March 2018 issuu

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March 2018

Volume 51 Issue 6

Freedom High School builds new turf field

Photo: Analisa Jeffries

Alfredo Suarez speaks out about the loss of a student at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Freedom students remember those who passed

also to promote a civilized dialogue Isabella Scipioni BASD stands with Marjory Stoneman Douglas on the issue of firearms. News Editor High School Throughout history, no In Memoriam of Alyssa Alhadeff, Scott Beigel, Martin Duque matter the issue, we see Anguiano, Nicholas Dworet, After the tragic school shooting in that progress is ultimately Florida on February 14 in which 17 Aaron Feis, Jaime Guttenberg, Chris Hixon, Luke achieved when you have a Hoyer, people were killed, many students Cara Loughran, Gina Montalto, Joaquin Oliver, civilized discussion,” said have opinions on how to make Alfredo Suarez, SophoAlaina Petty, Meadow Pollack, Helena Ramsay, Alex schools safer. One of the most effecmore Class Vice President. Schachter, Carmen Schentrup, tive ways for students to share their BASD will be holding a and Peter Wang. opinions is to contact their repreWeek of Advocacy from sentatives. Emily Ellsworth, a forMonday, April 23 to Frimer congressional staffer, listed the the shooting at Parkland High School, day, April 27. During this time, all best ways to do so in a Twitter thread. students at Freedom and all across the students in the district will be able to Ellsworth states that the most effec- country walked out of school for 17 participate in activities to share their tive way to contact a representative is minutes, one minute for opinions on school to call their office. While letters and each person who died. safety. If students emails are also effective, they can The names of the vicdo not wish to parsometimes get lost or skipped over. In tims were read aloud, ticipate, their any message you give, remember to the choir sang classrooms will be kind and respectful, but firm. Mr. “Amazing Grace,” and conduct business Michael LaPorta, Freedom High there was a 17 second as usual. School principal hopes that all stu- moment of silence. “I think this is a dents and their parents in BASD will “The whole point of tremendous opporreach out to create a bigger impact. In the walkout was to tunity for our stuaddition, various marches will be held commemorate the vicdents to advocate Parents protest at the school. around the country. tims of the shooting in and to promote a Photo: Analisa Jeffries On March 14, exactly a month after Parkland, Florida, and safe environment How to make your voice heard in and out of school

where they can all learn without the fear or threat of violence in our school. It’s an opportunity for them to make the statement ‘Enough is enough,’” said Mr. LaPorta. The student council and administration want to remind the student body to be respectful of other opinions and to be civil when debating this issue. “There could be TV cameras here. There could be newspaper reporters taking video footage, and we need to conduct ourselves in a very respectful way,” said Mr. Laporta. All opinions will be respected and represented through the Week of Advocacy, so everyone will have the opportunity to speak up and share their thoughts. “Our goal is to encourage students to stand up for what they believe in and use their voice in a meaningful way. We are not trying to plant a single political belief in all students. Instead, we are creating an open forum in which we can appreciate each other’s opinions. It’s a movement for the students, by the students,” said Rachel Black, Senior Class President.

It is time to praise the healers

A love for reading turns into a career

Tesla gets launched past Earth’s orbit

Spring Sports are back for an even better year

March is American Red Cross Month

Mrs. Hyland helps students find things they need

Is this a breakthrough or a publicity stunt?

Sun is out and spring sports are back

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2 News

The Forum

March 2018

Celebrating Women’s History Month Recognizing the great impact women have had on the nation Janelle Diaz Journalism Student

Women’s History Month celebrates women’s history and female icons. Photo: Free Digital Photos

Women’s History Month has been around since the 1980s. It celebrates the role that women played in history and the methods required to do so. When Congress passed the public law requesting the president to allow March to be the month for women, thousands of schools and communities began to celebrate them. Most countries around the world celebrate the month through gratitude by buying women gifts or even flowers to show their appreciation. “It is great to be given the opportunity to celebrate women who have made a difference,” said Ms. Karen Buchanan, English teacher. Schools began to encourage celebrations of Women’s History Month as a

way to promote equality. They also engage in programs about women’s roles in history and society. Women’s History Month also celebrates the Women’s Rights Movement. This movement is the reason why women now have their freedom and can become successful. The Women’s Rights Movement’s goals were for all women to have the right to vote, the right to gain property rights, the right for equal pay, and the right to be free from violence and discrimination. “I believe Women’s History Month is very necessary although I don’t personally celebrate the event myself. I try to focus on women and other minorities all year round within my classes,” said Ms. Buchanan. In Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, there

are many different events going on in the month of March for women. There are several groups that come together to speak about young female leaders, African American women, and other successful women. There are also museum exhibits and many attractions to attend. A lot of these programs are run by college students who are willing to give their time and appreciation to these women. While women still have a long way to go, Women’s History Month celebrates how far they’ve come. As Charlotte Whitton once said, “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.”

Apple knocks contenders out of the market The company revolutionizes products and expands into new territory Dymea Schippers The Freedom Forum

This year Apple products set a record with their impressive performance of the iPhone and other categories, and held a conference call with analysts to discuss specific products for the future. According to Karen Haslam from Macworld UK and Juli Clover from Mac Rumors, there is sure to be an abundance of new products in the near future. Apple has been updating the Apple Watch on an annual basis, so expect to see a fourth-generation model in 2018. These updates are usually scheduled in September, like they have been for the last two years. The Apple Watch has not seen a single redesign since its first introduction in 2015, but this could be the case for the fourth-generation model. As far as software, there is expected

to be a June preview for the new versions of software available for the iOS devices, which include Macs, the Apple Watch, and the Apple TV. They are likely to introduce these new software updates at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Following the conference, beta versions will be provided to developers and prototype testers before its release in September alongside new iPhones and other products. Last September, Apple introduced its second-generation AirPods that are coming out in 2018 alongside the AirPower charging mat, which is designed to allow the AirPods to charge wirelessly. Apple is also said to be planning to debut an upgraded version of the AirPods later this year. There is no real word on what improvements might be made to the AirPods in 2018, but a "smaller quartz" component is one prediction

titled space drama which explores what the outcome from KGI Securiwould have been if the ties analyst Ming global space race had never -Chi Kuo, the ended. source of the ruThe show is being develmor. oped by Ronald D. Moore, Aside from who is best known for creiPhones and exating the 2004 reboot of pansions on other Battlestar Galactica. Curtechnologies, rently none of these shows Apple is now are in production, so it is delving into tele- Apple Store in Montreal. not entirely certain when Photo: Wikimedia vision programeach of them will debut. ming, and it is possible they could Some are skeptical if Apple can create launch it by the end of 2018. a successful streaming service when Thus far, Apple has purchased the many already exist. rights to three new series, the first “It is not likely I’ll need another being an “Amazing Stories” reboot streaming service when I already have with Steven Spielberg. The second is Netflix and Hulu,” said Samantha an untitled morning show drama. It is Moschonas, sophomore. described as an inside perspective of Overall, Apple’s company is creatthe lives of the individuals who help ing new products, but will ignoring America wake up in the morning, their old products and expanding into starring Reese Witherspoon and Jen- new territories bring down the companifer Aniston. The last show is an un- ny?

It is the time to praise the healers March is American Red Cross Month Sarah Healy The Freedom Forum

and its humanitarian mission in the midst of World War II. Since then, every president, including Donald Trump, has designated March as Red Cross Month. During Red Cross Month, the Red Cross honors nearly 700,000 people who volunteer to perform vital services for the 129-year-old organization, as well as more The American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, than 4 million blood D.C. in 1922. donors who help build Photo: Wikiimedia the nation’s blood supply. March was first proclaimed as Red The American Red Cross provides Cross Month in 1943 by President compassionate care to those in need. Franklin D. Roosevelt as a way to The Red Cross’s mission statement is raise awareness of the organization to prevent and alleviate human suffer-

ing in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Their network of generous donors, volunteers, and employees share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering. Their five key service areas are disaster relief, supporting America’s military families, donating blood, health and safety services, and international services. The Red Cross received their first congressional charter in 1900 and a second in 1905, the year after Clara Barton resigned from the organization. Clarissa “Clara” Harlowe Barton founded the American Red Cross in 1881, at the age of 60, and led it for the next 23 years. Barton served as president of the organization until 1904, when she resigned at age 83. Barton served as an independent nurse and first saw combat in Fredericks-

burg, Virginia, in 1862, during the Civil War. She also cared for soldiers wounded at Antietam. Barton was nicknamed "the angel of the battlefield" for her work. After the war, the Red Cross introduced the first nationwide civilian blood program. Today, the Red Cross collects approximately 5.3 million units of blood from roughly 3.1 million donors nationwide, and distributes over 7.7 million blood products for transfusion each year. As Clara Barton once said, “You must never so much think as whether you like it or not, whether it is bearable or not; you must never think of anything except the need, and how to meet it.” The American Red Cross continues to strive everyday to heal and meet the needs of millions. Now it’s time for you to help.

The Forum

March 2018

3 Editorials

‘Putin’ him back in power Can anyone bring democracy to Russia? Carson Swick Entertainment Editor

Constitution, the election goes to a second run if no candidate attains a The topics of clear majority “Russia” and of the vote. “elections” often Incumbent stir debate when President Vlathey are mendimir Putin has tioned together. ruled the counThe former comtry with an iron munist country fist since he has been inwas first electvolved in more ed in 2000. He than its share of has heavily shady foreign censored the affairs. Now, Russian media Russia has its and cracked own election Vladimir Putin, 65, appears to have victodown on those right around the ry in the Russian election locked up. who oppose him. Photo: NBC News corner. “I think it is getThe first round of the 2018 Russian ting harder for opposition politics in election is scheduled for Sunday, Russia. They are teetering on the edge March 18. According to the Russian of dictatorship right now,” said Mrs.

Linda Jolly, history teacher. Most recently, political opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s campaign for President was blocked by the Kremlin. In October 2017, Navalny was accused of leading an unauthorized protest and was arrested. This was not the first time a politician who criticized Vladimir Putin faced consequences. “Strong candidates who oppose Putin have mysteriously died or withdrawn. Russian elections do not appear to be free,” said Mrs. Jolly. Interference in foreign elections became a widespread conversation after Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 U.S. election. Though Trump has denied allegations of collusion with Russia, Vladimir Putin’s antics have proven that he is able to interfere in any country’s elections, including his own. Many Americans believe that Putin is a schemer who is only out for

himself. “America should be wary of Russia because they’re not the most liberal democracy out there,” said Michael Marakovits, junior. As of now, Vladimir Putin enjoys approval ratings well above 50%, and it seems unlikely that a second round will be necessary to determine the winner of the Russian election. While the chances are extremely slim, several politicians have enough of a following to pull off the upset. They include Communist leader Pavel Grudinin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky of the Liberal Democratic Party, and female candidate Ksenia Sobchak, better known as “the Russian Paris Hilton” for her good looks and peppy personality. “If Putin were to lose, it would mean that things are finally becoming more democratic in Russia. America can work with that and encourage that,” said Mrs. Jolly.

Seasons change and bring new fashion trends A review of upcoming trends this spring Yaideliz Alicea Journalism Student

Every year there is something new with fashion: new trends, new styles, new looks, and even new colors. Changing your style in clothes can be difficult, but there are many ways to change up the style of fashion. Some ways that spring style can be revamped as the seasons change is to switch from darker colors to lighter colors, or step out your comfort zone. Try new and exciting clothes that are different from normal. This can be done at an affordable price. There are many ways to shop either in stores or online. Most people depend on their phones to do everything, so most people have done more online shopping. Some affordable online clothing websites include Boohoo,

They have been down catwalks and fashion shows. which is a UK-based Many people have their own, store that adds up to unique styles, and they dress ac100 new items everycording to the weather. day. There is also Cot“If it’s summer, I like wearing ton On, which is locatvibrant colors, and when it’s fall, I ed at the Lehigh Valgo more for dark colors,” said ley Mall or online. Leishka Montalvo, sophomore. There is ASOS, which Some people use colors in the opcarries tons of amazposite way, as well. ing brands that not “Depending definitely on weather, many people know if it's cold I love my light colors, about, and they also and when it is hot, I love my dark make returns as easy colors. When it’s hot I will wear as pie. Other stores to black or maroon. When cold, I will Different types of fashion staples. visit are JCPenny, Forwear light gray, white, and pink,” Photo:Openclipart ever 21, Charlotte said Miracle Rodriguez, senior. Russe, Pacsun, and MaFor this upcoming spring, the new cy’s. chos. Ponchos are making a come- trends and looks are polka dots, pasWhen it comes to trends, there are back. This season padding, protective tels, and fringe clothing. To pop out brand new trends and even old trends lines, and cozy knits clothes have this summer, wear bright colors, and that make a comebacks, such as pon- been the trend for fall/winter fashion. start thinking spring.

Throw out winter formal and bring in spring fling Freedom to hold a spring fling after cancellation of formal

because of the many sporting events,” Tijir Bleam said Saajan Patel, Journalism Student Freedom Student After the sudden Body President. cancellation of According to Patel, Winter Formal due when Student Counto scheduling concil was planning flicts, Freedom Winter Formal, the High School will only available date be holding a for the dance was Spring Fling in February 10. That place of the dance. was the only availaAlthough stuble date for Liberdents were upset ty’s, too, and Freeabout not having a dom students exWinter Formal in pressed more interFebruary, there is a est in attending Libbright side. Since erty’s event. the new dance will Hopefully the spring fling will be this fun. The date change be held March 24, from February 10 to Photo: Flickr students now have March 24 does have more time to prepare and pick out Winter Formal and Freedom’s Spring downsides, however. Now, many stutheir dress selections. Fling. dents who prepared for winter formal The date change allows students to “It is hard booking events in the have to scrap their plans for a later attend both Liberty High School’s school’s gymnasium during the winter date. Attendance may be down with

the date being so close to prom, which is on May 18 at ArtsQuest. “I won’t be attending because there is no point with prom being so close. Almost a waste of money,” said Carissa Norder, senior. A popular opinion is prom being so close to Spring Fling may affect the attendance. Buying tickets and outfits so often also concerns some students. Other students simply feel that Winter Formal has better timing because it evenly divides the time between Homecoming and prom. “I think we should have just kept Winter Formal because Spring Fling is so close to prom, and people don't want to spend money,” said Ashley Wickemeyer, junior. Moving forward, Spring Fling seems like a once in a lifetime thing, so many students will enjoy the event. However, it seems as if the student body may push for just a Winter Formal in future years.

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Co-Editor-in-Chief Analisa Jeffries Juliana Maffea News Editor Isabella Scipioni Riley Sweitzer Editorial Editor

Rachel Black Pates’ Post Editor Hayley Guzzo Entertainment Editor Carson Swick Center Spread Editor Gabrielle Rader Sports Editor T.J. Schaeffer Web Editor Gabrielle Rader Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum

Girl Scout Cookies deserve to be here all year Supporting Girl Scout Troops nationwide by simply buying their delicious cookies Keri Kipp The Freedom Forum

It is about that time of the year when buying Girl Scout cookies is at its peak. Right now, they are selling off the tables, box by box. “One of my favorite times of year is when we get to buy and stock up on Girl Scout cookies for the house. My personal favorites are the Caramel Delights,” said Jill Teller of Bethlehem Township. Usually during this time of year, there will be a group of young girls and their parents standing outside stores such as Walmart and ShopRite holding signs or jingling bells in front of their table of Girl Scout cookies. Other times, the saleswomen can be found walking through their neighborhoods door to door trying to sell some boxes. Chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, and Oreos are not bad by any means; they are just unoriginal sometimes. However, Girl Scout cookies have exciting flavors such as S’mores, Thin

Mints, Peanut ButDonuts is putting in ter Patties, Savana helping hand. nah Smiles, Toffee “On Monday, Feb. -tastic, and many 26, Dunkin' is offimore. cially releasing three “I miss when it Girl Scout Cookiewas springtime and inspired coffee flawe would get a vors, which include knock on our door Thin Mints, Coconut at least five times a Caramel, and Peanut week, and it would Butter Cookie. Bebe a little Girl tween Feb. 24 and Scout to sell us her Mar. 18, Certain cookies. Now, it Dunkin’ Donuts lorarely ever hapcations will also be pens and it’s kind inviting Girl Scout The spread of Girl Scout cookies of upsetting,” said troops to sell cookVaughn Hayes, sen- will be eaten in no time. ies in their restauPhoto: Keri Kipp ior. rants,” said EliteDaiEven though these troops may be decreasing in their popuMany people agree that Girl Scout lation and quantity, big companies are cookies should be sold all year long for doing all that they can to support them the sole fact of they are delicious and and keep them going in their sales. they support a good cause. Some beSome of these companies include shop- lieve that the Girl Scouts would even ping centers like Walmart or Shoprite, make more money if they were supplied as said before, and now even Dunkin’ to sell all year, too.

Trump enforces new tax reforms A large tax cuts offers more money in paychecks

year, the new president Donald Trump is set to put the next few years off to a good start, and he has already set a plan Tax cuts are changing to destroy Obamacare. with the issues of President Trump announced details of Obamacare. The Rehis highly-anticipated tax reform, which publican Party’s is not really a tax reform. It is more of a Obamacare replacement tax cut masquerading as a reform. It bill has an identity crieliminates the estate tax. The tax adsis. It is currently revantage refers to the economic bonus pealing the individual which applies to certain accounts or inTrump cuts taxes. mandate, and it is revestments that are by-statute, taxPhoto: Flickr placed with an even worse mandate. its wages. reduced, tax-deferred, or tax-free. Tax Obamacare’s replacement bill is a Last year, these levels brought in about cuts increase households demand by $600 billion tax cut with the benefits $27 billion, according to the Wall Street increasing workers’ take-home pay. going almost only to the wealthy. To Journal’s analysis of the IRS data. This Andrew Thompson The Freedom Forum

pay for its spending, Obamacare included several taxes on couples making more than $250,000 around a 3.8 percent surtax on the investment income and a 0.9 percent surtax on

Dear Ani: One word responses ruin my relationship Struggling with a significant other who dry texts Analisa Jeffries Co-Editor-in-Chief

L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Mrs. Laura Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, and Mr. William Cecchini An illustration of a dry conversation. Photo Illustration: Analisa Jeffries Photo: Christmas City Studios

March 2018

The Forum

Dear Ani, My significant other and I have been dating for over 6 months now. At the beginning of the relationship, he did a pretty good job of making the conversations we had over text interesting. Then something changed, and now he barely texts me. I’ve told him I feel this way. The first time he said he’d change and did for about two weeks. He went back to the same old dry texting. So, I brought it up again. He told me that we don’t have to text every second of every day. While I understand that we do not have to talk 24/7, I would still like to know how his day is going, or if something fun happened to him today. I have explained this to him, but I feel like he’s just blowing me off when I express it. I also feel it is becoming a bigger problem now because he doesn’t make the effort anymore to hang out with me as much. Now I feel like I’m overthinking and obsessing, so pretty much being crazy about it. Please help me figure out what to do. Thanks, Helpless in love

Dear Helpless, He is distancing himself from you, or at least it seems like it. In my opinion, there is something going on in his life that is causing this. It could be anything, but I think this boy is a little too immature to realize you want to discuss your feelings in an open and healthy way like an adult. It may be his true colors showing through, as well. This may be who he is, and he may not like to text at all. My advice would be to plan a time where you can be alone for a bit to discuss how you feel, and where this relationship is going. This conversation clearly needs to happen in person because he does not give much feedback with texting. It is nice to know about your significant other’s life and if he will not make the effort to change his ways then is he worth it? It sounds bad to say, but if his lack of communication now suggests what his future will be like then it most likely is not worth it. You just have to think about what you want and what is best for you. It is certainly not overthinking. It is thinking about what you need. Good luck, Ani

March 2018

The Forum

Pates’ Post 5

A love for reading turns into a career Mrs. Hyland helps find things students need in the library Kirtsen Boyle Journalism Student

Students at Freedom High School might know some of the teachers here at Freedom, but do they know the part of the staff who do not always show their faces around the hallways? What about the staff who spend all their time in the library? Many students may not know much about the librarian at Freedom. The library is a very underappreciated place, and librarians are underappreciated as well. Mrs. Veronica Hyland, our school’s librarian, has been faithfully working here at freedom for seven years and does so much for

A selfie of Mrs. Hyland.

the students and staff, not to mention how kind and respectful she is to everyone. Before she started working at Freedom, Mrs. Hyland was a librarian at various elementary schools. For three years she worked as a librarian at Freemansburg, Donegan, and Calypso elementary school. Although a librarian was not her first career choice, she still enjoys it. Even before becoming a librarian, she worked as a graphic artist. For a while after her first job in graphic arts and design, she was a stay at home mom. Shortly after, she decided it was time to get back work, so she started work as a librarian. After her three years in elementary

schools, she wanted a change in age. She wanted to switch to older kids, and Freedom’s librarian at the time was looking to go into a younger age group, so they switched jobs. Mrs. Hyland became Freedom’s new librarian. Mrs. Hyland wanted to become a librarian because of her love of books. “I have always loved books, especially children and young adult books,” said Mrs. Hyland. She enjoys working here in the library and will hopefully be with us for a while. “My favorite thing is about my job is getting to know all of the students,” said Mrs. Hyland.

Photo Submission: Mrs. Hyland

Theatre company sees the end of an era

Ms. Wescoe moves on after 18 years Carson Swick Entertainment Editor

Arts and drama programs in public schools attract students with a desire to express their theatrical flare. For nearly two decades, shows put on by the Freedom High School Theatre Company (FHSTC) have drawn large audiences, allowing these artsy students to proudly take a bow. While this spring’s show, Once Upon a Mattress, promises to impress all, it marks the last hoorah for FHSTC director Ms. Jennifer The Freedom High School Theatre Company after their performance of Y ou Can’t Take It W ith Y ou. Wescoe. Photo: FHSTC Facebook Ms. Wescoe originally came to Freedom High School as a substitute Wescoe. relationships I keep with these kids form to the best of our abilities. All of teacher in 2000, before she began Clearly, Ms. Wescoe was directing really make this experience for me,” these factors are what make FHSTC teaching English and started getting plays for all the right reasons. She has said Ms. Wescoe.. excel in theatre,” said Anjini Patel, involved in the school’s musicals. Her been praised for her incredible work There is no doubt that theatre stu- junior. decision to step down as the compa- ethic. There are times during the win- dents really appreciate everything Ms. Regardless of what the future holds ny’s director was publicized in Febru- ter where she does not see the sunlight Wescoe has done for them. for Ms. Wescoe, she will surely be ary 2018. for days at a time, as she arrives early “Ms. Wescoe is one of the most putting 100 percent into it. As of now, “Once Upon a Mattress is my 38th and stays late to ensure that FHSTC is charismatic and loving people I know. the future of Freedom High School’s show in 18 years. I like to put 100 putting on the best show possible. She has such a big heart that beats for Theatre Company remains up in the percent into everything, and I think “I love to see the kids’ confidence each and every one of her students. air. The next director in line will sureit’s time to have life-work balance grow and see them develop leadership She teaches us how to analyze our ly have some big shoes to fill. because I want to continue to do skills, not only as performers, but as characters, find connections, work as things before I burn out,” said Ms. people. The lifelong connections and a team, live in the moment, and per-

Rader’s Rants: A virus gone mad The deets on this year’s flu Gabrielle Rader Web and Center Spread Editor

On behalf of Freedom High School and myself, if you have the flu please stay home and do not spread that nasty virus. Personally, I do not have the time to get sick and I also do not have the need to get that sick; therefore, I will most definitely pass :). Students and staff have caught this virus, whether they got the flu shot or not. So really are any of us safe? Even some of my friends have the flu so you can bet that I will not be seeing them anytime soon #skrrt. Luckily, I have never had the flu (knock on wood) so I can not give my experience on this event, but my

brother has been ommend taking a through it (sorry visit to the doctor. Scott.) To me, it “Anybody who just does not seem has a fever or a like a fun time, and cough should stay I am all about fun home. If your child times. I mean the has a fever which weather is getting is 100.2 or greater nicer too; so, I and they have would appreciate body chills, then not being trapped yes the child inside hibernating, should stay home,” even more just like said Mrs. Susan I was during the Empty syringes that can be used to Dalton, Freedom winter. High School give shots. The amount of stuPhoto: Analisa Jeffires Nurse. dents that have been If you are showing sick, or even sadly symptoms of the flu, had the flu is an outrageous number. go to the doctor immediately. If you Even if they do not have the flu, it is have a fever stay home! Do not combetter to be safe than sorry, so I rec- promise anyone else and do not infect

the rest of the students and staff who are not sick. But be sure to know the difference between a common cold and the flu. Here is some advice from the school nurse if you feel like you are sick: “Get a flu vaccine, wash your hands, keep your hands away from your face, drink lots of fluid. Be sure to get plenty of rest, and follow the CDC guidelines on how to treat the flu,” said Mrs. Dalton. The CDC has also found that every year if you get vaccinated you increase your immunity. So please, just get the shot and stay healthy my friends. Be sure to take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Well, gotta go blow my nose now, see ya.

Photos Taken by: Abby Catera

Photo Collage by: Analisa Jeffries

Many beautiful plants begin to grow and blossom during the spring season because they are supplied with an unlimited amount of warmth, light, and compost.

“I have spring fever,” is a common saying but this may not be only a saying. Experts say that the body’s makeup could possibly change during the spring due to a change of diets and temperatures.

All facts in sunflowers by Keri Kipp

During this season, some people’s cleaning spirits wake up. Motivation to own a clean, picture perfect home is a top priority for some as spring rolls around.

Many cultures typically celebrate the return of spring because it signifies rebirth or rejuvenation to some people. Some of the more popular spring flowers that many love are daffodils, dandelions, lilies, tulips, iris’ and lilacs.

The rebirth of this year’s spring Equinox How the spring equinox came to be and how it impacts us now

Abigail Catera The Freedom Forum

Change is in the air after a long, cold, and snowy winter. Each morning people are beginning to be welcomed by the chirps of birds. The weather has already reached the eighties, and the sun is starting to set later each evening. So why does this change occur every year?

“Personally I think the most interesting thing about the Spring equinox is how so many ancient civilizations were able to predict the location of the sun. They used it in their calendars back then as one of the most important signs of the year creating the rest of the year ahead of them,” said Carlos Fraticelli, senior.

“The Spring equinox is when the apparent path of the sun, ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator, starting the path of the astronomical year. These motions were created when earth was created and will happen whether we are here or not; they transcend humanity,” said Mr. John Harvey, science teacher.

Many find it interesting to think about how things that are considered simple today were so noteworthy to people from the past. Today spring is all about the vibrant colors, exciting times of change, and the hope students get from knowing that school is almost over and summer vacation is around the corner.

Although the dates are not significant to the Spring equinox, this year the first day of spring was Tuesday, March 20.

“The spring equinox makes me feel refreshed and renewed; Earth brings back the pop of color to the world after a dull win“It’s just cool that it's the only time of the year when day and ter. It's like we are out of the slumbers of winter and into the renight is completely equal everywhere, and mother nature just de- birth of spring, bringing excitement all around,” said Mr. Harvey. cided to make this the time of all equality,” said Mr. Harvey. Another important thing that happens to mark the start of spring is the turning forward of clocks, also known as Daylights Saving Time. This year on Sunday, March 11 at two a.m. clocks were turned forward one hour; they will not be turned back until November 4. Although many may lose an hour of sleep, there will be longer days and shorter nights. All of these things were more significant to the people in ancient civilization thousands of years ago than they are today.

Photo Source: Analisa Jeffries

Photo Source: Hayley Guzzo

8 Pates’ Post

March 2018

The Forum

Freedom offers an American Sign Language class Students will now have the opportunity to learn sign language Analisa Jeffries Co-Editor-in-Chief

Letters spelling out the word ”sign.” Photo: Analisa Jeffries

Starting in the 2018-2019 school year, Freedom High School plans to add a new class to the course of studies. Students will now be able to take a sign language class in which they will learn to communicate using their hands and body language. The American Sign Language (ASL) will be offered in the 20182019 school year. It will start as level one and will most likely offer levels one through four as time continues. “This course will provide an introduction to the signed alphabet and basic sign language. New vocabulary and language patterns will be provided for expressive and

receptive practice,” according to the Freedom Program of Studies. After a student finishes the course, they should be able to somewhat communicate with the hear impaired using their hands. “I think there’s a community demand for interpreters of American Sign Language,” said Ms. Maureen Leeson, Assistant Principal. There is an up and coming demand for this in the workforce, so possibly continuing to study ASL in college could lead to an incredible job opportunity. Most universities and colleges will see this as a World Language credit, according to Ms. Leeson; however, since it is a brand new class here, they may want to see other languages as well.

“I plan to take the sign language class during my senior year next year. If I enjoy it then I will plan to continue in college, ” said Emma Cahill, junior. While the students are very excited, the next question is who will teach the class. “We posted a position for an anticipated opening because we know we need to identify the person to prepare the curriculum for the 2018-2019 school year,” said Ms. Leeson. So, students who are ready to take this class, there will hopefully be a new staff member joining Freedom shortly.

All photos and interviews: Jordan Guerrero

“Reagan because I admire his sense of patriotism, his policies, and the way he ran this country. I also think Lincoln because of his contribution of keeping our union intact and emancipating 4 million slaves. “ - Ms. Mary Bianco, history teacher

“Teddy Roosevelt, because he is accomplished in his personal life and as a president. I’ve never read a boring story about him, and he was a guy that got a lot done in his life time.” - Mr. Anthony Parra, history teacher

“Teddy Roosevelt because he paved the way for the modern presidency by expanding the powers of the presidency. He approached the presidency with fairness for all Americans.” - Mr. Jeremy Shuler, history teacher

“Lincoln because he saw us through the civil war and abolished slavery. I also think Reagan because he was the right president for the time.” -Mr. John Wallaesa, history teacher

“Washington because the country was on the verge of falling, but with his personality and the respect people had for him he established this country. Lincoln is close second. That bar has been set high, I don't think we will see that amount if greatness again in our lifetimes.” - Mr. William Denofa, history teacher

Freedom students respond to inclement weather The best Dr. Roy memes Isabella Scipioni Riley Sweitzer News Editors

Whenever there is a day where inclement weather is forecasted, students of Bethlehem Area School District anxiously await a Tweet from superintendent, Dr. Joseph Roy, regarding the status of the school day. As soon as he sends out the Tweet to let the BASD know there is a two-hour delay, an early dismissal, or even no school, students rejoice. One thing that people look forward to even more than Tweets regarding the school day status are the memes that students create in response. Whether they make references to pop culture or feature Dr. Roy taking on inclement weather, they all provide a good laugh. Here are some of the best memes.

Photos: Top left: Dr. Roy and inclement weather in the boxing ring. Source:@SanderSahaydak Top right: Dr. Roy as the man in The Shining. Source: @isabellejabbour Bottom left: A tweet from Ryan Hill about Dr. Roy. Source: @ry_guy_hi Bottom right: Dr. Roy as Scar from The Lion King. Source: @b_sweeney10

March 2018

9 Entertainment

The Forum

Tesla gets launched past Earth’s orbit Is this latest move by Elon Musk a scientific breakthrough or a publicity stunt? Sabrina Abdou Journalism Student

SpaceX recently conducted a test launch of its latest rocket, the Falcon Heavy, which carried some unusual cargo that split the public’s opinion. Whether passionate about space, the environment, or simply just curious, many had their eyes on the sky for these past few weeks after a daring move made by Elon Musk, the owner of the SpaceX program. This past February, the billionaire launched his personal car, a shining cherry Tesla, past Earth’s orbit on a path to the distant equally-red planet, Mars, from Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. The project was “driven” by a mannequin, affectionately named Starman. Starman suited up for space travel, and as of now, the red Roadster has been soaring through the stars for about a month, with David Bowie as an accompanying track. The launch has earned equal amounts of interest and criticism by the public, and a number of concerns about just where

the space program is headed. The number one concern with this turn of events is the effects of “space contamination,” the negative drawback of debris, and, well, cars, on our atmosphere. What many fail to realize with this complaint is that any tested rocket would need to “drop” something, as their very purpose is for delivery of supplies. While the Tesla is certainly unique and unconventional, it could have very easily been a block of concrete or metal. The specifications of the Falcon Heavy’s cargo is potentially the only reason this launch received any recognition; dozens of its kind occur on a daily basis, which draws attention to the next point. If the dead weight could have been anything, why, to the apparent infuriation of the public, Musk’s car? In search of answers, Freedom High School astronomy teacher and 2012 Science Center Hall of Fame inductee Mr. John Harvey spoke out. “The Tesla is an extension of Musk’s ego, but it’s good,” said Harvey. Despite the mixed feedback that the

Being different is awesome The power of being different shown through song and dance Ivana Troche Journalism Student

“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else,” said P.T. Barnum in the film “The Greatest Showman” and it’s very true. Even though it’s a short statement, it still has a strong meaning and impact. The film itself was a real tear-jerker. It was based on a man who had a dream to give his wife and children a life where they could live comfortably. In order for him to do this, he gets an idea to put on a show with people who are different in the eyes of the public. Doing this brings attention, causing Barnum and his performers to be known quickly, making him rich. Everyday the protests for Barnum to stop the show grow more and more which leads it to grow dangerous but the performers continue to push through. Eventually Barnum gets an idea to hire Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind to bring up the publicity of his show and put her on the map. This causes him to abandon his performers and family which leads to problems and causes his show business to crumble, literally.

Throughout the movie, each song that is played has a powerful impact and strong emotion about the journey they all go through along with having to deal with protests, love, and betrayal. “I felt different emotions while listening to different songs. Some made me happy and others had me feeling sadness,” said Jenise Murphy, freshman. The idea of the story seems to revolve around the fact that friendship and family can never be betrayed nor forgotten, and that it is ok to be different. “I would definitely recommend this movie to other people because it not only funny, but interesting to watch Barnum and other characters deal with problems that most or some of us have or haven’t gone through,” said Murphy. Having the film be based on a true story and the journey they went through is definitely different than what most people would have thought happened and how easy it was to start a show. As they always say, never judge a book by its cover, because they might just surprise you on the story they have in store.

Heavy’s unconventional payload has received, the fact that it received this much feedback at all is undeniably positive for the space program overall. Many new people who never gave it second thought have found themselves drawn in. in space. “This did for space explora- An illustration of the car Photo: Elon Musk’s Instagram tion what Tiger Woods did for golf: it made it cool and caught the “Privatizing space exploration creattention of a new generation of view- ates competition, and drives down ers via social media,” said Mr. Har- prices, and I think that’s great. NASA vey. isn’t just about launching rockets, so But what does the attention really why shouldn’t they outsource?” said bring about? Like many internet at- Mr. Harvey, on the subject of the imtractions, the Heavy’s blaze of glory is minent competition between NASA nearly guaranteed to die out over the and SpaceX, “It forces the governnext few weeks, but it can also be ment not to drag their feet.” considered the first venture towards a The presence of multiple parties new ‘space race,’ perhaps even rival- working towards the same goal, espeing the one that lead humanity to the cially from within the same country, moon. Drama or otherwise, the mere fuels the flames more than ever bemention of space travel in common fore, and means greater discoveries conversation ultimately exposes more with more distance, opening a whole people to the sciences, which full well row of doors that were once deemed may have been Musk’s intention from inaccessible. the very start: using the Tesla for the In Harvey’s closing words, “I look publicity it was destined to receive. forward to what comes next.”

A wizarding world of books The first Harry Potter book Nat Durham Journalism Student

Witches and wizards, people casting spells with magic wands, a boy with lightning bolt scar on his forehead, and a boy who lived his name, Harry James Potter. Harry Potter, an 11-year-old boy that lives in the cupboard under the stairs, never thought he was special. He never thought he was destined for anything. He did not think the scar on his forehead meant anything, besides symbolizing the car crash his parents had died in. Now, Harry did not know he was the boy who lived, or that the lightning bolt scar on his forehead had a great meaning behind it. He did not know that once he turned 11, he would be taken away to Hogwarts a school of witchcraft and wizardry. But others did, and everyone in this new world knew the name Harry Potter. After all Harry Potter was the boy who lived the one that conquered the dark lord ‘he who must not be named’ for fear that his very name will curse those who speak it and all they love the most vile wizard to ever go to Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort. How could he be famous, he’s just Harry, and how could so many people know who he is when he does not know it himself? “It was really interesting and I like how they pay attention to little details, it brings together the whole story,” said Nicole Rodriguez, sophomore. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger are three kids that form an unlikely friendship together. They use all that they know to solve riddles, pass dangerous beasts, and take a flying dive so they can do something that no one in the magical

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Photo: Nat Durham

world wishes to do. “Harry Potter brings you into a new world,” said Tashanna Smith, freshman. Books of wonders and spells with a boy that lived form love, a school full of witches, and wizards trying to find their way around a school with moving stairs while almost being killed. But what could possibly go wrong when Albus Dumbledore, said to be the greatest wizard alive at the time was the headmaster? This book is truly a wonder. Every little kid sees the magic of the world, but as we grow older, a lot of people lose it. This book proves that not only do some people keep the view of magic, but that magic can be brought back into our lives no matter how old we are. I also love the daring adventures in the book, I feel they go along with what the author was trying to show. Every book has a beginning and an end but the story continues. This is only the first book out of seven in the series, and even though every story must come to an end, I am very glad that this particular story goes on for quite a while. This was just the beginning of Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s story after all Voldemort still has his schemes.

10 Entertainment

March 2018

The Forum

Keeping up with Kylie Jenner Following up on the secretive pregnancy of the reality star Hayley Guzzo Pates’ Post Editor

Yes, yes, it almost seems to be every day that one of the members of the Kardashian/Jenner clan is in the news about a marriage or a pregnancy. However, many did not expect the youngest sibling to carry a baby at the age of 20. Kylie Jenner shocked social media when photos of her supposed baby bump Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott, the new parents of Stormi. were leaked. Photo: Flickr “I was in shock when her video about the pregnancy came out,” said whole thing or that there were filters Irena Wimmer, junior. that made it look like she had a baby Many celebrity news sources like E! bump. News have followed the pregnancy as “Clearly, she doesn’t need to hide a closely as possible, keeping in mind pregnancy, but with her level of fame, that Kylie has been keeping a safe it didn’t surprise me that she wanted distance between herself and the me- to keep it a secret,” said Bryanna dia. Throughout her pregnancy, ru- Kemmerer, senior. mors spread that she was faking the However, the truth eventually came

out to everyone. “Usually, celebrities have pregnancy rumors, and then we move on, but with Kylie, we never did,” said Kemmerer. It was also suspicious to some that Kylie started showing her baby bump around the same time her older sister Khloé Kardashian announced that she was expecting a baby with her partner, basketball player Tristan Thompson. “I actually didn’t believe that she was pregnant at all. Since the ‘KarJenners’ are such good business women, I thought it was a stunt to raise popularity or sales,” said Wimmer. The reveal of the baby’s father was also a surprise. Many thought Kylie’s former boyfriend, rapper, Tyga, was the father. However, it turned out Kylie had been seeing another artist, Travis Scott, who was pronounced the father when the news spread of the

pregnancy. “The media was going absolutely insane about it, probably because of her age, and I didn’t see the point,” said Wimmer. After finally giving birth to her daughter, Stormi, Jenner posted a video on the web sharing her pregnancy journey and explaining why she kept it to herself. Yes, one might wonder why everyone has been keeping up with this mysterious pregnancy, and the world may never know when the next member of the family becomes pregnant. However, one thing is certain: the media will be watching their every move. “I think what Kylie did was respectable, it was her choice, and her actions, and at the end of the day, she controls her life and the way she wants to live it. We should respect her actions regardless. Congrats Kylie and Stormi,” said Kemmerer.

Music app that offers best deal The differences between the music apps that require payment Juliana Maffea Co-Editor-in-Chief

Jamming out to the best music at any time in any place is one of the most amazing perks of having a cell phone. There are tons of apps created to allow anyone to listen to their favorite artists, but this seems too good to be true. The real question still lingers: how much should someone pay for an app like this? Among the many apps in the app store, there are a few that require a little money from your pocket. One of the most famous music apps is Spotify. Spotify allows its audience to make their own playlists, listen to pre-

made playlists, or listen to their favorite artists. You can get all of this for free, but beware, there are consequences. Just like any other free music app, in order to get an unlimited amount of skips or remove advertisements, you have to pay a fee. Some of these fees range in price, and this can change at any time, depending on the company. Spotify Premium is only 10 dollars, but it comes with more advantages. Apple Music is another fan favorite, and it is already downloaded on your iPhone. There is no need to go through the hassle of downloading an app. Apple Music is also 10 dollars a month.

A dessert perfect for the upcoming spring holidays Buckeye fudge contains peanut butter, chocolate, and fudge Ashley Calderon Journalism Student

Peanut Butter. Chocolate. Fudge. Let’s say you are interested in them all? If so, This recipe may just be the one for you. Holidays such as St. Patrick's Day and Easter are around the corner and as we all know the most important part is, of course, the food! What better way to celebrate than to make the whole family smile with a heartwarming treat made just by you? The Buckeye recipe has been around for years; traditionally made as a Christmas dessert. However, the times have changed and this creamy fudge is worthy all year round! “Have fun with it and make it with love. Sounds cliche but that’s what makes good food great!” said Caroline McGibbon, junior. With confidence and persistence, It’s clear that anyone can make Buckeye Fudge and here’s how.

Just like any other “free” music app, Pandora still requires you to pay if you want no ads and an unlimited amount of skips. However, Pandora, Spotify, and Apple Music. the price for PanPhoto: Analisa Jeffries dora Plus is more pocket friendly, since it is only 5 dolYes, all of these apps are truly a lars a month. blessing to the world, but there still There are still hundreds of music are sites that can be used to listen to apps out there to use. You can use music. Granted they may not be the Slacker, iHeartRadio, SoundCloud, safest, but hey if it’s free, it’s free. YouTube Music, and many more. It is Use the spending money you have all up to you how much you want to wisely. spend and how many ads you can listen to in an hour.

Peanut Butter Ingredients: 1 cup of butter 1 cup of creamy peanut butter 1 teaspoon of vanilla 3 ½ cups of powdered sugar Chocolate Ingredients: 7 ounces of sweetened condensed milk 1 ½ cup of dark/semi sweet chocolate chips 2 tablespoons of butter Instructions (For the Microwave):

An example of what your buckeye fudge should look like. Photo: Ashely Calderon

Peanut Butter Layer - Put the peanut butter, butter, and vanilla in a microwave safe bowl and let it melt for 90 seconds in the microwave. Once done stir the mixture thoroughly. Begin to slowly add your powdered sugar to the mixture, mix whilst doing this. Once you’re done with adding your ingredients together, grease an 8-9 inch pan with butter or line it with parchment paper, then you can transfer your mixture into the pan and press it in. Chocolate Layer - Put the milk, chocolate, and butter in a medium size micr owave safe bowl and let it melt for 90 seconds in the microwave. Stir them together once done (You can heat it for another 10-15 seconds if needed). Begin to pour the mixture over the peanut butter layer and spread it out. End Result - Once you ar e finished pour ing the chocolate layer on top of the peanut butter layer, let it sit for 4 hours, or let it chill in the fridge. Once your time is up, you can now cut the fudge into individual pieces. And there you have it, an easy dessert! Enjoy!

March 2018

11 Sports

The Forum

New season set to start this spring MLB Opening Day Zak Boncher Journalism Student

Peanuts, hotdogs, and baseball galore. The 2018 MLB season is set to kick off on March 29. Opening Day is only two words that do not have great impact, but together, they are one of the best phrases in American English form. MLB Opening Day is a special day for baseball fans, and could easily be considered a National Holiday for them. Opening Day serves as an American tradition in sports. It rejoices fans and gets them excited up for the upcoming baseball season. Opening Day is not just for baseball though. “Opening Day brings all baseball fans together and puts everybody in good spirits,” said Matt Schaeffer,

baseball player and junior. Opening Day has a bigger meaning than just the start of the new baseball season. It symbolizes the commencement of the new spring season. “Rebirth of the new year, springtime, sunshine and warm weather,” said Mr. Robert Petrosky, business teacher. Every year, MLB Opening Day surprises with something special. For example, in 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in the MLB, becoming the first African American to play in the Major League. Also, on Opening Day in 1974, several naked fans rushed onto the field during a Chicago Cub’s game, disrupting the game and provoking violence in the stands. So be prepared for anything this season, fans. As the new MLB season sets to commence in little time, experts predict what the outcome will be. Bleacher

tionals with over 100 wins, then the Los Angeles Dodgers and Chicago Cubs not far behind, with over 90 wins. Overall, the teams with the highest World Series odds, according to Bleacher Report, are the L.A. Dodgers have five to one odds of winning, then the Houston Astros and New York Yankees are at five and a half to one. On a more familiar level, Baseball brings back beautiful weather and Freedom High School baseball sunshine. player Matthew Schaeffer prePhoto: Pixabay dicts a New York Yankees and Chicago Cubs 2018 World SeReport projects the AL to be led by ries, and has the New York Yankees the Cleveland Indians and Houston winning it all. Astros with over 100 wins, and New Despite all the predictions, the MLB York Yankees at over 90 wins. season is unforeseeable, leaving many On the other side, they project the questions, astonishing feats, and unNL to be run by the Washington Na- predictable outcomes approaching.

Following Tony Romo’s journey in the spotlight Tony Romo: What’s next?

mo as an up and coming broadcaster. “Overall, he’s From quarterback, to done a very good broadcaster, to golfer, job, I think. A lot of Tony Romo has been my friends think pursuing other pashe’s done a good sions outside of footjob, even my Eaball ever since his gles fans. For an retirement in an atEagles fan to comtempt to add to his pliment a Cowboy, already impressive it’s kind of weird,” legacy. Not only is he said Mr. Michael announcing for CBS, Muller, math teachbut he is also working er. on a potential golf Tony Romo and tiger woods Although Romo career. Jim Nantz, golfing together. has not announced Romo’s broadcasting Photo: Flickr which tournament he partner for CBS, has will enter, there is announced that Romo will be entering excitement all around the country to into a golf tournament on the PGA see how he will fare against the Tour. Some teachers at Freedom have world’s best and how successful he expressed their opinions of Tony Ro- will be.

Derek Bast Journalism Student

“The margin of error between success and failure is so slim, it’s fractions of an inch on a club face, that it is very difficult to pick up,” said Mr. Michael Evans, the FHS Golf Coach. Whether or not Romo will be able to succeed and control that small margin of error has been seen at times before, since this is not the first time he has tried to golf professionally. In 2011 and 2017, he attempted to qualify for the U.S. Open, but shot 9 over par and 3 over par respectively and failed to qualify. His most impressive performance was in 2012 at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am when he partnered with Tiger Woods. The pair combined to shoot a 23 under par during the tournament. Even if Romo does not do well during the tournament, he will still leave behind an extremely impressive legacy not only for the Dallas Cowboys but as a golfer as well, considering his

main focus was always football. He currently stands as the Cowboys’ franchise leader in passing yards (34,183) and passing touchdowns (248). Those 248 touchdown passes also rank ninth all time in NFL history for players who have only played for one team. What often goes unnoticed is that Romo did all of this even though he was not drafted in the 2003 NFL Draft. These statistics put Romo up there with many of the greats of our generation but his postseason winning percentage is something that will haunt him according to one of Freedom’s history teachers, Mr. Evans. “He’s had a lot of success, if you look at statistics, unfortunately, one criticism he gets is that he only has one career playoff win. I think he’s accomplished, if we look at statistics, but unfortunately not a hall of famer,” said Mr. Evans.

Spring sports are back for an even better season Suns out, spring sports out TJ Schaeffer Sports Editor

Girls’ Softball 2017 Record: 7 -13 Overall, 611 League Coach: Nora Borger

Last year’s Boy Tennis team. Photo: Christmas City Studios

Last year’s Girls Softball team. Photo: Christmas City Studios

Boys’ Tennis 2017 Record: 4-9 Overall, 3-9 League Coach: Matt Potts

Last year’s Boys Baseball team. Photo: Christmas City Studios

Boys’ Baseball 2017 Record: 16-6 Overall, 12-4 League Coach: Nick D’Amico

Girls’ Lacrosse (Left) 2017 Record: 13-7 Overall, 8-4 League Coach: Charis Innarella

B/G Track and Field (Right) 2017 Record: 3-6 Last year’s Girls Lacrosse team. Photo: Christmas City Studios

Last year’s Girls and Boys Track team. Photo: Christmas City Studios

12 Sports

The Forum

March 2018

U.S. finished fourth in the Olympics 2018 Winter Olympic Top Stories with America’s Results Jeff Frank Journalism Student

The 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang was the top story for March. The U.S.A Olympic team had a great overall performance, but they did not get in the top three for most awards. The U.S.A. team finished 4th overall with 23 medals, losing to Canada who received bronze with 29 medals. Germany finished with silver with 31 medals, and Norway getting gold with 39. Regarding U.S athletes, one of the most notable starting athletes was Chloe Kim. At 17, she became the youngest women's snowboarder to win gold for the U.S. . Even before she got gold, she had tons of superior sponsors like, Nike, Toyota, and Mondelez. Gus Kensworthy made it big on

Olympic Bobsledding Photo: Pixabay

live TV when he kissed his boyfriend Matthew Wilkas. Even though Ken didn’t get a medal, he was still happy that he was in the Olympics. Regarding athletes from across the world, Ester Ledecka from Czech Republic was the first wom-

en to win gold in two different sports. When she got interviewed, she said that she wasn’t the best athlete in the games.. The 2 different sports that she got gold in was Alpine skiing and Parallel giant slalom. Additionally, Marit Bjoergen won the final Olympic gold medal for 30 meter women's cross country. She is one the key women athletes to help Norway win gold. Marit is now the second most successful woman to be in the Olympics One notable event was the Opening Ceremony. North and South Korea now had reasons to start talking to each other again since both countries were both going through their own wars. However, one North and South Korean athletes both came together to hold the Korean Peninsula flag which warmed the hearts of many people around the world.

Another event was the U.S. women's hockey team’s final game against Canada. With it coming down to the wire, Maddie Rooney scored in a penalty shootout leading the U.S. to its first gold medal in hockey for the first time in twenty years. Even though coverage was difficult, people around the world still tune in to watch. “I thought coverage was tough… it was hard to see the main events, but I still liked seeing all the countries come together and showing their skills,” said Mr. Kremus, a Health/Gym teacher at FHS. Even though the U.S.A. finished 4th overall people had mixed reactions. “I always like The Olympics where the countries come together and pushing toward getting number one overall,” said Mr. Kremus, gym teacher.

Eagles celebrate victory in Philadelphia The Philadelphia Eagles just won Super Bowl 52 and held a parade to celebrate Josh Benak Journalism Student

view. Reporters estimated anywhere from one million to three milFebruary 4th, the day the city of lion people attended. Keep in Philadelphia almost burned to the mind the weather was far from ground. It was the day the Eagles perfect that day. It was about 30 won their first Super Bowl ever. degrees with chilling winds Just like any other sports team, the throughout the whole day. city of Philadelphia held a cham“It was the most people I had pionship parade for their ever seen in one area,” said Tim hometown team. Healy, senior. The Thursday following their The night they won, cars were win, the parade was held. The atflipped, things were set on fire, The winning team’s logo mosphere was not as hectic as the and people were hurt. This time Photo: Pixabay night they won, but there were three around it was a lot more civil. times the amount of people in attend- though the parade started at 11 People were cheering louder than ance. People crowded Broad Street at o'clock. Some people even slept out ever before. Fans up and down Broad about four in the morning, even the night before to get a front row Street climbed up trees and buildings

to get better views. Occasionally, you would see kids crying tears of joy from high fiving their favorite players. Even though those were the good sides of the parade, there was bad sides. Many people got arrested and some fans went a little too hard that day. Some people attended the parade and saw the chaos firsthand. “Yes it was the most chaos I had ever been apart of. Some people were getting a little out of hand but at the end of the day it was all love for the Eagles.” said Evan Donello, senior. As chaotic and crazy as the parade was, the Eagles championship parade will go down as one of the greatest days in Philadelphia’s history to some.

Senior hits incredible milestone in basketball Hailey Silfies reaches 1,000 points

Silfies is about to shoot the ball. Photo: Christmas /City Studios

Hailey Silfies reached a truly remarkable milestone when she scored her 1,000th point. On February 2, she became the first Freedom player in 10 years and first women’s player in 11 years to reach 1,000 points in her career. This milestone was a long awaited goal for Hailey Silfies, senior, “This has been a goal since I was in middle school,” said Silfies. She knew this milestone could have happened because she had been approaching it coming into the season. Even though she knew she could reach this lofty

goal, it does not make it any less special to her. Throughout her time playing for Freedom, she will miss playing with her team the most. “I will miss my teammates the most because of the friendships and all the memories,” said Silfies. This is not surprising because of the way she has impacted her teammates. One in particular Jenn Kokolus, sophomore basketball player, had strong words for the senior. “Hailey has impacted our teams success an incredible amount. She was such a great leader who always gave constructive criticism to help everyone get better. I could always go to her if I needed help with something or didn’t understand something. She personally has helped me become a better player by giving me constructive criticism. She always works hard and gave 100% which

made me give 100%,” said Kokolus. The hard work in practice was seen in games over the course of Silfies’ career, as she more than doubled her points per game totals from 8.1 her freshman year to 16.5 her senior year. Jenn also added the impact that Hailey had on her off the court. “We have developed an amazing friendship off the court, and I definitely consider her one of my role models off the court,” said Kokulus. Overall, Silfies’ impacts on the court has been significant as a Freedom Pate, kudos to her for making a impact off the floor as well. Jalen Stewart Journalism Student

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