2 minute read
Complaining stalls solutions Griping about trivial matters distracts from important issues, impedes results
Fletcher Haltom haltofle000@hsestudents.org
People seem to be constantly dissatisfi ed with the way that things are. While this is not necessarily bad, it is important to recognize when complaining goes too far. Excessive whining can be destructive, annoying and dangerous. One major issue with complaining is that it tends to become a habit. Criticizing things is tempting because it feels good to talk about topics that are disliked and to share this dissatisfaction with others. Though complaining may provide temporary relief, it can also cause long-term damage. A study conducted by Stanford University found that complaining for over 30 minutes each day can have harmful eff ects on humans, including physical damage to the hippocampus area of the brain, which regulates memory, emotion and motivation. Trivial matters distract from far more important issues. Lamenting about an insignifi cant topic taSes attention a_ay from issues that aff ect many more people. 1f complaints are directed at overly strict teachers rather than the causes of important world issues, then the more vital issues will remain unresolved. Research by Clemson University discovered that pet peeves, a common subject of trivial complaints, are negatively linked with well-being and mindfulness. Eliminating these criticisms can make someone happier and healthier. 1nstead of focusing on complaining, people should focus on being grateful. Research conducted by the University of California found that people who focus on having a grateful attitude experience an increased positive mood and a 23% decrease in the stress hormone cortisol. Appreciating what is had, rather than complaining about what is lacked, can help lead to a happier mood and a healthier life. Not all complaining is bad, however, as complaints can serve important functions for social interaction. Everyone has something to protest about, and it can create a sense of solidarity between people when they talk about a certain topic that they dislike. However, complaining often does much more harm than good. 1t is important to recognibe _hat complaining is trying to accomplish. Complaining can be used for productive reasons, such as warning someone so they can avoid a future problem. However, it can also be used for unproductive reasons, such as personal validation. 1t is important to recognibe the diff erence bet_een the t_o, and also _hat the aim of the protest is. For example, many students feel that receiving a poor grade on a test is a reason to complain, but their complaining will only make them more unhappy. 1nstead, students should appreciate the opportunities that they are given, and be grateful for the fact that they are given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and do better on future tests or assignments. This does not mean that student complaints are invalid; it just means that they should take a step back and put their issues into perspective. 1n order to enact change, people should try to structure their complaints as constructive criticism rather than simple whines. Additionally, people should attempt to solve the issue that they are complaining about rather than just talk about it. Complaining about problems such as social issues is warranted, but it needs to be accompanied by action in order to create change.