2013 March

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Volume 46 Issue 6

March 2013

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.fhsforum.com - @fhsforum

Pope Benedict XVI retires By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor

On Mon., Feb. 11, the religious world was shocked to hear that for the first time in almost 600 years, the Pope was going to willingly resign his position. Pope Benedict XVI, 85, said that he was simply too infirm to carry on as leader of the Catholic Church. He said to the Cardinals: "After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths due to an advanced age are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry." Some insiders have cited the Pope's promotion of his personal secretary to Archbishop this past Decem-

ber as a possible indication of the forthcoming resignation. Either way, Pope Benedict's resignation was a surprise to all. Generally, the announcement was taken well, though some speculate ulterior motives for his resignation, including recent rumors of his knowledge of some illicit sexual activity within the Vatican. Many theological scholars now debate the true infallibility of the Pope. Ken Pennington, a professor of ecclesiastical and legal history at the Catholic University of America in Washington has asked: “From a theological point of view, how can a person be considered to be infallible and not be infallible anymore?”

Others wonder, as the NY Times speculates, if the existence of two Popes (although one may be retired) will mean dichotomy in the Roman Catholic Church. Overall, however, the public views the Benedict's recognition of his health as being a possible detriment to the huge job of the Pope as showing wisdom and humility. (continued on BENEDICT)

By Tiana Van The Freedom Forum

In this year’s State of the Union address, President Obama asserted that his administration was responsible for reducing illegal border crossings to their lowest rates in 40 years.

United States’ customs ship


Pope Benedict XVI



The rather lofty claim was made within a discussion on the President’s plans for immigration reform, and its exact wording was, “…we can build on the progress my administration has already made -- putting more boots on the Southern border than at any time in our history and reducing illegal crossings to their lowest levels in 40 years." Taken as stated, it would suggest that the problem of illegal immigration has been decreasing over the years, due to the actions taken by the Obama administration; however, such an assumption is a precarious one to make, considering the nature of the situation. In reality, no statistic for the amount of people crossing the border actually exists because it is impossible to count those who are successful at entering under the radar of the border control, only those who are apprehended before they cross or those who are caught inside the country and deported.


State of the Union By Amanda Molinaro Managing Editor of Print

“Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States…” These words bellowed through the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. as President Obama made his entrance into the House C h a mb er on C api t o l Hill. On Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 9 p.m. Obama delivered the annual State of the Union (SOTU) Address to the country’s 113th Congress. The President gave a warm welcome to all members of Congress, his wife Michelle, and all citizens viewing on television and opened his speech with a quote by President John F. Kennedy: “The constitution makes us

President Obama delivering his 2011 State of the Union Address.

not rivals for power, but partners for progress.” This quote opened the doors for the bipartisanship he hopes to create in Congress over his next term. However, actions speak louder than words, and the stark contrast

Illegal immigration at lowest rate in decades?


of reactions in the room were visible to all watching. Throughout the night, Vice President Joe Biden stood up and clapped in passionate agreement with specific parts of the speech, whereas,

Speaker of the House, John Boehner, sat with a reluctant smile and rarely applauded. Similarly to his Inaugural Address on Jan. 21, he outlined plans for his second term in a detailed manner. His speech covered a multitude of topics, ranging from taking a more serious stance on global climate changes to passing new reform for immigration and education. Not only did the SOTU Address mark the start of Obama’s next four years as President, but it was also speechwriter Cody Keenan’s debut as a lead speechwriter. (continued on page 2— SOTU)

(continued on page 2— IMMIGRATION)

Inside This Issue...

Les Misérables Preview (p. 6-7)

Movie Review (p. 8)

THON Captains (p. 5)

Winter Sports Reviews (p. 9-12)

2 News The Freedom Forum A Publication of Freedom High School, Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610)867-5843 www.fhsforum.com

Managing Editor of Print Amanda Molinaro Managing Editor of Digital Media Zachary Ward News Editor Bill Leeson Editorial Editor Kate Dawson Pates’ Post Editor Samantha Lutz Entertainment Editor Kirat Randhawa Sports Editor Greg Adams Photo Editor Trevor Watlington Assistant Editors Kristen Dalton Sabrina Castaneda Faarah Ameerally

Adviser Mrs. Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and corrections policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel! http://fb.fhsforum.com

The Forum

March 2013

(BENEDICT—continued from page 1) According the New York Times, on Sunday, Feb. 24, the Pope gave his last Sunday Address, reminding the people once more that though he may no longer be serving as Pope, he will continue to serve the Lord, and that his

resignation will allow him even more time to meditate, pontificate and write about his faith. The main concern now is that of a successor. Traditionally, the Pope is selected by 120 Cardinals in the 15 to 20 days after the Pope's death, or in this case,

resignation. The Los Angeles Times reports, however, that on Monday, Feb. 25, Benedict amended the Vatican’s rules governing when cardinals are supposed to start meeting to select a new pontiff. These new rules will allow the cardinals to assemble earlier than that if all those

eligible to vote for a new pope are present, which will hopefully allow a quicker of Benedict’s successor. Pope Benedict XVI hopes this will allow a new Pope to be chosen before the Holy Week celebrations before Easter Sunday.

(IMMIGRATION—continued from page 1) In regards to the number of illegal immigrant apprehensions, it has been decreasing over the years, since about 2005. In 2011, the most recently released statistics to date, there were 327,577 apprehensions, which, in fact is the lowest total since 1972, and is likely what the President based his statement off of. Using this statistic is not

completely accurate at describing state of the rate of illegal immigration into the country. However, considering that the number of apprehensions was over a million only 6 years prior to the 2011 data and that the number of agents posted at the border has been steadily increasing, it seems reasonable to assume that the decreased apprehensions equates to less people trying to cross the border illegally.

If it is indeed true, more government attention can be lent to reforming the immigration process as President Obama has promised to do since his first term. Regarding illegal immigrants who currently reside under the law in America, estimated to be more than 11 million people, the President has supported the creation of a pathway for them to earn citizenship, though legal immigrants would still be the prior-

ity. Opponents to this stance worry that it would encourage illegal immigration, and the low numbers that the President praises now would rise in response. As a plan has not been approved yet, it remains to be seen whether or not the apprehension rate at the border will continue its decreasing trend.

(SOTU—continued from page 1) Keenan has worked with the Obama administration since 2009, when the President was first elected into office. He is one of seven speechwriters that joined the White House writing crew for Obama and has helped work on some of the President’s most important speeches. Jon Favreau, Obama’s chief speechwriter

who left his position at the start of March, was quoted in an article via The Daily Beast and said, “Cody writes from the heart...he’s....someone with an innate ability to connect with people.” With Favreau working on new career goals, Keenan has taken on his former position as chief speechwriter and if the SOTU Address was an indication of his writing abilities then he will

have much future success. Keenan’s “ability to connect with people” was clearly portrayed in the SOTU Address when Obama discussed the issue of reform for gun laws and addressed families who lost loved ones due to gun violence. There were not many dry eyes in the Capitol Building during this portion of the speech when Obama said, “Gabby Giffords deserves a

vote. The families of Newtown deserve a vote. The families of Aurora deserve a vote. The families of Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Blacksburg, and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence — they deserve a simple vote.”

Operating not always best practice

@fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com

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Upcoming Events SPRING BREAK

Thursday, March 28 — Monday, April 1 BASD mini-THON

By Noah Gonzalez The Freedom Forum

Could an expected treatment be worse than the disease itself? Regarding kidney cancer, studies completed on patients 66 years of age or older show that receiving surgery to cure the tumor in the kidney is surprisingly more fatal than living with the cancer. With proper monitoring by a doctor, it is less likely for an older patient diagnosed with kidney cancer to die if they decide to avoid instant operation. Contrary to other forms of cancer, kidney tumors are rarely established as fatal. However, when surgery was immediately used to remove the cancer from the kidneys, the risk of developing heart problems or other deadly causes increased by nearly double for older people. After five years of one study, 24 percent of people

who had surgery to remove the kidney tumor had eventually died, with only 3 percent dying from the cancer alone. These percentages compare to just 13 percent of older people dying from choosing to monitor the cancer instead. Dr. William Huang of New York University Langone Medical Center, who partially led this study, commented, “I think [the study] should change care. [Older patients should be told] that they don’t necessarily need the tumor removed. If the treatment doesn’t improve cancer outcomes, then we should consider leaving them alone.” This year, 65,000 cases of kidney cancer are expected to arise, with about 13,700 deaths from the disease. However, patients have a 90 percent chance to live at least five years after the formation of the tumor. Approximately two-thirds of the kidney tumor cases are diagnosed at

the local stage, meaning that there is no sign of the cancer spreading to any other part of the body. If the cancer has spread to additional parts of the body, the likelihood of surviving is significantly decreased. Unlike other cancers, it is more difficult to spot kidney

elderly problems such as back trouble or chest pain. This study is causing other cancer experts to progressively question the need for treatment for slow-growing cancers that do not cause noticeable symptoms. Surgery is considerably increasing the risk of other problems for elderly patients, including heart attacks, heart diseases, or strokes. “The results of the study may help doctors persuade more patients to give monitoring a chance,” said cancer specialist Dr. Bruce Roth of Washington University in St Louis, Missouri. He also stated that doctors need to say, “We’re not sticking our head in the sand, we’re going to follow this,” Micrograph of chromophobe renal when patients possess the cell carcinoma [kidney cancer]. fear of living with the abnormality. “Operate if [the canWikimedia.org cer] gets worse,” until then, tumors because of the lack of pursue a normal life, with a symptoms. Most cases are doctor monitoring the candetected by accident, result- cer’s condition. ing from X-rays from other

April Poetry Contest April 27, 2013 @ Liberty High School Main Gym

April is “National Poetry Month.” To celebrate creative writing, The Freedom Forum, and Freedom High School’s

literary magazine, Pen & Ink, are teaming up to host a poetry contest during the month of April. If you are interested submit poems to

fhsforum@gmail.com, online at fhsforum.com or to any of the Pen & Ink boxes in English classrooms. Deadline for all poetry is Fri., March 22.

Editorials 3

The Forum

March 2013

Maximum rage over minimum wage Everything By Sabrina Castaneda Editorial Asst. Editor

Did you know that if you worked full-time at Walmart for a year you would still come in below or just at the poverty line for a family of two? President Obama’s State of the Union speech brought up many ideas, but the one I want to focus on today is the raising of the minimum wage. I, for one, fully support the minimum wage being raised to $9 an hour. I can hear the protests now: “But what about small businesses?” and “This means that there will be fewer jobs!” and so on and so forth. If the above views are yours, I ask that you simply bear with me for another couple hundred

words or so. Quite simply put, the minimum wage has not kept up with the times. If it had kept pace with what it was in 1968, the current minimum wage would be a bit above $10.50. Furthermore, our economy has shifted its focus from middle-class factory jobs to lower paying jobs in service and retail industry. Isn’t it unfair that these people can work full-time and still be unable to support their families? The other big argument is that the increase in minimum wage will lead to job loss. Never fear, supported logic is here. Follow this train of thought: if people are paid more, will that not mean that they have more money

to spend as they wish? Will this not stimulate local economies and foster growth? I think so, but I’m also a kid in high school and not an economist, so allow me to bring some studies to this party. The minimum wage is one of the most heavily studied facets of our economy. The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) published a study that showed that a raise in minimum wage had no adverse effects on businesses. A study done at Berkley reported the same thing. I could continue to go on for another 500 hundred words concerning the benefits of raising the minimum

to live for

By Jocelyn Cintron The Freedom Forum

wage, including, but not limited to, a reduction of the burden on the welfare system, high revenue from income tax, less poverty, and an overall better America. The question is really quite simple: Do you think Americans should be condemned to live a life of poverty regardless of how hard they work?

Is PE class holding athletes back? Pennsylvania requires gym classes for athletes: why? By Walter Ogozaly Journalism Student

The cross country team runs upwards of thirty miles a week. The soccer and football team practice for two hours after school. Swimmers, wrestlers, and basketball players all work out to ensure peak performance. So why are these students placed in basic physical education classes in addition to their hard work? The answer is state law. In reality the school district has little control over the physical education of its students.

Barring the law, there is no reason for athletes to take classes. According to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, the point of PE class is to improve fitness, develop skill, and interact with peers. These points are all covered in surplus by active school sports. The total time students spend in gym classes amounts to two full credits. Athletes could conceivably start learning a third language, stock up on passionate electives, or do dual enrollment at local colleges.

Megan Edmund, a sophomore and member of the Freedom Girl’s Volleyball team, said students who play a sport should “definitely” be able to opt out of gym class. However, PE teacher Mrs. Barbara Glaser offers a more moderate solution. “The school district should offer athletes opportunities to leave their comfort zone and to develop a lifetime of physical fitness in special classes.” said Mrs. Glaser. Accelerated gym classes are similar to Ms. Glaser’s idea, but slightly

limited in their ability to teach a wide variety of life activities. Since state law doesn’t appear to be changing anytime soon, Ms. Glaser’s solution may be the only viable one for now. However, athletes should keep in mind the valuable time they may be wasting as they move into the community and gain influence as adults.

Testing for the goal The troubles of Keystone testing. By Jack Ogozaly Journalism Student

The Keystone state has mandated that high school students now take the Keystone tests instead of PSSAs. These tests bring with them frustration for students and teachers. Many students find it challenging to recap knowledge they learned a while ago. “I’ll say this: I think it is difficult that students be tested on subject matter

they had two years ago,” said principal Mr. Michael LaPorta. Even teachers feel the pressure from these standardized tests. “I’m delivering the same information, but I feel like I have to deliver it in a different way,” said Mrs. Stephanie Bond, math teacher. Teachers find themselves having to rearrange their course in order to conform to the Keystone test’s stan-

dards. Additionally, students who fail these tests may have to take the remedial courses, which will help them pass the Keystones the next time they have to take them. In the end, teachers may have to take time away from their elective courses in order to assist students with remediation. “Could it affect our fine

and practical arts courses? Could it affect some of our electives in English and social studies? You know, absolutely,” said Mr. Laporta. Thus, it seems as though everyone is feeling the effects of Keystone testing, but alas, they are here to stay, so we all need to adjust.

When someone commits suicide, the people left behind have to live with an unbearable pain every day that never seems to fade away. The pain thousands of loved ones are left to deal with is beyond what anyone could imagine. Pain follows people. It holds them for the rest of their lives. Although one may try to obliterate the thought of having lost someone, it never truly vanishes. The insane thing about suicide it that it happens much more often than people think: almost fortythousand Americans every year. Sometimes people want to kill themselves because they think it is the easy way out. They think it will end all their pain. However, suicide victims never realize their pain does not end when they die. Death gives the family, friends, and the people left a new pain: the pain and depression of not having someone in their lives. That alone can lead to another suicide. “Talk to someone; we are all mandated reporters. Don’t be afraid to talk,” said Ms. Tara McGoff, guidance counselor at Freedom High School. Students in this school and all over the world do not realize how much they truly have to live for. Sometimes the pain does hurt more than other days, but that does not mean it is time to give up. Kids should know that when something is making them feel like they can’t continue on, they MUST fight through it. Everything has a way of working out. For all the students that feel hopeless and lost, remember there is always someone somewhere who is willing to help. It may not seem like it at the time, but you have your entire future to look forward to. Every cloud has a silver lining. To the people of all ages that know what it is like to lose someone to suicide: keep your eyes open; you never know when you are going to save a life. Don’t forget about other people’s feelings, too. “You guys are young; you have a lot to look forward to,” said Ms. McGoff.

4 Pates’ Post

The Forum

March 2013

“When the music ends you will be late…” By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor

"When the music ends you will be late. I repeat, when the music ends you will be late." Every Freedom High School Student knows these words all too well, as well as the peppy (maybe too peppy for 7:45 in the morning) tune that follows. But what's the real story behind the music in the morning? First of all, the title of the song is "The Stars and Stripes Forever," which is a march that is considered to

be the magnum opus of renowned American composer John Philip Sousa, who is oft en called the "American M a r c h King." This song is not only the National March of the United States of America, but also the morning ritual march of the students of Freedom High -- I'm sure the selection of a song with such an inspiring beat is no accident.

What you may not know is that "The Stars and Stripes Forever," is not the first song used at Freedom to get its students up and running every morning at 7:43. According to the FHS Band Director, Mr. Moran, during his 14 or so years at Freedom High school, a switch was made to "The Stars and Stripes Forever," from a song called "The Syncopated Clock." Also an Army inspired composition, "The Syncopated Clock" was written by American composer Leroy Anderson in 1945 while serv-

ing with the U.S. Army. Then in 1950 the piece was discovered by WCBS-TV and used as the theme music for The Late Show for 25 years to follow. Although "The Syncopated Clock" may not have had the same longevity here at Freedom High as it had during is quarter century run on The Late Show, it is quite possible that "The Stars and Stripes Forever," will continue on as a Freedom tradition for years to come. .

Cleaning up chaos in Freedom parking lots Sweeping away old methods to make drop-off easier. By Kevin Devine Journalism Student

After years of chaotic conditions, Principal Michael LaPorta has instituted an organized and practical method of morning drop-offs. The new drop-off procedure implemented at Freedom is requiring parents to enter through the bus loop by the athletic office and drop their children off there. The change was spurred by the chaotic drop-off conditions witnessed by Mr. La-

Porta and resource officer Grimaldi Gonzalez. Officer Gonzalez commented on the new procedure saying it was necessary, “Because we did not have an organized drop off zone.” Parents and guardians who do not follow the new policy are subject to a warning before they are issued a one hundred dollar parking ticket. Administration is hopeful the fine will deter most offenders. Mr. LaPorta chose the front bus loop for the new proce-

dure because it was the most common spot for parents to drop their children off in the morning. “For the last number of years, we have had so many people ignore the do not enter signs that it seems like an appropriate place for the drop off location, and it offers quick access to the school.” Mr. LaPorta will establish new stop signs that are adjacent to the campus to indicate to parents the proper location to drop students off .

Photo by Kevin Devine

Who is watching? By Julia Stahl Journalism Student

A topic that has a lot of kids talking is the new cameras being put up around school. The need for the new cameras are mostly for security reasons and to prevent more problematic incidents from occurring. The old cameras were outdated and many areas were left uncovered, almost all

areas are now covered including the main entrance, athletic doors, and behind the school. There is a total of 90 cameras currently. Hopes for wireless cameras on the tennis courts are also in store for the future to capture a view of the back parking lot. New digital systems allow these cameras to zoom in and identify individuals easily. Although there is not always someone watching the live

feed 24/7, footage can be easily be reviewed at any time. Minor adjustments are still being made to improve the focus of the cameras although for the most part they are done being set up. This was a great expense to the school, but as Officer Gonzales said, “If it’s for safety, what really is the cost?” Freedom has high hopes that this new system will de-

ter students from wrongdoing. So if you are doing something you know you shouldn’t be, watch out, because someone is always watching.

Teacher flees Liberty for job at Freedom By Walter Ogozaly Journalism Student

Mr. Ali Nabavian is fresh out of college and has already landed his first permanent job within the walls of Freedom High. A Liberty alumnus, he graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. He played volleyball for the school. “I think there was something enjoyable about the

atmosphere in school. It can better if I had a better be a strong support system teacher. It made me want to for people,” said Mr. Na- try to do better,” he said. He bavian. currently teaches His experiacademic English ence in school 10. has helped to If he were not a model and focus teacher. Mr. Nahis career. bavian said he “I had a lot of would probably be a teachers who I garbage man. He is didn’t like, and I fascinated by the thought it idea of water falling would’ve been Photo by Walter Ogozaly from the sky in the

form of rain, is an aficionado of political novels, and likes comedy shows like “The Office,” “Arrested Development,” and “Seinfeld.” Mr. Nabavian likes hiking. If he had the money, he would go to places as far-off as Hawaii. He is already done a forty-mile hike at Yosemite National Park. He also keeps healthy by running occasionally. Mr. Nabavian reported

that he loves his job and working with his students. After years of trauma at Liberty High School, you can only hope so.

Pates’ Post 5

Using spirit to fundraise By Erin Heaney Special to The Freedom Forum

The BASD MiniTHON is becoming a highly talked about subject within the halls of Freedom High School, especially for junior, Kasey Gallagher. Gallagher is a varsity cheerleader at Freedom and is aiming her spirit towards charity. Gallagher is a fundraising captain for the event and has stepped up, being only a junior. Within the different committees for THON,

there are a select few other junior captains who have also stepped up to the challenge. “Most of the Freedom [THON] captains are seniors, so it’s also good that I’ll have experience from this year that I’ll be able to apply next year’s event,” said Gallagher. Working with Liberty captains also presents opportunities for Gallagher to be a leader and cooperative. Captains’ roles vary for every committee. As a

fundraising captain, Gallagher’s role is to create ideas to raise money for the Four Diamonds Foundations while promoting the idea of THON to the school and community. “It feels awesome to be apart of something as amazing as THON, no matter what grade you are in,” said Gallagher. Fundraising committee members work closely with the publicity captains to take their ideas further and share the event with the public.

“There are other captains for fundraising, Logan Handwerk and Emilee Strange. On fundraising, we work with publicity captains, Kirat Randhawa, Amanda Molinaro, and Faarah Ameerally,” said Gallagher. Gallagher looks forward to seeing the whole event come together and be successful. Look for her at THON in a neon orange shirt.

Tackling his tasks Another junior steps up to the plate. By Samantha Lutz Pates’ Post Editor

The list of school activities junior, Evan Anthony, is involved in goes on and on. And on. Anthony balances Student Council, Rachel’s Challenge, Freedom varsity tennis, Moravian College dual enrollment, Student Advisory Board, and a whole lot of AP and honors classes. Could he handle anything more? The answer is yes, definitely yes. “I don't sleep, all kidding aside,” said Anthony. Even without sleep, you will see Anthony walking Freedom’s halls with a big grin on his face and saying “hi” to all of his friends. Anthony is dedicated to all he does and then some. When talks of a BASD MiniTHON floated around, Anthony had no idea what it was all about. That is, until Eileen Seitz asked Anthony to be an events

captain for the event in efforts to get a lot of students directly involved. Anthony stepped right up to the challenge. Being a junior does not get in the way of this extraordinary student. “If she wouldn't have asked me, I am sure I would have wanted to step up to assist with the program because of how much of a difference it can make in the fight to eliminate pediatric cancer,” said Anthony. Anthony feels strongly about this program and also feels that it is a fight that should be taken on by all individuals. He would like to see Freedom and Liberty set aside the rivalry and come together for the kids (FTK). “I believe THON is a one of a kind program. No other event that I have ever been part of has seemed to encourage people to become so selfless and inevitably devote their time and energy to benefit others,”

said Anthony. With the big heart he has, he believes that raising awareness for such an illness does not have to be depressing. THON is an opportunity to deliver that message and awareness with the same magnitude, yet in a fun and magnificent way. Being a leader seems easy, but it requires a ton of hard work and dedication. Anthony makes sure to remember this when working as junior class Vice President and as a THON captain. The same event-planning and meetings are the same across the board, but the magnitude of the decisions made with THON will affect the other committees and the event as a whole. Then with Student Council, the decisions will affect a particular grade.

Anthony is already intrigued by the thought of being a part of THON next year. He wants to be able to improve the program in any way once he experiences the event for the first time this year. “If the opportunity arises, I would love to take a leadership position within next year’s committee. I don’t know whether or not that means I would be a ‘head honcho’,” said Anthony.

Kasey Gallagher, junior [left] and Evan Anthony, junior [right]. Photo courtesy of Evan Anthony

Teen suicide: how you can help By Julianna Gimpert Journalism Student

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in teenagers. The attempted teen suicide rate has increased from 6.3% in 2009, to 7.8% in 2011. According to the Centers for Disease Control, suicide claims the lives of nearly forty thousand Americans every single year. It is obvious that this is a huge issue in the United States. So the question is: what can people do to help the cause? According to Teen Sui-

cide Foundation, the best way to deal with suicide is to stop it in the first place. The first step is recognizing the warning signs. Some signs to look for include change in sleeping patterns, weight loss, weight gain, and sudden lack of interest in school or favorite activities. Alcohol and substance abuse play a huge role in suicide. Encourage students and peers to live a safe, drug-free life. Students should also recognize that suicidal thoughts are very common. One in six high school stu-

dents have seriously contemplated suicide as an option. It is important to offer support to everyone without judgement. “Never take it lightly,” said by Mr. Jeffrey Longacre, a guidance counselor at Freedom. Suicide is an issue that is to be handled with care and a student’s comment should never be taken as a joke. Suicide affects the entire community, including students, but it has the most impact on the family of the victim. Parents should communicate with their children to prevent

suicide. Communication is they key component in dealing with suicidal teens. Any student considering suicide should be immediately reported to the guidance office. Students who are referred are not in trouble for their thoughts. Teachers and administrators do not want to make lives miserable; they want to help. It is crucial that potential victims get the treatment they need. If you are someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800273-TALK (8255).

Different nationalities coming together as one By Anissa Vasquez Journalism Student

Looking for a club to join? The International Leadership Club is looking for new members. Also, the club is a great opportunity to meet people from different nationalities. Photo by: Anissa Vasquez

The Forum

March 2013

David Dejesus, a sophomore member of the club, describes the International Leadership Club as, “different nationalities coming together as one and working together for the community.” Formerly known as the Latino Leadership Club, the International Leadership Club is on the rise. In only its first year, the club is working very hard to get its name out there. "They did the Three Kings event over at North East Middle School, in which we collected and provided gifts for underprivileged and minority children," said Mrs. Karen Lynn, the adviser of the club. "It was quite nice." In addition to the Three Kings event, this new club has joined with the French Club to host International Night at Freedom. The members also hosted a very successful pancake breakfast at Applebee's and plan to hold many more events and fundraisers in the future. “More people should join the club to help spread the diversity,” said Krupal Patel, a senior member of the club. “Also, we are going laser tagging next month, and hopefully Hershey Park or Dorney Park at the end of the year.” The group, consisting of about 20 students, meets in room 204 every Thursday at 2:30. At the moment, the International Leadership Club is brainstorming ways to expand their new club and invites anybody to join in the cultural festivities.

Jean Valjean By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor

Danny Youngleman, a junior at Freedom, has appeared on the FHS stage over the past years in such roles: Joseph, in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” Seymour in “Little Shop of Horrors” and Jimmy in “Thoroughly Modern Millie” -- just to name a few. This spring, he is portraying Jean Valjean in his tenth show with the Freedom Theatre Company in their production of “Les Miserables.” Jean Valjean is a character not only in theatre, but also in literature who has moved audiences for centuries. Combined with the dauntingly complex score of the musical, Valjean is a difficult role for even the most seasoned actors, but Youngleman looks forward to the challenge and is honored to be cast in such a demand-

ing role. When asked about the show's score, Youngleman said, "the music in Les Mis is so expressive, and it's really timeless...It feels like it's different every time you listen to it." Youngleman also shared that his favorite song that he sings in the production is "Bring Him Home."

Éponine Thénardier By Mitchell Coriell The Freedom Forum

“I love theatre because it’s always fun, and I love the people in it!” said Freedom High School, junior, Hannah Arnold. This year marks Hannah’s third year in the Freedom High School Theatre Company, and the fifth show she has been a part of. Arnold said her most difficult role was Millie in last year’s musical Thoroughly Modern Millie, due to the large amounts of memorization. She still greatly enjoyed the final product of the musical. This year she is playing one the lead female roles in Les Miserables, Eponine, who has lived a rough life, and feels unrequited love for her childhood friend, Marius Pontmercy.

Marius Pontmercy By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor

This spring, the role of Marius will be portrayed by Freedom High School, senior, Lex Donatelli. Previously, Donatelli has appeared in shows such as The Sound of Music, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Thoroughly Modern Millie. He has been with the company for four years and is looking forward to playing his biggest part yet this year in FHSTC's Les Miserables as revolutionary and love interest, Marius Pontmercy. Donatelli said he is totally psyched for this year's spring musical and is looking forward to the challenge of such a serious role and trying something completely different from the type of dancing and upbeat roles he's played in the past.

His favorite song in the show is "One Day More" because it involves all of the characters. When asked what he'll miss about the Theatre Company, Donatelli said, "Probably everything, all the people, Ms. Wescoe, everyone being like a family -- it's just great, it's a lot of fun."

Cosette By Mitchell Coriell The Freedom Forum

This year Freedom High School senior, Emily Anderson, is playing the role of Cosette, who is an orphan and experiences an abusive childhood with the Thenardier family, but is later adopted by Jean Valjean. As a young adult she meets Marius Pontmercy and they fall in love with one another. Anderson said, “Every show has something you can build on and learn from,” said Freedom High School, senior, Emily Anderson. This is Emily’s fourth year in the Freedom High School Theatre Company, and the eighth show she has

been a part of. Her favorite musical was last year’s fall show Urinetown. She also played her favorite character, Josephine Strong, in Urinetown.

Fan By Mitchell Coriell The Freedom Forum

“I am really looking forward to playing Fantine because she is my most serious character,” said senior, Kate Dawson. This is Dawson’s fourth year in the Freedom High School Theatre Company, and the eight show she has been a part of. Her favorite character she has played was Mrs. Meers in “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” because of the character’s complexity and dual identities. This year she will play Fantine, the mother of Cosette, who is a vulnerable mother and a symbol of devoted love for her child in FHSTC’s performance of “Les Miserables.”


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Inspector Javert By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor

and having to play a character who commits suicide is a little heavy." Adams has enjoyed his four years with FHSTC, and Freedom High School senior, Greg Adams, will be as president, would like to tell other interested students playing the part of Inspector Javert in Freedom High to not be School Theatre Company's spring production of Les afraid to join. Miserables. This year, Adams is the president of the FHSTC and Les Miserables will be Greg's eighth show with FHSTC. In the past, you may have seen Greg rocking out as the Pharaoh in Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat or the evil dentist, Orin Scrivello, in LIttle Shop of Horrors -- or perhaps you've seen him in his most recent role as Officer Lockstock in Urinetown, a role which in some ways parodies Adams’ current role as Javert. Adams says of his part in show, "It's probably the most serious role I've ever played at Freedom,

Enjolras By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor

Without a revolution there would not be the story of Les Miserables, and without a leader, there would not be a revolution. In FHSTC's production of Les Mis, the part of the angst-y university student and leader of the revolt, Enjolras, is played by Freedom High School, sophomore, Justin Roth. Roth’s two favorite roles thus far have been Hot Blades Harry in the fall production of Urinetown and his current role of Enjolras. It is interesting to note that both characters are catalysts of revolts; however, Hot Blades Harry was a comedic role, which, Roth said, is what makes Enjolras, a very serious character, challenging, but also exciting to play. Not only the acting, but the singing is very difficult.

Roth said, "I have to go to the top and bottom of my [vocal] range." Roth also appreciates the experience of participating in the musical overall. Roth said of FHSTC, "we're all friends; I could probably go up to anyone of these people and have a conversation -it's a great group of people."

Monsieur Thénardier By Kate Dawson Editorial Editor

Every show -- even the infamously woebegone Les Miserables -- needs some comic relief. And for this necessity, senior, Adam Conti, is happy to oblige. Conti will be playing Monsieur Thenardier in FHSTC's spring production this year, a role remembered fondly by theatre goers as one which made them laugh in a show which often made them teary-eyed. Conti is the vice president of FHSTC and this will be his eighth show with the Theatre Company. Conti said that what he loves about playing a role like Thenardier is the challenge it takes to have good comedic timing, as well as to master the accent. This being his last performance on the Freedom stage, Conti calls the experience "bittersweet," but is looking forward to college.

When asked if he plans to continue with music, Conti said, without hesitation, "yes, I am." Adam would like to tell his fellow performers: "don't be afraid to let everything out; you don't want to regret any missed opportunities."

Madame Thénardier By Mitchell Coriell The Freedom Forum

“I love being able to go on stage, let go of all my stress and just have fun,” said senior, Kelly Chemidlin. This is Chemidlin’s fourth year in the Freedom High School Theatre Company, and the eighth show she has been a part of. This year she will play Madame Thenardier in “Les Miserables,” who is her favorite character she has played because she is very fun and lively. Madame Thenardier a conniving, money-loving, con artist. She sometimes cannot stand her husband, Monsieur Thénardier, played by senior, Adam Conti, but also can’t live without him. Center spread photos by Kate Dawson

8 Entertainment

The Forum

March 2013

How to: have a healthy Easter can still keep the tradition of the Easter baskets going, but start it over healthy.

By Alexa Reich Journalism Student

Easter is a religious holiday for some. For others, Easter is an excuse to spend time with family and to indulge in all their favorite foods. Here are some helpful tips to stay healthy and balanced for this holiday season. Easter Baskets One tradition for most families is the famous Easter Baskets. They’re filled up with candy after candy after candy. Try and fill these baskets with less candy and more nontraditional objects. Throw in gift cards, jewelry, or even small toys. Also, try real eggs instead of those cheap, plastic ones filled with extra candy. This way you

Chocolate Chocolate is a favorite of many people. These delicious treats are definitely a huge part of Easter. Sadly, it’s not the most healthy thing to be snacking on. This Easter, you don’t have to eliminate chocolate entirely. Try and stick to dark chocolate. Studies show that dark chocolate contains antioxidants that protect against some cancers and heart disease. It is also a great source of minerals like magnesium, copper and iron. Fun Easter Activities Another tradition around Easter time is an egg hunt. Believe it or not, an egg hunt

is a great way to burn calories. Think about it: It’s running, chasing and searching. It’s a great way to have fun and exercise and the same time. Using real eggs that are colored instead of plastic eggs filled with candy is a very healthy alternative. TIP: Spread less eggs over a wider distance. This means more searching, more running, and more calories being burned. Eggs Another fun activity to try this Easter is the old fashioned egg and spoon race. This classic game is played by placing an egg on a spoon. Then, have a relay race to see which team can get through the obstacle course without dropping their egg. Round up your friends and family and have a fun, friendly competi-

tion. Dinner Easter dinner is the best part of Easter when you finally get to dig in on what you love. How could that meal ever be healthy? Well, for starters, never sit down on an empty stomach. Try snacking on hard boiled eggs or other healthy snacks throughout the day. Sitting down on an empty stomach leads you into the trap of overeating.

in calories, like butter, with fresh herbs or lemon zest. 4) Create your own glaze for your ham using honey or pure maple syrup. Avoid purchasing it from the grocery store.

Photo from: Shutterstock.com

Have a healthy, but enjoyable Easter.

Follow these helpful tips when sitting down at the dinner table: 1) Always incorporate leafy greens into your meal. 2) Vegetables are the way to go. Don’t just have one veggie dish, have two! 3) Substitute ingredients high

A healthy Easter Basket

Movie review: Safe Haven By Anissa Vasquez Journalism Student

Full of romance, action, and suspense, Safe Haven, regardless of whether you see it in theaters or read it, will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat or up all night flipping pages. Nicholas Sparks, the best selling author of “The Notebook” and “The Last Song, “told the story of two people learning to love again after being hurt beyond repair. “Safe Haven” is about a woman named Katie, played by Julianne Hough, who has been abused by her husband Kevin. Kevin is a detective and a serious alcoholic with obvious mental issues. One would think a book

should be the same as the movie it is being turned into. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case. There were differences from “Safe Haven” the book to “Safe Haven” the movie. For instance, the back story and emotional aspects of the characters in the book were not portrayed in the movie. Of course, all of that was probably cut for time purposes, which is understandable. "I read the book before I saw the movie, and the changes did not matter to me at all. If anything, it made the movie better than the book," said Sarah Davis, a junior. However, some changes in the movie such as added drama, name changes, and

the change of significant events during the book were not as understandable and seemed to make it far less enjoyable for those who read “Safe Haven” before watching it in theaters. "You grow an emotional attachment to the characters and what happens to them in the book. So when they changed it in the movie, it was very disappointing," said Alyson McCready, a sophomore. “Safe Haven” was directed by Lasse Hallstrom, who also directed “Dear John.” Both the movie and the book lead up to an intense climax and an unsuspected twist in the end that change the book from predictable to shocking. “The end of ‘Safe Haven’

was completely mind blowing. I couldn't help but tear up," said Leslie Venable, a senior who went to see the movie in theaters on Valentine's Day, the day it came out. Many describe the newest Sparks novel and movie as the best yet and not just a sappy chick flick. “Safe Haven” is a story of getting through abuse, the loss of a loved one, witnessing miracles, and most of all, finding a safe haven in love when circumstances are anything but safe. Photo from: IMDB.com

Celebrating springtime holidays By Veridiana Figarola Journalism Student

Springtime brings birds, sun, and flowers. However, it also brings about family and religious celebrations. The major holiday that is celebrated is Easter. “It’s a celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection,” said Kevin Devine, junior. “Forty days preceding Easter, we celebrate Lent, which is 40 days of fasting.” According to History.com, Lent is a time of reflection and penance, representing the 40 days Jesus spent alone in the wilderness before his ministry.

“Easter is a time to remember the fact that Jesus gave his life for our sins,” said Fatima Cruz. This year, Easter occurs on Mar. 31. Another holiday is Passover. “It is a holiday celebrating the deliverance of Jewish people from slavery in Egypt,” said Hannah Evans, freshman. She also said Jewish people cannot eat leavened bread, which is bread that contains yeast. It occurs from Mar. 25 to Apr. 2. People all around the world every year celebrate Nowruz, a holiday started by the Persians. According to timeanddate.com, it is a celebration

of the beginning of the Persian spring festival. It is on Mar. 21. Spring is a time of many holidays for multiple religions. It is a time for family, friends, and religious celebrations to all come together.

Decorating eggs is often a tradition for people who celebrate Easter. Photo by: JefferyTurner flickr.com

Sports 9

The Forum

March 2013

College football champions arrested By Bill Leeson News Editor

Four football players from the University of Alabama were arrested on Feb. 11 for robbery less than a month after their team trounced Notre Dame in the BCS championship game. Brent Calloway, Tyler Hayes, Dennis Pettway and Eddie Williams were charged with various offenses ranging from fraudulent use of a credit card to second-degree robbery. Williams and Hayes allegedly violently assaulted one student to obtain his Apple laptop and another in or-

der to steal some snacks from a vending machine. All four players were released the next day on bail. Alabama coach Nick Saban condemned the players’ actions the next day, calling their behavior “unacceptable for any student-athlete at the University of Alabama.” He also announced that the players would be suspended indefinitely. Hayes, Calloway and Pettway all played minor parts in Alabama’s championship win in January. Williams was the only one of the four who sat the whole game.

Not to propagate a negative stereotype, but apparently unarmed robbery of a vending machine crosses a line that illegal possession of a firearm does not in Alabama. Williams was actually additionally arrested the previous Sunday for carrying a gun without a license, but it was only after the robbery that his suspension from the football program was announced. Calloway is also a repeat offender. In Oct. 2011, he was arrested for illegal possession of marijuana. On Feb. 15, the University announced that Williams, Hayes and Pettway were pro-

hibited from entering the school’s campus. Calloway received no such punishment since he was only charged with fraudulent use of a credit card, not robbery Some sports journalists have drawn parallels between this situation and the arrests of four Auburn players in 2011. Then-Auburn coach Gene Chizik instantly booted those players from his team, saying playing was “a privilege… not a right.” In contrast, the four Alabama players were still listed on the team’s roster following the arrests. “Indefinite suspension” is not the same

as “expulsion,” which many argue is a more appropriate punishment for assaulting fellow students.


With the first pick in the NFL 2013 draft By Juwan Northington Journalism Student

College athletes across the United States come to Lucas Oil Stadium every year to work out for every head coach and pro scout in the NFL. They come to improve their draft stock and show teams they can make it in the professional league. Who will go first? Who will perform at the highest level? Who will be a bust? Who is going in the top 10? The first pick in the NFL draft can be really stressful. Every player in the draft is available to be chosen. This year the Kansas City Chiefs own the first pick in the NFL. I believe Geno Smith, the quarterback from West Virginia, will be first overall. Kansas City needs a tackle to protect its new quarterback: recently acquired Alex Smith. Luke Joeckel from Texas A&M will be a perfect

Roger Goodell and our US Marines at he NFL draft. Photo by: NycMarines@Flickr.com

fit to get this organization back on track. The Jacksonville Jaguars have the second pick in this year’s draft, and I predict that they will pick up Bjoern Werner from Florida State. Defensive end is a position this team needs to improve. They need an edge rusher because they created very little pressure for offenses in 2012.

The Oakland Raiders have the third pick of the draft. I believe they will pick Sharrif Floyd, a defensive tackle from Florida. The Raiders have a good edge rush but really did not have a presence up the middle to really get in the quarterback's face. The Philadelphia Eagles own the fourth pick in this year draft. The best pick up for the Eagles is Eric Fisher

from Central Michigan. Eagles gave up the most sacks in the NFL in the 2012 season. Since the Eagles resigned Michael Vick (their starting quarterback). They need someone to protect him on his blind side. The Detroit Lions are very lucky to have the fifth pick. The Lions really should get Dee Milliner from Alabama. He will take on any wideout that a team can put on the field and take him out of the game. No matter which player any of these teams select, the cadre of talented players at the top of this year’s draft class is sure to make an immediate impact at their positions in the NFL.

Rounding third with the Angels Preview of the MLB season. By Chris Miceli Journalism Student

Josh Hamilton being traded from Texas to L.A. was the biggest move of the offseason to Mr. Rob Petrosky, a Freedom High School business teacher. Mr. Petrosky said it is so important because the two teams are rivals. The Angels have a very strong pitching staff that includes CJ Wilson and Tommy Hanson. Another huge move in the AL West was the Houston Astros moving from the NL west to the AL West which should be very interesting

because of the talent in the division. The Phillies added Michael Young, Ben Revere, Delmon Young, and Mike Adams. The Braves picked up huge names like BJ and Justin Upton to add depth to their already good lineup. When asked who would be the biggest upset this year, Mr. Petrosky said that he has to go with the Yankees. They are starting to get old and they have injuries to key players like Derek Jeter and Curtis Granderson. Juwan Northington, a freshman at Freedom, agreed.

“Red Sox, Big Papi is taking us to the World Series!” he said. Mr. Petrosky also said that he believes that the team that will surprise people the most this year is the Los Angeles Dodgers because they got very good pickups. He said that the Dodgers are finally away from the debt that was racked up with the previous owner from his divorce. Now that the team has new owners, they have been able to make tons of good deals. Mr. Petrosky said the player to watch out for this year is Albert Pujols. Mr. Petrosky believes that Pujols is the best player in the

entire MLB. He also said he thinks that the Tigers and Reds are in the best position to win their division due to the lack of talent in their

competitors’ teams.

Photo by: Melody Kramer flicker.com

10 Sports

The Forum

March 2013

Freedom baseball expecting a big season By Bill Leeson News Editor

Freedom’s baseball team is anticipating a substantial improvement over last year’s performance thanks to a host of returning starters and some promising new players. Last year the team finished the season with a respectable record of 10 wins and 10 losses and made it to the first round of districts. The experience from numerous returning position players and 3 pitchers will be invaluable

late this season – which, as the seniors are all too eager to say, will undoubtedly be an important time. Senior third baseman and pitcher Jackson Zappas said the team was “deep – from the top to the bottom of the order.” In particular, he noted that senior Brian Uliana was looking at a tremendous season pitching this year. Zappas also predicted that the rest of the pitching staff would achieve greatly this season as well – a necessity,

considering that several of last year’s standout pitchers graduated. Senior outfielder and catcher Sean Wrobel had this to say about his team’s lateseason prospects: “I think we can make it back to districts this year.” He went on to estimate that the team would earn a 13-7 record, maintaining unparalleled style the whole way. Wrobel also had commendations for new players such as juniors Jay Clymer and Edgar Garcia, who he said

were impressive in preseason work and showed a lot of potential for the rest of the year. Senior third baseman and pitcher Chris Maurer similarly praised the team’s new additions and hoped they would live up to veteran players’ expectations. One cannot help but notice the pride with which these players discuss their team. The baseball team is coached by Nick D’Amico. The boys’ first game is at Pleasant Valley on Mar. 23

and they play Liberty at Coca -Cola Park on Apr. 12. The Freedom Family needs to come out and support their players.

Five for fighting Freedom Ice Hockey team claws to an above five-hundred record. By Tyler Koch Journalism Student

It is safe to say it was an up and down season for the Freedom Ice Hockey team. But as we look back all there is to see is a very resilient group. After finishing the season with a solid 6-5-5 record it is easy to see they fought hard

in every single game. Many of their games ended in ties, showing how hard it is to win in a very competitive league. Michael Warfield, a senior captain, said, “It was a well fought season and everyone played their hearts out.” There was not a game this season that our hockey team left us disappointed. All four of the school’s classes were

represented on the team this season. Every year there seems to be more people coming out for the team. Freedom is always known for being a team you can never count out and this past season’s ice hockey team was no exception to that belief. “It was a very solid season, and I’m really going to miss these guys,” Warfield said.

There was always a good following for the games from our student body. They were a very fun team to watch and they kept us on the edge of our seats all season. There is a decent amount of talent that have played their last hockey season as a Freedom Patriot, but the future looks bright due to a great amount of young talent from the junior

class all the way down to the freshman class. The team represented our school well and they should be proud of themselves.

Pooling together through districts By Hannah Evans Journalism Student

The swimming and diving team has done exceptionally well this season. The boys’ record was 10-2 and the girls’ record was 8-4. This season there were four new freshman on the diving team, along with one returning sophomore and a junior. The returning junior, Kaycee Stoudt, is captain of the diving team and placed seventh in Districts. All of the divers had very good scores throughout the season.

“All of the freshmen were a surprise,” said Coach Zettlemoyer. Not everyone that is involved in the swimming and diving team were just involved in only swimming or diving. Some of the divers also swam in various events during meets. During the meets, the divers had to perform six dives which included fronts, backs, inwards, and twists. The diving team practices mainly at Liberty High School because

the school has two diving boards as compared to Freedom’s one. Since they are practicing there, they are also interacting with the divers that go to Liberty. As many people have seen, all of the boys on the swim team have bleached their hair, and the girls have put a color of their choice in their hair. This is a tradition that the swim team does at the end of the season each year. The captains of the swim team for boys are junior Connor Harrigan and senior Scott DelFranco. The coach of the swim team this year is Reik

Photo: by Hannah Evans

A look at the swimming and diving teams’ season in review.

Foust. The captains of the girl’s swim team were senior Molly Magnan, senior Brooke Munion, and sophomore Carly DelFranco.

“I thought I was a good leader,” said Harrigan.

A preview of Freedom’s track team By Julia Gialanella Journalism Student

Track season is underway and the Freedom High School track team is gearing up for a great season. The runners are excited about this season and have set their expectations high.

“I want to be the best freshman in the district,” said Daniel Quigley, freshman. This kind of confidence will definitely have an effect on the season. Thanks to coach Thear, the distance runners have been training over the winter to ensure that they will be in

their best shape for the season. Nothing will stop the team from putting their best foot forward and making sure nothing stops them from performing their best. “The reigning XC district champion boys should have a stellar season. For the girls, I expect strong performances from Shaina Palmer, myself, Caterina Atiyeh, and Bridget

Tarnowski,” said Alexa Deemer, senior. This team is like a family. Their confidence in one another is undeniable. When a team is close, there is nothing they cannot accomplish. The team possesses an obvious confidence that will definitely have an effect of the season. Hard work and dedication certainly pays off, and

with all this positivity, they are bound to have a successful season.

Photo taken by: Julia Gialanella

Running and jumping into spring

Daniel Quigley, freshman and FHS track team member.

Sports 11

The Forum

March 2013

Philadelphia Flyers: consistently inconsistent By Doug Leeson Guest Writer

Battling through adversity has become an early theme for the 2013 edition of the Philadelphia Flyers. The lockout-shortened season means that every play in every game is more important than usual, but the Flyers have not been able to consistently show that they understand that. A 910-1 record as of Feb. 24 was surprising for a team that always has huge preseason expectations. One of the early seasondefining events for the Flyers was when they played the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Florida Panthers in consecutive days. Against

the Penguins, owners of the 5th best record in the league, the Flyers’ offense played one of its best games of the season in an electric 6-5 win. The next day, fresh off a big win against a division rival, the Flyers lost 5-2 to an underperforming Panthers team, ranked 26th in the league. The effort in the game was lacking for unknown reasons, despite coach Peter Laviolette saying before the game, “You want to make this game mean something… it’s an opportunity to get back to a starting point.”

Things appeared to be looking up recently, however, as Philadelphia has won three of their last four games. Of course, just as they seemed to have found their feet, another blow was delivered. During their game against the Penguins, the Flyers’ leading goal scorer was injured. Matt Read tore multiple muscles in his rib cage and was announced to be out of the lineup for about six weeks. Despite some tough losses, the Flyers are currently tied for the eighth

and final spot in the Eastern Conference. With first line forward Scott Hartnell back from injury and defenseman Andrej Meszaros expected to return soon, they may be able to string together a few wins and maintain their playoff positioning. If the Flyers are able to make the playoffs, anything could happen. Injuries and lack of consistency has been an obvious theme to the Flyers’ early 2013 season. By maintaining their health and with a little bit of luck, they might be able to turn their slow start around and make a deep playoff run.

Thirty-seven years in the making By Tyler Koch Journalism Student

Freedom’s boys basketball 2013 season has been one crazy roller coaster ride. After starting the season with a sub-standard 3-5 record the Patriots turned it around and won 14 of their final 17 games. Nonetheless, they ended the regular season with a win over rival Liberty High School to win a share of the LVC East title. The Patriots ended the regular season 15 -7 and advanced to the

LVC playoffs. They lost to Parkland in the semi-finals. Derike Chiclana, a senior forward, admitted “The loss to Parkland had to be the toughest loss of the season for us.” The boys basketball team then advanced to the PIAA District 11 AAAA playoffs with the fourth seed. With big wins over Easton High School and Stroudsburg High School the Patriots found themselves in the district championship game against Parkland High School.

“We felt from the beginning we were gonna go far,” Chiclana stated. The basketball team’s winning attitude and strong belief in themselves propelled them to a year of greatness, as Mr. LaPorta would put it. They won big games when they needed to win them. Their efforts came with great rewards. Not only do they find themselves in the district championship, but also punched their ticket to the state playoffs. The Patriots’ advance-

ment to the district semifinals was the furthest Freedom had gotten in 20 years. It is also the first time since 1980 that Freedom is represented in the District 11 AAAA Championship. Freedom’s only District 11 AAAA Championship in boys basketball came in 1976. Overall, it was a very successful year for the Freedom boys basketball team.

Hitting a homerun for Freedom A spring preview of Freedom’s upcoming softball season. By Caterina Troiani Journalism Student

Softball. Soft or fierce? The dangerous yet competitive sport is taken seriously at Freedom High School. “The team has practice everyday that there is no game. We have one day off every week,” said Nora Borger, the head softball coach. Everyone who is trying out is working vigorously to have a spot on the team. “Practice makes perfect,” said Taitum Frantz, a freshman who is trying out for her first season of Freedom softball. “Our expectations are very high. We want to bring a lot of enthusiasm and a positive attitude for the upcoming season,” said Coach Borger.

Everyone involved in the “I have played for the The softball girls at Freesoftball program here is Lehigh Valley Thunder, dom are very well trained excited to announce that Outlaw, and Bethlehem and talented. Be sure to this year there is going to Township. I am really support the team by going be a Junior Varsity and working hard to play for to their games in the Varsity team. Freedom, too,” said Frantz, spring. Besides just playing soft- who has also played since ball at school, most of the she was five years old. players are on teams outside of Freedom or have played when they were younger. “I played baseball since I was five years old and softball since I was seven,” said Samantha Cabrera, senior at Freedom who has played softThe girls softball team celebrating their season by going out to eat. ball her whole high school Photo courtesy of CaterinaTroiani career.

Rebuilding the Eagles By Greg Adams Sports Editor

After a dismal 4-12 season and an NFC East worst finish, the Eagles organization has parted ways with head coach Andy Reid and decided to rebuild its team. Only a few months removed from the end of the postseason, the team has already hired former Oregon head coach Chip Kelly to get the team back on its feet. Kelly, who had 46 wins during 4 -year term as the Oregon head coach and led the team to three BCS Championship appearances during his tenure, will certainly be challenged by an Eagles team that has certainly been on the decline. Chip Kelly’s first moves toward rebuilding the Eagles including everything from hiring a former Navy SEAL to help with conditioning the team to signing veteran quarterback Michael Vick to a new deal. “Everyone says that Vick’s biggest struggle this year is going to be adjusting to Chip Kelly’s style of offense, but everyone ignores the fact that no matter what offense he is in, Michael Vick has always had a turnover problem,” said Freedom senior Dalton Laut about the troubled quarterback. Like him or not, Vick appears again to be the only viable option at quarterback for the Eagles this season. However, with the signing of former Oregon quarterback Dennis Dixon, who has experience with Kelly, the starting quarterback job might be a bigger question mark than everyone expects. “If everybody buys into what Chip Kelly is selling, the sky’s the limit,” said Dennis Dixon in an interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer. Although no one is expecting a Super Bowl run in his first year as head coach, there is excitement in the football community and the Eagles’ fan base as everyone awaits the beginning of Chip Kelly’s NFL career. For the fans that cannot wait for next season, a good indicator of which direction Kelly plans on taking team will lie in the NFL Draft. With the 4th overall pick in the draft, the Eagles could upgrade their offensive line with someone like Central Michigan’s Eric Fisher, or bolster its porous defensive secondary with a player like Alabama’s DeMarcus Milliner. “I am definitely excited for the Eagles’ season next year,” said Eagles fan Matt Asteak, senior. With the measures the Eagles organization has taken to rebuild its franchise so far, you can bet people in Eagle nation is at the edge of their seats waiting for what will develop next.

12 Sports

The Forum

March 2013

“Honeybadgers don’t care” Freedom Students found indie indoor soccer team. By Greg Adams and Jackson Zappas Sports Editor and Guest Writer

sports that are not typically associated with the winter season. It is even easier to

Photo courtesy of FC Honeybadgers team.

With wrestling and basketball currently in full swing, it is often easy to overlook the

overlook teams participating in such sports that are not necessarily associated with Freedom High School. However, one such team of Freedom High School seniors dons their pink and black once a week to play indoor soccer at Iron Lakes Sports Club. That team would be the FC Honeybadgers, one of the best teams in the U14 boys division. A team that boasts athletes of every type, the Honeybadgers use their diverse pool of talent to challenge their opponents every monday night. “Our strengths would be our 2 leaders, myself and Alex Rubinetti, who show

their unique dedication to the team on and off the field,” said senior Andrew Burcaw, whose versatility on the field has led to a lot of offensive production for the team. Although the team features many players who have not played organized soccer in years if at all, their eclectic blend of baseball and basketball player members all rally under their common love for the pink and black Honeybadger. “We decided on hot pink as our color of interest,” said Burcaw, who also believes that “the game is only fun with an over the top, unnecessary celebration after every goal.” These fun-loving Honeybadgers are all about entertaining their avid fan base on

Monday nights, and they believe that with more support from their classmates and the Riot Squad, they can get the push that they need to attain a .500 record this season. The FC Honeybadgers are very simply a team that is fun to watch due to the effort and passion that they put into their play whether they win or lose. Their sportsmanship and passion are qualities that make this team an indispensable part of alternative high school sports culture, and whether their activity of choice is varsity basketball or acting or even jumping rope, everyone can learn from the FC Honeybadgers.

A shocking end to a rocky season An overview of the Freedom high wrestling team’s season. By Mario McIntyre Journalism Student

Although the Freedom High school wrestling team’s season is over, it had a fairly good season. The team placed first in the Quaker Town Duals and fourth in individual district, while facing some tough situations along the way. “We lost a lot of talent, but that didn’t stop us. We continued to work hard in the wrestling room and stick together as a team and a family,” said Dylan Brown, freshman. Freedom had many reasons to give up this season, but

they pulled through and used what they had. “A lot of our success was driven from our upper weights,” said Evan Kauffman, senior. Freedom’s upper weights included Jake Young who placed fourth in districts, John Callahan who also placed fourth in districts, Evan Kauffman, who placed first in districts, Cordell Cotto, who placed sixth in districts, and light-weight Dylan Brown, who placed fourth in districts. “A big part in our success was getting the team mentally ready before each match, and having great

coaches that spend a lot of time on us as a team,” Kauffman said. Their dedication showed, as the team made a huge turn around by the end of the season. “We really improved and ended up having nine wrestlers over all place in districts,” Brown said. Overall, the Freedom High School’s wrestling team had a great end to the season, one that shocked many in the district tournament. Evan Kauffman, senior wrestler [left] and Dylan Brown, freshman wrestler [right].

Photos by Ellyce Nieves

Cougar Ball Millionaires By Greg Adams and Andrew Burcaw Sports Editor and Guest Writer

While it is no secret that for reasons unknown the Freedom Patriots Basketball team has fallen out of favor with the Riot Squad despite their having a winning record, defeating prestigious teams, and making a run for the playoffs, one could speculate it has something to do with a very special C.Y.O. Boys Basketball team. They call themselves the Cougar Ball Millionaires, a local basketball team that boasts style and skill reminiscent of the Flint Michigan Tropics. “I’m always looking to

shoot, whether I’m open or not. I only pass to my friends,” said senior Jackson Zappas, a leader on both sides of the court for the team. Don’t mistake Zappas for a ballhog though; during the interview it was clear that everyone on this Cougar Ball Millionaires squad are good friends, and this team synergy is evident in their 6 and 2 record. “The only team we lost to was the best team in the league and we lost to them twice,” said Zappas. The Millionaires have daz-

find a handful of Freedom Seniors at the games cheering his team to victory. When asked about his regimen and game day preparation, Zappas said, “I wake up forty minutes before tipoff and the games are usually far away so my team always get mad at me. I down a red bull and do some yoga in the car on the way there.” It seems to work for Zappas, who along with Freedom senior, Ryan Bone and a motley assortment of both Photo courtesy of Jackson Zappas. Notre Dame and Freedom students, are getting it done zled fans and captivated the on the court. hearts of basketball enthusiAlthough it appears that asts young and old. Zappas there is nothing missing for said it is even common to this Cougar Ball Millionaires

squad, Jackson Zappas stated “the team would like nothing more than to have more of the Riot Squad at their games to cheer them on.” This should not be a hard task for the Riot Squad to accomplish, considering their omnipresence at every Freedom Basketball game this season. “We will put on a show every time we are on the court,” said Zappas, “that I can promise.”

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