April 16 issuu

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Volume 49 Issue 7

April 2016

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.FHSForum.com - @FHSForum

In this Issue News: 2

Opinion: 3-5

Educate Yourself: 6-7

Pates’ Post: 8-9

Entertainment: 10-11

Sports: 12

BASD welcomes the new management system of learning Schoology LMS paves a road to school collaboration By Keri Kipp Entertainment Editor

Schoology is a new program that is taking over schools nationwide. This program is a brand new resource and a fun way to look at learning. The system allows users to create and manage information and resources that are shared throughout the working environments. Schoology LMS has been described as “a helpful source to students who need a voice. Those kids who are always scared that they are wrong and to get laughed at in a classroom, who want more time to think about their answers. This is helping them along with everyone else in many ways,” said Mrs. Evon Zundel, technology integration specialist. The Bethlehem Area School District has purchased a 3year lease with Schoology. The cost for this program is $15,000 for a one school year plan, $30,000 for a 2 school year plan, and $55,000 for a 3 school year plan. The goal is to create a new way of learning and organization for students, teachers, parents, and administrators. However, districts do not need to buy a lease from Schoology to experience it. There is a free version of this

is an organization friendly area, it is actually more trouble than it is worth. I believe Classroom to be more like a list than a way of organization. Yes, it helps students know what they need to get done, but it is not a Screenshot of Schoology website Screenshot: Karla Erdman soundly secure system which operates similar Mr. Frank Arbushites, super- learning management systo a system like Edmodo. Alt- visor of instructional technol- tem,” said Mrs. Zundel. hough, administrators and ogy. Schoology also has its own Schoology operators themStudents and parents are al- blog where the creators and selves do suggest paying for ways complaining that teach- system workers post answers the lease because it provides ers are never up to date with to questions that users may advanced services. grades, causing students to have or to inform the users of Schoology’s features include not be aware of where they new updates on the program’s attendance records, an online stand in their grades. Schoolo- software. It is very user gradebook, tests and quizzes, gy’s partnership with Sungard friendly and communicative. and homework dropboxes that has provided districts with the This management system, could be extremely helpful to ability to sync students’ although not the most popular students. Moreover, the sys- work and enabled automatic just yet, has a lot to offer ustem provides added security transferring to the teacher's ers. and filters that school districts gradebook. Since Schoology As for problems with may require. is linked with Sungard and Schoology, “there is actually “Schoology gives the district eSchoolPlus, this helps pro- very little that can go wrong a place for students and teach- vide a solution to this problem with the system. We have ers to keep digital course con- of organized and prompt hosted access to Schoology, tent. Unlike a simple web grading. which means that all of the page, placing the content in a This year the Bethlehem Ar- back-end maintenance LMS allows for communica- ea School District has been (backups, software updates, tion, work submission, test- using Google Classroom. etc.) is handled by the compaing, and tracking grades. Classroom would be consid- ny on a regular basis. UpWhat makes Schoology ered to be a lower class learn- dates are tested by the compaunique is their strategic part- ing management system. ny before they are rolled into nership with Sungard,” said “Google Classroom although the ‘live’ environment.

Schoology runs on almost any device with any modern operating system and web browser, so as long as Internet access is available, it should work. However, technical support is offered by the company,” said Mr. Arbushites. Training for this program has already begun to being administered as to how to use the system. In February 2016, the district had a small group of select teachers go through initial training. On the other hand, teachers who would like to use Schoology for their classes will be permitted to go through a few training courses as well. “Creating an online course is not simply a matter of pasting a collection of links into a web site. We are looking forward to working with teachers as they learn how to implement good instructional design principles when they develop their courses,” said Mr. Arbushites. Schoology has been and will continue to bring the thought of school organization to a whole new level. Many schools in the district will begin to join the bandwagon of this overly helpful learning management system.

Out with Pate Block and in with Seminar 9th and 10th grade students will be scheduled for seminar courses starting next By Gabrielle Rader Journalism Student

Remember freshman seminar? Well, FHS is bringing it back, and it is better than ever. In the 2016-2017 school year, incoming freshmen and upcoming sophomores will be required to take a half credit seminar that will assist students with their high school experience. The seminar will help students develop skills and start thinking about their future. “It has a great foundation. It can only improve after one year; it is heading in the right direction,” said Ms. Breanna Hahn, business teacher. The seminar is a requirement

for students to graduate. It will last a whole block for one marking period. The seminar will help students figure out or help them see what is available for them in the future and what interests they have. It will provide a great transition for incoming freshmen to get used to the school and learn great skills that will help Photo illustration them throughout high school. chair. “These two classes are takThe course is already being ing the place of Integrated taught at Liberty High School. Technology Concepts,” said It is offered to the students, Mr. Brad Bloszinsky, busi- but it is only for the freshman ness teacher and department class. Next year both FHS and

Screenshot: Gabrielle Rader

LHS will be following the same format of the seminar. The idea of the seminar came from Dr. Jack Silva, assistant superintendent of BASD.

“The seminars are customized to fit the needs of the sophomores and freshman,” said Ms. Cheryl Santini, business teacher. It is only offered to freshman and sophomores because they do not have as many opportunities to take some electives like the juniors and seniors do. This will help them decide what to take and what their interests are. The last 2 years are a chance to take classes that will help students in college to learn a lot of the basics. “I think freshman and sophomores will see a lot of improvements within themselves,” said Ms. Hahn.

2 News

The Forum

April 2016

Building a future beyond high school Engineering Club is finding innovative solutions to real world problems By Lydia Burnett Journalism student

Engineering is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.” The Engineering Club here at Freedom High School gives students the chance to practice with designing, creating, and building. It is largely student run, giving students a chance to work independently as well as in a team and come up with creative solutions to realworld problems. “First and foremost, there are the absolutely amazing

students who join this completed purely in program. They come the after school hours. from varied backIt also details an exgrounds, with different citing project for levels of math and sciSamsung. ence skills, but almost “My favorite project uniformly dive into the that myself and others project-based engiparticipated in was a neering curriculum project run by Samwith a fervor and exsung. We submitted citement that is unparour idea which was to alleled,” posted Mrs. 3d print a brain and Alexandra Roscher on wire it with LED's to the FHS Project Lead show the way drugs The Way (PLTW) and alcohol affects website in 2015. the brain. Last year, The website also conwe built a prototype tains information and this year we are about the club. It states trying to create a final that students can work design. Some students on classwork for Ryan Brown, sophomore, deconstructs a printer like the hands on cirPLTW or new and excit- to repurpose the parts cuitry work, some like Photo: Lydia Burnett the 3D printing, and ing projects that are

others like to create the presentation that goes along with it; everyone is able to get involved,” said Ryan Brown, vice president of the Engineering Club. The Engineering Club meets every Wednesday after school. It is encouraged for PLTW students to reinforce the class material and to give them a chance to work on new projects outside of class. “There are so many projects and activities out there that I would love to dive into. It is hard to pick a few that I want to start, but I am always searching websites and trying to come up with ideas of my own,” said Brown.

Paying tribute to Nancy Reagan Nancy Reagan passed away in March 2016 By Lydia Burnett Journalism student

Nancy Reagan, first lady to Ronald Reagan, died on March 6th of congestive heart failure. She lived to 94 years old. “I am saddened by the passing of my step mother Nancy Reagan… She is once again with the man she loved. God Bless…” posted her step son, Michael Reagan, on Facebook. A woman of many talents, Nancy Reagan was the First Lady, an actress, and the founder of the “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign. She also became a huge advocate for Alzheimer's research following her husband’s diagnosis in

November of 1994. She placed focus on stem cell research, which looked promising to act as a cure. “Later, in her long goodbye with President Reagan, she became a voice on behalf of millions of families going through the depleting, aching reality of Alzheimer’s, and took on a new role, as advocate, on behalf of treatments that hold the potential and the promise to improve and save lives,” said President Obama to the New York Times. Nancy was also an exceptional mother to her four children, some of whom she had, some were step children from Ronald Reagan’s first marriage, and one who was adopted.

“Nancy Reagan's greatest achievement and her lasting impact on society has to be her "Just Say No" program. Following the precedent of other First Ladies, Nancy chose a social issue with motherly concern- how our youth was being negatively affected by the drug wars on our streets,” said Mrs. Donna Roman, head of history department. Nancy Reagan will be remembered for her avocation against drug abuse, work towards a cure for Alzheimer’s, professional image, and the caring mothering of her children. “Nancy will be remembered as a doting and protective wife, who had a glamorous

Nancy Reagan by her husband, Ronald Reagan’s side at his presidential inauguration in 1985 Photo: Wikimedia

past as a Hollywood actress. She brought her class and high style into the White House, after the "down-home" times of the Carters. Nancy helped to restore a prestige

and confidence to the White House after a presidential resignation and the economic and foreign affairs failures of the past decade,” said Mrs. Roman.

What is your strategy to get through

What do you look forward to

the next 2 months with no breaks?

in the spring?

“To ride my bike as much as

“To run outside,”

possible,” said Mr. Ali Nabavian.

said Mrs. Amanda Miranda.

What will you be throwing out during spring cleaning? “Old papers [recycle] and clothes I would donate, but they are messed up,” said Mrs. Lindsay Wieand.

What is your favorite poem for National Poetry Month? “My favorite poem is ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost,” said Mr. George Ziegler.

Where do you plan to go for summer vacation? “We are supposed to go to Texas. It just seems fun,” said Ms. Amy O’Connor.

April 2016

3 Editorials

The Forum

Stress Awareness is taking over the month of April Stress happens to everyone but do you really know how it affects your mind and body? By Sarah Weeks Journalism Student

Have you ever been super nervous before a big test or project presentation? This is called stress. The month of April is dedicated to stress awareness. Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992. Stress Awareness Month was created to bring attention to the dangerous actions stress can have on the body and mind. For me, stress happens if there is a big test coming up or if there is a big responsibility to be filled. “Everybody has stress in someway or another,” said Ms. Wallace, health teacher. According to OxfordDictionaries.com stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from ad-

verse or very demanding circumstances. Stress is something that affects everyone everyday, but if it gets too out of hand, it can affect a person’s mental and physical state. During the month of April, doctors and medical professionals work together to open the public's eyes to the causes and cures of stress. “Even though we have learned a lot about stress in the past twenty years, we have got a long way to go. New information is now available that could help millions of Americans eliminate their suffering,” said Dr. Morton C. Orman, M.D., Founder and Director of Human Resource Network. Stress affects the body not only mentally, but also physically. Heart attacks, strokes,

and kidney diseases can all be caused by high levels of stress. Over the years, neuroscientists have discovered how chronic stress can damage the brain. Stress creates molecules that destroy brain cells. Also, stress creates a cycle of fear and anxiety which stops the production of new brain cells. Excessive stress can trigger long term changes in brain structure and function. Epinephrine, or more commonly known as adrenaline, is a stress hormone that is released into the body in any moment of excitement. Being stressed can release excessive amounts of adrenaline into the body causing health problems such as weight gain, digestive problems, and hormone imbalances. Lack of sleep, short atten-

tion span and memory issues are common signs of stress due high levels of adrenaline. Stress Awareness month helps by informing people on how to relieve their stress but doing simple little acts. Simple things like taking a walk or reading a book can reduce stress caused by day to day events. “Find something that you are into that helps to relieve stress. I recently took up painting and it is super stress relieving,” Squeezsing a stress ball helps relieve said Ms. Wallace. Stress awareness month stress Photo: Creative Commons, Flickr encourages people to find a balance between personal tion of the people to the causand work needs to reduce es and cures of the stress stress levels. Stress Aware- faced day. in and day out. ness Month brings the atten-

Following the rules of fashion during spring season Adhering to the school dress code while still wearing fashion forward outfits. By Analisa Jeffries Journalism Student

Winter is thawing out and warmer temperatures are coming faster than ever before. Last year in February, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, and scurried back into hiding. Then in March, students were still bundled up with winter coats, long pants, boots, and hats. Now, this year the weather has seen a huge change, with temperatures warming up. For most people, the higher temperatures mean breaking out the spring and summer

clothing, especially clothes that are lighter in color, or different prints. According to the Bethlehem Area School District Code of Conduct, students cannot wear anything that “offend[s] the sense of common decency, as judged by those entrusted with providing a positive school environment.” While most students adhere to “common decency,” the fashion designers for summer clothing may not. Most of the fashion on the actual runway is expensive and over-the-top just for a day at school. So, a teenage girl’s

wardrobe for summer sometimes consists of high waisted shorts, or leggings, and a crop top. However, a lot of the shorts are too short to wear to school, or even out of the store dressing room. Not to mention that the weather does not always cooperate with the outfits that people plan. “Last week I was wearing shorts and this week it was supposed to snow,” said Morgan Cahill, sophomore. To manage the unpredictable weather, try pairing the outfit with a flannel, sweatshirt, or a knit cardigan. Then throughout the day, take off the outer

layer and flaunt that outfit. Another option is ripped jeans, it still shows of some skin and it will not be as hot as in regular jeans. On the other hand, it may be harder to dress appropriately for school when it is 90 degrees out, and even hotter in some classrooms. Short sleeved shirts and a pair of shorts are the easiest option. Then there are the skater skirts and t-shirt dresses, they are super comfortable and easy to slip on in the morning. If opting for the dress, make sure to stick to the dress code. Lastly, for all the guys out

there, the “rules” seem to be much simpler. Trade the long sleeve shirts and pants for short sleeved ones and shorts. Stray away from tank tops and any clothing with drug or alcohol paraphernalia on it, which applies to everyone.

Dear Gabi: Junior Year Stress By Gabriella Greenhoward Web Editor

Dear Gabi, Time is truly flying by. I cannot believe I am nearing the end of my junior year. The pressure of my future is beginning to set in on me. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, or who I want to be. I have no idea where I want to go to school. I am very family oriented, so I do not want to be on the other side of the country, but at the same time, I think it is important that I spread my wings and learn to

fly. I am already signed up for my SATs and ACTs, but between my AP classes and work, I have not had nearly enough time to prepare. Everything is starting to hit me all at once. I am more than overwhelmed, and I have finally come to realize that I cannot avoid what is ahead of me. What do you think is the first thing everyone asks me at our family dinners: “What schools are you looking at,” and “What do you plan on doing?” I am overly stressed out, and I truly feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Do you have any suggestions that may be helpful to me? You would be doing me a huge favor. Sincerely, Super Stressed

Dear Super Stressed, The first thing I advise you to do is take one deep breath. I know it feels like everything is happening all at once, and believe me, I get it. As a junior myself, between trying to keep up my grades and thinking about my future, I know how easy it is to get so stressed out that you want to cry. However, there are plenty of things you can do to alleviate some of your worries. First, let us start with college. I encourage you to start by talking to your guidance counselor. The whole guidance team is a resource that you should be utilizing for advice and assistance through this chaotic time in your life. In addition, I am sure you have heard of the Naviance program. It is another great

resource you can use to look at different schools and to see where you fit in the college spectrum. You also mentioned that the SATs and ACTs are on your mind. I know that making time for test prep can be a daunting task, when balancing challenging classes and work. I recommend you download some test prep apps that you can use at your convenience. I have one on my phone for both tests, and they have daily questions that help me stay refreshed on the material. I also went online and bought two practice books. Their size may be very intimidating, but you can work through it at a pace you feel comfortable with. My biggest suggestion is to create a schedule you can keep. Maybe commit to 5

questions a night. If you set small goals like that, it will ensure that you are preparing, but not overwhelming yourself. Lastly, I do not want you to spend too much time worrying about your career. You have plenty of time to think about different career paths, and you have the whole summer to consider choices for college. While it is great to start thinking things through now, I do not want you to look back to the end of your junior year and only remember how stressed you were. I know you have a lot on your plate, but do not forget to have a little bit of fun here and there. Love always,


4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District

3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.FHSForum.com

Editor-in-Chief Elyse Sanford

News Editor Cassie Sedler Scott Rader Editorials Editor Josh Christiansen Pates’ Post Editor Analisa Jeffries Entertainment Editor Kerilyn Kipp Maya White Center Spread Editor Julia Ingarao Sports Editor

Mitchell Coriell Web Editor Gabriella Greenhoward Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/ about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

The Forum

April 2016

Identifying the I.D. issue Identification badges are no longer prevalent, but should they be? By Joshua Christiansen Editorials Editor

A teacher walks up to you in the hallway and asks to see your I.D. Do you have it? If you are like me, you have not seen this little card in months. It may be surprising to some that there is actually a Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) Code of Conduct that states: “The badge must be in a student’s possession at all times during the course of the school year: it must be shown upon request by any school personnel.” So in the end, what is the purpose of a student I.D.? Why should we have them on our persons at all times, but never have the need to whip it out? After much research, debate, and discussion amongst students, faculty, and administrators, I believe I have found the answer. Or not. Originally, I was all for I.D.s because I thought it would promote safety practices by being able to identify students who did or did not belong in Freedom High School (FHS). However, according to a 2004 Federal Bureau of Investigation report, the majority of school violence is committed by students ages 13-18. So, the I.D. badge is not a magical force that will prevent any harm to students. In fact, an I.D. is useless in preventing disaster. Then, I changed my mind and my focus of this article. I still think I.D.s should be required because FHS is an educational institution, and every other institution requires the use of employee and student I.D.s.

Aha! That is it! Our I.D.s are meaningless. In fact, other Lehigh Valley schools, many of which are larger in population compared to FHS, like Easton High School (EHS), and Parkland High School (PHS), have an I.D. policy that is enforced. Students’ I.D.s are used for cafeteria and for the library, as well as for simple identification said Mrs. Crystal George, assistant principal at PHS. Parkland SD does not require its students to actually wear the I.D.s, but they are expected to have them on their persons at all times. The problem is that in large high schools like those being discussed, it is hard to monitor and discipline students for not having their I.D.s because large amounts of paperwork are a nuisance for everybody involved. In fact, there used to be a time when many students at FHS who were not wearing their I.D.s, were given temporary stickers, and over time, students incurred several infractions, which led to numerous detentions, suspensions, and ultimately expulsion. To remedy some of this, the FHS administration took a hard look at the policy and its consequences. Obviously, there was a cost associated with the temporary I.D.s. So, with budgets the way they are, FHS eliminated the stickers. Then, the infractions were considered overly punitive; thus, it was decided that students should just have them available. This decreased the workload of the disciplinary process. So, great. The issue still re-

BASD Student I.D. and Staff I.D. mains: why do we need a school I.D.? First, if you are planning to take the SATs at any time during high school, you need identification. Yes, you can use your driver’s license, but what about those who do not have one yet? Second, getting into a school dance is difficult without one of these cards. Also, you may be asked at a sporting event or a performing arts event to display your I.D. So you better put it back in your wallet. While there are many high schools that require students to have I.D.s, these pieces of paper with a picture on it will not really prevent any type of school violence, especially those situations that are caused by the students who belong there and hold an I.D. Although safety and identification are important reasons for the carrying of student I.D.s, the learning of a beneficial life skill is deemed just as crucial. “It’s good to train [students] at the high school level so when you go out into the work-

Photo: Joshua Christiansen

force, you already know that you have to use that [I.D.]. So it wouldn’t be a problem. I firmly believe that we should bring the ID’s back, that they should be worn instead of just carried. Everyone else in the building, all the adults do, so it should apply to the kids, too,” said Mrs. Elizabeth DeJesus, secretary to the assistant principals. Mrs. DeJesus makes a valid point. Are we not here to be educated? Are we not supposed to learn how to conduct ourselves in a mature and professional manner in order to emulate what the standard is for the next fifty years of our lives? In the end, I think the I.D.s are important, and the school district should find a way to make them more valuable, such as by utilizing them in the cafeteria and regularly at extracurricular activities.

Annual World Autism Day is just around the corner What can you do to raise awareness? By Madison Walther Journalism Student

Every year, Autism organizations around the world celebrate the day with fundraising and awareness-raising events. The eighth annual World Autism Awareness Day is April 2, 2016. Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with others, and in using language and abstract concepts, as per Google definition. Nearly a quarter century ago, the Autism Society launched a nationwide effort to promote autism awareness, including each person with ASD and providing opportunities to achieve the highest possible quality of life. This year, leaders want to go above and be-

yond simply promoting autism awareness to encouraging friends to become partners in movement toward acceptance and appreciation according to autism-society.org. There are opposing viewpoints regarding the “celebration” of autism. Some parents do not think their children’s diagnosis should be a focal point and recognized in public. While others are very supportive of the community recognizing that more needs to be done to bring awareness of autism to society as a whole. “Personally, I do not mind annual Autism Day. I believe that Autism Speaks promotes wearing blue on this day. I plan to attend a fundraiser this year. It is being held by the nonprofit Live, Learn, and Play. The proceeds are being

used to help fund some of its goals for GPS devices, first responder training, swim lessons, and awareness education in the community. To me, that seems like a wonderful way to celebrate World Autism Day,” said Mrs Wieand, English teacher and a parent of a child with Autism. When students with autism enter school, it presents unique opportunities and challenges for the children, their parents, and their teachers. Special education teachers are utilized to help students with autism realize success in the academic realm. “They all have different strengths and different needs,” said Mrs. Stephanie Safranek, special education teacher. “Personally, I love working with students with all types of disabilities.” In many schools, children

with autism and other students with disabilities are able to be in the least restrictive environments, which are also referred to as inclusion classes. This enables all students to have access to the same learning opportunities. The difference lies in the support, accommodations, and modifications that are utilized in order to assist students. The Freedom Forum is doing its job to raise awareness. Students in the Journalism course created a Vine which is being posted on social media via The Forum’s Twitter feed. There are many ways to get the word out about supporting National Autism Awareness Day to schools. The number one thing are donations; bake sales, dance marathons, or even a movie night can be utilized to raise funds for the cause.

April 2016

5 Editorials

The Forum

It all starts with Earth Day

The little things can go a long way By Shauna Smith Journalism Student

holiday, but is a public life. Some people like to celebrate Earth Day around March equinox. March equinox is the transition of new beginnings, such as Spring. John Connell founded the equinox earth day in 1978. This year 7.8 billion trees are expected to be planted. By planting these trees, it will fight climate change, clean the air, provide oxygen, and conserve energy. These are just a few of the benefits of planting new trees. It is coming close to the 50th anniversary, which means everyone is going to try even harder to spread awareness. Most places do recycle to

Saving the earth is so easy and it all starts with Earth Day. Earth Day is a day devoted to spread awareness and appreciate the earth's environment. Groups and organizations plant trees, pick up trash, recycle, and sign partitions. Earth day was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson and first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet, as well as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water and soil pollution. This particular day is not a public

help out because the little things matter when it comes to helping the earth. Freedom High School has a club called F.E.A.T, it stands for Freedom Environmental Awareness Team. The team helps out the school with recycling and spreads environmental awareness. “In F.E.A.T we recycle

around the school to keep the environment clean.” said Jason Legayada, Senior at FHS. “Recycling makes me feel better about saving the earth because the little things can make a difference with our environment.” said Trea Straker, Senior at FHS. This club continues to help out the environment and spread awareness to others that are not aware of the climate change. Another person that has spread awareness recently is Leonardo Dicaprio during his Oscars speech. He starred in a movie called “The Revenant”. “Climate change is real, and it’s happening right now, It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we

need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating,” said Leonardo Dicaprio. This is just another way that people are spreading awareness to help the earth and it all starts now. Earth Day can help build a bigger community to save our environment for generations to come.

Alcohol hates the month of April America celebrates alcohol awareness in April By Rachel Tavares Journalism Student

Many people in the United States, especially young adults, seem to be unaware of the dangers and effects the use of alcohol can have. Throughout April, alcoholism is brought up for the educational and awareness purpose. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) has encouraged communities to provide information about alcoholism, alcohol and recovery since 1987. “People suffer from alcoholism because it makes them feel happy and forget about their issues or problems in life, but it is only for the moment.” said Jacque Henriques, purchasing agent.

Marty Mann was the founder of the NCADD in 1944 and was once a hopeless alcoholic herself. She later became the National Council on Alcoholism in 1950. Her two policy decisions were for the NCADD to stay a credible agency and for them to change people’s perspective and understanding on alcoholism. This year’s theme is “Talk Early, Talk Often: Parents can Make a Difference in Teen Alcohol Use.” If you have not yet heard about this program running in April, this month can be a good time to start. You will be able to learn something you possibly have not, or find out something interesting that can be shared with someone else.

Local, state, and national happenings will be directed towards educating people about the prevention and treatments of alcoholism specifically surrounded with teenagers and young adults. Parents are also persuaded to share facts and tips to their kids about the dangers using alcohol can have before it gets too late. “Some of the patients go to the hospital from intoxication, then they go back to the streets. It is like a cycle,” said Puri Novoa, registered nurse. A Few Things To Know:

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heavy drinking for women is considered 8 drinks or more per week, and 15 for men. Binge drinking for women is 4 or more drinks

during one sitting and 5 or more for men. If you are under the age of 21 in the United States, you are not allowed to purchase or publicly process beverages containing alcohol. You should not drink when you are pregnant, it can cause many harmful problems to the child such as premature birth or the child not being fully developed. All states only allow family members to provide alcoholic beverages to a minor on private property. New Hampshire, California, and Minnesota are some of the states considering certain drinks to be legal for people at the age of 18. “The drinking age should stay at 21 or older, even though the reality is that people under 21 drink all the time,” said Henriques.

A minor holding alcoholic beverages. Photo: Rachel Taveres

If you or a loved one are suffering from alcoholism, alcohol abuse, or any related factors, consider April to be a new month to try and reach out for help. Counseling and rehabilitation centers are there to support and help you fight through alcohol addiction.

May Advanced Placement (AP) Test Schedule Week 1

Morning 8 a.m.

Afternoon 12 p.m.

Week 2

Morning 8 a.m.

Mon. 5/2 Chemistry Environmental Science


Mon. 5/9

Tues. 5/3 Computer Science A Spanish Language/Culture

Art History Physics 1 Algebra-Based

Tues. 5/10 United States Government/Politics French Language/Culture Spanish Language/Culture

Wed. 5/4 English Literature/ Composition

Japanese Language/Culture Physics 2—Algebra-Based

Wed. 5/11 English Language/Composition

Italian Language/Culture Macroeconomics

Thurs. 5/5 Calculus AB Calculus BC

Chinese Language/Culture Seminar

Thurs. 5/12 Comparative Government/Politics World History


Fri. 5/6

German Language/Culture United States History

European History

Fri. 5/13

Biology Music Theory

Afternoon 12 p.m.

Human Geography Microeconomics

Physics C: Mechanics

Afternoon 2 p.m. Physics C: Electricity/ Magnetism


Studio Art—last day for coordinators to submit digital portfolios (by 8 p.m. EDT) and to gather Design and Drawing students for physical portfolio assembly. Teachers should have forwarded students’ completed digital portfolios to Coordinator before this date.

Separating fact from fiction Being able to differentiate between true and false information about mental health can ensure the proper course of action when dealing with mental health issues at first-hand. For example, it is believed that people with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable. In truth, only about 3% - 5% of violent acts reported can be attributed to individuals living with a serious and often untreated mental illness. It has also been found that people with mental health disorders are 10 times more likely to be victims of violent crimes. This is all according to www.mentalhealth.gov. People also believe that they cannot do anything to help a person with a mental health disorders, but this is usually not the case. Family and friends can make a big impact on the life of

someone who has a mental health disorder when influencing a person to get the help they need. Only about 44% of adults and less than 20% of children today with mental health disorders get the treatment they need. The support of close family and friends can push a person to take the right steps into seeking out treatment. There are often stigma’s that surround self-harm as well. Physical illness is accepted more than self-harm because it is easier to comprehend. The general population understands what asthma is because they know there is a treatment for it. However, when it comes to self-harm cases, there is no single treatment or easy way to stop what is happening, making it complicated for the general population to understand.

In addition, people assume that those who self-harm have some sort of mental health issue but this is not always true. Self-harm affects 10% of adolescents. To put this into perspective, that would mean at least two people in every secondary classroom has selfharmed. The reality of it all is that selfharm is something that can affect anyone because self-harm doesn’t mean a person has a mental health disorder. Self-harm can be a gateway to stress relief from situations at home or in school. Similarly, a person could selfharm and still lead a normal and good life. Not everyone who has a mental health issue or self-harms is dangerous, depressed or even has had to deal with some traumatic event in their life. A person next door, a classmate, or even

a teacher that seems completely normal could be dealing with these issues. Separating the fact from the fiction when dealing with these problems personally or with other’s can help erase the stigma’s surrounding mental health disorders and self-harm. Editor’s Note: All of the information in this article is provided by www.mentalhealth.gov, www.psychologytoday.com, and www.mentalhealth.org.uk

Photo: www.clipartpals.com

Mental Health awareness at school Realizing that there’s more to do besides tell an adult By Julia Ingarao Center-Spread Editor

At Freedom High School, programs such as SAP (Student Assistance Program) and SADD (Student’s Against Destructive Decisions) aim to help students dealing with a variety of issues including depression and selfharm prevention. In most health classes, teacher’s cover units on the different types of mental health disorders. They explain what signs to look for and what the symptoms of many conditions are, but there is a lot of information not covered in school that students need to know. “The information from the textbooks is out of date, and it’s not really enough information. For instance, it gives you the signs of a suicidal person but it doesn’t tell you what to do after you tell an adult. The textbooks don’t cover self-harm very well either, they say it is a behavior that is indicative of suicide which it isn’t,” said Abigail Burnett, a senior who has personally dealt with self-harm. By definition, self-harm refers to hurting oneself to reduce emotional pain or distress. Today, many adolescents are dealing with stress at school, within their families, and also within their peer relationships.

Adolescent self-harm does not have a single cause and like substance abuse, it crosses all cultural and socioeconomic borders. The textbook explanations for helping someone who is dealing with self-harm are always the same, so try talking to a guidance counselor, talking to parents, and seeking professional help in order to get the information you need. But one thing helps above all else. “The biggest thing you can ever do is just be there for someone. You have to be willing to be direct. If you are worried about someone committing suicide or self-harming, then you have to be willing to just straight up ask them different questions. Are you a risk to yourself? Do you need help? What can I do? Most effective suicide and self-harm prevention strategies involve dealing with the immediate risk, the cause of the risk, and then the long term treatment. There is a focus right now around school where people say ‘Oh just go and get therapy,”’ but that’s actually not the best way to deal with an emergency situation, and people don’t realize that. So just being there and talking to one another and just asking someone how their day is and if they need to talk about anything helps,” said Burnett. When it comes to mental disorders, depression is at the top of the list.

There are roughly 20 million people who suffer from depression in the United States each year (dosomething.org) and some of those 20 million people are students at FHS today. “It’s often said that depression results from a chemical imbalance, but that figure of speech doesn’t capture how complex the disease is. Research suggests that depression doesn’t spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, depression has many possible causes, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events, medications, and medical problems. It’s believed that several of these forces interact to bring on depression.” (www.health.harvard.edu) In the school environment, depression can be triggered by anxiety from school work, grades, peer relationships, and the high school social environment. “There are often times when I feel an overwhelming sense of stress from classwork and teachers, and this affects me to the point where I don’t sleep properly, I can’t focus on other things I need to do, and eventually I become irritable towards others because I am just so stressed out,” said Krystal Honohan, sophomore. According to Mental Health

America, unrealistic academic, social and family relations can put pressures on teens. These pressures cannot only stress teens out, but also if gone untreated, it can lead to more serious issues like depression. “My father battled depression, and I have a strong chance of being susceptible to mood swings. In school, there are triggers that worsen my mood swings, and it makes it hard to focus,” said Dee Oquendo, sophomore. There are many treatments for depression including psychotherapy, medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and interpersonal therapy. But realizing that help is needed is the number one key towards recovery. If you or anyone you know is thinking about self-harm or suicide please call The National Suicide Hotline at 1-(800) 273-8255. There are also websites like www.7cups.com which offer online counseling and therapy services for people who want to reach out and speak to someone.

Photo: www.opm.gov

Sexual Assault Awareness Month How sexual abuse can affect anyone, even Ke$ha By Kiara Conaway

Incest National Network), each year there are about 293,000 documented victims of sexual assault. 44 percent of Sexual Assault Awareness month is victims are under the age of 18 and a time when people recognize the long 80% of victims are under age 30. term damage of sexual assault and try In recent news, pop idol Kesha has to contemplate ways to prevent sexual accused her producer, Dr.Luke, of violence from happening again. In abusing her. Ke$ha took him to court most cases, sexual assaults mostly oc- in order to be released from her concur on college campuses. tract she signed in 2005 with Sony, According to RAINN (Rape Abuse who has her signed on to record her next six albums with. Along with accusations of sexual assault, Ke$ha is claiming constant abuse from Dr. Luke, for which she blames her depression and other illnesses. Dr. Luke has denied any accusations against him, claiming that she fabricated her claims in order to get out of the contract. The court ruled in Luke’s favor, however, refusing to release Kesha from her contract. 35 of Ke$ha (center) after she heard she lost her case Ke$ha’s fans stood outside of against Dr. Luke (pictured in the corner bubble) Sony with petitions with 411,000

names signed demanding Ke$ha’s release from her contract. Along with fan support, she has also received sup- Celebrities, such as Ariana Grande took action on Twitter to show port from fellow their support for KeSha artists. Taylor Swift, a prominent pop artist, has publicly given her heart and try to figure out the truth. support along with donating funds to Not many people would lie about sexusupport her cause. al abuse or rape. It is a very serious Kesha’s claim of sexual abuse is be- accusation that is not taken lightly, so lieved to be false to some people. Due there is no reason whatsoever about to her reputation of being rebellious something to that magnitude. and taking numerous substances, peo- Taking action against sexual violence ple don’t find her statement to be cred- is one step towards eradicating sexual ible. However, there are a surplus of assault totally. abuse victims that take prescription drugs, but have the validity of their story discredited because of their addiction. Although it is important to keep in mind the credibility of the victim, it is also important to take what they said to

Facts about sexual assault Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity . This includes rape as well as unwanted inappropriate touching. Sexual assault also be called sexual abuse or sexual violence, and it is often forced and not agreed upon by both people involved. People of all ages and sexes can be assaulted, and this type of assault crosses all cultural and economic boarders. Sexual assault includes more than just rape. It can include any type of sexual contact with someone who cannot consent, such as someone who is underage or has an intellectual disability or drugged. It can be verbal or visual as well because it is anything that forces a person to join in on unwanted sexual contact or attention. Examples of this include sexual harassment or threats, forcing someone to pose for sexual pictures, sexual coercion, incest and much more. So what does consent mean in sexual assault? In these circumstances yes means that a person understands what is going on, they know what to

do and are able to say what they want to do and they are sober and not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In some cases a person may be unable to give consent if they are threatened, forced or manipulated into agreeing, they are younger than 16 or 18, or they are not mentally able to do to an illness or disability. The one thing to remember about consent is that it is an ongoing process and not just a one-time question. If a person consents to sexual activity and then changes their mind they have the right to stop what is going on. Also, past consent does not mean future consent and saying yes to a sexual activity is not saying yes to all sexual activities. Sexual assault is thought to occur when a stranger forces another person to do something they don’t want to do. Surprisingly, most often than not it is committed by someone the person knows including a friend, acquaintance, relative date or even a partner. Both men and women commit sexual assault but nearly 99% of all reported sexual assault cases are of men. About six in 10 of those are

Photo; www.educ.ubc.ca

Caucasian males and the majority of the sexual assault victims knew their attacker. Once someone has been sexually assaulted it is crucial that they call 911 whether they are in danger or need medical care. It is important to save anything that might have the attacker’s DNA on it. It is also important that a victim get's to a hospital as soon as possible because there may still be DNA on their body. Sexual assault victim’s should reach out for help no matter what the circumstances are because there is a possibility, if they know the person, that it may happen again. Lastly, the one thing asexual assault

victim should know is that it is never their fault. It can happen to anyone and there isn't a singular reason that it happens to them specifically. Just realizing what has happened, reporting it, and getting the help needed can ensure future safety not only for oneself but for other’s as well.

Editor’s Note: All of the information in this article is provided by www.rainn.org, www.cardv.org, www.american.edu, and www.womenshealth.gov

8 Pates’ Post

The Forum

April 2016

Musical student of the month Meeting Ryan Baylis a student who know how to hit those notes By Maya White Entertainment Editor

Ryan Bailis, junior, is not letting the fear of failure cause him any treble. Bailis plays the cello, a bass instrument in the violin family. His musical skill has led to his admittance to States, held by the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA), in Hershey, Pennsylvania in late March. “I auditioned in December to be part of the District 10 Orchestra, and in March I will

be attending States in Hershey,” said Bailis. There are about 106 acceptances into the District 10 Orchestra, all high school students from the region. Bailis is one of the few cellists that made the roster. He did not get this far on pure talent, however. He started to play the cello around the age of 4, even taking it to preschool for show and tell. “I am definitely fortunate to be able to be playing this long. I practice probably

about an hour and a half every night six out of the seven days of the week,” said Bailis. His motivation to play comes from his desire to express himself. One of Bailis’ favorite music genres is Classical, which many may shy away from in today’s culture. “Classical music is normally looked at as pretty boring, but you can really engage people with it. It’s kind of like a flashback from the past,” said Bailis.

Plucking out the tune to Les Miserables “Empty Chairs and Empty Tables,” Bailis’ talent for picking up music is obvious. In addition to the classics, Bailis enjoys playing current songs, like those featured on the radio. However, his love for music does not stop at just classic and modern pieces. “I do not have a favorite. I just like it all, it is all good stuff,” said Bailis.

Ryan Bailis Photo: Christmas City Studios

Dance for a cure for childhood cancer BASD MiniTHON is approaching the big culmination of the entire school year By Anna Cannavo Journalism Student

“Tomorrow’s Cure Begins Today” with BASD miniThon, a community of students working together to make a difference in children's lives. BASD miniThon is soon approaching coming up on April 30th, to complete the biggest event of the school year. THON is a community based experience that involves students in BASD to help raise money and give back to those families in need. THON uniquely collaborates with families in the district that have a child with cancer so they can focus on their child’s medical needs rather than seeing dollar signs flooding the back of their head. Shaun McNulty, sopho-

business aspect of corporate and publicity committees. A major part of THON is keeping it solely student based to grow independence and let the students be the true leaders of this Mini Thon motivational statistic shown next to countdown until Mini Dance-A-Thon Photo: Anna Cannavo cause. The school pep ralmore at Freedom High communities; it inspires us to to Four Diamonds which uses ly for THON is coming up on School, is on the business do great things,” said the money for research for April 5th and registration becommittee with THON and McNulty. suffering families with can- gins soon after that for April says that THON gives you the As an advisor of BASD cer. Multiple year long fund- 30ths end of year Dance-Aopportunity to learn business miniTHON, Mr. John Wallae- raisers, movie nights and car Thon! skills and life lessons and en- sa explains how THON is run washes all culminates on “THON means people workcourages all students to help and the great opportunity it April 30 with Dance-A- ing together for a common in any way possible. brings to students who are Thon,” said Mr. Wallaesa. goal. It means students be“THON to me means a sense directly involved or even the Being an advisor alongside coming leaders in their comof community. It gives a students who are only there with Mr. Bill Safranek, they munities, learning that life is sense of purpose for kids who for the one, big Dance-A- guide students to help them in bigger than your own situajust aren't able to do anything. Thon. their different committees, tion,” said Mr. Wallaesa. It makes us want to go to “Modeled after Penn State's anywhere from events and school and get involved in our Thon, the money raised goes food committee down to the

The fight of the brave and the innocents Remembering the uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto By Alaina Karcher Journalism Student

The European Holocaust; one of the most horrific examples of human brutality. Through the usage of brainwashing and systematic persecution, the Nazi regime murdered 6 million Jewish people. After the German invasion of Poland in 1939, over 2 million Polish Jews were inflicted with the Nazis cruelty, particularly in the city of Warsaw. In November 1940, over 75,000 Polish Jews were forced into the city’s newly establish ghetto (the largest in Poland) wearing a white armband with a blue Star of David. The original Jewish population stood at 375,000; however, the forced

movement caused 450,000 people to live in an area that consisted of only 1.3 square miles. In 1942, more than 10,000 Jewish Poles were sent to forced-labor camps while around 300,000 Polish Jews were deported or murdered in the Treblinka death camp. At death camps, Jews were sent directly to the gas chambers. Reports and rumors of the mass killings made its way into the ghetto, which sparked a creation of the organization Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Jewish Fighting Organization or Z.O.B.) led by 23year-old Mordechai Anielewicz. The Z.O.B., made up of about 200 members, urged the

inhabitants of the ghetto to take arms and issued a proclamation which called for the resistance to willingly boarding the cattle cars for deportation and “resettlement in the East.” In January 1943, after a successful show of resistance to the Nazis when they tried to liquidate the camp, all deportations were suspended. Orders were given for major effort in another attempt at liquidation. On April 19, 1943, 2,000 German soldiers, warned of a possibility of a fight, surrounded the ghetto armed with hand grenades, flamethrowers, guns, and ammunition only to find the streets to be deserted and empty. Over 700 hidden Jew-

ish resistance fighters waited for the signal to attack and ambush their persecutors. With pistols and homemade guns, they fought tirelessly for their freedom and for their lives. Using their tanks, the Nazis destroyed buildings within the ghetto, forcing fighters out into the open from their concealed positions. Anielewicz was killed in the Z.O.B. command post on May 8 when it was eradicated. Just 8 days later, on May 16, the uprising ended with 7,000 Polish Jews dead and 50,000 sent to extermination or labor camps. Although the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto failed against the Nazis, they left a large impact in the line of resistance. Seen as the largest, most important

Jewish uprising in Nazioccupied Europe, the opposition in Warsaw was an inspiration for other uprisings in ghettos and death camps. Four days after the rebellion’s start, Mordechai Anielewicz wrote to a friend who lived outside of the ghetto. In the letter, he asked for more supplies and gave a description of what he had seen. It is his final words that leave a haunting mark on a sheet of paper; “The dream of my life has risen to become fact. Selfdefense in the ghetto will have been a reality. Jewish armed resistance and revenge are facts. I have been a witness to the magnificent, heroic fighting of Jewish men in battle.”

April 2016

9 Pates’ Post

The Forum

A night to remember in Paris What prom goers can be expecting from prom 2016 By Bryce Kollar The Freedom Forum The lights are dimmed, the music booming to a scattering high, and the socialistic pleasure of friends all around everyone makes people want to go to prom. If you are a junior or senior at Freedom High School you are probably wondering to yourself, what makes prom 2016 any different or even more memorable than the last? Prom is an overly formal event; long elegant dresses for woman and a black suit with a black tie for men are to be expected as attire. It is a social evening where friends or couples pleasantly converse and dance the night away. This year’s junior and senior prom for Freedom is being held at DeSales University in the Billera hall on May 7, where it has been held for the past several years now. The times for prom are not finalized yet by student council, but we wishfully hope the hours are convenient enough for student drivers and dropoff/pick-up at the hours they choose. Although it may be a high asking price for prom, the fee is fifty dollars for a

queen and watch them be announced to their glory at prom and after watch as the lights go out once again and the night become more memorable than any before. “Prom is a time to let loose and have fun with friends, but do it responsibly,” Alex Pantaleo, junior class president stated after a recent interview in the Prom dresses at the Palmer Park Mall beginning of the month Photo: Bryce Kollar of March. Make sure to follow the single admission, but student council members this year. student dress code and not council is still figuring out They are working hard to fi- wear anything too inappropripricing in goals that it is in nalize the overall menu of ate. Although it becomes reasonable asking. food choice, but hopes to more lenient, it is still in efThe theme is highlighted as stick with prom 2016’s Paris fect. That being said, be cau“A Night in Paris,” with the inspired theme. One theme tious of the clothing you color scheme being a mix be- being a crepe bar, which in wear. tween sunset colors such as hopes to end the night in “ooh Prom 2016 is to make lastoranges, yellows, and pinks, la la.” ing memories for years to but colliding with more mood A new DJ is making their come and a night that will be setting purples, silvers, and appearance this year as well the talk of Freedom for weeks blacks. This will spark the with new interactive features after. Make good decisions interest of many couples into and the music is all up to and enjoy your night as you a romantic evening, but that prom goers. With twitter, stu- walk into a whole new world does not mean you cannot dents can request a song to that you will not get anytake your best friend and en- hopefully have it played where else. joy yourself amidst the Eiffel throughout the night. You can Tower and glimmering lights. dance the night away with There are lots of new ideas your music, your way. being brought in by student Vote for your king and

Cheering for a cause The Student Council committee is taking in charge in who runs the Riot Squad By Juliana Maffea The Freedom Forum

The Freedom High School (FHS) Riot Squad has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Most high schools have their own cheering section where people can be included to support their school’s teams. Being in the student section means that no one is excluded, or so people thought. “Nobody should feel bullied at all,” said Mr. Michael Cleffi, student council advisor and health and physical education teacher. The Riot Squad has slowly been declining in support. The only games that they have been showing up to are the football games, and they are rarely seen at any other sport games. A lot of the problems revolve around the idea of football being the most popular sport at FHS. “We compare the riot squad during basketball and the riot squad during football,” said Mr. Michael LaPorta, principal of FHS. In order to make next year’s Riot Squad better, the Student Council will be advising inter-

views that will be held to find there is an application they new leaders. This way it as- can fill out, then they will sures that the leader is doing have to sit in front of a panel this for the right reasons and and be interviewed,” said not for a popularity vote. Mrs. Deanna Webb, student “It is all based upon level of council advisor and special commitment, doing it for the education teacher. right reasons, and how much Some of the juniors may not do you know about the partic- like the idea of their chance ular sport,” said Mr. Laporta. being taken away, but it is The way that the new leader- not. Now, better candidates ship will work is the kids who can sign up to be in charge, want to be involved in the and they are not looking for Riot Squad can fill out a just one leader. worksheet and write a small “If the current juniors are speech. The ideas will be concerned about their toes brought up during the class being stepped on, I would just assemblies, which will give ask this question: Where were more information to students. you during basketball seaNot only the potential leader son,” said Mr. LaPorta. have to fill out a paper, but he Many people from outside of or she will also be interviewed by teachers. “I believe the way this is going to work is we are going to announce it at the class FHS Riot Squad cheering on for their football team. meeting, Photo: @FHSRiotSquad on Twitter

Bethlehem would come to see not only our players, but Freedom’s Riot Squad as well. When the student section is making the game fun for everyone, more people will show up. Slowly the Riot Squad has turned into something that only the captains go to. “I think the student leaders were always just handed down, and sometimes that becomes a pure popularity contest,” said Mrs. Webb. The Riot Squad represents FHS, it is there to show the support from students and to show other schools that they cannot mess with Freedom. To be accurately represented, the student section must show our support by cheering for the team and by having choreographed dances. As a school, it is important to come together to make this high school experience the best. “Some of the things that we talked about were specific to the synchronization of how do you do your cheers, knowing the pace of the game, where is the game right now, and are the cheers appropriate,” said Mr. LaPorta.

Upcoming Events: 4/30 BASD MiniTHON



5/20 Senior Skip Day

5/16-5/27 Keystone Testing

10 Entertainment

The Forum

April 2016

You “Need” to read this book Review of “Need” by Carrie Jones By Bridalia Tatlow The Freedom Forum

If you have ever been in love with a book about Vampires, you may consider switching to pixies. Carrie Jones brings a new perspective on a fictional creature, the pixie. They are human-sized and shaped, and can even disguise themselves to look like humans with a spell, called “glimmer”. However when they are not disguised, they have a deep blue skin with silver eyes and incredibly sharp teeth… used

for attacking. “Need” follows a teenage girl, Zara, who is sent to live with her grandmother after her father died. The plot picks up as boys start to disappear and Zara keeps on hearing a mysterious voice calling her into the woods. Zara and her friends Issie, Devyn, and Nick seek to find the answer to these peculiar happenings. They soon discover the pixies, but also come across a creature of far more danger.. These creatures are known

as the “Weres,” people who can shapeshift into a specific animal, such as a tiger or bear. Zara soon learns why all these events are taking place around her. It does not take her long to discover that she has a secret of her own... Many people relate it to “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer. Some readers felt it was too similar, but others felt it was just right. On Goodreads.com, the book has a 4-star rating. An online review on this website by user “Keely” states, “I knew there was going to be trouble when I started getting Twilight flashbacks in chapter one.”

However, another reviewer, “Kristi,” wrote “When I first read the synopsis for the book, I was instantly intrigued. It sounded like something right down my alley and it ended up being much more than I anticipated.” While this book may be said to have your typical fantasy plot it will definitely keep you entranced and feeling like a part of the action. This book may not be for everybody, but if you loved “Twilight,” “Need” is definitely a way to keep you from reading it for the 5th time in a row.

Photo: Bridalia Tatlow

Getting fit for the summer months Tips on hitting the gym to get into shape for the warmer weather By Bryana Straker Journalism Student

Everyone’s New Year’s resolution is to workout and get into shape for summer, however, few usually follow through with it. Now that summer is approaching looking good and feeling confident in your swimsuit is something everyone dreams of. “Going to the gym is beneficial to your life because it keeps you in shape and helps you stay healthy,” said Maizy Yasso, freshman. “I would suggest starting out with light and easy workouts and working up to harder more intense workouts to get your body used to it,” said Yasso. Working out is most definitely not the easiest thing to do, especially if it is some-

cause of vacation, hanging out with friends and family, and just having fun. Try your best to get into a routine of working out at the same time everyday.

Working out in the morning is more convenient on your part so you can have the rest of the day to do whatever. In order to get a daily plan started, do some research and find a gym that Using the gym is a great way to get fit for the swimsuit season Photo: Creative Commons, Wikimedia sounds friendly and one you think you thing you have never done vated. “Working out is key would really enjoy. Apply for before, but it is not impossi- when it comes to a sport. If a membership at that gym If ble. To make things a little you do not put in hard work, this is not something possible easier and get you started, the outcome in your season then you can always workout find a workout buddy. Wheth- will not be as you would want at home, outside, or even in er it be a friend, boyfriend or it to be,” said Yasso. the pool. girlfriend, or family member. Getting to the gym in the If you are working out outThis will help keep you moti- summer can be difficult be- side, be sure to wear light and

loose colored clothing to reflect the heat and the sun. However, make sure you wear sunscreen and stay hydrated. “I prefer working out when it is cooler. Getting overheated or dehydrated is likely to happen while working out in the hot weather,” said Yasso. The hottest time of the day is between 10a.m. and 3 p.m., so if you are looking to be in cooler weather when exercising it would be best to workout any time before or after those hours. You can set goals that you want to achieve, but do not make them so overly ambitious that they are unachievable Once you reach a goal, you can reward yourself. Working out does not always have to be necessarily about looks, but rather feeling good and helping your body stay healthy so you can always display the best you possible.

“High School Musical 4: East Meets West” The next installment of the High School Musical series By Emily Shingara Journalism Student

Get ready Wildcats, Disney Channel has officially announced its nation-wide casting search for “High School Musical 4.” The Disney Channel original movie series concluded in 2008, but is back after bidding farewell to the original cast. The new addition to the High School Musical series will once again take place at East High and follow the Wildcats, this time including their cross-town school rivals, the West High Knights. Although the setting is the same, there will be a new director and choreographer, Jef-

frey Hornaday, who worked on both of the Disney Teen Beach movies. Sadly, the old cast will not return as main characters, but could possibly appear for cameos in the new musical. The search is on for actors to fill the roles of 5 new leads in HSM4. Starting off, there is the only girl on the boys’ football team named Erin. She has a crush on Derek, the local bad boy on the football team who is secretly a talented dancer.

royal, also on the cheerleading squad. She will attempt to save her social status in HSM4. The Troy Bolton of the new generation is named Campbell, soccer captain and theatre geek, who has the hots for Erin. Campbell is said to be a cousin Photo: Creative Commons, Wikimedia of Ryan and Sharpay Evans, where hopefully either Derek appears very tough, cousin will make an appearhowever beneath the surface ance in the new movie. conducts a dance class for “High School Musical is part little girls. Erin’s best friend of Disney Channel’s DNA. It Natalie, who is a spunky embodies all that we stand cheerleader of East High. for. As a way of continuing to Tamara is the fallen school embrace that heritage, we are

Photo: Creative Commons, Wikimedia

excited to announce ‘the start of something new’ as we launch a search for a new class of East High Wildcats to star in a fourth installment of the High School Musical franchise,” said Disney Channel President Gary Marsh.

April 2016

The Forum

11 Entertainment

Tribeca Film Festival takes on its 15th year The film festival’s history and what the festival has to offer By Samantha Carl Journalism Student

If you are a movie fanatic who also loves the city, attending the Tribeca Film Festival should definitely be on your bucket list! Taking place in Tribeca, New York from April 13 through the 24, this festival allows aspiring directors and filmmakers to show off their independent films. “I think the film festival is important. It brings awareness to films with important messages,” Ali Gaugler, freshman at George Washington University. Nicole Bartelme thought of this idea in 2000, but turned the rights over to Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff in 2002. After

The Tribeca Film Festival logo

the tragedy of September 11, 2001, De Niro, Rosenthal and Hatkoff came to a consensus that New York needed something to bring joy and creativity to the atmosphere, which is exactly what this festival has done since 2002. “At least for me, I thought it

Photo: Creative Commons, Wikipedia

was a one time event that we were going to do. We signed a long-term deal with sponsors and here we are. It has been great for the city,” Jane Rosenthal. The festival maintains low viewing prices to keep audiences attracted to the festival.

Prices range for single movie showings, $10 for matinee and $20 for any showings after 6 p.m., including weekends. If film is your passion, the festival offers packaged prices as well. If you are sixteen to eighteen years old, you are in luck as you may have the opportunity to go behind the scenes of this festival for free! Every year, teenagers of this age range have the opportunity to submit their own films. Out of the thousands that submit their work, twenty are chosen to go through workshops with legitimate filmmakers. Teens are applicable to receive mentorship from various directors and gain insight on the media world. Out of these twenty

teens, it is also possible for four out of twenty to win $2,500 worth of Youth Achievement Awards. If you're unable to attend the annual festival itself, do not worry, there are seasonal programs offered by the festival every year and the opportunity to receive mentorship is still available. The Tribeca Film Festival overall is a great opportunity to assist in making young filmmakers’ dreams become realities. With their fifteenth anniversary occurring this year, take a bus ride to New York and take in the scenery, you may just find a new interest!

And the award goes to: 2016 MTV Movie Awards A preview of this year’s upcoming awards By Hayley Guzzo The Freedom Forum

After another very successful year in the movie industry, the time has come to see who is the best of the best. The MTV Movie Awards are right around the corner, and movie lovers are eagerly awaiting the results to see if their favorite film and film stars will be taking home an award. On April 10, 2016 some of the most famous actors and actresses will be taking center stage on what should be an incredible night for the film industry. The MTV Movie Awards will premiere on MTV at 8 p.m. EST. The award nominations vary from Movie of the Year to Best Kiss. “I will most likely vote this year and I think ‘Deadpool’ will win ‘Movie of the

Year,’” said Aliyah Major, sophomore. This year’s hosts will be comedian Kevin Hart and actor Dwayne Johnson. Last year, the host was Amy Schumer. This year, she is nominated for Breakthrough Performance and Best Comedic Performance for her starring role in the 2015 film “Trainwreck.” Dwayne Johnson, who will be a host this year, is also nominated for Best Action Performance and Best Hero for his role in director Brad Peyton’s movie, “San Andreas.” This year’s MTV Movie Awards are sure to be entertaining. Films like “Deadpool” and “Star Wars: the Force Awakens” are up for some big awards including Movie of the Year. Other films like “Pitch Perfect 2”

and “Fast and Furious 7” are nominated for Ensemble Cast. All of the films differ this year compared to last year’s award show that handed out many awards to “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1.” For some people who vote every year, it might be hard to choose just one of their favorite movies, as there are so many amazing films nominated this year. There are many people that vote every single year, but there are also some who simply like to be surprised with the winner. Others are also just waiting to vote for their favorite movie. Again, the popular public opinion seems to be in favor of "Deadpool,” so we will see what happens. “I would vote for ‘Deadpool’ because that is one of my favorite movies,” said Major. Films from this year with

multiple nominations include “Trainwreck,” “Straight Outta Compton,” and “Fifty Shades of Grey.” According to goldderby.com, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has a 90 percent chance at winning Movie of the Year. As well as Movie of the Year, according to goldderby.com, “Deadpool” also has a 90 percent chance of winning best Comedic Performance and best Action Performance. The films that have been nominated for Best True Story include “Straight Outta Compton,” “The Revenant,” “Joy,” “The Big Short,” “Concussion,” and “Steve Jobs.” Famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio won his first-ever Oscar back in February for his

Photo: Creative Commons, Wikimedia

recent movie “The Revenant,” which is nominated this year for Best True Story, and DiCaprio is also nominated for Best Male Performance. The documentary “Amy” which follows the life, career, and death of singer Amy Winehouse is nominated for Best Documentary. It should be tough for voters and movie-lovers alike this time around.

12 Sports

The Forum

April 2016

Time to take a swing into spring Narrowing in on the FHS softball and baseball teams By Roland Cash The Freedom Forum

In the 2015 season, the Freedom softball team had a tremendous season by going 12-5 in the league conference. Coach Nora Borger (4th year coaching) is looking to have an even better season. Key players can help the team go to a potential league/district championship: Lexie Szaro, senior; Shayla Peterson, senior; Hunter Schantz, senior; Kylee Schwind, senior; The FHS softball team poses for a selfie Photo: @FH_Softball Brenda Reninga, senior; Cozette Smith, senior; and Julia Roman, sophomore. Although being the youngster on the team, Roman is still ready to take on the season. Losing seniors last year in the out field due to graduation, the team is looking to have Roman re-fill one of those positions and make a name for herself. Roman’s goal this season is to have an huge impact on the team and help the team reach Photo: Christmas City Studios their goals. Only being a The FHS baseball team sophomore, her action and her style of play helps her bang by winning a district “I want to have a great last becoming a leader on the title. By being a captain, Sza- season and go far in districts,” team. ro makes an impact on the said Szaro. “My goal this season is to underclassmen and new playHer 4th year starting on help my team whenever,” ers coming in by her work varsity, Brenda Reninga is said Roman. ethics on and off the field. well prepared for the season. Now a senior and one of the Her goal as a player is to be- Her plan for this season is to captains along with Hunter come a better player and also start centerfield and be a Schantz, Lexie Szaro wants to help her team when they need leadoff batter. Also, she finish her last season with a her. wants to help take charge and

give the team all she can. Reninga’s personality and her skills are going to help her become a better player. “I feel like we can go all the way,” said Reninga. Having a lot of seniors on the team, the softball team can be really dominant this season. Having a lot of hard work during the off season and staying focused, the team is going to be top on this list. Freedom baseball had a decent season by 11-6 in the league last season. Currently in his 10th year of coaching, Nick D’Amico has talented kids on the team who can get the job done this season by winning a district championship. Key returners: John Yocum, senior; Connor Morro, senior; Jared Dancsecs, senior; Mario McIntyre, senior; Evan Callahan, junior; Jake Perto, junior; Thomas Bonilla, junior; Alex Thomas, senior; and Jose Rivera, senior. Being one of the top players on the team, John Yocum is looking forward to having an impressive season this year. Last year, Yocum finished with 15 runs and had 11 extra -base, including 5 home runs. Yocum was nominated for Lehigh Valley Live’s AllArea second team last year, and had the potential and skills to make first team. After his high school career, Yocum will be heading to Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) to continue his academic and athletic career.

“I want to be a leader and help my team go far in district,” said Yocum. As a senior, Jared Dancsecs is looking to step up this year and hope to be a big impact for the team. Dancsecs’ goal is to become a better player at his position and also to become like a second coach, so he can help his teammates out. Also, his ultimate goal for the team is to win a league and district title. “I want to win a district title for my last year,” said Dancsecs. Another player who has the opportunity to become a impact player, Connor Morro is ready for any challenge this year. Morro has a lot of goals this year that make him a better player. One of his goals is to make first team all-star for the conference and hopefully all-area. Also, beating some rival teams like Liberty, Parkland, and Easton. “I want everyone on the team to be at least first team,” said Morro. Having a lot of talent on the team, Freedom Baseball is going to come and show out this year. Also with a veteran head coach, the team has a lot potential to be league or district champions.

Running into the Boston Marathon What will it look like this year? By Chris Rodgers Journalism Student

It is almost that time of year for the Boston Marathon to come again. This year, the marathon will take place on Mon., April 18. The race takes place on Patriot day and this will be the one hundred and twentieth year the race will be held. There will be about 30,000 runners participating in the race this year. There are 38 elite runners from 12 different countries that have been invited by the race's main sponsor, John Hancock Financial. This year, the top male runner is Geoffrey Mutai and the top female runner is Tiki Gelena. The race course, like always, will be going through many beautiful streets and landmarks. These including the “Scream Tunnel” at Welles-

ley College. The “Scream Tunnel” is a quarter mile long and this is where many students from the college go and cheer on the runners. The tunnel is located at the halfway mark of the race. This race is very unique too because of the 500,000 spectators that watch. “I would like to be cheered on by all those people” said Steven Runners participating in the Boston Marathon Krents, freshman. They are many traditions at 11:05 am. When the game that take place on the day of is done, many of the fans go the marathon. For example, and cheer on the runners at the Red Sox play a home Kenmore Square. There are game at Fenway Park starting also other traditions like many

do not pay the entrance fee, run, and even finish the race. They are one of the only major marathons that allow this. The Boston marathon has many happy memories, but also has some sad and terrible memories to go along with them. Unfortunately, the majority of positive memories is plagued with the memory of the bombing that took place in 2013. There was many scared people the next year that still raced bePhoto: Wikimedia cause they wanted the happy memories of the runners choosing to back. Now they finally do. wear costumes as they com- “I would like to run in the plete the course. The Boston Boston Marathon even after Marathon is very unique in what happened in 2013,” said letting “bandits” runners who Krents.

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