April 2019

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April 2019

Volume 52, Issue 5

The Freedom High School Jazz Band performs at SteelStacks in February 2019.

Photo: Mr. Andrew Lynn

Ticking off Lyme Disease

Lyme disease awareness month Sarah Healy The Freedom Forum

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Lyme Disease, a bacterial infection spread by the bite of nymphal deer ticks, is the most common insect-borne disease in the U.S. At this stage, the ticks are the size of a period at the end of a sentence. The scientific name for Lyme Disease is Borrelia Burgdorferi, which has over 300 strains. Lyme can affect any system of the body. Neurological problems are the most

Lyme Disease is commonly caused by ticks like these. Photo: Wikimedia

common effect, along with musculoskeletal, cardiac/pulmonary, and reproductive issues. “When I had [Lyme Disease], I felt tired all the time,” said Sophia Szvetecz, freshman. The most typical sign of Lyme Disease is a bull’s-eye rash, however this isn’t always the only sign. The person infected could show flu-like symptoms. The symptoms may come and go in varying degrees. “When I was first had it, I could never concentrate. It was hard to focus,” said Sophia Szvetecz, freshman. Common misdiagnoses are fibromyalgia, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. In children, common misdiagnoses are ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, dyslexia, autism, and depression. It’s very important to create an inhospitable environment for ticks. Ticks need moisture to live, so increasing sunlight exposure to a yard and moving play equipment into the sun can help prevent ticks. Other ways to prevent Lyme disease are to

avoid sitting or kneeling on the ground, walking on deer trails, and walking in the woods. DEET and Permethrin are tick sprays that can be used to prevent bites. After being outside, check hairline and where clothes fit tight for ticks. If a tick is found, use clean tweezers or a tick removal tool to remove it. When removing the tick, grasp it close to skin and slowly pull upward until the tick releases. It’s important to never use anything that could irritate the tick like: alcohol, Vaseline, etc. This may trigger injections of salivary fluids and disease-causing microbes. Unfortunately, it’s very hard to diagnose this disease. The common ELISA test one can receive at the doctor’s office misses up to 50% of culture proven Lyme Disease. ELISA stands for Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test. This test is used to diagnose Lyme disease by detecting the antibodies of Borrelia Burgdorferi. Since it’s very difficult to determine if a person has Lyme Disease or not, it’s important to send test results to

Tick bites can be prevented by using a variety of sprays and insect repellants. Photo: Sarah Healy

the right facilities. Igenex, for example, is a reference laboratory specializing in state-of-the-art clinical and research testing for Lyme Disease and Associated Tick-borne Diseases. This is the best place to send your Lyme Disease tests to figure out if you have the disease. With warm weather returning, be safe this summer by taking preventative measures against ticks and Lyme Disease.

World Wide Web’s 30th anniversary

Rader’s Rant reaches its conclusion

Dear Riley: Prom edition

Spring sports analysis

A warning from founder Tim Berners-Lee

Gabrielle’s final rant recaps senior year

Advice upperclassmen should consider this spring

Will any FHS teams take home a District XI title?

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.FHSForum.com - @FHSForum

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2 News

April 2019

The Forum

Students start standardized testing FHS students prepare to take the SAT and the ACT Isabella Scipioni News Editor

With the school year coming to an end, rising juniors and seniors who plan on attending college are starting to take or preparing to take standardized college admissions exams. Almost every college requires that students take either the SAT or the ACT in order to be admitted. Students usually begin taking the tests during their junior year and finish by the fall of their senior year. The exams are both about three to four hours long and can be taken multiple times. “I took the SAT this March and plan on taking it two more times,” said Vaidehi Chinnawar, junior. The tests are very similar, and most colleges will accept either. The SAT has a reading, writing, math with no calculator, and math with a calculator section; the ACT has a reading, writing, math, and science-based

Isaiah Brabham & Anna Isbell Journalism Students

What was your favorite memory of this school year?

“Eating donuts with Mr. Baltz, the head of the science department. ” Nikunj Singh Senior

“Winning districts for tennis.” Vaidehi Chinnawar Junior

“Having an awesome photo shoot with my friend Abby.” Hope Dunfee Sophomore

reading section. The SAT is scored on a scale of 400-1600 and the ACT is scored on a scale of 1-36. Both tests also include an optional essay section, which only some schools will require. If a student is unaware if their favorite colleges require the essay section, it is best for them to take it. “I recently took the SAT with the essay, and I plan on taking the ACT in the future,” said Lauren Woolley, junior. While some students find preparing for either test unnecessary, there are many tools they can use to study. Students can find inexpensive test prep books or enroll in test prep courses. For the SAT, students can also use Khan Academy to practice for free. The College Board, which administers the SAT, and the ACT also provide free practice tests online. No matter which test students will be taking, college board recommends they should take at least one practice

test to prepare. “The SAT was extremely long. It was really hard to focus,” said Woolley. The tests are available year-round. The SAT is offered in August, October, November, December, March, May, and June, and the ACT is offered in September, October, December, February, April, June, and July. The test is not offered at Freedom High School, so most FHS students take the test on a Saturday at either Liberty High School or Easton Area High School. More information on test registration, dates, and how to prepare for the test can be found on the College Board and ACT websites. “Make sure you take practice tests, look over questions you got wrong, and study Algebra,” said Woolley. It’s never too early to start preparing. Students who are planning to go to college should start researching the average standardized test scores of their favorite colleges for an idea of

Standardized tests like the SAT and ACT consist of many multiple choice questions. Photo: Wikimedia

what score they’ll need for a better chance of getting accepted. Standardized test scores are, however, just one factor in the college admissions process, so a specific score is not a guarantee of being accepted or denied. “You should start preparing over the summer and take them in the fall so you can have as many attempts as possible,” said Chinnawar.

World Wide Web turns 30 WWW founder shares important warning on anniversary Dymea Schippers Entertainment Editor

breakthrough invention, Berners-Lee wrote about the consequences of the Thirty years ago on March 11, 1989, growing division that his innovation Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer has ignited. programmer working for the European “Of course with every new feature, Organization of Nuclear Research, every new website, the divide between also known as CERN, or the European those who are online and those who Particle Physics Laboratory at the are not increases, making it all the time, sent in a proposal for an more imperative to make the web information management system. That available for everyone,” said Bernersproposal was one of the first blueprints Lee. of what would become the World Berners-Lee’s warnings also Wide Web, one of the most advanced contribute to growing concerns about information systems in the history of the state of the internet worldwide, the technology. influential enterprises that currently Although Berners-Lee is proud of his control user attention, and the prospect remarkable invention, on its 30th that the open and equitable internet anniversary, he shared a warning about that facilitated the growth of those the “sources of dysfunction” the web companies is in peril. faces and how “the fight for the web is The web’s originator now manages one of the most important causes of the World Wide Web Consortium, or our time.” W3C, which aims to aid development In an open letter published to for various standards and guidelines commemorate the anniversary of the for the operation and performance of the web. Through his foundation, he launched the “Contract for the Web” campaign in order to establish clear and understandable norms, regulations, and standards that sustain the web. Berners-Lee made the announcement of his efforts at the Web Summit technology conference in Lisbon, Portugal back in 2018. The French government and more than 50 companies, including Facebook and Tim Berners-Lee sits at a computer. Google, have signed the contract, Photo: Wikimedia which is set to be issued in May.

“It goes to show you just how influential and powerful technology really is in today’s society. Especially for younger generations like ours, we can oftentimes be dependent on the web,” said Nicole Rodriguez, junior. Today, the internet and the web are terms used interchangeably, but their functions are totally different. The web is a widely used system able to access the internet, which is a network of computer networks that make it feasible for computers and various electronic devices to communicate with each other. Although most people tend to think of this communication as a priceless resource, Berners-Lee claims it is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can be utilized to give marginalized groups a voice, but it also creates opportunities for users to spread hatred, and make all types of crimes and misdemeanors easier to commit. “In some ways the web has turned into a playground where bullies who abuse it roam, and other users like myself who use it for simple everyday tasks. The web has inserted itself into almost every aspect of my life including my pastime and school life,” said Sammantha Moschonas, junior. Despite these disadvantages including data privacy, misinformation, and the role of social media in a democracy, Berners-Lee remains optimistic and has a positive outlook on the future of the web; he hopes that it will continue to be modified for humanity’s benefit.

“Getting a chance to leave French class.”

“When my student Isaiah Brabham freestyled for the class.”

Themal Dissanayaka Freshman

Mr. Kleist English Teacher

The Forum

April 2019

3 News

Are students working hard or hardly working? Students with jobs earn money and life skills Isabella Scipioni News Editor

Many high school students consider getting after-school or summer jobs to save up for college or just to have spending money. Minors in Pennsylvania must be 14 to work; however, many establishments only hire employees 16 and older. If students are under 18, they will also need a working permit, which can be found at Freedom High School’s guidance office. “I work at Captured LV Escape Room for about 15 hours per week,” said Angel D’Andria, junior. One concern students have with getting a job is how many hours it will it take up, especially during the school year. Most workplaces are accommodating to students’ busy schedules and can help them fill hours around them. “A month before the schedule goes

up, they ask us our available hours, which is really helpful,” said D’Andria. While working does take up students’ free time, some studies have concluded that doing so is beneficial. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, students who work a moderate amount of hours every week tend to have higher GPAs than students who don’t work at all. Having a job in high school also teaches students necessary skills for entering the workforce, including time management, responsibility, and how the job application process works. “You learn a lot of lessons from being employed, like how to manage your time and market yourself,” said D’Andria. Students can also learn more about the field they work in and possibly find a potential career path for the future. Having a job can help students explore areas of interest and gain

education in those areas. “I love that I get to bring theatrical elements into my job, because I love musical theater,” said D’Andria. Most importantly, working in high school can help students save money for college or other future plans. While many would like to have some money to spend during high school, most students have Students should apply for as many jobs as jobs to save up for college, when they’re interested in online and in person. students won’t necessarily have time to balance school and work. Photo: Pixabay Some students are unsure of how to find jobs. Working students necessary skills for entering the recommend looking for job openings workforce, become more independent, online on websites like Indeed and and save money for college. Most Snagajob, in person, and by asking would agree that if students have time others. for a job, they should definitely “It’s important to look locally, not consider finding a job. just online, but to physically go into “I think having a job is helpful, businesses and apply to as many jobs especially at this age. It teaches you a as you’re interested in,” said lot and teaches you about industry,” D’Andria. said D’Andria. Working students can learn

Fixing up the earth one person at a time The history of April’s forgotten holiday Gabriella Barndt The Freedom Forum

Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 during the Environmental As some people say, April showers Movement, and it has been bring May flowers. But few people recognized on every April 22 ever remember that April also brings Earth since. Before Earth Day, issues like air pollution were very common. Day. Now, many people are aware of such environmental issues, and they are willing to fix them. Although Earth Day has been observed for almost five decades and environmental conditions have slightly improved, there are lots of issues that still need to be addressed. One of the biggest environmental concerns today is climate change. Climate change refers to the Earth Day T-shirt increasing average global temperature. While climate change Photo: Gabriella Barndt

remains a hot political topic, the excess use of fossil fuels by humans releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This of course is not good. “Climate change is happening because humans are adding more greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere than nature can cycle out. There are so many ways that we use fossil fuels and we don't even realize that we are doing it,” said Mr. Eric Baltz, science teacher and the department chair of Freedom High School’s science department. When burning fossil fuels, carbon combines with oxygen to create the carbon dioxide that pollutes the air. “Carbon dioxide is a major factor. As we add more carbon dioxide to the

atmosphere, the overall temperature of the Earth increases. This causes ice caps to melt, more coastal flooding, increased stress on living things, and stronger storms,” said Mr. Baltz. Earth Day is the perfect day to start addressing these important issues. Students can help fixing these the issue are by turning the lights off when they aren’t needed, turning down the heat when no one is home, recycling, and attempting to reduce all other carbon emissions and fossil fuel usage. In addition, students can join the Freedom Environmental Awareness Team, or FEAT to help make a difference in their school community.

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue

The Forum

Opinion: Dreamers stay, build the wall A deal that stifles both parties is the best way forward Carson Swick Co-Editor-in-Chief

Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.FHSForum.com

Editors-in-Chief Gabrielle Rader Carson Swick News Editor Isabella Scipioni Editorial Editor Carson Swick Pates’ Post Editor

DACA supporters protest the Trump Administration’s promise to repeal the act.

Riley Sweitzer Entertainment Editor Dymea Schippers Center Spread Editor Gabrielle Rader Sports Editor Derek Bast Web Editors Gabrielle Rader Riley Sweitzer Advisor Mrs. Karla Erdman Principal

Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com

April 2019

Photo: Wikimedia

If I had a dime for every occasion I have mentioned President Trump in this newspaper, I just might be as wealthy as “The Donald” himself. The 45th president has branded American politics into something we will still struggle to describe a decade from now—he has empowered and enlightened his supporters and dazzled his doubters in all the wrong ways. For those who have not followed this bizarre man for the last four years, Donald J. Trump first pledged to “build a wall on our southern border” during his presidential campaign in 2015. Now president, constructing this physical barrier has become a staple of his promise to “Make America Great Again.” The number of illegal immigrants in our country exceeds 10 million (of which, the majority are from Mexico), so improving border security is a fantastic idea. But of course, such a measure requires millions, if not billions, of dollars from taxpayers or the federal government. Building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is designed to distinguish the territory of two separate countries, but the concept has created a rift between our politicians more than it has divided any area of land. Congress’ inability to agree upon funding for this wall caused the government to shut down in December 2018. As federal workers

went weeks without paychecks, tensions between President Trump and those on his left mounted. Is a massive structure running the entire length of our border truly the best way to keep out the illegal immigrants? And how should our public officials handle the millions of people already living in the U.S. unlawfully? Many Democrats argue that it is unjust to deport the children of illegal immigrants to their home country. Some of them are not immigrants at all, as they were born in America and are U.S. citizens under the current citizenship laws. To address this issue, former President Barack Obama announced the creation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in June 2012. Under this policy, children brought to the U.S. illegally as children can receive a two-year-period of deferred action, which essentially protects them from deportation. Recipients of DACA and similar programs are collectively known as “Dreamers.” Of course, DACA is a program founded upon the principle of political amnesty. Simply permitting families who knowingly bypassed U.S. immigration laws is unfair to families waiting to enter America legally. But the presence of children creates a sticky situation. During a September 2017 press conference, the members of the Trump Administration announced they would work to “phase out” DACA. 18 months later, the lines are still blurred, and Dreamers continue to face the possibility of deportation. President Trump is not fond of illegal immigration, but he has been quiet about the Dreamers recently. The solution is quite simple. Most Republicans hold that the best way to keep our nation safe is to “build the wall, deport them all.” Democrats prefer to maintain our current border security procedures and offer a path to citizenship for those already here illegally. The way to incorporate two opposing ideologies is to give a nod to both viewpoints. I am calling for the United States to construct a wall on its

southern border, while allowing Dreamers to remain in the country. There is no need to explain the first component of this proposal. Until recently, members of both parties cited the need for increased border security. Assembling a massive wall is not urgent or completely necessary, but serves a major purpose. In addition to reducing the number of illegal border crossings, building the wall can actually save valuable money. The U.S. Border Patrol currently employs nearly 20,000 people, making it one of the country’s largest law enforcement agencies. Policing such an area is both physically and financially difficult. If the wall is built efficiently, the need for fewer officers can offset its immense cost, thus preserving emergency government funds for true national emergencies. Constructing a barrier to deter illegal entry can be incredibly effective, but what should we do about the illegal immigrants presently in the country? It is unjust to grant amnesty to blatant lawbreakers, but purging the millions of people here unlawfully is not feasible. Unfortunately, federal law enforcement has dropped the ball for decades, and their carelessness has allowed too many people to invade our society. Young people such as the Dreamers are often law-abiding and productive citizens. Most of these children had no say in the poor decisions made by their parents. Therefore, all Dreamers should be allowed to stay in the United States if a border wall is constructed to prevent more of these awkward legal situations. Personally, I do not stand for the construction of a wall along the U.S.Mexico border, nor do I believe that illegal immigrants should remain in our country. But I also cannot ignore simple and straightforward facts. As Congress cannot come to an agreement, both sides must give in for the sake of America’s sanity. Building the wall and allowing Dreamers to stay ultimately forces our society to distinguish between desperate criminals and potentially productive citizens.

Examining America’s dated education system The detriments of learning in today’s schools

Most of students’ learning in school be great at everything. So why are high relies on memorizing the material they schoolers expected to complete four are taught. This does little more than “Everyone is a genius. But if you English classes, four history classes, reduce them to intellectual sponges judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, and seven math and science classes? absorbing and then regurgitating it will spend its entire life thinking it information to pass a test. Not just is stupid.” - Albert Einstein. any test, but the test that will get the Einstein was a genius. But he was school more funding if the students expelled from school for being too score well. In the end, most of this rebellious, and he never was able to information is forgotten the next tie his shoes. Does this mean he was day. a failure? No. During freshman year, all Everyone learns differently. This is Freedom students take a test to ingrained from the moment people show whether they are visual, audio are born, but does society embody or interactive learners. This is that sentiment? useful, but its full potential is not Some students are better at taking realized. Instead, students are all notes, while others prefer watching stuffed into a class with sometimes videos. Some students are good at as many as twenty-nine other Students working on assignments in a classroom chemistry and math, but they may students. Then, the teachers are setting not excel in history and English. Continued on page 5 Photo: Carson Swick Everyone has a gift, but nobody can Glenn Funderburk Journalism Student

L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Ms. Laurie Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, Mr. William Cecchini

Photo: Christmas City Studios

April 2019

The Forum

Editorials 5

Rader’s Rant: Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye Senior year in a nutshell Gabrielle Rader Co-Editor-in-Chief

In honor of my very last Rader’s Rant, I have decided to take it upon myself to write about what it is like being a senior. So please enjoy this last one as she is near and dear to my heart. Being a senior seems like it contains many perks, well it does not. This year has by far been the most stressful and pressuring year of them all. I have met teachers that I could not stand and teachers I am so glad I got to meet. I have made new friends and gotten rid of toxic ones.. bye bye butterfly! Let me start out with what it is like in the riot squad. During football season a lot of juniors LOVE sitting up front where the seniors are supposed to sit. Move it or lose it sisters because the front three rows are for seniors.. it is an unspoken rule. It got annoying telling you all to kick it to the back or

move because I am short too, so how can I watch the game over all your big heads? Applying for colleges is very annoying and will take up most of your time. Teachers like to talk about college and the next chapter of your life yet they pile so much work on you; therefore, how do you have time to apply even? Oh wait, you don’t. Colleges are very annoying and will send you emails past application deadlines so here is a pro-tip: whenever something asks if you would like emails about colleges that you may be interested in always select NO. Applying to college is very meticulous. If you forget to do one thing they will not review your application. No one really prepares you for what you need, so good luck! Don’t even get me started on scholarships. Pain in my butt. So let us skip ahead. Classes as a senior aren’t ‘easygoing’ like people say they are. Those

are the kids that take one elective and go home the rest of the day. Teachers still pile on the work like their class is the only thing you have to do. For many of those underclassmen and juniors who say they already have senioritis. Honey, you don’t. We all used to think that just wait and see. I even wrote this article late. #thriving. Being a senior does have many perks though do not get me wrong. I don’t have to pick classes again or still be worrying about getting into college and making sure my grades are perfect. Most of the teachers who teach seniors mainly are outgoing and interact with their students much more which is amazing! Enjoy senior year. Enjoy high school. If I could do it all over would I? No. But it was worth it. Just remember the important things: have fun with your friends before you all go to different places, study hard but get enough sleep (it is much more important), and be nice to everyone no

matter what. These are three things I learned this year that I wish I would have known as a freshman. You know you love me, xoxo Rader’s Rant.

Through all the struggles of senior year, I still managed to keep a smile on my face. Photo Submission: Gabrielle Rader

Opinion: College athletes should not be paid Why paying for their tuition is enough Jeff Frank The Freedom Forum

Many college athletes go to specific colleges to play their sport and hopeCollege athletics are very competi- fully get into the big leagues. Others tive and they have high stakes. The just play because they want to. Most big question is should college athletes colleges would not have enough monget paid? Personally, I think that col- ey to pay for the students to play. Allege athletes will never get paid be- so, most student athletes already get a cause the NCAA (National Collegiate free education due to scholarships Athletic Association) will not change they receive. its policy. If students argue in favor of getting paid, then they are not realizing that the salary of their coaches and staff members will be cut, which is unfair. I think that if the NCAA ever changed this rule, people would not watch college sports as much as they are now. The idea that college athletes should get paid is outrageous because they do not understand that the there are a few people that have to get paid by the school. University of Alabama football players run According to The Odyssey Online, out onto the field before their game. a college coach makes around $2.5 Photo: Wikimedia “Examining America’s dated education system” continued from page 4 expected to try to cater to all of the different learning styles. If they do not, then students’ grades fall, and they (both students and teachers) are considered failures. At Freedom High School during block 1, students are still half asleep because the starting time for school is too early. Imagine having a precalculus class at 7:30 a.m. “I disliked my ninth grade English class because it was a very handholding class, and I didn’t like the teacher. Classes can be too long which makes them really tiring, and some of them don’t have the content to justify the long length,” said Ethan Davies, junior. Also, physical education classes should be earlier. Gym class would be perfect for the early morning. It gets the body going and ready for the day. Furthermore, seniors with a certain GPA should gain special privileges

like seniors only lounge. There is an athletic wall of fame, so why not one for intellectual success? Now, let’s take a look at lunch. Students should have a longer lunch; an hour would be great. This would give students a break similar to recess in elementary school. Another problem with the school system is, before high school, students have no say in what classes they can take. Schools are packed to the limit with people who hate everything to do with education because they were forced to learn about subjects none of them cared about. Primary schools give students no chance to explore their passions, interests or ambitions. To some extent, this makes sense, especially when it comes basic intellectual necessities such as reading, writing, speaking, and counting, but the chemical formula for salt and the scientific names for every bone in the

million annually. Coaches over a span of either one or more years earn up to 2.5 million. That is a lot of money that the school has to pay just for a coach to instruct young college kids how to play either football, basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, or other sports. Also, the prices to pay for college would go through the roof. Most kids that go to college are in the middle class and have to find their own way through college. It would be totally unfair for college kids who do not play sports and do not have the amount of money for books, supplies, or lunch. I think if that happened, parents of kids that are trying to get into colleges would sue the NCAA because most kids need to go to college to pursue their dreams whether it be in the medical field, the science field, or the business field. The final reason why I do not think college kids should get paid is that many college kids believe that since they got a scholarship, they should get

paid. That is never going to happen because not many people get scholarships. Also I think that if the NCAA ever changed this rule, people would not watch college sports as much as they are now. There are millions of people that wish they could get their school payments paid through the college without paying for anything. Most players that have a scholarship will eventually go pro and get paid millions of dollars just to play the sport that they love or cannot go without doing it for however many years they want to play. In my opinion, college athletes should not get paid at all. If a student gets a scholarship for a college you get your education and your whole college life paid for, why on earth would you think that they need to get paid for playing a sport. That is an absurd thought and college students should not get paid at all. If they were to get paid I would never watch college sports ever again.

human body are not basic necessities. There are so many classes that students are required to take that teach students nothing, while classes that are useful are labeled as electives, and few students have room in their schedules to take those courses. So, what is the answer? Schools should be more flexible when it comes to teaching since the pacing of classrooms can be too fast for one student but too slow for Nothing says “American school system” like a another. As a result, the student yellow school bus. Thousands of BASD students rely on these every day. who requires more time is often Photo: Wikimedia seen as unintelligent. There are countless examples of people succeeding in life but not in Churchill was a C average student. school. Many examples include Dav It is obvious that the school system Pilkey, a children’s book author who has a lot of problems that need to be was punished by his teacher for fixed. So, let’s find a way to make disturbing the class with his creativity. school more enjoyable, more helpful George Washington himself did not go and overall more useful than the to college. The legendary Winston broken system of today.

Vaping has become a major issue in schools across America, including Freedom. Why are students doing this, exactly how many students are doing this, and what are the possible consequences?

Vapes, also known as e-cigarettes, are battery-operated devices that people use to inhale and exhale aerosol, also known as vapor. Tobacco smoke is not produced from these devices which is why it is called ‘vaping’, but the devices do contain a variety of toxic chemicals. Some vapes contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis. A vaping device is made up of four parts: a mouthpiece, a battery, a cartridge for the e-juice, and a heating component. The battery heats up the heating component when in use, therefore, turning the e-juice into a vapor which is then inhaled and exhaled by the user. Most aerosols do contain nicotine that are added to their flavor. Currently, there are more than 460 different e-cigarette brands on the market.

Most vapes include nicotine, which can disrupt the adolescent brain development and alter physical structure, possibly leaving permanent damage.

and there is now a grand total of 27.1 “[Diacetyl] is so dangerous for percent of high school students who inhalation, but it is totally safe to ingest. Even though there is only a tiny use tobacco products. “I have not seen [students] vaping bit [in a vaping device], you are not directly, but I’ve seen the little ‘vape inhaling air with it, so you have a large Vapes were originally created to help circles’ near the boys’ bathroom. amount of straight diacetyl going right adults with a cigarette addiction wean Female teachers have asked me to go into your lungs,” said Ms. Csekitz. themselves off of it. Because many in and break up these vape circles, but This chemical has been linked to teenagers are now using e-cigarettes, students are too quick at putting them lung cancer, along with many other they are more susceptible to become away,” said Mr. Michael Dunstan, health problems. Teens inhaling diacetyl is a problem not only because addicted to cigarettes and nicotine. English teacher. “Most [vapes] contain nicotine While nicotine is detrimental to the of the negative side effects, but also because the nicotine is what keeps you young brains, there are also many because a large number of teenagers in coming back. With nicotine, it doesn’t chemicals that can negatively affect high school are athletes, and this can matter who you are; you will want to the body. Often times, vapes contain destroy a student athlete’s lungs. come back and get more,” said Ms. flavored pods along with nicotine. Many of these flavors contain a Diane Csekitz, science teacher. From 2017 to 2018, there was a 78 dangerous chemical called diacetyl. percent increase in the amount of high Diacetyl creates a buttery taste in school students that use e-cigarettes, flavors such as mango.

A gas station advertises vapes on their door Photo: Riley Sweitzer

A collection of vapes that Mr. Cecchini collected Photo: Carson Swick

“Nothing considered safe for these [vapes] have been tested on inhalation. If they tested it, I think they’d find a lot more stuff that is dangerous,” said Ms. Csekitz.

Vapes as they have evolved through the years Photo: Flickr

Gabrielle Rader & Carson Swick Co-Editors-in-Chief Riley Sweitzer Pates’ Post Editor

These charts were taken based off of 136 responses from students at Freedom High School. How often do you see people vaping at school?

Have you ever vaped before? Yes No

Every day Multiple times a day A few times a week A few times a month Other

“They are hurting no one [else] but themselves, so their punishment will come with age.” Along with vaping, comes negative health effects. Vaping puts nicotine into the user’s body, which is extremely addictive and can have effects on brain development making it harder to learn and concentrate.

lungs and damage them from the harsh toxins in vapor; although, there is no certain answer on how vaping affects the body long-term due to it being relatively new to the market.

Being caught vaping on school grounds is also cause for fines from law enforcement.

“We treat vaping as tobacco use, [so students who vape in schools] Of course, if a student vapes on will be receiving a fine,” said Officer school grounds, other consequences Grimaldi Gonzalez, Freedom’s will occur as well. Currently, the punishment for a student caught vaping at Freedom is an in-school suspension and administration calls “I don't think expelling or home to the student’s parents.

suspending the kids is right

“We’re doing sweeps, which is because they'll just come when teachers go into bathroom and pull out a bunch of people and search back and do it again students. When kids are caught with because everyone does it vapes, we have them watch videos on what it does to you,” said Mr. nowadays.” Some effects of nicotine on the William Cecchini, assistant principal. brain are permanent and can affect impulses later in life. Nicotine can If a student is caught vaping in also have an influence on other school and they are under the age of addictions. E-cigarettes irritate the 18, then consequences will heighten. school resource officer. Sources used for Information Penn Capital Star


Scholastic: The Real Cost of Vaping




Photo source for pictures with no source: Pixabay Graphics: Gabrielle Rader (from Google Form sent out to students at Freedom High School)

8 Pates’ Post

April 2019

The Forum

Dear Riley: To prom or not to prom? How to handle the pressure of looking perfect at prom

prices are not that high. Another thing that you and so many other people need to stop stressing about for prom: finding a date. Do not stress about having someone ask you with a perfect promposal when you have plenty of friends you can go with. Besides, going with friends is a lot of fun. You will all look back on these memories and enjoy the time you had together. Pretty much the biggest advice I can give you is to not worry about making your prom experience perfect. Do not expect it to be like the movies, and you will have a much better time. However, if you feel it is not worth your time and that you will not be able to enjoy it, then simply do not go. It is that easy. Regardless, if you do end up going, I hope you will have a great time.

Dear Passionate Prom-goer,

Riley Sweitzer Pates’ Post Editor

Dear Riley, Prom is coming up soon, and I have no idea how to prepare for it. There is so much pressure to look good, and there are so many things to take care of. Girls always have their hair, makeup, and nails looking perfect. Just thinking about it gives me a headache. It is necessary to find a good place to get everything done; it has to match your dress, and of course, you have to look perfect. There are just so many options that make it pretty difficult to choose. And then, there’s the most important part: the dress. Every girl is dressed to impress at prom, and again, that is so much pressure. Just like hair, makeup, and nails, there are so many options of where to go to buy a dress, and I just don’t know where to start. The price of all of these prom necessities adds up quickly. On top of that, the ticket price to get into prom itself is wildly expensive. I mean, why do we have to pay that much for a stupid dance? I’m just worried I won’t be able to afford all of the beauty necessities, a dress, and the ticket. Maybe I should just find a date to pay for my ticket…

That’s another part of prom that is stressful: finding a date. The media loves to show us adorable pictures and videos of couples going to prom together, but in reality, it is just impossible to find a date. I keep waiting for a perfect promposal to happen and it’s not, which is really bumming me out. With all of this stress that prom causes, is it even worth it for me to go? I mean, it’s just a dance, so is it really that big of a deal? I’m worried the reality of it won’t live up to the expectation. Sincerely, Passionate Prom-goer

Several Freedom students enjoying prom last year without any worries or cares Photo Submission: Riley Sweitzer

It seems like you have a lot of concerns regarding prom, all of which are understandable. I know that we are constantly bombarded with images of prom in the media, but there is really no need to worry about looking perfect, since is about enjoying time with your friends. If you are really worried about where to go to get your hair and makeup done, just ask friends or your fellow peers where they are going. You can do the same thing with your dress. There are plenty of discount prom dresses for sale all around the Lehigh Valley, and you can also ask friends and classmates where they get their dresses from. There is really no need to stress over the little things like this. I know that all of this adds up to be quite pricey, but you do not have to go Good luck, overboard. Sure, it can be nice to be Riley :) pampered, but if you practice enough, you can do your hair, makeup, and nails yourself at home. As far as tickets go, Freedom actually has a pretty good price point. Last year, it cost a student $80 for one ticket to prom. Other schools in the area have extremely high prices, so compared to them, we are actually not paying that much. I mean, Liberty goes on a boat and we just go to SteelStacks, so our

Photo: Riley Sweitzer

Freedom helps reduce AP exam fees Grateful students receive funding for their tests Abby Catera The Freedom Forum

With their tests being paid for, all students have to worry about now is studying. Photo: Riley Sweitzer

AP exam season is right around the corner; in May students will sit down for a couple hours and take these exams. Some students and teachers

have even been preparing for this to happen ever since the first day of school. Some are very excited to take these exams and receive college credit, while others are nervous they will not score so well. “I feel like if students put the time and effort into the course and do the work it’s very satisfying to see them want to take the AP exam, and even more satisfying to see them do well. It makes me happy to see that their hard work has paid off,” said Mr. Eric Baltz, science teacher. Even though students have spent so much time preparing for these tests, they still have another obstacle standing in their way. Each student has to spend $94 per exam if they want to take them. This creates financial burdens and negates the opportunity for students who are unable to afford the tests. Thankfully, in February, every student who had

Half Day (11:00 a.m. dismissal) Thursday, April 18 No School (Good Friday) Friday, April 19 BASD Mini-THON (@ Liberty High School, 10 a.m. until 10 p.m.) Saturday, April 27

taken AP courses received an email regarding the opportunity to receive money to take their AP exams for less money or even for free. “I definitely think that it’s fair to have to pay to take the AP tests, but I feel as though the prices to take them are quite steep, especially if you are taking multiple. It’s very nice to have that burden off of the backs of my parents and be able to fully focus on taking the test,” said Jared Dowling, junior. Normally the faculty at Freedom gets together and does a jeans fundraiser to help the most in need students. This year, the school was awarded some money from the state; this was then combined with the jean money. This meant that there was a lot more money available than before awarded to the students, and the school was able to help more students take these exams. “Some students had mentioned that

the only reason they’re going to take the test is because it’s paid for by the school. This opens up the chance to earn college credit, meaning less money you have to spend in college, so maybe you can graduate early or take classes you wouldn't normally have been able to take before,” said Mr. Baltz. The only thing to do now is prepare and study for these exams until May hits. Once the tests are done students, will patiently wait to hear their results that are released in July. Students and teachers will hope these students get a five, the highest score possible, or a three, which will earn them college credit. “In my class particularly, I would want everyone to catch the five. Only ten percent in the country actually do, but I hope we have a better year. I’ll know in July when the scores come out though, cue the air horns,” said Mr. Baltz.

Prom (@ SteelStacks, 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. Tickets sold April 22 through May 4) Friday, May 17 Senior Final Exams Friday, May 24 & Tuesday, May 28 Underclassmen Final Exams Wednesday, June 5 & Thursday, June 6

April 2019

The Forum

9 Entertainment

Freedom springs into the annual art show Art students’ hard work is paying off Anna Isbell Journalism Student

Each year, Freedom High School (FHS) art students have a spring art show that showcases all of their work from the beginning of the semester, including ceramics, studio art, woodshop, and photography. These students learn everything they need to know about art, such as shading drawings, molding clay, and taking pictures. These students have been working for weeks on their art pieces, and April’s art show will showcase their talent and passion. “Art is important for the students because it nourishes their creativity, gives them something to be passionate about, and for some, a reason to come to school, and it helps them to learn,” said Mrs. Lauren Ackerman, ceramics teacher. Mrs. Ackerman has taught for 16

years at FHS and her passion for art shines through her students. Numerous students take advanced classes, yet some students are new to the program, but all immensely enjoy it. The art program manifests all types of students and creates a learning environment comfortable for everyone. This program is extremely accommodating and is willing to help anyone learn different scopes of art. “Art is a way for me to speak to the people,” [sic] said Michka Areza, sophomore art student. The art program has spread joy throughout Freedom since its establishment, and many students depend on the program. Several students have been in previous art shows and are inspired to be artists. Last year’s art show included work from everyone in the art department, photography, studio art, and ceramics. “I was in the art show last year; it

was a lot of fun,” said Angelina Bock, sophomore art student. Each year, the art students put all of their hard work into the art gallery to be viewed for everyone's enjoyment. Art gives students something to look forward to and a passion, not only that, but the art department provides students with knowledge and lifelong friendships. Woodworking students’ projects are also going to make an appearance at the art show. The students involved in woodshop start off by making simple projects such as bird houses, and then they work on more advanced things as they progress. The current woodshop teacher, Mr. John Harvey, has taught for 22 years, yet this is his first year teaching woodshop. Freedom’s art department is extremely hardworking, and everyone is welcome to come and view the art gallery. The art show will be held on Apr. 25 in the old gym from 6-8 p.m.

It is free for everyone to come and view the amazing artwork these students have put together. All of these art students have worked extremely hard and everyone’s support is greatly appreciated.

Pieces like this one will be featured in the FHS art show. Photo Submission: Angelina Bock

One actor conquering two controversies Taking a look at Will Smith’s criticized characters Dymea Schippers Entertainment Editor

Thus far, Disney’s live-action remakes have been box office sensations. Even the upcoming liveaction of “The Lion King,” a nostalgic Disney favorite, was well-received by fans. However, since the official trailer for the live-action movie of “Aladdin” aired, tons of criticism sparked due to Will Smith’s role as the Genie. Initially, most die-hard Disney fans were originally thrilled at the thought of their childhood being brought to life after the trailer’s release; however, Will Smith’s Genie role caused unforeseen outrage and backlash online. While the appearance of Will Smith’s Genie was mocked by film critics and Disney fans, Smith told EW he was going to add a bit of a “hip-hop flavor” to the character, who

was voiced by Robin Williams in Disney’s original animated film. “The question is always: Where was there meat left on the bone? Robin didn’t leave a lot of meat on the bone with the character… I started to feel confident that I could deliver something that was an homage The Genie’s magic lamp to Robin Williams but was musically different. Just the flavor of the character would be different enough and unique enough that it would be in a different lane, versus trying to compete,” said Will Smith in an interview with EW. Unfortunately for Smith, he has to

fill big shoes for this role, which was made iconic by comedic genius Robin Williams, yet another reason why some critics disagree with Smith’s portrayal of Genie. “I’m not really worried since Will Smith is a really good actor. As long he does a good job as Genie, then I can’t wait to see it,” said Joel Hendricks, junior. Photo: Pixabay As if the criticism from Smith’s appearance in “Aladdin” was not enough, there are only more carping comments to come in Smith’s upcoming role, as Venus and Serena Williams’ father, Richard Williams, in the anticipated film “King Richard.” Despite having no

tennis background, Richard Williams overcame the odds and hardships he had to face in order to train and raise two of the sport’s greatest players in history. Smith cannot seem to catch a break. First, his CGI version of Genie was the subject of all the jokes in the trailer, and now he is getting slammed on Twitter for his colorism in his portrayal of Richard Williams. “Since I am an avid tennis player myself and find the Williams sisters’ story inspiration, I am ecstatic to see “King Richard.” I don’t understand why people are making it a matter of color when it’s about the acting entirely,” said Vaidehi Chinnawar, junior. Even though popularity for Smith’s characters is plummeting, hopefully the public’s reactions will be more positive after the movies are released.

The future of technology evolves Samsung releases a new game-changing device Devonte Britt Journalism Student

The new Galaxy S10 is Samsung’s most advanced device yet. Photo: Unsplash

One of the newest phones is expected to hit the market this year: the Samsung Galaxy S10, which made high sales when it was released on Feb. 20, 2019. This has kept people on their toes just thinking about it. People think this phone will

keep Samsung's brand on top, but others are not sure, as there has been talk lately about Apple releasing their new phone supposedly called the iPhone 11. With these two companies competing for who has the best electronics to offer, it is inevitable that the technology in this world will become more advanced than it is currently. “I think the Samsung Galaxy S10 will make more sales because I feel like it is going to be a high tier phone compared to the iPhone 11. Apple always provides little features here and there on their new iPhones, so I think there is going to be little to no change when Apple releases their new phone,” said Matthew Scencsist, freshman. One of the unique features of the

Samsung Galaxy S10 is that it has an Ultrasonic Fingerprint ID that opens with one single touch, but also keeps the owner’s phone protected from potential thieves who try to hack into it. This new mobile device has a nearly frameless Cinematic Infinity Display, which allows for deeper, more detailed immersion in the user’s content in a slim, balanced form. This unique attribution is definitely exciting news for all the big Samsung fans who are expecting to buy this phone upon its release. The default resolution of the Samsung Galaxy S10 is HD plus, which could be changed to quad HD plus in settings. With all of these extensive add-ons, this $1,000 phone has an even bigger price tag to go along with it. Usually people have to adapt to the way their phone is like controlling wise, but with this phone that is not

the case. This phone’s program enables it so the phone adapts to the user. The phone has intelligent performance since it can learn the patterns of the owner’s mobile behavior and optimizes usage based on them. This phone has the ability to predict the future behavior of its user and can also load frequently used apps ahead of time. “I’m not interested in buying the new Samsung because I just bought a new iPhone. I also don’t have the finances for it, but even though I'm not really interested in Samsung’s anymore, I still think this one is worth buying. I think this phone is overpriced. I say this because it is a high quality phone, but I believe most families in this generation can’t afford this phone,” said Scencsist.

10 Entertainment

The Forum

April 2019

AirPods have changed the earbud game Taking a look at one of the most revolutionary devices Isaiah Brabham Journalism Student

AirPods were first shown to the public on Sept. 7, 2016. AirPods are a $159 pair of little wireless earbuds that reside in a small charging box when they need to charge. They were initially supposed to be released in October of 2016, but there was a supply-chain issue. Once the issue was resolved, they were eventually sold to the public by December 2016. When AirPods were displayed for the first time, they were relentlessly made fun of and nobody had faith in them. People said that Apple was stupid for taking the headphone jack away and that AirPods looked like the top of an electric toothbrush. Regardless of hate and doubt, the next year they earned a 98 percent customer satisfaction rate. They grew in popularity instantly, and people went from questioning the AirPods to questioning traditional earbuds with wires. The only competitor to AirPods

way than the neck cords of the Beats. Overall though, the AirPods are flatare the BeatsX. out more convenient, and that is what After AirPods released, next came it all comes down to. BeatsX. The BeatsX are wireless too, The AirPods blew up even more in but they wrap around the neck as 2018, when there was an outbreak of opposed to AirPods just being two memes surrounding the product. separate pods. Beats have a history of Whether AirPod users were saying having better they were sound quality “superior to than apple, wired and in this headphone case they do users,” or too. They saying that undoubtedly wired have superior headphone sound quality, users were faster “broke boys”, charging, the internet longer battery was all over it. life, and fitting AirPods laying next to their charging case The memes Photo: Wikimedia were around for easier. However, they a bit, and it is not do have the neck cord making them a secret that a lot of people copped a not completely wireless, and the cord pair of AirPods just so they would feel can get in the way. On the other hand, in the loop. the AirPods connect easier, have a “I stole them (the AirPods) before wireless charger, and are less in the the wave, I didn’t get them because of

the memes or to flex on people, but just because I wanted them. I got them because I liked that they were wireless so I could leave my phone on the couch, go into my kitchen, and still be listening to music. I only felt superior to wired earbud users ironically because of the memes, but before that I didn’t really care,” said Justin Cathey, senior. Currently, users are excited about the next installment of the popular earbuds, which are set to release later this year. The new version of the pods are set to be Siri voice activated, a new H1 chip, lower latency, faster connection times, and a more stable wireless connection. Many critics say it will not be worth it to buy the new AirPods when they drop, but it is best to leave that to consumers. Whether people have AirPods, BeatsX, wired earbuds, or no earbuds at all, it is amazing to see technology moving at such a quick pace.

What to watch next on Netflix Reviewing binge-worthy Netflix series Katie Harper The Freedom Forum

Netflix seems to have become an essential part of entertainment in everyday life. With hundreds of millions of members in almost 200 different countries, it is no wonder that Netflix has become the leading internet entertainment service worldwide. Members can stream anything from comedy series from early-2000’s comedy series to thriller flicks to documentaries. Bingewatching shows on Netflix has become a hobby of members of all ages. After all, is there anything better than relaxing and watching favorite shows for hours on end? Here are some of the most bingeworthy shows on Netflix at the moment: “The Office” is a mockumentary based around the lives of employees at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Based on the British sitcom “The Office” from 2001, the show was adapted for the U.S. and ended up with nine successful seasons, compared to the

there is much debate over whether “Friends” or “The Office” is better, it two seasons of the U.K. version. “The is clear that both shows have kept Office” features a mix of hysterical their popularity alive through Netflix and awkward and keep moments, while audiences still having many coming back heartwarming for more. moments that are “You” is a sure to make the “Friends” T.V. Show logo new series audience fall in released on Photo: Wikimedia love with the Netflix toward characters. After a short first season, the end of 2018. The show is about a the show found its place in television bookstore manager who becomes comedy and quickly gained fans of all obsessed with an aspiring writer and ages. The show has grown in tries to make himself a part of her popularity since it was released in life. “You” premiered on Lifetime for March 2005, and was even the most its first season, and will now be watched show on Netflix in 2018. continuing with its second season on Along with “The Office,” the show Netflix. The series is a psychological “Friends” seems to be one of the more thriller that found its popularity discussed shows on Netflix among through social media after its release teenagers. Set in the state of New on Netflix. Though the show is York, this American sitcom is about a relatively new, it has become group of six friends who live together, increasingly popular, growing from its and the hilarity that ensues when it 40 million viewers during its first comes to life, love, and everything in month on Netflix. between. The series aired from 1994“Stranger Things” has been taking 2004, but its popularity is still evident, Netflix by storm since it was first as it was the second most watched released in July 2016. This Netflix show on Netflix in 2018. Though original is a science fiction series

The new Netflix logo that users will see while they watch these shows Photo: Wikimedia

about a group of boys who uncover a series of mysteries, including a very unusual girl, as they attempt to find their missing friend. It is very easy to want to watch an entire season of “Stranger Things” in just one sitting. In fact, many fans of the show did just that the day the second season came out on Netflix in October 2017. Now fans are anxiously awaiting the show’s return, with its third season coming out this Fourth of July.

April 2019

The Forum

11 Sports

NBA dribbling to redemption The NBA playoffs are kicking off soon with no promises Judex Duplessy Journalism Student

playoffs. In the Eastern Conference the eight teams that will mostly likely be seen are the Milwaukee Bucks, Toronto Raptors, Philadelphia 76ers, Indiana Pacers, Boston Celtics, Detroit Pistons, Brooklyn Nets and Miami Heat. These teams are all looking solid and prepared for the playoffs to commence. The Golden State Warriors, Denver Nuggets, Portland Trail Blazers, Houston Rockets, Oklahoma City Thunder, San Antonio Spurs, Utah Jazz, and finally Los Angeles Clippers are set and ready for the playoffs in the Western Conference. A devastating aspect of the Western Conference is that LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers will most likely not be in the playoffs this year. This is significant to the NBA playoffs in general because James has been in the playoffs for over nine years and has been in the NBA Finals for the past several years. So this will be the first time in almost ten years that the NBA playoffs will exclude Photo: Flickr LeBron.

As we approach the NBA playoffs, the NBA season is sadly coming to an end. So here is a little backstory on the NBA playoffs. The NBA playoffs is a tournament where 8 teams from each conference play a seven game series against their seeded opponent until one team from each conference ultimately prevails and advances to the NBA Finals. These two teams then face off to determine which team will be the NBA champion. Everything from fights, to emotional moments, to conspiracy theories about it being rigged, has led up to the 2019 NBA

NBA playoff logo

Besides that, many teams this year have the opportunity to prove themselves to their followers and the people that do not believe in them this year. For example, the Houston Rockets, coming out of the Western Conference, have either been one of the top seeds or have made the playoffs in the past seven years and Golden State Warriors line up before a game have not even made the Photo: Wikimedia NBA Finals. So this year, in 2019, the Rockets will have yet another chance to prove themselves and Houston is the themselves to their followers and the Rockets have had fewer superstars in city of Houston. this decade. Another team that needs to prove “I think the Warriors are going to themselves is the Oklahoma City come out of the West for some reason Thunder. The Thunder in the last they’re always in the playoffs” said decade have had extremely talented Everett Vergona, freshman. players such as Ray Allen, Kevin In conclusion, what to be expected Durant, Russell Westbrook, and even is never certain. This year could be James Harden without producing a full of surprises. In my opinion, in the single championship. They have come Eastern Conference, the Raptors and close, in 2012 for example, when they the Bucks will be in the conference lost to the LeBron James and the finals and in the west the Warriors and Miami Heat, but like the Rockets, the Thunder will be in their they have had many opportunities to conference finals. I foresee the NBA win championships but still fail to pull Finals will conclude with the Warriors through. The only difference between beating the Raptors in six games.

The NFL receives a new look Jaw-dropping offseason moves shake up the NFL’s elite Derek Bast Sports Editor

The National Football League (NFL) logo Photo: Pixabay

It is safe to say that the entire NFL could be changing this season. While Tom Brady may still be winning Super Bowls, he cannot do this forever. In fact, the end may be just around the corner. The first team that comes to mind to take over the throne: The Cleveland Browns. I never thought I would say this, but with the breathtaking moves they have made this offseason, the Cleveland Browns are Super Bowl contenders. They hired Freddie Kitchens, a former offensive coordinator, to be their head coach, acquired two of the most dynamic playmakers in the league, Odell Beckham, Jr. and Kareem Hunt, and are coming off two tremendous draft picks in pass rusher Myles Garrett and cornerback Denzel Ward. Now with one of the most talented, and youngest, teams in the NFL,

along with a blood-thirsty fan base tired of losing, the Browns are coming for the rest of the league. It also helps that the kings of the AFC North, the Pittsburgh Steelers, have lost two of their best players from the past few years. Antonio Brown moved on to the Oakland Raiders and Le’Veon Bell took his talents to the New York Jets. While there are talented replacements in Juju Smith-Schuster and James Conner, it is never ideal to lose such impactful talent. Especially when all you get in return is a third and fifth round pick. And it is not just the Browns that are tired of losing. Bottom tier NFL teams have been maxing out their credit cards this offseason. The Jacksonville Jaguars, a 5-11 team a season ago, signed Nick Foles to a huge four year

Nick Foles, who previously played for the Philadelphia Eagles, was recently signed to the Jacksonville Jaguars. Photo: Wikimedia

deal totaling to $88 million. The Jets, 4-12 last season, paid linebacker C.J. Mosley $85 million over five years to cap off their free agency signings. And while safeties usually do not get large contracts, the Washington Redskins, who were 7-9 in 2018, signed safety Landon Collins from division rival New York Giants on a six year, $84 Many athletes are ready to make a name for themselves at this year’s draft. million deal. Photo: Flickr And these teams are not done yet. The NFL Draft is just around the corner and this in the last four years there have been is projected to be one of the most eight pass rushers drafted in the top talented defensive draft classes of all ten. But this year, according to time. But with the first overall pick, NFL.com analyst Bucky Brooks, there the Cardinals are expected to take could be five selected in the first eight Heisman winning quarterback Kyler picks! Which brings me back to my Murray from Oklahoma. transition year argument. At just 5’10 there are questions Last season was the second-highest about his ability to step up and throw points per game total we have seen at the next level, but his incredible since the league expanded to 32 athleticism and production at teams. And it was not just this season. Oklahoma have made him the favorite Recently, there has been an increasing to be selected first overall. Once number of points scored in the league Murray is off the board, there are not for reasons such as favorable rule a lot of highly touted quarterback changes and increased technology to prospects which raises the question: dissect defenses. But with all of this Should teams reach on these talent up and coming, will we start to quarterbacks in such a weak class? Or see the trend go in the other direction? should they take the best available Will Tom Brady struggle with these player? And in this year’s draft, there younger, faster defensive stars? are a lot of defensive playmakers that Questions like these have viewers can bolster a defense. more intrigued than ever before and In recent years, pass rushers have personally, I cannot wait to see how increased in importance and have next season plays out. But until then, often been selected early on. In fact, Happy March Madness!

12 Sports

April 2019

The Forum

Spring Sports Previews Sub headline Derek Bast Sports Editor

Jeff Frank The Freedom Forum


Girls Lacrosse

Last season for Freedom varsity baseball had a 16-10 overall record and a 10-7 in the league. They finished third in the EPC Steel Division and they won the District XI Baseball title. Key Players Derek Bast: A senior and a thir d baseman. Last season he scored one home run, five doubles, and had a .364 batting average (BA), 18 runs, 20 hits.

The girls lacrosse team has big dreams of improvement during the new season.

Nick Stannard: A junior and left fielder. Last season he had .361, ten runs, 22 hits, nine runs batted in (RBI), and three doubles. Adam Throne: A senior catcher who had a .993 fielding percentage last season and caught six players stealing. “Everyone is a big family on the baseball team hopefully we can have the same success from last year and go farther than just winning districts”, said Michael Olshefski, junior pitcher. This season the FHS varsity baseball team is striving to be better than last season which may be difficult as they made it to districts last year. Coach D’Amico came in as the new coach things have gone great. Let's hope that great success from last year can continue.

Volleyball 15-6 last season; Quarterfinalist After a victorious 2018 season, boys baseball is hoping to hold onto the District XI championship for another year.


Key Players

David Barnes: J unior all-area middle hitter Zachary Shay: Senior Setter

Freedom’s track and field team consists of a large number of widely talented students.

Key Players Xavier Smith: Senior J umper who had 42’ 8.5” as his highest Triple Jump during the previous season Lauren Charboneau A sophomor e runner who ran an 11.38 in 3,200 mile cross country run at the District XI 3A girls track and field championship Track should hopefully continue to improve, and hopefully make Districts this year, and possibly go even farther than that. The athletes that are on the track and field team will hopefully have a spectacular season and do the best that they can. With the right dedication and teamwork, a District XI title is well within reach.


Bradley Turocy: A senior with 551 career kills, second team all-area outside hitter

Track and Field Last season Freedom Boys Track and Field went five and six overall and five and six in the league, finishing seventh in the Lehigh Valley. The girls went four and seven finishing ninth in the Lehigh Valley last season. The track team looks to improve from both boys and girls losing records last season. With a new coach, hopefully track can improve from their previous year. “We can definitely improve from last season with a new coach and more organization compared to last season’’, said Alex Reji, a Jumper for the track team.

The Freedom girls lacrosse team has experienced loads of success in the last two seasons as they have reached the District XI semi-finals both years. However, players do not believe this is good enough for this team with high expectations. “I think every year the team improves, and I think this year’s team has big things coming,” said Katie Flynn, junior attacker. There is also a lot of resentment for local rival, Easton, who has knocked the team out of the playoffs each of the last two years. With several players returning, Flynn considers Freedom one of the three major threats along with perennial powers Parkland and Emmaus. As the new season commences, it is evident that Freedom’s girls lacrosse team is ready to pull off a few upsets and bring another championship home.

The boys volleyball team is prepared for another successful season. All photos above: Christmas City Studios

This year’s boys volleyball team is full of athletes ready to keep Freedom’s winning streak from the 2018-2019 season. “For the season to be considered a success, we want to make it to the finals in EPC’s and Districts,” said Bradley Turocy, senior outside hitter. Already a league MVP and two-time champion in boys soccer, Turocy is now locked in on bringing home even more titles. Alongside him is another senior soccer player, Zachary Shay, senior setter. Both Turocy and Shay are planning on playing sports in college (Turocy will attend East Stroudsburg University to play soccer; Shay will most likely attend Wilkes University or King’s College to play volleyball). Turocy’s mindset for this situation is simple. “Being a college commit makes me want to prepare myself for the next level and winning in another sport would be the start to that,” said Turocy. This experienced team is mentally and physically prepared to take their game to the next level, represent their school, and win another championship. The team’s motto is simple: “One game at a time.” So be sure to make as many games as you can and support all of your spring sports teams.

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