Tiger Topics N the Red: Volume 14, Issue 3, 11/12/19

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Volume 14, Issue 3

Fishers High School

Nov. 12, 2019


DISCONNECTED Study shows phones, social media bad for health, daily conversations / PAGES 8-9

Photo by Ellie Albin

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Nov. 12, 2019

N the Red





latest podcast about student Deandre Nichols

FEATURE The Fishers Farmers’ Market moves inside for the season










16-17 TURDUCKEN 30-31



fishersnthered.com Front cover: Seniors Emma Julien and Spencer Anderson stare at their phones mid-conversation. Photo by Ellie Albin.

Fishers High School 13000 Promise Rd., Fishers, IN 317-915-4290 fax: 317-915-4299

@fhs_NtheRed @fishershighnews


N the Red 3

Chicken Burrito

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Valid only at participating locations. Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per purchase. “Buy One, Get One” offers valid on item of equal or lesser value only. Exclusive of alcohol, tax and gratuity. Not for sale or resale. Void where prohibited. Cash value 1/100¢. No cash back. Additional exclusions may apply. Valid through 12/31/2019.



Nov. 12, 2019

N the Red

High stakes mean high stress Studies reveal effects of pressure on high achieving students Lily Thomas



P classes, extra-curriculars, community involvement: all common marks of a high achieving student that can also be common stressors. The course catalog has 200 course options offered in total, including classes such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and dual credit. The difficulty and the workload of these classes can be stressful on students. Psychology professor Suniya Luthar’s research highlights effects of such stressors on high-achieving students. In her study done in 2013, Luthar found that students attending high-achieving schools displayed higher rates of anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Furthermore, “excessive pressure to excel” was named one of the top conditions harming youth wellness in a report done by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “Sometimes students will come back and say ‘Man, I wish you would’ve pushed me more,’ and then sometimes students will say ‘I’ve been pushed too far,’” counselor Natalie Ridings said. “I think that’s a very delicate balance of looking at students’ past performance that is typically a good indication of what we feel the students are

Sophomore Kaelyn Tai works on a chemistry assignment during SMaRT period on Nov. 4 in room B116. Photo by Lily Thomas.

capable of.” A study done by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine put adolescents from “high-achieving schools” on an “at risk” list among kids with incarcerated parents and those living in poverty. FHS is high-achieving, as the U.S. News and World Report ranked it 8 in the state of 682 high schools and 632 in the nation of 26,407 high schools, putting the school in the top 1% in the state and top 2.5% in the nation. According to the Washington Post, youth affected by such conditions have a greater risk of developing chronic stress which puts a damper on their mental health and well-being. “The school makes it really a big idea to take AP and IB classes,” junior Laiyonna Britt said. “I definitely fell into that trap of ‘You have to take AP to be good or labeled as intelligent.’” Ridings stated that some students experience “barriers to learning” such as stress. To combat this, the counselor’s office recently converted their conference room into a mindfulness room for students to decompress and relax without technology.

N the Red

Features of choosing your future right now is really stressful,” Britt said. “If one thing sets you back, then it’s hard to build back up what you did.” The Washington Post said that students face many pressures to succeed. Some of these pressures come from parents, teachers or even students themselves. “I think sometimes students get it in their mind that if one class doesn’t go well, that all these other classes aren’t going to go well,” Ridings said. “For a lot of kids it’s getting over that hurdle of ‘Maybe I failed in this class, but I’m really capable of doing well in all these other classes.’” As the time to apply to college nears, some students feel pressured to take weighted classes in order to get admitted into elite colleges. For example, Stanford has a 3.93% acceptance rate for regular decisions admissions. “When it comes to colleges, it’s getting more and more competitive,” senior Khadijah Guisse said. “So, they’re looking at the classes you take compared to everyone else in your grade. I think the environment of Fishers, I wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing, but they do push for you to challenge yourself.” The National Center for Education Statistics

found that about 19.9 million students would attend college or universities in the fall of 2019. Furthermore, the U.S. Board of Education said it is important to receive a post-secondary credential, especially when college graduates with a bachelor’s degree earn about 66% more than those with a high school diploma. “I feel like college is advertised as ‘If you want to have a successful life then you go to college,’” Britt said. “I feel like that isn’t the path for everyone and those students [who don’t attend college] end up feeling bad about themselves.” Explaining what expectations come with certain classes is a huge part of the counselors’ job, according to Ridings. She said that while they do not want to push too hard, they also do not want to hold back students if they are capable of achieving more. “It is overwhelming, but I know that for me, if I’m signing up to take a hard class, no one’s going to take the class for me,” Guisse said. “I have to think about my limits, my extracurriculars, what I have time for and what I don’t have time for. You have to stay true to yourself because you know what you can do, so push yourself to a certain extent, but don’t overwork yourself just to make others happy.”



Nov. 12, 2019

N the Red

Preventative measures

Vaccines, cleanliness help prevent spread of flu Maria Galosi



eek off of school is not hat sopho ore aylani Ball ished for hen she caught the u. y parents schedule y u shot regularly because hen had the u it really sucked, Ball said. as out of school for an entire eek, so don’t ant it again. et your u shot is a co on phrase during the u season in doctor’s offices and stores like and algreens. The u shot is co posed of either live or dead strains of the u hich is then in ected into the patient’s body here the patient body’s antibodies ill get a signal that there is an invader, then copy the genetic code and destroy it. They save the u’s uni ue code so if the patient ere to get the u, their body ill kno ho to counteract it. have heard that the u is supposed to be orse this year than it has been in previous years, so every year they try to vaccinate you, school nurse onna und said. lu season in the nited tates occurs in the inter and fall hile the u’s activity peaks bet een ece ber and ebruary and can last as late as ay. The u can be trans itted by a co puter or so ething like that. o ebody co es along, touches that, and then so eho touches their face or so ething like that so it’s passed fro person to person by contact. und said. The enter for isease ontrol states that there are t o ays to receive the u shot either by nasal spray or needle in ection. This decision is up to the patient based on preference and hat they are allergic to. The nasal spray should not


be given to those ho are i unoco pro ised, children t o to four, those ho have asth a, those ho are taking aspirin or edicine containing salicylate, those older than and pregnant o en. fter receiving the u shot, it ill take t o to four eeks to start orking, and anyone si onths and older are advised to get the shot regularly. Those ith life threatening allergies to gelatin, anti antibiotics or eggs should not receive the u shot. ni es, chills and a runny nose are co on side effects fresh an livia and alia ith think of hen they hear of the u shot. These are only a fe of the side effects. The states that ild side effects ill include soreness, redness or s elling here the shot as given, along ith a lo grade fever and aches. nly about one to t o percent of people ho get the shot ill have ild side effects. resh an ikyah hilds agrees that not getting sick does not ake the shot any ore appealing. ive cience states their ost effective ays to prevent others, along ith yourself, fro getting sick ith the u is to get a u shot, aking sure to ash your hands periodically throughout the day, and staying ho e hen your sick. eron ashington has a fe tips for avoiding the u during u season. hen so eone sho s signs of the u like so eti es profusely s eating, snee ing or has red eyes or blotchy skin then ash your hands and also ake sure that the person ith the u is earing the ask to prevent the u going around. ashington said.


1. A patient receives the nasal flu shot. Photo used with permission of Senior Airman Stephen Cadette and the Keesler Air Force Base. 2. A patient receives the flu shot via a shot to the shoulder. Photo used with permission of Senior Airman Stephen Cadette and the Keesler air force base.

N the Red



Laura Giffel

2007 graduate runs for Indianapolis citycounty council Ben McHenry



or alu ni aura iffel, co unity involve ent has long been a guiding principle. o , she seeks to co bine her affinity for civics ith her desire to help others to gro a successful political career in ndianapolis. iffel as a e ber of the first class at , and as here hen any of the current traditions developed. he also had the uni ue e perience of being part of the first e The eople tea . re e ber rs. aternoster co ing to our class to recruit students to oin e the eople and being i ediately interested, iffel said. y father is a huge history buff and govern ent had been a regular topic of conversation in y house gro ing up. e the eople allo ed e to gro a solid foundation in good govern ent and learn ho to engage in civil discussions. iffel initially planned on an entirely different career path before eventually running for office. fter graduation attended urdue niversity to study social studies education, but uickly fell in love ith y psychology classes and s itched to behavioral neuroscience, iffel said. graduated in three years and enrolled at niversity of ndianapolis for a aster’s in clinical psychology. iffel currently orks for an ndianapolis non profit clinic as a behavioral analyst, helping the fa ilies of children in need, along ith her budding political career. Both of these careers have benefited fro her involve ent in school. n high school played volleyball and co peted in both e the eople and peech Tea , hich allo ed e to practice any interpersonal skills use today, iffel said. n college played on the club volleyball tea and

served on the leadership board of y sorority, ig a appa. iffel and her husband oved to do nto n ndianapolis in , here any urban neighborhoods ere still recovering fro the recession. hile any fa ilies had recovered, the housing arket had not, as about of the houses in a given neighborhood ere vacant. The housing situation otivated iffel to act. e bought our house and i ediately got involved ith our neighborhood association since e ere concerned about solutions for vacant and abandoned housing that plagues our city, iffel said. as frustrated ith the lack of ove ent on the vacant properties and anted to ensure that neighbors had a voice hen fighting for their uality of life. fter living in ndianapolis, iffel has seen first hand the troubles that any ndianapolis residents face that she has not. This, co bined ith her e perience in the city of ishers and , have given her a uni ue perspective on ho to help those in her co unity. ro ing up in ishers allo ed e to have a safe and nurturing teenage e perience, iffel said. ’ve co e to learn that any in ndianapolis and ndiana do not gro up ith si ilar opportunities, so a passionate about i proving the uality of life for those around us.

Laura Giffel smiles as she sits on a bench in downtown Indianapolis for a photoshoot as part of her county-council campaign. Photo used with permission of Laura Giffel.


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

Screen time stresses students

Social media impacts mental health, decreases conversation skills Fletcher Haltom



xcessive social media use is linked with increased rates of depression, anxiety, and loneliness among young people, according to a recent Johns Hopkins report. While social media has become a prominent tool for communication among teenagers, the popularity of social media may cause people to spend too much time on it. “I believe teens spend too much time on social media, because instead of actually interacting with people, our generation just texts and communicates through social media,” sophomore Lauren Bronson said. Recently, more attention has been given to the negative impacts of excessive social media use. Many of the worries surrounding social media usage center around the users setting unrealistic expectations for other peoples’ lives, which is a concern expressed by students. ocial edia has a negative effect on y mental health, because I see other people on the platform and compare myself to them,” Bronson said. Thirty-one percent of students cite social media providing an unrealistic view of others’ lives as the main reason why it has had an overall negative impact on them, according to a survey conducted at school on Oct. 29. This is one of the reasons hy both students and staff believe that social media can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health, due to the spreading of harmful opinions, which can contribute to issues such as cyberbullying. “In my own personal role as a school counselor, I have seen that social media can distract students from focusing in class and also can be used as a tool to spread rumors or negative remarks,” counselor Briana Anderson said. “In the case when rumors and negative remarks are spread, this absolutely negatively affects student ental health. In addition to causing mental health issues, the practice of using social media so often

could be contributing to antisocial behaviors and lessening face to face interaction between students. ccording to laska acific niversity, teenagers are destroying personal communication by becoming reliant on technology for social interaction. “I have seen that students have become more disconnected due to social media/cell phone usage. t ti es, it see s that it is difficult for students to put their phones down when in a meeting or in class,” Anderson said. “This is certainly troubling if students are not able to focus in class, counseling meetings, or day-to-day interactions because of social media and cell phone usage.” While there are many concerns surrounding the use of social media, not all students believe the use of social edia is har ful. t can offer beneficial aspects such as connecting ith friends or family, providing news or simply being entertaining. A 2018 Pew Research Study survey found that, among teens who believe social media has had a mostly positive impact, 40% cite connecting with friends and family as the main reason why. “Social media is helpful because it can connect people around the world who have the same interests and hobbies,” freshman Leah Bedwell said. “It also connects friends who don’t see each other very often, because they can see what each other have been up to through social media.” Social media usage will increase in the future. From 2015 to 2018, Pew Research Center found the amount of teenagers who described themselves being online “almost constantly” increased from 24% to 45%. As social media becomes a more normal part of everyday life for students, they feel more attached to it. “Social media is just a part of our normal lifestyle now,” Bedwell said. “We don’t really think about it, but that’s how we communicate. If social media was taken away, we would feel more disconnected and lonely.”


N the Red



a i nal

a is i s

of teenagers spend less than 30 minutes a day on social media

of teenagers use Snapchat most often

of teenagers believe social media has had a neither positive or negative impact on teens of teenagers say that connecting with friends/family is the most beneficial impact of social media of teenagers say that bullying/rumor spreading are the most negative impact of social media



a i nal

a is i s

of teenagers spend less than 30 minutes a day on social media

of teenagers use Snapchat most often

of teenagers believe social media has had a neither positive or negative impact on teens

"The things I've found, such as bands or YouTubers, have given me a sort of family to go to." -Freshman Gabrielle Durle

of teenagers say that connecting with friends/family is the most beneficial impact of social media of teenagers say that bullying/rumor spreading are the most negative impact of social media

Graphics by Fletcher Haltom and Ellie Albin. Data for school statistics from a school survey conducted on Oct. 28 with 104 responses. Data for national statistics from a 2018 Pew Research Center Survey.



N the Red

i er archin and pla s the usic for their andide eet sho at A re ionals at enter rove i h chool on ct. 1 . he uali ed for se i state at the co petition. Photo used with permission of Rebecca Lu.

Nov. 12, 2019

Band performance sweet indeed archin

and uali es for se i state ith old perfor ance

Emma Tomlinson



he marching band’s show features brightly-colored candy uniforms, candy machines and a Candyland-esque theme. The sho is filled ith upbeat songs. The arching band sho is based off of “Overture to Candide,” which is from “Candide uite, co posed by eonard Bernstein. e also co posed another t o of the sho ’s songs, The Rumble” from “West Side Story” and “Make Our Garden Grow.” The ballad in the show is “True olors by Billy teinberg and To elly. specifically like our ballad ‘True olors’, sopho ore clarinet race ree an said. t really ties our show together and makes me emotional every ti e play it. The process behind designing a sho can take months. According to assistant marching band director Todd c ready, the process begins in January. There is a creative team that consists of people riting usic and the drill, a creative progra director and the arching band directors. earning the sho also takes long hours on the part of the band. ccording to sopho ore

tru pet a ie alton r., it can take around t o months to learn the songs of a show. They began in late July and learned the last movement over fall break. “We are able to learn an entire movement in one ca p day hich is about eight hours and our sho this year has four ove ents, sopho ore tru pet player T oorsen said. An idea does not always work out as it is planned. o ever, the creative tea can use an idea and develop it into so ething that can still work for the band. One of the ideas the team ca e up ith involved the utcracker and ugar lu airy, that they then changed to sugar and sweet. “This year, we took an idea that we all felt pretty good about and ran ith it for a hile, said McCready. “Then we realized it wasn’t going to ork but part of it as cool and so e took a left turn with it and got what we have now.” ince the the e is andide eet, a tarp with a design of the board game Candyland is incorporated into the sho . The tarp is really appealing to the eye,

Features Walton said. “When we pull the tarp onto the field, it ill ake people feel like they are entering a hole ne orld full of color. The band has never had anything si ilar to this design before. olor is ore present in the sho and it is ore dyna ically interesting according to c ready. e believes that the tarp pulls together their perfor ance and akes the sho ore appealing to the audience, an i portant aspect of the sho as part of the overall score is deter ined by visual co ponents. The only thing e had last year ere those etal cages. There asn’t a lot of color. This year, it’s ay different, c ready said, The tarp is really colorful, obviously, and e put tarps over the cages to ake the look like candy achines. nifor s also ake an i pact on the sho . alf ay through the sho , different sections rip off their plain, black unifor s to reveal brightly colored unifor s, like candy. The color guard also changes the color of their outfits. The unifor change, though difficult, really adds a ne ele ent to our sho , ree an said. t sho s the audience e all are our o n colors and it kind of helps the audience visuali e all of the different sections of the band. s of ov. , the band has participated in five co petitions. Their best place ent as at Bands of erica uper egionals at ucas il on ct. , here they placed of bands. They ualified for state co petition at the se i state contest on ov. at Ben avis. The state co petition as ov. at ucas il tadiu . Their final co petition of the season is B rand ationals on ov. at ucas il. ast year, the band ade it to se i finals but issed aking finals by only a fe points. Their goal is to ake finals this year for the first ti e. andide eet is really unlike anything the arching band has put out on the field before, sopho ore color guard e ber avidson said. e’ve also been scoring higher than past seasons and for e, the sho is a lot ore fun to perfor this year.

N the Red 11

(Left to right) senior Camryn Fulton, junior Alea Hopson, senior Emily Waye and sophomore Matthew Albright practice their Candide Sweet routine on July 31. Photo by Mya Ball. Megan Smith catches her rifle durin a performance at halftime of the FHS vs North Central football game on August 23. Photo by Leen Mahmoud.


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

Leftover Thanksgiving recipes rekindled Four recipes that can be used for Thanksgiving leftovers still sitting in the refrigerator Rebekah Shultz



eftovers are not uncommon in households that celebrate Thanksgiving. About $293 million is wasted because Americans throw out the turkey after Thanksgiving, according to MarketWatch. There are many recipes that can help turn the leftovers into filling eals.

Mac and Cheese Balls

The recipe has 12 servings, and the macaroni and cheese should be prepped before cooking. It is strongly recommended that the macaroni and cheese be in the refrigerator or freezer for at least three to four hours. “It tasted really good,” junior Chris Michael said. t filled e up, too, and liked the breaded part on the outside and the cheese in the middle.” The recipe can also be improved by adding more cheese for the cheesiness factor. This recipe takes around an hour to make. Michael also said it could have been improved with a dipping sauce and a bit more cheese. Junior Adam Sevening also said that the macaroni and cheese balls would taste better if there were jalapeños or bacon inside.

Turkey Cranberry Sandwich

The recipe was very easy to make, only having to grill the bread and butter. The sandwich also calls for ingredients that are simple and not hard to find after a Thanksgiving feast. Sophomore Ava Hunt wished that the cheese would be a bit more melted. She enjoyed the cranberry sauce because it was a good contrast with the turkey. The recipe took around 15 minutes to make. “I like the way the cranberry paired with the cheese and the bread,” sophomore Ava Hunt said. “It was delicious.”

Mac and Cheese Balls Ingredients needed: 3 cups leftover of macaroni and cheese 2 cups vegetable oil 2 beaten large eggs 1 1/2 cups Panko 2 tablespoons chopped chives Directions: Place macaroni and cheese into the refrigerator until firm, about 3-4 hours. Heat vegetable oil in a large pot oven over medium high heat. Using a small cookie scoop, roll macaroni and cheese into 1 1/4-to-1 1/2-inch balls Working one at a time, dip balls into eggs, then dredge in Panko, pressing to coat. Working in batches, add balls to the pot and cook until evenly golden and crispy, about 3-4 minutes. Transfer to a paper towellined plate. Serve immediately, garnished with chives, if desired.

Turkey Cranberry Sandwich Ingredients needed: 2 slices of your choice of bread 1 tablespoon mayonnaise 1 slice of cheese (try Swiss cheese or provolone cheese) 1/2 cup leftover roasted turkey, sliced or shredded

2 tablespoons leftover cranberry sauce 1/4 cup salad greens or lettuce 2 tablespoons butter, unsalted

Directions: Spread mayonnaise on one slice of bread and top with cheese. Top up with turkey, cranberry sauce, and greens. Add the remaining slice of bread. Heat butter in a skillet over medium-low heat until melted. Place the sandwich on top and grill each side for 2-3 minutes until bread is lightly browned and cheese has melted. Remove from heat, cut in half and serve.

N the Red 13

Arts & Culture Fried Green Beans Ingredients: 1 pound green beans ends trimmed 1 1/2 cups all purpose our divided use 1 cup chicken broth 1 3/4 teaspoons kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon onion powder oil for frying

Fried Green Beans

1 tablespoon fresh parsley chopped Directions: Heat 3 inches of oil in a deep pot to 375 degrees F. Coat the green beans in 1/2 cup our, shaking off any e cess. n a medium bowl, mi together the remaining cup of our, chicken broth, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. Coat each green bean in batter, letting the excess batter drip back into the bowl. Fry 8-10 green beans at a time until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes. Repeat the process with the remaining green beans. Sprinkle with parsley, then serve immediately.

Turkey Tetrazzini

Turkey Tetrazzini

Ingredients needed: Kosher salt 8 ounces wide egg noodles 3 tablespoons unsalted butter Freshly ground pepper 1/2 small onion, diced 2 stalks celery, sliced 8 ounces cremini mushrooms, stemmed and sliced 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme

The recipe as a bit difficult because the green beans ere hard to dip in the batter, and the batter ould not really cover the hole pea. This recipe as also very essy. The green beans took around inutes to ake. f there is a desire add sauce to the greens, the original recipe, hich co es fro ‘ inner at the oo, reco ends ranch, garlic aioli or chipotle sauce. The green beans ere not very crunchy and did not see like a good co bination, unior arah chult said. t needs ore avoring to it it as a little bland.

1/4 cup vegetable broth 1 1/2 cups heavy cream 12 ounces leftover skinless roast turkey breast or rotisserie chicken breast, chopped (about 3 cups) 1 5-ounce package baby spinach (about 8 cups) 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese (about 1 ounce)

Directions: Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the noodles and cook as the label directs. Reserve 1/2 cup cooking water, then drain. Toss with 1 tablespoon butter and season with salt and pepper. Meanwhile, heat the remaining 2 tablespoons butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and celery and cook, stirring occasionally, until slightly softened, about 3 minutes. Add the mushrooms, thyme, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a few grinds of pepper; cook, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms are lightly golden, 6 to 7 minutes. Add the vegetable broth and cook until absorbed, about 1 minute. Add the heavy cream and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sauce is slightly thickened, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir the turkey and spinach into the sauce and cook until the turkey is warmed through and the spinach is wilted, about 3 minutes. Stir in the reserved cooking water and return to a simmer. Remove from the heat and stir in 1/3 cup parmesan. Toss the noodles with the turkey mixture. Sprinkle with the remaining parmesan.

This recipe ill be a si ple, easy e perience if the ingredients are prepped beforehand. rep ill help speed up the process hen it co es to cooking. This recipe takes about inutes to ake. t as really good, but it needed a little bit ore avor, unior ucy oy said. oy said that the ushroo s have a do inant avor in the dish. o, for those like unior aysey astro ho dislike ushroo s, then it is reco ended to add less or not to add ushroo s at all.

Photos by Rebekah Shultz.


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

New tale, same hero

Hollywood accused of repetitive stories; archetype may be reason Ben Hamilton



ovies are among the most popular and lucrative forms of entertainment, generating over $43 billion in 2017. With the attention paid to movies now, there is a lot of pressure to bring content that will draw crowds, and in turn, revenue. However, pandering to an audience can lead to repetitive stories and characters. “A lot of popular movies right now are mostly the same,” senior Andrew Newquist said. “But they tend to also be the same genre and obviously make a lot of money, so why would you break the mold with something new?” In fact, in the last 20 years, the highest-grossing movies have been adventure movies followed by action and drama, genres that tend to showcase the hero’s journey, a deconstruction of storytelling that could be applied to all heroes from every culture. The idea was that the hero of a story goes through the same trials that change them to be more in line with the culture’s idea of goodness. “When you break a character down to just basic life they will look like every other character,” senior Bruno Kitazuka said. “There is a lot of nuance that goes unrecognized if you just look at movies through the hero’s journey lens.” Critics of the hero’s journey tend to agree. Many argue that if the journey’s order has to be changed to fit the story’s hero, then the hero’s journey is not present in the story. The argument is that, the hero’s journey applies to heroes that have the call to action and reject it. So, characters like Captain Kirk who actively seek out action and never grow are static character and, therefore, not heroes. Movies like “The Big Lebowski” or “Mother!” do not follow the hero’s journey because the point of the journey is to change and no one actually

does. However, a lack of change in only one character does not devalue the theory. Proponents of the hero’s journey say the archetype of a hero does not always follow the protagonist and more often than not actually follows the antagonist or supporting character. While Captain Kirk doesn’t follow the journey Spock actually does, initially not wanting to accept his humanity but then realizing it’s not entirely without purpose. “Part of the hero’s journey is that it is easily recognizable in ourselves and helps us understand a story specifically, because it is si ilar or informed by another story or movie,” English teacher Jordan Nel said. This idea of intertextuality, the connection of one work to another, is present in every story not because most stories share the same basic plot structure or character, but because the author and the reader know other stories and see themselves and other characters in the people in the story being told. “The idea that every story might be connected in that is comforting to me,” Nel said. “It makes the story feel more human because it is more relatable.” It’s easy to identify with a character like Harry Potter because he has the same troubles every other teenager has, but he also faces tribulations no one could ever hope to match up with making him seem larger than life. Luke Skywalker just wants to hang out with his friends, but his uncle akes hi do his chores first. e’s got proble s viewers also have, but he’s also got magic beans in his blood that give him telekinesis. ”So a lot of stories may seem the same and many characters may seem to repeat” Nel said. “But that’s because the only story being told is humanity’s story.”

Information courtesy of IMDB. Graphics by Ben Hamilton.

N the Red

Arts & Culture


Infographic by Sydney Territo.

Students discuss festive music, when to listen Sydney Territo



hristmas is creeping in. Taking a quick trip to Target’s electronics section shows an abundance of Christmas songs already popping up. As Christmas approaches, families get together, reminisce about their memories and listen to the music of the holiday season. Although Christmas is a time that students dream about, it can be a nightmare for those who do not like listening to Christmas carols in October. Freshman Justin Tscherne strongly disagrees with listening to Christmas music earlier than Halloween. He thinks there should be a balance between the holidays when it comes to celebrating them, and believes that everyone should start listening to Christmas songs just before Thanksgiving. “You gotta remember Halloween. That’s the best part of fall,” Tscherne said. “You gotta listen to spooky usic first. Despite the unenthusiastic reaction to listening to their favorite carols so early, some students still enjoy the feeling of Christmas, even though it has not arrived yet. Sophomore Izzy Davis has a soft spot for hrist as usic. he listens on and off every month of the year. “When I’m doing badly in school, I listen to

Christmas music to make me feel better,” said Davis. “It reminds me of family Christmases when I was younger with my whole extended family.” The polarization of both Christmas music lovers and haters is not shared by all students. Sophomore Josh Villasol does not care when people listen to their favorite carols. He starts playing them in December, but does not stop anyone from starting earlier than he does. “I feel like Christmas music could really get on peoples’ nerves when they don’t like the genre too much,” said Villasol. “Essentially it’s played all December in all the stores, and they’re already listening to it.” Despite the distaste for listening to Christmas music early, there is an undeniable love for the genre. Mariah Carey’s song, “All I Want For Christmas Is You,” which has been on the Billboard Top 100 chart for holiday music for 40 weeks, has been played on YouTube 551.4 million times since it was released on the platform in 2009. “I have this old CD full of Christmas songs, and one of my favorites is ‘All I Want For Christmas is my Two Front Teeth,’” Davis said. “It’s just fun. Christmas music makes me happy, and it’s corny.”


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

Franken-foul haunts kitchens arou

Strange dish acts as a fusion of American extravagance and Cajun tradi Benjamin Grantonic



urducken is a dish consisting of, as the knife, I used a cheap and dull knife and almost na e suggests, a chicken stuffed into a sliced a finger off. duck stuffed into a turkey. e t step as finding the other ingredients, The dish’s origin is unclear so e say it as hich as far easier than the ain stars of the created by celebrated a un and creole chef aul sho . as able to find all the other ingredients at rudho e in the s he even trade arked in y local grocer. . thers clai it as r. thomaslil000@hsestudents.org erald . a asa The ne t part as aking the stuffing, hich Lily Thomas fro e rleans, but there is no solid source for si plified fro ost other recipes sa . nstead this. of using cornbread or artisanal bread, I used ess definite origins have also been suggested. regular old hite bread. thought it ould ohn T. dge, during an intervie ith the e absorb the bird uices better than the other breads York Times on the topic, said “It strikes me as a considered, due to its spongy te ture. also ust dish invented by en in a hunt ca p. thre in so e celery and onion as aro atics. ne of the ost fa ous recipes for nother difficulty as the asse bly Turducken is by aula een. er of the ranken foul itself, hich recipe is quite complicated and proved to be a ob for three re uires about hours of people. Bet een the ork. figured could a ount of stuffing si plify this recipe, and the birds, the so I took it upon turducken need yself to do so. t o people to “Its not hold it closed as it too abstract, as tied together. but it is very ther than the ambitious anpo er needed to make it it proved to be easier in your ho e’ than e pected to put it sophomore Tahaa together. unir said. The asse bly process as The first thing needed ere a sight to behold. There ere tears the birds a pound turkey, a si pound duck, fro ultiple parties ’ pretty sure. and a three pound chicken. The chicken as very o ever it as also uick. The birds easy to obtain. as able to find one at every here fused into one in less than ten inutes, place looked. The other t o ere far ore unior uinn o ry said. fter it as asse bled difficult to find. it looked like some horrible Frankenstein monster as aking this recipe in the iddle of of a eal, but all of the different eats ade it ctober, so turkey as not uite in season. appeti ing as ell. ended up finding a fro en one at roger, and inally the eal as placed into the oven, and as able to find the duck at y local butcher, as supposed to cook for si hours. t ended up hich as also fro en. taking eight hours due to a istake ade on y o , y personal reco endation for bird part. irst did not secure the alu iniu foil to purchasing is getting the hole thing deboned the baking tin properly, not allo ing heat to get fro your butcher. eboning birds is uite caught around the bird. But it all ca e together difficult and do not reco end it for beginner hen the turducken ca e out of the oven. cooks, especially ith the duck, hich has slippery t tasted al ost as if it as one, all the avors esh and is hard to cut through. lso, if one co bined, sopho ore indsay ells said But chooses to debone the birds, use a very sharp that really as not a bad thing.


Turkducken before being put into the oven. Photo used with permission of Quinn Lowry.

Arts & Culture

N the Red


und America

ition, confuses many home cooks

Yields: 20 servings • Turducken Recipe • Total time: 8 hours




Infographic by Benjamin Grantonic

4 e


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

Learning to leap

Local companies offer place for dancers to start Kristen Rummel



liding across the stage, dancers express themselves with sharp, accurate moves that awe the audience. No matter what age, gender, skill level, and place, people everywhere can share dancing. “It’s really meant for everyone,” senior Brooke Reid, who dances for fun, said “I would recommend it to anyone”

Dance Creations Academy

any different styles of dance are offered at reations cade y such as ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop and contemporary; all classes are co-ed unless specified differently. They also have basic training classes for those ho are ust starting out. ll ages are elco e and encouraged to try. “Dancing is a big part of my life. I practice almost every day after school,” freshman Kate Schneider said. “It’s a lot of work and it takes a lot of perseverance to keep going, but I love seeing my work pay off in the end ith y perfor ances. chneider has been dancing at reations cade y since she as little and has done all kinds of dancing fro Bollywood to ballet. ance reations puts on perfor ances throughout the year, but the biggest show is the annual spring performance at Noblesville High School. Practices revolve around preparation for the shows, the students are taught new dances, purchase costumes and perform what they have learned. ance reations provides options to buy attire, spirit ear and speciali ed leotards for dancing and re uires all dancers to follo a dress code. They also offer videos on helpful tips on apparel hen dancing. The studio is located on astlegate r. or call the at .

Fountain Square

Senior Baylee McAllister dances on stage with fellow dancers at Dance Creations Academy. Photo used with permission of Carrie VanAlastine.

Home to unique restaurants, art galleries, live entertainment and small professional offices the fountain s uare holds any for s of entertain ent like dancing. ifferent styles of dances are offered such as s ing dancing, salsa and karaoke nights. eid ent to the ountain uare Theater ouse for her seventeenth birthday with a couple friends. “I really loved just having fun dancing. I’m not a good dancer at all, but when everyone around you is dancing, and most of them not well, it feels like a lot less pressure,” Reid said. “I was able to let loose and just have fun without thinking about how stupid I probably looked.” The s uare provides dancing classes ith live usic fro the ndianapolis a rchestra, ho ill be playing fro p. . to p. . on ov. . The dance ith the beginner’s lesson is and the dance by itself is . ll ages are elco e and a restaurant ill be available for food and beverage purchases. The theater house is located on rospect treet or contact the at

Arts & Culture

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Wishes Dance Studio

ffering any different progra s, ishes ance studio incorporates any age groups. ach set of age groups has specific progra s to fit each uni ue student. They offer plenty for ne and inco ing students and al ays accept ne dancers. opho ore ella isborough oined choir and states that dancing hen she as younger helped her to beco e a better dancer to get into sho choir, here dancing skills are necessary. he danced at ishes ance studio for a couple of years. really like dancing and singing and used to do it hen as younger, isborough said ’ve sho n a lot of i prove ent and ’ve learned a lot of ne things. The studio offers su er ca ps and intensives as ell for those ho ant to receive e tra practice. iscounts are available for those ho sign up for ultiple classes. ishes studios is in partnership ith other co panies including the T ilights, the rea atchers, the tarlettes, the ynergy ance o pany. These co panies put on special events for students to perfor at around the . . like e York and isney orld. The studio is located on ord rive or can be contacted at .

Five Star Dance Studio

ive tar ance tudios are the largest adult dance studio in the id est and they teach a ide range of skill levels. They offer group lessons, private one on one lessons and couples dances ith professional dance instructors. or those ho have ore e perience, they offer optional dance events and co petitions. The dance studio offers galas to sho case hat dancers have learned on a s aller scale fro co petitions. They offer dances such as tengo, alt and fo trot to na e a fe . They also teach the basics hen it co es to dancing like ballroo dancing and edding dance tips. ive tar ance studio also had their o n blog here they post helpful infor ation on everything fro the best apparel to ho they can help plan eddings. They accept replies to the blogs, as ell as uestions or re uests for future blogs. The studio can be found at ast th treet or contacted at .


1. Senior Baylee McAllister, senior Lauren Schneider, and 2018 graduate Hope Wood dance together on stage at Dance Creations Academy. 2. Group dances holding hands behind a featured dancer in dance recital for the audience at Dance Creations Academy. Photos used with permission by Carrie VanAlstine.



Nov. 12, 2019

N the Red

Inside attractions

Citizens have options for fun times indoors Andrew Haughey & Nate Albin

haughand000@hsestudents.org albinnat000@hsestudents.org


angerous eather can cause difficulties for people trying to get out and blo off so e stea ith e ercise. or people ho need to get active, there are plenty of places that provide an e perience that looks to incorporate fun. ithin iles of , one can find al ost any indoor e cursion i aginable. ong the any places possible include locations ith u ping, laser tag, bo ling and cli bing. Hoosier Heights ocated appro i ately inutes a ay in ar el, oosier eights offers a arehouse si ed cli bing gy ith routes of all skill levels. hether you ant to start a ne hobby or ust find so ething to do for a day, oosier eights has ore than enough to keep so eone busy. ue to the cli bing route resets every t o eeks, the gy offers so ething different each ti e one returns. opho ore atthe rdosy, a fre uent visitor, says oosier eights is a ust visit location because of the variety of the cli bs offered. The si e of the gy helped to keep hi entertained and it as ithin reasonable driving distance. is favorite part of rock cli bing as the proble solving aspect. t’s a challenge, rdosy said. You have to find a different ethod to get up each uni ue all.

The warped wall at Sky Zone waits for kids and adults alike to attempt to summit it. Photo by Nate Albin.

Sky Zone nother option sure to entertain s all children and high schoolers alike is ky one. The indoor tra poline park offers a ide variety of nor al activities that incorporate a tra poline into the , such as dodgeball, basketball, a nin a arrior course and rock cli bing. f sports are not enough, a participant at the park can si ply u p on a large array of tra polines or into a pit of foa cubes. n addition to the activities provided, ky one is also an e ployer of any students, including senior athvika obbala, ho orked there during the su er of . obbala said ky one as a good place to spend ti e hen it is cold out because of ho si plistic the idea of u ping as. think you could get so e e ercise there, obbala said. heard a lot of oyful laughter and so e screa ing hile orked there. Royal Pin Woodland oyal in oodland is located in bet een ky one and oosier eights in ter s of distance and offers a large selection of activities hen it is cold outside. ts ain attraction is bo ling, but oodland also includes a large laser tag arena and an arcade. The location also has iniature golf, but that feature is e clusive to outside and ill be affected by the eather as the te perature drops.


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employee Quentin Picarro said he believed the main reason Woodland was a great place to visit during winter was because it had many larger, more developed options for people. “I think we have something here for pretty much anybody,” Picarro said. “If you’re more of a sports type we’ve got bowling, or if you’re more of a leisure type there’s mini golf. If you’re a gamer there’s the laser tag and the arcade, so I think there’s a good variety of options here for everyone.” These are just three options in the area. Places such as Monkey Joe’s, K1 peed and scape oo ishers all offer ore options for activities in the colder months. No matter where, the key is to do something. “You should be active in the winter,” Erdosy said. “It should not be a fullyear, lifelong commitment.”



FHS Sky Zone

Hoosier Heights

Royal Pin Woodland

3 1. ne last pin re ains after the nine others fell victi to the rst role. 2. A top rope all sits for the cli map displays the proximity of the excitement centers to FHS. Photo used courtesy of Google.

er to attac . Photos by Andrew Haughey. . A


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

V foot all tea lines up for a snap a ainst opponent est eld on ct. 12. he i ers on and four losses. Photo by Nya Thornton.

and nished the season ith three ins

Stepping up nderclass athletes loo to transition to varsit Andrew Haughey



arsity sports are an important part of school spirit and culture according to 84% of 173 people polled in an Instagram survey on Oct. 24, but the athletes on these teams did not obtain their positions from luck and talent alone. While some of these athletes possessed the talent to play varsity straight out of eighth grade, many of these student athletes participated on freshman and junior varsity squads before being elevated to the varsity level. JV baseball player sophomore Cody Jones said he does not want to play varsity as a sophomore in the upcoming season because he felt as if he would be sitting on the bench for the majority of the season. “I would be much more comfortable playing on the JV team at a level I can compete at,” Jones said. Jones played on a travel baseball team prior to high school and believes the transition from that team to the freshman team was a much bigger change than the transition from JV to varsity. “Once you’re in high school it’s a big deal,” Jones said. “There are a lot more people playing on a travel team than a high school team so it’s much more selective.” Freshman Nithya Murphy currently runs on the JV cross country team and said she was both scared and excited for the possibility of running varsity next season. She feels nervous about the pressure that being on a high

N the Red 23


6. that would come with it.7. school varsity team brings and5. the extra workload “Being on varsity sounds like it’d be a lot of fun,” Murphy said. “It sounds like it’d be such a great experience to be a part of.” Another freshman cross country runner, Anna Mossing, says being on varsity would help her to improve as a runner because the pressure would allow her to push herself. She adds that running at a more competitive level was harder in high school because of the increased number of faster competitors. “There’s so much more pressure,” Mossing said. “I got stressed out about meets in junior high but not nearly as much as I have this year.” English teacher and coach of varsity girls lacrosse, varsity girls soccer and freshman girls basketball Ben Beasley said a large part of playing varsity as an underclassman had to do with the mental aspect of it. Beasley believes that putting a freshman on a varsity team forces them to form relationships with upperclassmen. Doing this could intimidate athletes and be detrimental to their athletic performance on the team. He also said that the schedule of varsity sports took a toll on students quickly. “We know that freshman will crash about four weeks into the varsity season,” Beasley said. “In order to prevent this we limit freshman minutes on varsity teams.” Sophomore Olivia Stewart is a basketball player on the junior varsity team and also looks to make the transition from her team to the varsity level. Stewart says she feels nervous about the changes that would come to her training and duties as an athlete, but that her goal of becoming a varsity athlete was well worth working hard to achieve. “To be a varsity athlete means you’re one of the leaders,” Stewart said. “It means you’re there for the younger players and serve as a role model to many.”


1 2



1. Sophomore Shaun Zeyen dribbles a soccer ball while sophomores Clay Martin and Evan Myers watch from behind on Aug. 29. The JV soccer team tied the Golden Eagles 0-0. Photo by Anwar Karim. 2. resh an cross countr runner o an Arive sprints to ards the nish line on the last le of the race at Northview Christian Life Church on Sept. 21. Photo by Kyra Horton. 3. Sophomore Kaiya Walker sizes up a Harrison High School defender 3 on 221Jan. 17. Walker is a power forward and was on the freshman team at the time. The Tigers would go on to win the contest 39-26. Photo by Sarah Peterson. 2


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

Football feast

Thanksgiving day tradition celebrates the game Graphic by Ben Rosen.

Ben Rosen




Thanksgiving Day 2019 ov


ames ears at ions 30 p m ills at owboys 30 p m Saints at alcons 0 p m


S ames le iss at ississippi State 30 p m S ccording to

Schedules and the

s website

Dallas Cowboys fans watch Thanksgiving football as the Cowboys defeated the Washington Redskins 3126 on Nov. 24, 2016. Photo used with permission of Tribune News Service.


he Colts are not playing football on Thanksgiving day this year, a tradition that has been around for a long time. According to Pro Football Reference the Colts have not played on Thanksgiving since 2016, and the only way the Colts can play on Thanksgiving is in the prime time game or when they play away against the Lions or Cowboys. The Lions and Cowboys traditionally play home games on Thanksgiving for years. “I think it’s a good tradition[the Lions and Cowboys playing home Thanksgiving games],” sophomore Colin McPeek said. In the even numbered years the Lions play on CBS and the Cowboys play on FOX, and in odd numbered years the Lions play on FOX and the Cowboys play on CBS. The Lions game begins at 12:30 p.m. and the Cowboys game at 4:30 p.m. “The thought of Thanksgiving and football go hand and hand for me,” health teacher Joe Leonard said. “I picture the great Barry Sanders in my living room as we ate a big meal.” rior to hen the introduced cross e ing , hich allo s the NFL to override TV contracts and switch the network assignment of a game, AFC teams were required to play on Thanksgiving, but now any team can play on any network regardless of conference TV contracts, which has resulted in three Thanksgiving days in which only NFC teams have played according to Pro Football Reference. Both FOX and CBS use their lead announcing crew for their Thanksgiving day games. “I think it’s awesome[that the networks use their lead announcing crews] because it brings a new energy to the games, things like that,” McPeek said. According to the Pro Football Hall Of Fame’s website the Lions have played a home game on Thanksgiving day every year since 1945 and the Cowboys have played a home game on Thanksgiving day every year since 1978. Since 2006 the NFL has played games on Thanksgiving night, which start at 8:20 p.m. and since 2012 those games have aired on NBC, prior to that they aired on NFL Network. “Now my wife would never schedule dinner around the football games, but I love to grab a second plate and watch the late game,” Leonard said. In college football Ole Miss and Mississippi State will be playing the Egg Bowl on Thanksgiving night at 7:30 p.m. on ESPN according to FB Schedules. According to FB Schedules Ole Miss and Mississippi State also played on Thanksgiving night in 2013 and 2018. “Football and Thanksgiving has always been a great time of year for me,” Leonard said. “I believe it was the snow game in 1993 where the Cowboys had the olphins beat and allas ishandles a field goal and loses or so e reason this game stuck with me through the years.”

N the Red



Paying for playing

AA ives in to pressure fro states to let athletes a e pro ts

Nate Albin



rom sports shows like “First Take” to classrooms everywhere, debates over paying athletes have only grown since NCAA conferences signed multi-billion contracts with TV networks like ESPN and Fox. This debate reached into legislatures lately. After California state senator Nancy Skinner drafted the new Fair Pay to Play act to stop the NCAA’s “exploitation” of college athletes. It was set to begin in 2023, but the NCAA passed a similar rule starting in 2021. The current rule has caused confusion. One thing must be known: the universities are not paying the students. Since the beginnings of college athletics, the NCAA works to keep sports fair, and they have always made sure to keep the money out of the games. Fair Pay to Play would allow royalties to go to both school and the individual athletes. For example, say I want to buy the basketball jersey for Purdue University center Matt Haarms. Without the legislation, there are two possibilities: one, the school does not produce a jersey of the individual for sale, or two, the school will sell the jersey, but the player does not get any revenue from it. With the new bill, Haarms would get a cut of the sale because Purdue sold something with his likeness. The idea of athlete likenesses has co e under fire before. In addition to the jersey issues, the popular NCAA video games made by EA Sports were discontinued after 2013 after the company was sued for their use of player likenesses. Famously, “Florida QB #15” was modeled after all-time great NCAA football player Tim Tebow. This was one of many blatant examples of using player likenesses that happened every year with each game. While many still oppose the idea of college athletes getting money, no one should be against the proposed new system. If a student artist created a masterpiece painting, then they would be able to ake oney off of their painting and their likeness. For a college athlete, they would get half of that: the likeness. Forbes wrote that athletes are currently getting

paid up to $125,000 in the form of scholarships and that is payment enough. An easy counter to this is that other students get scholarships from their art, their music, their work in school, so sports should be viewed equally to those other categories. An argument against the change is that college athletes would make absurd amounts of money. This simply would not happen for the majority. ESPN said that most athletes would use this so that they could, for example, teach lessons to kids in the sports they play or sign a couple of autographs. Maybe a few superstars like former Duke basketball player Zion Williamson or Clemson’s Trevor Lawrence would make a substantial amount, as seen from sales of nonNCAA licensed apparel, but not many at all. There are worries over schools potentially paying the athletes to come play for them. Investigations as to whether or not companies like Nike and Adidas paid the families of athletes to go to specific schools has ade this orse. ll the needs to do to fi this is to have better control of the schools it oversees. Schools would rake in the cash from marketing opportunities such as video games that have to pay just to put the logo somewhere. Schools could sell jerseys of players, they could make more money based off people that ill buy ore erseys so they can represent all their favorite players. These are opportunities for money that these schools do not have right now. The NCAA’s vote for all athletes to be able to profit off of their likenesses is so ething high school athletes will need to be mindful of. Athletes ay have to decide here to go based off financial opportunity. This was a long time coming. It will be interesting to watch this system going forward and what changes it may need. While this system may not be perfect, it should definitely be orth giving the old college try.

Purdue center Matt Haarms follows media obligations after a 99-94 win over Tennessee in the 2019 NCAA Tournament. With the new rules, Haarms would be able to make money from things such as jersey sales or being in video games. Photo used with permission of The Journal Gazette.


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019

Impeachment needed to enforce law Trump must be subject to laws that rule country, to moral expectations of Americans Benjamin Grantonic



n Oct. 31, the House held a vote, 232-196 in favor of proceeding with an impeachment inquiry into President Donald J. Trump. This comes after the President attempted to solicit info on Hunter Biden from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, causing calls for impeachment to increase among the American public. With the situation involving Ukraine, it could be interpreted that Trump violated Article 1, section 9, clause 8 of the Constitution, stating “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: nd no erson holding any ffice of rofit or Trust under the , shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, olu ent, ffice, or Title, of any kind hatever, fro any ing, Prince or foreign State.” Most important is the section referring to accepting an “emolument,” which is a type of bribe or favor gained from a position or political office, especially fro a foreign nation. t could be seen that Trump, attempting to get info on Hunter Biden from the Ukrainian President, attempted to receive emolument. Attempting to get a foreign power involved in American politics, such as with the Ukraine phone call, could impact our free and fair elections. This disregard of our democracy and our American way of doing things by Trump has also appeared during the Turkish invasion of Syria. ith the betrayal of one of our closest allies, the urds, by letting Turkey invade the urdish held territory of orthern yria. This choice will permanently make the USA a far less desirable ally. hile this is not an i peachable offense, this sho s his illingness to betray for personal profit. lso, hile not having definitive proof, the Trump Organization owns property in Turkey, and staying on Turkey’s good side ould be beneficial for Tru p’s personal business. Trump has also taken away White House press passes, and while he gave them back to most of the reporters who appealed the choice, some reporters were not given them back after repealing. Some reporters, notably Dana Milbank a reporter for the Washington Post who wrote on the topic, claimed this was due to their criti ues of the ad inistration. f these clai s are true, this would be an obvious violation of the First Amendment, more specifically freedo of the press. t could also be argued Tru p broke the principal of The Common Good,” the ethical idea that politicians should work for the good of the people and not for themselves. When Trump made the choice to pull out of Turkey, it was against the common good for the erican and urdish people. The choice could have only could have benefited Tru p and Turkey. nother e a ple of this is the trade war with China, which has negatively impacted American agriculture and industry. These amount to Trump disregarding the will of the American people and publicly violating the onstitution. This ustifies his impeachment.

“I think impeachment is warranted because there is evidence he tried to bribe Ukraine.”

-Ally Musgrave, 9

“From a moral standpoint, Trumpʼs ethical shortcomings are worthy of nothing less than impeachment.”

-Annalise Janke, 12


N the Red


Greater issues at hand than impeachment Playing the short term with politics will end up hurting the country long run Carter Hanefeld



“Concerning Ukraine, there is no evidence to back up the fact that there was wrong doing.”

“I disagree with it because the Democrats jumped to impeachment with no base of evidence.”

-Mitchell Gieting, 10

-Samuel Gordon, 12

mpeachment has long been a topic in the Democratic Party. Back in , the effort as ostly laughed at by high profile e ocratic officials. o ever, that as then, and this is no . The actual i peach ent in uiry is under ay, do not support the i peach ent effort for t o reasons it distracts fro issues that actually affect ericans and a ike ence presidency is uch ore threatening. irst, i peach ent distracts fro the issues that actually affect ericans. n , one of the biggest reasons Tru p on the election as his taking of ennsylvania, isconsin, and ichigan, states traditionally considered a blue fire all, states that any thought ould surely go to illary linton. f e ocrats ant to in vital states such as the for er three, then the key issue to discuss is not i peach ent, but the ain thing these states have in co on anufacturing. or the first ti e in three years, the nstitute for upply anage ent inde , hich easures national production levels onth to onth, found that the industry has seen a decline across the board, fro production to e ploy ent. hen asked by to elaborate on the inde ’s readings, ’s Ti iore, ho co piled the inde , said that, for the anufacturing industry, trade re ains the ost significant issue. This eans that, because of the trade ar enacted by resident Tru p, this ill negatively i pact ennsylvania, isconsin, and ichigan. ccording to ndustry eek, isconsin is ranked nu ber eight in states ith anufacturing obs, ichigan nu ber si , and ennsylvania nu ber four. f e ocrats ant to increase their chances of inning in the election, they should be talking about and running on the issues, such as anufacturing, that i pact everyday ericans, especially the ones in states that they cannot afford to lose. f e ocrats do lose, then a resident ence ould likely be far ore troubleso e for e ocrats than resident Tru p. eal lear olitics found that in the aggregate, ence as rated far less unfavorably than onald Tru p, to . respectively as of ct. . hile this poll as conducted a ong the erican populace, this favorability rating is co parable a ong senators and congresspeople in our govern ent. or instance, take en. eff lake , ho despite being one of the first e bers to break a ay fro Tru p, voted in line ith the president’s platfor of the ti e, according to iveThirty ight. f a resident ence ere in office, the co fortability of a typical politician ould likely bring any disgruntled right leaning politicians back into the fold, and put in place any of the sa e isguided legislation that e have seen fro ore recent ad inistrations, such as increasing our already assive ilitary budget, or cutting ta es for the ealthy. oes y opponent have a valid argu ent bsolutely. o ever, if the e ocratic arty as a hole ishes to pursue this hite hale, and they succeed, e ight be facing the one thing orse than the evil e kno the evil e do not.


N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019 Even the variety of marinades on this shelf represents the plethora of choices people have to choose from. Photo by John Yun.

Paradox of choice Having too many options leads to anxious, indecisive society John Yun



rom marinade to laptops, many stores provide a variety of options to attract their customers. For a single product, there can be millions of varieties, each only slightly different fro one another. lthough it is a tactic used by co panies to allo custo ers to find the perfect fit for the and to increase sales, there are detri ental effects, such as an iety and indecisiveness, from having too many options. Having more choice when shopping may see beneficial because people are able to have ore control over the e act types of product they ant. or e a ple, hen so eone ants to purchase packaged chicken at grocery stores, these stores have plenty of options that can fit any dietary plan. They can purchase “free range” chickens, “pastured” chicken, “organic” chicken and many more. However, at a certain point, the diversification of options ill begin to paraly e the decision-making abilities of the consumer. This concept is ell portrayed in The arado of hoice , a book ritten by Barry ch art . n the book, ch art e plains ho that freedo of choice, ranging from trivial matters to real challenges that today’s society enjoys, has become a problem for our psychological and emotional well-being. When people are faced with making a decision involving many options, they begin to measure the trade offs of each and overthink. Because there are so many options, many people may postpone decisions or not make them at all. lthough this indecisiveness can be uni portant when choosing a salad dressing, it can have heavy tolls when you postpone which college you want to apply to and what courses you want to take because of the overwhelming options. One notable study that showed the negative effects of ultiple options as conducted by psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper.

In the study, the psychologists displayed 24 different options of gour et a on one day and displayed only si options of the gour et a on another day. Each person that sampled the jams got a coupon for off a a of their choosing. The results of the study were that the large display attracted more customers than the small numbers; However, when it came to purchasing, 30% of the people that sampled from the small variety decided to buy jam while 3% of the people that sampled from the large variety decided to buy jam. So, with the increase of jam avors, the indecisiveness of custo ers increased. Furthermore, people that make too many choices suffer fro decision fatigue, a ord made by social psychologist Roy F. Baumeister. Decision fatigue refers to the decrease in quality of decision-making as people make more and more choices. So, when people are spending all their decision-making skills on trivial things, they are unable to make great decisions when it comes to important issues. Even when a person does make a decision, there are negative effects that happen after they make their choice. If the result is not what they e pected, it can lead to an iety. eople can think that there is a better alternative to the choice they ade and regret their past actions. lso, they ay become insecure about future choices that they need to make. In a society that cherishes freedom and embraces choice, having an unlimited number of options can be viewed as almost a certain privilege. People love being able to choose what they want because it makes them feel powerful and in control of their own destiny. However, too much choice will damage our society, so we must limit the amount of trivial choices that we make and focus on the most important choices that will help us grow as humans in the future.


N the Red


Satirical to sadistic

Online trolling communities encourage bigotry, violence Ben McHenry mchenben000@hsestudents.org


emes and trolling are now some of the primary forms of online entertainment, seen in the cryptically named account “@FUNNYMEMES” boasting over 8 million Instagram followers. However, despite the increasing mainstream appeal of meme pages, the internet also shelters a far more sinister sense of humor: one based around idoli ing violent fictional characters, spewing hateful rhetoric and even committing violent acts. Some of this hatred can be traced back to Poe’s Law. Created in 2005, Poe’s Law was born out of a comment from Christian Forums user Nathan Poe. In a debate about creationism, one user typed to another, “Good thing you included the winky. Otherwise people might think you are serious.” Poe responded to this comment, saying “Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won’t mistake for the genuine article.” Poe’s Law means that anything that is not incredibly explicit in its sarcasm will be taken as serious by at least one person, and this has commonly been seen on sites such as Reddit. The subreddit /r/GamersRiseUp is currently in the midst of its own Poe’s Law dilemma. The focus of /r/GamersRiseUp is satirizing and mocking the sexist and racist trope of a gamer, which shares similarities with an involuntary celibate. It is centered around the idea that they are unable to fi nd co panionship simply due to their genetic disposition and that anger is typically expressed as hatred towards o en, en ho fi nd co panionship and other minorities. At this subreddit’s inception, they adopted DC supervillain Joker as their mascot, as he represents some misconstrued idea of taking revenge against societal oppressors. This started out docile, as most of the posts were

clearly satirical. However, as the sub has grown, now with over 230,000 members, the line between genuine jokes and actual hostility has increasingly blurred. The front page of /r/ GamersRiseUp does not explicitly state that it is sarcasm, and the sidebar of the sub containing the rules is very satirical. As a result of the lack of clear satire, comments and posts that actually do indicate hatred towards minority groups have become increasingly popular. While it may still be a joke to much of the sub, the rising number of users who do actually feel a sense of validation is certainly a cause for concern. This trolling has even spilled over into real life. At a screening of “Joker” in Paris on Oct. , a an stood up during the fi l and shouted “Allahu Akbar,” an Arabic saying associated with Islamic terrorism. This luckily did not cause any physical harm, but events such as the April 2018 Toronto van attack, which was inspired by involuntary celibate culture, have. onfronting this proble can be difficult, as eeding through a ass of okes to fi nd those who are not joking is unlikely to yield any change. The solution to this problem also does not lie in pointing fi ngers, as only a s all nu ber of these trollers that fi nd credence in these destructive beliefs. Rather, it lies in acknowledgement. Online communities centered around satire need to acknowledge that there may be users among them who do genuinely share these beliefs. The response to these users should not be to call them out, as this is more likely to reinforce their beliefs, according to a joint study by Stanford University and University of California Berkeley. However, with a non-confrontational solution focused on communicating, those who are spreading hate can be helped. And satirical jokes can be relegated to being no more than the form of entertainment they were intended to be.

Graphic by Ben McHenry.


Nov. 12, 2019

N the Red

Lost conversations Addiction to cellphones creates unwillingness to interact with others


STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Ellie Albin Web/News Editor: John Yun Features Editor: Ben McHenry Arts & Culture Editor: Kristen Rummel Sports Editor: Nate Albin Assistant Web/News Editor: Ben Grantonic Social Media Editor/Unity Director: Rebekah Shultz Reporters Maria Galosi, Mason Gushwa, Fletcher Haltom, Ben Hamilton, Carter Hanefeld, Andrew Haughey, Ben Rosen, Sydney Territo, Lily Thomas, Emma Tomlinson Photographers Mya Ball, Leen Mahmoud, Nya Thornton

Principal Jason Urban Adviser Kristine Brown Associations IHSPA CSPA NSPA Quill and Scroll Printer: AIM Media

e need small talk. But we are losing it due to the usual suspect: cell phones. This neglect of human interaction gets worse over the years due to the addition, and abuse, of cell phones. People ignore others and avoid daily conversations, using phones as an out - an excuse - to be rude, and, ironically, disconnected from the world around them. The fact that someone can call, text, listen to music, play games and more all on one tiny, rectangular box-thing is a pretty astonishing human invention. Society, though, is addicted to these devices. A program exists, Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous, known as the ITAA, that speciali es in helping people ane off of their use of phones. The step program helps individuals commit to ending their addiction and developing character traits that make them more conscious of the future choices they make concerning technology use. Not much has changed with the addition of these programs. Because, as far as we can see in the halls of FHS, the problem remains. eople here probably do not see a glaring issue and do not ish to fi the problem - though it remains detrimental to our daily conversations. The New York Times recently published an article that addresses our inability to make small talk, which was part of the inspiration for our article on pages 8 and 9. Whether at work or school, society struggles to make small talk. This could possibly be linked to cell phone usage, as written about by MIT sociologist Sherry Turkle in her book titled “Reclaiming Conversation,� which calls for society to analyze how we use our cell phones in order for us to discover a feeling we once knew, but have lost: empathy. Turkle references a study during an interview with Greater Good Magazine that states 89% of Americans report pulling out their cell phones during the last conversation they had. ccording to the sa e study, of Americans admit that pulling out their cell phone deteriorates the quality of their conversation. The fact that Americans can admit that it deteriorates conversations, but not do anything to stop it, ba es us. The T progra e ists, but see s to remain largely unnoticed.. Turkle entions another study that discusses the effects of bringing a cell phone into a conversation. Phones cause us to discuss matters we would not mind having interrupted, and, because of that, it decreases the potential for empathetic connection with others. So, next time you embark on a conversation - especially with someone you do not know, actually - put that phone away. It ruins empathetic connection, which society desperately needs back.


N the Red

EDITORIAL QUESTION Should the school assist in helping students end phone addiction?

Seniors Emma Julien and Spencer Anderson, who are pictured on the front cover, look up from their cellphones and interact with the people around them. Photo by Ellie Albin.

EDITORIAL POLICY As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, Tiger Topics N the Red is dedicated to providing the staff, students and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both the educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. The staff works to create a sense of unity and awareness and to allow the students of FHS to have a better insight to the world around them.

MISSION STATEMENT Tiger Topics N the RED is the official monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to 3,600 students and over 300 school personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or staff. Letters to the editor may be submitted to A218. Letters must contain the writer’s phone number for verification. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue.



N the Red

Nov. 12, 2019


1. What is the most popular social media application at FHS? 2. What did the counselors turn their conference ofďŹ ce into? 3. What comic book character is the mascot for internet trollers? 4. Which baseball player hopes to make his varsity dreams come true? 5. Which NFL teams annually play on Thanksgiving (two answers)? 6. At which high school does the Dance Creations Academy hold their annual spring performance? 7. When does sophomore Izzy Davis start listening to Christmas music? 8. According to school nurse Donna Lund, what is one way the u can be transmitted? 9. What is the connection between stories called? 10. Who is the claimed inventor of turducken? 11. What is it called when too many choices becomes a negative thing? 12. What is the acronym of the program that helps people with their phone addiction?

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