March 16 issuu

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Volume 49 Issue 6

March 2016

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - - @FHSForum

In this Issue News: 2

Opinion: 3-5

Educate Yourself: 6-7

Pates’ Post: 8

Entertainment: 9-11

Sports: 12

New Changes to the Nurse’s Office Renovations to the nurse’s office hope to make it more efficient for both students and faculty By Gabby Rader Journalism Student

Freedom High School (FHS) is an old school built in 1967. Just by walking into the bathroom, students can see what needs to be updated, but money is always an issue. This school year, the nurse’s office was renovated and a new office was added. The nurses are very grateful for everything they were provided with. “We are really happy with the changes that were made,” said Mrs. Susan Dalton, Freedom High School’s head nurse. The renovations to the nurse’s office were done by

Bethlehem Area School Maintenance. The remodeling started just before BASD students went on Christmas break. The renovations were finished in mid-January. Most of the changes that were made may be noticeable to students, yet some changes may not be. “The changes that were made will benefit everybody. Not only the students and us, but the administrators and teachers also,” said Ms. Patricia Hamme, nurse at FHS. Some of the renovations include the transformation of the old filing room into an additional office. When walking into the nurse’s office,

students must sign-in to keep track of the students coming and going from the nurse’s office. “The work-flow will be so much better and more will get done,” said Mrs. Dalton. When students sit down, they will notice the new black chairs in the waiting area. In the hearing and sight evaluations area, there is a new cot added for students to rest on. A new filing cabinet was also added to the office. Across from the filing cabinets, there are two doors with a long window where students can make a private phone call or test their hearing. This area will provide better accuracy,

and phone calls will not be disturbed by others. Some minor things that were changed are new wiring for the computers and telephones. “We are still adjusting, but it is better for the students,” said Ms. Hamme. If money was not an issue, the nurses would have liked a few more A glimpse of the new office and things. For example, they new chairs. Photo: Gabby Rader need a handicap bathroom for those who are in wheel- for themselves. chairs, as the frame of the “I go to the nurse often, and door is currently too small. I think it looks good. There Also, the nurses would have are more convenient areas for liked a new table in the medi- the other nurses,” said Dylann cine room and a private area Paar, freshman.

Hybrid math classes coming to FHS Hybrid classes may revolutionize the way students learn By Lydia Burnett Journalism Student

Times are changing. Technology is becoming more and more important to our everyday lives. People tend to use it to play games and watch cat videos, but computers, cell phones, and the Internet can be used for education, too. Hybrid math courses at Freedom High School are taking the idea of technology based learning one step further. As well as using computers, hybrid math courses will be inte-

grating dynamic small groups and smaller number of students for each teacher to enhance the learning experience of the students. “The goal is to give the kids the perspective of three learning styles in one class,” said Mr. Michael O’Connell, hybrid algebra 1 teacher. The hybrid model appeals to different learning styles by providing several different methods of delivering content to the student. Students work in groups of peers, with the teacher, and also at their own

pace on computers, rotating through these three “stations.” “We get a lot more question and answer done, and students have to respond,” said Mr. O’Connell. In a hybrid course, students have chances to work at a comfortable pace for them. This may help students grasp mathematical concepts more easily, as they can spend more time on the things they don’t understand. Group sizes are typically seven students to one teacher. This sounds incredible, espe-

cially compared to the 28 or more students crammed into some classrooms. This presents a unique opportunity for students to have more contact with the teacher and more chances to ask questions. “It’s a lot less likely for a kid to kind of sit back in the back and slip through the cracks,” said Mr. Troy Schoeneberger, Special Education Teacher. In this type of course, students benefit from having many different ways to access information. “Students have to be independent learners. They have

to be self motivated.” . “So if they’re not kind of independent or self sufficient, they require a lot of support,” said Mr. O’Connell. Even so, hybrid Algebra 1 is available for all academic levels. Hopefully, it will soon spread to other levels of math and even different subjects.

Photo: Wordpress

Ending discrimination one day at a time Zero Discrimination Day, a day dedicated to ending world discrimination By Bryana Straker Journalism Student

Zero Discrimination Day is a day to celebrate diversity where people come together to raise awareness for the discrimination of people who are considered anything other than “normal.” Back in 2013 on World AIDS Day, UNAIDS launched the campaign for Zero Discrimination Day. It came to life in 2014 on March 1. This was created to eliminate the discrimination of people affected by gender inequality, travel restrictions,

sexually transmitted diseases, and stigma and discrimination whether it be race, gender, or disabilities. “I think that everyone just wants to be accepted for who they are. That’s one of life’s goals when you are in a society like ours,” said Mrs. Amber Chiafulio, biology teacher. This day takes place in more than 20 countries from Columbia to Uzbekistan and in almost 80 countries there are laws criminalizing same sex relations. Many countries have laws against discrimination, while some countries use

discrimination as a way of government. In the countries celebrating diversity, it is promoted with various activities to celebrate everyone’s right to live a full life with dignity. The theme for Zero Discrimination Day this year is “Open up, reach out.” “There are many things that tie us together as human beings, and one of them is compassion for others,” said Mrs. Chiafulio. Stigmatizing people with HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases discour-

ages people that think they may have it get tested. People die from these diseases, people are killing themselves from constantly being put down for being who they are. Men who have same sex relations have reported to be afraid to seek the help to get tested. More than 10 percent of women and 23 percent of men with disabilities have reported to be afraid to seek

health care due to previous prejudice doctor visits. Discrimination is something so big it affects millions of people around the world every single day. Zero Discrimination Day was created in the hopes of terminating all the wrong-doings by people against variance of others.


2 News

March 2016

The Forum

Different look, same name New SAT format changes starting March 2016 By TJ Schaeffer The Freedom Forum

Three letters that haunt most high school students: SAT. SAT, which stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test, was first created by College Board in 1926 to nationally assess students and allow colleges to compare students around the country. This year, there is a new format to the SAT, and the testing for this new format will take place in March. According to the Counselor Resource Guide to the Redesigned Assignment, there are many new changes to the SAT. The notable changes are the time and components. First, the previous SAT was 3 hours and 45 minutes and contained 4 components: critical reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as a required essay. The new SAT is now just 3 hours, with an additional 50 minutes for the optional essay. The compo-

nents for the new SAT are very similar to the old, but they are now broken down into 4 different sections: a reading test, a math test, a writing and language test, and an optional essay. While the essay is optional for the new SAT, many instructors are strongly suggesting that students sign up and write the essay. In addition to the format, the score scales have also changed. The old SAT scale ranged from 600 to 2400, and each section scale was 200 to 800. Furthermore, the essay would be scaled along with the multiple-choice questions in the writing section. For the newly designed SAT, the score scales ranges from 400

sight for students and their parents, admission officers, to 1600, and the section scale educators, and counselors. The final and most important change is the skills required for the SAT. For the previous SAT, one of the important features was emphasis on general reasoning skills and vocabulary, often, which was limited in context. Another feaPhoto: Wikimedia ture was the complex scorranges from 200 to 800 and ing, which gained students a 10 to 40 on the test and cross- point for a correct answer and test scores. The essay results a deduction for an incorrect are reported separately from answer, while blank responses the reading, analysis and writ- had no impact on score. These ing aspects and are reported items are no longer a concern on a 2 to 8 scale. for the new SAT. There is a In addition, there are now still emphasis on reasoning, sub scores for every test, as but with a clearer focus on they are on a 1 to 15 for each knowledge, skills, and undertest. This sub score adds in- standing. Plus, students will

no longer incur a penalty for incorrect answers. “For the reading test, [it] now tests the vocabulary texturally. [It] used to just give you a sentence. Now, the vocab words will pop up in the longer passages. After, you will then be given a question and you must go back into the passage and use the surrounding text around it.” said Mrs. Amanda Miranda, English teacher and instructor of an SAT Preparation Course at Penn State University, Lehigh Valley. In addition, the meaning of words in extended context is also a large feature, as well as how word choice shapes meaning, tone, and impact of certain writings. “The rights-only scoring doesn’t change how I view the SAT’s because we as students are still trying to attain somewhat of the goal as before. We are still reaching for the highest possible grade,” said Shaun McNulty, sophomore.

Famous flight 370’s 2nd anniversary nears Still no trace of the famed flight; will it ever be found? By Alaina Karcher Journalism Student

It has been nearly two years since the fated day that Malaysian Flight 370 disappeared after leaving Kuala Lumpur and never appearing in Beijing, China. For many, March 8 will always hold a sense of mystery. To this day, the exact whereabouts of the plane remain unknown. The only key lead in the search was the discovery of the craft’s wing flap, or “flaperon,” in July of 2015. To date, this was the largest piece of debris found from the plane on the French owned Reunion Island.

The family members of the missing 239 people still mourn and hope for an answer to the aircraft’s vanishing. With each announced lead in the case, they grow ever less hopeful. Progress has been slow; too slow for one’s liking. Has the Indian Ocean proven itself to be more vast and difficult for searchers to handle? A new lead in their investigation included the discovery of two men who boarded the plane with stolen passports. This raises fear of hijacking. However, officials strongly believe that the plane crashed

in the Indian Ocean. The proof is present, although in small fragments. Debris has been found floating in all areas imaginable as they travel with the ocean’s currents, even along the coasts of small islands. Vast amounts of technology has been used in the search for the MH370. This ranges from sonar to satellite. With the use of sonar, many interesting things have been found on the seafloor, including 2 shipwrecks dating back to the 1800s. It seems that almost anything has been found except for the plane’s remains. More than 80,000 square

kilometers of the Indian Ocean’s seafloor has been searched. This search area is as large as South Carolina. With the ensuing months, this will most certainly grow, along with the impatience of Tracking Flight 370 Photo: Wikimedia Commons many. It seems silly that almost 24 months have passed known amount of ocean floor without any findings. Besides yet to be combed through. for the occasional bits of inWill Flight 370 ever be formation fed to the public, found? Who knows? The certhere has not been anything tain future lies beneath the good to lead off of. No hints, repeating waves. no clues, nothing. Just an un-

The Red Cross reaches out for help By Rachel Tavares Journalism Student

Ever since World War II, the American Red Cross has been declared an official holiday and is a humanitarian organization that became global. March 1 is the day that was given to acknowledge our heroes helping others in desperate times. “During American Red Cross month, let us ask what we can do for those around us and resolve to make service to others a part of our everyday

lives,” stated Barack Obama in the proclamation on February 27, 2015. Clara Barton was the founder of the Red Cross on May 21, 1881. Ever since, the volunteers contribute to disaster relief and emergency assistance in 187 independent countries. This created the name National Red Cross for places outside of the origin. It also provides education for people in the United States. American Red Cross is not a government agency, but ra-

ther a charitable association. Since it consists of 90% volunteers, they are always in need of more people and support. You can fundraise a charity and gather spare change from others that will be used for purchasing equipment and supplies as one way to help. You can also donate $19.00 a month and provide families who need shelter, food, and more. Local blood drives welcome people to host or donate blood. Classes in the United States are also available for

people who want to host, teach, or attend them. There you can get a first-hand option to learn first aid, CPR, International Humanitarian Law, and much more. “I participated in a chapter of the class they had in New Jersey and my experience was good,” says Alessandra Tavares. For all social media lovers, being an advocate of the Red Cross may be the best . Bringing awareness to disasters by posts, showing people ways they can get involved, and

showing the Red Cross through pictures will make a difference to people who might have been unaware. “When I worked around the crisis of 911, Red Cross gave blankets and counseling to the people. they even brought food,” said Tavares.

March 2016

3 Editorials

The Forum

A look into the Presidential Primaries

How the people help decide who works in the Oval Office Reviewing the Republicans By Joshua Christiansen Editorials Editor

Every 4 years, a presidential election is held. On the road to a hopeful presidency, candidates must first meet the constitutional requirements, then usually they align themselves with a certain political party. The main political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party help their respective candidates through this long electoral process. People with similar views and ideas belong to the same political party. This is where the primaries and caucuses come in. Candidates from each political party campaign throughout the country to win the favor of their party members. The goal of this presidential primary is to determine who would be best chosen or nominated to be the two candidates running for the Oval Office. According to 2012election online site, a primary is when “party members vote for the best candidate that will represent them in the general election.” It also defines a caucus as an event in which “party members select the best candidate through a series of discussions or votes.” The primary is the first season of the race, which this year, began in February. Almost every Tuesday and Saturday until June 14 holds a caucus or primary election in

various states and commonwealths across the United States. At this point, one might be asking, “Well, who are the leading candidates for the Republican Party?” Although there are various sources, it is clear who the frontrunner is: Donald Trump. “The tough-talking New York business mogul is by no means a sure thing, not since Ted Cruz prevailed in the critical Iowa caucus, but Trump remains the clear GOP frontrunner. Moreover, his popularity stubbornly refuses to erode, even in the face of remarks he has made and policy positions he has taken that have been considered extreme by many,” said an article on the website. The temporary first and second places in the race will most likely remain Trump and Cruz, just because their views and appeal are in-line with most Republicans and many moderates who lean towards the right. The third place position is always fluctuating , but right now, Marco Rubio holds the position. “At first look, I was surprised that Donald Trump was leading. But once I started looking closer at Trump's campaign, I realized that more of my views matched up with his than I previously thought. I am somewhat disappointed in the fact that so many people are on board with him. I question

Debating the Democrats his morals as he says some interesting things. Unfortunately, I really don't know who will win but I believe Marco Rubio has a promising chance,” said Jenna Dobos, senior. Many question whether Trump will make it farther in the presidential race, or if his popularity will decrease once the politicking gets serious and a nomination is considered. The primaries, often through the use of debates, single out the true competitors from the rest— but still allow for candidates who might be ill-suited for the presidency—to make it through to the next step in the race. “Presidential primary debates are an important part of our political process,” said Mark McKinnon. [Writers Note: The election results based on the primaries is subject to change with consideration of the publication date.] This being said, it should be interesting to see how the Republican candidates fare through the rest of the primary and to see who is nominated to stand for the party in the 2016 election.

By Kiara Conaway Journalism Student

Bernie Sanders has triumphed over Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Primary for the democratic candidacy, leaving the Clinton administration to come up with a new game plan to recover from this major loss. According to the polls, young women have gravitated towards the socialistic views of Sanders, which has left many people baffled. “I find it odd. I’m surprised by it,” said Mr. George Ziegler, English teacher. It seems that Clinton’s ideals do not appeal to the younger generation of women, which has caused upset with the older generation. Clinton supporters Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright scolded young women in New Hampshire for neglecting to vote for the female candidate. Albright’s infamous line of women who do not support each other have “a special place in hell” has outraged young women and driven them farther away from the campaign. Young women do not seem to be concerned about the revolutionary impact that having a female president would bring to America. Surprisingly, there are more interested in electing the candidate they deem fit to run the country and Clinton just seems to not be that person. “I think it speaks to young women voters looking for a

candidate that’s not mainstream,” said Mr. Ziegler. Sanders’ ideals have attracted many voters, especially those of the younger generation. Considering his age, many find it interesting that he can appeal to the younger crowd. But, there are others who believe that if he is elected into office, that he will clash with Congress. With Sanders proclamation of being a socialist, people fear that he is much too radical and left-sided for most of the democrats in office “I think Bernie Sanders for most democrats is too leftsided,” said Mr. Ziegler. Between the two candidates, it is still up in the air who will be the democratic candidate for president. The people’s opinion for who they would choose, however is an equal divide amongst democratic voters. Some argue that due to Clinton’s experience as the Secretary of State and First Lady, she would be the much better applicant for presidency. “I believe her experience under various administrations makes her a valid candidate,” said Mr. Ziegler It seems that the democratic primaries to come will be a close race between eligible candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

Dear Gabi: Is it worth it?

By Gabriella Greenhoward Web Editor

Dear Gabi, I am your average high school student. What does that mean? I always have a good report card, I excel at the two sports I play, and I participate in a ton of different clubs. When I started high school, I had a lot of friends. Because of my sports, activities, and classes in middle school, I got the opportunity to meet a whole bunch of different people. It was nice to go into the huge school, and always have someone to smile or wave at in the halls. In the beginning of high

school, I would always get invited to parties. As much as I wanted to hang out with my friends, I did not feel comfortable going. I knew the kinds of things that went on there. When I declined, they would usually try one more method of persuasion. “You only live once,” they argued, with smug looks on their faces. But in the end, I still said no. Now that I am two years into high school, I am beginning to rethink my perspective. If I am losing friends, I am obviously doing something wrong. Maybe I should try some different things to impress them? If I do, I can get some of my old friends back! Maybe they are right and I am not living enough. What should I do? Sincerely, The Boring, Non- Risk Taker

Dear The Boring Non- Risk Taker, My dad told me something once that has stayed in my head all throughout my years of schooling. “If your friends ever offers you drugs or alcohol, I hope you look them in the eye and see that they do not care about you. If they are willing to put your well-being on the line, they are the kind of people you should immediately distance yourself from.” I do not know exactly what you are contemplating trying, but if you have to consider whether or not it will be worth it, it is probably not a smart decision. Is that not enough to convince you? I challenge you to sit down and make a list of the pros and cons of the rebellious things you are considering to

try. I can almost guarantee that the con list is much longer than the pro. If one of the cons is that you are harming your body or going beyond your comfort zone, then you should not even think twice about it. Friends are supposed to support you, guide you towards good decisions, and most of all respect your boundaries. If you think that the only way to be friends with a certain group is to do things you really do not feel comfortable with, then they are not the group for you. Do not ever feel trapped or confined in a friendship. You are not obligated to be friends with someone that makes you uncomfortable. Instead of trying to impress these people, you should consider trying to

make new friends. Start with the clubs and sports you are involved in. Having fun in high school should be just that: fun. If you have some free time, invite a friend out on a study date. I do that all the time with my friends, and we have a great time. Do you want to brush up on your sports skills? Invite some teammates to do some extra practice and drills. There are so many ways to get the most out of your high school experience, without having to compromise what you believe in. Stand tall in who you in are, and be proud that you are making healthy, smart decisions that are paving the way towards your bright future. Love always,


4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Editor-in-Chief Elyse Sanford News Editor Cassie Sedler Editorials Editor

Allergies spring back into action Are spring allergies really making a comeback? By Madison Walther Journalism Student

It is that time of year again. Everyone is ready for the sun to be shining, the smell of the freshly cut grass reaching the tips of your nose, and outdoor sports games. However, with all of that, comes the dreaded allergy season. Allergy season creates constant, sniffling, coughing, and teary eyes. Even though most can relate, some cases are far worse than others.

Flower that produces pollen.

Josh Christiansen Pates’ Post Editor Analisa Jeffries Entertainment Editor

Kerilyn Kipp Maya White Center Spread Editor Julia Ingarao Sports Editor Mitchell Coriell Web Editor Gabriella Greenhoward

Allergies in action

Photo: Pixabay

Karla Erdman

Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent

“Generally, they will feel miserable if they have a history. They will start to feel the symptoms. Don't wait until the trees start to bloom before taking your medicine,” said Ms. Hamme, school nurse. In springtime alone, which usually starts in the month of March, allergies to pollen or mold affects more than 30 million people in the United States according to Everyday Several symptoms relate to those of a cold, which can lead to several people thinking that their

Photo: Madison Walther

spring allergies are late winter colds. “There is a big difference between being sick and having allergies,” said Ms. Hamme. When one becomes more active outside, breathing in air with pollen in it will soon show allergies’ presence. Usually, some would say to spend most time indoors, and try to avoid the springtime as much as possible. Unfortunately, most teenagers play sports that take place in the spring. This is a great thing, unless one has allergies. “During softball season, my nose gets very stuffy, and my eyes get watery. I sneeze a lot too,” said Rachel Iacovone,

freshman. Here are some tips that will help with fighting allergies in the long-run. Take a shower directly after being outdoors. Also, do laundry as often as possible. This will help keep the pollen off of clothes, and skin. Furthermore, shut all doors during a high pollen count. Lastly, if the allergies are severe, talk to a doctor on what to do for further prevention and treatment. If taking any other prescription medicines, do not self medicate. This could cause unwanted and dangerous drug interactions. Pollen is spread by wind. It is formed by trees, grasses, and weeds. Spring is not the only allergy season, many plants pollinate year round. One’s location will determine the time of pollen season. Pollen counts will vary from day to day as well as hour to hour. “The best thing you can do is take your medicine before the spring season starts,” said Hamme. Remember, spring is not the end of the world.

Easter in March



March 2016

The Forum

A variety of factors play into the early holiday By Carol Perez Journalism Student

Easter, a colorful, joyous celebration during the spring season, is one of Christianity’s most important and festive holFor our editorial statement idays, which celebrates Jesus and correction policy, please Christ’s resurrection from the go to dead. about.html “The death, burial, and resurAny photo that is not directly rection of Jesus Christ hapcredited is from Microsoft pened after Passover, so folOffice. lowers wanted Easter always to Follow us on Twitter, send us be celebrated subsequent to the an email, and visit our web- Passover. And, since the Jewish holiday calendar is based site! on solar and lunar cycles, each @fhsforum, #fhsforum feast day is moveable, with dates shifting from year to

Dr. Joseph Roy

Easter Eggs Photo: Wikimedia Commons

year,” said This explains the reasoning as to why Easter’s date shifts every year. Christian churches celebrate Easter on the first Sunday of the full moon after the vernal equinox, which is why Easter does not have a specific date. This results in Easter falling sometime between March 22 through April 25. That being said, Eastern and Western churches celebrate Easter on a different day. Typically in Western Calendar of March 2016 with the date of Easter circled. Christianity Churches, East- Photo: Public Domain Pictures er is celebrated on the Sunday following the Paschal Full Julian Calendar. While astronomers approxiMoon date In Eastern Orthodox Church- mate the future dates of full of the es, they use the actual astro- moons, Western Christian year. nomical dates of the full moon Churches use the astronomers’ Western and vernal equinox. Complica- calculations to create a table Christiani- tions occur simply because the called the ‘Ecclesiastical Full ty Church- Julian calendar is not one- Moons’ dates, which determine es also use hundred percent accurate. In the Holy Days’ dates on the the Grego- other words, Eastern Orthodox Ecclesiastical calendar. rian Cal- Churches can not celebrate It seems as though Easter is endar Easter before April 3rd. coming sooner than expected while the As discussed on Christianity. this year. Eastern about. com, the actual Paschal Orthodox full moon is determined from Churches historical tables and directly use the corresponds to lunar events.

March 2016

Editorials 5

The Forum

St. Patrick Day and Easter Candy Recipes Fast and easy way to make candy Byrce Kollar The Freedom Forum

As March slowly approaches us into possibly warmer weather, holidays, such as St. Patrick’s day and Easter are slowly beginning to make their way into the month. With many family gatherings taking place, it leaves a lot of wondering thoughts on what to make that is quick, easily affordable, and good enough that anybody can love.

Irish Potato Candy: Irish Potato Candy is actually not from Ireland and never usually contains actual potato. It is actually a traditional Philadelphia Confection which almost resembles a donut. The candies, known for their coconut cream filled inside, sugar, vanilla, cream, and rolled cinnamon on the outside, are very popular in certain parts of the United States. The best known distributer is located in Boothwyn, Pennsylvania and is known as Oh Ryan’s which ship 80,000 pounds to major chains mainly in Pennsylvania.

   

2 ½ cup of coconut flakes. 4 cups of sugar. 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Steps: 1. In a medium sized bowl, beat both butters and cream cheese together until the mixture is smooth. 2. Mix in the coconut, and use hands if needed. 3. Roll into potato shapes, then roll in the cinnamon. 4. Let sit for an hour. 5. If you wish to have you potato’s darker, you may roll them once again in cinnamon.

GoofBalls: Goofball candies are easily mistaken as a snickers bar logo, but this type of Goofball has nothing to do with the chocolate bar. Instead, these caramel dipped marshmallows covered in rice crispy treats can quickly turn into any age friendly indulgence. With only a good thirty minutes these sticky, yet What you will need:  ½ ( 8 ounces) of cream delicious candies will be cheese. the highlight of any holi ¼ cup stick of butter. day.  Spreadable butter with canola oil.

What you will need:  1( 17.5 ounces) of packaged rice crispy cereal.  1 cup of margarine.  1.75 cups (14 ounces) of canned sweetened condensed milk.  1( 10.5 ounce) package of marshmallows.  1 ( 14 ounce) package of caramels, unwrapped.  1 roll of wax paper.  Skewers. Steps: 1. Line the wax paper on a baking sheet. Place the rice crispy cereal into a large mixing bowl. 2. Combine the condensed milk, margarine, and unwrapped caramel into the top of a double boiler.

“Guys and Dolls”

3. Stir constantly until it becomes well combined. 4. Use a skewer and place one of your marshmallows on the end of the stick. 5. Place the Marshmallow into the mixture, make sure it is evenly coated. 6. Than quickly place into the rice crispy cereal and your GoofBalls are made.

Show Dates

You can take the stick you used and place a bunny rabbit marshmallow on the end and stick it on top of your Goof balls.

Wednesday, April 6 at 7 pm

Thursday, April 7 at 7 pm

Friday, April 8 at 7 pm

Irish potato candies

Photo: Wikipedia

Saturday, April 9 at 7 pm

Fun ways to fool friends Planning practical jokes and practicing safety on April Fool’s Day Emily Shingara Journalism Student

Small Prank Ideas:

On April 1, we celebrate the day of practical jokes, commonly known as April Fool’s Day. With this day fast approaching, and a need for original prank ideas, there are a lot of options that could make the day memorable for years to come.

Jackpot! “Give someone a fake lottery ticket,” said Michael Mele, senior. You can go to a local department store and pick up this fun gag gift that is sure to leave you laughing, and your victim disappointed. This option is easy on the wallet, and a perfect way to trick your friends and family to thinking their wallet will be booming.

Ice Bombs Place some Mentos in water inside of an ice cube tray, and wait until they freeze. Then, serve the cubes in soda, which will allow the Mentos to react with the drink. Make sure you are prepared with plenty of supplies to clean up the mess! Insect Lamp Cut out the shape of an insect in black construction paper. Then, attach the paper insect to the inside of a lampshade. It will make it look like an insect is crawling in your lampshade and is sure to scare! Photo: Flickr

Sunday, April 10 at 2 pm

Balloon Prank

Photo: Flickr

overnight, and prepare for the snow. This joke involves minimal cleanup, and is a fun surOffice Party Fill up your friend’s office or prise for your friend! room with balloons! This is by far one of the most time- Friendly Reminder: consuming pranks, so make Remember to stay safe while sure to plan ahead! It doesn’t pranking throughout the day. It hurt to grab some extra hands is not recommended to do any to pull off this popping prank. pranks that could cause major injury or severe damage of property. Have fun this April Let it snow With the cold overnight tem- Fool’s Day, and keep an eye peratures, it is the perfect time out for your friends. You never for a March flurry. Place cot- know what prank they are goton balls in water, and scatter ing to pull on you. Irish potato them across your victim’s car. candies Leave the cotton balls to freeze Large Prank ideas:

“Sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression are distin we are. Understanding these terms—and how they do and do not intersec

Sam Smith


Laverne Cox Photo: Caitlyn Jenner


Matt Bomer


Openly gay and transgender celebrities have marked the evolution of the LGBT community. Laverne Cox, Sam Smith, Caitlyn Jenner and Matt Bomer are just some, out of a whole plethora of celebrities who are openly gay, transgender, or non-binary.

As high school students, you have gone through years of health classes and seminars, so the word “sex” is nothing to flinch at. But when the word “sex” is heard, it is often associated with the intimate and private aspect of human lives. What if I were to tell you that there is more to the word sex than meets the eye? “Sex refers to a person’s anatomy, physical attributes such as external sex organs, sex chromosomes, and internal reproductive structures.” ( Now do you see that sex isn’t just sex? There are an array of definitions for it and sadly, for those who don’t fit their biological sex ,the definitions can become blurred. Understanding that a person’s biological sex has many meanings is crucial in knowing that although a person may look like a boy they don’t necessarily feel like a boy. It is hard for someone to pretend they are something on the outside when on the inside they feel a certain way. In the high school setting, students judge one another on how they look just by how they walk down the hall. Being an openly gay, transgender, or non-binary student in high school is even harder because not only are you now being judged on your looks but also on how you feel.

The symbols that identify male vs. female Photo:

So, there is a difference between biological sex and gender identity. For instance, gender identity is an individual’s deeply held sense that they are male, female, or another gender. At a very young age, some children are able to realize their gender identity does not match the physical characteristics assigned to them at birth. Some transgender and gender-expansive people recognize their gender identity during early adulthood. Coming out is especially scary for those individuals who haven’t been recognized like that for most of their life. For someone whose biological sex and gender identity “match”, the thought about “fitting in” and seeming “normal” isn’t something to worry about because they are just like everyone else, either they are a “girl” in a girl’s body or a “boy” in a boy’s body. The world can be a cruel place for those who openly embrace their non-typical male/ female identity. Luckily, places like Australia, Germany, India, Nepal, Pakistan and many other’s countries accept those who don’t conform to gender norms, and they even allow people to chose a third gender selection on legal documents. Here in America, the popular social media app Facebook now let’s people choose from over 52 different genders. On popular TV shows such as Orange is the New Black, many of the character’s in the show are openly gay or bisexual. One character in particular named Sophia Burset is an openly transgender inmate. The woman who plays Sophia , Laverne Cox, is openly transgender in real life. People like Laverne Cox show the differences between biological sex and gender identity because although she was born a man she identifies herself as a woman and feels happier as one.

DID YOU KNOW? There are multiple flags that represent sexuality, the most popular flag being the gay pride, or “Rainbow” flag. The flag pictured to the left is a gender-queer flag that represents those who do not conform to conventional gender labels. The purple stripe is created by mixing blue and pink, and it shows a mixture of masculinity and femininity for those who are in between. The white stripe stands for gender neutrality. Last but not least, the green stripe stands as the inverse of purple to support those who are gender binary and identify themselves outside of being male and female.

nct concepts, but they combine uniquely in each person to make us who ct—can help us better appreciate and respect the diverse spectrum of our identities.” (

The gay pride flag Photo:

The gender fluid pride flag Photo:


The transgender pride flag Photo:

Fast Facts “New York City and State law protects students’ rights to wear clothing that corresponds to their gender identity and expression,” according to

Fast Facts “A school may not ask a student to unenroll or transfer to another school because they are transgender or gender nonconforming,” according to

The bi-sexual pride flag Photo:

Sexual orientation defines the emotional and physical attractions that people have for one another. Just like gender identity, sexual orientation is felt internally and most people in the LGBT community are aware of their sexual orientation at a young age. Gender identity and sexual orientation may seem similar but they are quite different. The most common way people define their sexual orientation is either pansexual, bisexual, asexual, or queer. A persons sexual orientation is based upon whom that person is attracted to: someone of the same sex, opposite sex, both, or neither, while gender identity is based on how a person identifies themselves with the gender traditionally associated with one's sex at birth. “Being straight, gay, or bisexual is not something that a person can choose or choose to change. In fact, people don't choose their sexual orientation any more than they choose their height or eye color.” ( There is often an overlap or conflict when distinguishing gender identity from sexual orientation. Not only is confusing for people not dealing with the issue but it can be difficult for a person who is trying to make sense of their own identity.

Gender Expression refers to people who communicate their gender identity to others. This can be done through behavior, clothing, haircut, voice, and other forms of presentation. Gender expression also works the other way, as people guess a persons gender based upon how they look, their manners, and other gender typical characteristics. It is commonly seen that that transgender people seek to match their physical expression with their gender identity, rather than the sex assigned to them at birth. A person’s sexual orientation does not specifically represent how they look. A woman could like another woman and not identify as a masculine figure, and a man could like a man and not identify as a feminine figure. In the school environment, you cannot just look at someone walking down the hall and know that the person is gay. In the high school setting, understanding sexual orientation has become openly accepted. Clubs like the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance club) make it accessible for students in high school to find a place they are able to embrace their orientation where they otherwise might not be able to. Knowing the difference between sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sexual ensures fairness and equality for all people despite their differences.

8 Pates’ Post

March 2016

The Forum

Identical in ranking Meet this issue’s student(s) of the month, Anjali and Olivia Chhugani By Maya White Entertainment Editor

Ever dreamed of having a twin? Last month’s issue of The Freedom Forum had a feature on identical siblings, only this time, these twins are tied for first both in age and GPA. Meet this month’s student highlights, freshmen Anjali and Olivia Chhugani. The pair are currently tied for first in the Class of 2019’s GPA rankings, a feat worthy of recognition. Of their reaction to being tied for first, Olivia said, “I was really surprised. I didn’t know the rankings were up... and then I found out I got first, so I was really happy, I was really surprised and proud of myself.” She then explained that after she

found out her ranking, she inquired of her sisters’. Both girls were equally shocked to find out they had achieved the same exact place in their grade. The sisters work just as hard outside of the classroom as they do within the bounds of Freedom High School. They are members of the tennis team, and are also involved in volunteering at St. Luke’s Hospital after school. They help discharge patients and deliver food. Both girls work together on homework, comparing assignments and coming up with ideas. They work together rather than compete with one another, and prefer asking each other for help over one-upping the other over assignments. When asked about the source of

their motivation, getting good grades and being challenged by teachers was included among their answers. As more details are shared concerning their collaboration, a few questions are raised. Do they share the same classes? If their GPA is the same, do they take the same difficulty level of courses, or is their schedule completely opposite of one another? “We kind of have the same classes, in different orders. But we prefer to be in different classes, because we don’t like to compete with each other,” said Anjali. L-R: Anjali and Olivia Chhugani Photo Submitted By: Anjali and Olivia Chhugani

The healing powers of American Red Cross A deeper look into the American Red Cross By Analisa Jeffries Pates’ Post Editor

than 40 percent of the blood and blood products in this country,” said Not only does the American Red Cross help to provide disaster relief, they collect blood, for those in need. Some other things they do are support the military and military families, and educated on health and safety. “I took a class one day, with testing at the end, where we learned all of the information needed to be prepared for various situations. I have my first aid and CPR/AED certification which allows me to help people when they are in distress.” Mitchell Hendricks,

sophomore. These classes can be taken in person or online. A class can quickly be set up, making it easy for someone to become certified. The American Red Cross also provides certification Photo: Flickr for babysitting, The American Red Cross lifeguarding, and Emergency Medical Respond- however in person anything ers (EMT). will help. Want to do more Along with classes, people than just donate? Become a can contribute by simply do- Red Cross volunteer locally nating money or giving blood. or start a new club at Freedom Ten dollars is the minimum High School. amount to donate online,

Getting to know Freedom Friends

Attention Seniors!

“As one of the nation’s premier humanitarian organizations, the American Red Cross is dedicated to helping people in need throughout the United States and, in association with other Red Cross networks, throughout the world,” said The American Red Cross was founded on May 21, 1881 by Clara Barton and her associates in Washington D.C.. From that day on, Barton lead the Red Cross for 23 years. They focused on disaster relief and the Spanish-American

By Sharasei Smith Guest Writer

Want to lend a helping hand in making Freedom High School a better place? Somewhere that students feel like they are included and happy? Well are you a Freedom Friend? If not you might want to consider becoming one. Freedom Friends was created by our very own Ms. Maureen Calvo and Vincent Pina. They both had a mutual feeling of disconnect within the school. They noticed it especially with the students who were obviously uncomfortable and had lack of understanding of one another. Together they decided enough is enough and it was time to take action. Ms. Calvo, and Pina were hoping to create a place with a positive atmosphere where students are never afraid to be themselves. Freedom Friends is a club where students can speak about their emotions or

War. “Prior to the First World War, the Red Cross introduced its first aid, water safety, and public health nursing programs. With the outbreak of war, the organization experienced phenomenal growth,” said Both of the World Wars caused great expansion for the program. The Red cross also received more and more charters, grants from the government, allowing even more development. “After World War II, the Red Cross introduced the first nationwide civilian blood program that now supplies more

thoughts at the moment. It is also a great place where students have the option to seek help from their fellow peers, as well as Ms. Calvo, who is there for guidance. And so, Freedom Friends was brought to life. At first, they started out with only a couple of students at each meeting. Freedom Friends has now blossomed, having more than twenty students helping to bring to life to the Freedom Friends movement. "We are not a club. We're bigger than that. We are simply a group trying to make a difference,” said Ms. Calvo. Freedom Friends is already making big moves in and out of the school environment. They recently showed support for Freedom Family members by

raising money for two of our classmates whose houses burnt down. In addition, they attended an Aevidum convention. Aevidum is a group that stands for depression and suicide. While Freedom Friends is currently focusing on first helping our own school setting, they are hoping to soon evolve into one of the huge chapters in Aevidum. They also want to include other strong ideas they got from Aevidum into their club to share the positive message with Freedom High School.

Freedom Friends Logo Photo Submitted By: Mrs. Calvo

The Deadline for Community Service Hours is Friday, April 15th!

March 2016

9 Entertainment

The Forum

Bright and colorful spring festival in India Getting together with family and friends, partying, dancing, and singing By Shauna Smith Journalism Student

Holi is a Hindu religious color festival, where family and friends get together to sing, dance, eat, and throw colored powder at each other. The powder is like what people use when they go to a color run and they have all this colorful powder on them as they are running. Over time, this festival has spread to nonHindu regions, such as Europe and North America. There is also a meaning to this colorful festival. The festival symbolizes a lot of things such as the victory of good over evil, the coming of spring, the end of winter, and

for many a fesDuring this festival, tive day to everyone throws dry meet others, powder and colored play and laugh, water at each other. forget and forThere can also be a give, and repair water balloon fight. broken relaThese occur in the tionships, and open streets, parks, is also celebratoutside temples and ed as a thanksbuildings. There is also giving. playing of music, such The festival as the drums. begins the An important element night before Ankita’s family and friends are gathered together for of the festival is, of spring festival, Holi. Holi and every- the course, food. There are Photo: Ankita Bassi one gets together many foods of Indian to have a “Holika and Nepalese origin , as bonfire”. Then the day of Holi one is equal. No one is wor- well as cultural drinks availais a carnival of colors. This ried about the stress of every- ble for consumption. particular day is special be- day life, and everyone is there On the evening of Holi, peocause it is a day where every- to have a good time. ple dress up in fancy clothes,

then visit family and friends. They also continue with eating and drinking with loved ones. There are also many families that host this festival outside the Asian continent. “When we get together we try to replicate the atmosphere in America with our friends and family.” said Ankita Bassi, senior. “It is a really fun and great way to hold onto our traditions, especially since we are already living on a different continent.” said Bassi. Now that you’ve learned all about this colorful festival, would you like to go and enjoy these fun activities?

2016 Update on the newest Apple releases The new products that Apple has in store for this year By Keri Kipp Entertainment Editor

The secrets are told, and the codes are cracked as to what this big name company has in store for its consumers. The question is when Apple will be releasing the new products and software updates this year. Apple has been rumored to be releasing many new products throughout 2016, like the iPhone 7, 7 Plus, and 6c, as well as the Apple Watch 2, the iPad Air 3, and a new IOS software update. There are online blogs as well as websites that have weighed in on the new additions such as and “I will be updating my iPhone to the newest update in IOS this year, and I think I’ll be getting the newest phone. I’m really excited because I believe it will be the fastest

one,” says Hanna Nicholls, freshman. Many people believe that everything Apple puts out gets better and better each time. However, sometimes that isn’t the case. Some have stated that they are going to be waiting to upgrade their devices to the newest edition until they hear about what some of the most recent consumers have to say about it. Many people are wondering whether or not everything will go as planned for the software. “I’m nervous to think about the fact that the phones and software updates may be getting worse as the products come out,” says Jade Boyer, freshman. The software has been fairly decent leading up until now, so who is to say that it will not continue to improve? If you still do not feel comforta-

ble updating your software, there is also a beta option that you can use to test out the software. The beta is a prerelease of new software. The beta has gone through alpha testing, and are generally fairly close in look and function to the final product of the actual software that will come out in the near future. “I would not highly suggest the beta to test our newest software. However, I am not against it either. The beta is more for your safety comfort before you actually download the new software,” said Apple store specialist. Apple store representative’s names could not be released for safety purposes and instructions by their managers. There are new features that the products will include that could also be very helpful to many consumers. However, the Apple store representa-

IPhones of the past.

tives themselves will not know how exactly they are going to function until the night when the stores receive them. The customers cannot be sure what to expect further than what Apple companies release themselves. “Myself and the rest of the employees here have been anticipating the arrival of all new products, as we should. However, how well all of

Photo: Keri Kipp

these new gadgets will work is up to the manufacturer's,” said Apple Store Specialist. Although the world is anxious to see what they are going to be receiving from Apple, remember to keep an open mind and stay optimistic. Everything that is coming out is said and seems to be amazing, and is to be the best technology.

Will it finally be Leo’s year? DiCaprio's 25 year career has earned him a total of zero Oscars By Sydney Hoover Journalism Student

Leonardo DiCaprio must be hoping that the fifth time's the charm. The 41-year-old actor received his fifth Oscar nomination for "The Revenant," and this year he is favored to win. It would be his first Academy Award in his 25-year career. “I think anyone appreciates those types of things, for sure, of course — you know, to be recognized by your peers,” DiCaprio said. He does not deny his hunger

for an Oscar, and knows that it is something all actors strive to receive. Jennifer Wescoe, drama teacher at Freedom High School, who has been familiar with DiCaprio's acting since his appearance on the 1985 television show “Growing Pains,” had much to say on the topic of DiCaprio potentially winning an Oscar this year. Leo's performance in “The Revenant” was definitely Oscar-worthy; however, some people who will ultimately be

in the category with him might have performances that are Oscar-worthy as well,” said Wescoe. Despite saying that, she still supports him and wants him to earn the award because of his talent, not his popularity. “Popular does not equal quality, just because he has been around for 25 years, should not guarantee him an award. However, he has worked very hard to improve his craft and has really gotten much stronger with his ability to diversify his performances

on an individual basis,” said Wescoe. “I liked the movie [“The Renevant”] a lot because the storyline was interesting and had a good ending,” said Lena Shepulski, sophomore. Shepulski also believes that DiCaprio should have already won an Oscar. “He is an excellent actor who performs amazingly in every movie I’ve seen him in. His skills in acting should have been rewarded already by the Oscars,” said Shepulski. The fate of DiCaprio’s potential Oscar win will be de-

cided next Sunday, February 28. If he fails to win, he will continue to make movies and excel in his acting career such that he will surely be nominated again. *Editors Note: DiCaprio walked away with an Oscar for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for “The Revenant”

10 Entertainment

March 2016

The Forum

Fighting for the truth The television show with the scoop on what really happened with O.J. Simpson By Juliana Maffea The Freedom Forum

Did you ever think that a famous athlete would kill his ex wife and her best friend? Neither did the world. O.J. Simpson, a football player for the 49ers and actor, was charged in 1995 for the murder of his ex wife, Nicole Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. “I never thought that someone so famous could actually murder someone. It is not something we think about,” said Jamie Dickey, sophomore. “American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson” is a television show that airs on FX network on Tuesdays at 10 o’clock p.m. The show provides exclusive insight

into OJ Simpson’s trial. “It is a more fictionalized television show over what happened, since not everything mentioned is accurate,” said Gisselle Lopez, sophomore. The show opens up with Nicole Simpson and Goldman being found dead at her house in Los Angeles. O.J. was a lead suspect, and the evidence pointed towards him--or so people thought. “If you looked at the evidence that was presented in trial, there was no way that they made that direct connection between him and the murders, or him and a conspiracy that he murdered them,” said Jo-Ann Kristofic, criminal justice teacher. Evidence like blood found at

the scene, on the Bronco, a history of violence towards Nicole, and the bloody gloves are all examples of evidence that pin Simpson as guilty. “Even from the start, I still thought that he was going to be found guilty,” said Grimaldi Gonzalez, officer at Freedom High School. The show does a good job at proving that the evidence is not enough to prove that Simpson is a murderer. However, he was recorded live on television in a car chase. Normally, people run from the cops if they have something to hide. “I was so young during that, I wasn’t even an officer. I actually remember the day that the Bronco was being chased down the highway,

Becoming a Netflix phenomenon “Making a Murderer” has become popular to Netflix users By Hayley Guzzo The Freedom Forum

From “Orange is the New Black”, to “House of Cards”, to “Sense8”, Netflix has grown a huge fan base over their recent original series. However, those mentioned are only a few of the hottest shows from Netflix. Other shows such as “One Tree Hill”, and “Gossip Girl” have become widely known also. However, in addition to those shows, there has been a new Netflix original series that is on the rise. “Making a Murderer” has become one of the most watched series on Netflix over the past few months. The documentary follows a man nammed Steven Avery after he is exonerated from spending nearly two decades in prison for a crime that he did not commit. There is a total of ten episodes now on Netflix, which first appeared on December 18, 2015. The film caused outrage by Netflix watchers over whether he should have been found guilty or innocent. The series was filmed over a course of ten years, and followed Avery, a man from Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, who was arrested and served 18 years in prison after being wrongfully accused of sexual assault and attempted murder. Crime dramas have become incredibly popular in America. Some of the shows include “Law and Order”, “Criminal Minds” and “NCIS”. However, “Making a Mur-

Furthermore, even after 10 episodes and loads of evidence, not everyone knows exactly what happened 25 years ago. Teresa Halbach was the woman that Steven Avery sexually assaulted. People who have either heard about the series from a friend or who have watched the whole thing from start to finish have found a way to blame the jury for this whole thing. “I think a jury should Photo: Hayely Guzzo consider every possible piece of evidence even derer” has not just become if they believe they caught the favored to the general popula- killer,” said Heather Graff, tion. The show has scored a sophomore at Nazareth Area whopping 97% on Rotten To- High School. matoes, and a 9.1 ou of 10 People of all ages have befrom IMDb. come obsessed with this Netflix watchers are speaking show, even more so because out over the new phenome- is not a typical crime drama non. like many others on television It has been made known that today. Even being a true jurors are not looking at all story, it is still causing so the evidence when it comes to many different opinions to be murder trials. If there is not shared whether they think the enough evidence to prove that jury made the right decision the person is guilty, most of or not on convicting Avery the time the jury will leave the that kept him in prison for just decision up to the judge. under two decades. “Juries should listen to the “I think it’s wrong of the whole story and get all the jury to do that to him without evidence before they convict looking at every single piece someone of being either guilty of evidence. The true way to or not guilty,” said Tia Wil- convict somebody is to do it liams, sophomore. the right way, not out of your This recent awareness has piece of mind,” said Graf. caused Netflix to base an entire series on this problem. You can bet “Making a Murderer” has caused tremendous outrage.

and I remember running home to see it live,” said Gonzalez. With all of that money from playing in the NFL, Simpson was able to afford what people called the “Dream Team” which consisted of his lawyers. The show goes a little more in depth on what they go through in order to save O.J. “They were trying at that time to put everyO.J. Simpson’s mugshot when he was thing out there, they put on trial for murder. were the dream team for Photo: Marc Levl, Flickr him,” said Mrs. Kristofik. At the end of it all, O.J. “Even from the start, I still Simpson was ruled innocent. thought that he was going to This trial and murder was be found guilty,” said Gonzablown up so much that it is lez. still spoken about today.

March 2016

11 Entertainment

The Forum

“Grease” making a lightnin’ comeback A review of the classic movie coming to life By Samantha Carl Journalism Student

Why it is is Grease live! You heard right, the famous 1978 movie “Grease” was recreated as a live musical with one catchthere was only one show. FOX was able to recreate this classic by premiering the show on their network for all to see from the comfort of their own homes. Famous actors and singers such as Vanessa Hudgens, who played Rizzo, Carly Rae Jepsen, who played Frenchy, and even the original Frenchy Didi Conn, who played Vi this time around, came together for this show. The original Danny Zucko was played by

Vanessa Hudgens’ father John Travolta while Sandy are excited to finally reveal Greg passed away after being was played by Olivia Newton what they have dedicated so diagnosed with stage four -John. In today’s present ver- much time up to premiere cancer. While this was a sion, Danny was played by day, that was not the case for tough time for the actress, she Aaron Tveit while Sandy was everyone. On January 30, still had managed to maintain played by Julianne Hough. 2016, the day before the character through every sceWhile most cast and crew premiere of “Grease” live, ne. As a form of condolences to the family, FOX tributed the show to Greg with the final clip stating, “In loving memory of Greg Hudgens. June 22, 1950January 30, 2016.” When it came down to the final feedback Original “Grease” photo with Olivia Newton John and John Travolta (left) as well as of the show, a a collage of pictures of the original cast and a record of the songs (right) variety of re-

sponses were concluded. “Those fans may have been bothered by a couple of little changes to Sandy's character, suddenly camera shy for reasons mostly relating to letting Hough escape the dance and get some wind before a big solo, and some tempered double entendres,” said Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter. “I think the actors made a good fit for each character. The parts were played well,” said Rachel Capuano, senior. The live show may have differed from the original movie in minor ways, but it still managed to please most as it was left with a 7.7/10 rating on IMDb.

Photo: Deviant Art

Springing into spring with an egg-cellent recipe How to make homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs By Carly Pfaff The Freedom Forum

With the weather getting warmer and spring being right around the corner, Easter will be here before we know it. And as we all know, with Easter comes Easter treats! Here is all you need to know on how to create your very own homemade chocolate peanut butter eggs. Chocolate peanut butter eggs are perfect to enjoy with family and friends, to give as gifts, or even to start a family tradition. In my family, this recipe has been passed down from my grandmother, and is sure to be a crowd pleaser this Easter. The ingredients to make this

recipe include one cup of peanut butter, eight ounces of cream cheese, sixteen ounces of confectioners sugar, a pinch of salt, one teaspoon of vanilla, and fourteen ounces of dipping chocolate. To begin, combine the peanut butter, softened cream cheese, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Mix them until they are well blended. The finished product. Photo: Carly Pfaff Next, add in the confectioners sugar and salt to er until a dough is formed. the mixture. Mix them togeth- When the dough is formed,

take a spoon and create small egg shapes. Place them on a plate. When all the eggs are formed, place the plate with the dough in the refrigerator to chill overnight. Once chilled, you will need to melt the chocolate. You can either use the stove to melt the chocolate with a double broiler, or buy microwavable chocolate wafers. Stir until the chocolate is smooth. Once the chocolate is melted, dip the peanut butter eggs in until they are fully coated. The easiest way to do this is with toothpicks. Be sure to let any excess chocolate drip off, and then place them on a plate with wax paper when finished.

Book Review

Make the chic(k) Easter craft Simple Easter DIY By Elyse Sanford Editor-in-Chief

With Easter right around the corner, there is no better way to get in the spirit of spring than with an easy DIY. These colorful chick crafts can be used as decorations, placeholders, and even gifts for friends and family. What you will need:  5 plastic spoons  5 terra cotta pots  Fine grit sandpaper  Pencil with new eraser  Floral foam  Card stock  White ribbon  White tissue paper  Hot glue gun

spoon and pot. White craft glue with Orange. 10. Tie ribbon into bows and Cream paint 7. Use the handle end of a hot glue the bows to the Pastel Paint paintbrush to add Black “necks” of the spoons. Directions: dots for eyes. Insert the end of each 1. Lightly sand the front and 8. Cut floral foam into 1spoon into the floral back surfaces of the plasinch cubes and use white foam. tic spoons. craft glue to attach to the 11. Tuck tissue paper into the 2. Paint the front and back inside the bottom of each pots to cover the floral of each spoon with the terra cotta pot. foam and the base of each pastel colors. When dry 9. Cut card stock into strips spoon. apply a second coat. about 3” x ¾” and write 12. Hot glue the name tags to 3. Use the handle end of the the names of each guest. the spoons under the paintbrush to add polka To add the “hands” dip bows. dots with White paint to your finger the handles of the spoons. into the paint 4. Paint the terra cotta pots and gently White. When dry apply a press to the second coat. left and right 5. Use the eraser end of a sides of each pencil to add polka dots to name card each pot to correspond using the corwith the color of the rim. responding 6. Paint beaks onto spoons color for each   

The finished product.

Repeat this process until all the eggs are covered. Once you complete coating the eggs in chocolate, place them back in the refrigerator to cool. All that is left to do is enjoy your creation! Be sure to keep them refrigerated to insure the best possible taste. As we spring into Spring, chocolate peanut butter eggs are the perfect treat to enjoy this season. The recipe is easy to follow, but is sure to leave an egg-cellent impression on family and friends this Easter!

Photo: Pinterest

“Delirium” By Bridalia Tatlow The Freedom Forum

To read this month’s book review on “Delirium” by Lauren Oliver visit or scan the QR Code below.

March 2016

12 Sports

The Forum

Multiple NFL players who’ve had a major controversy Controversial actions of NFL Players By Chris Rodgers Journalism Student

You may have heard about the controversial actions surrounding many NFL players. The league is trying its hardest to correctly punish players for the things they have done, but the NFL is finding it difficult to do it fairly. Some of the top names linked to controversy are Johnny Manziel, Greg Hardy, and Adrian Peterson. Each of these players are involved in domestic violence cases within the last year. Johnny Manziel has been under fire since he was drafted to the NFL. Now he has hit the peak of his controversial

actions after an incident with his ex-girlfriend a couple weeks ago. He has been involved with partying and being very irresponsible for his two seasons in the NFL. Now that he will be cut from the Browns he must find a team that wants him and all of his controversy. “Johnny Manziel is a mess,” said Collin Joseph, FHS Freshman. Another NFL player that has had a firestorm of controversy is Adrian Peterson. He was tried for child abuse last year. In the end he walked away with a felony for reckless assault and a 4,000 dollar fine. He was being tried for punishing his son by beating him with a switch. He was

also suspended from the NFL for a year without pay. He is now back and playing in NFL. “Adrian Peterson shouldn’t have been suspended for all season last year” said Joseph Greg Hardy is another player that isn't liked much because of his controversy. Greg Hardy currently plays for the Dallas Cowboys. He has been convicted of choking his girlfriend and threatening to kill her. Even newer in the news the photos of that incident surfaced all over the internet. Hardy lost a lot of support when this happened. The NFL punished him for this case by suspending him from playing for a whole season. “Hardy should have been sentenced to a lifetime ban for

Johnny Manziel on the Browns

this” said Joseph These three players are all back and playing now but their controversial actions will always be held against them. There are also many other

Photo: Business Insider

players in the NFL that are under trial for multiple other offences but these are some of the biggest names out there.

The madness in basketball starts again Some of top teams in the College Basketball rankings By Roland Cash The Freedom Forum

This is the time when everybody is making their bets, predictions, and filling out their brackets. March Madness is finally here and ready to go. A lot of people have got their eye on four teams: Kansas , who is currently number one in the rankings, Villanova, who is ranked second, Oklahoma, third in the rankings, and Duke, who ranked 11th but seemed to make an upset in the tournament. By only losing four game season and looking impressive this season , Kansas is making a statement why they are the number one team in college. With a four-year senior Perry

Ellis , Ellis is a big contributition to the team and helping them every week to win. Kansas is projected to be a number one seed in the tournament. “ Kansas is going deep in the tournament,” said Juwan Northington, a senior. Villanova is catching everybody by surprise as well by being in the top five of the rankings. For the past four years, Villanova either lost in the first round or the second round, but they look to end that streak this upcoming tournament. To make that happen , Nova have some key players to come forth like: Josh Hart , Jr (15 ppg) , Ryan Arcidiacono , Sr (11.9 ppg ) , and Kris Jenkins , Jr (11.6 ppg).

“ I hope we make a long run because of past history,”said Mr. Bachman , business teacher. By starting off hot only to be followed by the flames starting to go down , Duke is trying to spark things up again. During the season , Duke went on a three-game losing streak and that was the first time since the 2006-07 season. Despite all of that , Duke came back strong with winning their six games out eight. With one of the top freshmen Brandon Ingram, can help Duke upset a lot of teams in the tournament. “Due to injury it is hard to tell how they do in the tournament,” said Mr.Wallaesa, history teacher. Oklahoma came into this sea-

son with a purpose, surprising everyone this season. With an incredible and sensational senior, Buddy Hield has been setting college basketball on fire. One game against Kansas, Hield recorded 46 points, but ended losing in third overtime. As of now, Oklahoma has to stay constant on winning and can not look back to stay focus for the tournament. “With Buddy Hield, Oklahoma has a good shot of winning the championship this year,” said Najee Cash, senior. With a lot of great teams this year , the tournament is going to be very difficult this year. So it is pretty much anybody


game to take the championship. The tournament begins March 15th and ends on the 19th. So one of these four teams or any other team will punch their tickets to the final four.

MLB Spring Training: Cactus League vs. Grapefruit League Judging the best teams in MLB spring training By Nathan Shapiro Journalism Student

The last MLB season ended with a world series win by the Kansas City Royals, taking care of the New York Mets with a series that ended 4 games to 1. But when the season ends, many people are wondering, where do all the teams in the league lay when spring training comes around? There is much information that goes into the judging of this list, but here are the top 30 teams from 1-30 ranked from sports writer David Shoenfield. Chicago Cubs, New York Mets, Houston Astros, Kansas City Royals, Toronto Blue Jays, Los Angeles Dodgers, San Francisco

Giants, Pittsburgh Pirates, Washington Nationals, Boston Red Sox, St Louis Cardinals, Cleveland Indians, Arizona Diamondbacks, Texas Rangers, Tampa Bay Rays, Seattle Mariners, New York Yankees, Chicago White Sox, Detroit Tigers, Los Angeles Angels, Minnesota Twins, Miami Marlins, Baltimore Orioles, San Diego Padres, Oakland A’s, Milwaukee Brewers, Colorado Rockies, Philadelphia Phillies, Atlanta Braves, and finally, the Cincinnati Reds. First, I’ll talk about the lower teams, since there will not be much information about them. The lower half teams are not great; the Reds are disappointing, the Braves

were good a couple years ago, the Phillies have talent, but lost their best pitcher being Cole Hamels, and the Rockies are also disappointing. The Brewers, A’s and Padres all have talent, but are lacking in a lot of areas in their lineups. Teams like the Marlins and Orioles sit in divisions that prevent them from going anywhere, like the NL East, where the Marlins lay, teams like the Mets and Nationals own the league. We then get to the upper half of the league, starting at the Tigers. The Cleveland Indians running down to the Tigers are all teams that have potential, but usually fail due to their players not coming up big when they need to. The

Cardinals and Red Sox are good teams, and can be surprisingly good when the season starts. The Pirates and Giants are sleeper teams, which are teams that are not always good, but can show up when unexpected to. The Dodgers, Blue Jays, Royals, and Astros are all playoff teams. Each have very talented rosters with the chance to show up. The last two teams, are the Mets and the Cubs. The Mets have the best pitching staff in baseball, being the only team with 3 pitchers in the top 20. Losing Daniel Murphy to the Nationals, and resigning Yoenis

Cespedes gives the Mets another shot of making the world series. The Cubs are an interesting team. They, in fact lost to the Mets in the NLCS this past year. In the offseason, they signed Ben Zobrist and Jason Heyward. Two powerhouses, along with a lot of talent in the field. Their pitchers are also very talented. If this is right, we would expect to see a Cubs or Mets vs. Royals world series.

Photo: MLB

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