Volume 46 Issue 4
December 2012
Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.fhsforum.com - @fhsforum
The 2012 phenomenon
Secrets Spoiled
Photo: tvtropes.org
Photo: wikimedia.org
Rumors have been spreading for over a year now that the world will end on December 21, 2012. Article on the story behind the madness - Page 3.
SEAL Michael A. Monsoor patrolling Iraq in 2006. Article on identity disclosure of SEALs - Page 3.
Petraeus resigns, CIA left in shambles Distinguished former General disgraced in extramarital affair. By Kaelee Alpha The Freedom Forum
to become blackmailed. Broadwell and Petraeus spent a year together in Afghanistan interviewing Petreus for a book that she was co-writing about him.
Photo: wikimedia.org
General David Petraeus resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency on November 9th. Petraeus admitted to an extramarital affair just days after President Barack Obama was reelected. Petraeus’ decision shocked many within the CIA; he left a legacy of outright passion for his job. This initially appeared as a random act; however, in a letter he wrote to his colleagues explaining his decision to step down, he stated that he showed extremely poor judgment and displayed General David Petraeus, 2012. unacceptable behavior as a leader of the CIA and as The book, entitled “All In: both a husband and father. The Education of General The FBI had a tip that Pet- David Petraeus,” explained raeus was involved with the education that led PetPaula Broadwell, his biogra- raeus to his 37 years of serpher. The FBI held an inves- vice for the CIA. tigation on the affair to conImmediately after his resfirm that it did not pose a ignation request, many stated security risk. The main con- praise for the man. Specificern the FBI had was the fact cally, President Obama exthat this affair could leave pressed his concern for his Petraeus in a vulnerable spot family and thanked him for
Officer Anderson (p. 3) Tattoos and piercings (p. 4) Holidays celebrations (p. 9) “Breaking Dawn” (p. 10) Super Bowl predictions (p. 11)
his years of incredible service. Something that both parties can agree on is that he will be missed as an honorable government official and leader in his field. Petraeus had a successful career in public service and is distinguished for commanding forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. As an honorable member of the US military, he worked his way to achieve the notable position at the head of the CIA, appointed by President Obama in 2011. The CIA prides itself on the responsibility of providing national security assessments to the United States policy makers. It is probable that Petraeus resigned in the early stages of the scandal before the truth of the affair tarnished the reputation of not only the CIA, but the forces of the American military.
Colorado concedes casual cannabis consumption By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor
Will the date 11/6 become a more notable occasion in pot-culture than the infamous 4/20? On Nov. 6, 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first states to pass referendums legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. Colorado had voted on its Amendment 64 once previCannabis flowering, 2005. ously in 2006 with negative results, but not this year. Photo: wikimedia.org Still, neither victory in Colorado nor Washington was a grow up to 6 pot plants in landslide, revealing the yet your home, though in Washwary sentiments of many, ington it will remain a crime though not the majority, of to grow any marijuana of voters (Reuters.com). your own. Buying marijuana According to the online at a party or from a "criminal site regulatemarijuana.org, actor," as amendment 64 Colorado's Amendment 64 states, will still be illegal. gives adults 21 and older the Both Washington and right to possess up to an Colorado will heavily tax ounce of marijuana, and marijuana and require identimandates for the regulation fication for its legal purof consumption by means chase. Only one ounce will similar to that of alcohol, be allowed per customer. making driving under the Additionally, in Washington influence and distribution to it will be legal to purchase minors illegal. In Colorado it is legal to (Continued on page 2)
2 News The Freedom Forum A Publication of Freedom High School, Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610)867-5843 www.fhsforum.com
Managing Editor of Print Amanda Molinaro Managing Editor of Digital Media Zachary Ward News Editor Bill Leeson Editorial Editor Kate Dawson Pates’ Post Editor Samantha Lutz Entertainment Editor Kirat Randhawa Sports Editor Greg Adams Photo Editor Trevor Watlington Assistant Editors Kristen Dalton Sabrina Castaneda Faarah Ameerally John Bennett
Adviser Mrs. Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and corrections policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel! http://fb.fhsforum.com @fhsforum, #fhsforum
The Forum (continued from page 1 CANNABIS) up to "one pound of marijuanainfused product in solid form, such as brownies; or 72 ounces of marijuana-infused liquids." (Peninsula Daily News) Many pro-legalization voters thought that the interdiction of marijuana was more trouble than it was worth. Supporter
Karla Oman in Washington state was quoted in the Peninsula Daily News as saying: “It's ridiculous to be trying to maintain the law enforcement effort — all the people, all that money, all those resources — to prosecute marijuana use. Tax it, legalize it, everybody wins.” Despite its legalization, re-
December 2012 ports from the Huffington post state that it will be months, possibly up to a year, until Colorado adults will enjoy the legal sale of cannabis, not to mention that cannabis is still recognized by the federal government as an illegal narcotic. In the words of Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, "The voters have spoken and we
have to respect their will. This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don’t break out the Cheetos or gold fish too quickly."
Biggest entertainment launch of all time...again “Call Of Duty: Black Ops II” breaks entertainment records and trends. By Robbie Bogardo The Freedom Forum
There is no denying the fact that video games have become a huge part of modern society. As time progresses our understanding of computer mechanics and digital reconstruction develop further and further, resulting in better and more realistic games. For this reason, millions of people worldwide have taken part in the highly addictive art of gaming, perhaps the most well-known and glorified games being the “Call of Duty” series. For years, these games have captured the attention of millions and set incredibly high standards within the industry. This November marked the annual release of yet another installment in the epic military shooter series. And to no one’s surprise, it made an un-
believable amount of money. Within the first 24 hours of release, “Black Ops II” grossed over 500 million dollars. This figure catapulted the game ahead of its predecessor in day-one revenue (“Modern Warfare 3”: $400 million) and earned it the title of the biggest entertainment launch of all time. Do not be fooled by the numbers however; general reception of the game is not on par with the overall sales. Many die hard “Call of Duty” fans have begun to complain about a lack of new features and overall repetitive gameplay. Several critics have agreed that the game reintroduces the same basic concepts as the prior games and brings less fresh material to the table. Numerous professional critics gave scores close to 8 out of 10, an unusually low score for the popular first per-
sion continues to make this son shooter. substantial amount of money In fact, despite making half from the game, further proa billion dollars on launch duction will continue full day, “Black Ops II” sales are speed ahead. But due to growon pace to be 15 percent less ing disinterest in this drawn than “Modern Warfare 3.” out series, the developers may Stock market analysts low- be in for a rude awakening ered estimations of Call of with next year’s yet unanDuty publisher Activision’s nounced but inevitable installprofits from $4.7 to $4.3 bil- ment. lion after these troubling predictions. With this being the ninth game in the main series, challenges like searching for innovation were sure to surface. The results manifest in unusually weak sales performance. So the question is posed: when will the time come to end it? Sooner or later, the population will begin to lose interest in buying Black Ops II released Nov. 13, 2012. the same game in different packaging. ObviPhoto: wikimedia.org ously if the publisher Activi-
Upcoming Events THON Movie Fundraiser Dec. 21, Block 4
Christmas Break Dec. 24 - Jan. 1
Final Exams Jan. 11 - Jan. 15
Keystone Exams Jan. 16 - Jan. 18
Electric cars sweeping the nation By Noah Gonzalez The Freedom Forum
In recent months, there has been a surprising surge of electric cars in the America. This outbreak is generated from the multiple benefits electric cars hold over their gasoline counterpart. The most favorable trait of electric cars is being battery powered, which allows people to drive without tailpipe emissions. This eco-friendly advantage is slowly helping the electric car market gain popularity and allow a fair ground for sales against the gasolinemotored car market. However, gasoline vehicles still dominate in other aspects of the benefits a car provides. Gasoline vehicles can travel up to 300 miles, which triples the average 100-mile range of electric vehicles. The minutes to refuel a gasoline-motored car also surpass the hours to recharge when compared to an electric car, though soon this could not be the case. The nation is slowly increasing the amount of elec-
tric vehicle plugs located at gas stations, with a base price equaling to about 2 cents a mile for a charge. This cost significantly outweighs the national average of $3.65 per gallon drivers are desperately forced to pay today to refuel their gasoline vehicles. In addition to the country's push towards electric vehicles, 10 states including California, New York, and New Jersey are requiring auto makers to sell multiple models with little to no tailpipe exhaust, making the shift more attainable for Americans. The most innovative electric car model on the market today is the Nissan Leaf. Having been recently upgraded, the Leaf can travel an extraordinary 142 miles on a single charge, which is about half as far as a gasoline vehicle. The new Nissan Leaf has also dropped $6,000 in price, starting at $31,000 for the basic model. In addition, the Leaf is accountable for nearly 50 percent of the electric car sales in America, selling 17,000 units in the US
Photo: wikimedia.org
A Reva i/G-Wiz charging in London, July 2010.
alone. The other electric car sales are stretched over the popular models of the Chevrolet Volt, the Ford Focus Electric, the Mitsubishi I-MiEV, and the Toyota Prius Plug In. These companies are striving to improve their models during the next couple of years, particularly Chevrolet with the release of the Spark in 2014, an electric car that boasts acceleration from 0 to 60 mph in 8 seconds. Ford is also in midst of releasing their C-Max line,
which is raising the bar for the features offered by all future electric cars. Other car companies, including BMW, Cadillac, and Fiat, are presently working on luxurious electric car models to release to the market, which can provide a new line of environmental-friendly cars to their customers.
News 3
The Forum
December 2012
It’s the end of the world as we know it... Allegations surround children’s television show
By Sabrina Castaneda Editorial Asst. Editor
“It’s the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine,” or so goes the classic REM song. However, a lot of people do not share the sentiment. These people are talking about Dec. 21, 2012, the day the world is supposed to end. Society has been hearing about this for the past few years, but what do we really know? The common story is as follows: the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012, and because the Mayans were very scientifically advanced, this means that the world will end. There are a few problems with this story. First, it is true that the Mayans were very advanced. They were extremely intelligent people, able to measure the length of a year more accurately
than even European civilizations of the era. However, the “end” of the calendar that everyone is going on about is really just the end of a cycle. The Mayans operated using the Long Count calendar, and the end of one signaled the beginning of a new era. This did not mean that the current era would be destroyed. It merely meant that a new time was upon us. If the Mayans were still a large presence today, they would have a party on Dec. 21 to celebrate the fact that they made it to the end of the cycle. Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in
Crystal River, Florida, said, "For the ancient Maya, it
been blown out of proportion. Humans love dramatics. And what is more dramatic than the end of the world? The human race has survived hundreds of “apocalypses,” and history shows that we are going to keep on surviving. Knowing humans, we are more likely to off ourselves by doing something foolish. Regardless, the best thing to do on Dec. 21 would be to sit back and relax. Also, should boredom strike, you can just laugh at the people freaking out about “the end of the world.”
was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle." This day, like February 1, 1524, April 5, 1719, November 13, 1900, October 2, 1984, about five different dates in 1998, well over ten in 1999, January 1,2000 (Y2K), October 21, 2011, and a plethora of others, has
Navy SEALs penalized for media interactions By Bill Leeson News Editor
The Navy SEALs, the elite beyond elite defenders of America, are evidently not above seeking a little publicity. Nor are they immune to the negative consequences. Seven SEALs were consulted by Electronic Arts, Inc. during the development of the video game Medal of Honor: Warfighter in an attempt to bring true authenticity to the game. The Pentagon has accused the SEALs of revealing classified information during their consultations with the developer and has issued significant salary deductions to the SEALs in question. The move will very likely cost them their careers. A few years ago, such an event would have seemed outrageous, but recently, the clandestine operations group has certainly made a
move toward the public eye, pieces of information toespecially since killing gether to get a picture they Osama bin Laden. A SEAL don’t need to have... When has already been criticized people give away secrets for discussing the raid on and talk about these exbin Laden in a book. CNN ploits like this, connections interviewed a SEAL in a can be drawn together to featured story that explicitly put them and our security in detailed the raid on bin harm’s way,” said former Laden’s S E A L compound. J o h n Two madeMcGuire f o r - T V to CNN. m o v i e s McGuire about the was spedeath of bin cifically Laden will Symbol of America’s Sea, Air, and referring to p r e m i e r e Land Special Forces. the book this winter. Photo: wikimedia.org about bin The movie Laden’s “Act of Valor” from several death. The book was written months ago featured actual by an anonymous SEAL active-duty Navy SEALs as who chose “Mark Owen” as actors. a false name. That is a lot of publicity Admiral Bill McRaven, for a group that is supposed the head of U.S. Special to thrive on its mysterious Operations Command, said reputation and actions. Too in an unclassified email to much publicity, argue some his subordinates and colformer servicemen. leagues that there was "a “[People] can piece tiny distinct line between re-
counting a story for the purposes of education or entertainment and telling a story that exposes sensitive activities just to garner greater readership and personal profit." In that view, the deluge of media-dramatized accounts regarding Osama bin Laden’s death are acceptable while a video game priding itself on “authenticity” is not. Perhaps realism should not be the goal when America’s armed forces are in the spotlight if it jeopardizes their unique advantages. It seems that Navy SEALs themselves are willing to remain anonymous when discussing their careers, but when approached with lucrative media deals, they may be just as vulnerable as the rest of us.
By Colin Zarzecki Journalism Student
Sesame Street may be playing reruns for a while until Elmo is back because Kevin Clash, the voice of Elmo, was accused of an underage sexual relationship with a man who said he was only 16 when their relationship began.
Uncovering the mystery of the Mayan calendar.
Sesame Workshop officials allowed Clash to take a personal leave to take care of the issue privately. Also, a representative of Clash had no immediate comment on the allegation. “It didn’t begin until after he became an adult,” said Clash in an interview with the Baltimore Sun. Sesame Workshop took the allegation very seriously. They took immediate action with the accuser and met with him twice and repeated communications with him. “I had had a relationship with the accuser. It was between two consenting adults and I am deeply saddened that he is trying to characterize it as other than what it was,” said Clash in an interview with CNN. Although this was a personal relationship unrelated to the workplace, Sesame Street Workshop said it found the allegation against Clash “unsubstantiated,” and granted him leave as he takes “actions to protect his reputation.” “I am a gay man. I have never been ashamed of this or tried to hide it, but felt it was a personal and private matter,” said Clash.
Holidays arrive early for our soldiers Our Freedom Family care packages arrived in Afghanistan without a hitch. Eleven boxes were sent over, so Officer Anderson shared the giving with his fellow service men and women. “Some here have no family and receive no mail, so it was nice to have them open a box and tell them to pick what they want before passing it along,” said Officer Anderson. While Officer Anderson is from Bethlehem, the other soldiers deployed to Afghanistan come from Harrisburg, Pa., Travis Air Force Base (AFB) in Calif., Dover AFB in Del., Robbins, Ga., Cannon, N.M., Yokota, Japan, Kadena, Japan, Westover, Mass. and McDill, Fla.
Photo submitted by Jeremy Anderson
4 Editorials
The Forum
December 2012
Being involved vs. “being involved” Anyone can “be involved,” but it takes someone special to be involved. By Faarah Ameerally Entertainment Asst. Editor
Commitment. Dedication. Reliability. These are all positive qualities that someone trying to convince an audience of their credentials would use. But, how far after the winning vote or team roster does the candidate stay true to their promise of dedication? In Freedom High School, there are enough clubs, sports, and teams for everyone. Ranging from student council to the rifle team,
something is likely to grab a student’s attention. Often, students are involved in multiple extracurricular activities. These activities could be a way for one to expand their interests, stay in shape, or just occupy some free time. Now, some may wonder where the problem is in this process. It seems logical that if a student willfully commits to a club or team, they would be prepared if not enthusiastic to complete the activities and tasks set out for them. However, it is more than
common for some of these members to be less than committed. It becomes obvious who is truly there for the cause and who is there to build their resume. It is obvious that participating in these extra-curricular activities will help these individuals later one when applying to colleges and jobs. However, how can someone expect a positive recommendation if at the most, they just showed up for attendance? We all know a student that comes to a meeting long enough to
gain or contribute anything before they have another place on their schedule to appear. Dedicating oneself to too many activities can be just as dangerous. Not only are these actions irresponsible, but it causes a strain on the student holding their own weight. “I enjoy being involved in school activities, I wouldn’t sign up to do something I didn’t want to do,” said Evan Anthony, junior. The benefits of participating in these activities are obvious. Individuals get to explore their physical, creative, social, political, and career
interests with like-minded people. It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers how wellrounded and responsible the participant can be. But it is very important if one is going to partake, that they hold true to their commitment and be a positive contribution.
PDA: an adaption for the modern day We get it, you like each other, now can you please go to class? Zachary Ward The Freedom Forum
“I see it all everyday; all the time,” said Marissa Briggs, junior at Freedom. It seems to nearly be ingrained in our culture. With a trip to the Lehigh Valley Mall, a stroll to the local movie theatre, or possibly even meandering through the halls, one is bound to become confronted with it -- public displays of affection. Perhaps the incidence of such an event is becoming all too familiar. Centers of public education hardly tolerated the wearing of blue jeans only a half century ago, let alone two lovers openly displaying their affection in
front of others. Flash forward to present day, where teenage lovers run rampant, taking to unconcealed and entirely visible areas in order to embrace and indulge in the joys of adolescence, causing one to come to a point where they must take a step back and wonder, “What exactly has happened to influence such a dramatic shift in social norms?” “I believe as a person ages their behaviors tend to become less impulsive and a person is more aware of what is appropriate for their surroundings,” said Marissa, hinting that maturation is key in controlling one’s affectionate desires. Marissa’s
argument is extremely valid. The frequency of PDA amongst youths is much higher than that of adults. When was the last time you saw two adults embracing in the grocery store? It’s fair to assume quite a long time, if not never.
But one’s maturity cannot be pinpointed and take on all of the blame of this growing trend. If anything, it has to be the ever shifting American culture. “I think a lot of what backs PDA comes from culture and upbringing,” said Marissa on the growth of PDA acceptability. Right is Marissa in thinking that culture is the impetus behind this shift. Since 1900, America has undergone change the likes of which the world had never seen before in such a short period of time. And with the changes in technology, demographics, and population, came the associated shift in culture. Today’s culture is one more lenient than any other in the past. The first amendment and self-expression are
at an all time high, allowing for many to share their longbottled emotions. Like a predator upon its prey, the children of the modern generation have taken the bull by its horns and seized the day; taking their own slice of the self-expression pie. What was once shunned and deemed taboo is now commonplace, and that is a trend that is going to last. If you aren’t comfortable with the sight of teenage couples freely expressing themselves, prepare yourself, because just as the rest of the world, Freedom High School is a changing environment, morphing to conform to the norms of the contemporary world.
Freedom to: express yourself Many Freedom High School students can be seen walking the halls with piercings and inked skin. By Fyniss Frazier Journalism student
Tattoos and piercings are ways people express themselves to show off their personalities to others, but most importantly to themselves. “My tattoos have meaning. I got them because they show the most important things in my life,” said Erica Cardano, junior. Cardano currently has two tattoos; she got her first tattoo at the beginning of April of her freshman year and her second one was done this July. “My first tattoo is of my dad’s name, Tommy, which is on my ankle. I love that tattoo since he is no longer living and my second one says infinite strength,” said
Cardano. There are two different types of tattoos: “jail tattoos,” by which people use a needle and ink and impress it into their skin, and professional tattoos done at tattoo shops. “Jail tattoos h u r t m o r e than the gun since you’re Photo submitted by doing them Erica Cardano manually, but my first ones were jail tattoos,” said RJ Ortiz, senior. Ortiz currently has eight tattoos which he has gotten
over his high school career. “The flower on my knee is my favorite one because it took the most time and detail,” said Ortiz. Many people are inspired by tattoos, and Ortiz was inspired at an early age. “I love tattoos because of my dad. He has his whole body done. He also bought my first tattoo gun,” said Ortiz. The pain of tattoos varies. To some, getting a tattoo is a very painful experience, but to others, it is like an adrenaline rush. “I wasn’t worried about the pain of my tattoos. I was worried more about how it would look,” said Liz Szabo, senior. Szabo has four tattoos and
loves the way they look and how it felt when she got them. “My first tattoo was the one on my collarbone. I also have one on my ribs, another one on my lower back; which is my favorite, and that one is of Marilyn Monroe,” said Szabo. The big question is, how do her parents feel about her tattoos? “My mom loves them. She even signed the parental consent form for me to get my tattoos,” said Szabo. Piercings are another huge form of expression for teens today. “I have four piercings. They include a septum, smiley, tongue ring, and gauges,” said Gavin Klipple,
senior. Klipple plans on getting more piercings, but believes that other people should wait to get them if they are not willing to take care of them. “If people decide to get piercings or tattoos, they need to take proper care of them,” said Klipple. There are many problems that can originate from piercings, some include infection and tearing of skin. Klipple has never experienced any of these things but knows people who have. “For stretching your ears when getting gauges, make sure not to stretch too fast because your skin can either tear or even leave scar tissue,” said Klipple. Tattoos and piercings have been around for a long time but seem to still be a trend for teenagers today.
50 years of Bond By Hunter Hostage Journalism Student
“Bond. James Bond” and “A martini. Shaken, not stirred” are some of movie history’s most famous quotes. Those quotes happen to come from the “Bond” movies, which have thrilled all ages for the past 50 years. “Bond” has also ventured into many different genres of entertainment over the last 50 years. “Dr. No” (the first Bond movie) was released in 1962 with a budget of $1.2 million. Since then, over 20 “Bond” movies have been screened in theaters with a combined budget of $1.04 billion.
The series has also had six different actors. Sean Connery starred as the first James Bond, followed by George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, David Niven and Daniel Craig.
Photo courtesy of LIFE
“I would have to say my favorite Bond actor is Daniel Craig, with Sean Connery as
a close second,” said Mr. Parra, a Freedom teacher. The “Bond” novel series was started in 1953 by Ian Fleming. There have been 14 books in the written series by Fleming. Other writers have tried to continue the series. The character James Bond has also been featured in multiple games. The first game was “James Bond 007” released in 1983. “The first memory I have of Bond is the Nintendo 64 game ‘GoldenEye’,” said Mr. Parra. Bond has been entertaining fans for the past 50 years, and with “Skyfall” now out in theaters, it is continuing the tradition.
Wondering what to do this winter break? The holidays are quickly approaching; here are some things to keep you away from the cookies. By Michael Datz Elyse Sanford Journalism students
Events Christkindlmarkt (Thurs-Sun, Nov. 15 - Dec. 23) Free for children under 13 and $8 per person over the age of 13.
Photo: artsquest.org
Lights in the Parkway (Nov. 23 - 26, 2012 and Nov. 30, 2012) $10 per vehicle at the gate, $6 per vehicle in advanced, $10 per person for horse drawn carriage rides.
Photo: lightsintheparkway.com
First Night (Jan. 1, 2013) Admission is $10 for ages 6 to 12, $15 for ages 13 and older and free for children 5 and under. Movies December 21 “This is 40” is being released, a comedy that follows the stars from the previous
Pates’ Post 5
The Forum
December 2012
movie, “Knocked Up.” This movie is a spin off to “Knocked Up.” Notable actors are Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann. (R) “Jack Reacher” is a drama/ crime movie starring Tom Cruise that tells the tale of an investigator trying to dig deeper into the case of a trained sniper who killed random victims. (PG-13) December 25 “Django Unchained” is released, a western action movie that tells the story of a slave who is turned bounty hunter searching for his wife from a ruthless plantation owner. Leonardo DiCaprio and Jamie Foxx star in this movie. “Les Miserables” is an adaption of the musical starring Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe, and tells the tale of Jean Valjean, a prisoner who seeks redemption after he is hunted for years after breaking his parole in 19th century France. Through his running from the police, he meets Cosette, a young girl who he agrees to . (PG-13) “Parental Guidance” comes to theaters, a comedy about grandparents, played by Billy Crystal and Bette Midler, who create problems when
Make sure to decorate with class Do’s and don’ts of holiday decorating. By Madison Young Journalism Student
DON’T overcrowd your yard. If you have a small front yard, don’t stuff it with a ton of blow-ups that are pressed so close together they look like they are going to pop.
DO get a Christmas tree. It does not matter if it’s real or fake, just decorate it nicely and put it in a place where everyone who comes and visits you can admire it.
DON’T use a lot of bright colorful lights. Use them thoughtfully. Don’t just throw a bunch on a bush because it might looking like someone threw up their fruit snacks all over your lawn. If you use them correctly, they can look great.
DO stick to the classics. Simple white lights outside always looks great! Or, use some red and green beads to decorate your home. If you have an old piece of Christmas decor, use it.
DON’T play loud Christmas carols on your lawn. It may disturb your neighbors and not everyone wants to hear Christmas music all season long. DON’T forget the front door. It’s important that it looks classy because its the first thing people see when they come to your house. Use a wreath. It can be homemade or store bought.
DO use a little bit of glitter. Just pick one glitzy piece and let that be the shinning star. DO put candles in the window. You can use electric or real candles. It adds the perfect touch to your decorated home. Just be careful if you do use real candles, so that your house does not catch on fire.
they babysit their 21stcentury grandkids come to town and don’t agree with the grandparents old school methods.(PG)
Snow falling from the sky There goes Santa passing by Presents under the Christmas tree There’s something on the roof, what can it be
Photo: imdb.com
Cookies and milk in Santa’s tummy Gingerbread cookies, yummy yummy Couples kissing under the mistletoe Presents sealed tight with a colorful bow Warm sweaters and hot chocolate Just what I wanted, a golden locket Cheerful people all around Dancing to the Christmas sound Christmas carols, loud and clear No one even sheds a tear Snowmen melt, but do not fear, They’ll all be back this time next year Poem by Thomas Durham
Photo: imdb.com
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– Victor Gonzalez, 10
Top 10 least successful New Ye By Caitlin McCad-
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work more efficiently.”
“To apply myself and to
re mo
“Graduate high school, do more entertainment and magic shows.”
“Play better volleyball.” – Amy Rehnert, 10
“Prepare myself for life after high school.”
New Year's Eve has always been a time for reminiscing on the past, but more importantly, looking forward to the future. Most people begin the month of January motivated to break old habits and reinvent themselves, but how many New Year’s resolutions will actually be fulfilled? According to information gathered from various sources, these are the top ten least successful New Year’s resolution...
– Crystal Achey, 12
“Fix my car.” – Ryan Stranzl, 12
History of the cel By Samantha Lutz
“My resolution is to not make a resolution,” said Sh
So what is all the hype about making a New Ye apart is that it is a chance at a fresh start to a new ye tions that are made are meant to be carried througho
.” job a t ge
“To decide what I want to be and do when I graduate.”
up ive g “To y.” t tr s a le
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The concept of making a resolution began in ancie made promises to their Gods to pay off debts or to r example, knights in the Medieval era took a “peaco would re-commit to chivalry.
The success rate of New Year’s resolutions is in study done at the University of Bristol, 88 percent of true to the resolution they made fresh into the new y “To stay happy.” – Steph McCooe, 11
Why do we resolv By Faarah Ameerally Entertainment Asst. Editor
ery f ev o t os em h t ke “Ma y.” da
“To be accepted into my #1 college choice.” – Nicole Mastronardi, 12
It is around this time of and how they hope to impro often gives people the oppo otherwise would have no m
However, it is possible th tion to give up on every ye To avoid failure, recognize will get the better of you. T self some leeway. Just remember, you do not have t
ever in your favor
hane Smith, sophomore.
ear’s resolution? What sets a New Year’s resolution ear. Generally, these resoluout the whole year.
ent religion. Many religions return borrowed objects. For ock vow” which meant they
“To decide what I want to be when I graduate.” – Allison Potter, 12
“Make a new best friend.” – Marissa Briggs, 11
“To use a Chapstick until the very end of it.” – Rachel Wilson, 12
year when people start evaluating the way they live, ove for a fresh start. Setting a New Year's resolution ortunity to achieve something they set as a goal, but motivation to reach.
hat New Year's resolutions have just become a tradiear; the unattainable cliché goals that the world sets. e that things will get hard and unexpected obstacles There is no reason to give up completely. Give yourto wait for the New Year to be a new you.
goi ng to m to b y si e ni blin cer g s!” – Wa lter O goza ly, 1 0
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“Be more organized with my life.” – Erik DeFrank, 11
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“Get an NROTC Scholarship.”
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“To make the Freedom baseball team.”
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“To try to be a nicer person.” – Kelsey Clark, 11
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A common response among students was: “To get better grades.”
8 Pates’ Post
The Forum
December 2012
Moving to the beat in 3 ways at Freedom By Erin Heaney Journalism Student
Dance Company highlights jazz and ballet. “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,” said William W. Purkey, author and professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Freedom’s Dance Company cannot relate to this quote because everybody is watching. The company performs at basketball games and pep rallies. The routines the dancers perform are a mix of jazz and ballet.
“We’ll perform at the first basketball game, but we hope we’ll perform at all of the home games this year,” said Jessica Newman, junior dancer. A new aspect of the company this year is that the company may perform at competitions. “I think we might try and do a few different things this year whether it be competitions or showcases but noth-
Step Team tunes into rhythm. “Before shaking the dust from off your feet, be sure to stomp real good on their faces,” said Anthony Liccione, American poet. Freedom’s step team consists of both boys and girls who love to stomp their feet and clap their hands to a certain beat. “Routines are not easy to make. It can take as long as a
week to make a fifty second step routine,” said Alexis Rosario, senior. Step routines take patience and dedication to create and learn. The routine starts with a catchy beat, adds a bit of motion and takes off from there. “It (the beat) can be a song or just something made up by tapping on a desk,” said
Dance Team focuses on hip-hop. “Let them praise His name in the dance,” Psalm 149. Freedom’s own dance team, whose name is Cheetahbettatwerk, performs at pep rallies and the team certainly is praising something: being a champion in everything. “Hopefully we will perform at the next pep rally that Mr.Laporta made for basketball season,” said Janea George, junior member.
Cheetahbettatwerk is always on the prowl for new booty shakers. During the month of August, the team had tryouts, and it does not have any prerequisites in order to make the team. “Dance and have fun most of all,” said George. To create dances for the pep rallies, the team watches YouTube videos to create ideas or works with the ideas
ing is set on the calendar yet,” said Janessa Scherrman, junior dancer. All of the girls on the team are required to try out, and three years of ballet experience are expected in order to make the company. Freshmen through seniors are a part of the company. “Every girl in the company is at a different level, but we all bring so much to the team,” said captain Simona Topuzovska, senior. The routines the dancers perform are completely choreographed by the members of the company.
“Any of the girls can add Music that the company anything to the routine that performs to is a mix of two they feel is right,” said Topu- songs. A previous dance zovska. company member provided a Although the company’s mix of music for this year’s routines are made by the show-stopping routine. girls, Mrs. Jennifer Chilmonik is the teacher who supervises them. The members received t-shirts which were purchased by Mrs. Chilmonik. “We usually wear tights, black spandex shorts, 2011-2012 Dance Company beand the new t-shirt,” said fore their Christmas performance. Scherrman.
Rosario. Since routines take such a long time to make, the team practices Tuesday and Thursday until 4:00 p.m. If they have a performance coming up, the members practice Monday through Thursday. “We practice in the old gym and sometimes in front of the new gym,” said Rosario. Thankfully, they will be allowed more practice time to show the school the best
step routine possible. “Our routine will be showcased at the Freedom Liberty Basketball pep rally,” said Kerrington Conner, senior . The step team does require tryouts to make the team, but with the steppers they have now, they will show the school their routine at the first pep rally. When they perform, they will wear Freedom t-shirts.
“We will proudly wear our Freedom step team shirts,” said Conner.
brought up by members of the team. “We look at lots of videos on YouTube and mix things together, and we just listen to music and see what moves come to mind,” said George. Every Tuesday and Thursday after school the members have practice to work on creating or just practicing their new routine. “We practice every Tuesday & Thursday after school. Sometimes everyday if needed for an upcoming per-
formance,” said Kiana Hilton, j unior member. Just like their moves have to match the music they choose, music also needs to coordinate with the choreography. If they pick their songs last, they have to mix a few together to create the right beat. “I made a mix on Garageband,” said George. “We use Jersey club songs and popular music,” said Hilton.
During performances, their outfits will of course have cheetah print somewhere on them. “We will wear our team tshirts and cheetah leggings,” said Hilton. Although some people are not a part of the team, they do notice what the team does and know they have fun. “They’re really into it,” said Fyniss Frazier, junior.
Photo submitted by Alex Lutz
Keeping up with the Roschers By Lucas Yerger The Freedom Forum
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Alex Roscher, whom are married, both teach at Freedom High School. Mr. Roscher teaches English and Mrs. Roscher teaches math. Though they have both been here for over 4 years, no one knows everything about them. They both agreed to be interviewed so that the “Freedom Family” can get to know them a little better. Q: Where did you attend college? Mrs. Roscher: East Stroudsburg University Mr. Roscher: Penn State University
Q: How long have you guys known each other? Mrs. Roscher: Alex and I have been friends since high school. I’d say sixteen or seventeen years.
Q: How long have you been teaching? Mrs. Roscher: I’ve been teaching for five years. Mr. Roscher: Teaching? Six years. [Teaching] together, four years.
There really aren’t any disadvantages. Mr. Roscher: An advantage is that we can talk things out and get opinions on our classes. A disadvantage is that we never leave work. At home we talk about it and here we talk about it.
Q: Do you like teaching together? Mrs. Roscher: Yes, it’s really great. Mr. Roscher: I think it’s so neat.
Q: Do you drive to school together everyday? Mrs. Roscher: Yes, yes we do.
Q: What is an advantage and disadvantage of teachPhoto submitted by Jerry Roscher ing together? Mrs. Roscher: I really like that we share a lot of the Q: How long have you been same students, that makes it married? easy for us to get to know Mr. Roscher: Eight and a half them and their behavior. years.
Q: What do you prefer, English or math? Mrs. Roscher: Teaching, I prefer math but I do read a lot. I couldn’t really choose one between the two. Mr. Roscher: English because math is objective and boring and English is something to think about.
Q: Do you see each other a lot in school? Mr. Roscher: Not much anymore; we have lunch together though which is really cute. Q: Do you guys grade together at home? Mrs. Roscher: Sometimes. Usually one of us has to watch the kids though while the other one does. Q: If you weren't a teacher what would you be? Mrs. Roscher: An international economist. Mr. Roscher: A contractor.
The Forum
December 2012
Pates’ Post 9
Celebration around the world ¡Feliz Navidad!
empanadas (which are amazing meat pies) and even a whole pig. Everyone holds hands to pray, then sip on sweet, red wine. After everyone is finished eating, they all help cleanup so the night may begin. Globos (paper lanterns) fill the night sky like huge fluorescent stars. The tango is heard all throughout the house. All generations dance to the rhythmic music into the night.
As the festivities come to end, Christmas day draws closer. Christmas day is here, but presents are not being ripped open. Argentina families await Jan. 6, Three Kings Day. On this day, the children leave their shoes outside or below the Christmas tree and the next day, there will be presents. Some even lay hay and water outside with their shoes for the Magi’s horses that will be needing it on
their journey to see Baby Jesus. Argentines still celebrate on Christmas Day, but in a different way compared to how Americans celebrate the traditional Christmas. The aromas of barbecues, fire pits and de leche (a caramel that can be found in many desserts) fill the air. Christmas time in Argentina is more a time of celebration and joy.
Buone Feste Natalizie! bet no one ever thought
about how Christmas is in other countries. In Italy, Christmas starts on December 8th which is known to them as the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception”. Instead of writing letters to Santa, they write letters to their parents saying how much they love them and what they want for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, they stick the letter under their father’s plate. Also on
Christmas Eve they have a seven fishes dinner but they don’t it just fish. They also have a bonfire in the Vatican square. The main day for gift giving is the 12th day of Christmas, Epiphany or the sixth of January. The Epiphany is when the three wise men gave Baby Jesus their gifts. The children sit their stockings by the chimney and wait for it to be filled with candy and toys by La Befana. La Befana is a kindly old
witch who “rides” a broomstick through town. La Befana comes on the fifth of January and fills the shoes of children who’s been good with candy and toys. However, those who are bad gets lumps of coal. This continues until the sixth of January when Italians celebrate the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus.
In Russia there are many types of traditions like calling out for Santa on Christmas Eve. Putting up the star on the tree is also a tradition. “Fasting until midnight on Christmas and then having a big feast is a common tradition,” said Ignatov. The meal is actually called the “Holy Supper”. At the feast, all different types of foods are served. Porridge is a key part of the feast. There are also many traditions of setting up the
table as well. The items on the table represent many things like Jesus. The lights, the food, and even the colors on the table. In Russia, Santa still comes down the chimney and delivers presents like he does in America. In Russia the Christmas tree is called the Yolka. They are not much different than us, cookies are left out as well. Christmas was banned in Russia in 1917 and was brought back in 1992. Christ-
mas is celebrated on January 7. It is celebrated on the 7th because Russia uses the Julian Calendar. A famous Christmas story from Russia is about the 11th century Prince Vladamir who traveled to Constanople to be baptized, and came back to Russia with many stories about St. Nicholas of Myra who performed many miracles.
By Gabriela Wamba Journalism student
Tango, family and food. It is December 24th, Christmas Eve in the beautiful country of Argentina. Families and neighbors are gathered around and everyone is smiling with glee. In Argentina you have your Christmas dinner on the 24th. Tables are filled with a variety of food; roasted turkey,
By Mo-Nay Sinclair Journalism Student
We celebrate Christmas with Christmas carols, presents, and one big feast. Our Christmas day is on December 25th and we believe Santa Claus puts presents under our trees. Also, our tree is decorated with popcorn strings, Christmas lights, and ornaments. This is a regular Christmas for us. I
С Рождеством! By Ryan Nickol Journalism Student
С Рождеством! In Russia , that means “Merry Christmas”. Yes, they do celebrate Christmas but, it is not as big to them as it is to us Americans. “It’s is more of a preparation for the New Year,” said Vitaliy Ignatov, a Russian exchange student at Freedom High School.
Festival of lights Eight nights of celebration and gifts, all from a candle. By Chase Hoover Journalism Student
One of the largest celebrated holidays in the Jewish community is Hanukkah, often called the Festival of Lights. It unites Jews from around the world to join in celebration and enjoy their many traditions together. “Hanukkah is a fun holiday that goes beyond just the eight presents, its got history that makes me proud to be part of the Jewish tradition,” said Chris Hughes, freshman. Hanukkah started when the Syrians attacked the Jewish people, kicked them out of their homeland and destroyed their Temple. The Jews though, lead by King Antio-
chus fought the stronger Syrians and won. “Hanukkah is so different from the other Jewish holidays because its not in the Torah, the Jewish Bible. The only other holiday like it is Purim because it’s also not in the torah,” said Sergio Flor, junior. Hanukkah became known as a miracle because once the Jewish people reclaimed the Temple there was supposed to be only enough oil to keep a fire burning in the Temple for one day. Instead though it lasted eight days and this was considered a miracle. “The story of Hanukkah is celebrated because of a oil that lasted eight days when it
was only supposed to last for a couple of hours,” said Hughes. Hanukkah starts on the 25th day of the month, Kiselv which is why the date changes every year because the Jews follow the lunar calendar. Many people know Hanukkah as the festival of lights, because it uses a Menorah which has a total of 9 candles, 8 for the eight days that the oil lasted and 1 to light all of the other candles. “Our family traditions include attending Menorah lightings. Each member in my family has their own Menorah too,” said Flor. Hanukkah is celebrated around the world with many traditions and games. One of the most known games is the
dreidel game which is played with chocolate gelt, candy that looks like coins. The
main food eaten during Hanukkah is Latkes, which are basically fried potato pancakes. Some families have one Jewish parent and one Catholic parent, so they celebrate both holidays and embrace both religions.
A holiday with deep meaning By Julie Wresics Journalism Student
Kwanzaa is a holiday that many have heard of, but few know what the holiday is really about. Kwanzaa is an African American holiday celebrated from December 26th through January 1st. During this celebration there are seven principles to match the seven days of Kwanzaa. The first day is unity of family, race, community, and nation. The candle lit on this day is black, and it is the candle in the middle. The second day is self determination which is the celebration of creations of the past and present African Americans. The third day is collective work and responsibility and this goes for all African Americans taking steps toward building a better community together, and trying to solve problems.
The fourth day is cooperative economics, this is when African American business leaders show unity in business so that all benefit from their accomplishment in business. The fifth day is purpose, this is a cooperative effort of all people in the community to strengthen and bring back the African American community. The sixth day is creativity, on this day people in the African American community do everything they possibly can to make their community beautiful. On the last and final day of Kwanzaa, African Americans show their faith in the community, teachers, family, and their religious leaders.
10 Entertainment
The Forum
December 2012
Twilight Phenomenon Comes to an End
Last, but certainly not least.
The new “America’s Next Top Model.”
Are you team Edward, or team Jacob? Well no matter whether you root for vampires or werewolves, every Twilight fan must see the movie that brings an end to the Twilight Saga phenomenon. The “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” released in theaters on Nov. 16, starri ng Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and a new addition to the family: Mackenzie Foy. The film was directed by Bill Condon and based on the novel “Breaking Dawn” by Stephanie Meyer. The “Twilight Saga” consists of five movies including “Twilight,” “New Moon,” “Eclipse,” “Breaking Dawn Part 1,” and “Breaking Dawn Part 2.” The story begins when the new girl at school Bella
Swan (Kristen Stewart) falls in love with Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). Bella also creates a special friendship with Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), a werewolf, who’s only enemies are vampires. Bella gets caught in situations where she has to choose who to be faithful to, ultimately picking Edward over Jacob. The love of Bella and Edward continues throughout their lives as they get married and have a daughter together. In “Breaking Dawn Part 1,” Bella becomes pregnant with a half-vampire halfhuman baby that grows at an exceptional speed. When Bella is about to die after giving birth, Edward turns her into a vampire to save her life. “Breaking Dawn Part 2” takes off where the first part finished, revealing Bella as a new vampire. It
By Kirat Randhawa Entertainment Editor
Courtesy of imdb.com
twist creates an epic series of events that leaves viewers in shock. Do not let anyone ruin it before you see it yourself; you will surely enjoy it. “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” was a great end to the saga and left fans with a mix of emotions.
Infamous quintet release new album One Direction’s new album “Take Me Home” is a huge hit. By Shaina Patel The Freedom Forum
One Direction’s new album, “Take Me Home,” which came out on Nov. 8, stole the number one spot on the pre-order charts. This boy band reached out all around the world and gained millions of fans from 50 different countries. With thirteen songs ranging from upbeat and refreshing to slow and heartwarming, they stole the hearts of millions. This album consists of different genres such as pop rock, soft rock, dance rock, dance-pop, and pop. “Take Me Home” also has two hit singles and many other amazing songs such as “Kiss You”, “Little Things,” “C’mon C’mon,” “Heart Attack,” and many more.
Some critics say that this album sounds like their previous album, Up All
will definitely love it. “It's not often you encounter a new album that
Night, but fans will still love it. Others say this album has well written and different songs. Asides from their different views of the songs, all critics agree that One Directioners
Courtesy of billboard.com
you can genuinely describe as phenomenal, but the adjective fits One Direction's Take Me Home,” said Alexis Petridis, a music
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critic. This album received four stars and is a big hit worldwide selling over 94,000 copies in 2 days! Take Me Home Tonight broke many selling records and topped the charts of most major markets. Their most popular single, Live While we’re Young, was on the international chart top singles. One Direction formed in 2010 and came out with their first album in 2011. They were a hit right from the start and they cannot thank their fans enough.
The most recent season of “Pretty Little Liars” has unfortunately come to an end, the dramaobsessed fans that typically drool with the slightest hint of sassy television have nowhere to lash out their feelings. However, have no fear because “The Face” is here. “The Face” is a competition series consisting of various different people who are completing challenges and photo shoots. This way, the judges can choose the next ‘face’ of America accurately. The next supermodel in waiting will take part in a series of challenges and rigorous tasks before the judges assume she is good enough to become the next big star. Other shows that are quite similar to this are “America ‘s Next Top Model,” “Project Runway” and Rihanna’s upcoming show, “Styled to Rock.” To see and hear more about this upcoming show, viewers can go onto oxygen.com and where they have the opportunity to read more about the show and watch a ten second teaser trailer. All participants interested in applying for the actual show must be at least 18 years old, have a strong passion for modeling, and understand that hard work and effort must constantly be shown. Clearly, one of the biggest reasons everyone is as excited, is because the host of this show will be the one and only Nigel Barker, who is also a model and has previously judged on ANTM. With his tremendous amount of experience and help from supermodel Naomi Cambell, they’re sure to find the perfect person to be the next supermodel everyone drools over. Who has what it takes to be the next big “it” girl? Tune into OXYGEN in February to find out.
Courtesy of the-face.oxygen.com
By Priyanka K. Patel The Freedom Forum
also shows the beautiful child of Bella and Edward, Renesmee, as a toddler. She has the unique ability to show others her memories and knowledge. When it comes to the attention of the Volturi (the royal rulers of the vampire world) that there is a child vampire, Edward’s family and child are in danger. The Volturi think that this child could cause havoc, so the Cullens attempt to convince the Volturi that the child is harmless by gathering their friends to stand up for them. Many people were nervous at first about how this movie would turn out. The book did not include as much action as the first three of the saga which would account for a somewhat boring film. However, an unexpected
Nigel Barker, host and Karolina Kurkova, model-mentor of The Face.
Sports 11
The Forum
December 2012
Predicting the future of XLVII Super Bowl XLVII to be held on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013. By Greg Adams Sports Editor
At the end of November, there are still many playoff contenders and it is difficult to predict which teams will make to the biggest game of the year: the Super Bowl. The road to the Super Bowl is long and tough and filled with surprises and upsets, but at this point in the season, it appears that these four teams have the greatest chance of making it to the Super Bowl. The team that appears to have the greatest chance of all is the Atlanta Falcons who sit at 10-1 at the end of week 12. The offense has performed at an elite level, ranking second in passing yards
per game. Matt Ryan is ranked second in passing yards with 3,425. If Atlanta’s 14th ranked defense can hold up their end of the bargain through the winter, it is easy to see this solid Falcons team winning the Super Bowl. Leading the AFC at 101, the Houston Texans can easily win the rest of their games this year and be the AFC Champions. Defensive Coordinator Wade Phillips is leading a system that really gets the job done, ranking 2nd in run defense and 5th in points allowed per game. Defensive standout J.J. Watt leads the team with 14.5 sacks. Run-
both sides of the ball will help the Texans to easily prevail over their weak division ning back Arian Foster has as well as the rest of their over 1,000 yards this season conference on their way to the Super Bowl. A team that might have the skill to rise above the rest as the NFC Champion and Super Bowl contender is the San Francisco 49ers. Their defense ranks among the top five in each of the key defensive categories (points allowed, yards allowed, passing yards, rushing yards). Frank Gore leads a stable of talented running backs and the 49ers have the Photo: nfl.com most productive rushing and the Texans are second in attack in the league. The the league in points scored 49ers have a shot this season per game. at winning the biggest game Continued dominance on with their style of smash-
mouth football. Last, but not least, is the New England Patriots, who at 8-3 still hold their own when compared to other elite squads around the league. Quarterback Tom Brady has been stellar, leading an offense that is ranked first in points per game and yards per game with 24 touchdowns and only 3 interceptions. The Patriots have a better defense this year and cannot be counted out of the Super Bowl race. No matter who makes it to the Super Bowl this year, fans can rest assured that this year’s championship will be a well-fought game.
Shooting targets and taking names Freedom’s rifle team expecting another great season. By Matthew Cimera The Freedom Forum
It’s another wonderful year for the Freedom High School rifle team. As winter sports are kicking off, it’s best to remember that the Freedom Family needs to support them just as well as it supported fall sports. Their sport of marksman-
ship is not only extremely demanding in every respect, but also requires endless hours honing their precision in this hypercompetitive sport unlike any other sport at the most basic level. The people who dedicate their time and effort to this team should be commended for their hard work, as of
course they will be hardpressed this year much like past years. Though they may not be the most successful of the winter sports, they certainly try the hardest. According to Tyler Kulanko, “We always try our best, and it’s a very competitive sport. We’re looking to win something this year, I’m
sure about it.” Under the superb leadership of Mr. Court, the Freedom rifle team stands proud and ready to do their best, not only for themselves, but for Freedom High School as well. However, it will be a difficult year for them, as shooting is one of the most competitive sports. They are trying their best, but people need to come out and show their support for
these exceptional girls and boys as they utilize precision to win.
By Pat Whirl Special to The Freedom Forum
Craig Arner, a 1986 graduate of Freedom, organized a Freedom Soccer Alumni game which was held on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. Attendees included former head coach, George Kazakos, former assistant coach, Ned Yelovich, Brad Evans, and many others. They had a wonderful day catching up and playing the beautiful game together once again. Despite the cold weather they plan to make this an annual event. Photo courtesy of Pat Whirl
The group of Freedom graduates that gathered to play soccer together over Thanksgiving break.
FHS Basketball Schedule Boys’ Schedule Thurs., Jan. 3 vs. Central Catholic Fri., Jan. 11 vs. Nazareth Tues., Jan. 22 vs. Whitehall Fri., Jan. 25 vs. Dieruff Sat., Jan. 26 vs. Stroudsburg Fri., Feb. 8 vs. Liberty
Girl’s Schedule Sat., Jan. 5 vs. Perkiomen Mon., Jan. 7 vs. Poc. Mtn. W Tues., Jan. 8 vs. William Allen Tues., Jan. 15 vs. Northampton Thurs., Jan. 17 vs. Wilson Fri., Jan. 18 vs. Parkland Sat., Jan. 19 vs. Pleasant Valley Tues., Jan. 29 vs. Emmaus
Volume 46 Issue 4
The Forum
December 2012
Mrs. Pasternak’s Photo 2 Class
Julia Stahl, sophomore
Ashley Husser, junior
Gabby Ramirez, senior
Savannah North, senior Hannah Young, sophomore
Marissa Mele, junior Jessica Rasich, senior