March 2019

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March 2019

Volume 52, Issue 4

In 2018, BASD Mini-THON raised over $130,000 for the Four Diamonds Foundation. The 2019 BASD Mini-THON will take place at Liberty High School on Saturday, Apr. 27.

Photo: Alix Testa

Senior community service falls short Students must complete 60 hours or risk not graduating Isabella Scipioni News Editor

As the first half of the school year comes to a close, seniors are rushing to complete their community service hours. All high school students in the Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) must complete 60 hours of community service in order to graduate. Hours must be completed by Apr. 12 for the Class of 2019. “I know there are many other students that are struggling to finish their hours. At the start of the school year, I heard about someone who hadn’t even started,” said Kyle Berback, senior. The community service office at Freedom High School (FHS) communicates with students in danger of not graduating by discussing the issue in person and by mailing a letter home. The office provides students with opportunities to earn community service through their blog on the BASD website. Students can also earn 15 hours by participating in a sport or club at school. “So far, I have 56 hours. Most of them I earned from volunteering at Christ Church’s soup kitchen. I also

Students must track their hours on these timesheets. Photo: Carson Swick

got 15 hours from participating in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America),” said Berback. Community service as a graduation requirement is a highly debatable topic in high schools around the nation. Some believe this requirement teaches students the importance of volunteering and has a positive effect on the community, while others believe that students are not truly volunteering if they are forced to complete service hours. Additionally,

some students have other after-school commitments, such as jobs, sports, and clubs. “I think 60 hours sounds reasonable, but it always felt like a lot. In high school, so many people have a lot going on. Some teams practice six days a weeks, and a lot of upperclassmen work most days. It gets to be difficult to fit it into a busy student’s schedule,” said Berback. Since failure to meet the requirements will result in a student not graduating, the community service office speaks with hundreds of students at both Freedom and Liberty High Schools about how they can meet the requirement. “It has been mentioned over and over again since eighth grade. We have been told plenty of times that we need to complete our community service, so I think everyone should need to meet the requirement to graduate,” said Berback. Upperclassmen who have not yet completed their service hours should do so as soon as possible. Underclassmen should complete the requirement early in high school to avoid running the risk of not graduating later in their school career. Any students who have questions

about completing their service hours should contact the community service office at FHS or visit the Community Service page on BASD’s website. “I would recommend that underclassmen finish their community service by 11th grade. It’s much better to get it out of the way early instead of having to worry about it later,” said Berback.

The FHS community service office is located in Room 114B. Students can contact Ms. Alicia Cruz with questions about their requirements. Photo: Carson Swick

New Jersey raises minimum wage

BASD School Board’s newest candidate

Start spring looking your best

March Madness preview

Can businesses survive paying employees more?

Why a Freedom student has entered the race

Reviewing the best nail trends for 2019

Who will reach the coveted Final Four?

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - - @FHSForum

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2 News

March 2019

The Forum

Presidential candidates have “2020” vision Politicians announce their candidacy for next year’s election (Vermont), a popular contender during strategy increased division between the 2016 presidential election, raised people of different political ideologies Isabella Scipioni prominent candidates have also over $6 million only one day after across the country. Since this shocking News Editor

It may feel as though the 2016 presidential election just ended, but several candidates have already announced they will be running for president in 2020. In addition to President Donald Trump, over a dozen

Students must register to vote as soon as possible to vote in the 2020 elections. Photo: Unsplash

declared their intention to seek a nomination. Since the elections won’t be held until November of next year, the majority of current Freedom High School juniors and seniors will be eligible to vote in this critical election. While it is too early for students to make a definitive decision on who they’ll be voting for, students can begin to educate themselves on the candidates. The list of Democratic candidates running includes Senators , Kamala Harris (California), Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts), Cory Booker (New Jersey), and many more. More Democrats are expected to announce their candidacy in the near future. “I would not support any Democratic candidates,” said Yianni Hahalis, junior. Independent Senator Bernie Sanders

announcing his candidacy, with the average contribution being less than $30. Despite losing the Democratic primary to Hillary Clinton three years ago and his somewhat extreme left leaning opinions, Sanders has significant support across the country. On the Republican side, President Donald Trump began campaigning for 2020 just a year after his inauguration, earlier than any sitting president in history. He can be expected to run on similar platforms as 2016, such as immigration reform. However, Trump has had a notoriously controversial presidency, which will almost certainly be used against him on the campaign trail. Trump is known for making belittling comments towards his opponents during his 2016 campaign. This

technique was successful in the previous election, Trump and possibly other candidates will most likely use it again. “I like that Trump uses this tactic because it shows that he’s not a politician and he has his own unique personality,” says Hahalis. It is too soon to predict who will win this intense race, but students should start conducting research on candidates now so they stay informed. Young voters should also register to vote to prepare for the primaries and general election. Students must be 18 years of age on or before Election Day (Nov. 3, 2020) to vote. Anyone eligible can register online, by mail, or in person at some government agencies.

Tennis legend’s comments shock fans Glenn Funderburk & Anna Isbell Journalism Students

What was your favorite award show performance? “Lady Gaga’s performance at the Grammys this year. ” Cade Brandon Freshman “I’d have to say ‘Shallow’ by Lady Gaga, it was either at the Oscars or Grammys.” Ana Faisetty Sophomore “I liked Pink’s performance when she was [performing like Ariel] at the Grammys a few years ago. ” Grace Taylor Junior “Probably Lady Gaga’s performance of ‘Shallow’ at the Oscars. Ayo Ogunleye Senior “Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper singing ‘Shallow.’ It was the ultimate extension of their characters.” Ms. Jen Wescoe English teacher

Martina Navratilova gives opinion on transgender players Dymea Schippers Entertainment Editor

Since Martina Navratilova came out as a lesbian, she has been a prominent advocate for the LGBTQ community and a human rights supporter; however, her latest statements on transgender females have received tons of backlash for her transphobic remarks. In an op-ed for The Sunday Times of London, the tennis icon claimed that transgender women athletes should not be allowed to compete as women. In her opinion, transgender women are men who “decided to be female,” and that allowing them to compete in their desired category is “insane and it's cheating…it is surely unfair on women who have to compete against people, who biologically, are still men.” While she is rightly respected for her 177 career titles and 59 Grand Slam titles, Navratilova does not have a background in any form of medical science. Nevertheless, that did not stop her from making unsubstantiated claims about hormone levels and reiterating debunked accusations that doctors are prescribing hormones to children who identify as transgender. Although Navratilova has recently taken the heat for her comments, this was not the athlete’s first debate over transgender issues.

Martina Navratilova at the U.S. Open Championship in 2013. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

In December, a Tweet from Navratilova won praise from both right-wingers and transgender allies. “You can't just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard,” tweeted Navratilova. However, not everyone was on board with her beliefs including transgender cycling champion Dr. Rachel McKinnon, an Outsports contributor, who prompted Navratilova to delete her tweet. Although Navratilova complied with her request and apologized for her previous transphobic comments, she did not go so quietly. In fact, she chose to engage in a public feud with McKinnon on Twitter even calling her a “nasty human being.”

“She has the right to express her beliefs, but it's unfair for her to make those claims without any evidence whatsoever,” said Vaidehi Chinnawar, junior. In subsequent tweets, Navratilova obliged to educate herself on the medical science behind becoming transgender before delving into the issue further without the medical evidence to support her claims. At the time, Outsports co-founder Cyd Zeigler praised Navratilova for educating herself on the matter and gave the tennis player the benefit of the doubt that she would follow through of her word. It appears Navratilova’s silence was short lived after posting a series of tweets discriminating against transgender athletes who have not had sexual reassignment surgery performed. She presses further by stating, “unfairness introduced through chemical means should be outlawed and condemned.” In view of Navratilova’s own hardships coming out as a lesbian in 1981, she does offer consolation for McKinnon and other transgender athletes for being victims of prejudice and ignorance of others. “How can she bully and degrade others and then offer them support the next? Moreover, how can she support the LGBTQ and then bash them after all the support the community has given her?” said Samantha Moschonas, junior.

March 2019

The Forum

Editorials 3

Neighboring state raises wages Should employees with minimal skills make a higher salary? Riley Sweitzer Pates’ Post Editor

Many high schoolers and young people start their time in the workforce working a job that earns them minimum wage, simply because people have minimal skills at such a young age. Currently, this rate in Pennsylvania (Pa.) is $7.25 per hour. In January 2019, lawmakers in the neighboring state of New Jersey (N.J.) passed legislation that would gradually increase their minimum wage from the current $8.85 per hour to $15 per hour by 2024, something that Democrats have advocated in recent years. According to The New York Times, the bill proposed about this wage raise states that N.J.’s minimum wage will increase from $8.85 to $10 on Jul. 1, 2019, then to $11 on Jan. 1, 2020, and will incrementally add $1 each year until 2024, when it will cap out at $15 per hour. “[The increase] has to happen incrementally, or it would shut businesses down immediately. It has to give businesses time to acclimate to the higher wages,” said John Sweitzer, owner of Riley & Jake’s, a restaurant in Clinton, N.J. To consumers, this seems like a positive change for the economy. When employees make more money, they have more to spend on goods. This wage increase also benefits minimum wage workers and young people, as they will be making more money. “It would give me more motivation to go to work and work hard. As a consumer, it would give me more

money to save up and spend on things,” said Emma Cahill, senior. Despite the positives this wage change provides for consumers and employees, small businesses will be negatively affected. Employers are now required to pay their workers more, which creates a snowball effect that may lead to changes in other areas of their business. “There will be an increase in our highest cost area, which will ultimately lead to increased prices for consumers, and at the same time, a decrease in labor hours offered to employees,” said Scott Young, general manager of The Thirsty Turtle, a restaurant in Cranford, N.J.. Profit is a major aspect of businesses that will be negatively affected. If business owners want to keep making

New Jersey businesses will now be required to pay their employees a higher minimum wage. Photo: Carson Swick

the same profit as they were before this wage hike, they may have to take possible extreme measures to assure that their amount of profit will not significantly decrease. In some cases, these measures might not even matter. If a business owner raises the price of his goods, he may not sell enough to keep profit at the same amount, since the companies that supply their goods have to do the exact same thing, therefore causing more money to go towards both employees’ paychecks and suppliers. “It’s going to be impossible to keep profit at the same amount. I will have to increase prices; however, I don’t believe price increases will help me cover the payroll expenses, because a rise in prices will only help me cover the cost of goods from my suppliers to cover their expenses,” said Sweitzer. Young adults in the Lehigh Valley may now consider going over the state border to work in N.J., since it is not that far of a driving distance, and they would be making significantly more money. This becomes an issue for employers in Pa., since they may possibly lose workers over this; however, not everyone feels this is necessary. “[I would not work in N.J.] because with driving that far, you have to pay for gas. I understand why other people would, but I’m not at the point of having to support a family,” said Cahill. Another issue being discussed regarding the wage increase is the possibility of employees supporting a family being the only ones making $15 per hour. Some agree that if employees need to support a family,

then they should make a higher salary. However, there really is no way for this to be regulated. “You never know if a teenager also has to support a family; their check could be going towards college, their family, or anything else, so it should be equal,” said Cahill. Some employers and workers also have an issue with the fact that inexperienced people will be making such a large hourly rate. With newer and younger employees making so much, the more experienced workers may want to make more than the $15 per hour. “[Under the new law], a coworker who is less experienced and possibly newer and younger is making the same amount of money [as someone working longer], so the experienced workers think this isn’t fair and want more money. Now you have an even higher potential for payroll increases,” said Young. While this rise in wages may seem like it has a good outcome for consumers and the economy, someone always has to take a hit, and in this case, it is small businesses. While $15 per hour may be good money to make for someone to support a family, the majority of people working these minimum wage jobs are young and simply do not have the skills to be earning that amount. “Minimum wage jobs were not meant to be careers; they’re meant to be starter jobs for new folks in the workforce. If you don’t want to work for minimum wage, don’t have minimum skills,” said Sweitzer.

Rader’s Rant: We got spirit, yes we do, we got spirit, how about you? Focusing on the lack of student involvement at Freedom Gabrielle Rader Co-Editor-in-Chief

almost as much as my effort put into school has. I would like to start off by calling This year has been the best year for out all of the underclassmen AKA the ALL sports teams at Freedom in a freshman and sophomores. Yes, that long time, as well as the best year means you classes of 2021 and 2022. within my time here, and the sports You all and some other teams and players have not gotten the upperclassmen are the stars of this support they truly deserve. Football months Rader’s Rant. season was booming. Riot Squad was I am not sure if anyone else has constantly packed and the energy noticed or has cared enough to notice, from the students was amazing. but I do know the staff at Freedom Basketball season came around and has. Within the past couple of years, not many people went out to watch, the school spirit has been draining besides the seniors of course. Girls tennis had an amazing season as well, but sadly not many went out and supported them…proving my point even more. I did not get to make it to many basketball games due to work or personal reasons, but you underclassmen do not have jobs yet since you are all babies. How many of you sat at home on social TBT to when the Riot Squad was booming during footmedia watching the ball season *sigh*. same movies on Netflix Photo: Bill Leicht while our school’s teams

killed the game this year? Sucks that you missed out. The school spirit is not only lacking in support at athletic events, but also within school clubs and organizations. The amount of clubs and organizations that had to cancel or consider stopping this year is ridiculous. I mean, you can run a club with three people, but how successful is it truly going to be? I have met some of the most amazing people by being involved in school, consisting of not only students, but also teachers who have become mentors and friends. I am not lying to you when I say that it pays to be involved in school. I do not know if it is something with the freshmen and sophomores’ generation that it is not cool to be involved. But for real, get it together. It is cool, it is fun, and it is worth it. Ask any other senior or junior involved (but not all juniors because they do not like being involved too.) Personally, I feel like many people do not get involved unless their friends do. Hi, are you not going to take a job because your best friend is not? No? Yeah, I didn’t think so. So step up to the plate and get involved. These four years fly by and you might as well do something fun while

Another TBT to the Riot Squad supporting Freedom at a basketball game in 2011 Photo: Bill Leicht

you are here. Make the school better, make the community better, just do something with your lives for goodness sake. Plus college applications love to see you care about school and being involved in what is going on. Now hopefully the support will be a lot better for the upcoming sports like lacrosse, baseball, softball, boys tennis, and track. I also hope many of you will get involved during the second semester, and if not this year then maybe next year. Anyways, xoxo.

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Editors-in-Chief Gabrielle Rader Carson Swick News Editor Isabella Scipioni Editorial Editor Carson Swick Pates’ Post Editor Riley Sweitzer Entertainment Editor Dymea Schippers Center Spread Editor Gabrielle Rader Sports Editor Derek Bast Web Editors Gabrielle Rader Riley Sweitzer Advisor Mrs. Karla Erdman Principal

Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office.

March 2019

The Forum

What has happened to our leaders? A lack of true leadership is prevalent in American politics today Derek Bast Sports Editor

When Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream, we were all moved. When Lyndon B. Johnson said that we shall overcome, we were all inspired. When FDR told us that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, we were all comforted. These incredible speeches by such incredible motivators are easy to recall and amazing to think about, but why do we not see anything remotely close to that today? Our current political leaders spend so much time bashing each other that many Americans do not even bother paying attention. This is seen when Democratic representatives did not even show up for the most recent State of the Union address. Almost everything that candidates publicize today is negative. Most of the speeches, commercials, and advertisements only work to bring down the opponent instead of inspiring people or proclaiming the positive things they can do for the country. Maybe our current politicians need to listen to the motivational, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” JFK speech. After all, it is their job to further improve our country, is it not? “We want to trust that [politicians] are motivated by what is best for the country and not just power. The negativity is tangible, palpable, and distrust grows,” said Mr. John Wallaesa, history teacher, when asked if he believed the lack of togetherness in our political parties is having an effect on

the country. Kids used to grow up watching the powerful, uplifting speeches of Roosevelt, Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Lyndon B. Johnson and wanted to exemplify the traits of these great leaders when they grew up. What do our young children think of our leaders today? Would you want your kids to follow the lead of the men and women who run our government?

Our political leaders must better represent the meaning of our flag. Photo: Derek Bast

There is such a lack of inspiration in our politics today that nobody wants to get involved. An embarrassing 46.1 percent of Americans aged 18-29 voted in the 2016 election. And you cannot even blame them. I would not be interested in voting for people that are more concerned about their opponent than themselves. Many citizens jump to conclusions based off of news articles that include out of context quotes and clearly biased

stories and perceptions. A good number of these articles also tend to bash current president, Donald Trump, who cites the “fake news” stories and rejects their information. “I do think that a closer look at his policies and not reacting to every Facebook post and news article would allow for a more fair assessment,” said Mr. Wallaesa. George Washington advocated for no political parties in fear of what has happened today in our divided, partybased government. “It’s easy to look at the situation today and say Washington had it exactly right. If we look more closely at history, however, we would see that the development and evolution of political parties is a vital part of our democracy and history,” said Mr. Wallaesa. Looking deeper into the situation, as Mr. Wallaesa did, is truly an essential part of analyzing a quote or enactment of a law. However, there are so many people that will not dig deeper for the truth. Some just look at an article title. Some just read and hear what they want to hear. If we are ever going to move forward we have to seek the truth and seek insight from another viewpoint. Not just listen to our own. Until we hold our current politicians responsible for putting down their opponent instead of declaring what they think will help this country, nothing will change. It is time for the so-called “adults” running our country to grow up and think about the general public and the future of our country rather than refusing to acknowledge the other side of the aisle.

Opinion: Government shutdowns harm the country A lack of true leadership is prevalent in American politics today Glenn Funderburk The Freedom Forum

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No one wins during a government shutdown. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The first government shutdown in American history began on Sept. 30, 1976 and lasted about ten days. This shutdown gave all the members of Congress and President Gerald Ford time to calm down when a disagreement could not be resolved. During a government shutdown, the federal government is forced to shut down all services that are seen as ‘nonessential.’ For example, national parks L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Ms. close down, but organizations like air Laurie Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, traffic control, the postal service, and Ms. Maureen Leeson, Mr. William Medicare still function. However, many federal employees go without a Cecchini paycheck during this time. For some people, losing a paycheck can mean a Photo: Christmas City Studio table without food.

Trump and the Congress members in charge of border security all go home and take a break while all the other parts of the government stay in action? Border patrol can still function normally, as well as government run museums, farm subsidy programs, tax refunds and everything else that would normally close during the shutdown. It seems strange that because people at the top can’t agree on an issue, people at the bottom can’t provide for their families. It would be rather simple to reform government policy and establish rules that have to be followed during a shutdown, and these rules could even be a new amendment to the Constitution if necessary. Of course, trying to reform government policy may result in a shutdown of its own.

According to Fox News, the government shutdown of 2013 cost the U.S. about $24 billion from the lack of economic activities. As we all know, air traffic controllers were working without pay during this year’s shutdown (which ended Jan. 25). President Donald Trump has said that if the U.S.-Mexico border wall disagreement is not resolved by Feb. 15, a second shutdown will take place. In my opinion, the current model of shutting down the American government is nothing but a liability for the country as a whole. Government shutdowns are only caused by a disagreement between two parties: the legislative and executive branches of government. To me, it seems strange that we have to close our national parks, museums and other places which puts a hold on a lot of federal employees’ paychecks. In the case of this shutdown, the president and Congress are having a dispute over border Trump speaks to the media regarding the government shutdown. security, so why don’t President Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The Forum

March 2019

Pates’ Post 5

Dear Riley: stress causes fear for friend’s well-being How to report questionable actions and keep school safe Riley Sweitzer Pates’ Post Editor

Dear Riley,

about the possibility of him doing something bad. With easy access to these weapons and an increasing temper, I don’t know if he would hurt himself, his parents, the school, or anything else. I know it sounds dramatic, but again, with all the stories in the news today, you never know what could happen. Basically, I just want to know how I can help my friend and make sure he doesn’t do anything that he will regret.

I have a friend who has been happy for all of his life. He always had a positive attitude and outlook on life, but lately, things have been changing. Nowadays, he gets frustrated easily, and seems to have a lot on his mind. To be honest, I don’t really know why he’s so stressed. It could be because of his second semester classes being Sincerely, harder, or his parents putting a lot of Concerned Friend pressure on him, or something else that I don’t know about. He used to always tell me about everything going on in his life, whether it was good or bad. Now all I know is that he is increasingly irritable because of whatever is going on. Another thing I know is that his parents have weapons in their house. They are locked up, of course, but you never know what could happen. Nowadays, you see all kinds of stories in the news about kids somehow getting ahold of their parents’ Freedom encourages students to report weapons and causing some serious any issue they deem threatening on the Safe 2 Say Something application. damage. All of these issues are concerning me Photo: Riley Sweitzer

Hello to all Juniors and Freedom High School Patriots, The Junior Class Officers are ecstatic to announce that the prom theme for the Spring of 2019 will be “A Night in the City”. Prom will occur on the evening of Friday, May 17 at the Bethlehem SteelStacks. Tickets will be available for purchase soon, so be sure to follow the FHS Class of 2020 Twitter account @freedomhs2020 for an update regarding prom in the near future. Be sure to pay class dues to remain eligible to purchase prom tickets, participate in the graduation ceremony, and other activities funded by the student council. Dues are $40 and should be paid once for all four years. Dues can be paid in either cash or check, which can be made payable to Freedom High School. For juniors only, be sure to hand dues in either Room 133 or Room 136 to receive your receipt. New updates will be provided monthly through the remainder of the school year. Please be sure to follow the FHS Class of 2020 Twitter account @freedomhs2020 for future class updates and other notifications. - Alfredo Suarez, Class of 2020 President

A group of Freedom students at the Prom on May 18, 2018 Photo: Gabrielle Rader

Dear Concerned Friend,

not work, so you can suggest therapy or some other form of support for them. This can be a great way for them to get their problems off of their chest, without it being someone close to them, which can be uncomfortable for some. If you feel this is a serious issue that could quickly turn into something tragic, then report it on the ‘Safe 2 Say Something’ app, to police, or a trusted adult, as they will know what to do. However, if you do not think it is that serious, then try to get your friend to talk it out and find out what is causing their stress. Whatever you decide to do, try to have your friend’s best interests at heart.

This issue you are sharing is not something to be dealt with lightly. There are countless stories that start similarly to the one you are telling now. However, there is an easy way to bring this issue to authorities if that is what you feel is right. Schools across Pennsylvania recently introduced the ‘Safe 2 Say Something’ application, which allows students to report any issue they deem dangerous or threatening. This application can be used on a mobile phone, by calling the landline number, or by using the online website ( You can report any issue, and it will go to authorities to be investigated. Good luck, There are also other ways you can Riley :) help your friend with their copious amounts of stress. If you do not know what is going on in their life, simply just ask. Sometimes a person does not realize they are keeping things from friends, or they are too anxious to share what is really going on. Talking things out is a great way to relieve stress, but doing it with someone close is not always the most effective way. In this case, your friend telling you about their stressors might

Photo: Riley Sweitzer

6 Pates’ Post

The Forum

March 2019

Freedom senior vows to put students first Kyle Miceli is a candidate for BASD School Board Carson Swick Co-Editor-in-Chief

At the Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) Education Center, school board members work tirelessly to improve the quality of schools and education for students across the city. While these decisions are often made with proper intentions, some teachers and parents have questioned them in the past. For years, students stayed focused on obtaining their education, and most of them did not pay much attention to the actions of school board members. Now, BASD students have become much more interested in the policies that affect them on a daily basis. In an age of student activism, Freedom High School senior Kyle Miceli is the most prominent skeptic of the district’s current leadership. After attending Freedom for three years, Miceli found himself frustrated with multiple decisions made by district administrators. So he took matters into his own hands and declared his candidacy for School

Board Region 3 in the upcoming primary election. Miceli’s campaign is centered around the principle of ‘students first,’ and he promises to improve the quality of BASD schools for all students. “I plan to focus on improving the security in our schools, [allowing us to] compete with charter schools, and motivating teachers and students. In all of that, we must protect taxpayer investment,” said Miceli. Taxpayer investment is one of Miceli’s biggest concerns. He publicly questioned the school board’s authorization to spend over $600,000 on a new turf field at Nitschmann Middle School, as well as the decision to spend $100,000 to create the new BASD logo that was introduced earlier this school year. “We have a $300 million budget in this school district, and we need to make sure that is going toward students, and we need to make sure we’re funding the right priorities,” Miceli told WFMZ in January. Miceli believes that the district is not

performing at its full potential because many students are simply not motivated enough. According to him, there are not enough incentives for students to perform well in school, and students who do perform well are not rewarded adequately. If elected, Miceli hopes to establish his ‘finish strong’ scholarship program. “[My ‘finish strong’ scholarship program] would eliminate class dues and provide a payout to be used for college and textbooks. It would be available to any student who maintains Honor Roll for their entire senior year,” said Miceli. Kyle Miceli plans to attend Northampton Community College after graduating from Freedom later this year, but he assures he will have no problem fulfilling his duties. “It will be very easy [to fulfill my duties] because the most important thing you have to do is attend the meetings. I can promise I’ll be at every single meeting,” he said. Miceli has effectively incorporated technology into his campaign. For more information, visit his official

Although he is still in high school, Kyle Miceli is determined to improve the lives of BASD students at school. Photo: Christmas City Studio

campaign site ( or follow one of Kyle’s Twitter accounts (@MiceliCampaign and @KyleTMiceli). “On May 21, get out and vote. Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, it’s time for us to finally put students first,” said Miceli.

“Anything Goes” this spring at Freedom Behind the scenes of this year’s spring musical Anna Isbell Journalism Student

As spring is approaching, so is the annual spring musical at Freedom High School. This year’s show is “Anything Goes” by P.G. Wodehouse and Guy Bolton. “Anything Goes” is a romantic comedy that takes place on an enormous ship. “We knew that we had phenomenal dancers, we knew that we had a ton of male and female talent, not only as an ensemble, but we knew that we had individual talent that could really be showcased, and so, “Anything Goes” has a bunch of characters that can play intrical roles in the show,” said Mr. Justin Amann, director. There are over one hundred people involved in the show, including

This year’s spring musical will take place in the auditorium Apr. 4-7. Photo: Anna Isbell

roughly 40 cast members, 15-20 stage crew members, a pit orchestra, and parent volunteers. Parent volunteers are crucial to the show, and a lot would not get done without them. The show’s set includes many props,

including a huge ship, steering wheel, and many other additional props. “I feel like it’s going to be really good, it’s going to have to have a lot of determination, because we’re making a really big ship, so we’re going to need a lot of hands on deck,” said Vaidehi Chinnawar, stage crew member. Freedom’s production of “Anything Goes” has a possibility of having a presence at the Freddy Awards. Last year, Freedom’s theater department was nominated for numerous Freddy awards, and they will hopefully keep that up this year. “I really don’t look at it that way, I think the key for us is going to be ensuring that our biggest competition is ourselves, and so if we work hard, if we do everything that we’ve talked about for the past few weeks in being

accountable to one another, being accountable to ourselves, then we’re going to have a lot of success in this show,” said Mr. Amann. The members of the cast worked extremely hard on the audition process; it was a three day process, with one day being acting, another singing, and the third dancing. “We gave them different acting sides that they had to come and prepare and be ready for,” said Mr. Amann. For anyone who wants to see the show, the best place to go is and search for Freedom High School. Tickets are ten dollars each. The show dates are April 4, 5, and 6 at 7 p.m. and April 7 at 2 p.m. Hope to see you there.

Teacher gives students a way to express themselves Getting to know one of Freedom’s best, Mr. Kleist Isaiah Brabham librarian for four years at Moravian Journalism Student

Mr. David Kleist is a creative writing, academic English, and honors English teacher at Freedom High School. Many students agree that creative writing was their favorite class with him. In class, students are able to express their feelings through writing and share their art with the class. “I feel that Mr. Kleist is a good teacher who sees the good in everyone’s writing and writing styles,” said Kira Yost, creative writing student. Mr. Kleist has been teaching Creative Writing since 1992, and he has enjoyed every year of it. He keeps coming back every year because of how new and fun each year is. Before teaching at Freedom, he was a

College; one year he was given the task of teaching other employees, and the rest is history. Within his tenure at Freedom High School, Mr. Kleist spent 14 of those years co-advising the Pen & Ink program, Freedom’s literary magazine. He enjoys the club because he is able to read interesting things that students write. The final product is always fulfilling to see after all of the effort is put in all year long. The reason he enjoys Freedom so much is because of the Freedom Family concept. He likes that everyone cares and looks out for each other. He especially likes the students though. He likes how every student is different and brings something else to the table. Also, Mr. Kleist enjoys the students’ humor, creativity, and how

they keep him young and busy. “Mr. Kleist is always so understanding and nice, and he is a really great person to be around,” said Molly Williams, creative writing student. Outside of school, Mr. Kleist enjoys a number of activities, such as going for walks, watching movies, writing stories, reading books, and listening to music. As well as enjoying the many arts, he has two cats that he has had for six years. Their names are Tootsie and Snowball, and he got them from a pet store in Allentown. If one knows Mr. Kleist well enough, he or she would know that he hates the snow more than anything. Last year during one of the snowstorms he got into a car accident, and this year, oddly enough, he got his shovel stolen. ¨The snow is the worst. Especially

last year when we had to drive home during the snowstorm, it was all terrible,” said Mr. Kleist. Most of all students would agree that Mr. Kleist’s kindness and sense of humor makes his classes enjoyable.

Mr. Kleist holds one of his favorite books. Photo: Isaiah Brabham

March 2019

The Forum

Entertainment 7

A change of heart affects millions Rapper continues to influence many after death Judex Duplessy Journalism Student

people die young and leave a legacy in their wake. XXXTENTACION fits this description. Born Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, the Underground Rapper was born in Plantation Field, Florida and raised in the Lauderdale and Broward area. His death on June 18, 2018 left a legacy that had an impact on modern hip hop. The 20year-old rapper was a singer in the group “Members Only”, which is a collection of rappers. XXXTENTACION’s contribution to rap includes incorporating other genres into hip hop as well as mental health issues along with everyday living. XXXTENTACION’s mugshot from his The rapper is most known for his arrest in 2016 hits “SAD!” and “Jocelyn.” In two Photo: Wikimedia Commons years preceding his death, XXXTENTACION released two Athletes and musicians make an impact on people every day, even on albums “17” and “?”, which solidified people who they have never met. his place in the music industry. The Unfortunately, some of these famous albums contain a plethora of music including rock and hip hop. The lyrics

speak to depression, hopelessness, and loss. On June 18, the rapper was murdered outside of a motorcycle store in Deerfield Beach, Florida. “I hate that a man who had just started to put more emotion into his music passed away when he just started to become a better person,” said Brandon Velez, freshman. XXXTENTACION did not live a life without controversy. Raised by a single mother, the rapper was not connected with his biological father, and his stepfather abused him. He also witnessed his mother being abused and almost killed. Thus, it was no wonder he was an antisocial young adult. The musician’s early life formed his emotional status, and he was apt to fight others. XXXTENTACION was arrested in 2016 for domestic abuse against Geneva Ayala, his girlfriend at the time, which would initially damage his reputation. He brought his struggles, pain, and hardships into his music in an attempt to transform

himself and his music. “[There should be a separation between his deeds and his music] because music is an entirely different situation, and he expresses his emotions through his music,” said Colin Beck, freshman. Once the rapper was released from jail, he became a success. Thus, his death devastated millions of people across the world. The rapper was musically influenced by Lil’ Wayne, Tupac, 50 Cent, Slipknot, and The Fray. This eclectic mix of music shaped Onfroy’s music, which had people gravitating toward his sound and type of music. XXXTENTACION’s first single “Vice City” was released in March 2014. Then, in May 2014, he released his first mixtape “Ice Hotel.” Following that, his breakout single “Look at Me” was released in early 2017. Even after his death, XXXTENTACION is a name that will be remembered forever.

Keeping up with your nails Views on which nail trends will be best for the upcoming Spring Chriselis Flete Journalism Student

A recommended gel manicure done for the springtime by Christina. Photo: Chriselis Flete

Spring is up and coming faster than one can imagine; it is of best interest to stay on top of the trends! Accompanying the fresh, warm weather is the new soft and sheer tone colors. Candy-like colors can not be ignored either, but seasonally appropriate colors for spring are no doubt the vibrant yellows and pastel pinks.

“I like mostly very pastel and bright colors, but I’m also fond of metallic colors like gold or silver,” said Ashley Calderon, senior. There are many variants of colors that can be considered when choosing the look for the right appeal. These colors can be accommodated with long squared nails to short oval-like nails, each with their own unique accent. Nail art is also making its way up as it is easier to stick them on rather than going the extra mile to paint them. Color street is a good example of this, as it is a style that grants the freedom of creativity, yet it is simplistic at the same time. “I feel like just painting your nails is pretty boring, stickers provide more creativity and adds a little something special to your look,” said Calderon. It does not require any type of special skill, so this nail fashion is easy to pull off. It is not only that, there are still numerous amounts of

styles that are available. The sheer nail look can give a nice subtle hue to go along with the spring atmosphere. As the complete opposite, the bold matte nail look can pop in complementary complexions. It can be available as patterned or glittery if solid color is not one’s cup of tea. Not only that, nail shapes should be in consideration as well. Short nails are recommended if one wants to avoid the edge and wants to give off the sleek, sophisticated look. Yet, this year’s springtime is favoring almond shaped nails. According to Maya Adivi, the almond shaped nails often lean towards length and they are available as press-ons. It is more of a casual shape and it is perfect for the relaxing spring. While visiting the A plus Nail Salon in the Lehigh County, there was an endless amount of color choices and styles. “The most popular color we were asked for was probably red. We did get more colors in stock, though. And I’ll recommend gel manicures as the

A recommended gel manicure done for the springtime by Christina. Photo: Chriselis Flete

best manicure,” said Christina, an employee at A plus Nail Salon. Painting and decorating nails is one way of expressing oneself during an event, or just because the trend’s out and about. Choices of style, color, and shape can be played around to the heart’s content. There is no wrong way on how the nail is displayed; it is best if it is suited to one’s desired style of choice.

The untold truths of St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day myths revealed Sarah Healy The Freedom Forum

This year, St. Patrick’s Day is on Sunday, March 19. This holiday is a global celebration of Irish culture and a remembrance of St. Patrick. This day is always filled with merrymaking and classic traditions. However, many traditions are purely Americanized or simply misunderstood. “St. Patty’s Day” is a common shortened version of the spelling of the holiday. Unfortunately, spelling it this way angers many. In Ireland, “Patty” is short for Patricia, not Patrick. The genuine Irish spelling of Patrick is "Pádraig,” so the shortened spelling

should actually be Paddy. So really, past. when celebrating St. Patrick, write St. The classic Shamrock Shake from Paddy’s Day when shortening the McDonald’s is a delicious artificially name. green, mint-flavored Saint Patrick’s holiday drink. It first appeared was originally associated in 1970 and has been a with the color blue. The hit every year around light blue color can be the time of St. Patrick’s seen on ancient Irish flags, Day. McDonald’s even and it was used on advertised this drink armbands and flags by with a character called members of the Irish Uncle O’Grimacey. Citizen Army. Sadly, the Shamrock The use of green on St. A four-leaf clover Shake is not a symbol Photo: Pixabay of Patrick’s Day came into authentic Irish play because the green, culture. three-leaf clover became a symbol of With every holiday comes a variety nationalism. The color green took of food and St. Patrick’s day is no over and made blue a trend of the exception. Corned beef and cabbage is

a meal that millions of Irish American families eat on St. Patrick’s Day. This tradition, though, is actually an American tradition. In Ireland, beef was not readily available and was considered a luxury. The reason why Irish Americans eat corned beef on St. Patrick’s day is because beef was easy and cheaper to get when they first immigrated to America. Saint Patrick was not actually Irish. Patrick was a nobleman born in Britain, who was kidnapped by Irish pirates at the age of sixteen. Also, it is unclear if St. Patrick died in Ireland, but Mar. 17 is widely believed to be the day of his death.

8 Sports

March 2019

The Forum

Baseball season swings back into action Baseball projections for the 2019 season Jeff Frank The Freedom Forum

A baseball game at Coca-Cola Park in Allentown, Pa., home of the Lehigh Valley IronPigs Photo Submission: Riley Sweitzer

Baseball season is finally back and everyone is looking forward to what teams are going to look like this season with all the new acquisitions and prospects from Triple A baseball. Many teams had a very interesting

offseason by getting players from other teams or by trading players, those teams being the Philadelphia Phillies and the San Diego Padres. The Phillies acquired many players during free agency or via trade. The first being reliever David Robertson from the Yankees on a two year deal for $23 million. David was very successful with the New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox, and is a good role model for young pitchers on the Phillies. The Phillies also made a huge commitment to their starting pitcher Aaron Nola. Nola had an amazing 2018 season having 17 wins and only six losses with and earned run average (ERA) of 2.37, which was one of the lowest in baseball. Many believe Nola will continue to be successful in 2019 because of the new players he has

around him and the coaching staff. Next off is the San Diego Padres. The Padres haven’t been known as a great team in a long time, but this new signing could change take Padres from average reputation to being one of the top teams in the National League West. The Padres signed Manny Machado who has been an All-Star with the Baltimore Orioles and basically carried the team. The Orioles had one of the worst records in baseball last season leading Machado to say, “I want out of Baltimore.” The team was not the best in the league due to all the injuries and the firing of coach Buck Showalter. Even though the team didn’t, Machado had great stats. He had 188 hits and was one of the best home run hitters with 37 home runs on the season. He was batting .297,

which ended up being one of the highest batting averages (BA) in baseball. “I’m looking forward to watching to watching the Phillies this season because of Aaron Nola and David Robertson pitching this season.” said Brandon Brinker, junior. A lot of students at FHS are looking forward to the baseball season starting up again. “I’m interested in watching the Washington Nationals and the Los Angeles Dodgers play this season because if the Nationals can keep Bryce Harper they can be a contender to win the National League East, and for the Dodgers because they can possibly try and make another run for the World Series for the third year in a row,” said Dante Quarato, junior.

Talented students return to the diamond Freedom Softball looks poised to continue its success Carson Swick Co-Editor-in-Chief

As the calendar turns to March, many Freedom students turn their attention to spring sports. Athletes who have been waiting for the warm weather are finally ready to get out on the field and give it their all. Softball is among the many options for student athletes to play in the spring. At Freedom, the sport brings out the best in all the girls on the team. This season, the Freedom softball team hopes to improve upon their performance in 2018. “We only graduated one senior, so as far as results go, we have high expectations,” said Ms. Michele Laubach, the team’s new head coach. Laubach is excited by the potential

of the team’s young starters, particularly Corrin Gill, Gabrielle Glick, and Matison Piripavel. These three sophomores were all varsity starters as freshmen last year. “I’ve been playing T-ball since I was four and travel softball since I was 8. I always knew I was going to try out. It was my goal to make [Freedom’s varsity softball team] my freshman year,” said Piripavel. Piripavel is a versatile player, as she can play catcher, third base, and shortstop. She hopes that the new coaching staff will strengthen her abilities and make her an even better player. “Hopefully [coach Michele Laubach] will teach us new things so we do even better than we did last year,” she

said. Freedom Softball had a promising season in 2018, but their fourth loss to the Easton Red Rovers ended their season. While it’s easy for the players to get angry when thinking about these games, it is important for them to put the losses behind them and focus on the season ahead. “Girls have to feel good to play good. I think giving the girls goals and a focus for the season keeps everyone on the same page,” said Ms. Laubach. 2018 was a historic year for Freedom sports teams as a whole, as five Patriots teams (girls basketball, baseball, boys soccer, girls tennis, and football) claimed District XI championships. Under Coach Laubach’s leadership, it appears that the softball team has a legitimate

chance to continue the black and gold’s success. “I think Freedom Softball will be competing [for a District XI championship]. Looking at the talent in the middle schools and who’s coming up, we’re definitely going to contend in the next couple years,” said Ms. Laubach.

Freedom Softball plays its games here. Photo: Carson Swick

Familiar teams sit atop college basketball Preview for the upcoming NCAA basketball tournament Derek Bast Sports Editor

Jeff Frank The Freedom Forum

Tournament Favorites

Syracuse Orange: Ever y year , Syracuse has the potential to make a deep run like they did in 2016, reaching the Final Four as an No. 11 seed. Led by star guard Tyus Battle, who is no stranger to big games, and legendary coach Jim Boeheim, the Syracuse Orange are never a team you want to see in a win or go home scenario.

Gonzaga Bulldogs: One thing that is different about this Gonzaga team is the fact that they have played in a ton of competitive games and have played three top ten teams including a win against Duke. Player of the Year candidate Rui Hachimura will look to carry Gonzaga back to the national championship game, which they ap- Final Four Predictions (Ranked by peared in just two years ago. confidence of making the Final Four):

Duke Blue Devils: The Blue Devils have compiled an impressive resume with only two losses, one to Gonzaga (another tournament favorite), and another to a pesky Syracuse team in a game Duke played without star point guard Tre Jones. The Blue Devils have essentially walked over the rest of their opponents and have handed a Sleeper Teams tremendous Virginia team their only two losses of the season. Marquette Golden Eagles: Mar quette is led by superstar junior guard Virginia Cavaliers: This team is Markus Howard, who is capable of playing angry after getting humiliated winning games all on his own. in the first round of the NCAA Tour- Against Villanova several games ago, nament last year, making them the he scored 38 of his team’s 66 points in first No. 1 seed to ever lose in the first a one point win against the defending round. They have defeated every team champions. While Howard is clearly they have played so far except one, the heart and soul of the team, there is Duke, including impressive wins on plenty of talent in brothers Sam and the road versus North Carolina and Joey Hauser. Virginia Tech.

National Champion Derek: I see the Duke Blue Devils coming out on top this year in a close game against arch-rival North Carolina. I foresee a final score of Duke 85, North Carolina 79. Jeff: Coach K’s exper ience makes me lean toward the Duke Blue Devils winning. They will beat Gonzaga 8683 on a last second shot from R.J. Barrett.

Derek’s Selections 1. Duke Blue Devils 82 vs. 4 Marquette Golden Eagles 75 2. Virginia Cavaliers 54 vs. 3 North Carolina Tar Heels 58 Jeff’s Selections 1. Duke Blue Devils 86 vs. 4 Syracuse Orange 80 2. Gonzaga Bulldogs 89 vs. 3 Kentucky Wildcats 85

FINAL PREDICTION We both predict that the Duke Blue Devils and Coach K will win the 2019 National Championship. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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