blew the under part of the awning off so there was a hole created where birds could get up into the rooftop above my classroom and the one next door,” Wilkens said. “We could hear them up there and it was really disgusting because they freak me out and they were nesting and laying eggs and having babies and it was just really gross. Finally Tim and Adam, his assistant, just went out there and did it themselves because no one else would take care of it. Tim is just so generous with his time and he’s never upset about it if you’re putting him out because you need him right now. He’ll be there.” Although Tim doesn’t just work at FHN, he takes pride in the school and how it looks. “I think I would at least fix the roof leaks because I think when people walk in and they see a stain or the floor tile coming up it just brings the whole place down, the persona of what the whole school looks like,” Tim said. “I want it to be a place where people come in and they’re proud to go here.”



Members of Welcome Home stand together. Nick Pirrone, Aaron Shelby, Nick Ebert, Kenny Ruiz, and Brad Morlock formed the band after Ebert, Pirrone, Ruiz graduated from North. (ariel kirkpatrick)


Previous FHN graduate Nick Pirrone is the lead singer in his punk rock band “Welcome Home” which has recently released a new album titled “Moving Forward” BY PRISCILLA JOEL • @JCPjchristo

2012 FHN graduate Nick Pirrone has started a punk rock band known as Welcome Home with a group of friends and released music on Spotify and iTunes. Nick’s band consists of 2012 FHN graduates Nick Ebert on the drum set and Kenny Ruiz on the bass guitar, and Aaron Selby and Brad Morlock on the guitar, along with Nick on vocals. So far, the band has released two singles called “Nothing Left to Show” and “Prone.” Earlier this month, they released a CD called “Moving Forward.” “I’m excited about it,” bass player Kenny Ruiz said. “I’m really excited just ‘cause Nick really sat down and took time on vocals put together something that’s going to sound good.” Nick’s band has played in several places around St. Louis including Fubar, Fire Burn and the Demo. However, this month, the band hopes to expand their horizons by opening for a band on tour in mid-March called The Happy Alright. The tour will take them through Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Nevada by which they hope to promote their new music. “The thing I like most, is probably the fact that when we play the shows, I get to, theoretically, interact with the crowd more than any other member in the band just because I’m not held back by playing the instrument,” Nick said. This past summer, the band decided to become official after sharing their interest in playing and writing music together. The name of the band was thought of by guitarist Brad Morlock when he referred to the band as “home.” Welcome Home has inspired Nick’s dream of a career in music.



“As far fetched as this sounds, we would love to be able to play music like a job, whether it’s part time or full time eventually,” Nick said. Most of the band members are usually always coming up with ideas for music and lyrics, so the time it takes for the band to compose a song differs. Generally, the band members practice their parts of the music alone, and come together to put it all together. However, the band struggles the most with getting together to practice because the band members are split between different cities and states. The band tries to have practices a couple times each month and before shows. Although Nick has had an interest in singing since his freshman year of college, he originally played the drums. He took on the role of lead singer for the band because he had difficulty finding bands that needed drummers. Because of this, Nick took on the challenge of working to improve his vocals. “It turned out over time,” Nick said. “Everything just got a little bit better and better and everything just worked out.” Originally, Nick’s love for music started at a young age. “He’s [Nick] always been a musical person,” brother Sean Pirrone said. “I think the initial reaction from my entire family was just that it must be a phase. We found out quite a bit later how much he really enjoyed it.” Since then, Nick has grown in his musical abilities and looks forward to the band’s upcoming shows and the feedback from the release of their newest album. “[I’m] most looking forward to seeing how people respond to it,” Nick said. “Like most people, I’ve had more difficult times in my life in different ways, and no matter who is in my life at any given point and time, music was always the one thing that was there,” Nick said.

A Supported Recovery

Since his October accident, FHSD has helped raise money for a Harvest Ridge student’s recovery


In a District-wide outpouring of support, FHSD has raised over $6,000 for Harvest Ridge fifth grader Anthony Kofron after he was struck by a truck in an accident on Main Street in St. Charles. Throughout the District, schools have raised money to help with Anthony’s medical expenses through student donations, pajama days and hat days. “It shows that we have a caring community who takes care of each other,” Harvest Ridge Principal Brien McCarthy said. “It’s just always great to see people pulling together to help each other out.” Anthony’s accident occurred last Halloween when he was struck by a truck while trick-or-treating on Main Street. As a result of the accident, Anthony suffered two head traumas, severe ankle damage and shattered bones in one leg, leaving him in a coma. Because the fire department was on scene for Halloween festivities, Anthony received immediate medical attention and was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital. Soon after, Anthony was air-lifted to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital for surgery and treatment. “That was probably 15 minutes and they put him in the helicopter to take him over to the other hospital,” grandmother Elaine Kolfron said. “Honestly, I was scared to death. I just kept believing he was going to come out of it.” Anthony came out of his coma on Nov. 10, but was only able to perform small actions, such as opening his eyes and squeezing his family member’s fingers. When he came fully out of the coma, Anthony was greeted with handmade cards and notes from his class at Harvest Ridge. According to his teacher, Kody Stricklin, the class misses Anthony and anticipates his arrival back at Harvest Ridge. “I know they’re going to be very excited [when Anthony returns],” Stricklin said. “It’s going to be the exact same thing as when a new kid comes to school. It’ll be one of those reunions where they’ll pick up right where they left off.” Since his release from Cardinal Glennon on Dec. 23, Anthony has spent time recovering in physical therapy at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge hospital and at home with his family. On Jan. 30, Anthony has an appointment to check in on his foot and ankle to determine if doctors need to proceed with prosthetic options. Overall, Anthony’s family and friends have been relieved by his recovery and are eager to watch his progress. “For me, God was there in the moment,” Stricklin said. “Just to see this type of recovery validates all that I believe as a Christian.”

Halloween: The Most Dangerous Day of the Year for child pedestrians •

12% of children ages 5 and under trickor-treated alone.

115 pedestrians under 18 were killed on Oct. 31 over a 21 year period from 1990 to 2010.

Children 12 and under accounted for 68 of the 115 killed over a 21 year period

Harvest Ridge fifth grader Anthony Kofron rests in his hospital bed at Cardinal Glennon after his accident. Anthony has a homebound tutor to keep him updated with schoolwork during his recovery. (photo submitted)

While Anthony has been recovering, he was been working with a homebound teacher five hours per week to make sure that he is keeping pace with his classmates. Although the doctors are still not sure when he will be able to return to school, Anthony is excited to come back to school and see his classmates every day. “I think fifth grade will be super excited and support him and his sister [when he gets back],” Anthony’s choir teacher Erica Coyne said. “I hope they do something special for him.”

Pedestrian Under-18 Deaths on Halloween vs. Deaths on an Average Day

30% of the Halloween accidents occur at intersections and crosswalks.




I’ll stop the world and melt with you Melt synthesizes different and unique ingredients to make a splash within the restaurant scene. BY NICK WYER • @yeezies

Giant chalkboard walls, mismatched chairs strewn about and an assortment of various mugs describe the overall atmosphere of Melt, a South City eatery off of Cherokee Street that serves up its own take on traditional breakfast foods. “We have a really unique crowd that comes through these doors,” Co-owner Ben Simms said. “We’re very kid and family friendly in the mornings. We usually have the hangover crowd come throughout the midday, and we have the bar and punk show crowd at night. We’ve really carved a niche for ourselves.” Melt specializes in waffles that the owners consider out of the ordinary. Some, such as the Elvis, which features bacon cooked into the waffle, blueberry coulis, chocolate syrup, peanut butter sauce and bananas, focus on the sweeter aspects of traditional breakfast style foods, while the Little Piggy, which features pulled pork, cole slaw, cheese and barbecue sauce, takes on a more savory approach to waffle topping. However, Simms believes that the Wake and Bake is Melt’s signature waffle. “It blends both the sweet and savory,” Simms said. “We take bacon or sausage, cook it into the waffle, throw an egg on top, cooked any way you like and top it off with cheddar cheese. It really describes who we are.” The uniqueness that Simms describes within the waffles is also prevalent throughout the restaurant. Pinball and Skeeball machines line the walls, chandeliers made of bicycles hang from the ceilings, tables made from pages of a dictionary are scattered across the restaurant in a disorderly fashion. Curated by Creative Art Director Jenny Baca of design firm Jipsi Boho, nearly everything within the restaurant is upcycled. “She designed the interior at the original location, so we let her have free reign with our current one,” employee Travis Glynn said. “Some of the stuff comes from her own collection, while other stuff comes from employees.” The interior of the restaurant is completely rearrangeable, which allows Melt to host events that people wouldn’t always expect. From pinball tournaments to punk rock shows, Melt works to bring and showcase a variety of events to create an interesting atmosphere. “Eventually we got wrapped in the punk crowd and we had more and more people asking us to put on shows here, so nearly every Friday night, we have some sort of show,” Simms said. “We push all the tables out the way and go from restaurant to dive bar. It’s like day and night.” According to Simms, Melt is really just what the name implies, a melting of concepts that take everything that the owners love and put it into one place. Creating something that’s not seen in every other restaurant is the main goal of the owners. “It’s really different,” junior Lauren Wood said. “It’s just a hip, unique place that fit right into the neighborhood. It’s not the type of place you see everywhere you go. Melt is really one of a kind.”

The Psycho Monkey consists of drizzled chocolate and peanut butter topped with bananas and whipped cream making it one of the most popular items. Melt is located at 2712 Cherokee Street in St. Louis. (lauren price)

When faced with the physical aspects of feminism, senior Rachel Rotter deals with it in her own way. One of the ways she deals with it is through makeup. Rotter displays her own personal style mainly shown through her makeup. The senior educates friends and fellow students on how women are sometimes pressured into wearing makeup in society rather than wearing it for themselves. (photos by haley shumpert)

feminism Gets physical Seniors Rachel Rotter and Marissa Hume share details and perspectives of feminist values based on how genders are expected to look in terms of style, makeup and hair BY ALEX ARGER • @lARG3Rthanlife

Senior Rachel Rotter describes feminism as a movement striving for the balance of genders on the grounds of social, economic, and political standards. Senior Marissa Hume defines it as the equality of sexes in every way. Although there are many different definitions of what feminism is, the underlying principles are similar. On the grounds of physical standards, feminists believe that there is an imbalance of gender stereotypes between men and women and how they are supposed to look. Stereotypes of a woman’s style, makeup, and hair are issues of interest that many feminists are trying to tackle, including Marissa and Rachel. Style As hair in the workplace has restrictions in some cases, how a woman is expected to dress at work often differs from how a man should. In 1960, Lois Rabinowitz, a secretary who went to a courthouse to pay her boss’s speeding ticket, was ejected for wearing slacks and a blouse. In the 1980s, the power suit emerged. This suit included shoulder padding, “giving her a more aggressive and masculine silhouette,” as stated by Vogue. Today, these standards for work dress codes aren’t necessarily the case. Pants are allowed, and women do not have to wear a suit; yet, there are still some questions about how women should dress and what is or is not considered acceptable at work. “Is your clothing too brightly colored? Do you leave the collar of your shirt out of the suit jacket or tucked in? Skirt or pants? You should wear heels, but not stilettos. You shouldn’t look frumpy, but don’t dare show cleavage,” The



Nation, a magazine that covers many topics of feminism, says. Because of this unclear view of what is acceptable, women are often criticized for what they wear in the workplace. Rachel is a firm believer in self expression through style and the idea that society should not choose any standard look that people should follow. According to Rachel, her style represents her choices, not what society’s standard expects. “Stereotypes are huge [in style],” Rachel said. “You can’t wear anything without being thrown into a category.” School dress code is also an area that feminists strive for equality in. In 2011, Arkansas passed a law that required schools to ban clothing that exposed underwear or female students’ breasts. Feminists believe that there is a double standard implying that a girl showing any part of her body is an educational distraction. A Pope High School student wrote a letter to stating: “When you send a girl home because of a violation in dress code rules or her clothing is too immodest, you are essentially telling her that hiding her body is more important than her education. You are telling her that making sure boys have a distraction-free learning environment is the uppermost priority.” The feminists’ fight for the equal treatment of women and men’s style is often seen as their most known principle. Feminists believe in the empowerment of oneself, not the fulfillment of society’s wants in one’s actions. They believe it is up to the person to decide what they want to wear, not the world’s decision. “It’s being true to who I am and not waiting for someone to say, ‘you can wear that,’” Rachel said. “It’s just me telling myself what to do and what to wear, and that’s how it really should be.”

Makeup In the late 1960s, many feminists argued that by wearing makeup and using other “beautifying tools”, women were only subjecting to the idea that they were useful for just their beauty, not their brain. Today, feminists still have the same general understanding, yet in a different form. They believe it is a choice whether one chooses to wear makeup and how much they do decide to wear. Rachel chooses to use and express herself through makeup, whereas Marissa decides not to. “I’ve actually just never worn makeup, but people say that I’m ‘pretty enough’ to pull that off which I feel is unfair in the sense that guys can look like whatever and they can pull off that look,” Marissa said. “Why do I have to be pretty enough to pull it off? They [men] think that makeup is a natural look, and they don’t realize what natural is.” Marissa’s natural look is just that: natural. She doesn’t wear makeup on a daily basis, but still believes in the equality of how a woman is viewed if she does or doesn’t wear makeup. “For homecoming, I wore neon colors and sparkling glitter eyeliner, but I did it for myself so that I looked more festive for the occasion,” Marissa said. “It was like still a personal thing.” On the contrary, Rachel expresses herself through makeup. She believes that makeup is an art, and anyone who wants to practice that art should be able to do so as they would like. “I think a huge thing that really bothers me about makeup is that when a girl wears makeup, people think they’re trying to please another person,” Rachel said. “You hear guys say, ‘girls don’t need makeup’. We didn’t do it for you we did it for ourselves.” The subject of makeup is not just a fight for a woman’s right to look how they want with or without makeup, but it is actually a fight for both genders to be equal in choosing to use makeup. In the days of the pharaohs, men could be seen with kohl-rimmed eyes in order to replicate the look of an almond-shaped eye, like the god, Horus. The Egyptians believed cosmetics had a magical power to defend their eyes of disease and fend off any evil spirits. Beginning in pre-Revolutionary times and progressing into the 20th century, the idea of men wearing makeup was somewhat looked down upon due to the thought that men who wore makeup were considered “drag”. In the 70s and as the age of rock arose, makeup for men became prevalent once again, and the term “guyliner” rose. “The term guyliner: it’s like if guys wanna wear that, they had to make their

own masculine version of a word that never had a specific gender,” Rachel said. “Society told us one day that we [girls] don’t look good without makeup, and we started wearing it. I feel like guys haven’t really worn it because society has yet to tell them that they don’t look good without it.” According to a study that an English travel site held among 2,500 people, 10% of men use makeup before they go to a party. But events regarding the makeup for women only stereotype still exist. In June of 2014, the Washington Post did a story on Chase Culpepper, a boy who was told he could not get his driver’s license without removing his makeup because he “did not look the way a boy should” - the DMV’s justification according to WYFF News. Continues on next page >

Marissa Hume shows her bare face and individual style. Marissa believes one should dress and look how they want to instead of the way that is the “norm”. When she wears makeup, she wears it as a form of personal expression, usually not trying to look natural. (ashleigh jenkins)



Feminism stands against this stereotype in that they believe a balance needs to be addressed: women and men should be able to wear as much or as little makeup as they please. “Anyone should be able to wear makeup,” Rachel said. “Society says that makeup is for women. Feminism says that makeup is for everyone.”

Marissa Hume messes with her hair. Hume cut her hair about two months ago. Hume had wanted to cut her hair for about two years. She plans on dying it exotic shades of blues and greens. (ashleigh jenkins)

Q &A


sean fowler, history Q: Are you a feminist? A: “I do consider myself a feminist, but many feminists would strongly disagree with me. Feminism is such an amorphous topic. People used to believe they knew what it meant to be a feminist, but there are so many waves of feminism and disagreements in each wave. Plus, for some, just the sheer fact that I am a man would disqualify me according to some.”

Q: How does this affect home life? A: “There was a time in feminism where it was like, ‘Women can do everything,’ and the fact of the matter is no one can have everything. Every choice comes with a trade off, but especially with middle class families and above, that trade off has begun where men are taking more responsibilities around the house and more responsibility with the children, which I think is crucial if women are going to have the same opportunities as men. There were understood expectations in the past and now they are no longer understood. They have to be negotiated between partners. We have to acknowledge that. We cannot just deny that or ignore that.”



Hair In many cases, long hair is seen as the pinnacle for a woman’s femininity. Marissa deals with the opposition of this stereotype. About two months ago, Marissa chopped off her long locks, giving in to her desire to have a shorter cut. “[With the new haircut] I cannot tell you how many times I have been called ‘sir’ or a man or different things like that,” Marissa said. “I used to have long hair, so I was considered feminine; now that I have this short one, I’m considered masculine.” Marissa got the inspiration for this haircut almost two years ago, yet restrained herself from cutting it due to fear of society’s stereotyping. She waited until after getting a job to finalize the decision, in order to avoid being characterized by societal expectations. “I had to wait until after I got a job because I didn’t want any kind of bias for having different hair,” Marissa said. “I don’t like having to worry about my hair while I’m at work when it’s a personal thing, and it doesn’t affect my performance.”

Women’s hairstyles have changed through different eras of history. In the Flapper movement of the 1920s, women were known for cutting their hair short, while in the 1960s and the rise of the hippie era, long hair was very popular among women. Certain defining trends in eras to fit the specific time period may have worked in the past, but there is no set style specific to today’s era. Recently, many women in the spotlight have been chopping off their hair, like Jennifer Lawrence, but others are known for always rocking their long locks, like Angelina Jolie. Feminists question why there is still a standard as to how a woman’s hair should look when there aren’t necessarily any guidelines women were told they have to serve.. “It’s finally gotten to the point where there’s almost no hairstyle that is specific to our decade,” Rachel said. “We assume peoples’ genders and sexualities all by the length of their hair. A girl has short hair and all of a sudden, ‘oh she’s really masculine,’ or a girl has long hair and ‘oh she’s super feminine.’” Most feminists agree on the basis that social and gender significance is still attached to one’s hairstyle. Media’s standard of this ideal set of beauty often warps minds into thinking a woman’s hairstyle is not feminine if it is shorter, though many feel as though this perception is inaccurate and shouldn’t be a defining feature of femininity. “It’s mostly just about doing what you want and not having to worry about judgment of others,” Marissa said.

jani wilkens, english

carl treas, 12

Q: What do you think about male feminists?

Q: How do men and women differ mentally?

A: “I think it’s great when men stand up and say that they are feminists too because I don’t think that is just a woman thing. All men have women that they love and cherish and I think that the more that they stand up to support women in having equal and fair treatment that they actually gain something from that too. Then, they have powerful women in their lives who can promote change and do good things in our society and in our culture.”

Q: How is feminism misconstrued? A: “I think a lot of people see feminists as man-hating, male-bashing women who don’t care about how they look or maybe women who try to break the stereotypes and not look like “women,” like “boy clothes” and “boy haircuts.” I think that’s the stereotype.”

Q: How does it affect parenting? A: “I try in my home as a parent to show my kids that it does not really matter what sex you are -- that you can do equal things and like equal things.”

A: “I think it depends on the woman just like it depends on any other man. There are some women who are just as smart as some of the more higher up, knowledged men and some who are smarter than that. Mentally, I think they are just as fit as men are naturally.”

Q: Is feminism for everyone? A: “I do think everyone should accept that women have just as much a role in society as men do and they should be able to have the same position as men do.”

Q: Do you notice discrimination? A: “It honestly feels like I get more opportunities but not as often as I might have a few years ago. It does feel like feminism has made an impact in society already, but at the same time I do feel like there are those moments that I would get greater opportunities than a female in my position.” (infographic by daniel bodden and alex bohnert)


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Jacob Smith attempts to take down his opponent with a single leg takedown. The Knights wrestled the Howell Vikings in their first meet of the year. (amanda eckhard)

Freshman Bryce Longmore fights with a Spartan for the puck. North lost to Central on Jan. 10. (alyssa savage)

Freshman Erin Stock swims a butterfly race during the swim meet against Fort Zumwalt West. (katie worsham)

Derrick Scarbrough keeps the ball away from a Parkway South defensive player on Dec. 20 when the Knights faced the Parkway South Patriots at the Family Arena as part of the GAC-Suburban Basketball Challenge. The Knights lost 29-43. (ariel kirkpatrick)



Like Father, like son

Sam Ritchie will be attending Mizzou, one of the top wrestling schools in the nation next year, like his retiring father, Harold Ritchie, did before becoming the head coach at FHN BY ANTHONY KRISTENSEN • @anthonyk17slsg

Two wrestling icons of FHN will be leaving the school at the end of the year, one going to the next level, the other ending his career. They both come from the same family. Senior Sam Ritchie plans to wrestle at Mizzou as a walk-on next year, while his father, Harold Ritchie, is retiring. So far, Sam has been a state qualifier every year of his high school career. He finished in the top eight one year and has also been a conference champion. Sam will be hoping to improve his skills this season before he goes on to Mizzou, one of the top ten wrestling programs this season. “Everyone is gonna be either on the same level as me or better,” Sam said. “So the competition is gonna be a lot tougher and I have to get prepared for that.” As Sam leaves FHN for college, his dad, Harold Ritchie, who also wrestled at Mizzou, will be leaving FHN for retirement. Harold has coached at FHN since the school was first opened in 1987. Coach Ritchie be leaving FHN with a heavy heart after Sam moves on. “I know I’m gonna miss it,” Harold said. “At the same time, it’s about time to move on, do something different.” Coach Ritchie has been praised for his time at FHN, which has seen the Knights take one team State championship, 10 individual State championships, one Conference championship, and has seen over 100 State qualifiers. Harold has been very influential on Sam’s wrestling career by helping and developing Sam’s wrestling skills by teaching him techniques and styles. He has helped Sam a lot according to both Sam and Coach Chris Brown.



“Well, he’s been teaching him techniques since I think he came out of the womb, so that’s a good start,” Brown said. “You know, [it helps] having a dad who was also a state champion and knows what it takes to become a state champion and wrestle at the collegiate level, which [Harold] did as well.” As a walk-on at Mizzou, Sam will need to work hard to earn a starting spot. Sam has already begun his preparations to try to earn a spot as a starter by staying in shape and working hard in the offseason. “During the summer just waking up early in the morning and going on a run or going out to lift weights,” Sam said. “It’s the things you do in the offseason that make the difference.” Ever since Sam has started wrestling, his dad has been there to support and push him. Sam feels that his dad has played a big part in his wrestling career and he believes that he will continue to play a part in his career in the future. “He’s always been there for me,” Sam said. “Pushing me and doing everything he can to help me.” As he prepares to wrestle in college, Sam will need to learn to adapt to the new surroundings. He will need to get used to the more intense environment that is waiting for him at Mizzou. He’s received help from his father and many coaches from around the state to help him prepare for the challenges ahead. “I feel like wrestling for Mizzou is gonna give me my greatest chance to be a national champion,” Sam said. “Because wrestling in college, that’s the ultimate goal is to be a national champion, and I feel like with the atmosphere there, the team, the coaching staff, it’s gonna be my best chance.”

Sam Ritchie wrestles against Timberland at a home match this past season. This is Sam’s fourth year of wrestling for North. (file photo)

Junior Chase Powelson dribbles past a Patriot at the Family Arena. (ariel kirkpatrick)

100 CLUB The Varsity Boys’ Basketball team’s next game is on Friday, January 23 against FHHS. FHN is led by leading scorer Elliot Montgomery, who passed 100 points this season last week at Troy. After facing FHHS, the team’s next game will be against Francis Howell Central on February 3. These teams last met on December 19, where FHC won 74-42. “We are practicing hard and trying to continue our momentum from the last game,” junior Matt Borrelli said. (brief by zach mills)

bowling The bowling team is looking to have success at their Cave Springs meet this Sunday at 11 a.m. “Our team has been doing pretty well this year,” senior Alan Paaren said. The team is in first place in the St. Charles Conference. Paaren says the success of the young team is attributed to the team’s high handicap. A handicap in bowling is when an experienced player is given extra points at the beginning of their match. The team is looking to continue their success through their April season. (brief by alex weinstock)

Junior Austine Pauley holds her softball bat. Pauley plays two Varsity sports at North. Pauley’s older sisters also played sports at North. (ashleigh jenkins)

continuing a family legacy

A junior has worked hard to live up to the standards set by her sisters that played softball and basketball before her Freshman Erin Stock swims the 100-fly at the FZW meet Dec. 15. Stock swam the same race Jan. 13 and qualified for state. (katie worsham)

STATE SWIMMER The girls swimming team has started the season with an 0-8 record. Freshman Erin Stock qualified for State with a 100m butterfly time of 1:02.12, she is the first female swimmer to qualify in eight years. “I’m glad for Erin,” Coach William Crow said. “Competition pushes her to be her best and to improve.”(brief by jacob lintner)




Being the second youngest daughter in the Pauley family has put Austine in a strange position. She has grown up watching her older sisters play basketball and softball for FHN and now in her junior year she has continued the tradition. Austine comes from a large family; she has four sisters and two younger brothers. But they have always had at least one thing in common: athletics. Austine began playing basketball and softball in the fourth grade, which is something that her father encouraged her to do. “I think he was really interested in them and wanted us to play to try it out,” Austine said Despite an obvious dedication to sports, Austine describes her family’s talents as average. And although it may seem strange that they all play the same two sports, Austine sees it as a positive thing.

Austine Pauley dribbles down the court on Dec. 15 during a game against Central. Pauley has been playing basketball for seven years and uses her older sister, Rachel Pauley, as a mentor. (sammie savala)

Pauley looks around her during last year’s game against St. Charles High. Both teams stayed within five points of each other the entire game. The game ended with a score of 46-56. (file photo)

“[Other families] probably all go their own ways like whatever the kid wants to go in to,” Austine said. “But now that we all play the same thing it’s kinda like we feed off of each other.” Although Austine considers her oldest sister Rachel the best athlete of the family Austine broke Rachel’s home run record her sophomore year. “I didn’t know what the record was until after the season was over,” Austine said. “I was surprised and excited when I found out. I couldn’t wait until the next season to try and break my own record.” Austine has enjoyed playing the same sports as her sisters because she uses their past successes as a way to motivate herself to be better than them. “I think [watching my sisters] helped me because I’m so competitive I just always want to beat everybody and since Rachel set the homerun record I felt like I had to beat it,” Austine said. “I couldn’t have my dad talking about her the whole time.” Over the years the basketball coaches at FHN have changed, but science teacher Dawn Hahn has coached all of the Pauley girls either as the head coach, or as the assistant. Hahn believes that all of the Pauley girls have been born with skills but over the years they have continued to improve. “I think that they all, from whatever gene they have picked up from mom or dad whatever they do, all of those kids will do it 100 percent no matter what,” Hahn said. But the tradition of Pauley athletes doesn’t end with Austine. She has two

Pauley throws the softball back to a teammate during the Pattonville game on Sept. 29. The final score was 7-3. This was the last home game for the Varsity team. (abby temper)

younger brothers, and a younger sister, Sahaura, who is a freshman and also plays basketball and softball. “I’ll go to the gym with her and help or watch games and tell her what she needs to do,” Austine said. “I also like to set an example because you can’t ask someone to do something you can’t do yourself.” Sahaura played freshman softball and JV basketball, according to her she has learned many things from watching her big sister. “She has taught me that size doesn’t matter,” Sahaura said. “Also you can still be small and powerful. If you work hard good things will come.” Since the Pauley’s have all practiced and worked together Hahn has seen similarities in Austine and her sisters in their dedication to the game and the way that they perform and push themselves. “I see a lot of the hustle plays and every once in a while when you look down the floor and go ‘Oh my gosh how did she make that happen’ those are things that I remember Rachel doing and Summer,” Hahn said. “In their own way and in different aspects of the game but there were always times that you look out there and go ‘Yep that’s a Pauley.’” According to Hahn Austine is not only an audible leader in the team. She leads by example and shows that she can accomplish what is expected of her and can push herself to the next level. “Austine is never satisfied with what she is able to do she always wants to get better and the personality trait where she is never going to be satisfied is probably the best driving force an athlete can have,” Hahn said.



MOVIE review: TAken 3 Taken 3 follows ex-CIA agent Bryan Mills, played by Liam Neeson, as he embarks on a final adventure with the franchise BY BENNETT SMALLWOOD

smallwood.bennett@gmailcom • @bsmallwood20

Sequels are hard to do. In the case of Taken 3, a sequel is very hard. Taken 3 may have been enjoyable but watching it after watching the first two, one would realize that it’s a lousy movie. My biggest problem with the film is that it’s completely separated from the previous ones, and that the movie’s character development of the main villain is inconsistent and takes substance away from the main character. In the first Taken movie, the audience was absorbed into the hunt for exCIA Agent Bryan Mills‘s daughter Kim, when she was kidnapped by a group of Albanians. In the second installment, Mills and his wife Lenore are taken by the same group of revenge-seeking Albanians. Thankfully, in Taken 3, being “taken” is not a key plot motivator. It would have been ridiculous to repeat a plot that had already been worn out. But the writers surely could’ve found a way to connect the third film to the other two in some way, rather than have a movie that seems like it shouldn’t have been made in the first place. A possible plot line could have involved a corrupt French government, similar to the one Mills uncovered in the first film. Instead, it seems like they dug an unrelated script out of the trash and replaced all the characters with characters from Taken. The villains in the movie really bring the movie down as a whole as well. They are inconsistent and they don’t leave any impression on the viewer. That’s a problem for me because a great villain makes an interesting plot and conflict. There was no strong conflict between Bryan Mills or any of the antagonists in this film. The main conflict exists between Ex-KGB Spetnaz Oleg Malankov and Lenore’s ex-husband Stuart. This completely takes the focus away from the main character Bryan Mills and instead focuses on petty drama between secondary characters. The journey in the first two films made one feel included in the chase and in the protagonist‘s shoes, taking the adventure step-by-step with him. It didn’t feel that way in the third one, and brings the franchise down. For those who are planning on seeing Taken 3, loved the first two, and are expecting it to live up to them, all I have to say is “good luck.”


Liam NEeson’s kill Count Throughout the ‘Taken’ franchise, Liam Neeson’s character Bryan Mills seems nearly unkillable and highly deadly, leading to a high body count of “bad guys”



Ryan Jensen, 12



Artist yellowbirddd’s album provides a new and exciting listening experience for those who enjoy simple music

In a poll conducted by Gallup, Americans were asked if they thought abortion should be legal in certian circumstances, legal in any circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances.



what it means To Be Pro-life

Many people see abortion as the only way out of an unwanted or unplanned pregenancy, but they may not know their other options BY KYLEIGH KRISTENSEN kyleigh1318@gmailcom • @kyleighkristens

Many people don’t understand what an abortion actually is, the effects of one, or why there are people marching in Washington D.C today protesting the Roe v. Wade ruling. Women may feel that abortion is their only way out of a bad situation, but instead of ending a life, women should consider other options such as maternity homes. Maternity homes provide necessities to the mother and child such as housing, which they do up until a year after birth. If the woman feels she is unfit to parent, maternity homes will also aid in finding adoptive parents. Two maternity homes here in St. Louis are The Sparrow’s Nest and Our Ladies Inn. There is one abortion provider in Missouri, Planned Parenthood, and they abort earliest at nine weeks. At this point, the child’s heart has been beating

for at least five weeks and is able to move in the mother’s womb. Planned Parenthood provides services such as aspiration and D & E (dilation and evacuation.) During an aspiration, a tube is inserted into the patient and the uterus is vacuumed. To ensure all of the fetus has been removed, a curette is used to scrape the uterus, which sometimes leaves scars that lead to infertility. Before the D&E process may begin, the fetus’s skull is penetrated with a needle through the mother’s abdomen so that the fetus dies before dismemberrment. According to Planned Parenthood, some women experience negative feelings after abortion, which is why they are associated with Exhale, a hotline for women who have aborted and become depressed. The reason why there are people marching in Washington D.C today is because abortion is not a solution. It’s not only deadly to the fetus, but also destructive to the mother, both physically and emotionally.

“CENTINELA” by yellowbirddd is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. yellowbirddd proves that, sometimes, simplicity is key. The 10 track album is entirely done by one man, Liam McCormack, playing his guitar. His sound is folksy and somewhat haunting. Right from the beginning, I was hooked. The first track on the album, “Overcaffeinated”, has a toe-tappingly catchy sound and the lyrics are a masterpiece. While most of the songs have to do with being in love or missing a girl, McCormack does it in such a poetic and beautiful way, presenting the would-be cliché message in a fresh and intriguing manner. It’s almost plain, but at the same time it has a sound that’s been out of the scene for a long time. I tried coming up with artists to relate him to, but I can’t. And it seems like these days, it’s hard to come by a musician who has their own sound and can’t be compared to anyone else, which makes this album even more fascinating. The album is filled with beautiful songs, but in my opinion, “When Lightning Hits You Twice” stands out the most. It’s not only the most relaxing song on the album, but it is also somehow the most intense. The listener can feel the intensely raw emotion that McCormack has in his voice, and they can feel it even stronger when he delivers lines such as “‘Cause when we met in every past life, I tried to tell you you were ahead of your time.” The song ends with a powerful verse and features drums, which is one of the only times on the album that the guitar is not the only instrument being played. “CENTINELA” is a thought-provoking and relaxing gem that is sure to be on repeat by anyone who enjoys mellow, relaxing, acoustic music with an excellent singer. The album is also available for free on the yellowbirddd BandCamp site.





People voice their opinion on the negativity towards the Superintendent when it comes to calling off school due to weather conditions

a a get gonn ah? e w n r Are day o snow msloan1 a p @

Bundle up, FHSD. Schools are in session. KMS

u realize When yo warmer is e id ts u o ’s heart than Pam

Buses will be late

Suing Pam if my car gets hit “I don’t really understand where they’re coming from because there are strict regulations that must be upheld by the District. Plus, the decision is not just made by her so why should she be the one to take all the hate?”

My kid will frostbit

going to Kids are ! freeze

Praytush Sontha, 11

(editorial cartoon by yasmeen belakhoua)

North star take:

“Most of that doesn’t bother you, but it’s disrespectful and there’s unintended consequences. People cross the line.”

Pam Sloan, Superintendent

“I think although they are pointless at convincing her to call a snow day, I do find humor involved to help alleviate some of the anger I have at some of the decisions made. They’re funny.”

Evan Miller, 12



whiners With no chill

Students and community members bashing of the superintendent based on possible snow days need to be put to an end ON BEHALF OF THE EDITORIAL STAFF • @FHNtoday

FHSD has been blessed with a miracle. We have a superintendent endowed with the ability to make sure that every child in FHSD is properly dressed for frigid winter weather. Each morning, according to some members of the community, Dr. Pam Sloan is responsible for buttoning coats, slapping on hats and slipping on mittens for nearly 20,000 students in the 150 square mile school district. By visiting all of these children within one morning, Dr. Sloan easily gives Santa Claus a run for his cookies. However, the behavior of some parents and students in the FHSD community over social media during prospective snow or wind chill days, particularly on Jan. 7, would surely land them on the naughty list. These behaviors include things such as threatening tweets, extensive complaints on Facebook and overall ignorance to the actual process of calling a snow day. Some people in the FHSD community seem to believe that Dr. Sloan is the only person responsible for calling a snow day, and therefore direct hostile complaints at her when they don’t get to skip out on a day of school or have to take the time to properly bundle their child for the weather. The main complaint from parents on Jan. 7 was having to send their children to wait for the bus in the cold weather. These parents were rightfully concerned about the well-being of their children; however, it is not the job of FHSD to make sure that all 20,000 children in the district are dressed properly for the weather. It’s a school district, not Burlington Coat Factory. In freezing temperatures, it is the duty of parents to make sure that their students are adequately dressed for the weather in order to inhibit frostbite and illness. In

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temperatures under five degrees, it is possible for frostbite to occur within the course of 30 minutes, making it all the more imperative for parents make sure that their children are bundled as much as Ralphie’s kid brother, Randy, in “A Christmas Story.” No matter the weather, there are also students who simply refuse to wear coats. Yes, boys who wear shorts year round, we’re talking to you. Some students also believe that wearing a coat is simply not cool and disrupts their distinct style. Sure, it’s of the utmost importance for students to maintain their cool factor, but despite the bad pun, frostbite is not cool. These students know that it’s smarter to wear a coat, but FHSD can’t monitor each student to make sure they actually wear a coat. It’s not feasible and a waste of time. Another news flash: Missouri winters are cold. Many northern states face freezing temperatures daily and school is still in session. If these states closed school for every day the temperatures dipped below freezing, the northern U.S. would become overrun with a bunch of snow-shoveling, sled-riding hooligans. For people who have called this state home for a while, the number of winter whiners that increase each year is astounding. This epidemic easily beats out frostbite cases yearly. The manner by which many students and parents responded to the snow day not being called was also startling. When did it become acceptable for students to casually throw around the first names


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I don’t feel like risking my life because of Pam Sloan again

of their teachers, much less their superintendent? Students, you are not best friends with Dr. Sloan and calling her by her first name on social media shows a disrespect for authority. The content of these complaints also demonstrates a level of cowardice because the chances of students and parents actually saying these things face to face is slim. When hiding behind a computer screen, it’s easy for students to aggressively tweet as they imagine the day they could have spent sleeping with sugar plums dancing around their heads, but that kind of disrespect doesn’t have a place in real life. The 61 long comment bash on FHSD’s Facebook account by parents also shows a level of whining reminiscent to that of a starving chihuahua. Once the decision not to call a snow day has been made, the opinion of few parents out of a whole school district is not going to have any affect on the decision. The main thing that people need to realize is that in commenting on these posts, they are only making themselves look bad and not actually impacting the situation in any way. We’re really just asking for some respect for Dr. Sloan and the hard working members of FHSD who wake up during the wee hours of the morning to determine if it is safe to get busses out to 20,000 students. These members genuinely care about the learning of FHSD students and are not intentionally trying to give them frostbite.

Editor in Chief: Daniel Bodden Managing Editor: Lauren Pike Business Manager: Aly Jenkins Business: Brandon Macias Austin Ferguson Team Editors: Emma Pursley Alexis Tainter Design Editors: Maggie Torbeck Nick Wyer Copy Editors: Priscilla Joel Lexi Wilkinson General Staff: Alex Arger Sasha Kaganov Michal Basford Kyleigh Kristensen Dan Borrelli Anthony Kristensen Alyssa Doty Zoe Lawson Mia Elliott Joe Luley Sarai Esparza Erika Paar Timothy Godfrey Sami Schmid Brianna Gonzalez Keegan Schuster Garret Griffin Alex Shannon Chelsi Morton-Hoskins Bennett Smallwood Belle Herrera Ryan Sparks Jamie Hetlage Risa Takenaka KJ Wilson Editor in Chief of Photography: Ashleigh Jenkins Photo Editors: Newspaper Editor of Photography: Alyssa Savage Editor of Photography: Sammie Savala Yearbook Editor of Photography: Ariel Kirkpatrick Web Editor of Photography: McKenzie Shea Photographers: Samantha Alexander Alex Lane Jessica Allison Lauren Price Ashleigh Barlow Alyssa Savage Yasmeen Belakhoua Ashton Stegman Rachel Creeley Lucas Tabaka Jessie Define Tristan Tainter Amanda Eckhard Abby Temper Emily Floyd Jailan Thomas Madi Graves Ravyn Winter

FHNTODAY STAFF Editor In Chief of Digital Media: Jake Chiarelli FHNgameday Editor: Alex Weinstock Video Editor: Sam Skaggs Video Staff: Adam Quigley Alyssa Barber Kyle Cuppy Jillian Strickland Cristina Lanzara Joseph Samuels Brayton Larson Taylor Sheridan Abbey Mills Autumn Todd Ben Moxley Collin Witte Web Staff: Alex Brice Tristan Chenoweth Ryan Jensen Jacob Lintner Chase Meyer Advisers: Jordyn Klackner Aaron Manfull



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Comm Arts credit here.

You can get a 1/2 credit of Comm Arts towards the 4 you need to graduate and you’ll become a better writer and designer. You don’t You credit of Comm Artspeople towards youwant needtotobe havecan to get takea a1/2 prerequisite. It’s the class taketheif 4they JOURNALISM graduate and you’ll better writer and designer. don’t You can getnewspaper, a 1/2become credit ofa Comm Arts towards theYou 4 you need to Broadcast Writing & Production a part broadcast North. You can ofgetthea 1/2 credit ofyearbook, Comm web Artsortowards theteams 4 youatneed to have to take a prerequisite. It’s the class people take if they want totobe graduate and you’ll become a better writer and designer. You don’t You can get a 1/2 credit of Comm Arts towards the 4 you need graduate and you’ll become a better writer and designer. You don’t agraduate part newspaper, yearbook, web or broadcast teams at North. haveoftothe take a prerequisite. the class people ifvideographer. they want to be and you’ll become a It’s better writer, speakertake and have to take a prerequisite. It’s the class people take if they want to be a part of the newspaper, yearbook, web or broadcast teams at Pair this with Journalism and you have one Comm Arts creditNorth. of PHOTOJOURNALISM aDIGITAL part of the newspaper, yearbook, web or broadcast teams at North. the 4 you need to graduate. You don’t have to take a prerequisite. It’s You can get a 1/2 credit of Practical Arts towards what you need DIGITAL PHOTOJOURNALISM atonew class being offered for thea first time at FHNvideographer in 2015-16. and graduate and you’ll become photographer, You can get a 1/2 credit of Practical Arts towards what you need DIGITAL PHOTOJOURNALISM multimedia creator in the process. You can take this class without a DIGITAL PHOTOJOURNALISM to graduate and you’ll become a photographer, videographer and You can get a 1/2 credit of Practical Arts towards what you JOURNALISM prerequisite as you are a currentArts freshman, or need You can get a as 1/2long credit of Practical towardssophomore what you need JOURNALISM multimedia creator in the process. You can take this class without a to graduate and you’ll become a photographer, videographer and You can8th getgraders a 1/2 credit of Comm towards the 4want youinneed junior. alsobecome need toa photographer, take Arts Journalism if they as toYou graduate and you’ll videographer and can get aas 1/2 credit of Arts towards the 4 youwithout need prerequisite long asinyou are a current freshman, sophomore orcantoa multimedia creator theComm process. Youwriter can take class to graduate and you’ll become better and this designer. You freshman. multimedia creator inbecome the process. Youwriter can take this class without a graduate and you’ll a better and designer. You don’t junior. 8th graders also need to take Journalism if they want in prerequisite as long as you are a current freshman, sophomore or take this class and join staff second semester. You don’t have toastake prerequisite as long as you are a current freshman, sophomore or to take prerequisite. It’s class people take theywant want “Looking forhave 1/2 credit Comm Arts toJournalism pair with Novel or freshman. junior. 8thagraders topeople take if ifthey intoasbe aaprerequisite. It’softhealso classneed mostthe entering the FHN media 8th graders alsoArts need to takeweb Journalism if for theyteams wantatinNorth. as Sports Lit forjunior. your 4th Comm Credit? Sign up Journalism.” aprogram part of the newspaper, yearbook, or broadcast freshman. take. “Looking forfreshman. a 1/2 credit of Comm Arts to pair with Novel or


Comm Arts credit here.


Once you pass any of the three classes listed on the right side here, you can enroll in the journalism groups like the newspaperhere. and Sports Lit for your 4thcredit CommofArts Credit? up for Comm Arts credit “Looking for a 1/2 Comm ArtsSign to pair withJournalism.” Novel or JOURNALISM “Looking for a 1/2 credit of Comm Arts to pair with Novel or yearbook staffs, the web andFor videomore staffs orinformation: DIGITAL PHOTOJOURNALISM Lit for your 4th Comm Arts Credit? Sign up for Journalism.” You can4th get aComm 1/2PHOTOJOURNALISM credit of Comm 4 you need to Sports Lit for DIGITAL your Arts Credit?Arts Signtowards up fortheJournalism.” you could become a staff photographer. All You can get a 1/2 credit of Practical Arts towards what you need You can getanda 1/2 of Practical Arts what need graduate you’llcredit become a better writer andtowards designer. Youyou don’t For more information: these staffs meet during the school day and to graduate and you’ll become a photographer and multimedia creator to graduate and you’ll become athe photographer, videographer and to be have to take a prerequisite. It’s class people take if they want Formore more students get class credit each semester they information: in the process. You’ll work with DSLR cameras, cover events at school multimedia in theyearbook, process. You this class without a For information: a part of thecreator newspaper, webcan or take broadcast teams at North. enroll. and create content for prerequisite as long as you are a current freshman, sophomore or junior. 8th graders also need to take Journalism if they want in as DIGITAL PHOTOJOURNALISM freshman. can get a 1/2 credit of Practical Arts towards what you need “Looking for You a 1/2 credit of Comm to pair with Novel or to graduate and you’ll become Arts a photographer, videographer and Sports Lit for your 4th Comm Arts Credit? Sign up for Journalism.” multimedia creator in the process. You can take this class without a prerequisite as long as you are a current freshman, sophomore or Comm Arts credit here. JOURNALISM junior. 8th graders also need to take Journalism if they want in as For more information: You can get a 1/2 credit of Comm Arts towards the 4 you need to freshman. graduate and you’ll become a better writer and designer. You don’t have to take a prerequisite. the class peoplewith takeNovel if they want “Looking for a 1/2 credit of CommIt’sArts to pair or to be Win Awards Gain Meet People Go Places Sports Lit for ayour part of theComm newspaper, yearbook, or broadcast teams at North. 4th Arts Credit?web Sign up forSkills Journalism.”


If you’re into writing or Join one of the top In room 026 you’ll meet Students move out of designing, there’s a journalism programs in the everyone from sports team their seats and beyond place for you. Want to country. The publications captains and Student the classroom to cover be a sports reporter or a consistently rank among Council members to artists community and national reviewer? There’s the get nation’s at of Practical Artsmovie and in band. You’ll events. They attend a You can a 1/2elite credit towards what you need a place for you. If you’re national conventions and also have the chance local events at places to graduate and you’ll become a photographer, videographer and into photography or contests. Win awards to meet and talk with like Webster University multimedia in and the process. You can take this class without a videography, want to work as part creator of a team famous people. Staffers and the St. Louis Poston the web or in business individually. We as have have interviewed and/or prerequisite as long you are a current freshman, sophomore or Dispatch. Staff members advertising, there’s a had five of Missouri’s photographed everyone also attend national junior. 8th graders also need to take Journalism if they want in asplace www.FHNtoday.tumblr.comconventions each year for you. Like Facebook High School Journalist’s from Barack Obama and freshman. and Twitter? We even of the Year and staffers Ron Paul to boxing great in places ranging from have jobs for that. Learn have won numerous Evander Holyfield and Denver and Orlando to “Looking for a 1/2 credit of Comm Arts to pairskills with or and thatNovel matter now scholarships for their First Amendment fighter Anaheim and Seattle. Sports Lit for your 4th Comm Arts Credit? Sign help up for later.Journalism.” work. Mary Tinker.

For more information: DIGITAL PHOTOJOURNALISM For more information:

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