FHS Forum November 2019

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November 2019

Volume 53, Issue 2

The Freedom High School Debate Team, currently in first place, practices using their new Chromebooks.

Chrome Collects Criticism Bethlehem Area School District gives all upperclassmen Chromebooks Isabella Scipioni Co-Editor-in-Chief Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) recently decided to expand its “Empower” initiative by giving personal Chromebooks to all upperclassmen students at Freedom and Liberty High Schools. FHS seniors received Chromebooks from the district’s previous inventory and juniors received new Lenovo Chrome-books, the same model that the underclassmen received at the beginning of the year. So far, the response from upperclassmen has been mixed. “I’m not honestly a fan of them, but I understand how they could be useful for some students who don’t have them,” said Gabby Book, senior. The controversy lies in the delayed decision to distribute the Chromebooks. At the beginning of the year, the district distributed new Chromebooks to all 8th, 9th,

and 10th graders with the intention of students keeping the same laptop until graduation, giving all high school students a personal laptop within two years. As explained by Mrs. Laurie Sage, FHS Assistant Principal, the district discovered that it had enough extra room in the budget and computers in their personal inventory for all students to receive a laptop this year. “The decision was made that we could move quicker than we thought and get everyone a laptop sooner,” said Mrs. Sage. Some seniors also believe that carrying around and charging the laptops everyday is inconvenient since most have either their own devices or some form of computer access from home. Another concern is that seniors are getting laptops from the school’s existing inventory and not updated models like the rest of the school. “Realistically the seniors will graduate in six months. Since the

juniors and underclassmen will be here longer, they will get the updated Chromebooks,” said Mrs. Sage. Since students will keep the same laptop throughout high school, administrators distributed older models to senior students in hopes of computers given to underclassmen lasting longer. It is not clear yet what students will do with the laptops after graduation. Despite the concerns of the senior class, most reactions from the rest of the student body have been positive. “I like them even if they are limited in capabilities because I don’t have a laptop at home, and I can do all my school work with the same resources I have at school,” said Abby Stocker, senior. Criticisms aside, BASD is excited about the new initiative and predicts that it could greatly improve the academics of many students. “This is going to change lives for the better,” said Mrs. Sage.

Photo: Isabella Scipioni

Jeff Frank What are you going to do over Thanksgiving break?

“I’m going to hang out with my cousins and eat a lot of food.” Campbell Graney Senior

“Cook for my children and my grandchild.” Pierre Morgan Security Guard

A new way to navigate our safety

Meet the Editors

Letter of Recommendation

Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday

How to keep the chill away

The new safety app

Inside the Freedom Forum

Why books still have purpose

Which is the better deal?

How to stay active in winter

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.FHSForum.com - @FHSForum

Celebrating over 50 years of serving the Freedom community

2 News

November 2019

The Forum

Celebrating Veterans’ Day

A look into the country’s history Dylan Cardenas Journalism student What is Armistice Day? Armistice Day is the original name of the nationally known holiday, Veterans Day. This holiday is celebrated on November 11, the day after the anniversary of WW1. This day was created in order to honor those who were victims of wars. Armistice Day was replaced by Veterans Day in 1954 and is not to be confused with Memorial Day. While Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving. During Veterans Day, people from all around the world take time to honor those in wars who may suffer from PTSD, loss of body parts, or veterans who may simply live life normally. Many veterans do not have to be on the field to be honored.

Among these veterans are Mr. Lynn, who has never seen the battlefield first hand. “I was never in war. I was teaching

The American flag Photo: George Bannister

people what to do in a war-like setting,” said Mr. Lynn, teacher. In the course of Veterans Day even government offices close in respect to U.S. veterans. On Veterans Day, many stores discount their items for veterans or hand it out to them for free. World War II veteran Raymond Weeks had the idea to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans rather than just those who died in World War I. He was honored by President Reagan with the Presidential Citizenship Medal. Weeks was also named the “Father of Veterans Day” by Elizabeth Dole. Though the holiday is currently and was originally celebrated on November 11, the day was moved to the fourth Monday of October in 1971 due to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act; however, it was changed back to its original date in 1978. Woodrow Wilson had a big part in the creation of Veterans Day. "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with lots

of pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations." - Woodrow Wilson. On Saturday, for the annual Veterans Day National Ceremony, at exactly 11:00 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month, a wreath will be laid at Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. For any high school students who are thinking about enlisting into the armed forces, there are major transitions that they need to be able to adapt to in order to be successful. “One of the hardest things to overcome on the field is a cultural shift, or going from formal army to high school, from going to formal miltary walking to high school hallways with rowdy kids,” said Mr. Lynn.

American Education Week approaches A closer look at the week-long observance Lucas Hicks Journalism student It is almost that time of the year; when schools across America celebrate American Education Week. American Education Week is where Americans all over the country are given the opportunity to celebrate public education. As well as this, it honors individuals that help make a difference in a student’s life. American Education Week starts on Monday, November 18, and ends on Friday, November 22. Each day of American Education Week has its own unique theme based on the parts that make education great and effective. The first day is Kickoff Day, where schools celebrate the excellence of education by hosting kickoff events and themed activities. The second day is Parent Day, which allows parents to join their kids in the classroom for an entire school day in order to experience what it is like for students. The third day is Education Support Professionals Day. This day is dedicated to the professionals that help keep schools safe and learning ready. The

of the students. Finally, there is Substitute Educators Day, where appreciation is shown towards substitute teachers, who play a vital role in daily education. While the chosen days for this week are very top-notch for representing American education, some teachers came up with their own ideas for days. “I would want to make it about my students and I would want them to feel okay to express what they think their education should look like, and what they want to get out of it, and how they would change things to make them better,” said Ms. Kostalis, an English teacher. “I would make it ‘Shadow an A positive relationship between teacher and student is imAdministrator Day.’ Then I would make perative to effective learning, and American Education administrators shadow teachers and I would Week’s goal is to help emphasize that. Photo: Karla Erdman make teachers shadow administrators for the day so that we can both live in each fourth day is “Educator for a Day” where multiple other’s worlds,” said Ms. Sage, a Bethlehem Area community leaders will experience what it is like to School District administrator. be a teacher and learn how to provide for the needs

Navigating school safety with tech How Navigate is changing BASD Alexis Swoyer Journalism Student The Bethlehem Area School District has switched its ways with the safety of the students, like fire drills, and lockdowns. The new program is called Navigate, which is an app that is downloaded on staff cellphones, or it could be accessed as a website on a computer. The program is a way for teachers to track where their students are, or if another staff member has a student. “It is attendance in real time, seeing students names and being able to check their names is a lot easier than using paper and pencil,” said Laurie Sage, Assistant Principal. With the old system, teachers had to bring out a piece of paper with a pen or pencil to write their attendance, and wait till an administrator came around to take the paper. With the new app, teachers can check off the students’ names and it is sent to the administrators automatically so they can see if all students are present. Navigate is not just for Freedom High School, the Head of Safety, Todd Repsher had made this system throughout all the schools in the district. Once the application clears the test run, next year Navigate will be mandatory for every school in the district. It

is also a way to stay connected with our IU students. “If we aren’t in school the day something happens, another teacher can do the attendance for that class, you can find any class and their rosters. It is a little time consuming but nothing too bad,” said Lindsay Wieand, English teacher. With Navigate, schools have many different drills provided. If there is a lockdown, or a fire, you could use Navigate to keep track of all of your students. If a staff member is outside of the building, for a fire you will still be able to use the app or the website, “The only inconveniences with Navigate are if the wifi is super slow it could be hard to get onto the app. Also some staff members might not have phones that you can download apps on. If your phone isn’t working you could use the website on a laptop but it is harder to use,” said Mrs. Wieand. Teachers are preferring this new program over the old one we used to use. Since Navigate is so easy and quick to use, it is a safer way to find attendance in real emergencies. If there was ever a lock down teachers could place who they have with them, even if it is not their own student. “It is easier to see who is missing right away, teachers and other staff members can also send messages to each other through the app. So, if something happens in a part of the school, other teachers can communicate where the problem area

is,” said Ms. Sage Hopefully this new system stays in the district, since it is very effective in every aspect. It can take a lot of stress off the backs of the staff knowing they can see who is missing instantly.

Screenshot of Navigate Home screen

Photo: Karla Erdman

November 2019

The Forum

3 Editorials

Shooting for a great season

Hunting seasons begins Nizaya Rivera Journalism student

Pistols, rifles, barrels, and arrows. Hunting Season is on its way, and hunters are full of exhilaration and anticipation for all of the potential games in the area. Hunting takes a lot of skills. If a hunter shoots an animal, depending on where the shot lands, the penetration of the bullet should take down the animal in a certain amount of time. So, get ready. Besides a gun and ammunition, other equipment needed to be ready for this year's season includes animal callers, binoculars, and GPS. Those are some typical items, but there are many more hunting paraphernalia that one could purchase. There are different recommended colors of clothes when going hunting for deer it is recommended to wear clothes that have 500 square inches of orange. Although before hunters step into the woods to hunt, they need to have your hunters license, an ID, and other requirements. The youngest age to obtain a

hunting license is 12, but these young hunters must be accompanied by a licensed adult to acquire their own hunting license. In Pennsylvania, “first-time hunters must successfully complete a huntertrapper education course, 12-16-yearolds or junior license holders must be accompanied by an adult,” according to Got Hunts, a blogging website that features and posts hunter’s experiences. It is possible for hunters to go hunt on Sundays in Pennsylvania, which is one of half a dozen states that can go and hunt on Sundays. “The benefits of hunting sports are that they provide exercise, social and emotional health benefits, and a nutritious, low-fat protein,” said Michigan State University. Although, Peta has their own thoughts about hunting “quick kills are rare, and many animals suffer prolonged, painful deaths when hunters severely injure but fail to kill them,” reported Peta, an animal rights organization. The six animals people can expect to hunt year-round are “woodchucks, coyotes, crows,

opossums, striped skunks, and weight, you need to increase the weasels,” according to the NewsMax number of calories that you take in. website. This will help you to compensate for “A person hunting raccoons, skunks, the increased calories burned,” opossums, bobcats, weasels, foxes and recommended by Archery Topic, a coyotes on foot may website that offers great use a handheld light, advice for inexperienced including a gunor first-time hunters. mounted light. Archery Topics also Furbearer hunters still states that jerky is the best may not use a snack to bring while flashlight or spotlight hunting because “jerky that projects a laser will give you a supply of light beam, though,” fat and protein for more according to the energy. It contains 90 General Hunting calories per ounce and is Regulations website. easy to carry in a Depending on how backpack.” many hours hunters From all of the are in the field, it is information available on essential for them to hunting, it definitely pack nutritious foods “Hunting Season” poster seems like an amusing in order to stay on top of Photo: IMDb and gratifying experience their game. that people should “Hunters may not realize that when consider at least once. Hunting season out in the field, they burn more is a great opportunity for friends and calories than usual. Backpacking into family to get together to enjoy each remote locations over hilly terrain can other’s company while working give you a good workout. In order to together to catch their next prize. avoid getting easily fatigued or losing

Digitally Decorating the Progression of CGI said Ethan Davies, a film enthusiast CGI has progressed dramatically throughout the Glenn Funderburk years. What used to be an indescribable series of Journalism student rectangles has become entire landscapes, creatures, and tools that are all generated inside a computer. CGI, or Computer Generated Image, has been a Ever since its inception CGI has given creators a staple of most mainstream movies for several whole new level of creative potential. decades. The first movie featuring CGI was called “Westworld” in 1973. Fast forward to 2019 and “Avengers: Endgame” is the top-grossing movie of all time, making $2.796 billion. In the behind the scenes pictures of the movie you can see that the sets almost always have a green screen and some of the actors aren’t even wearing full costumes. This is because the directors, Anthony and Joe Russo, took no chances of a spoiler for the movie being leaked. They decided to take advantage of Marvel Studio’s immense budget and used CGI so that not even the actors knew what was going on. While some people weren’t convinced, many believed that practical Behind the scenes with CGI in effects were used much more than they actually “Avengers: Endgame” were. This was further seen in Marvel’s next movie Photo: Insider “Spider-Man: Far From Home” in which the team went as far as making a few props entirely CGI. A perfect example of this progression is “The “A couple of decades ago they introduced more Terminator” movies, with only a seven-year gap CGI and green screen, nowadays movies like between the two movies, they are leagues apart in “Avengers: Endgame” are close to animated movies terms of CGI quality. In many ways “Terminator 2” because almost everything is computer generated,” can still rival many movies made today. CGI’s road to enhancement

With computer-generated worlds becoming more and more prominent it begs the question: will practical effects become obsolete? Will all movies just be created in a computer room? Here is one student’s opinion. “Well, no matter how good CGI becomes it will always become dated by new effects, while historically practical effects still hold up. Even some movies today such as “Aladdin” (2019) and “Detective Pikachu” (2019) have unconvincing CGI. When movies use more and more CGI it makes the effects less convincing and more noticeable,” said Ethan Davies, senior.

CGI in “Terminator 2” Screenshot: Glenn Funderburk

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue

Meet the Editors Dymea Schippers Class of 2020, Co-Editor-in-Chief and Center Spread Editor

Bethlehem PA, 18020


Editors-in-Chief Dymea Schippers Isabella Scipioni News Editor Samantha Covera Editorial Editor Sarah Healy Pates’ Post Editor

Entertainment Editor Carly Grozier Center Spread Editors Dymea Schippers Isabella Scipioni Sports Editors TBA Advisor Mrs. Karla Erdman

Isabella Scipioni Class of 2020, Co-Editor-in-Chief and Center Spread Editor

Dymea Schippers has been on the newspaper since her freshman year. Last year, she was a staff writer and editor of the Entertainment section. Outside of the Freedom Forum, she is also a captain of the Freedom girls’ tennis team. Aside from school extracurricular activities, Dymea participates in martial arts tournaments and volunteers at the hospital. She is planning on majoring in artificial intelligence and computer programming at Penn State University.

(610) 867-5843

Anna Isbell

November 2019

The Forum

Sarah Healy Class of 2020, Editorial Editor

Samantha Corvera Class of 2021, News Editor Sarah has been on the newspaper since her sophomore year. This is her first year as an editor. Sarah is also a captain for BASD MiniTHON, secretary of the National Honor Society, and field hockey captain for her junior and senior year. Sarah loves to volunteer and spend time with her family and friends. In the future, she would like to become a Physician Assistant.

Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website!

@fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

Isabella has been on the newspaper since her sophomore year. She has also been a staff writer and News Editor over the past two years. Isabella is also a member of the Debate Team, BASD Mini-THON, and National Honor Society. Outside of school, Isabella also works at Country Meadows and her parents’ restaurant, Bruno Scipioni’s. She is planning on majoring in political science next year.

Anna Isbell Class of 2021, Pates’ Post Editor

Samantha Corvera is a junior at Freedom and is the news editor for The Freedom Forum. Samantha has been a journalism student for two years and enjoys writing articles, taping for the newscast, and doing all other journalism activities. Her love for writing began at a young age and plans on pursuing a journalism major in college. Samantha also enjoys music and dance.

Carly Grozier Class of 2021, Entertainment Editor

Anna has been a journalism student for two years. Outside of journalism, she is a student reporter for D11 sports and a journalist for The Bethlehem Press. She is also an active player of the tennis team who just completed her second season. Outside of school, she has been acting for 6 years and works with her acting coach in New York. She was also a lifeguard this past summer as a seasonal job. After high school, she plans on going to a four year college or university for broadcast journalism and radio television.

Carly has been a Journalism student for two years. This is her first year as an editor for the Freedom Forum. Outside of the Freedom Forum, she also writes for D11 sports. In her spare time she enjoys hanging out with her friends and going on spontaneous adventures. She found her love for the entertainment industry through watching and making videos since she was young.

The Best of Spirit Week

Mr. Miller before the pep rally Source: Karla Erdman

Mrs. Erdman’s Journalism class Photo: Karla Erdman

Alexis Swoyer and Ms. Giercyk Source: Alexis Swoyer

L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Ms. Laurie Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, Mr. William Cecchini Decorations from the Junior class hallway Photo: Christmas City Studios

Source: Nathan Mikulski

Misty girl getting into the Halloween spirit Source: Karla Erdman

Samantha Corvera and Mr. Black Source: Samantha Corvera

November 2019

Editorials 5

The Forum

E-waste is an electronic epidemic

Electronic waste offers an economic toxicity Dymea Schippers Co-Editor-in-Chief

With over 5.5 billion smartphones in use across the world today, it is no wonder why the electronic companies are booming, but at what cost? Although modern technology presents many benefits to society, it also contributes to the world’s fastest growing trash stream: electronic waste, or more commonly referred to as e-waste. Electronic waste is a concoction of mercury, lead, and other toxic substances, but may also contain valuable elements such as gold, silver, and copper from phones and laptops. Despite these materials, only 20 percent of the world’s e-waste is collected and delivered to formal recyclers. So, where is the rest of the 80 percent being released to? It is left up to the consumers to dispose of their devices properly. Although many people have taken their electronics to a stores such as Apple, which allows customers to trade in eligible devices for gift cards, most consumers opt out of this practice and

simply toss them in the bin; however, one of the most chemical components in a majority of smartphones is the lithium battery, which can be extremely detrimental to the ecosystem if they are not disposed of properly. “I had two phones and for my first phone, I had an iPhone 6s which I threw it into the fire,” said Justin Moritz, senior. The United States is the only developed country that has no national laws for managing e-waste and leaves the issue entirely up to the states. By contrast, the European Union (EU) has some of the strictest e -waste enforcement regulations in the world, from banning exports to developing countries and compelling manufacturers to help fund recycling. “Since the United States is one of the biggest manufacturers when it comes to technology, it should develop laws to protect the environment against e-waste rather than leaving it up to the states,” said Alyssa Sena, senior. The magnitude of used electronics shipped to developing countries are meant to replenish the older devices and help bridge the world’s digital

divide; however, the cloak of “reuse and repair” is often used to hide illegal exports of electronic waste.

The amount of E-waste generated worldwide from 2010 -2018 Graph: Dymea Schippers

Seatbelt safety check

Creating a safer environment Samantha Corvera News Editor

“I’m going to march in the Thanksgiving Day parade.” Krishna Korrapati Freshman

“I’m going to eat and play video games.” Devante Britt Sophomore

Working and spending time with my friends. Awsten Smith Junior

Seatbelts have been around since the early 1960s and have saved many lives since then. In a 2016 study it was found that seat belts saved nearly 15,000 lives; however, nearly 2,500 more lives would have been saved had everyone buckled up. They provide the support needed to restrain passengers in their seats and to prevent injuries that could result from car accidents. Seatbelts significantly reduce the chance of passengers being thrown from the vehicle in the event of a crash. Now the question must be asked, why have seat belts been made mandatory in more recent years despite having been around for so long? Adolescents, although irresponsible on the roads, should have respect and consideration for other drivers and their vehicles. Drivers should also be aware that people not wearing a seat belt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle during a crash. The ramifications for not wearing a seat belt are endless and can involve

death of family, friends, and of yourself. The idea that kids believe that they are safe in a moving vehicle without a seat belt is laughable. “Kids think that they are invincible and don’t always consider the consequences of not wearing their seat belts until it is too late,” said Resource Officer Brehm. Not only can not wearing a seatbelt cause accidents for both drivers and passengers, but it is also illegal. Not wearing a seatbelt comes with consequences. Whether it be consequences on the road or at home, driving is a privilege that is often taken for granted by teens and adults. “The penalties for being stopped without wearing a seat belt are traffic tickets ranging from $100 - nearly $130. Teenagers could also have consequences at home with their parents. There is no better way to get the point across to kids than for them to be face to face with authority.” said Resource Officer Brehm. Teens and adults should think about the fact that seatbelts save lives and lessen accident damage. It should not take an accident or a fatality for people to realize that wearing seatbelts is for your safety. After all, the advantages

are endless. Seat belt usage reduces the chance of traffic-related fatalities by 45 percent, prevents ejection from the vehicle, minimizes the body's contact with the interior of the car resulting in fewer injuries, and it overall keeps you safe.

Seat belt being used to safety strap in a book bag. Photo: Samantha Corvera

Setting up scholarships and FAFSA The Process of financial aid applications Emily LaRiviere Freedom Forum

What are scholarships and why are they so important? Scholarships are financial aid rewards created to help alleviate some of the costs of an undergraduate degree. This can include a variety of expenses, such as tuition, fees, books, housing, meal plans, and more. Some scholarships are meritbased, which requires an individual to meet a minimum set of standards set by the provider of said scholarship. Other scholarships are based on financial need. Scholarships can come from the government, colleges, and private organizations such as companies,

foundations, community organizations and clubs. To apply for scholarships, you will most likely have to fill out financial aid forms such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the CSS/Financial Aid Profile. This is because some colleges use the information as a deciding factor for students who are eligible for merit based scholarships. FAFSA also qualifies students of all incomes for numerous other financial aid opportunities awarded regardless of income. It is a free process that takes about 30 minutes to complete. The 2019-2020 FAFSA began on Oct. 1and is awarded on a first come first serve basis, so research your school’s deadlines and complete your application at FAFSA.gov as soon as Students can visit FAFSA.gov to apply for possible! financial aid.

Screenshot: Isabella Scipioni

Alyssa Sena

Alyssa Sena, Class of 2020 Alyssa Sena’s role model is very close to her heart - her grandfather. Every day she strives to be as hardworking and determined as he was when he first came to America from Puerto Rico. When he ventured to the United States, he did not understand a word of English. Even though he struggled through this transition, he put the needs of his children first before his own so he could provide a better life and education for them than what he had growing up. Her grandfather has always been family-oriented and has everyone’s best interests at heart, so she knows she can depend on him for life advice. Sage Hilliard

Tashanna Smith, Class of 2021 Tashanna Smith’s role model is not an individual, but an entire group of creative people. Klei Entertainment, a company that has created some of her favorite video games like “Don’t Starve” along with its sequel, “Don’t Starve Together,” drives Smith’s individuality and creativity. She appreciates their artistic gaming style, which reminds her of some of Tim Burton’s creepy but charming visuals, along with hand-drawn elements in their games. This independent gaming company continues to inspire Smith in pursuing her future career as a game developer and designer. She aspires to create her own unique style like the games she has come to love and appreciate.

Keri Saulino and mother Irene

Sage Hilliard , Class of Hilliard looks up to one John. Although John h volving addiction and h industry in undeniable. now lives with his hus John’s ability to overco most successful musicia bating addiction.

Alfredo Suarez, Class of 2020 Johnathan Torres, an up and coming Bethlehem boxe role model. Torres came from an abusive family life with alcohol and drug addiction from a young age. Torr ed and trained rigorously in boxing. He is now a graduat ty High School and a current student at Northampton College. The boxer is currently undefeated and bright fu him in the sport. Suarez hopes to follow Torres’s resilie cation in the next chapter of his life. Tashanna Smith

Keri Saulino, Class of 2021 At the risk of sounding cliché, Keri Saulino says she is inspired by her mother. Saulino’s mom was independent for her entire life, and she had to work long hours in high school and college to be able to afford her degree since she didn’t get any help from her parents. Later down the road, she continued to balance having a job, earning her degree, and raising two children all at once. Saulino admires her mother’s ability to stand up for herself and others and how she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She says that seeing her mother’s strength in her

Yianni Hahalis, Class o Hahalis’s role model is tentokounmpo was bor Bucks. Hahalis is insp come struggles. The pla geria and faced great plays basketball for h Church, and hopes to i work as Antentokounmp

Yianni Hahalis

Fallon Tatlow, Class of 2020 Fallon Tatlow’s role model is four-time Olympic Gold Biles. Tatlow, a former gymnast, is now a diver at FH since she was a freshman. Biles has been the first to moves, all of which have been named after her. As a w nast, Biles has faced her share of injuries and has eve unusual for her to be without pain. Despite this, she c pete and win international competitions, and she is cu for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Tatlow specifically loo when facing her own struggle, a concussion in her jun this, Tatlow still made it to districts for diving and was her personal best score.

Bella Weaver, Class of 2023 Bella’s role model is someone who has always been there for her: her mother. Weaver admires how much her mother has helped her grow up and taught her to take responsibility. She also sees her mother as a prime example for the life she wants to lead in the future. Weaver hopes to one day follow in her mother’s footsteps and earn a college degree. After school, she plans to continue her mother’s legacy by having a happy marriage and family. Bella Weaver

Jasmine Chiu, Class of 2023

Jasmine Chiu’s role model and biggest influence has always been her mother since she can remember. She came to America from Vietnam without knowing a single word of English, but this did not deter her from starting her own nail salon business in order to help her family. Chiu’s mother has shown her endless love and support in her life. She has also provided her with opportunities that were not available to her growing up in previous homeland. Chui admires how strong her mother is and how she always has the willpower to never give up and try again no matter how many times she may fail.

f 2020 e of the greatest rock stars of all time: Elton has had a somewhat controversial past inhis sexuality, his major impact on the music John has overcome his drug addiction and band and two kids. Hilliard is inspired by ome discrimination and still become one the ans of all time and by his resilience in com-

Jasmine Chiu

Izzy Szmodis, Class of 2022 Izzy Szmodis’s role model since she was young is Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. She admires how Kahlo was ahead of her time in overcoming obstacles and in advocating for women’s rights. Kahlo divorced her husband in a time when this was a socially controversial action. Szmodis also admires Kahlo’s ability to bounce back after facing a tragedy. Kahlo was in a bus accident that could have killed her, but miraculously, she survived. Even more surprising, she learned to walk again despite doctors believing it would be impossible. Szmodis says she has always looked up to her because she was a bold and fearless woman.

er, is Suarez’s and struggled res was adoptte from Libern Community uture ahead of ence and dediTorres (left) with Suarez (right)

Izzy Szmodis

Justin Moritz, Class of 2020 Justin Moritz has always strived to follow his father’s example and there is a reason why. Whether he knows it or not, Moritz’s dad has always been his biggest role model throughout his life. He has looked up to his amazing character, and he aspires to have his attitude and drive so that he can succeed later in life. As he has grown up, Moritz’s dad has given him guidance and support through tough times. His father has always pushed him to put his best effort forward, and helps him find solutions to problems. He continues to motivate Moritz to learn new things on his own so he can become more independent. He is hands down the best role model he could ever have and an even better father.

of 2020 NBA player, Giannis Antentokounmpo. Anrn in Greece and plays for the Milwaukee pired by Antentokounmpo’s ability to overayer’s parents immigrated to Greece from Nifinancial hardship as a child. Hahalis also his church, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox improve his skills at the sport through hard po did. Justin Mortiz

Hailey Martin, Class of 2022 Hailey Martin has had some rough patches throughout her life where she needed undying support and motivation, and who better to go to than her mother? Martin’s mother has helped her through difficult times in her life when she did not have anyone else to count on and has helped walk her through her problems. Her mother has been in her life from the beginning and she continues to guide her daughter through stressful times and offers advice to help her over-

Medalist Simone HS and has been o compete several world class gymen stated that it is continues to comurrently preparing ooked up to Biles nior year. Despite even able to earn

Hailey Martin Fallon Tatlow

Dymea Schippers and Isabella Scipioni Co-Editors-in-Chief

8 Pates’ Post

November 2019

The Forum

Letter of recommendation: The pen is mightier than the sword Percy Jackson; underrated and underappreciated dangerous situations Nate Durham and are forced to find a way out of Journalism student that problem usually by killing some Books might seem a tad bit outdated monster that wants them dead. given the vast advancements in In the books, Percy is on a quest and technology, but younger generations he gets Annabeth and Grover to go can still learn a lot of important life with him to the underworld. The three lessons from a few books. Percy on the quest travel from New York to Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Santa Monica to get to the entrance of Rick Riordan is one of those books the underworld. Percy, Annabeth, and Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Grover run into challenges along the is the first book in a series of books by way and have to overcome their Riordan. The book teaches that having obstacles by working together. a disability does not define a person The movies on the other hand do not and can sometimes even be their do the books justice in the movie greatest strength. Percy, Annabeth and Grover have to “The sarcastic puns make the book go collect pearls so that they can get interesting and fun to read too,” said out of the underworld, causing them Tashanna Smith to have to face terrifying monsters and A big part of the reason the books kill them, but in the book they get the go unread is because the movies do pearls after they have already gotten not follow the books as well as they to the entrance which follows the could the Percy Jackson follow along logic of greek mythology. The movie with old Greek myth stories the also takes out the magnificent book characters are tasked with a quest and plot twist that the true villain was not typically its three people as the are on Hades but Ares someone that helped the quest they randomly fall into out Percy, Annabeth, and Grover. The

movies did have Luke as the villain and he was in the books but instead of Ares and Percy fight they had Luke and Percy fight that battle and not the one they were supposed to. “Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Lightning Thief movie was completely inaccurate and the films really disappointed the book fans,” Said Ellie Gordon Though the movies were apart of the reasons that Percy Jackson is underrated some people simply find no interest in reading about greek mythology. The book was written by Rick Riordan who came up with the idea when he was telling his son a bedtime story his son happened to have ADHD and dyslexia and that is what gave Riordan the idea to have the characters have ADHD and dyslexia as a way to show his son that it is not a bad thing to be different. Since writing the first Percy Jackson book Riordan has written over 30 books and has also started Rick Riordan presents which helps

others publish their books about different mythologies. Although books are obsolete, readers can learn that the pen is mightier than the sword just by picking up a book.

All five books of the “Percy Jackson” series, written by Rick Riordan Photo: Nate Durham

Dear Dymea: Cutting the costs College, financial aid, and scholarship mayhem Dymea Schippers Co-Editor-in-Chief Dear Dymea, I am starting my senior year and I am thinking about ways to cut down on the cost of college tuition. I want to apply for scholarships, but I am uncertain on where to start or even how to apply. I am a student athlete with good academic performance and a proficient record on my varsity baseball team. I am also involved in activities outside of schools, but I do not know if that will boost my chances of getting a decent scholarship. I feel like I waited too late to start applying for scholarships and now that college and financial aid applications are right around the corner, I think I am out of time to explore other options. Sincerely, Scholarly student Dear scholarly student, I can definitely relate to the never-ending crisis of college essays and financial aid applications. Since most of your time outside of school is taken up by

classroom assignment, sports, and college prepwork, I would recommend postponing your search for scholarship opportunities until after you have finished your college essays. Scholarship opportunities are always available on College Board and being a well-rounded student will definitely boost your chances of finding multiple scholarships for you. Eligibility is determined by a variety of factors including involvement in sports or clubs, majors, academic achievements, and financial needs. Judging by your letter, I think you fit into a majority of these categories since you are a student athlete with good academic performance. If you are also involved in leadership positions in school clubs or student council, I would add that to your application as well. Being involved outside of school and within your community will definitely set you apart from the other applicants and qualify you for other scholarship opportunities. Since you are a very driven student and clearly focused on your future ahead of you, I think you are off to a great start already. I know it can be hard not to stress when constantly having college deadlines thrown in your face, but you can always get more help and support from your teachers and guidance

counselor, if you find yourself getting overwhelmed. If you require more assistance on the application process on College Board, then talk to your guidance counselor. Enjoy your senior year, Dymea

Scholarship opportunities available on College Board for high school students Screenshot: Karla Erdman

Waking up at 5 o’clock challenge Awake when Bethlehem is asleep Molly Williams Freedom Forum How much would someone have to pay you to wake up at five AM everyday for a week? For me, I did it for free. Even though I am most definitely not a morning person, I jumped at the opportunity to wake up at five AM to see how my productivity was and what I accomplished. I have to be honest, some days were much harder than others, but I still completed this challenge and have learned a lot about myself. One most important thing I learned about when waking up at five AM was that Bethlehem was always peaceful and quiet. I never encountered many cars when I would drive to the gym at 6:30, so the environment felt more comfortable. When I would get home, I would jump into doing my school work and would finish well before I usually had my work finished. I found that starting the morning off earlier than most made me feel like I could get more done, and I definitely did. I would have more time to relax everyday, and I would make sure that I accomplished everything I wanted to do for that day. I do have to admit, though, that I would get tired in the afternoon into

early evening. However, that really did not earlier than normal to feel happier and more interfere with any of my productivity. accomplished. The question is how many snooze Waking up early really made me feel as if I did buttons will it take for you to get there? more than I would have if I had woken up at seven or eight. I felt happier and more connected with myself when waking up earlier, so that was a big accomplishment. My mood was better than previous weeks where I felt like I was getting behind or had so much on my plate. Waking up at five AM really helped to give me more time to get what I needed to get done done, and it also helped me to add more things onto my plate since I had the time. I would go to the gym, read, see my family for longer, and even just take a few hours to binge watch something on Netflix. Since I had a longer day, I had the time to do all of this and still probably have much leftover time. In conclusion, waking up at five AM helped me to see that I could make more time for different activities or even just time to relax. Instead of waking up at five AM everyday, I can cut it down to six AM so I am not as tired, so even having the extra hour or two would help immensely. Alarm set to five in the morning on a When it comes to going to college in the next year, phone I know I can get up earlier to complete more so I am Photo: Dymea Schippers not as overwhelmed. I highly recommend waking up

November 2019

9 Pates’ Post

The Forum

A day in the life of a theatre student “It’s a Wonderful Life” Katie Harper The Freedom Forum

As a student at Freedom High School, my day is just like that of most students. I go to school in the morning. I participate in extracurriculars after school. I procrastinate on homework and cram for tests, all while trying to get eight hours of sleep every night. The main difference in my schedule is that it often involves going to rehearsals several times a week. From six to eight most school nights, I can be found in Freedom’s auditorium rehearsing for this fall’s production of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Here is a look at what it is like to be a theatre

student at FHS. My day starts at around 6:30 a.m. I get ready, make my lunch, and then I am out the door by 7:10 a.m. When I arrive at school, I weave my way through the crowds of students to get to first block. The rest of the day goes on as normal. I sit through classes, talk about plans for rehearsal with my friends at lunch, and wait impatiently for 2:30 p.m. to arrive. On days that I have rehearsal, such as today, I try to start my homework immediately when I get home because I know that if I put it off, I am going to have to stay up late after rehearsal to finish it. I finish my homework as quickly as I can, shove it in my backpack, and go to get ready for rehearsal. As I pack my rehearsal bag, I mentally go over the scenes we will

be rehearsing and the lines I have to know. With one last check to make sure I have everything I need, I head out the door and am on my way back to school for rehearsal. I make my way into the auditorium just before 6:00 p.m. The audience seats are crowded with theatre kids talking, laughing, singing, and dancing. The stage is littered with half -finished set pieces that are still in the process of being built. I make my way over to my friends and put down my rehearsal bag just as our director announces that it is time to start rehearsal. Grabbing my script, I head up to the stage and get ready to start running through the scene. The rest of rehearsal goes by rather quickly. After my scene is over, I sit in the audience and watch my fellow

cast members go over lines and practice the following scenes. As rehearsal comes to an end, our director thanks us for our hard work and everyone gets ready to go home. I say goodbye to my friends and leave to go home, ready to eat dinner and go to bed. Tired from the long day, I go to bed and get ready to do it all over.

Students rehearsing for “It’s a Wonderful Life” Photo: Katie Marakovits

Shooting hoops with Malek Mims Student Athlete spotlight Jalen Stewart Journalism student Malek Mims, Freedom High School senior is your typical high school student, he enjoys time with his friends and playing video games. Even on game days his routine is not very different. “I wake up, go to school, go home, eat, get some shots up before the game, then go to the game,” said Malek Mims, senior. The only difference between you and him is that he is a 16.6ppg scorer and has been playing on the varsity basketball team since he was a freshman. Malek was among some of the best basketball players last season and was a leader on the team. As a team the Freedom’s men's basketball team started off hot winning 12 of their first 14 games. Unfortunately they ended on a sour note and lost their last two games of the season, including a heartbreaking buzzer beating loss in the first round of districts. This did not sit well with Malek and he does not want a repeat so he decided to get better in the off season, “I really wanted to focus on the mental aspect of the game, and I have made a constant effort to really try and eat better. This will allow me to weight and muscle which will make a huge difference on the

court,” said Mims Malek has always been this type of player. He is so passionate for the game that he is never satisfied, he is competitive by nature. He is always looking for new ways to perfect his craft. As well as himself he is looking for his team to continue to improve every year. “We have improved a lot from the standpoint of having a lot more experience. Also as a team we have been more committed to offseason workouts and that has tremendously with our athleticism.” said Mims In order for any team to improve year in and year out it requires a leader other than a coach, and that is where players like Malek have to step up. Knowing this as well as realizing that this will be his last year to play for Freedom has made him decide to take more of a leadership role for his team this upcoming season. “ I wanted to start by holding myself and then my team accountable for their actions everyday. Also I wanted to start voicing my opinion on things I think that we can improve on,” said Mims. The sky is the limit for Malek this upcoming basketball season he has put in the work and stayed focused and is ready to make his presence felt through the Lehigh Valley.

Malek Mims against a rival opponent Photo submission: Malek Mims

Carly’s Critique: Getting Ready for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving treats Carly Grozier Entertainment Editor After Halloween passes, it is time to get in the Thanksgiving mode. This year my friends and I got in the mode by making Thanksgiving cookies that looked like turkeys. We followed a recipe on Pillsbury’s website and it was just three steps. The cookies were made up of pre made sugar cookie dough, candy corn, icing, and mini m&ms. First, we put the cookie dough onto a pan and into the oven. They were not cooked by the time the directions on the package said, so we had to keep a close eye on them until they were done. The store didn’t sell orange icing, so we had to make do with mixing red, yellow, and white together. The color came out better than anticipated and resembled the website almost perfectly. The cookies came out of the oven cooked through. They were not overdone or underdone, but they ended up thinner than they were supposed to be, and the bottoms were uneven. We couldn’t wait to decorate them before sneaking one into our mouths. They tasted good without even adding the frosting or candy yet. Once they cooled, it was time to start decorating. I was unsure if this process was going to go well, but in the end it was not nearly as hard as it looked.

When decorating the cookies we used the picture These cookies are perfect to make for the on Pillsbury’s website to go off of. Our cookies upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I would looked pretty similar to the website, which I did not recommend them if you do not have much time and expect. want a cute, sugary cookie. I would give our decorating skills a 9 out of 10. As expected, there were some mess ups, but they looked appetizing and were pretty photogenic. We then tasted the cookies when they were fully completed. Personally, I prefer them before we added anything extra. They looked like a cute turkey with all the candy, but it seemed like too much going on at once. If I made them again I would definitely try to find a substitute for the candy corn. They have never been my favorite around this time of year. Overall, I would give the finished product a 7 out of 10, because if I am going to make cookies, I would rather some plain chocolate chip ones.

The finished batch of cookies

From left to right: Carly Grozier, Kyleigh Wheeler, and Aurora Caton Photos: Carly Grozier

10 Entertainment

November 2019

The Forum

Red Dead Redemption 2: a subversive masterpiece Rockstar’s most recent title AJ Minnich Journalism Student Warning: spoilers are ahead. On October 27, 2018, “Red Dead Redemption 2” was released to critical acclaim for its groundbreaking realism, beautiful world, and engaging narrative. IGN, the world's largest video game review site, gave the game a 10/10 saying “it’s a game so lacking in compromise it’s tough to know where best to start discussing it.” It truly is Rockstar’s best game yet with a story that revolutionizes video game storytelling and a world so rich with detail that open-world games will never be the same. It is a western epic that follows the downfall of the notorious Van der Linde gang from the perspective of the protagonist, Arthur Morgan. They trek through the snowy mountains of Ambarino to the heartlands of New Hanover and the swamplands and plantations of Lemoyne. Yet, what truly sets the game apart from its ilk is how the game and its story respect the intelligence and patience of the audience to an unprecedented degree. First off, the game features a traversal system that is appropriate to the period, for the player to fully experience the open world. Due to this, the game features many long horse rides to simply leave the player

to their thoughts. It is designed in a way where it does not interact with the player but the player needs to interact with it. Many view this as boring and monotonous but rockstar purposefully left those systems in the game to further immerse the player. Furthermore, the game requires the player to maintain weight, cook food, and maintain their weapons, adding another layer of immersion to the gameplay. The immersion is especially deepened in chapter six after Arthur is diagnosed with tuberculosis. When this happens the game physically impairs Arthur, making it harder to keep up with chores and causing weight loss. In addition to this, the common trope of a few coughs and a bloody handkerchief is removed. His disease is not romanticized instead, it causes him to fall off his horse multiple times while coughing up blood and passing out; his complexion grows paler, and his pain appears to increase with every word he speaks. In these ways, Rockstar truly mastered this interactive medium and utilized it to its fullest potential by making the player feel like they are in the protagonist’s shoes, rather than just controlling them. Beyond its gameplay systems, Red Dead Redemption ll presents an incredible layer of subtlety to the

narrative experience. It frequently features long Quentin Tarantino-esque scenes of dialogue such as when the gang finds out their youngest member, Jack, has been kidnapped. They spend over five whole minutes only showing the characters talking with the scene culminating in an epic shot of eight members of the gang walking up to Braithwaite manor. Furthermore, the game features a vulnerable protagonist, which becomes increasingly apparent as the game progresses such as when Arthur states to Sister Calderón his tragic past as an orphan and father and then says to her “I’m dying sister. I got TB, from beating a man to death for a few bucks ...truth is I’m afraid.” Many view this type of storytelling as cheap and lazy since the game outright tells the audience that the protagonist is going to die, but in fact, that is the true genius of the narrative. Rockstar uses Arthur’s tuberculosis as a vessel to provide his primary character arch. After getting diagnosed, Arthur is finally able to see his life clearly and ultimately decides to make it his final mission to get fellow gang member John and his family out of the situation. Beforehand, Arthur also comes to the revelation that the gang’s leader and his father figure, Dutch, is a narcissistic sociopath. Arthur’s subsequent change of heart and the tension between him, Dutch, and the

entirety of the gang leads to one of the most heart-pounding and emotional final acts in the past twenty years of fiction.

John Marston looking at the sun after the main game Photo: Andrew Minnich

“The plot thread holding Red Dead Redemption 2’s astonishing array of systems and gameplay opportunities together is Rockstar’s most serious and earnest story to date, and certainly the best written,” said IGN reviewer, Luke Reily. Since its founding, Rockstar has been one of the greatest innovators in the gaming industry from the satire of the “Grand Theft Auto” series to the deep and emotional themes of “Red Dead Redemption I.” Yet their greatest achievement is “Red Dead Redemption 2” due to how it seamlessly combines both storytelling and gameplay to create not only their greatest game but one of the greatest video games ever made.

Layton Greene drops her new EP “I Love You” A music masterpiece Ekaterina Tiffany Journalism student Layton Greene, raised in East St. Louis, Illinois, has been pursuing her music career since being rejected from both “X-Factor” and “America’s Got Talent.” Instead of quitting after the rejection, she pushed even harder to become a professional singer. Before the release of her own music, she went viral in 2019, with the release of her first single, “Leave Em Alone” (ft. Lil Baby, City Girls, and PnB Rock). The single accumulated over 85 million views on YouTube and gained a lot of positive attention.. In hernew EP, “Tell Our Story,” Greene shares a new music video to accompany the urban soft pop feel of her new song, “I Love You.” The song mixes an urban beat, synthetic

sounds, and a soft bass line to create a sentimental mood in the beginning. The theme is reminiscing as she shares a true experience of one of her past lovers. “I just was real dependent on him. It should never be like that,” said Greene.. The music video accompanies the song and shows a couple that is in a happy, loving relationship, but as the songand video progress, the couple’s relationship grows unsteady and gloomy, with the boyfriend eventually leaving Greene for another woman. The woman and the now exboyfriend are then shown through the rest of the video living a dream life, getting married, having baby showers, and raising children, while Greene watches from a distance regretfully. Her lyrics, ”I was under the impression you were real with me,

was it all a lie, was it just fantasy,” show her struggle to understand what went wrong in the relationship while Greene and her boyfriend are shown arguing and fighting before the final split. Greene goes on to sing about how she was not able to leave the relationship easily because the boyfriend would beg her to stay and she could not bring herself to leave. Greene’s story through the song is a relatable situation to many young girls in relationships. It gives them the message that they should not be afraid to leave a relationship if they feel it is toxic. Her overall message is, “It’s okay not to be okay sometimes. It’s okay to go through stuff,” and she does a good job conveying it in her music. The music video also does a good job of depicting Greene’s experience of the

relationship and her feelings and emotions throughout and after the breakup. The song deserves at least a six out of ten and the music video is worth giving a listen to.

Layton Greene’s “Tell Your Story” EP cover Photo: GoMoxie

Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday: which is the better deal? How to get the best bargain this season Mikaila Harka Journalism student Fall has arrived and that means some of America's biggest holidays are arriving as well, which include Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are known for their tremendously good deals in almost if not all stores. When the two holidays arrive in America it is a crazy, chaotic time getting around instores and buying items online without them going out of stock. Although both are very similar, many people have a preference in which one they choose to partake in, Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Two people were asked if they plan on going Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping and which one they prefer. “I am planning on going Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping. I want to buy mainly clothes,

shoes, makeup, and small things for around the house. I prefer to go Cyber Monday shopping because you do not have to wait in lines and it is easier to buy things online in general,” said Amelia Saggio, Freshmen. “I am going Cyber Monday shopping. I plan on buying clothes, shoes as well as items for my house. I prefer Cyber Monday due to the reason that when you go Black Friday shopping it can get crazy fast,” said Ashley Cruz, Freshmen. Both replies that Saggio and Cruz stated were very similar due to the fact they both prefer Cyber Monday rather than Black Friday due to the obvious reasons that it gets crazy packed and buying things online can be easier Those are just two opinions and there are still many different ideas on which is better and why. Both Black Friday and Cyber Monday have difficulties. One of which is slower service, whether it's online browsing or in stores with the brutal long

lines. Also,items sell out at a very fast paste. This can be online with things just disappearing from your cart or in store with someone beating you to an item you wanted to purchase. Though Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be crazy, it is an amazing time to make memories and get good deals.

Stores consumers can go to at the mall Photo: Mikaila Harka

November 2019

The Forum

11 Entertainment

Stop the pumpkin spice rave The truth about a favorite fall drink Sarah Healy Editorials Editor The fall season is near, and the pumpkin spice latte (PSL) is back in coffee shops like Starbucks and Dunkin. Millions of PSLs have been sold since they were first introduced in 2003. The PSL has gained its popularity through savvy marketing and by utilizing the wonders of social media. When people post about PSLs, it reminds others of the stress-free environment of the fall season. When people smell or taste the flavors of a PSL, they are reminded of happy memories. Everyone wants

that, so they all buy the drink. To increase its popularity, the PSL has made its mark on the social media platform. It seems like it has become so popular that the people who drink them are referred to as basic. An actual image of the drink has no value. It is just coffee in a cup that many see on a regular basis. However, when the drink is enhanced by the scenery, it creates the autumnal aesthetic. While many love the flavor of the PSL, they are not truly tasting the main ingredient: pumpkin. That is because there is no pumpkin. The orange color is annatto, which comes from the bright red seeds of achiote trees, and artificial caramel

coloring. The pumpkin flavor is just a mixture of spices, including cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and syrup. Not to mention, the drink includes a variety of natural and artificial flavors. While natural flavors may seem promising, it means that the flavor can come from anything on this earth. To make matters worse, a medium or 16 ounce sized PSL contains 50 grams of sugar. That is double the amount of the recommended amount of consumed sugar that women should have each day. On the contrary, people still think PSLs are tasty “Although I prefer iced coffee, I like PSLs,” said Kady Smith, junior. Even though a pumpkin spice latte

may not be healthy, people still love them. They do not actually care about the pumpkin flavor. They care about the time in which the drink is sold. An iced pumpkin spice latte from Dunkin Donuts Photo: Sarah Healy

The killer clown takes theaters by storm “Joker” revolutionizes comic book films universe and the obvious plot details pulled from the comics, AJ Minnich it is hard to classify “Joker” as a Journalism student comic book film because of how “Is it just me, or is it getting crazier radically different it is to any other out there?” In 1989, Batman was adaptation of comics. It is a very slow released to massive critical and burn that demonstrates a man’s commercial success and is now descent into madness, with Fleck considered a classic. Like the film 19 becoming the Joker in the last 20 years later, “The Dark Knight,” minutes of the movie. Batman revolutionized comic book Despite the difficulty of actually films. And now, 30 years later the calling it a “comic book film,” it is world was given “Joker,” which is still a very “Joker” film that takes now continuing that trend of entire themes, concepts, and scenes revolutionary Batman films. Leading from the comics. It is apparent that the up to the film’s release, “Joker” was film is inspired by “The Killing Joke” met with much controversy with many from Arthur being an aspiring standup claiming it will inspire violence. comedian to his last remarks which “If anything the controversy was a won’t be spoiled here. Though, to be good thing because it drew more fair, the film is not entirely accurate attention to the movie after all such as the time frame being well negative coverage is good coverage,” before Bruce Wayne becomes the said Glenn Funderburk. caped crusader. Despite the pre-release hysteria, Despite this, Joaquin Phoenix “Joker” prevails as not only one of the completely nails the character by most successful comic book films, but bringing the fear, unpredictability, and also one of the most important films sheer insanity of the character. in the past 10 years. It follows the Phoenix's performance completely disturbed Arthur Fleck as he slowly steals the show and truly makes the descends into madness. Though it film as great as it is. Even down to his takes inspiration from films like micro facial expressions it is truly “American Psycho,” “Taxi Driver” believable that he is this “mentally ill and “King of Comedy,” “Joker” loader.” manages to still maintain its own Another standout performance is identity and serves as a reminder of Robert De Niro as Murray Franklin, the true power of cinema. who coincidentally is a comedy host First off, the film earns the R-rating similar to the that of another it received due to the vulgar language character, Jerry Langford, that Robert and its brutal and visceral violence. It De Niro’s character, Rupert Pupkin, is is not the traditional comic book film obsessed with in King of Comedy. He and is not a film to bring the family essentially serves as a false idol to to. In fact, the film is hard to watch Fleck that symbolizes everything because of this, but at the same time, wrong with society. it has this mesmerizing quality to it For years the role of The Joker has which is rare for modern films of its been famous for being given to ilk. method actors like Heath Ledger and Besides it being set in the Batman Jared Leto, but Joaquin Phoenix takes

it to a whole other level. He truly makes the character his own and perfectly fits this role. Though he is not as much of a full frontal adaptation of the comic version of the character like Heath Ledger’s, Phoenix still brings the joker to life with possibly the most chilling performance in modern cinema. Almost every scene he is in Phoenix is mesmerizing and steals every scene he is in. To the audience it does not seem as if Phoenix is acting but is living his own twisted life. The music not only changes from scene to scene, but it also changes in the middle of a scene with it becoming more intense when a scene becomes more intense and calms when the scene becomes less intense. Or better yet, it changes according to the level of stress in Arthur’s head. “It’s definitely a more grounded story…… it’s a timeless movie everything seemed to be done with some kind of stunt double instead of CGI,” said Funderburk. Though the performances, score, and cinematography are mesmerizing and Oscar-worthy, the film suffers from some minor pacing issues with some scenes overstaying their welcome. For the most part, theses do not hamper the film too much, but they do mess with the pacing and turn what could be an hour 45-minute film into a two-hour film. “Joker” as a whole is an excellent film that will have fans debating for years its true meaning. With its ugly yet beautiful amalgamation of multiple comics and films, “Joker” has risen to become one of the most important films of the decade. It goes where other comic book films will not and takes an immense amount of risks, but most of all it leaves the

audience morally conflicted. It challenges the morals of viewers just as any good Batman or Joker story should. Though the film does not justify the actions of the Joker, it does not fully condemn them either.

Joaquin Phoenix as Joker Photo: IMDb

“In the U.S. it is hard for lower-income individuals to get the proper care they need…. It shows that if we ignore those that need help it will come back and hurt us. Society needs to show compassion to those in need or else it will crumble,” said Funderburk. “Joker” is the pinnacle of superhero storytelling in this genre. It is no longer just about men in tights and underwear fighting bad guys it has become much deeper and nuanced and with Joker mainstream audiences now get to see this evolution. Since the release of “The Dark Knight Returns” in 1986 the concept of a superhero and supervillain have changed dramatically and have now become one of the greatest storytelling vessels of modern times. “Y'know, it's funny. This situation. It reminds me of a joke.”

Get weird this Thanksgiving

Top five Thanksgiving traditions Zakiyah Williams Journalism student In the United States, there are many customs associated with each holiday. Thanksgiving is no exception. Some are more common than others, but some traditions may seem rather unusual. The first weird thanksgiving tradition is turkey bowling. It is based on regular bowling with a frozen turkey serving as the bowling ball and 10 plastic bottles from water or soft drinks as the bowling pins. The turkey is rolled down a smooth surface. The event has taken place in a few grocery stores, like Lucky’s grocery shop in Newport Beach, since 1988.

¨It is not as easy as it looks,¨ said Alexander Murillo-Zapata, sophomore. The next abnormal custom is the Turkey Trot, where participants dress up in turkey costumes and run for charity. The event takes place on November 30, at the Colonial Industrial Quarter. Runners can register any day before November 29. ¨It is a lot of work, but it’s for a good cause,¨ said Donovan Spaulding, junior. Throughout the United States, there are many turkey eating contests held. During the contest, contestants will attempt to eat as much of a 20pound turkey as they are physically able to The flaming turkey toss is the most dangerous tradition on our list, and it is not recommended for anyone to try at home, or anywhere.

Once the turkey is securely tied, it is lit, and whoever can throw the turkey the farthest is declared the winner of the competition, if they are not in the hospital afterward. The last of United States’ weird thanksgiving traditions and the most well-known tradition on our list is the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation. President George W. H. Bush pardoning a turkey Photo: Sally Ann French

12 Sports

November 2019

The Forum

Infirmity plagues football

How injuries affect NFL teams Alec Lutz Journalism student

Injuries are a major topic in the NFL and in every sport. Injuries have been very prevalent in the NFL this year, and as the season moves on each team has a player that gets an injury and can completely change their season. Some players that have got injured this season, or are relapsing on past injuries are looked at as non reliable or not as good after their injury, and truly someone extremely promising can get injured and their entire career can end. This season some of the most prominent are the injuries of Todd Gurley, A.J. Green, and Davante Adams. Todd Gurley is a running back for the Los Angeles Rams, nearing the end of last season he tore his ACL and had surgery, he sat the last couple games of the season and his return was highly anticipated, over the off season he picked up

severe cases of arthritis, it makes it really hard for him to juke side to side because it risked further injury. However, the opening weeks he proved is still very valuable but the question is if he gets injured one more time will he ever be as good as he once was? “I think that Gurley is going to play much more reserved to prevent further injury, and he will probably share time with Malcolm Brown,” said Ryan Raffino, senior. Next is A.J. Green, he has been out most of the season with an ankle injury, he is set to make his appearance against the Raven’s in week 10. As wide receiver, you must be able to make sharp cuts on the field, and be precise with route running. A.J. Green is now 32 years old and with him coming back soon, everyone is wondering, will he ever be the talent he once was, and will he be able to be as much of a factor for the Bengals offense?

“If the Bengals Offensive line can step it up, and if Andy Dalton and A.J. Green build up chemistry his career can be revived,” said Raffino. Lastly, Davante Adams, he is them star wide receiver for the Green Bay Packers, without him they are relying on the likes of Allen Lazard and Marquez Valdez-Scantling. Davante Adams Received a toe injury in Week 3, and has been out for 5-plus weeks. Some would say the duo are performing more and are doing better than Davante Adams has been, the questions that everyone is wondering is, when Adams comes back as the Wide Receiver #1 (The receiver that usually gets targeted the most) who will be targeted the second most and who will be the third most, and also will Davante Adams have as much of an impact on this offense as he did before his injury. “Davante Adams is an elite receiver who has to be targeted when he comes back, while Valdes-Scantling

and Lazard has stepped up, Adams is a core receiver and can only help the packers when he comes back,” said Raffino. So, in conclusion, each one of these players are walking the tightrope with risking injury again, but expect great things when these players come back, they are going to bounce back when they get the chance.

Bengals-Texans Photo: Erik Eckel

Keep the chill away this season How to keep active during the winter Dymea Schippers Co-Editor-in-Chief With the last of the autumn leaves falling off the trees, that signals the end of fall and the commencement of winter. Normally, the idea of sitting around the fireplace with a cup of delicious hot chocolate topped with marshmallows sounds enticing to say the least, but for student athletes, the blistering cold and constant snow can put a damper on their plans. For non-winter sports, it is difficult for athletes to train and practice outside of their season, especially if it is an outdoor sport. The harsh

BTCC has indoor and outdoor basketball courts for community members to use.

winter oftentimes prevents athletes from practicing or training. However, students who participate in outdoor activities such as tennis, baseball, and lacrosse, have found other alternatives to solving

this problem in order to maintain and improve on their skills. It is imperative that athletes stay on top of their game, so the time their next season rolls around they will be ready to pull out a victory. “Once tennis ends, I usually practice in the wintertime at Northwood Racquet and Fitness Club, along with my teammates, so we can practice together,” said Vadeihi Chinnawar, senior and first singles player for the Freedom girls’ tennis team. Many student athletes are taking advantage of local indoor facilities that cater to a variety of sports and even offer some affordable private lessons. Many of these facilities simulate all the factors of the outdoor environment of a particular sport, but it is all indoors. This ensures that student athletes do not have to concern themselves with the extreme temperatures and precipitation that come along with the winter season. Other athletes that are heavily involved in running-based sports like track and cross country have a more practical and simple solution: going to the gym. The Bethlehem Township Community Center (BTCC) has an indoor track and fitness room at the community’s disposal. By far, it is one of the closest and most affordable options that are available to Freedom High School athletes. “The facility I go to is specifically built for tennis, but it’s expensive to rent a court there for a few hours. Whereas, the township is closer to my house, and I get to use their tennis courts for free any time I want,” said Chinnawar. Regardless, if someone is an athlete or an individual who wants to maintain a healthy fitness regiment, the community center offers a variety of options that offers residents more for their money. For a discounted charge, students who are under 18 years of age only have to pay five dollars in order to access the indoor pool, track, gymnasium, and

workout equipment. For upperclassmen who are at least 18 years old, they can access the same amenities for only a dollar more. “The environment is way better than most gyms, and they have a lot more variety, so you’re not doing the same thing over and over again,” said Abby Stocker, senior cheerleader and lacrosse player.

The community center’s indoor track above the basketball court is a great way to stay active throughout the colder months.

BTCC has outdoor tennis courts for community members to use.

All Photos: Dymea Shippers

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