2 minute read
New Theater Director
Directing a new teacher

New theater director sparks change in the program
Ameera Tai taiame000@hsestudents.org

The new FHS theater director, Emma Rund, has begun to leave her mark on her students by introducing them to new opportunities and experiences. She does this by running her theater closer to that of a community one and creating strong, lasting connections. “I [was a part of] theater in high school, then I decided to major in it in college,” Rund said. “Now I teach theater. I was born to be on the stage.” With her parents involved in the theater for over 20 years, Rund has grown up being surrounded by Broadway shows and performers. Additionally, her father was the theater director when she attended FHS, so she understands the needs of eater Fishers and how it should be run. Her commitment to performing has fueled her passion, providing a positive experience for the students she teaches. “She has much more of an understanding of the generation in high school,” junior Katelyn King said. Compared to the previous director, the age gap between Rund and her students is smaller, which helps them connect. is allows Rund to relate to her students, which provides better help and guidance for them in the future. “ ere are more equal opportunities,” said sophomore Sabrina Mari Alberty. “She hasn’t had any previous experience casting any of the students, so it is based [on] rst impressions.” Like any teacher starting out at a new school, Rund does not know the students’ skills yet, which Mari Alberty believed she made bene cial for the casting process. While running auditions for the fall musical ‘Legally Blonde’, she had to make casting decisions based solely o of their performance and not their previous relationship with the director. Instead of primarily doing a singing and dancing audition, she added a separate dance call and had everyone prepare a monologue. While this was more di cult than what returning theater students were used to, Mari Alberty understands how Rund wants to see the acting abilities of those auditioning. “I run my theater more like a professional theater,” said Rund. “I know that they’re high schoolers, but I want to teach them how theater runs outside of a high school setting.” Rund values informing cast members of her vision for the musical and how it will be run. is allows her students to be able to understand and learn the process clearly. “I think that it’s a great new change and that eater Fishers will really bene t from the change,” King said.

Design by Ameera Tai.