November 2015 issuu

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Volume 49 Issue 3

November 2015

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - - @FHSForum

In This Issue: The perfect

Another victory for Freedom

student 2 Dear Gabi

3 Staff Editorial 4 Uber driving service 5 The new hover board 10

FHS swimming and diving

On Saturday, November 7, 2015, at Frank Banko Stadium the Freedom football team faced their number one rivalry school, Libert y High School. At the end of the fourth quarter, Freedom defeated Liberty by 35-21, earning the team its first Eastern Pennsylvania Conference title.


Photo: Stephanie Augello

Sleep-deprived students suffer Lack of sleep can have detrimental results on students in physical and mental health By Josh Christiansen Editorials Editor

Every morning, thousands of teenagers walk into the classrooms of their high schools, exhausted and sleep deprived. This can cause serious problems for these students and their educational success. “Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to function best. Most teens do not get enough sleep — one study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights,” said the National Sleep Foundation, a non-profit organization, on their website. All human beings follow the natural cycles called the Circadian Rhythms. These rhythms are essentially a person’s internal body clock. Every day a teen needs to wake up to go to school at 7:00 a.m-8:00 a.m., their natural internal body clock is

disrupted. This is one cause of many for sleepy students. “I do think teenagers don’t get enough sleep. They should sleep at least 8-10 hours a day. I went to a school nurse conference and [I learned] that your sleep cycles aren’t conducive to school. When we study the circadian rhythms for a teenager, [we know] you need to go to bed a little bit later, but you should also be sleeping in later. Ideally, it would be perfect if you could start school at like 9:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m.,” said Mrs. Susan Dalton, school nurse. Although biology is a factor, there are many more reasons that students do not get adequate sleep. Large homework loads, outside obligations such as community service, sports, or clubs, family time, or social time can also lead to less sleep and awkward sleep patterns. “Students who are in higher

classes and want to go somewhere push themselves, because they feel like if they don’t, they won’t be successful in life. They also think that if they don’t have the highest grades, then they’re not going to get into a good college. I think all of the stress is what affects the students and lack of sleep,” said Hailey Stuppino, junior, when asked why motivated students might be more prone to sleep loss. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, students are also at a higher risk of diseases, poor school performance, low test scores, automobile crashes, and can lead to medical issues like depression, insomnia, and sleep apnea. The results of lack of sleep are significant enough in a student’s life for this problem to be a public health issue; one that has been put in the public spotlight in the past couple years.

With teens having irregular ule,” said Mrs. Dalton. sleep patterns; staying up late Sleep is vital to a student’s during the week and sleeping well-being, as important as in late on the weekends, can the air they breathe, the water affect their biological clock they drink and the food they and sleep patterns. In order to eat. It can even help them to solve this large sleep loss is- eat better and manage the sue, there are many factors stress of being a teen and a that can be changed in a stu- student in today’s competitive dent’s life or sleep routine at world of education. night. “Students need to make a concerted effort to try to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m., at the very latest. They need to learn how to turn it down—that means no texting on the phone, no video games, no TV, anything like that—but they can listen to music, or drink a warm cup of noncaffeinated tea. They also need to get into a sleep routine, so that Chance Sigafoos poses as though he is they are really getting asleep before the class starts into a good sleep schedPhoto illustration: Joshua Christiansen

2 News Upcoming Events:

November 2015

The Forum

Who is the Perfect Student? Students seem to be pushed too hard in high school

11/25-11/30: Thanksgiving Break

11/25 and 11/30:

By Tejpal Randhawa The Freedom Forum

As high school students, we are constantly being told to prepare for college by making sure we look good on paper, and appear to be the “perfect” student. But what exactly is the perfect student? Is it someone who gets straight A’s and is ranked first in their class? Is it someone who is extremely well-rounded? Is the perfect student class president, or captain of the soccer team? Or, is the perfect student all of these things combined? Many would agree that the “perfect” student is someone who takes all AP classes, holds leadership positions in numerous clubs, has a lot of community service experience, and

offices open

12/4: FHS Choral/ Orchestra Holiday Concert

also constantly being compared to our peers and being encouraged to do better than them, rather than being the best individual we can possibly be. But how can one be the top wrestler in the state and have a perfect GPA? How can someone work a part time job, get good grades, volunteer, and play a sport in one season? There are only so many hours in the day, how can we perfect everything there is to do without damaging our mental health? High school puts too much emphasis on being the “perfect” well-rounded student, rather than allowing students to explore different clubs and activities. In reality, no one will be “perfect,” and we

Diagram of the “perfect student” Photo: Universal Randomness

should stop stressing ourselves out trying to be perfect. Instead, we should strive to be the best we can possibly be, like Linda does.

Who will “Trump” the competition? Update on presidential candidate hopefuls By Carly Pfaff The Freedom Forum

School closed,

plays varsity sports. When I think of the perfect student, I think of sophomore Linda Mao. In reality, no one can be the “perfect” student, but Linda is as close as you can get to it. She is ranked first in her class, has over 200 hours of community service, is involved in many clubs, and is also a member of the Freedom swim team. “My advice would be to make sure you manage your time well. Also, don’t stress too much, it’ll just make things worse!” said Mao when asked about how she continues to be so successful throughout her high school career. Sometimes we feel a lot of pressure to be the ideal perfect student because we want to get into our dream school. We are

On November 8th, 2016 the 58th U.S presidential election will take center stage. With campaigns and debates now more important than ever, who will lead and who will flee? Here is your latest political update on the race to the finish line. As November approached, it signaled to Americans we are currently one year away from casting votes for our next presidential hopefuls. Who has your vote? Currently, there are various front-runners emerging from both the Democratic and Republican parties. Starting with the Democratic Party, it is a close race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. As more debates go underway, it appears a clear leader will emerge. Clinton has years of political

background but is the election hers to lose? Sanders on the other hand also has political experience as a former senator. But will his socialist policy be his downfall to voters? The big question that remains is: Could Sanders really defeat Clinton? “Sanders is running neck and neck or even ahead of Clinton in key early primary states. It remains difficult to see him winning the nomination however because primary voters tend to gravitate to “electable” general election candidates,” according to the In the past few weeks, Lawrence Lessig, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee have all dropped out of the Democratic race. Joe Biden also announced he will not run. Moving on to the Republican Party, the nomination is really anyone's for the taking. From the long list of presidential

hopefuls, stand outs include: Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, and Ted Cruz. Many have doubted Donald Trump, but after months he appears to still be a contender. Carson has followed close, if not right with Trump in national polls. “As of early November, most people who think Trump or Carson can’t win are placing their bets on Rubio,” said Some major questions have been raised for voters. Could neurosurgeon Ben Carson win the nomination, or does he lack the political experience needed for the job? What does Jeb Bush have to offer after three poor performances in the debates sources claimed? Will Ted Cruz be the underdog? Debates are a great way to learn more about each candidate’s policies. The next Republican debate of 2015 is set

for December 15th. As for the Democratic debates, dates are set for November fourteenth and December nineteenth ( m). Even students of Freedom High School are getting involved with the presidential campaigns. The Republican Patriots Club have had multiple discussions in the last few weeks. “Each member has chosen a Republican or Democratic candidate to track their campaigns and report their findings. It is a great way for our members to become more politically aware,” said Megan Eltringham, president of the club. As for the election, it appears too early in the race to choose a clear winner. Front-runners from each party have begun to emerge, with some candidates leading and others fleeing.

Opting to close for the holidays Stores change their schedule for the shopping season By Michael Datz The Freedom Forum

It is a day omnipresent in our society, a day where thousands turn up in order to get the newest and best deal on the next best thing. Big crowds are seen, practically busting through the doors in order to catch some big markdown on the big ticket items this holiday season. This “Black Friday” on the day after Thanksgiving has become the signal of the beginning of the holiday shop-

ping period, but has also come under some criticism. The recent changes in the Black Friday tradition have seen it expanded even onto the actual holiday of Thanksgiving. In fact, most Walmart stores will be open all day on Thanksgiving. Executives see these hours as a service to the customers, while some see them as disservice to the many employees. Just two years ago, it was hard to defend stores opening so early. “We’ve seen about as early as it can go. It’s hard to imag-

ine that it can move much more,” said Bill Simon, Walmart CEO to CNN. However, some stores have opted to take back the holidays, with the popular outdoor retailer REI choosing to close doors on both Thanksgiving and Black Friday. “For 76 years, our co-op has been dedicated to one thing and one thing only: a life outdoors. We believe that being outside makes our lives better. And Black Friday is the perfect time to remind ourselves of this essential truth,” said

Jerry Stritzke, REI CEO, in a letter on the REI website. Other stores are joining REI in opting to close on Thanksgiving day, in a list that includes everything from Staples to T.J. Maxx. Sales on Black Friday took a large hit with the recession of 2008, and have been struggling to get up to expected numbers ever since. Some analysts predict that, with the increasing influence of online retailers, many will opt to stay at home for the start of the shopping season.

3 Editorials

The Forum

November 2015

Teachers not meeting their deadlines Grades are due, but some teachers are unprepared By Destiny Panik The Freedom Forum

As the marking period came to an end late October and early November, students rushed to raise their final marking period averages and make sure their grades were all uploaded online correctly. However, some teachers seemed to not be as prepared for the first marking period to come to an end. “My grades were last updated on October 15, and the first marking period ends tomorrow. I have absolutely no idea where my grade stands in that class. I could be failing for all I know,” said Hailey Miller, sophomore. Miller asked her teacher what her grade currently was

Login page for Home Access Center Screenshot: Destiny Panik

in that class, yet the teacher was unaware of what Miller’s final average was. After the marking period ends, teachers rush to finish the grading they never were able to complete, leaving students frightened for how it will affect their grade a week

before the marking period is over. As teachers strive to upload grades as quickly as they can for their students, there are some teachers who are not as efficient as others when inputting their students’ grades. Many students check their

grades online and become fearful when they are not upto-date. “I check my grades once a day, sometimes more if I had a test or project recently. I get really anxious when teachers don’t update their grades,” said Kyra Jefferson, sophomore. Students have multiple classes a day and are assigned homework nearly every night. Students are forced to complete work by a certain date or their grade is affected; therefore, teachers should be held on the same account. After-school activities and honors classes cloud many students’ schedules, and they are forced to complete everything efficiently, yet also quickly. When some teachers do not upload grades for near-

ly a month, and there have been multiple large assignments that could affect someone’s grade, it is not fair to those students. “I don’t like not knowing my grade in a class because then I can’t fix it, especially when the teacher doesn’t talk to me. I have no way of knowing if I’m failing or not and having grades online really helps me. I just wish some teachers would use it more,” said Jefferson. As posting grades online has benefited students widely in that they can check their grades whenever they feel the need to, it is also a very important job for teachers to keep students aware of their current passing or failing status.

It’s a drone; it’s a plane; it’s the eyes of our parents The consequences of parents who overprotect their teens By Cassie Sedler News Editor

It seems to be a universal problem for almost every adolescent‒overprotective, overly concerned parents that always seem to be right by their side, at every sign of trouble ahead. Teenagers find this type of parenting especially irksome when they try to become more independent of their parents, as they go off to college, and begin their careers. The term “helicopter parent” was first made popular in the early 2000s, while many used it to describe parents who hover over their children like a helicopter, according to par- Of course these parents have the best intentions, but in terms of the future of their children, they seem to be doing more harm than good. According to, some of the consequences of hovering parenting include: Decreased confidence and self -esteem, undeveloped coping skills, increased anxiety, sense of entitlement, and undeveloped life skills. These issues are increasingly frequent, especially in today’s teens, who rely heavily on the help of their parents when it comes to everything from doing their homework and projects, to getting them

out of trouble in school, or at work. As a result, these protected children are blindsided by an unexpected sense of responsibility as they must make their way in the “real world” at some point, miles away from their parents, and even further away from their parent’s help. For this reason, many believe there is a fine line between a parent positively active in their child’s life, and an overbearing, “helicopter parent.” A healthy relationship between a parent and teen starts with a balance of involvement, love, and warmth.

"Parents should not confuse control and involvement -- it is still important that parents are a part of their child's life, but should not be controlling their child's life,” said Larry Nelson, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in a statement to The Huffington Post. The lessons learned from


failure are far more beneficial to the child in terms of growth, and understanding, than success itself.

Dear Gabi How to choose the right classes By Gabriella Greenhoward Web Editor

Dear Gabi, This year I am a freshman. My older brother takes all honors and AP classes. On top of that, he plays 2 varsity sports, and is involved in 4 clubs and activities. Basically, he has set the bar very high. However, I don’t know what to do when it comes to my own classes. Right now, I am enrolled in all academic classes. That was mostly because of nerves. I was so scared that I wasn’t going to do well. Maybe I’m not smart enough for honors classes. I didn’t want to go out on a

Dear Scared Student, I understand that you have a lot of things to consider. I have one word that I think will help you solve all your problems: Balance. Taking harder classes is always a good thing. You want to grow as a student and seek out ways to challenge yourself. I think it is great that you are willing to explore the world of more difficult content. However, you should be doing it for the right reasons. You should only take classes that are in your comfort zone. Do not continue to constantly compare your level classes to your brother’s. You are both Sincerely, individuals, with different Scared Student strengths and weaknesses. You should be focused on you, and what you can manage. That is why I was very upset to hear you say that you

limb and fail the classes my brother breezed through. But now that I am in high school, I think I could use a little bit of a challenge. I want to take some harder classes, but I don’t know how far to go. Since I don’t have a heavy workload, I have been focused on getting involved and knocking out my community service this year. While I want to advance in my classes, I also don’t want to have too much going on. I know the time to pick classes for next year is right around the corner. What should I do?

are not smart enough for honors classes. There is no such thing as not being smart enough. You already have the drive. You want to do well in these classes. If you work hard and set your mind to something, you can accomplish anything. Earlier, I mentioned the word “balance.” That is key. It is a great idea to integrate activities and community service into your daily, weekly, or even monthly schedule. However, you want to create a schedule that allows you a little bit of downtime. So, if you know you want to take 2 harder classes, maybe drop one community service activity in order to give yourself enough time to get your work done. Additionally, since you are just transitioning to more rigorous classes, choose the sub-

ject wisely. It is very commonly said that you are more engaged in classes that you enjoy, which could potentially result in a better grade. So you may want to go with a class that you do best in, or like the most. These things may end up helping you in the future. Lastly, I want to remind you again to embrace your decisions as a student. Do not try and be anyone but you. Work on making yourself a stronger student. Good luck picking the right classes! Love Always,


4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Editor-in-Chief Elyse Sanford News Editor Cassie Sedler Editorials Editor Josh Christiansen Pates’ Post Editor Analisa Jeffries Entertainment Editor

‘Tis the season for roasting How to endure your family during Thanksgiving relatives this holiday season, so you can enjoy the turkey instead of feeling like one. As we all know, when getting To start with, always keep in together with our relatives on Thanksgiving, the turkey is not the only thing getting roasted. From the minute relatives walk through the door, millions of questions are flying regarding your personal life. “Where do you want to go to college?” “What do you want to go college for?” “How are you doing in school?” “Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?” mind that your relatives might These are all questions that not have seen you for a long seem to be the most popular. period of time, and they want No one is immune to the to catch up on the details that roasting, but rest assure, it will they might have missed. At be fine in the end. Just read on certain points, it might feel like to find out how to deal with your family is trying to interroBy Elyse Sanford Editor-in-Chief

Center Spread Editor

Sports Editor Mitchell Coriell

gate you with multiple questions about your life, but they just want to get up to date about details in your life. So,


take a deep breath, put on a smile, and welcome the fact that someone actually cares enough about you to ask questions. If you feel that things are getting too hard for you to handle,

remove yourself from the situation and ask to be excused until you are ready to go back. Go into the kitchen and start washing dishes, take the dog for a walk, or act like you have homework to do. “I don’t mind my relatives, so I don’t really have to deal with it. If I do, I just go into my basement,” said Megan Palmer, senior. In the end, remember it is only one day, and that it is important to make the best of the day. The first half hour will most likely be the worst part, but as the day progresses, it will get much better. Holidays are meant to be festive; a time to spend with family and friends. So enjoy yourself. Open up and brag a bit. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

Standing in for the absentee

Kerilyn Kipp

Gabriella Greenhoward

November 2015

The Forum

Rules and regulations for being an FHS substitute teacher By The Freedom Forum Staff

Chase Hoover

Flip the SARCASM switch and listen up. We have some Web Editor “rules” for substitute teachers. Gabriella Greenhoward To begin, it is now a requirement for all substitute teachers Adviser to illegibly write their names on the board and then proKarla Erdman nounce it for the students. In fact, a drawing really helps as Principal well. It is a good way to enMr. Michael LaPorta gage those visual learners. While we do care what your Superintendent name is, we are still going to call you miss or mister. Dr. Joseph Roy Next, remember that we know nothing about what is really going on in class. So For our editorial statement when we attempt to assist you, and correction policy, please just ignore us. None of us are go to active learners; we just float about.html through high school. Additionally, be sure to bring Any photo that is not directly either a book, a newspaper, or credited is from Microsoft a laptop. We will make sure Office. that we are engaged in the lesFollow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website!

son left for us by our teacher. Substitutes are permitted, even encouraged, to ignore the students’ and their behaviors in lieu of a good book. Also, remember that our teacher’s lesson plans are only just a suggestion. Feel free to interpret the plan in any way necessary, so that you can go read that newspaper. Our teachers just throw stuff together for us, and the information does not really relate to what we are learning, so feel free to add and delete as needed. Furthermore, we are extremely interested in adults’ personal lives and their opinions. We value the expertise and wisdom that adults bestow upon us. Therefore, we wholeheartedly want to know all about your personal life, including your children, your religious beliefs, your political preferences, and your former

careers. In addition, we are never sure when our teachers are going to return. So we really prefer when you attempt to imitate them. In fact, we want you to be our teacher forever. Lastly, during your tenure in our class for the day, be sure to establish new rules. There is no rea- Alex Pantaleo, junior, dresses up as a substitute son for any of us teacher on costume day for spirit week. Photo: Joshua Christiansen to use the restroom, especially after lunch. After all, we are above. only children; we lie to everyWe realize coming into an one. unknown classroom creates Wait a minute. Hit RE- anxiety. However, most stuWIND. If you have not figured dents would prefer that subs it out yet, we do not want sub- treat us with the same respect stitutes to do any of the things our teachers do.

No Class Dues?

@fhsforum, #fhsforum

No Cap and Gown


No Senior Breakfast


November 2015

Editorials 5

The Forum

Uber: Good Deal or Scary Experience The pros and cons of using Uber, a new taxi service By Analisa Jeffries Pates’ Post Editor

Need a ride somewhere? Too expensive to get a taxi? These problems can be solved by using Uber, a relatively new car service that takes passengers where they need to go for not a lot of money. Although this seems like a good idea, there are some downsides that need to be considered before enlisting an Uber driver to take you somewhere. Uber, founded in 2009 by Travis Kalanick, matches those who need to go some-

where, with those who are willing to drive them for a fee. It is spreading all across the country into big cities and all over the world. Anyone with the Uber app and a credit card can get connected or even become a driver. It is simple to apply to be a driver; Almost too easy. With a license, insurance, and a clean record, anyone can drive for Uber. No car? No problem. Uber even gives discounts on new vehicles that are certified to use, just make sure it has 4 doors. “I had a good experience

with Uber,” said Mr. George Ziegler, English teacher. “A driver arrived within 5 minutes as opposed to 25 minutes for a cab.” Fast service and clean cars are an upside, but safety is always a huge concern. Anything can happen out late at night, alone. “Roberto Chicas was bludgeoned with a hammer by his UberX driver, Patrick Karajah,” said The Daily Beast, an online news site. “The attack left him hospitalized for three days with a bloodied eye, which he was reportedly in danger of los-

ing.” Not only is assault and battery an issue with using Uber, but also other accusations of mistreatment have been made. Sexual, physical, and emotional abuse cases against drivers have arisen. Most of these conflicts are resolved and charges are dropped. However, the reparations for the crimes were only partially made, if not at all. The type of driver received is never guaranteed as good or bad, but is the risk worth taking?

Elyse Sanford poses as an Uber driver Photo illustration: Analisa Jeffries

New Snapchat policy causing an uproar The social media’s privacy policy means pictures are not so private By Ava Markle Journalism Student

Today, social media has become a part of the teenage life. Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and of course, Snapchat, teens are given a variety of social media options. Being one of the hottest social media apps, Snapchat has grown in its popularity, being ranked number three, trailing behind Facebook and Twitter. Many people want to share the silly and special moments in life, and Snapchat lets them do just that. The mobile app allows users to send videos and pictures that self destruct after a few seconds. Snapchat is unique

amount of time before they disappear forever, or so users thought. “The popular photo messaging app Snapchat updated its terms and service, stating that it now owns all photos shared on its platform. The Internet quickly erupted with outraged users worried about their privacy,” said WHNT 19 News online. Snapchat has always been the social media network that was only Snapchat home screen temporary. It only alPhoto: Ava Markle lowed users to send picture messages that apfrom any other social media, peared for no more than 10 in the fact that all photos and seconds and picture stories videos only last a brief that could be viewed and post-

ed for no more than 24 hours, which relieved Snapchatters, knowing the pictures will be forever deleted eventually. The new update caused an uproar with millions of users. “It scares me knowing the pictures I send and post on snapchat can take my my private pictures I post and share with my friends.” said Jackie Bush, junior. After Snapchat received complaints and concerns about the privacy update, they took it to it’s blog and clarified that the private picture

Photo: Ava Markle

messages will not show up publicly in any advertisements. This cleared up concerns but still leaves some worried thinking that it is not just their friends who might have their images saved from screenshotting them.

Black FUNday or Black BUMday? Black Friday prices, waits, tips and tricks By Keri Kipp Entertainment Editor

Every year, there are always stories in the news about Black Friday disasters that have happened at multiple stores. Because of this, many people do not like this holiday or do not participate because they are scared. On the other hand, this could be a very enjoyable time for some people. The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday, which marks

the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. The idea of it is to shop earlier for good deals on the Christmas gifts for your loved ones. For some, it is extremely helpful if they are on a tight budget, but still want to purchase gifts that their loved ones want. This holiday has become a serious competition to many. You can often be entertained by watching some of the people have a throw down in stores. There have been many stories of items being ripped out of other people’s hands, shoppers hitting each other, and customers running people over while trying to get into the doors. Another thing to be prepared for during this day is the waiting lines. Some stores have lines that can get people in

and out within five minutes. On the other hand, some stores have lines that are out the door and wrapped around the store. The wait times could drastically range. Aside from the violence and the annoying lines, this day could also be a very fun experience for many others. “I usually go every year with my mom and we would go basically all around town,” said Amanda Large, sopho- The craze for Black Friday sales creates commotion and long lines in stores more. “We usually go Photo: Flickr during the mid-day, that way people have calmed All in all, this holiday is very eye open and watch your down a bit. Also some of the festive. It gets you in the back, you never know when coffee stores hand out free Christmas spirit and helps you someone can come and snatch coffee, that’s my favorite bond with others close to something right from you. part.” heart. Make sure to keep an Happy shopping.

These comic characters bring safety awareness to children and teens

Always wear your seatbelt, even if you will only be in the car for 5 minutes. It is much better to be safe and secure than to put your life on the line.

Do not pack too many people into the car at one time. There should be one person per seat, that way everyone has access to a seatbelt, and they can ride safely.

Always remain in your seat in the car. Do not unbuckle your seatbelt to play with the radio, look for something in the trunk, or grab an object that is out of reach. Wait until the car has come to a complete stop before moving.

Never get behind the wheel when you are tired. It can be very dangerous for a variety of reasons. First, when you are tired, or even hazy for that matter, it can cloud your judgment. This means you may make reckless choices on the road that you would not have, if you were fully rested. On another note, you are also taking the risk of dozing off. If that happens, even for one moment, it could create an terrible accident.

Do not use your cell phone when on the road. This means no texting. It puts all of the passengers in danger. You could glance down at your phone for one second, and not notice that the drivers in front of you have braked, or that there is a deer crossing the road. Sending that one text is not worth your life, or the life of others on the road.

Captain Click- It: seat belt safety Wonder Walker: crosswalk safety Motor Man: motorcycle safety

Bicycle Boy: bicycle safety 2N2 Twins: teen driver safety

2N2 2 eyes on the road and

Always wear a helmet. You want to protect your head in case of an accident. 

Make sure that you do not have any blind spots. You should be able to see everything around you. Photo: Clipart

Keep a safe distance between you and other cars and vehicles on the road.  

Always drive at a safe speed. Do not surpass the speed limit. It is there for a reason: to keep you safe.

Always look both ways before crossing the street. You want to be aware of the traffic on both sides of the road. You never know if a driver has been on the road for over 24 hours and is so exhausted he does not even notice you. Furthermore, a driver may look down at his phone for one second and not catch you walking.

Wait until you have reached a cross walk before crossing the street. You should never just cross from the middle of the road. It is very dangerous because you are no longer considered a pedestrian. That is a right that you do not want to give up.

Always put on your turn signals to alert other cars of where you will be turning.

Your helmet is always a must. Even though you are not required to wear one by law, it is better to get on your bicycle knowing your head is protected.

Make sure that your bike has a reflector or light when you are riding in the dark. That allows other drivers on the road to see you clearly.

Make eye contact with the drivers on the road. That helps because you know for sure that they have seen you. It also allows the driver time to give you the signal that is okay to cross.

Always ride in the direction of traffic. You should never be face to face with a car on the road.

Put away all electronic devices. You should be completely focused on getting across the street safely. You do not want any distractions to get in the way.

If a car is in motion and it is not coming to a stop, do not step in its path. It can put you in direct danger because the driver may not see you in enough time to hit the brakes.

 

Photo: Blog Spot

Wear bright colors as another method of ensuring that all the cars on the road can see you approaching. Abide by all traffic laws. As someone on a bicycle, you are expected to follow them as well in order to make the road safe.

Every 15 Minutes is a very popular program for high school students. The goal is to illustrate the dangers of drinking, texting and driving, and making irresponsible decisions. They have a “Grim Reaper” that takes students from class every 15 minutes. Then a police officer comes in and informs the class about how the student “passed away”. From there, they read letters written by the parents of the “deceased” student. After a while, they have the student come back covered in white makeup and a t-shirt that says “Every 15 Minutes”. They are not allowed to talk to any students or teachers. They are dead. To really put the icing on the cake, the program has the student sleep in a hotel to allow the parents to feel the separation. To conclude the project, the student has to write a letter to their parents beginning with “Dear Mom and Dad, every fifteen minutes someone in the United States dies from an alcohol related traffic collision, and today I died. I never had the chance to tell you........” Overall it is such a great program because it gives students a realistic portrayal of the harm and pain that this kind of accident can cause. It is much different to hear about something, then to have it happen to you. This is an experience that can be life changing, because it really makes students think about the consequences associated with their negative actions.

While technology is a great aspect of our society, it is very important to use it properly. These tools were made to bring convenience to everyday life. However, this does not mean that they should not be used with complete caution. Look below for some useful tips in getting the best out of technology, and not letting it get the best of you.

1. Do not walk ar ound with both ear buds in at a ver y high volume. That could make it very difficult for you to hear traffic around you. You should especially take them out when crossing the street. If you are listening to music, you may not hear an approaching car. 2. Do not walk ar ound with your eyes glued to your cell phone. You should be completely aware of your surroundings at all times. 3. Do use social media r esponsibly. Make sur e to post photos that are appropriate. Also, be mindful of the comments you leave on other people’s photos. Cyber bullying is never okay.

Layla poses with her safety gate.

An adult should always be present at bath time. Photo: Gabriella Greenhoward

Car seats should be located in the rear of the vehicle, not in the front.

Place plastic outlet holders in all outlets where a baby may be playing.

Install safety gates near any steps (even if there is only a couple).

Keep small children away from the oven/ stove.

While giving a baby a bath, never leave them unattended.

Place chemicals in a place where a child has no access to them.

Photo: Gabriella Greenhoward

Super Improver Safety Squad coming to an area near you… Photo: Open clipart

In the spring of 2013, the Freedom Theatre Company began this safety squad. They have visited Miller Heights, Calypso, James Buchannan, and Donnegan elementary schools

Photo: Openclipart

8 Pates’ Post

November 2015

The Forum

Dedicated student of the month A key member of PLTW and a committed student By Maya White The Freedom Forum

Sophomore Sean Boyer is “leading the way” for many aspiring engineers in the Bethlehem Area School District. From being involved in Project Lead the Way (PLTW) to Engineering Club, to participating in drumline, Boyer exhibits excellent leadership skills and confidence anyone can benefit from. He is “intelligent, trustworthy and motivated,” said Mrs. Roscher, Engineering Club advisor, “Sean embodies the characteristics for Student of the Month.” Sean and his twin brother, Adam, first became involved with PLTW when they were freshmen last year. “My twin brother and I always wanted to be engineers, ever since we were growing

like any other class,” said Boyer. PLTW is a four-year engineering program which teaches students what being an engineer is like, before they go to college. Boyer’s interest in Sean Boyer PLTW took Photo: Maya White flight as he was asked to up we wanted to have the give a presentation about the same business when we be- program to Broughal and East came adults. We heard about Hills Middle School during a new program called Project their orientation nights. Lead the Way. So, we both After doing that, he took a signed up for the program and lead role in the organization we started freshman year, first and started working more semester. The course is really closely with Mrs. Roscher and great to go through, it isn’t his fellow classmates on vari-

Paying overdue class dues Money goes to making high school more enjoyable By Maya White The Freedom Forum

Everyone has heard the traditional assembly presentations pleading the students to pay their class dues. Year after year, the class advisors try to convey to the students the importance of paying the money early. So, where does the money go and why is it needed? “Anything we do for senior year- if we want to have breakfast, that is paid for with the class dues. They cover your cap and gown, down payments for the prom and it covers all the hallway decorating,” said Ms. Nora Borger, junior class advisor. A total of $40, the equivalent of $10 per year for 4 years of school, is the amount required to pay dues. Many students choose to pay this fee at the last minute,

sometimes even just before graduation as seniors. Those who do not contribute are not permitted to attend prom or the senior breakfast held every spring. “They are really important. People tend to wait to pay them and then it makes it difficult to buy decorations for the prom because juniors are the one who hold the prom. It makes it very difficult for us to get decorations we might want if everybody waits until their senior year,” said Ms. Borger. Paying early has its benefits; freshmen and sophomores who do not yet have jobs may still be able to ask their parents for help. However, as students approach junior and senior year, “They have a job, so usually they end up having to pay the dues out of their own pocket,” said Mrs. Peg Steckel,

junior class advisor. The money is necessary to pay for events that make high school--high school. These events may seem a far distant future for underclassmen. Many might feel as though they are so many years away from graduating, that the idea of paying class dues does not even apply to them. But, this idea is not accurate. “It’s just like a bank--the sooner they pay their dues, the more money we have in the bank in their freshmen and sophomore years that actually earns interest for their senior year--for when we’re actually paying for prom and for graduation,” said Mrs. Steckel. So, regardless of your grade, pay your dues! Get it out of the way and help contribute to the success of your class.

The $40 required to pay your class dues Photo: Maya White

ous projects after school. club. He and his team work as They even started writing mentors for freshmen students grants in order to secure new helping them to enter competechnology. titions and to volunteer in the “I decided at the end of the Bethlehem Area School Disyear that I really enjoyed trict,” said Mrs. Roscher. working on these projects, so Upon entering the room Ena group of my friends and I gineering club is held in after decided to start this engineer- school, it is apparent that the ing club, which gives kids of students all have a desire to be all grades a chance to work on there. The teamwork is evithese projects after school,” said Boyer. Enthusiastic and passionate about these programs, many more great things can be expected as a result of Sean’s hard work and dedication. Project Lead The Way Poster Photo: Maya White “As president, he develops weekly ideas and assists oth- dent even from the doorway. ers students in creating pro- “It’s just different. It’s really jects. Sean has more than 40 awesome,” said Boyer. students a week attend his

Will Freedom win $100K? FHS in Celebrate My Drive Competition By TJ Schaeffer The Freedom Forum

This year, the Freedom High School Theatre Company (FHSTC) and the Students Against Destructive Decisions Club (SADD) are run by Ms. Jennifer Wescoe, the drama teacher here at Freedom High School. Every year, State Farm gives out a $100,000 grant to 11 large schools and 11 small schools all across the nation. After some consideration, Freedom wanted to get right into the race for the check. In order to be eligible for the grant, the FHSTC/ SADD would have to create a video that displays school spirit and incorporates the “theme” that State Farm chooses. The schools that win must put at least 22% of the money towards the theme, which this year was “Driver Safety.” “If we receive the grant, we will be going to all 16 BASD Elementary Schools with our ‘Super Improver Safety Squad’ to plant the seed of safe driving to young children and be able to support

other Freedom clubs with funds,” said Frankie Augello, senior. The first cuts took place on November 2nd-4th, as State Farm will choose the top 50 small schools and top 50 large schools, with Freedom making the cut. The second round of voting, which will take place the week of November 9th-11th, comes from the voters. They will vote, making the total drop to just 11 small and 11 large schools.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

“It’s all about trying to make our community a safer place for people of all ages. That to me, as well as others in our school, think it is a powerful message that we feel needs to be spread around,” said Shaun McNulty, sophomore. [Editor’s note: This should be announced close to the distribution of this issue.]

November 2015

9 Pates’ Post

The Forum

Anti-Bullying Poster & Video Contest Results By Karla Erdman Adviser

The Freedom Forum would like to announce the winners of October's Anti-Bullying Poster and Video Contest. The winner of the poster contest is Scott Rader. Rader is a senior in the English 12 honors online course at FHS. His poster was hung at Spring Garden Elementary School in the Bethlehem Area School District in order to bring awareness to bullying to the children. “This project focused on the aspect of bullying and major facts that most do not know about it. I personally feel that bullying is an extremely horrible thing to go through, as many people including myself

were bullied. What I have to say to the victims is to stay strong! It gets better,” said Rader. The winner of the video contest is Ally Berndt. Berndt is a senior in the English 12 honors online course at FHS. Scan the QR code below in order to view her video. “Now that we are all in high school, it is time for us to realize bullying does not make us better than anyone else. It only exhibits the lack of self confidence a person has, and their need to bring others in order for them to feel better about themselves. You never know what type of day someone is having, and how your words or actions will effect them,” said Berndt.

Winning video created by Ally Berndt Screenshot by: Karla Erdman

Scan QR Code to watch the winning video Winning poster created by Scott Rader Screenshot by: Karla Erdman

Presidential Hopefuls Voting Results

Will Sanders or Carson be the next U.S. President? Only time will tell. Poll conducted in the October issue resulted in 171 voters. Results show Sanders and Carson as the preferable candidates.

Democrat Results

Republican Results

Bernie Sanders Photo: wikimedia

Dr. Benjamin Carson Photo: wikimedia

10 Entertainment

November 2015

The Forum

Sweeping America off its feet The new hover board/Segway By Josiah Soto The Freedom Forum

Every now and then, a new invention emerges from the mist, and takes the world by storm, and currently, that invention is known as the hover board. A hover board is basically a hands-free Segway, in which there are two wheels and a body, but with no handle bar. Hover boards are fairly simple to maneuver. To use a hover board, all you have to do is stand on it, lean forward to accelerate, lean backward to move in reverse, put a bit more force on your left leg to turn left, and put more pressure on your right leg to turn right, vise versa for the left leg. Hover boards have been receiving an abundance of popularity recently. A variety of different celebrities have been spotted riding them, such as Justin Bieber, Jennifer Lopez, Wiz Khalifa, and Jamie Foxx. It is safe to say, due to all the

Picture of the new hover board Photo: Flickr

media buzz, your average teenager is going to want to jump on the hover board bandwagon. “I didn’t know much about them until recently, but I real-

ly want one now because they seem really cool,” Meagan Ryer, senior. However, not all reviews about the hover board are positive ones.

expensive. According to, hover boards range from the hefty amount of $1,200 to $300. That is pretty heavy on the wallet for someone with a budget. This has also attributed to the amount of negative reviews for the hover board. “I don’t know who would want to buy a hover board when they’re that expensive. Hover boards are a neat idea, but a ridiculous amount of money,” Tahlia Suggs, senior. In the end, hover boards have basically stolen the show, captivating people all around the world. People seem to love the idea of not having to move their own feet in order to get around. However, whether one wants to spend the immense amount of money in order to buy one is totally up to them.

“Hover boards are basically bicycles without handlebars. I don’t really see what is so special about them,” said Calvin Ho, senior. Also, hover boards are quite

“The Running Dream” Book Review An inspirational book that proves to you that anything can happen if you set your mind to it By Aliana Davis Journalism Student Imagine having your bus get hit as you are returning from a sporting event. Well, that is what happens to the character Jessica in the exciting novel “The Running Dream,” by Wendelin Van Draanen. Jessica wakes up from surgery after a car hits the bus that she was on when she was on the way back from a track meet. She does not know what is going on, but she notices that one of her legs is missing. The first thing that comes to her mind is how is, “How am I ever going to be able to run again with only one leg?” The only thing on her mind

is running because that is it. what she loves to do. Jessica hears about Jessica’s stump heals quickthe River Run, ly. Then she returns to school which is a 10-mile in a wheelchair, the math race, and right away teacher assigns Jessica to a Jessica challenges seat next to another girl in a herself to do it, but wheelchair named Rosa, who not just by herself. she would not normally sit by She decides to run or become friends with. Howwhile pushing her ever, Jessica realizes that Rofriend Rosa in the sa is not all that bad, and she wheelchair for the becomes more accepting of whole 10 miles. The her handicap. question is, Does Once Jessica is fitted for a Jessica make it prosthetic leg, she begins through the whole Book cover of “The Running Dream” walking in it. Being fit and run? Or are there Photo: Scholastic healthy makes it better and other obstacles in her easier for her to learn faster. way?” Jessica’s track coach tells her Jessica can get one. The team Read “The Running Dream” about a running leg, so her raises enough money, so Jes- to find out more. team decides to fundraise, so sica can practice everyday on This book gets a five out of

five star rating because it is a great book that will inspire people with the same problem that they can do anything if they are committed and keep their mind to it. The most important message of the book is to never give up on what is important. When something bad happens, just know that things will get better. Even though it seems cliché, everything happens for a reason. This book also has high ratings on and a majority of the comments say that this book moved people’s hearts. Maybe “The Running Dream” by Wendelin Van Draanen will move your heart, too.

By Kyah Smith Journalism Student

“Cold Creek Manor,” directed by Mike Figgis, stars Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone, Kristen Stewart, Ryan Wilson, and Stephen Dorff, is a movie not to miss. New York natives, Cooper Tilson (Quaid), his wife Leah (Stone), and their two children, Kristen (Stewart) and Jesse (Wilson), leave the city

for rural life. The family moves into a worn-down mansion that is still littered with the belongings of the previous owners. The mansion, Cold Creek Manor, was once an opulent and beautiful property. As the Tilson family begins turning the house into their dream home, the previous owner, Dale Massie (Dorff), shows up. This is where the action

heats up. A chain of frightening events lead them on a suspenseful quest for hints into the dark past of Cold Creek Manor. The movie is suspenseful and entertaining. The acting was intriguing, and it had an interesting plot, which is sure to entertain all audiences. On Rotten Tomatoes, an online review site, the reviewers described “Cold Creek Manor”

as cliché and boring. However, I found the film thrilling and enjoyable. “I think Kristian Stewart is a good actress for this role because she is more quiet and weird which makes her fit into spooky movies perfectly,” said Aliana Davis, sophomore.

Photo: Amazon

Moving to “Cold Creek Manor”

November 2015

The Forum

11 Entertainment

Who was born in November? Check out who is celebrating a birthday this month! By Linda Mao The Freedom Forum

Everyone has a birthday, it is just a matter of when. The following people have their birthdays in the month of November. On November 3, the reality TV star and model, Kendall Jenner, celebrates her 20th birthday. The award-winning actor, Matthew McConaughey, celebrates his 46th birthday on November 4th.

On the 6th, Emma Stone and Lamar Odom share a birthday. Popular YouTuber Bethany Mota celebrates her 20th birthday on November 7. Also on November 7, Grammywinning singer, Lorde turns 19 years old. The star of the long-running hit TV series of Grey’s Anatomy, Ellen Pompeo, turns 46 on November 10. The leading actor in Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio, turns 41 on the 11th. On November 12, the actors

Ryan Gosling and Anne Hathaway were born. November 13 is a common birthday for comedians! Whoopi Goldberg and Jimmy Kimmel both celebrate their birthday on this day. Shailene Woodley, star of ABC’s “Secret Life of the American Teenager”, turns 24 on November 14. Rachel McAdams, who played leading roles in iconic movies such as “The Notebook” and “Mean Girls”, was born on November 17.

Colleen Ballinger, or more commonly known by her stage name, Miranda Sings, celebrates her birthday on November 21. Musician and actress Miley Cyrus turns 23 on November 23. Sarah Hyland, who is an actress on “Modern Family”, becomes 25 on November 24. On November 27, the renowned kung-fu master Bruce Lee was born. Bill Nye, of the educational TV show Bill Nye the Science Guy, also celebrates his birthday on the same day.

Photo: Linda Mao

Falling into great clothes Fashion Do’s and Don'ts By Keila Lopez Journalism Student

This year, girls and boys have been keeping up with their seasonal fashion. Lately, females are bringing out their boots, scarves, and cardigans for the cooler weather. In recent color themes, it has been the usual orange, red, and brown. However, people are taking an interest in darker colors like black, grey, and darker shades of green, purple, blue, and everyone's favorite, burgundy. If you just so happen to be wearing neon bright colors, you might just get stared at, so please take into consideration as to not wearing it.

The color burgundy is playing a huge role this year in fall fashion. From scarves, cardigans, hats, knee high socks, leggings, and even shoes, burgundy has been spotted everywhere this season. That is not the only thing that is hot this season. Flannels are also popular. Whether worn, or tied around your waist, flannels cannot be beat. Even though we all love flannels, sometimes people do not seem to know how to quite pull it off with the proper undershirt or accessories. Make sure that the color of the flannel matches with whatever else you are wear-

ing. For instance, a green flannel does not go with a red tank top, unless you want to look like a Christmas tree. While most of us look forward to fall and its fashion, it is unfortunately coming to an end. Therefore, winter is soon to take its course. This year, the winter category is faded colors of mostly pink, cream, red, grey, and blue. Even a splash of black will be expected. Soon, the ladies will be bringing out their knee highs or Ugg boots. Also, look forward to seeing cute winter sweaters, scarves, and hats that are to be worn. Although cute sweaters are the bomb, try not to wear one

with giant cotton balls all over Just remember, dress weather the place, or overdo the whole appropriate and fashionable. “Christmas” theme. On another note, if you are going to wear leggings with a specific design, again, please take note to if it matches or not with whatever else you are wearing. You do not want people to get dizzy looking at your clothes. For instance, pink floral leggings do in fact go with black or brown boots and a white shirt. However, pairing pink floral leggings with a blue cardigan is a fashion faux pas. All around, this should L-R: Sahitya Mandalapu and Aliana Davis display fall fashion be a very fashionable year. Photo: Keila Lopez

Starting Christmas too early? Stores more prepared for the start of the Christmas season By Hayley Guzzo The Freedom Forum

Christmas is approaching and stores are stocked with creative decorations for the this special holiday. Stores like Walgreens are known for getting ahead and stocking their shelves Remember you can shop online on with the holiday deco- Black Friday, too. Photo: rations before anyone else. However, many are wondering if we are starting the Christmas sea- just seems to be skipping right son too early. to Christmas. Some of us might be forgetOn the other hand, many ting about the holiday be- people like to start shopping tween Halloween and Christ- early before the December mas, known as Thanksgiving. chaos begins. It is a time to spend with Black Friday is one of the family and to be thankful for biggest shopping days of the everything we have in our year, where places like Tarlives. Unfortunately, everyone get, Best Buy, and Walmart

usually are ahead with of everyone else with the hottest gifts for amazing deals. The downside to all of this is that every year Black Friday seems to be starting earlier. For some, the new Thanksgiving tradition is eating their dinner and rushing out the door to catch the deals early. Some stores have been opening on Thanksgiving night. Many are not pleased about this whole subject. "People shouldn't rush anything," said Amanda Large, sophomore. People seem to be forgetting the true spirit of the holiday season and are just worried about making money and getting a better gift than someone else. Obviously, many can agree that children are not too confrontational about the holiday

season starting as early as October. However, there is no reason to rush anything. Christmas comes and goes so fast, and that might be what people are forgetting about this wonderful holiday. "I think basically it's what's tradition in the family," said Rebecca Packo, sophomore. It is true that Christmas decorations line the shelves at TJ families have cer- Maxx tain traditions that Photo: Hayley Guzzo they have had for many years and there is no reason why they candy to giving out gifts eishould be broken. However, ther. As some may say on nobody is saying that we Christmas morning, it will be should go from handing out worth the wait.

November 2015

12 Sports

The Forum

Diving into the new swim season Looking at the new season for the FHS swim team By Kevin McNulty Journalism Student

The swim team had a good season last year with both boys and girls combining for an overall record of 20-6, but graduation proved to be tough with the program losing many impactful swimmers. The girls swim team went 11-2 and managed to put together a very successful season. With the boys team coming off a 94 record they are looking build upon last year. But this will no be an easy task due to the fact that they will have to look to improve with a much younger team. This year’s team is full of athletes who are just starting their competitive swimming careers and will be looking to keep the program rolling. “As far as performance in the league, district and state level it isn’t realistic that we

can improve upon last year. We lost all of our District individual champions and individual state qualifiers to graduation. We have many newcomers to the program that have never competed in swimming before and they appear to be excited to start their swimming careers, so assuming they stick with it, we will be building potential for future years,” said Jon Larson, swim coach. Like every other sport there is always preparation and hard work that goes into training for the following season. For swimming, each individual swimmer is counted on to get the necessary training they need for the season and they do this by swimming all year long for club teams that are offered all throughout the Lehigh Valley. But Freedom has many multi-sport athletes

who do not have the time to year round swimming. “ Most of the swimmers, who are at the top of the District, have chosen swimming as their only sport and have been training in the pool and weight rooms since early September, said Larson. “At Freedom, we have many multi-sport athletes and because we have had a relatively small team in the past few years, we have the need and the room to work with athletes who are involved in other sports and activities outside year-round swimming.” Due to last year’s graduation, many seniors have moved on. Along with the loss of the talent, the team lost another significant aspect, leadership. Many of this year’s swimmers are entering their first years in competitive swimming, so it will definite-

ly be challenging to gain the leadership that left with the class of 2015. “We lost a lot of top competitors to graduation and there is no way to instantly replace the ones that placed in the top 8 in the state including one state champion and a runnerup. We graduated a huge class last year, so it’s not only the points from the superstar senior we will miss, but we will also miss the leadership qualities that all the Seniors provided last year. With that said, we have a great group of

new upperclassmen that are able and want to step up into leadership roles,” said Larson. With the swim team working to overcome things like leadership and lack of experience, they will look to start to rebuild and look to build the program back up to what it has been in the past years. They are certainly capable of winning a lot of meets if the new and older swimmers can step up.

Previewing the upcoming FHS basketball teams By Roland Cash The Freedom Forum

Boys Basketball After having a very subpar season last year, Freedom boys’ basketball team is looking to have a big bounce back season. Freedom has many inexperienced players returning this season, as many of them have yet to see time on varsity. Despite this inexperience, the team still has a core of experienced players. Returning this year are Nick King (junior), Najee Cash (senior), Jason Hall (junior), Jose Rivera (senior), Deavon Quick (junior), and Kharory Smith (senior). As a sophomore last year, King lead the team in scoring with 200 points and 71 field goals made. King is looking to step up it up to another level

2014-2015 Basketball Season

this year by being a leader on and off the court. On top of that he plans to do anything in his power to help lead Freedom to wins and possibly even league and district playoffs. “I feel like we will have a decent season this year because we have a lot of young guys coming in,” said King. After his third year on varsity, Cash now has experience and will be looking to win it all in his last year. Though not posting the most impressive stats last year, Cash is looking to forget about all that and start the new season fresh. Cash will need to be a captain and step up if Freedom is going to have success. “As a senior, I have to listen to the players and understand them, in order to help them,” said Cash. After the fall season, Gundrum will be catching basketballs instead of footballs. Gundrum played basketball as a freshman and sophomore, but took a year off junior year. Coming back this year, he feels confident in himself and is ready to dominate this season. “After a year off, I feel confident and believe it is going to be a good season,” said Gundrum. Will this be the season where Freedom is going to take it up a notch? Will the seniors lead the team to success or will the lack of experience be too much? The boys’ basketball team has a lot of areas they can improve, but

Photo: Christmas City Studios

confidence and heart will help this Mims. team win games. A lot of underclassmen do not do as good when they first start playing varsity, but Silfies was different. She had Girls’ Basketball an impressive season last year leading After going 6-16 last season and not her team in almost every possible staqualifying for the district 11 playoffs tistic. As a freshman last season, Silfor the first time since the 09-10 sea- fies had a total of 179 points despite son, Freedom’s girls’ basketball will being nervous about being one of the look to shake it up this season and youngest players on the team. As an come back strong. underclassmen, Silfies is looking to New head coach Dean Reiman, a become a leader with the help of former coach at Palisades High Coach Reiman and her teammates. School, is looking to start a new era “I could be one of the leaders on this for the Freedom girls’ basketball team because I have high expectations team. for myself,” said Silfies. Additionally, transfer from Bethle- Having a lot of underclassmen comhem Catholic High School (Becahi) ing in is going to be a big test for the Nia Mims (senior) is looking to start a girls basketball team for this upcomnew chapter in her high school basket- ing season. But having a transfer playball career. er, a new coach, and returning players The team also has returning players from last season can make this season from last year that include Mackenzie a huge success. Herman (junior), Jaiden Coyne (junior), Hailey Silfies (sophomore), and Kyra Jefferson (sophomore). With a new coach and a new system, Coyne is looking to be a big factor on a new and different styled Patriots basketball team. Last season, Coyne had a total of 54 points and 14 field goals made. She will be looking to step it up to another level this year by becoming a leader and core piece of the team. “It is important to be a leader because we have a lot of underclassmen coming in,” said Coyne. Going to the state playoffs with her old team at Becahi, Mims is now a Freedom patriot and looking to help out with this young and aggressive team. Mims played three good years on varsity at Bechai and is hoping to see it translate over to Freedom. “It going to be a different atmosphere here at Freedom because I am used Photo: Jordan Jones being on a number one team,” said

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