Volume 15, Issue 6

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Volume 15, Issue 6

Fishers High School

May 2021


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Hope for normalcy COVID vaccines present chance for return to pre-pandemic life www.fishersnthered.com


N the Red

May 2021

TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES Asian American Heritage Chauvin Trial Lunar Events Summer Ideas ARTS & CULTURE Home Plants Astrology Summer Boredom SPORTS Unified Track Girls Tennis Boys Golf OPINION Foreign Language Four-Day Week Vaccine Passports Editorial Crossword

Check out fishersnthered.com for our latest stories!

5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12-13 14-15

Nicholas Rasmusson wrote an opinion piece about the Indy 500 event at IMS in May.

16 17 18 19 20 21 22-23 24

Also, our freshman reporter Katrell Readus covered the marching band’s recruitment process this season. Front Cover: Vaccines are now available to people ages 12 and up. Graphic by Emma Tomlinson. Fishers High School 13000 Promise Road Fishers, IN 46038 317-915-4290 fax: 317-915-4299



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Lily Thomas Features Editor

Rebekah Shultz Arts & Culture Editor

Emma Tomlinson Photo Editor

Ava Hunt

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Katrell Readus

Nicholas Rasmusson

Emi Citoler

Malak Samara

Abigail Garrison

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4 N the Red

May 2021






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Asian appreciation

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Students celebrate Asian culture during Asian American Heritage month Malak Samara



n May 7, 1843 the first Japanese immigrant arrived in the United States and on May 10, 1869, the transcontinental railroad was completed by a majority of Chinese immigrants. May is Asian Pacific American Heritage month in order to commemorate these 2 events. The month allows people to celebrate and educate themselves on Asian heritage and traditions. “For me, it’s [Asian American Heritage month] more awareness of all the different Asian cultures,” Spanish teacher and Asian Culture Club sponsor Brooke Chan said. “Educate the public about all the different Asian Cultures out there and how unique they are.” Asian American Heritage month is an opportunity to acknowledge all of the accomplishments Asian Americans have achieved and their contributions to American advancements. More so, it is a time to self-educate and raise attention to Asian hate. “I’m glad that there’s a month just 2 to represent us,” freshman Vince Dieu said. “But I feel like there needs to be more engagement in school or in life in general about it.” Every May, the National Park Service shares Asian history and culture through celebration in parks and communities. “When we talk about it, [Asian American Heritage month] just kind of lets me know more of my culture or past,” sophomore Trinity Ho said. “It gets me more connected to that side of my family.” Recently, xenophobic violence and discrimination have seen a rise in the United States. According to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, COVID-19 fueled, and continues to unleash, hate towards Asian-Americans. “It’s depressing, it’s sad,” Chan said. “I’m glad to see that there’s focus on it because it’s always been there. That way, changes can be made.” There has been more than a 164% increase in Asian hate crimes in the first quarter of 2021. Furthermore, Asian Americans are being told to “go back to where they came from.”

Ho sees this as another addition to her struggle of dealing with xenophobia in public, especially when she is with her mother who is from Korea. Due to the recent acts of violence towards Asian Americans, the Stop Asian Hate movement has risen up to fight against it. People have been highlighting those acts of violence on social media to raise awareness about it. There have 1 even been marches on the streets to protest and speak out against antiAsian hate. “With Stop Asian Hate and there being a lot more actions about it, I feel like I have a good community,” Dieu said. To bring focus to the Fishers community, FHS hosted Asian Night which took place on April 29 via Zoom. It was a way to showcase Asian culture, talent and countries. It also had educational aspects, such as some acts speaking about Asian discrimination in America. “Asia Night was divided into three segments: talent show, country presentations and club fair,” senior Maggie Chen said. “For the talent show, we invited clubs, individuals and groups to audition and perform. For country presentations, individuals or groups were invited to present aspects about their country such as food, cultural practices, attractions or current issues. For the club fair, we invited different clubs to promote their club and club activities.” Asian Night was a collaboration between FHS’s Asian Culture Club and Hamilton Southeastern’s Asian Student Union. That way, the students from both schools could come together to share their traditions and culture as well as find that their community cared for the celebration of their heritage. “With the current events, the question ‘How can we better support AAPI students?’ became more prominent in our district,” Hamilton Southeastern senior Chelsea Allanigue said. “Through this event, we hope other students find the connection that may have been missing in their schools. In addition, by starting these conversations, we help continue to embrace diversity.” 1. In the back row from left to right, sophomores Ava Martin and Sarah Vega, and in the front row, sophomore Zebee Villagran, junior Jillian Howell and sophomore Laila Nahas from the FHS K-Pop club perform their dance to K-Pop music for Asian Night. Photo used with permission of Brooke Chan. 2. Jennifer Jo and her sister bow down to their grandparents in Hanbok on New Year’s day. Photo used with permission of Jennifer Jo.


N the Red

May 2021

Trial and error Some community members feel conviction of Derek Chauvin will lead to real changes in policing Katrell Readus



fter the video surfaced, the world was able to watch as George Floyd, an African American man, passed away during an attempted arrest. The public witnessed Derek Chauvin, one of four police officers who arrived on the scene, kneel on Floyd’s neck and back for nine minutes and 29 seconds after a store clerk accused Floyd of using a counterfeit $20 bill in a grocery store in Minneapolis. The force from Chauvin is what his prosecution claimed led to Floyd’s death. Floyd’s death sparked summer-long protests in all 50 states and several other countries. Recently, on April 20, Chauvin was convicted on three counts: seconddegree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, bringing the case back into the eyes of the media and the public. Community member and parent of a student, Amber Welch, took a deep dive into the case, and followed it as it took place. “I think the verdict was fair,’’ Welch said. ”As someone that functions in ally circles, and as someone that claims and lives to be anti-racist, not just claiming not to be racist, it’s sad because George Floyd won’t ever be alive again, he is still dead, the verdict doesn’t change that.” Welch was also able to view the incident and its outcome from the perspective of Chauvin. “From Derek Chauvin’s side, this is someone [Chauvin] whose failure to heal past his racism has cost him his entire life,” Welch said. “Had society not instilled such deep-rooted racism in him, he would have had opportunities not to be the person he is and not to potentially and ultimately take someone’s life because of it.” In her daily readings of the case, Welch says she found it necessary to look into Chauvin’s side, because she wants to hear all sides in order to limit her bias in the matter. “[This incident] didn’t just take the life of one person, it actually took the lives of more than that,” Welch said. ”I think that people don’t want to talk about that part because he is now convicted, but at the end of the day, that’s the truth: his life was ruined too because of racism.” Welch found that there were a couple of instances in the case and its court proceedings that stood out to her. “I think it was very telling that other police officers were very exacting in the fact that Chauvin’s choice, what he did, did not follow protocol,” Welch said. “The other part that stood out was that late-brought evidence related to the amount of drugs in his system was not allowed to be brought to light... that was a really contentious point that a lot of people tried to use.” The defense claimed that drugs could have caused Floyd’s death. It was proven, however, that was not the case. Dr. Martin Tobin, a pulmonologist and breathing expert said, “A healthy person subjected to what Mr. Floyd was subjected to would have died.” “Now, I think justice still prevailed in this case, but had it

not, I think not including that evidence would have been wrong on behalf of the court,” Welch said. Many people are hopeful this case will impact the future, Welch is one of those. The world has other seen cases like this, Daniel Prude is an example of that. Prude and Floyd died less than two months apart after encounters with police officers in two different cities. Rochester police officers pinned and handcuffed Prude, to the ground for about two minutes on March 23, 2020. Prude lost oxygen to his brain and died a week later. Both moments between Black men and the white officers were captured on video, triggering an immense amount of protests. However, the court system provided vastly different outcomes with Prude’s cases. A grand jury decided not to indict the three officers who pinned Prude to the ground with a restraint that a medical examiner determined contributed to his death. “[Floyd’s case] is a small step in the right direction, as a nation we have a massive, massive way to go to change things,” Welch said. “But there is a lot that has happened in the last couple years especially that has created a bigger snowball effect that can’t continue to be ignored. The only way I feel things are truly going to change is if white people start to admit that racism is our problem to fix.” Freshman Tseganesh Gregg said that she feels the verdict given was the correct one, she also pointed out that some things brought up by the defense were strange, even with the provided context. “I don’t think there really should have been a question about it [the verdict],” Gregg said. “I felt like he [the defense attorney] knew that the case he was representing was a losing one, and he was just saying what he could to make the other side seem invalid.” Gregg finds that the rising number of cases similar to that of George Floyd’s concerning and views it as a reflection of society. “We as Americans put out this persona of being a very equal and unified country, but as a Black person that concerns me because that’s not what it feels like,” Gregg said. “Especially when it took a year to decide that someone being murdered on camera was actually murder.” Though skeptical of the amount of change that will come from it, she says the verdict is a moment to remember. “The verdict was historical because it was a monumental moment that started a surge of Black Lives Matter protest over the summer and brought people’s attention towards the topic of civil justice regarding racial discrimination,” Gregg said. Gregg believes that this case is one the public can use to see a clear picture of the policing system. “[This case] tells us that the policing system is very biased and discriminatory towards African Americans, or just people

Features of color within the country,” Gregg said. “For example, the 21-year old in Kenosha that had a gun went into places intentionally murdering people, but he wasn’t treated as a criminal, he was treated as a civilian, as a teenage kid. If it was a person of color committing that same act, they wouldn’t be alive to see this day...If police officers are seeing color first versus the act and the situation, that’s going to affect and has affected many people of color.” She pulls from personal experience to explain what she believes to be errors in the policing system. “I have heard from former police officers that support the Black Lives Matter movement that have said that, while they were an officer, other officers would compete to see who could get the most arrests. And I feel like that’s an issue, that policing is more about trying to put people in jail versus trying to rehabilitate people to become more helpful members of society.” Freshman Sullivan Kolb took the time to look into Floyd’s case and feels that it and the things that happened because of it brought the issue of police brutality to the ears of those who had previously chosen to ignore it. “This case is historical because people have been working to get the voices of people of color heard for centuries and no one had been listening until this case,” Kolb said. Kolb believes that cases like this continue to happen and shows that issues that affect people of color are often overlooked by authority figures. “The consistent happening of cases like this means that the police and government are still ignoring people after all this time, and that means we have to keep going until there is not another case like this ever again,” Kolb said. Community member and educator Max Glenn’s thoughts on the Chauvin verdict are similar to previous ones. “It’s nice to see that there is finally some accountability for white supremacist police officers,” Glenn said. “As far back as I can remember, these cases have not turned out that way. I feel good about the verdict, but obviously there’s sense that there’s tons more work to be done.” Glenn discussed the fact that after Floyd’s death a 16-year-old girl by the name of Ma’Khia Bryant was shot and killed by officers in Columbus, Ohio a mere 20 minutes after Chauvin’s guilty verdict was announced, he brings up the case to say that it will take more than this case to change policing. The jury in Chauvin’s trial heard 14 days of testimony from over three dozen witnesses and watched hours of video of Floyd’s arrest, and in the end, took 10 hours of deliberation before presenting their verdict to the court. At least 23.2 million people, according to CBSN Minnesota, tuned in to cable and broadcast networks, and many outside the

N the Red


Graphic by Katrell Readus. Information from CBS Minnesota. Cup Food grocery store in Minneapolis, the spot where Floyd was killed to honor him in anticipation of the verdict. That verdict stood out most to Glenn as something he rarely gets to see. “Having grown up with Rodney King and seeing how police were acquitted in that situation, that’s [ the verdict] the big thing that stood out,” Glenn said. Rodney Glen King was an American activist who, on March 3, 1991, was beaten by LAPD officers during his arrest following a high-speed chase. King’s beating was filmed by a man named George Holliday, who was uninvolved with the incident. Holiday later sent the footage to a local news station, causing an eruption of protest in Los Angeles. “I hope Floyd’s case can awaken the folks in Fishers, that this is not a one-off issue, that this is a problem, this is a problem everywhere, whether it’s Fishers, Indianapolis, Noblesville, Fort Wayne or beyond our state,” Glenn said. “That this is a problem that many people that don’t look like me have to deal with, that they live in fear of the smallest thing because they could be the next George Floyd.”


N the Red

May 2021

Over the moon Upcoming lunar events spark interest Lily Thomas



bout every two and a half years, the Earth rotates between the moon and the sun, covering the moon with its shadow. This is known as a total lunar eclipse. On May 26, there will be a total lunar eclipse visible in North America. It will peak around 7:11 a.m. and can be seen best in a clear sky, according to the Skymap website. When at totality, the moon will appear red in the night sky, thus giving this lunar event the name Blood Moon. “I enjoy looking at the moon and stars because I just plainly find it beautiful,” junior astronomy student Jack Douthit said. “Having a space wallpaper on your laptop isn’t nearly as pretty as seeing the real thing at night somewhere with little to no light pollution.” Astronomy teacher Marcy Clone suggests a few resources when looking for upcoming lunar events. She recommends visiting the Skymap website, which has a comprehensive list of all the lunar events each month. Local news anchors are another option, as they often have information on the day of the lunar events. Before the moon eclipses on May 26, there will be a supermoon, which, according to Clone, occurs when the moon is at perigee. Being at perigee means that the moon’s orbit is closest to Earth. “I don’t think we really appreciate the beauty of the night sky that much because it’s always there, we don’t think about it,” junior astronomy student Jenna Piccininno said. “If you go somewhere rural and you look up and you can really see the stars, that’s just a fascinating thing.” Another lunar event happening soon is the annular solar eclipse on June 10, with the maximum eclipse being visible around 6:41 a.m. According to The Sea and Sky astrology calendar, this type of eclipse happens because the moon is too far from Earth to fully cover the Sun, so the moon appears to have a glowing ring of light behind it as a result. Other upcoming lunar events are visible planets throughout May, another supermoon in June and the June Solstice. “Astronomy is just amazing,” Clone said. “Just looking out at the night sky and seeing all those stars, it makes you feel like you’re really part of something and it’s so much bigger than you really think.” Astronomy covers a wide variety of celestial bodies, galaxies, comets, universes and other things in space, according to Clone. For those interested in space, there are two astronomy classes offered: astronomy I and astronomy II. Douthit says that the most interesting thing he has learned in astronomy is how planets are formed. “It’s a very interesting class where you can learn about an exciting topic while also not being a class that puts too much stress on you, work-wise,” Douthit said. “It offers a great break from the rest of the school day where you can have a relatively chill class about an exciting topic.” Piccininno recommends taking astronomy because it taught her things she never thought about before. She also believes astronomy is something everyone can connect with. “I 100% believe that it [astronomy] can bring people together because we all live beneath the same sky,” Piccininno said. “We all can look up and see the same exact sky, which is so fascinating that we all have that in common.”

Total lunar eclipse visible on May 26

Venus visible throughout May

Annular solar eclipse visible on June 10

Mercury visible throughout May

Features On April 26, a super moon shines in the night sky as it reaches totality around 11:40 p.m. Photo by Lily Thomas.

N the Red



N the Red

May 2021

Summer breaking boredom Ways to get out of house, enjoy freedom Ava Hunt



ith only a few days until school is out, and with the waterfall and scenery the site has to offer. Senior Olivia approaching open schedule comes a lot of leisure Waltermann had the pleasure of travelling up there last time. The warmer weather and time off allow for summer. more freedom to explore and the ability to indulge in new “Williamsport Falls was one of the highlights of my adventures. But the ten-week break can breed boredom and summer last year,” Waltermann said. “My friends and cause ideas on how to keep yourself busy to run dry. For those I made a day trip out of it and loved being able to go looking for something to do, there are a variety of activities and underneath the tallest waterfall in Indiana and take some ideas to check out this summer that all can be enjoyed from cool pictures. There were even walking trails we went on as home or within driving distance. Here are a few ways to whittle well.” away the long summer days. There are plenty of local activities closer The state is home to a lot of activities to home that involve getting out of the to fill up the allotted break. Indiana house. Up in Noblesville, Indiana, lies Shipshewana features an abundance of state an adventure park called Strawtown parks. Indiana studies teacher Kotewi Park that includes zipline and Chris Edwards says that the treetop trails, an archery center and state contains beautiful parks even trails that can accommodate that you can simply walk horses. Strawtown Kotewi Park through or visit nature centers “The ziplining at Kotewi is really Carmel Arts Williamsport Falls where their rich history can be fun and serves as a workout, too,” District learned. Waltermann said. “It’s a great way “My happy place is Shades to go outside and get that adrenaline Downtown Fishers State Park in Park County, flowing.” which is very close to Turkey The Carmel Arts & Design district Shades State Park Run State Park,” Edwards said. is a creative epicenter that contains “There are lots of trails where many places to shop and studios to you can find more solitude than admire local artists. Enjoy the intricate other state parks. I love to go architecture and attempt to join the Bloomington hiking with my family there.” wall of fame for conquering the Big Indiana also houses several Ugly, an infamous burger located at SpringHill State Park tourism towns that can be Bub’s Burgers and Ice Cream. Both visited and made into a day Waltermann and junior Lydia Alveal trip or even an overnight stay. said that the district is a must-stop Down near Evansville rests a location for them over the summertime. town called New Harmony, “My friends and I travel up to the a 19th century failed utopia arts district quite a bit,” Alveal said. New Harmony where many cafes, festivals “Sometimes we will get into The Cake Holiday World and antique shopping Bake Shop, depending on how long the Graphic by Ava Hunt centers reside. For those lines are. But one of our favorite places interested in more of a culture shock, Shipshewana, an amish to shop is the Carmel antique store.” town, bestows the Midwest’s largest flea market and offers IKEA, Topgolf and Conner Prairie are just a few of horse and buggy rides. Indiana also enjoys the presence of the things to do in the heart of the Fishers community. many college towns that can double as college tours, which are Downtown Fishers also holds famous national chain more Edward’s speed. restaurants, such as Shake Shack, Portillo’s and Crumbl “I really like going to Bloomington and visiting the Cookie that can serve as great places to expand your food independent bookstores there,” Edwards said. “There are pallet. Also, the Nickel Plate district hosts the Fishers lots of good restaurants and it’s very nice to walk around the Farmers Market that houses local producers every Saturday campus, especially when hardly anybody is there.” morning from 8 a.m. to noon, running through September Indiana also has outlets and activities for the adventure 25. seekers. Spring Hill State Park, located in Mitchell, Indiana, “My family and I attend the Fishers Farmers Market every hosts inexpensive cave tours that show guests what total summer,” Waltermann said. “My favorite part is taking my darkness looks like. If not interested in the dark, then consider dog with us and being able to enjoy the free samples, which taking a trip up to Williamsport Falls and enjoying the natural are delicious.”

Arts & Culture

N the Red

Packed full of plants

Taking care of houseplants helps student’s mental health Emma Tomlinson



s spring rounds the corner, plant nurseries stock their collection of both indoor and outdoor plants. Students fill their room with hanging pots, succulents, and plants with trailing foliage to brighten up their rooms. The Agricultural University of Norway encourages keeping houseplants in one’s room as they decrease the incidence of dry skin, colds, sore throats and dry coughs. In addition to improving physical health, plants also help mental health. “I like having plants in my room because they make the air feel better,” junior Lindsay Wells said. Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that having plants in office spaces can make one feel more comfortable, soothed and natural. Not to mention, taking care of houseplants can increase feelings of well-being in people with mental illness. “Plants make a room look so much more lively and comforting,” senior Kylie Terpening said. “Growing them also gives you a feeling of responsibility because you’re taking care of a living thing.” When starting out growing plants, it is recommended to purchase a plant that does not need as much maintenance and is harder to kill. Plants that fall under this umbrella would be succulents, snake grass or a spider plant. “My favorite plant to keep inside is a fiddle leaf fig because I love the way the leaves are shaped and they’re very easy to take care of,” Wells said Plant propagation is the process of multiplying plants by taking a small cutting from a grown plant and putting it in either soil or water to grow. This is a cheaper, alternative method to buying new plants at the store. Plant cuttings can be taken from virtually anywhere, as long as the owner’s permission is obtained. “There’s certain types of plants that are easier to propagate than others,” Terpening said. “Pothos are really easy to propagate. You just have to cut the stem off and put it in water, and the roots will grow within a week or so.” The first step when buying plants is to first look where

in the room there is space for them. Take note of these locations and think about what size plant would fit there or match existing decor. If it is a narrow space, a tall skinny plant or hanging plant would fit well. Broader plants with big leaves would have more room to grow in a wider space. Light is critical for optimal growing conditions so take note of how much light an area receives when shopping for a new plant. How far these locations are from a window or door will determine what sort of plants would best suit the room. Every plant is different, and when caring for them it is important to know what kind of conditions it requires. Some plants require direct exposure to sunlight, while other plants may prefer indirect sunlight, which means that they can be kept inside. They can still be in front of a window, since the window will block them from being directly exposed. “I actually got a plant light, since my room doesn’t get a lot of sunlight,” Terpening said. “They’re good to use for plants like succulents that need a lot of light.” Humidity is also very important to consider when taking care of a plant. Jade and snake plants both enjoy indoor dry air, so misting them or placing them in a humid room would be bad for them. Other plants, such as ferns, require humid temperatures for optimal growth. Some people use misting sprays on the plants in order to keep them hydrated, but placing the plant in the bathroom while showering also provides it with humidity. Allisonville Nursery has been in Fishers since 1976, and has one of the largest inside and outside plant nurseries in Fishers, spanning over five acres. The nursery has a variety of starter plants, fertilizer, and pots needed to begin growing houseplants. If looking for an alternative route, propagation is a cheap method that requires a little more work but ultimately less expensive. “I typically get my plants from Allisonville Nursery, they have a super wide variety,” Terpening said. “Growing houseplants not only teaches responsibility but can liven up a space and improve mental health. Wells recommends filling empty space in a room with houseplants, and she prefers to use plant hangers because they allow room for even more plants. “The more plants I have in my room, the happier I am,” junior Students put houseplants into colorful pots to liven up the room. Photos by Emma Tomlinson and Emi Citoler.



N the Red

May 2021

When the stars align

Astrology resurfaces, becomes large influence in pop culture Emilia Citoler



hile astrology has influenced society for millenia, there has been an uptick in the popularity of astrology. The practice that was popularized for its assumed predictive abilities is now being used to describe one’s personality and life. From celebrities broadcasting their signs to teenagers wearing an astrological sign on their jewelry, astrology has become popular within mainstream pop culture. The first records of astrology date back to 3000 B.C. but astrology has evolved and changed with the years. Ancient man spent a lot of time simply looking up at the night sky trying to make sense of the mysterious constellations. While the exact origins are unclear, the Greeks started to make advances in astrology somewhere around 331 B.C. to 5th Century A.D. Astrology was initially used to help decide when to plant crops and go to war, according to the New Yorker’s Christine Smallwoods. “Astrology has changed so much from it’s earlier uses, but I think knowing where the practice comes from is important to being able to completely understand it and being able to use and interpret things like natal charts correctly,” sophomore Kate Schneider said. During this time period, the Greeks divided the sky into 12 parts and gave each section it’s own name and identity. The Greeks’ literature based on astrology described planets, zodiac signs, houses and aspects or angles. These terms are all still used and commonly referred to with modern astrology. Astrology continued to flourish in the Middle Ages where it became a part of everyday culture. Kings and queens would have court astrologers and they avidly trusted in their readings and guidance. Then, as the church gained popularity and notiarity, trust in astrology declined. The Age of Reason in the 17th and 18th centuries further added to the decline of astrology. Astrology was seen as entertainment and not closely followed. The 20th century throughout the 21st century led to a rise of astrology, beginning with newspapers publishing sun-sign horoscopes. Kevin Burk, an astrologer, explains in his book Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart, “Although astrology is not fortune-telling, when skillfully applied, astrology can be an extremely effective predictive tool. On a personal level, astrology can give us insight into our personal issues, our patterns, our fears, and our dreams.” There are 12 signs and each has become associated with their own animal, colors, and myths. These signs are known as sun signs, which are the signs that many are familiar with. A person’s sun sign is integral to who they are, and is described to be the answer of “who am i?” “My sun sign is Sagittarius and I really think it represents my personality well

Arts & Culture since I’m bold and outgoing,” junior Mia Salazar said. “The more negative traits of being a Sagittarius also apply since I can be impulsive.” The signs are then split up into triplicities, which means the elements associate with the signs. Ones that are associated with fire are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and are said to be vibrant and passionate. Signs that are associated with earth are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and are known to be practical and grounded. Air signs, which include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are said to be curious and intelligent. Water signs are known to be emotional and observant, and include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Because of the popularity of sun signs, some are only familiar with their sun sign and may find that they do not necessarily match up with the characteristics that align with their specific sign. Sun signs are just one part of natal charts, which are charts that mark where planets and other celestial bodies were the moment a person was born. Reading a natal chart is said to allow for an in-depth look at someone’s personality. Each planet, as well as the sun, moon and a rising sign, has its own meaning and purpose within a chart. While natal charts can become relatively complex, taking a look at one’s “big three” or their sun, moon and rising signs is a common step into astrology. “It is definitely important to know and research one’s moon and rising signs, especially if they feel as if they don’t resonate with their sun sign,” Schneider said. “Your rising and moon signs fill in those gaps of who you are and the way you act.” A sun sign, as described previously, is one’s identity. A sun sign describes how one experiences life and expresses personality. A moon sign is the subconscious side of oneself that is somewhat hidden, or the inner self, and is said to govern emotions. The rising sign, or ascendant, is how the world sees a person, or who one is on the surface. Each of these are determined by where a certain planet was during one’s birth. “Astrology impacts my life in how I perceive people, honestly,” Salazar said. “Their signs can coincide with their personality traits, and knowing their signs can affect whether or not I want to pursue a relationship with them.” With social media apps like TikTok and Instagram, astrology creators have a bigger audience than ever. On apps like Tiktok, astrology creators have amassed large followings, and even offer personalized chart readings and horoscopes. Not only has astrology made its way into mainstream media, but it has created its own sub-genre of apps based around astrology itself. CoStar, one of the leading astrology apps, sends out daily messages that are supposedly based on one’s chart. The app also has a few social media-esque features, like being able to friend other users and compare charts. Pattern, another app that is astrologyrelated, generates compatibility and psychological analyses that are based on birth charts. “I used to use CoStar, but I’ve heard some questionable things about it so I have kind of leaned away from the app constantly,” Schneider said. “CoStar has my natal chart, so I still use it for that. I also follow a bunch of zodiac accounts, one of my favorites is Glossy Zodiac.”

N the Red Graphics by Emilia Citoler.



N the Red

May 2021

County, conference champs again Unified Track and Field repeats in Hamilton County, HCC Ben Rosen



2 1. Senior Devin Hankins runs during a meet on April 19. 2. During a meet on April 19, senior Elaine Murphy and freshman Caleb Short compete in a relay. Photos by Kailey Santiago.


or the second year in a row, Unified Track and Field placed first at the 2021 Hamilton County championship meet. The team has competed in 10 meets as of May 17, including the Hoosier Crossroads Conference championship meet on May 15 at Franklin Central High School which they won for the second consecutive season as well. “COVID has been very persistent in everyone’s life and has caused us to take precautions for this season,” junior Luke Asquini said. “In practice, we all must maintain social distance. If we are running, we are allowed to take off our masks but otherwise, we are required to wear them.” Senior Jill Snyder said that even with all the restrictions due to the pandemic, the feeling of being a part of the team remains the same. “The atmosphere for unified track is so inviting and heartwarming,” Snyder said. “It feels like a safe space where you can go to hang out with friends and improve in a sport that everyone loves.” Asquini tends to agree with Snyder’s observation. “The kind and friendly atmosphere is still present even though we have many more responsibilities this year compared to previous years,” Asquini said. Snyder said the experience is more unique compared to other sports teams. “It’s unique in competition because of how supportive everyone is of everyone,” Snyder said. “Despite different school names, everyone is cheering for each other and sometimes we even do large group huddles to celebrate after a meet is over.” Athletes like Asquini who participate in multiple sports have to find a balance between being a high school student and an athlete. “Some days, I will admit, are better than others,” Asquini said. “I currently am participating in soccer and unified track. I am doing a decent job balancing my schoolwork and my sports.” Asquini has some advice for those trying to balance participating in multiple sports while still being a high school student. “As long as someone who is in multiple sports maintains an organized schedule and manages their time well (they) should be able to do well in both school and in athletic activities,” Asquini said. Senior Jessie Guler is having to find a balance between being a boys volleyball manager and participating in unified track and field. “I have that season happening now in addition to track, school, and college planning,” Guler said. “I think keeping your assignments straight and a priority is the only way I am getting through the seasons.” The sectional tournament was scheduled to take place on May 22 at Noblesville High School. The regional tournament is scheduled for May 29 at Kokomo High School. The state tournament is scheduled for June 5 at Ben Davis High School. Originally scheduled to be hosted by Indiana University-Bloomington, the event was moved to Ben Davis due to the university being unable to host the event with spectators in attendance on that date, according to a press release from the IHSAA.


N the Red

May 2021

Sizing up to the course Boys golfers strive to find clubs that fit their playstyle Nicholas Rasmusson



hen heading out to the golf course, there are essential items to bring, such as a hat, some tees, a few balls and, of course, golf clubs. The clubs on a player’s back can alter the performance they have that day. While choosing clubs may look simple, the process is much more complex, as each aspect of the club ranges in different sizes and weights, which help tailor a club to one’s specific game. Senior Matt Wolf and juniors Owen Munkholm and Connor McMillan all attended formal fittings to get clubs that complemented the way they play. Wolf emphasized that getting fit for clubs is much more than meets the eye. Wolf stated that the process of getting fitted for his clubs went deep into his game from an analytical standpoint. “I go in and hit shots with different clubs, first with the club that I’m hitting with at the time,” Wolf said. “Then my swing coach will see my data through a tracker. He will get all iof my numbers, such as how far I’m hitting each club.” Wolf added that when his swing coach gathers his data, the way he strikes the ball is a key factor in choosing a club. “It shows what I want in a club, such as if I want something a little bit more ‘bladey,’ which is smaller, then I fit into that niche product,” Wolf said. “How hard I am playing the club will determine the shaft for each club.” Munkholm stated that a player could play with multiple different brands in their bag. Munkholm plays with three different brands of clubs. “I play a Ping driver and irons, I play Titleist hybrids and I play Cleveland wedges as my clubs,” Munkholm said. When picking his clubs, Munkholm highlighted that his process of choosing clubs came down to a few key aspects, such as how they suited his swing and how much they cost. Similar to Munkholm, McMillan plays with multiple different brands. McMillan plays with custom-fit TaylorMade and Titleist clubs. McMillan said that he does favor one of his clubs specifically and that it reveals something about the way he plays. “My favorite club, in general, is probably the driver because it goes the furthest, and it is fun to hit,” McMillan said. The performance of the clubs can also fluctuate based on the ball a player uses, as they all have slight manufacturing differences that change how the ball performs in the air. Wolf, Munkholm and McMillan all use different brands of golf balls. Wolf uses balls made by TaylorMade, while Munkholm and McMillan prefer balls made by Srixon and Titleist. Despite the simple appearance picking a golf club may have, the process goes far beyond the brand name. The way a player swings, the way they play and the ball they use all impact what clubs they choose. Nevertheless, getting fitted around Fishers is very accessible. There are pro shops scattered around neighboring cities that can help beginners get started.


2 1. Freshman Will Major swings an iron at a practice on April 30. Photo by Olivia Holding. 2. Information collected by Bleacher Report. Graphic by Nicholas Rasmusson.


Not a foreign concept

N the Red


FHS, other high schools should offer more foreign language courses in school Andrew Haughey



n the world, there are approximately 6,500 distinct languages spoken. At FHS, there are three foreign languages taught. This is not to say that the three languages that are taught are not important, as Spanish, French and German have 945 million speakers combined worldwide, but rather to say that the selection of languages is lackluster. Spanish is the most widely spoken language of those offered at the school but still falls behind Mandarin Chinese and Hindi (as well as English) in its number of speakers. For students who want to learn languages besides those offered directly through the school, they must navigate an online program through Ball State University. The program offers Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Latin. Although this is a good start, it is made very clear that no supervision or assistance will be provided by HSE staff and that the learning will be entirely asynchronous. Doing this goes against the very nature of language itself: communication. If students have no teacher or peers to communicate with in their learned language, how can they be expected to learn any applicable skills? After all, most situations in which a foreign language is needed do not take place through a screen where Google Translate can be utilized. Before the technicalities of implementing additional foreign languages into schools can be addressed, both the psychological and tangible benefits must be discussed. According to H. Jarold Weatherford, a reporter for the Center for Applied Linguistics, learning a foreign language can help an individual advance in the job market, empathize with people from different cultures and enjoy international travel more. In a 2014 study performed by the Coalition for International Education, nearly 30% of U.S. business executives reported having missed out on some opportunity due to a lack of on-staff language skills, proving that language learning is lucrative. Furthermore, there is a direct correlation between students who studied foreign language in high school and higher SAT scores as analyzed by The Admission Testing Program of College Board. In short, any foreign language study will have some sort of beneficial effect on the learner’s life. Despite the benefits of learning languages, most American schools tend to offer the same three: Spanish, French and German. Students who want to learn others are forced to resort to private programs that may be expensive or not effective. Most of these programs are online, much like those offered through HSE schools and Ball State. Although online

programs typically seem like a good alternative to a traditional classroom setting, the truth is that most classes are dumbed down to make learning easier to manage while asynchronous. The idea of online learning is that it is done on someone’s own schedule without a teacher telling them what to do and when to do it, but the reality is that removing the teacherstudent dynamic makes learning much more difficult. This is reflected by a study performed by California State University-San Bernardino. The study showed that students who participated in an online course finished with a grade point value that was 0.25 points lower on average than the students who completed the course traditionally. Additionally, the study showed that about 10.3% of students taking online courses failed the course compared to only 4% of students who completed the course traditionally. This evidence proves that learning online is not an effective replacement for the diverse interactions that a classroom offers. For foreign languages, the lack of verbal communication to practice sentence structure and pronunciation likely makes the number of students who gain any sort of applicable skill much lower than a normal class. While simply teaching more foreign languages in traditional classrooms across the U.S. seems like a valid solution, the problem becomes more complex when the shortage of foreign language teachers in the country is taken into account. From 1997 to 2008, there was a steep drop in the number of middle schools that offered foreign languages, from 75% to 58%, according to a study performed by the American Academy of Arts and Science (AAAS). This decline is a reflection of the reality of foreign language teaching: good teachers are hard to come by. As schools tend to analyze more factors - such as previous professions and highest degree attained - in a teacher’s application to make the best decision, the number of individuals who view the job as something they really want to do has declined. In the 2016-17 school year, there were 44 states and the District of Columbia that had a shortage of qualified foreign language instructors, according to the same report by AAAS. These are the factors that make teaching more foreign languages harder, and, in some regions, impossible. While the expansion of traditional language teaching is a complex issue, it is absolutely necessary if the HSE school district wants to effectively prepare its students for the future. As the world shifts closer to a global economy, individuals will fall behind if they cannot expand their opportunities beyond English or whatever their first language may be.


N the Red

May 2021

Working less is more

Four-day workweek should be implemented in schools Nate Albin



company travel went down around 20%, which shows the plan he COVID-19 pandemic forced schools nationwide to leads to less emissions from travel. Furthermore, the department make drastic changes to how they operate, and HSE found there was an increase in time for sanitation crews to clean, Schools was no exception. Minor changes like four and fewer vacation days were taken. Clearly, there are benefits people per lunch table and scanning QR codes for contact beyond productivity. tracing purposes were easy adjustments and will be removed Widespread use of the four-day workweek could be on the once it is safe to. There were also major changes, with arguably the two biggest being the change to block schedule and turning horizon for businesses everywhere. CNBC reported that, in Spain, the government has pledged 50 Fridays into eLearning days. million Euros to help businesses pilot the Starting next year, the district will move Hypothetical four-day week. To the north, Joe Ryle of the permanently to the block schedule, but schedule for next British-based “4 Day Week Campaign” said Fridays will no longer be eLearning days. the idea has “grown in both popularity and At a Jan.15 school board meeting, the board year: momentum” since the COVID-19 pandemic. voted to have Fridays be eLearning days for He explained that because of the pandemic the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. suddenly forcing people to work virtually, Teachers post an assignment by 9 a.m., Monday: people realized that the way we view the and students have by Monday morning to In-Person workweek can change rapidly. So based on complete them. These days also provide Periods 1 - 4 all of this, what would a four-day week at another opportunity for teachers to assist FHS look like? students. Especially with the district adopting Next year, school will start at 8:30 a.m. the block schedule, they should move to Tuesday: and end at 3:00 p.m. Imagine though that a four-day workweek model and keep the In-Person students are encouraged to come in at 8:00 eLearning Fridays. Periods 5 - 7 a.m. and use those first 30 minutes as free The four-day workweek model, while not work time for students. This allows for widely used, has shown great potential in the students to have a half hour of individual business world. One of the best examples is Wednesday: work time in the morning. From there, when Microsoft Japan attempted the fourIn-Person students go to first period from 8:30 a.m. to day week over the summer of 2019. The Periods 1 - 4 9:50 a.m. and then have 10 minutes to get changes were drastic, with the branch of the to second period, which runs from 10 a.m. global company reporting that productivity Thursday: to 11:20 a.m. This could lead to an hourincreased 40%. Alongside the rise in In-Person long break. During this time, there would productivity, Microsoft Japan was also able Periods 5 - 7 be the regular lunch cycles, but also time for to use 23% less electricity and print 60% fewer students and teachers to have a mid-day reset. pages. Most importantly, 92% of workers said Third period would be from 12:40 to 1:30 they were happier because of the change. p.m., followed by fourth period from 1:40 Elephant Ventures, a company that shifted Friday: p.m. until the end of the day at 3 p.m. The to four days while extending the workday next day, there could be periods five through eLearning from eight hours to 10, showed similar seven, as well as Targeted Instruction, which successes. Art Schectman, company founder Due on is set aside time for students who need help and president, said that they started to see Monday from teachers. With this, Fridays would the benefits after about a month. The keys remain as eLearning days where students were simple: flexibility and streamlining. get assignments and can get even more help. First, while their days were 10 hours, the Graphic by Nate Graphic by Nate Albin.Albin This would expand upon what Targeted company trusted that workers who missed Instruction can do because the teacher would not have to deal time during the week would work on Fridays, which they did. with distractions of other students and it would allow for more Meetings were shortened, attendance was cut down and they one-on-one time. instead gave that time for personal work time in the early More is not always better. A fifth day of school, while the norm, morning and after lunch. All of these changes led to what they may not be the best option for our school. The pandemic has believed was increased engagement and better work overall. caused sudden shifts to how we live, and that includes how we While the productivity benefits of the four-day workweek conduct school. Even though it will be great to return normal, are evident, the potential profit gains are not the only reason; that does not mean we should leave all the innovations the some reasons are environmental. The Lake County, Illinois pandemic brought behind us. Environmental Health Department tried this model and


N the Red


Vaccine passports offer solution Documentation of vaccinations could provide return to normalcy Fletcher Haltom



n the months following the one-year anniversary of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020, widespread vaccine availability, once thought to be a distant dream, has become a promising reality. Of course, this availability has brought with it a considerable amount of controversy. Recent discussions regarding “vaccine passports,” forms of documentation that would certify one’s vaccination for COVID-19 and potentially allow access to certain large events, have drawn the ire of critics nationwide. Recently, Indiana Rep. John Jacobs denounced the concept while discussing his support of a bill that would place a ban on them statewide, referring to the passports as a “gross violation of the individual freedom of Hoosiers.” While many critics are wellintentioned and simply seeking to support personal liberties, a large number of the critiques of the theoretical passports are misguided and fail to recognize the true intent behind them. Vaccine passports, also referred to as digital health passports, or DHPs, are a relatively new concept wherein citizens are able to show proof of their vaccination. Most versions in development are virtual, which would allow users to easily show their “passport” upon admittance to a flight, concert, sporting event or another sort of large gathering. As the number of inoculated people around the world rises, it is likely that a greater number of events and gatherings may allow participation only for those who have been vaccinated. This stems from an effort to prioritize public health and avoid unnecessary risks or liabilities. Internationally, several countries, including Mexico, Turkey and the Dominican Republic, have already begun to require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test before entry. This is an essential step in regaining standard public practices, and when considering the increased risks that are associated with international travel, it becomes clear why governments would want to safeguard themselves and their citizens against unnecessary dangers to public health. Vaccine passports, in some form, are effective tools for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and ensuring the safety of participants or attendees. They would assist in ensuring the safety of the public and potentially allow for more freedom in regard to concerts or other public events. A common misconception is that government entities at the national or state level will attempt to mandate vaccinations for all citizens. This is untrue; no proposal that drastic has received any legitimate support, if any at all. Furthermore, messages from the White House have made it clear that there are no plans to implement any kind of vaccine passport or mandate on a national level. Such a plan would also require congressional action, which is exceedingly unlikely. Rather, it is more likely that individual guidelines and regulations will be instituted by businesses, schools or even states, who hold the majority of power related to public health decision making. If and when states administer these ordinances, they will,

Graphic by Fletcher Haltom. in all likelihood, be voluntary programs that will respect constitutional freedoms and allow for the reopening of events such as sports games and concerts. In cases relating to the private sector, including some universities and businesses, vaccine requirements for students attending in-person classes are both legal and necessary. In fact, vaccine requirements are not new; HSE schools, in accordance with state law, require students to be vaccinated against 11 diseases, unless a valid religious or medical exemption applies. Furthermore, the Indiana Department of Health has the ability to “expand or otherwise modify the list of communicable diseases that require documentation of immunity,” a step that could be taken in the near future in regard to the COVID-19 vaccine. While there are still questions related to vaccination requirements and vaccine passports that remain unanswered, the guidance from all levels of government, including Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, the Indiana Department of Health, the FDA, and President Joe Biden has been clear: if you are able to, you should get vaccinated against COVID-19. Additionally, vaccine passports are useful tools that could assist greatly in regaining public aspects of life that have been lost. Their implementation would likely be a beneficial measure in the name of public health and safety, potentially offering a return to relative normalcy that has been desired for the past year.


May 2021

N the Red

Vaccination is key Getting the shot leads way to normalcy

We would be remiss if we did not permenently implement some of the changes that COVID-19 forced upon us.


OVID-19 was the defining factor of the school year. Every group had to make changes to its usual business. Clubs met on Zoom, sports teams were forced to practice far apart and performing arts adjusted how they performed. As we round the corner on the pandemic and hope for a more normal upcoming school year, we would be remiss if we did not permanently implement some of the changes that COVID-19 forced upon us. Simple things, such as washing hands, were treated like they were a groundbreaking new discovery. They are not. Small actions like that are simple ways to care for the people around us. These small acts can save lives, something that scientists preached to us. Now, we have the ultimate safeguard at our fingertips: the vaccine. Study after study has proven that they work. Those same studies have shown that they save lives. And finally, those studies are the foundation for the CDC saying that we can take our masks off. If we do not get vaccinated, we are living dangerously. Simply put, we are not taking care of each other. If the pandemic has taught us one thing, hopefully it is that all of us play a part in making the world healthy. We were all told to wash hands, then we wore masks in order to help stop the spread. Now, the vaccine is the next step. We all want normalcy again, and that vaccine is the best, and only, way to get there. Vaccination rates in the United States have begun to plateau. Appointments are going unfilled. The shame in this is that every student and staff member in FHS is eligible to get the vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine is now available for everyone ages 12 and up and parents of students are also eligible to get the vaccine. All three vaccines, the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson, are available for this age group. It is time to fill these appointments. The risks of dangerous side effects are incredibly low, but the odds of getting back to normal are high. Club meetings, fullteam practices and live performing arts shows are in our grasp. Now is the time to get vaccinated so those oncecommonplace activities become the norm again.



N the Red


Have you received your second dose of the COVID vaccine yet?


YES - 4 NO - 4

After recieving the vaccine, a bandaid is placed to protect clothing from potential blood due to the prick of the needle. Photo by Emma Tomlinson.


Tiger Topics N the Red is the official monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to 3,500 students and over 300 student personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or staff. Letters to the editor may be submitted to A218, and must contain the writer’s phone number for verification. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue.


As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, N the Red is dedicated to providing the staff, students, and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both the educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. The staff works to create a sense of unity and awareness and to allow the students of FHS to have a better insight to the world around them.


N the Red

May 2021

Issue Review

Down: 1. What time of day does Rishabh Bhadouriya work best? 2. How many diseases does HSE schools require students to be vaccinated against? 3. What brand of wedges does Owen Munkholm play with? 6. In addition to improving physical health, plants can also improve ______ health. 7. What is the most widely spoken foreign language offered by the school? 8. What meet did Unified Track win the title in?

Across: 4. How many astrological signs are there? 5. What is it called when the moon’s orbit is closest to Earth? 9. May is _____ American Heritage Month. 10. What Indiana college town does Dr. Edwards like to visit? 11. Which country’s goverment is financially supporting businesses to try the four-day workweek?

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