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Key Information about Disney Plus
Disney Plus will launch on Nov. 12, 2019. The new streaming service will cost $6.99 a month and $69.99 each year. Shows that can be accessed on Disney Plus include Star Wars, Pixar, Marvel and exclusive Disney Plus content. This exclusive content is only available to Disney Plus subscribers.
Star Wars Movies “The Mandalorian” Star Wars prequel based on “Rogue One” Avengers Movies “Captain Marvel” “Loki”series “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” series “WandaVision” series
The new entry to the online streaming service world Disney Plus preview
Ben Rosen rosenben000@hsestudents.org
Captain 5arvel” will be the fi rst ,isney movie not to be on 6etÆ i`, according to +6-<. ,isney 8lus is going to take ,isneyproduced content away from 6etÆ i` when it Roins the streaming services movement by launching ,isney 8lus on 6ov. . 8hysics teacher 5ike 0artley and his kids are fans of ,isney and watch ,isneyproduced content and have gotten a subscription for ,isney 8lus.
¹CI will watchE whatever my kids want Cto watchE,” 0artley said. ¹<hey have been limited to 6etÆ i`.”
0artley said the diff erent price options and a variety of content that ,isney 8lus will off er is e`citing. )ccording to ,isney¼s website, ,isney 8lus will cost .!! a month, and !.!! a year.
¹It should provide a broad spectrum of family video,”0artley said. )ccording to their website, ,isney created ,isney 8lus to give people more options to watch their programming with the ability to stream thousands of movies. ,isney 8lus is part of the movement toward creating more streaming services and less cable television.
¹CIE will open them Chis kidsE up to what ,isney off ers,” 0artley said.¹ ?e don¼t have cable <>.”
,isney +lub Runior 9uiara ?iggins believes people will be more willing to pay for subscriptions to ,isney 8lus due to the large amount of content that it will contain. ,isney 8lus will also include e`clusive content and never before seen original footage which will only be available to ,isney 8lus subscribers, according to ,isney¼s website.
¹;o I guess I¼ll be watching <> longer when ,isney 8lus comes out,” ?iggins said. ,isney¼s website has a tab for ,isney 8lus as well as a countdown clock to the release time and date. <his streaming service will have all kinds of ,isney programming available, according to ,isney¼s website. )ccording to +6-<, ,isney 8lus will include ;tar ?ars, 8i`ar, 5arvel, and )vengers content as well as all seasons of ¹<he ;impsons.”
”I think a lot of people will be mad# some people will probably get rid of 6etÆ i` and go straight to ,isney 8lus only,” sophomore 2ames /ibbs said.