December 2014

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Volume 48 Issue 4

December 2014

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - - @fhsforum

Bethlehem Area School District to upgrade wireless network Consistent internet problems to be solved with $2.2 million dollars By Ryan Healy Journalism Student

Over the past few years, there have been complaints from teachers and students alike about problems with the internet access at Freedom High School. The Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) school board is looking to put an end to these problems and are moving forward with plans to receive around $2.2 million in federal funding to upgrade the wireless network for the whole district. “One of the most consistent concerns I hear from teachers is difficulty getting online [to our wireless network.] As a result, I commissioned a study of the technical capabilities of our wireless network. That study determined that our current wireless network needs substantial upgrading to meet the wireless demands of teachers and students,” said Dr. Joseph Roy, superintendent of the BASD, via email.

This inability to connect to the internet can truly impair a teacher’s intended instruction and diminishes the resources available to students through online access. The wireless network is very unreliable, and in turn many teachers have shied away from internet dependent lesson plans. It is apparent that the future of education relies on technology, and the current wireless network in the BASD is stunting the district from evolving with the rest of society. “The simple answer is we need more wireless access points in all of our schools so more students can connect to the wireless simultaneously. I view this wireless access need as critical as needing textbooks for a class. We have to have it,” said Dr. Roy via email. Almost all students have experienced the wireless network problems in the BASD. A slow connection can truly

through a competitive bidding process,” said Dr. Roy.

hold students back and be very troubling while trying to complete online assignments. “Over my four years here in the BASD, one of my chief complaints would definitely have to be about the school’s online access. It gets very frustrating at times when I am not able to use the internet in my classes, and having less resources available for me to do my best work,” said Thomas Kopko, senior. One of the school board’s main focus this year will be on wireless technology. Members of the board recognize that it does come with a hefty price tag, but they are finding the most economically sound way to get this into effect as soon as possible. “With school board support, we are developing plans to finance the $2.2 million upgrade. It's important to note that the final cost will likely be less than that number, as we hope to get better prices

It’s beginning to look like an artificial Christmas The city of Bethlehem experiments with artificial trees this year By Reggie Rosario Journalism Student

Over 80 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas with artificial trees, according to a recent study by the American Christmas Tree Association. “I think the use of fake ones is a good decision because they can be reused. Also they don’t

In the Christmas City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, holiday spirit falls second to none and is making a bit of an untraditional change to this year’s holiday activities. For the first time in the history of the Christmas City, Bethlehem is experimenting by placing artificial trees on a few lamp posts throughout the city. This came as a surprise to some residents as they were unaware that the city was performing such changes. “I didn’t even know they were putting fake trees up, to be honest I feel like it may be breaking a long lasting tradition,” said Scott Sousa, Bethlehem resident. As stated before, many were not even aware of this situation, but more A Christmas tree on Fillmore street in people were shocked by South side Bethlehem hangs on to a light the fact that these artificial post. trees technically do not Photo: Reggie Rosario break tradition for most families. While Bethlehem has nev- go bad so they stay looking er put up artificial trees before, fresh through the holiday seathe rest of the country has. son and can stay intact through

all types of weather,” said Hannah Waberski, Bethlehem resident. Although not all the trees this year are artificial, the ones that are save the city money because they can be reused and keep the city looking festive and green all season. As many may know, Pennsylvania winters can be very rough, so these artificial trees can stay looking presentable while the real ones fall victim to the harsh weather. This reasoning may convince the city to continue the switch for years to come, until eventually not a even single real tree will be slapped on the poles at stop lights. Whether real fur or fake, at the end of the day the Christmas City is special and one of a kind because of the effort put into the holiday season. “The fact that the city decorates for Christmas at all is really festive of them because they don’t have to do that. They’re pretty but still simple and they brighten up the streets,” said Waberski.

Students in Mrs. Erdman’s class use online access in class . Photo: Ryan Healy

Inside This Issue Remembering Sandy Hook………..(p.2) “Patesgiving”………...……………(p.4) Top Christmas gifts………………..(p.5) “Eleanor & Park”………………….(p.9) Freedom Ice Hockey………………(p.12)

2 News Keystone Testing Dates

Remembering Sandy Hook A look into the recovery of Sandy Hook Elementary School 2 years after shooting their minds. By Cassie Sedler Editorials Editor

Thurs, Jan 8: Algebra. 3 hour delay. Fri, Jan 9: Algebra. 2 hour delay. Mon, Jan 12: Literature. 2 hour delay. Tues, Jan 13: Literature. 2 hour delay.

On Dec. 14, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary, a school in an unassuming town of Newtown, Connecticut, became the setting of a horrific shooting, a scene that continues to resurface through thousands of minds across the country. Adam Lanza, the 20 year old responsible for the heinous crime, shot and killed a total of 26 people, including 20 innocent children, 6 adults, and even the school’s own principal. As a result, the Sandy Hook shooting “became the second-deadliest in U.S. history, after the rampage that killed 32 students at the Virginia Tech campus in Blacks-

Wed, Jan 14: Biology. 2 hour delay. Thurs, Jan 15: Biology. 2 hour delay. Jan 16: Makeup testing. Thurs, Jan 22: Final exams. Fri, Jan 23: Final exams. Mon, Jan 26: Final exam make-up. No school. Tues, Jan 27: S e c o n d semester

December 2014

The Forum

burg, Va.”( Adam Lanza is said to have killed his own mother at her home before rampaging through Sandy Hook Elementary. Lanza took his own life after he committed the devastating crime. According to ABC News, Lanza’s tendency to shift towards violence “may have been largely unaddressed.” ABC News also released that Lanza had “social -emotional” challenges, and a falling out with his father later in life. In the months following the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, towns across the country began rallying against the issue of the sale of firearms, and questioned whether or not our gun laws allow shootings like the one at Sandy Hook to happen. “After the December Photo: Wikipedia 2012

shooting, the percentage of Americans favoring stricter firearm sale laws spiked to 58 percent,” according to Today, however, the percentage of Americans, both Republican and Democratic, in support of stricter gun laws has dramatically dropped, now reaching only about half of the number it was two years ago. In the midst of political debate of gun laws, and the possible cause in the rise of school shootings in the U.S, Sandy Hook Elementary School continued on the path of recovery by redesigning the entire building, in an effort to prohibit any intruders from breaking in. “The school structure, slated for completion in September 2016, will surround teachers and students in barely perceptible barriers to entry that could help them detect trouble before it happens,” according to This design will hold an efficient security system, ensuring the safety of all of the schools’ students and faculty. In this way, Sandy Hook Elementary continues to try to recover from the tragic shooting that happened two years ago by keeping the safety of its students, and teachers constant in

“Newtown received over $7 million in federal funds after the shooting, which is being used to pay for school security guards, social workers, and private school tuition for one student who witnessed Sandy Hook Principal Dawn Hochsprung's slaying,” said the Hartford Courant. Since the shooting, people around the country, including those living in the town itself, have set up several memorials for the children killed in the shooting. Even today, the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary remains constant in the minds of thousands, all trying to help the victims’ families in any way possible. “I think the Sandy Hook tragedy is still traumatic for many families, and we all should continue to help them,” said Rachel Horwath, junior. Schools around the country, including Freedom, have increased or updated their security systems in order to create a safer learning environment for its students and staff. These schools have also set certain procedures in place so that, in an event that an armed person would enter the building, every student and faculty member would know exactly what to do in order to protect themselves and those around them.

Swimming against the current SeaWorld struggling to overcome animal abuse claims By Morgan Johnson Journalism Student

Losing business but gaining publicity, the documentary “Blackfish” shines a harsh light on the popular marine animal attraction, SeaWorld. The documentary “Blackfish” entails the story of abuse of killer whales in SeaWorld’s custody. The psychological thriller explains the stress that is placed on whales from being kept in tanks that are equivalent to the size of a bathtub to them. “I think that the animals in captivity are treated fairly well,” said Krystal Honohan, freshman. “Some of them that are there are injured and being restored back to health.” The whales fight one another as a result of stress, which is just seen as playing to the average tourist. When the orcas are brought to SeaWorld from their natural habitat, they are taken away from their mothers and the rest of their families at a young age. After the release of

“Blackfish” in 2013, SeaWorld’s stocks have dropped 33 percent, and profit has dropped 28 percent as of August 2014, according to the Los Angeles Times. Also, the ticket prices were lowered due to attendance decreasing, ac-

ple for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are huge supporters of “Blackfish” and are well known for their unusual protests. This past Thanksgiving, PETA activists sat outside Macy’s in a bathtub, wearing nothing but black

Photo: Wikipedia

cording to Orlando Sentinel. “It’s wrong to have them kept in tanks that aren’t big enough for them. I feel like the animals aren’t being treated properly,” said Isabelle Jabbour, freshman. The animal rights group Peo-

and white body paint to represent the captive orcas at SeaWorld in an effort to remove the SeaWorld float from Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In recent years, Rose McCoy, a 13 year old girl, along with other activists jumped the bar-

ricade at the parade. According to, supporters were waving signs around that read “SeaWorld Hurts Orcas” while shouting “boycott SeaWorld.” McCoy’s arrest for interfering made headlines because of her young age and dedication to veganism and animal rights. Despite the release of “Blackfish,” and all the protesting and decline in business, SeaWorld has made plans to build new attractions. The theme park continuously denies the claims of mistreating the animals. SeaWorld says they take expert care of their whales, and have “more than 1,500 zoological experts dedicated to the animals,” according to their website. Although many customers continue to visit daily, the accusations still anger animal rights activists as well as everyday citizens. “If you try to release a captive animal, they’re not going to know how to survive on their own in the wild,” said Jessica Henderson, freshman.

The Forum

December 2014

3 Editorials

It’s the thought that counts, or is it? Weighing the advantages of giving gifts and gift cards By Shaina Palmer Entertainment Editor

Gift giving is a hallmark of the holiday season; friends and family buy presents to show their love and appreciation for one another. The first option when choosing what to give is to pick out a specific object that fits the recipient’s personality or hobbies. When one gives a thought-out gift, wrapped in festive paper, it is a sign of friendship or love and can evoke warm and fuzzy feelings inside the receiver. Knowing that the giver worked hard to find a special present can be just as rewarding for the giver as it is for recipient. A drawback is that it can be

difficult to think of the perfect present to give, and running around to different stores to find the chosen item can be a hassle, especially when one must repeat the process for numerous people. If one opts to not shop for an item, an alternative is purchasing a gift card. A benefit to giving a gift card is that they can serve as a more generic gift for a person who is hard to shop for, or who he or she might not know as well. For this reason, though, some view gift cards as impersonal or the “easy way out.” However, giving a gift card allows the receiver to choose what to buy, guaranteeing the item is something he or she really likes, or something that will be useful. It can also save

amidst stores’ holiday frenzy of crowds. Deciding which approach to take this holiday season may be a dilemma. Senior Walter Ogozaly’s rule of thumb is, “Extended family members should get gift cards because it is not worth it to guess. If it is a close relative, you are supposed to put in the effort to get them something relevant.” Source: Creative Commons, Wikimedia This attitude would most likely satisfy the expectations of the buyer the trouble of most people. It is important to searching through multiple show that one is making an stores for gifts, which can be effort to consider the person a headache, particularly he or she is shopping for, but

Americans are forgetting holiday spirit Is our society too materialistic? By Michael Datz Assistant News Editor

Think of the holidays, and what comes to mind? For some, it is the joy of seeing friends and family, but some children might say it is about the toys. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see even adults getting excited over the thought of receiving something new on Christmas. The values of Christmas are changing, as one letter posted on shows that in 1915, children simply asked for paints or a book. Presently, it is possible for parents to see Christmas wish lists that reach the floor, as it is now human nature to want more stuff. Take, for example, Black Friday, a tradition that has maintained popularity in the new millennium. From starting modestly, Black Friday has worked into the actual holiday of Thanksgiving, taking the joy out of the holidays. Americans by the hundreds line up to catch a deal on something new for the holiday

shopping season. “They’re focusing on the presents. It’s like, give me more,” said Hunter Hostage, junior. Yes, Americans are becoming more materialistic, with more wanting of tangible things, coming up to the end of the year. What was a joyous time of giving and celebration has turned into a commercialistic frenzy, with everyone blindly wishing for the latest and greatest. Although the recent recession

percent to 861 dollars on Christmas gifts. It is not as if Americans are greedy on their own; people are constantly bombarded by advertisements that encourage buying “the next best thing.” Toy stores now have entire booklets dedicated to new toys, inspiring the want for new things in children. “It’s not intended to be materialistic. People want more,” said Hunter Hall, junior. At the center of it all, it is saddening to see that Americans are less focused on the selfless charity and social aspects of Christmas and the rest of the winter holidays. One iconic charity prevalent during the holidays is the Salvation Army, but their revenue is very limited as of lately. According to, Americans directly donated only two Who does not love to see this million to the Salvation Army under their tree? during the fiscal year of 2013. Photo: Wikimedia Commons So have a happy holiday season, but remember those who slowed holiday spending, ameri- did not receive any gifts this reported year. that spending has gone up eight

When hearing the phrases “21,” “about a week ago,” or “look at all those chickens,” most students in this school would probably crack up. The social media platform Vine, owned by Twitter, has become wildly popular for their ability to post six second videos. “There are a lot of funny Vines out there. It’s a good form of easy entertainment,” said Casey Piacentini, senior. “Vine stars” tend to be teenagers, usually attractive boys, who make relatable videos. They tend

to get millions of followers and hundreds of thousands of revines. Not only are they popular on the Internet, they are starting to get popular in real life. Some examples of famous Viners are Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Princess Lauren, and Jerome Jarre. “Yeah, I saw Nash Grier interviewing people on a red carpet for the Grammy’s and got really confused. When did he become a reporter,” said Brandon Manganiello, senior. Many companies are using these stars and their social media platforms as a form of advertisement.

Should stores be open during holidays? By Analisa Jeffries The Freedom Forum

Businesses can be open for only half the day, allowing people to get what they need. For example, grocery stores. They may be a last resort for some customers. Some stores do not need to be open on holidays. They most likely would not be needed, so they should let their employees spend time off with their families. “Yes, they should be open because sometimes people are late getting their paychecks, so they need to shop that day,” said Britney Cruz, freshman. For some people, it is necessary for the stores to be open on holidays because of the need for money. Parents may not have been paid until that day, so they need to go out, and buy something they need for the holidays. If the stores are not open, or only open for half the day, they would not be able to get it. Should some stores be open on holidays? Even if it is just for a few people, or a few necessities?

Do you need last minute items? Forget something very important? Need it right now? It is a holiday and only a few stores may be open. Should they all be open? “They should not be open because the people have to work, and then they don’t get time to be with their families. They are helping other people and not themselves,” said Parker Bonstein, freshman. The employees of the stores that have to work on holidays will not get to spend time with their families. They deserve some quality family time, and should not have to be at work for the few people that need last minute items. “As a working citizen, I think it depends on the store or place of business. Many stores can be a last resort for people. Some can close early on Princess Lauren, or Lauren Giral- the holidays to allow do, has even been paid for star- people to be with their ring in a Clean & Clear commer- families,” said Spencer cial. Smith, freshman. When is enough, enough? Many of these Vine stars are making a serious amount of money for 6 second videos that hardly anybody can take seriously. Many, such as Nash and Lauren, have been scolded by media for their negative comments about girls bodies and racist tweets. “I can understand them having a lot of view and followers, but endorsements and famous treatment is pushing it,” said Dan Screenshot: Anissa Vasquez Quigley, junior.

End their 6 seconds of fame

By Anissa Vasquez Editor-in-Chief

at the same time, one should be sure that their gift will not be a complete miss. “It depends on how well the person knows me. If the person knows me really well, I like gifts because it shows how much they really know me. But gift cards are always nice because then I can get whatever I want.” said Priyanka Patel, senior, “Unless it is for a place I do not shop at. Then it kind of sucks.” The general consensus among teens seems to be summed up by junior Raegan Pechar: “I prefer to give presents because they have more meaning. But I like receiving gift cards.”

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum

Meeting your evil twin

A publication of Freedom High School

3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Editor-in-Chief Anissa Vasquez News Editor Caitlin McCadden Editorials Editor Cassie Sedler Pates’ Post Editor Jack Ogozaly Entertainment Editor Shaina Palmer Center Spread Editor Aeisha Gauba

Sports Editor Mitchell Coriell Chase Hoover Web Editor Elyse Sanford Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy

For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum


Freedom Forum wishes everybody

a happy and safe holiday break!

The ongoing problem of identity theft affects millions

the risk of identity thieves retrieving personal information Since the escalation of from someone’s prothe Internet and social mefile. With the growth dia, identity theft has beof social networking, come a constant problem teenagers are vulnerawith people across Amerible to identity theft ca who fall victim to scanmore than ever. dals everyday. Just one “I think social media click can distribute imhas the ability to exportant documents, passpose people to identity words, and information to theft more so than an identity theft, adding Staying safe and protected on any social mesomeone who doesn't one more person to the dia is important. have social media acPhoto: Wikimedia Creative Commons counts,” said Dana estimated 9 million people affected by identity theft Pollock, senior. “It's each year in the US. all in the way a person Identity thefts are people who net. This information can then decides to use their social mesteal another person’s personal be retrieved through email, dia account.” information, and are able to social media, or other Internet With one piece of inforreach that person from just accounts. mation, an identity theft can about anywhere on their comAs the rate of social media slowly gain more and more puter through the Inter- users has increased, so too has knowledge about you to the By Ryan Brown The Freedom Forum

point where he or she has control over your accounts and knows information, such as an address, a credit card, passwords, financial records, bank accounts, and essentially any information that is accessible by the Internet. However, identity theft does not have to be inevitable. Simple steps, such as watching what you post, or keeping passwords a little bit more complex than the one word password can keep you safe from anyone lurking on the other side of the screen. “It’s important to stay safe on social media because anyone can see what you post and it will never go away,” said Ashley Morales, freshman. “Something that seems harmless can be used against you in an instant in a malicious way.”

Pates prove critics wrong Laziness is no longer a teenage stereotype and Pates are giving back By The Freedom Forum Staff

Freedom High School (FHS) is more than a high school, it is a family that gives back. The holiday season is quickly approaching, and there is no better way to celebrate the season of giving, than Freedom’s very own clothing and food drive. "Teens don't have a reputation for being generous, but this will help change that,” said Andi Nelson, senior. The teenagers at Freedom want to be a part of something positive in their community and give back to a worthy cause. “I helped out at a food bank and it inspired me to help provide food to the hungry during the holidays,” said Dana Morgan, senior, and mastermind behind the drive. The main force of this drive

were the members of Mrs. Guerra’s PATE block, which include Marwar Tajdar, the president of the International Leadership Club, and Dana Morgan, the president of the Red Cross Club. Together, the PATE block students created and organized the drive, encouraging everyone to participate. “It's fabulous because my kids came up with it. It wasn't like an adult forced it on them," said Mrs. Guerra, Physical Education and senior PATE block teacher. This is something that society must realize: teenagers are kind and caring people, and do benefit society positively. They perform random acts of kindness, like a clothing and food drive, for example, without an adult providing the idea. Students thought about the

homeless and the needy during the holidays. Fortunate students are caring for those who are less fortunate. “I think it's good to give back and help those in need because it makes you feel really good to know you helped someone, especially during the holidays,” said Thalia Nunez, Junior. Christmas is a special time of year. Everyone is looking forward to the warmth they get from giving, which makes this drive so fitting. The students of our school all have someone who loves them and cares for them in someway or another. Now, the students want to give back to others in the community. With this drive, both the givers and the receivers obtain ‘warmth’ from the clothes and food. The giving done now, will not

only help those in present times, but also will affect the students and members of our community, as well as future generations. “I think it’s good for both students and adults because younger kids can get involved later in life and have a bigger contribution and a bigger impact on charity,” said Morgan. According to the National Coalition For the Homeless, in 2014 studies have shown that one in every six Americans goes hungry. This drive, is trying to encourage more of it’s kind in other schools, to change that number. "This is drive is so special because you have to realize many of us are fortunate to have family, a warm house, and clothing and there is a large portion of people who don't and we need to do anything we can to help them,” said Mrs. Guerra. Photos: Josh Christiansen

Bethlehem Area School District

December 2014

The Forum

December 2014

Pates’ Post 5

The Forum

Bringing safety first to Freedom Emergency supply kits for classrooms are introduced into Freedom. Their expectation is that the kits will By Ellyce Nieves as first aid packs, hand sani- hopefully be distributed next The Freedom Forum

Flash back to the mass hysteria during the Liberty High School (LHS) lockdown in April of 2014. Students were huddled in their classrooms while the school had to be searched, due to a bomb threat. While the students were stuck in their classrooms for nearly 4 hours, something that would have came in handy was an emergency supply kit. The lockdown at LHS is exactly what sparked the idea of a “go kit.” Go Kits are boxes of supplies that are kept in classrooms with items that could potentially be used in an emergency situation. The kits would include items, such

tizer, flashlights, grocery bags , and more. “I had friends in Liberty who were talking about the experience, and I kind of came up with the idea: why don’t we get little Go Kits in each classroom? Then Mrs. Erdman kind of helped get that started,” said Aeisha Gauba, Freedom High School (FHS) senior. For right now, the kits would only be distributed in FHS. A Go Kit would be supplied in each classroom in the building. They may be stored in closets or any place that is easily accessible. The Go Kit Committee has spoken with a grant committee about bringing Go Kits

year. “Our timeline goal is next year. So by the time the students start the new school year they’ll be in classrooms,” said Gauba. Unfortunately, FHS would not have the money to purchase a Go Kit for every classroom in the building. Therefore, the Go Kit Committee is seeking grants and donations in order to pay for the supplies. Fundraising is another option that may be consider as a last resort. Go Kits have the potential to be extremely useful if an emergency situation were to happen. The LHS lockdown was an example; however, the supplies would be helpful if

there was a weather emergen- though the Go Kits have high cy as well. potential, hopefully there will “In case there is an emergen- not be too many situations cy, I think that it would be where they will be needed. extremely useful. But they’re there just in case. They’ll know that there’s something there to help them in case there is an emergency,” said Josh Christiansen, sophomore. Most importantly, the Go Kits would just provide a Go Kit Committee: Julia Ingarao, Aeisha Gauba, preparedness factor for the Josh Christiansen, Leilani Achoe, Gabby Greenhoward, and Jack Ogozaly (missing). students. Even Photo by: Ellyce Nieves

Time for peer-to-peer tutoring National Honor Society tutoring program helps out students By Mitchell Coriell Sports Editor

A tutoring service ran by the Freedom High School’s National Honor Society has been starting to take effect. This program was created by last year’s National Honor Society secretary during the 2013-2014 school year. The program is now ran by the current secretary, Kevin Berry, senior. “The NHS Tutoring Service is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an after school tutoring service aimed to help students that want the help,” said Berry. The service is ran entirely by the National Honor Society

members. Any student that is a member of it can volunteer to be a tutor and help other students at Freedom. “Tutors are volunteers from NHS and if anyone is interested they can email for the necessary forms to sign up. Anyone looking for tutoring can go through either their guidance counselor or also email the same address to fill out forms,” said Berry. Berry will then match a tutor with a student who asks to be tutored in a specific subject. The student and the tutor will then have to schedule a day and time to have the sessions.

“Once they are matched up, it’s up to the student and the tutor to find a time to meet after school. Once they have a time, I assign them a room, and it goes from there,” said Berry For the tutors, the time spent tutoring will go towards service hours for National Honors Society. Once those hours are completed, any other hours spent tutoring can go towards community service hours. The service will be beneficial for anyone hoping to better understand a class and lift their grade. “Overall, I really do think that for the students we are helping the tutoring service is doing good,” said Berry.

The most wanted gifts of Christmas The season of giving By Jada Blount Frazier The Freedom Forum

Christmas is the season of giving, a time when family and loved ones gather around the tree, and when presents are opened. When you wake up and go downstairs to see a tree with presents underneath, all you can think about is the many surprises in store. It is also the rush of the holiday morning that wakes up the whole family. “We usually just open gifts when everyone wakes up, my little brother usually wakes up first,” said Ryan Beavon, sophomore. Though people are normally given the final product of a gift, the gift-giver has to put many things into consideration about what they will be giving to someone this holiday season. Finding the right gift for someone can be difficult, especially when you have to pick out and present the gift to someone who is picky. A lot of the time, people admire gifts from the heart. “I think I will just give a nice card,” said James Polk, senior. Even though it is cliché, sometimes the thought really is what counts.

“For my mom, my dad, and my brother I get them one big thing,” said Beavon. Even though Christmas is about giving, it is always a plus to receive. A common thing that people ask for is money. “Honestly I just want money,” said Beavon. When it comes to receiving and buying a gift for someone, think about how much you are willing to spend and how big you want the gift to be. But always remember, the price tag is not all that matters.

Top 5 gifts of Mrs. Erdman’s journalism class 1. Money 2. Technology 3. XBox One 4. PS4 5. iPhone 6 6. Laptop 7. Clothes and Shoes 8. Books and Travel 9. Kayak: Yes Anissa really asked Santa for this!

Photo: Creative Common Google Images

Christmas City shines bright throughout the arAs the Christmas season approaches, families begin to bedizen their houses and yards with twinkle lights, Christmas themed blow-ups, and decorative cut outs. While citizen peruse the streets of Bethlehem, they are greeted by brilliant displays of lights around every corner; this includes the over 15 year-old tradition of lighting luminaries.


“My mom and her two friends started it to bring the neighborhood together for one night around the holiday season. I think it really took off because it’s something small you can do and it doesn’t cost much,” said Robert Anderson, FHS alumnus whose family was one of the original founders of Luminaria Night.

er, now the majority of the city of Bethlehem, including schools, nursing homes, and businesses take part. All the proceeds are donated to New Bethany Ministries, a local shelter for Luminaries line the streets of Bethlehem and create a beautiful place to live. For information on how to get involved in Luminaria Night next year, visit the homeless, hungry, or destitute.

“The feeling of being connected with your neighbors is something really special. Our slogan is ‘be the light in your neighbors darkest hour’ which means that we aren't just lighting the streets for the pretty view; it’s really Luminaria are white bags filled with sand that have for the people [who] we help with the a votive candle which burns inside. The bags are lit money that is raised,” said Anderson. on a certain night each year to symbolize unity, and When the event first began in 1998, express a dedication towards helping the less fortuonly a few homes located in Andernate in our community. This year Luminaria Night son’s neighborhood behind Elias will be held on Dec. 16. Farmers Market participated; howev-

The Luminaria Kit which contains the bags, candles, and sand that is placed at the bottom of the bag can all be purchased jointly for a small fee of $10 for the first kit, and $5 for each additional kit. These kits can be bought from a block captain, or contact person, who distributes and organizes the event for your specific

“My neighbor is a block captain, so he got me started a long time ago. Even if I am not home on the day that LuminarPhoto courtesy of New Bethany Ministries ia Night falls on, he will put out my bags for me and light them, so I can still be included. When the weather is nice, the view of Bethlehem is beautiful, and truly a sight to see,” said Mr. George Ziegler, FHS English teacher.

“Bethlehem has gained its name of "Christmas City U.S.A." because it's completely dedicated to keeping big business out of the holiday season, and sticking to original Christmas traditions.“ Source:

It is lovely weather for riding in a carriage with you Holiday carriage rides in Downtown Bethlehem By: Julia Ingarao, Pates Post Editor As the temperature drops and the snow starts to fall, Bethlehem becomes a place aglow with tourists and traditions that have been going on for many years. One of those traditions are the carriage rides that run throughout the city all of the holiday season. “These carriage rides have been going on since before I was born, my parents remember going on one when they were in high school” said Chloe Domyan, Junior at BECA. Not only have the carriage rides been going on for a long time but they are something that people look forward to when visiting the Christmas City. “My aunt and uncle come and stay with my mom

and I for a weekend. Whenever they come we go to Christkindlmarkt and they have to go on a carriage ride downtown” said Elise Kline, Junior at LHS. More recently, carriage rides have been running over on the South side as well. “Well I think Christkindlmarkt used to be just on the east side, so the carriage rides were able to be only downtown by the Hotel Bethlehem, but I guess since Christkindlmarkt has moved to the South side as well so they moved some of the rides over there” said Domyan. With all of traffic that comes in from tourists, carriage rides are something fun to do when taking a break from exploring all of the historical sites around town. Catch a carriage ride right out on Main Street in front of Mama Nina’s Restaurant.

Carriage ride rates dePhoto: Julia Ingarao differ

Ringing holiday cheer into the Christmas SteelStacks is holding several holiday events throughout the month of December By: Elyse Sanford In addition to the ever so popular Christkindlmarkt, SteelStacks, in Southside Bethlehem is having an abundance of activities going on throughout the month of December to welcome in the holiday season to the Christmas City. There is no reason not to get into the holiday cheer this year.

ing to be a gingerbread house competition and exhibit at the Connect Zone at SteelStacks. The best part about this event is that it is all free and the first place prize for the best gingerbread house is $125. The event starts on November 17 and runs until December 23.

At the Frank Banko Alehouse Cinemas, there will The Peeps Fest will be going on too. According be showings of Christmas movie favorites. These to SteelStacks’ website, Peeps Fest is going to have types of Christmas movies will range from Christ“Live penguins, loveable sled dogs and more free mas classics to even holiday quote-a-longs. family fun than ever highlight the fifth anniversary ArtsQuest lights up the Steelstacks as Christmas events Some of these movies include: “Planes, Trains, celebration of PEEPSFEST™, the delightful family continue! and Automobiles,” “Elf,” “National Lampoon’s festival that takes place at SteelStacks in BethlePhoto: Bryn Girard Christmas Vacation,” “Miracle on 34th Street,” hem.” “Christmas In Connecticut,” and “White ChristThe Peeps Fest is a two day festival that happens activities that have a fee involved. mas.” The times and dates of these movies are lobetween the dates December 30-31 at the At the Peeps Fest, there will be many performanccated on the SteelStacks website. ArtsQuest Center. There will be several free events es and there is going to be a 5K walk, jog, or run. In addition to Christmas movies, there is also go- and activities taking place, along with events and The Peeps Fest 5K will be held on December 31,

Steel Stacks hosts Christkindlmarkt Bethlehem’s holiday arts and crafts festival By Josh Christiansen

the Christmas holiday, but you still might be won- East Hills Middle Schools’ 6th grade chorus and dering what one sees and does at a 7th and 8th grade chorus will be singing, as well Christkindlmarkt. Well, you have come to the as Freedom High School’s Les Chanteurs, and right place. Farmersville Elementary School’s Chorus.

Bethlehem is known as the Christmas City of There are stands offering food and candy, such as the United States and one of the city’s most popucookies, chocolate candy, toffee, dog treats, and lar events during the holiday season is many other delicious goods. One can buy jewelry, ArtsQuest’s Christkindlmarkt, a Christmas street ornaments, and decorations from various venmarket held at the SteelStacks. dors. Booths selling bags and clothes such as “There’s no better place to spend Christmas,” hats, scarves, shirts, and sweaters are also plentisaid Annie Davis, of Annie’s Pooch Poos All Nat- ful and popular. Craft stands are always a big hit ural Dog Treats, a vendor at Christkindlmarkt. as well. Many see this event as the best place to spend

“I love the different things you can find here: the crafts, the stand; all unique,” said Linda Himmelberger, a visitor of the festival. The atmosphere of the Christkindlmarkt held in Bethlehem is one to be envied. The lights. The decorations. The warmth. The Christmas music. The friendly people.

A night time view of Chriskindlmarkt! Photo: Josh Christiansen

Lighting up the streets of Bethlehem with signs of Chriskindlmarkt. Photo: Josh Christiansen

“I love the atmosphere. I love being downGuests can visit Christkindlmarkt’s outdoor town, being in Bethlehem during Christmas,” courtyard, where they can view the carving of ice said Himmelberger. sculptures, and children can explore life-size conChristkindlmarkt also provides a variety of temporary playhouses. services and holiday entertainment for its visiInside, festival-goers can watch as artists transtors. On the event’s website (provided below), a list of performers is posted. Among the per- form molten glass into works of art and an ornaformers entertaining at the festival are some of ment-maker from Germany creates handmade Bethlehem Area School District’s (BASD) collectibles. own.

Christkindlmarkt is not only special to its guests,

8 Pates’ Post

December 2014

The Forum

Apprendre à parler la langue de l'amour Learning to speak the language of love Aperçu des cours de français à Freedom By Haley Nesler and Sarayna Nick Guests of The Freedom Forum

Bonjour tout le monde! Nous voulons vous dire comment est le cours de français ici à Freedom High School. Le français est connu pour être la langue d’amour et c’est la troisième plus populaire langue parler aux ÉtatsUnis. C’est vraiment l’une des langues le plus phénoménal dans le monde. Qui ne voudrait pas une chance d'apprendre cette langue? Dans le cours de français à Freedom High School, nous apprenons beaucoup des aspects différentes de la langue français. Nous apprenons comment l’écrire, la parler, et l’ecouter. Nous apprenons le grammaire, la culture, et le pays en general. Pour la langue, il est important de connaître le vocabulaire parce que chaque mot a un genre. Il est aussi important de savoir comment conjuguer les verbes parce que le verbe change par le pronom, le genre, le quantité et le temps. Après que nous avons pro-

Overview of French class at Freedom

gressé à AP français, nous avons ap- By Haley Nesler and pris plus de la culture et des autres Sarayna Nick choses quotidiennes. Nous couvrons Guests of The Freedom Forum tous les sujet donc vous pouvez penser, des problèmes environnemenHello Everytaux à la technologie à l'art. Saone! We want chant comment discuter ces sujets en to tell you anglais est impressionnant, mais how French imaginez -les en français! class is at Nous recommandons cette classe Freedom High pour des nombreuses raisons. Pour School. commencer, il peut vous amuser. OcFrench is casionnellement, il y a peut être un Photo submitted by: known to be jeu pour tester vos connaissances. Il y Haley Nesler the language a toujours un but, par exemple, cerof love and tains jeux semblent d’ être pour le the 3rd most plaisir, quand actuellement ils renforcent vos compétences. Aussi il y a popular language spoken in the Unitl’intérêt à connaître une deuxième ed States. It is truly one of the most langue! Avec ce langage, vous pouvez phenomenal languages in the world. communiquer avec des personnes en Who would not want a chance to France, des autres pays européens, learn this language? In French class at Freedom High certains pays africains, et des personnes au Québec. Le français est la School, we learn many different aslangue pour apprendre et le cours à pects of the French language. We learn how to write it, speak it, and suivre! hear it. We learn about the grammar, the culture, and the country as a whole. For the language, it is im-

portant to know vocabulary because each word has a gender. It is also important to know how to conjugate verbs because the verb changes by pronoun, gender, quantity, and tense. After advancing to AP French, we learn more about culture and other everyday things. We cover any topic you can think of, from environmental issues to technology to art. Knowing how to discuss these topics in English is impressive, but imagine French! We recommend this class because of many reasons. For starters, it can entertain you. Occasionally there may be a game to test your knowledge. All has a purpose; for example, some games appear to be just for fun, when actually they are strengthening your skills. Also it is beneficial to know a second language! With this language, you can communicate with people in France, some other European countries, some African countries, and people in Quebec. French is the language to learn and the class to take!

Running an uncertain road Freedom High School is coach(less) for the time being

By Leilani Achoe Journalism Student

It was announced last month that for the time being, there is no official coach for Freedom’s track team. There has been some speculation that because of this fact, there will no longer be a track program for both the winter and spring seasons. But luckily, Freedom’s athletic director, Mrs. Diane Jordan, debunked the

rumors and gossip that is rapidly spreading. “Freedom will have a track program in the spring. At this time, we have not hired a coach, but there will be a staff in place for the season,” said Mrs. Jordan. Cross country coach, Mr. Bob Thear will be helping out with track and field for the winter. He will be assisting the distance runners in their workouts and long runs, but

as for the sprinters, there are no planned workouts scheduled. Many of the runners think that with the assistance of Coach Thear, the season will take off with more ease than expected. The distance runners are excited to begin practices and start getting back into shape. No one really knows why there is not a track coach anymore. There are so many questions left unanswered. Why exactly is there not a track coach anymore? What

really lies for the track team in the future? Well, nothing is really known about why there is not a coach. No one on the track team really knows anything about the situation either. Right now, the school is just looking for a coach. “I don’t know if there is necessarily not going to be a coach, but we still have the cross country coach who runs with us,” said Shaina Palmer, senior. This has affected not only the kids on the team, but also

future students who have wanted to be on the team. Team members themselves feel like there may not be as many students who would want to join the team. A few freshmen have even said they were debating whether or not to join the team this year. If the school finds a coach, there is a possibility they still might join the team.

Jumping into the season for the kids A preview of BASD Mini-mini THON By Aeisha Gauba Centerspread Editor

As the year progresses, BASD mini-THON continues to spread the word of what THON is. As the holiday season approaches, members of the BASD miniTHON are hosting a mini-mini THON at local elementary schools. Mini-mini THON is a way for elementary school students to be informed with what THON is and be able to experience a glimpse of THON themselves. “Mini-mini THON is an all day event with the whole school. Throughout the day, different grades come at different times,” said Hannah Gawlick, publicity captain of BASD mini-THON. This event is filled with all kinds of fun throughout the

day. The students will be able to participate in activities, such as sports games and arts & crafts. Not all students get to participate in minimini THON. Students who show dedication and teamwork get to attend this function at the elementary schools. Freedom High School and Liberty High School THON Students play with the parachute at the first annual mini-mini THON at members both partici- Governor Wolf last year! Photo Submitted By: Alyssa Villani pate in this function, except they have different schools that they attend. mentary School, and is in As the day goes on for each Freedom will be going to charge of organizing and run- of the schools, there is a genSpring Garden Elementary ning those two schools. eral schedule for the elemenSchool and Farmersville EleThen, both, Freedom and tary schools. mentary School. Liberty will be collaborating First, members will give a Liberty will be going to for Asa Packer Elementary description of what miniHanover and Calypso Ele- School. THON actually is, then the

students will stand and complete a shorter version of the line dance. After, kids will participate in minute to win it games, and then move over to stations where they create arts and crafts for THON families. Furthermore, the kids will then play unified games like parachute, giant Twister, and Simon says. The goal of mini-mini THON is to show the students of the elementary school what THON actually is. Lastly, at the mini-THON event on April 11th, there will be an hour dedicated to recapping the moments of minimini THON. “I’m excited to go to the elementary schools this year, I get to dress up as Santa and bring joy to the children,” said Thomas Benak, publicity captain of BASD miniTHON.

December 2014

The Forum

9 Entertainment

Singing along to Christmas songs Christmas is right around the corner and holiday music is taking over the radio By Hayley Guzzo Journalism Student

Halloween and Thanksgiving are over, and Christmas is almost here. That means Christmas music is playing everywhere, and a lot of people are excited to start rocking along to their favorite holiday tunes. Some think that it is way too early, but others are so excited to listen to some of those classic holiday songs. According to, the number one Christmas song right now is “All I Want For Christmas Is You,” by Mariah Carey. Another holiday hit right now is “Do You Want To Build A Snowman,”

by Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn and Katie Lopez, which most people recognize from the movie Frozen. “‘I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas’ is my favorite Christmas song.” said Valerie Hauman, freshman. According to, there are some Christmas songs that people just never get sick of, like “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” which was written in November 1934, and “Have Yourself A vorite song is the well known Merry Little Christmas” “Rudolph the Rednose Reinwhich was written in 1944. deer.” Freshman Kerri Kipp’s faMany well known artists

have made new versions of a lot of the holiday classics. Artists like Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber have put their own twist on the originals. A lot of people prefer the new versions of the song over the original, but others choose to stick to listening to classics during the holidays. A tradition that a lot of families have is listening to holiday songs while decorating their Christmas tree. Others listen to it while

they bake cookies to get in the festive spirit.For some people, Christmas is not all about giving and receiving gifts; some people just love singing along to their favorite holiday songs like “Jingle Bells” and “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.” While some cover their ears when it comes on the radio, many love listening to Christmas music and see it as the kick off to a jolly holiday season. “I like it, but I hate listening to Jingle Bells over and over,” said Hauman.

Wishing 123 Sesame Street a happy 45th Sesame Street marks its 45th year on air By Elaina Barettino Journalism Student

Happy 45th birthday to our friendly neighbors and furry friends at Sesame Street. Sesame Street is an educational TV show with puppet characters such as Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch.. There is a plethora of guest stars who are featured in the episodes, such as Aziz Ansari, Lupita Nyong’o, One Direction, and so many more. The show is originally set on 123 Sesame Street, but the show has traveled to a plaza in Mexico and a marketplace in South Africa. Sesame Street’s target audience is young children because the show is centered on learning life lessons, basic school skills, and appreciating diverse cultures. "It prepares children for school with music, dancing, and interactivity and the characters they love so much,"

said Laura McHugh, Executive Producer for PBS39 via email. McGugh has been working at PBS39 for 7 years and has had the opportunity to see Sesame Street change over time. "It’s remained relevant in changing times, but continues to instill timeless values in our children," said McHugh via email. Although the show debuted its first episode on November 10, 1969, it is still very popular today. It appeals to viewers because it grows with time and educates the audience using entertaining tactics such as music, celebrities, and humor. “Segments such as “Word on the Street,” celebrity vocabulary, songs, spoofs and dance breaks appeal to children’s sense of play while focusing on the fundamental skills kids need to succeed in school and in life,” said

McHugh write in an email. many years to come," said McHugh via email. The Sesame Street Twitter celebrated their 45th anniversary by tweeting 45 Facts about the show with the hashtag #45SesameFacts. “On the first season, Oscar the Grouch was orange. #45SesameFacts,” @SesameStreet tweeted. The individuals who watched the first episode of the show in 1969 are now old enough to be parents, or even grandparents, of children who are watching the show today. The show has traveled through 4 decades and has influenced millions of kids, some of whom still hold the characters and values close to their hearts. Sesame Street is currently in the middle of its 45th season. The show runs on weekdays at 8:00 A.M. on PBS39. "PBS39 is proud to be Eastern Pennsylvania’s source for A few of the 45 facts the Sesame Street twitter account Sesame Street, and we certweeted to celebrate their 45th year on air Photo Screenshot of Sesame Street Twitter Account by tainly hope to continue to air Elaina Barettino this beloved program for

Read more: Book of the month

Review of “Eleanor and Park” by Rainbow Rowell By Cayley Urenko her maniac, alcoholic stepfaThe Freedom Forum

terfly. Or a heartbeat.” “‘Eleanor & Park’ reminded me not just what it is like to be young and in love with a girl, but also what it is like to be young and in love with a book,” said John Green. This book reminds you of the butterflies you probably felt back in middle school when you had your first crush in the most refreshing way possible. It shows that love can conquer anything, and as for Eleanor and Park…. I will not be a spoiler. “‘Eleanor and Park’ was not

your typical cookie-cutter love story. It made me feel like love does not have to be perfect to be real,” said Anissa Vasquez, senior.


“Eleanor and Park” is not a normal high school love story where the captain of the football team falls for the beautiful cheerleader. Eleanor and Park, the story's main characters, are most definitely not a pair you would think would end up falling in love. Eleanor, also known as “Big Red,” has just moved back to Omaha, Nebraska after being sent away from her home by

ther. Eleanor’s family has it rough; she shares a bedroom with her five siblings, and toothbrushes are a luxury. Somedays you might also think she was a boy by the way she dresses in baggy pants and neck ties. Park is half-Korean and has friends in school and on the bus, but he usually has his nose buried in a comic book or is plugged into his Walkman listening to music. Eleanor sits next to Park on the

bus on the first day of school, and this is where their story begins. The two of them are too awkward to speak to each other on the bus rides, so overtime Eleanor starts reading his comic books over his shoulder. After Park notices, he begins lending her his favorite comics, and then they bond over music. The way the two think about each other is so incredibly heartwarming, sensual, and intense. “Holding Eleanor’s hand was like holding a but-

10 Entertainment

December 2014

The Forum

Filming for success on the Internet Who is on YouTube? By Juliana Maffea Journalism Student

A main reason people post videos is because they need to get away from reality. “I think more girls look up beauty videos than any other video,” said Skylar Petrone, freshman. What first started as a hobby became a career for certain people. When people think of YouTube, they think of the more commonly known names such as Zoella, PewDiePie, Bethany Mota, Shane Dawson, and Jenna Marbles. “I don’t really think it should be a job; it’s more of a hobby, or even a passion,” said Sarah Laudone, freshman. Zoella, also known as Zoe Sugg, posts beauty, fashion, and lifestyle videos. Not only does she post videos, but she also has her own blog and has won a Teen Choice Award for

Choice Web Star: Beauty/ Fashion. Her bubbly personality makes her the type of person people can easily to relate to. “Some of them don’t have talent; well they do, but some are only popular for their looks,” said Petrone. Another beauty guru is Bethany Mota. She posts beauty, fashion, and DIYs.She has her own clothing line at Aeropostale, she has been on Dancing With the Stars and even made it to the semifinales, and she won a Teen Choice Award for: Teen Choice Web Star. “She really has come far, and I know three people who watch her

videos, too,” said Laudone. PewDiePie is a swedish YouTuber that plays video games as a job. PewDiePie, also known as Felix Kjellberg is known for his random outbursts and crazy personality. He has won an award for Teen Choice: Gaming. “It is cool that boys have something fun to watch, too. It is not everyday you hear about these boy YouTubers,” said Petrone.

Another famous male YouTuber is Shane Dawson. Dawson’s channel should not be watched by the younger crowd because the prevalence of foul language and inappropriate things he says or does. He is known for voicing his opinion and doing what he wants without caring what other people think of him. “They are internet famous, but not celebrities. When you hear celebs you think of movie stars and actresses, but they’re not famous,” said Aubrey Maffea, freshman. Jenna Marbles is a widely known YouTuber who speaks her mind, but like Shane Dawson,

some of her videos are not appropriate for younger audiences to watch. She takes a laidback approach, yet gets her point across, which helped her gain her following. “I really only watch YouTube when I am bored or there is nothing else to do, but on YouTube they have things that you cannot really find anywhere else,” said Maffea. YouTubers are able to create videos that help or entertain their viewers while at the same time providing an outlet of expression and meaningful product for themselves. Most YouTubers see their viewers as not just subscribers, but as family or friends, too. “I feel like in a way the YouTube community is not necessarily taking over, but they are getting more popular,” said Laudone.


Entertaining yourself through the month of December 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family By Brian Seitz Journalism Student

It is that time of the year again; Christmas trees, decorative Santas, Christmas wreaths, hot chocolate, and ABC Family’s classic television program block that people of all ages can look forward to: 25 Days of Christmas. Premiering on Dec. 1st and ending after Christmas day, ABC Family airs Christmas movies and specials for the entire family to watch. The Christmas movie marathon’s first appearance was in 1996. It became more popular over the


years and now it is a much anticipated family activity. Ranging from specials that first played in the 1950s to movies that came out last year, its diverse selection of Christmas specials and movies satisfies all of the different types of audiences. One example of a beloved Christmas movie is “Elf.” It tells the story of a fictional character named Buddy who is a human, but was raised in the North Pole. He goes on an adventure to New York City to find

his real father. The irony of a full-grown human acting like an elf and doing everything wrong in the biggest city in America is sure to create endless laughter for the audience. “Elf” made an appearance on Dec. 1 and Dec. 8, and will make and appearance on Dec. 19, 20, 24, and 25, according to “Elf is a tradition to me and family. We watch it every year [around Christmas time],” said Rileigh Ellis, sophomore. When Santa Claus grows too old and gets sick, who is going to deliver presents to the children? “The Year Without a Santa Claus” is a Christmas

classic. Making its first appearance to the public in 1974, it has premiered in every single “25 Days of Christmas” marathon. This year, it appeared on Dec. 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 15. It will also appear on Dec. 21, 22 and 25 of this year. “I like the 25 Days of Christmas because it plays all the Christmas specials and movies that I watched as a kid. My favorite is ‘The Polar Express’,” said Aliceann Trostle, sophomore. If you want a both kidfriendly and nostalgic TV experience this month, the “25 Days Christmas” is the place to be.

Common ways to ring in the New Year By Martha Sierocinski Journalism Student

The city was on the extreme of an overwhelming change in 1904. Two modernization that would entirely transform the “Crossroads of the World debut in 1904” were the city’s first subway line opening and the first-ever celebration of New Year’s Eve in Times Square. The Times Tower was isolated on a tiny triangle of land at the intersection of 7th Avenue, Broadway and 42nd street. It was Manhattan’s second-tallest building at the time. The focus of the

building was to target a remarkable New Year’s Eve celebration. Times Square in New York City has been the center of international attention on New Year’s Eve for 109 years, ever since the owner of One Times Square began to plan the rooftop celebrations to welcome the New Year. The year 1907 marked the first ball lowering celebration, and this tradition is now a worldwide symbol of welcoming the New Year. December 31 is the last day of the year. An all-day street festival concluded in a firework display, and at midnight

the joyful sound of cheering and noisemakers from over 200,000 who is present at the celebration that could be heard. In many countries, New Year’s Eve is celebrated at an evening social gathering, whether it be a party or a small get-together, where many people dance, eat, drink alcoholic beverages, and watch or light fireworks to mark the new year. “For the new year, I’m just looking forward to spending time with me family and seeing what the new year has to bring,” said Annu Singh, senior. In many places, people will

gather in the main town or and a colorful fan dance will city to watch a big community start off the New Year’s Eve celebration or concert. Most bash at 6:00 p.m. EST. of these events generally go on past midnight into January 1st, which is New Year’s Day. The official event arrangement this upcoming New Year’s Eve features live performances by Miley Cyrus, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Blondie, Icona Pop, Jencarlos, El Dasa and Rodney Atkins. Melissa Etheridge will perform her new song, Uprising of Love. A breathtaking Chinese cultural will be performed featuring Kung Fu, Photo: Wikimedia, Creative Commons

New Year’s Eve 2015

December 2014

11 Sports

The Forum

Preparing for an exciting post season Midseason NFL Report By Chuck Tichy Journalism Student

One of the largest unanswered questions that comes up midway through this NFL season is if Johnny Manziel will earn a starting spot on the Cleveland Browns. Some predicted him to dominate in the NFL, and at the current moment, he is not living up to these expectations. He has yet to start a single game. The former Heisman trophy winner was drafted 22nd overall in the 2014 NFL draft by the Browns. Football fans eagerly awaited to see how Manziel will perform, but have been very disappointed to see his lack of snaps. “Johnny Manziel is definitely a bust. All of the hype

around him is causing him not to perform as good as he can,” said Matt Gagnon, junior. A question that comes up every year is who is the best team in the NFL. This is based solely upon one’s own opinion. “Eagles are definitely the best team right now. The Chip Kelly offense is like a well oiled machine. Some of the key players are Darren Sproles, Jeremy Maclin, and Mark Sanchez,” said Austin Negron, sophomore. The Eagles, Patriots, Packers, and the Cardinals are all playing great football and at the moment are definitely Super Bowl contenders. The Cardinals are having one of their best seasons in franchise history with a 8-1 start. Their defense has been

playing exceptionally and is led by star cornerback, Patrick Peterson. There has been an on going debate on who is the best cornerback in the league. The Seahawks cornerback, Richard Sherman claims it is him; however, some may argue that Peterson is the superior cornerback. Who ever it is you may choose both are leading their teams to success in the early part of the season. “Sherman is good, but Peterson is better. I would rather have Peterson on my team,” said Negron. Another team to look out for is the Dallas Cowboys. Having one of the best starts in the NFL, they look likely to make it to the playoffs and pos-

sibly a run at the Super Bowl. Demarco Murray running back for the Cowboys is on pace to break the single season rushing record. One more question that arises is who should win rookie

of the year. Some may argue that Raiders quarterback, Derek Carr, or the Bills wide receiver, Sammy Watkins should, while some may say that Chargers running back, Branden Oliver is deserving of this award. “Kelvin Benjamin [wide receiver] on the Panthers. He made himself a centerpiece of their offense,” said Gagnon. The end of the NFL season right before the playoffs is always the most intriguing, so football fans should be sure to tune in to see watch some action packed, exhilarating football games.

Photo: Flickr, Creative Commons

Hockey prepares for its winter wonderland 2015 NHL Winter Classic By Christa Eaton Assistant Entertainment Editor

It is that time of year again hockey fans. The 2015 Winter Classic is quickly approaching. This years game is between the Washington Capitals and Chicago Blackhawks. The game will take place at Nationals Park in Washington D.C. on January 1st. Junior Liza Mastronardo is excited to see what each team will bring to the ice on New Years day. “I am really excited because both teams have such quality players that will make it interesting, " said Mastronardo. Looking back at the previous meetings between the two teams in the 2013-2014 season, each team won a game at their respective stadiums. The first meeting between the two

in the 2014-2015 season will most likely be Brayden “I think Chicago will win besaw Washington come away Holtby for Washington and cause they have more depth to with a 3-2 victory in Chica- Corey Crawford for Chicago. their team. Their top players go. This years winter classic Senior Tyler Tasillo who are playing well,” said Tasilwill be loaded with stars on plays on the Freedom ice lo. each team. hockey team believes that the Leading up to the big game Lining up for the on New Washington Capitals Years day, will be Captain AlexRoss ander Ovechkin who Greenburg posted 51 goals and 28 is going to assists for 79 points produce a this past season. His new belinemate and cohind the captain Nicklas Backscenes strom posted 18 goals documenand 61 assists for 79 tary about points also. The two the journey stand out Blackhawks to the Winare Patrick Kane who ter Classic. recorded 29 goals and Capitals stars Nicklas Backstrom (left) and Captain AlexanThe show der Ovechkin (right). 40 assists for 69 points Photo: Creative Commons- Baltimore Sports Report will be and Captain Jonathan called Toews who recorded “Road to 28 goals and 40 assists for 68 fans in Washington will be NHL Winter Classic” and will points. The goalie matchup disappointed. air on December 16 on EPIX.

The Washington Capitals are looking forward to bringing the winter classic to the nations capital. Capitals goalie Brayden Holtby told the NHL website how excited he is to show the world how passionate the fans in Washington D.C. are about hockey. “We know how special the fans here are and how much the fan base has grown in the last decade, and how passionate they are. I don't think a lot of people around the hockey world know that or appreciate that yet, and I think that it's great that this city is getting recognition for how passionate they are about hockey," said Holtby. The 2015 NHL Winter Classic will be just as exciting as the past games. Having 2 star powered teams will make it that more exciting.

Closing in on the Trophy The Best Player in College Football

3,470 yards, throwing 36 touchdowns, with two interBy Roland Cash ceptions, and running for The Freedom Forum eleven touchdowns. Mariota It is getting to the end is the number one Heisman of the season for the candidate and is planning to top 4 players in college win the first college football football to punch their playoffs too. tickets to New York “Mariota’s looking pretty City and hopefully win good this season," said Juwan the Heisman Trophy. Northing, junior. Quarterback Marcus Running back Melvin GorMariota, Oregon: Rundon was breaking records left ning back Melvin Gorand right this season. Gordon don , Wisconsin: rushed for a career-high 259 Quarterback Trevone yards against Northwestern on Photo: Steve Grant, Flickr Boykin, TCU: QuarterOctober 4th. Winning Big back J.T. Barrett, Ohio Ten offensive player of the State are all deemed the most Mariota had an impressive year and becoming Big Ten likely candidates for this season this year putting up first team. award great numbers; passing for "Gordon is one the best

backs in college right now," said Garrett Klein, junior. Boykin coming into this season was not one of the favorites to win the Heisman but he proved the voters wrong. He has lead his team to a 10-1 season and has earned his team a spot in the college football playoffs. Boykin may get his trip to New York. "I didn't know who he is until this year," said Colin Zarzecki, junior. After starting quarterback Braxton Miller re injured his shoulder in the spring, J.T. Barrett was next in line as quarterback. Barrett had a slow start but by midseason

he became a Heisman contender. A terrible seasonending injury though may hurt Barrett’s chance for winning the Heisman this year. "Barrett was one of the best quarterbacks this year," said Alkiohn Duncan, junior. It has been an impressive season for these Heisman candidates this year. It is definitely going to be a tough choice for the voters. The Heisman Memorial Trophy Presentation is on Saturday, Dec 13 at 8pm. The general public can watch the ceremony on ESPN. Watch and see which of the top four players will raise the trophy high.

December 2014

12 Sports

The Forum

Skating onto bigger ponds The Freedom Patriots take on the new PPL Center By Caitlin McCadden News Editor

Rain, sleet, and snow will not stop your local mailman, and it certainly did not put a damper on Freedom High School (FHS) ice hockey fans. It might have taken a storm the size of hurricane Sandy to stop these enthusiastic fans from supporting the team as they got the opportunity to play at the new PPL Center in Allentown. On Nov. 26, 2014, the Patriots took on Northampton High School (NHS) in a frozen battle on the ice. Although it may not have been their finest hour, the final score being FHS: 3, NHS: 7, the Patriots were still thankful for the experience. “It was a lot of fun to play at a high quality arena that is home to professionals. I’m glad that we got to play there before I graduated. Win or lose it was a great experience for the team and I had a great

time.” said Timothy Lechman, senior. The PPL Center is a state-ofthe-art multi purpose arena that is newly built in downtown Allentown. The arena has the capacity to seat 10,000 people for concerts and more than 8,500 fans for Phantoms professional hockey games, making it the region’s largest events venue. The PPL Center has made it a priority to hold events that will satisfy the entertainment based needs of the entire community, including high school athletic and non-athletic events. The developers of the PPL Center have planned for it to be “the heart of the Lehigh Valley and is currently the main catalyst to the revitalization and growth of downtown Allentown,” according to Some fans were fearful about the adverse driving conditions that were presented the day of the game. Snow

FHS Ice Hockey on the ice at Allentown’s PPL Center.

and freezing rain can make keeping control of a motor vehicle unmanageable and dangerous; however, the risk did not outweigh a chance to see friends and family entertain on the ice for about an hour. “I went to the game with my brothers who used to play hockey for Freedom, and it

Photo: Caitlin McCadden

was really cool to see people I know playing in such a professional environment,” said Hayley Maurer, senior The atmosphere of the event was bursting with exhilarating enthusiasm. Fans from both Freedom and Northampton could be seen representing their teams in the bleachers. In buying a ticket to the FHS

versus NHS hockey game, fans also received a ticket to watch the Phantoms play after. “My brothers were jealous that they didn’t get to play there when they were in high school because it was an awesome experience,” said Maurer.

Freedom boys basketball prepping for success this year Preview of the Varsity Boys’ Basketball team By Gabriella Greenhoward The Freedom Forum

Hard work and dedication are the basis of every sport. The Freedom Patriots basketball team has big expectations for this season and are looking forward to improving from last year. “Our goals are to make districts, to get to the playoffs, and get some wins,” said Lewis Hargett, varsity player. Tryouts before the season are very challenging, but rewarding some. It’s no time to play around, you have to show what type of impact you can have on a game. Everybody

Freedom takes the 49-45 win over Easton 11/9/2014

has to earn their spot on the team its not just given to them. “I could tell for some kids it was a struggle but I just played my hardest,” said Jaden Oliver, Junior varsity. The atmosphere was also very tense because everyone was competing to secure a spot on the team. “Tryouts were really intense because everyone was trying to prove to the coach that they were capable of making the team,” said Terrell Taylor, varsity player. Basketball requires a lot of skill, that takes years to learn.

You have to being will to work hard and put in the time if you want to make the Freedom team. “You have to be a team player, and you have to be able to score during crunch time, so you don’t let your teammates down,” said Roy Saunders. The students of Freedom High School love going to see the games and the bleachers are never empty. It’s a popular school event, that attracts kids from every grade. “I love going to see games. I love the action, the intensity, and watching a group of boys play their hardest, and support each other whether they win

or lose”, said Jenaiya Armand, junior. Having the support from peers, has positive impact on the players because they know that there is a support system that they can fall back on. “I like going to watch the games, because I can support the team and still have fun. I think its great how much spirit one school can have,” said Madison McTier, sophomore. One of the best ways to be prepared for trying is to hear advice from someone who has been through the system. “For anyone thinking about trying out next year, you

Photos: Christmas City Studios

should make sure you practice all summer, work hard, and have confidence, said Najee Cash, varsity player. Every player has different feelings toward the game, however the one thing that they all had in common was the respect that they had for their teammates. “Basketball is more than playing. My favorite part of basketball is having teammates who become my brothers,” said Daevon Quick, Varsity player.

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