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Chasing records
*irls cross countr\ teaP e[pecting highest finish in school histor\
Andrew Haughey haughand000@hsestudents.org
After placing seventh in the state last year, the varsity girls cross country team is looking for their highest finish in the I0;)) ;tate .inals in school history. In the past, the team has finished around si`th to eighth in the concluding meet of the season, with a school best of si`th in the 2017 season. This season has the potential to be different. ?ith the school ranked fourth in the state, the team has its eyes set on a record finish.
4ongtime coach and ;panish teacher *eth 2ahns said the team has challenged themselves to run at a higher intensity, putting themselves at the front of races instead of the middle. 2ahns also said this team¼s sibe has had a noticeable impact on how they trained.
¹<his is the smallest team we have had in about five years which, for us, has been very beneficial,” 2ahns said. ¹?e¼re able to individualibe our training and get to know the kids a little bit better.”
;ophomore 5egan 5ybeck said she felt as if this team was much closer than the team last year, and she knew many more on the team this year. ;he said this was an important factor in how they performed because they had developed a stronger identity as a team. 5ybeck also said e`perience on the team was a major factor on her performance. ¹I also feel like I¼m getting more of a hang on how to prepare a little bit better since last year,” 5ybeck said.
;ophomore >era ;chafer said the team had much more positivity this season. )ccording to ;hafer, the lack of freshman contributed to the team’s success because the team was more
e`perienced, but may have a negative impact in the future.
¹?hen we get to championship season in future years, we will not have as many people to step up to the plate,” ;chafer said.
;enior 4ogan ;orrell has been running on the team since her freshman year and has noticed some key differences that contribute to why this year¼s e`pectations have shifted. ;orrell stated that while the roster this season has about 30 less girls than last, the runners capable of performing at the varsity level is much higher than usual.
¹7ur varsity roster is very deep with different girls,” ;orrell said. ¹?e¼re able to put different girls in for each race, giving some girls a break and some girls an opportunity to run.”
2ahns made additional remarks on how the addition of senior 0annah ;ale from -vansville had boosted the confidence of the team, pushing more individuals to run at the front. 2ahns said that historically, the team has always been deep, but that they lacked a front runner. ;he stated that this year¼s team is determined to take down their competitors" Bionsville, .ort ?ayne +arroll and +armel.
¹In years past we always said we wanted to get on the podium, but I don¼t really think the girls realibed that was a possibility,” 2ahns said. ¹*ut this year, they truly see that as something they are going to achieve.” <he first girls cross country postseason meet will be on 7ct. for sectionals at 8endleton 0eights 0igh ;chool.