October 2015 issuu

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Volume 49 Issue 2

October 2015

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.FHSForum.com - @FHSForum

In This Issue:

Bethlehem welcomes Skyzone

Editorial on homecom- All that there is to do at the new Skyzone in the Westgate Mall experience the weightlessness fitness programs and even ing king and queen ...2 By Ava Markle Journalism Student

Student of the month Jeshlian Plaza…4 DIY Fall projects...8 Fall show...10 Freedom soccer...12

Imagine a room filled with only trampolines. The whole entire floor, all the walls, and even trampoline surfaced pillars sticking up everywhere. In December of this year, Skyzone Trampoline Park is coming to a location at the Westgate Mall in Bethlehem, PA. Skyzone will hold birthday parties, group events, activities, and programs. Activities available will be The Foam Zone, Open Jump, Ultimate Dodgeball, and Sky Slam. Customers will be able to

of jumping into the giant foam pit filled with 10,000 foam cubes in the Foam Zone. The Open Jump allows for the freedom of a room filled with trampolines, and imagine all the fun one can have. Ultimate Dodgeball is just like gym class dodgeball except on a larger scale and in a room filled with trampoline floors, walls, and pillars. Sky Slam is every basketball fan’s dream; they can slam dunk on a basketball court made strictly of trampolines. Skyzone also gives you the opportunity to get involved in

has a summer camp for children. With the all new “skyaerobics,” a type of low-impact strength building aerobics, class at the Skyzone, jumpers can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour. The addition of Skyzone will be a great way to help the community. It gives kids and teenagers a fun and healthy way to stay active while having a blast. Also, it will keep kids from getting bored and hanging around on the streets. “I can’t wait for the new Skyzone Trampoline Park to open in the Westgate Mall. I’m going to go there all the

Photo: wellconstruction.com

time with my friends. It’s gonna be a lot of fun,” said Daniel Quigley, senior at Freedom High School. Quigley is one of the many FHS students who looks forward to visiting the new Skyzone. This is no doubt a great addition to the Bethlehem community and a lot of people cannot wait to get bouncing! Make sure to check it out!

Is there a deal or a spiel on the table?

Explanation of the Iran deal: what it is and what people think By Cassandra Sedler News Editor

Over the past few months, Iran and the U.S., along with 5 other world powers, reached a consensus on the future of Iran’s nuclear weapons (CNN). The agreement, officially coined the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, is most commonly referred to as the Iran nuclear deal and has been the topic of many heated discussions in recent weeks. Under the deal, Iran agrees to provide greater access to its nuclear programs, while transforming its uranium plants into centers for scientific research and redesigning other reactors to ensure they do not produce plutonium for the use in weapons (New York Times).

“An atomic bomb can be made from two types of radioactive materials: uranium or plutonium. The talks were aimed at curbing Iran’s ability to put these two elements to use in weapons,” said The New York Times. In summary, the Iran nuclear deal is said to prohibit Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, and to put limits on many of Iran’s nuclear programs already in place (npr.org). Exactly 90 days after the U.N. Security Council endorsed the nuclear deal on July 20th, an Adoption Day was held on October 18th, in which President Obama signed the document, officially putting the deal into effect. “Today marks an important milestone toward preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear

weapon and ensuring its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful going forward,” said President Obama in his speech on Adoption Day, according to Fox News. This statement sent off an array of mixed emotions, as supporters say this deal will successfully do its job, while the opposition thinks the deal is completely delusional. To those who support it, the deal is the best response from the U.S to Iran’s future in nuclear weapons. “It [the Iran deal] is hopeful for America as a whole and is the most diplomatic option for the U.S.,” said Kyle Giamportone, senior. On the other hand, many others believe the deal is a mistake that future generations will have to deal with

because of today’s politicians’ poor decision making. “The United States seems at this moment about to break the record for the worst political blunder of all time, with its Obama-administration deal that will make a nuclear Iran virtually inevitable,” said the National Review. “My concern is our ability to monitor and enforce it,” said Mr. William DeNofa, history teacher. Another problem the U.S is faced with is whether or not it can

entirely trust Iran’s government in the first place, especially in regards to its recent history of nuclear power and terroristic threats. “In my lifetime, Iran’s governments have not been entirely trustworthy; I question its [the Iran deal] constitutionality,” said Mr. DeNofa.

The ministers of foreign affairs from the U.S., Iran, and 5 other world powers at a meeting about the Iran nuclear deal. Photo: Creative Commons, Wikipedia

NASA discovers liquid on Mars What kind of life is possible on Mars; Little green men or something else? By Daniel Quigley Journalism Student

Curiosity has been a key characteristic of the human race since the origin of our species. One of our natural curiosities as we look out into our solar system and the universe at large is: are humans alone in the universe? Lately, some of that curiosity is paying off and playing a big role in modern science helping to answer that very question. The National Aeronautics and Space Admin-

istration (NASA) has been studying many of the planets and moons in our solar system looking for other signs of life. Recently, Mars has taken the spotlight in a big way. It was confirmed on October 12, 2015 by NASA that Mars does in fact have liquid water on its surface. By finding liquid water, a chance of finding life on Mars greatly increases. “It was only a matter of time before this discovery was made. Mars was long suspected to have liquid water. Our

advances in technology helped us closer examine the martian planet in order to find it,” said Mr. William Safranek, astronomy and earth and space teacher. Finding water on Mars was not the first thing discovered that could lead to life, either. NASA has also found water ice near the planet's north and south poles and found traces of methane, a gas that is derived from traces of or existing life. “Although nobody can say for sure, the kind of life I

low zero (F). Only microbes are able to survive in these harsh climates and conditions. Finding liquid water on Mars increases the chance of life tenfold and is an exciting discovery that brings us one step close to answering the major question: are humans alone in the universe?

would expect us to see on mars will take the form of microbes,” said Mr. Safranek. A microbe is a microscopic organism that is either single celled or multicellular. On earth microbes take form as bacteria or the virus that causes the common cold. Unfortunately the possibility of lifeforms (even aliens) seems incredibly unlikely because the atmosphere on Mars is brutally harsh. The atmosphere has almost no oxygen and the average temPhoto: Wikipedia perature is 80 degrees be-

2 Editorials

October 2015

The Forum

A fitting venue for a yearly coronation Revisiting and changing the tradition of announcing the homecoming king and queen By Joshua Christiansen Editorials Editor

The annual tradition of announcing the homecoming king and queen is up for debate. Many want the announcement to be changed to a different time, specifically changed from the dance to the football game. The homecoming weekend is filled with many different events: pep rally and football game on Friday, and the homecoming dance on Saturday evening. It has been tradition for years to have the homecoming court be announced at the pep rally, at the game, and at the dance. The homecoming king and queen, however, are announced only at the dance. There has been a debate on whether or not the homecoming king and queen should be announced at the dance, like the tradition has it, or have it

sometime on the Friday night before the game or at halftime. “We contemplated announcing it at the game, so that the community can see who the king and queen are. I’ve seen it done both ways, where we’ve announced at the game, and then again at the dance. I’ve seen them done just at the dance. I don’t think it really matters to the students, but I think the community would really enjoy it more,” said Mr. Michael Cleffi, physical education teacher and student council advisor. In fact, Liberty High School announces its king and queen at the football game. This enabled The Morning Call to capture photos and information which was published for the entire Lehigh Valley community. The whole idea of announcing the king and queen at the game is one that is brought up

simply for the increase of community interaction. Having the crowning at the game would up the attendance, bring more family and friends of the court to the game, increase parent involvement, and highlight the individuals who were crowned homecoming royalty. “[I prefer it to be announced] during halftime at the game, because there are a lot of people there and you can get more recognition,” said Roberto Diez, senior and homecoming king, when asked when he would have preferred to be crowned. On the other hand, there are people who are hesitant of changing when the king and queen are announced because it has always been tradition to announce it at the dance. The tradition has been around for ages, and even Mr. Cleffi said that in 2002, the timing of the coronation was considered a

tradition and was therefore never changed. Many other teachers, students, and even administrators are open to the change in tradition, but there are some problems posed. If the announcement is made at the football game during halftime, the whole homecoming court ordeal would eventually cut into the bands’ and teams’ playing times, which is a violation of a PIAA conference regulation. If the announcement is made before the game, then there may or may not be as many spectators, which is the whole point of moving it. “If we announce it at the game and not the dance, it might make it more enjoyable for everybody at the dance because we’re not asking them to stop, change the music, when they’re already in the flow of things. One way we could do it is to have the

king and queen walk out, and announce the king and queen, instead of stopping the dance for 20 minutes and trying to kick it back up again for another hour,” said Mr. Cleffi. As previously stated, there are also cons with having the official announcement at the dance. The problem lies in what students wish to choose. There are many pros to having the coronation at the football game rather than the dance, which include more community recognition, more family involvement, and less decrease in dancing time. Administrators, teachers, and student council advisors are open to the idea of a change in tradition, and even embrace it. Now only the student body has to decide whether or not this issue truly matters and whether it should make change for the better. Editors Note: Go to page 4 to see a photo spread for homecoming.

Restoring the community at Freedom Using Restorative Practices in a school setting By Michael Datz The Freedom Forum

The term “Restorative Practices” is commonly heard around Freedom High School (FHS). But what exactly are restorative practices and how are they effectively used in FHS? Restorative practices has the main goal of making people positive and cooperative in a social environment such as a school or workplace. “The underlying belief system is founded around the thought that people are happier, and more productive when those in authority work with them,” said Mrs. Deanna Webb, special education teacher.

Restorative practices is also used in instances such as handling conflicts, where the blame is dissociated from the subject and helps people to own mistakes and restore what has been damaged: “By making things right, they [the student] can be integrated back into the classroom on positive terms, instead of negative ones generated by using just punitive measures,” said Mrs. Maureen Calvo, special education department chair. Students may already be accustomed to these restorative activities in class. This has apparently led to mixed reactions by those at FHS. “‘Circles’ are probably the

restorative practice with which students are most familiar. Some students like circles and some students don’t,” said Mrs. Groups in Restorative Practices engage in “circle” Calvo. discussions Photo: Creative Commons, Wikimedia But, with experience in the restorative practices pro- said Mrs. Calvo. gram, Mrs. Calvo remains However, the Restorative positive. Practices seems to be effec“I love circles and frequently tive for the school. Mrs. Calvo conduct them in my class. The believes that Freedom has majority of my students like become more focused on posthem, too and miss them when itive relationships and a I don’t do one for a while,” stronger sense of community.

“I believe that Restorative Practices helps the school community in creating a set language and general expectation in how the teachers, administrators, students and families interact,” said Mrs. Webb. As for education in this field, the International Institute for Restorative Practices, a graduate school, is located in Bethlehem. This is in fact where teacher Mrs. Webb obtained her fast track masters degree in the program, and later referred Mrs. Calvo to take classes in the program. Mrs. Calvo will complete the master's program in Restorative Practices next fall, and fellow faculty member Mr. Tom Albright will obtain his masters degree on October 25.

You Tweetin’ about me? The lowdown on subtweeting By Keri Kipp Entertainment Editor Karla Erdman Freedom Forum Adviser

Talking behind someone’s back used to happen by actually talking. Now it happens in the virtual world through “subtweeting.” The term “subtweeting” is indirectly attacking someone through implications and innuendos on social media. To put it bluntly, it is simply talking behind someone’s back

without mentioning a name or without a person’s knowledge; however, everyone who reads the information seems to know who the subject is. This type of implied insults is hard for people to handle. Subtweeting happens on Twitter and on other social media sites like Facebook. It also incorporates youth, teens, and adults. “Kids of our age with social media have almost definitely mastered the skill of subtweeting,” said Amanda

Large, sophomore. Teens growing up in this technological age are using social media in a way that does not promote their 21st century skills. In fact, it is opposite. They are using it to put out their thoughts and opinions in ways that are hurtful to others. “It happens pretty much everyday. Some sort of drama starts between two people from something stupid one person [wrote] and [it] graduates to many people becoming involved,” said Large. Subtweeting is not only hap-

pening in the young adult someone finds out what it is world. Even adults have really about it could cause a hopped on the bandwagon. lot of drama that is not necesThere have been celebrity sary. tweets between Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, and Miley Cyrus. Additionally, even local community members have been known to let loose on social media with comments about family, friends, and neighbors. Subtweeting can be a way to let out some Ava Markle, Daniel Quigley, and Keila feelings without any- Lopez demonstrate the slang for one knowing, but if Tweeters. Photo: Elyse Sanford

The Forum

October 2015

3 Editorials

The pros and cons of school uniforms Is making students wear uniforms to school the right thing to do? By Hayley Guzzo The Freedom Forum

School Uniforms have been a big controversy for a while, and some public schools are debating whether to make school uniforms the new rule. Some kids think that it will benefit everyone if more schools were to make this change, however others may not think that making kids wear a uniform to school everyday is necessary. Some pros about having kids wear uniforms to school are that they will make kids feel equal. If all the kids had to wear uniforms it won’t make the kids who can’t afford as many clothes feel left out. Since kids would all have to wear the same thing to school everyday, no one would be judged about the way they dress. Some kids think that it

would get old very quick. would be a good On the other thing to have hand, having school uniforms so school uniforms no one feels differmay benefit famient from everylies who may not body else. be able to afford a “Uniforms can be lot of clothes for really good detheir child. Finanpending on how cially, it would strict the school benefit many peois,” said Melanie ple. Plus, there Children wearing school uniforms Linares, former would be a lot less Photo: Creative Commons, Wikipedia Freedom student. making fun of the However, not kids who don’t everyone has the same opin- show what kind of person dress exactly the same as eveion when it comes to having they are through what they ryone else. school uniforms. Many peo- wear. “Less bullying about clothes ple are against the rule, and a “It’s like some kids’ person- because everyone’s wearing big reason for that is because alities by what they wear. the same thing,” said Linares. some think that kids should be Having to wear the same There are still plenty of other able to express themselves thing everyday wouldn’t be cons to having school unithrough the way they dress. fun,” said Emily Adamson, forms. Many girls and some When it comes to getting sophomore. guys enjoy picking out outfits dressed in the morning, not It has been brought up by every morning. The clothes everyone cares that much, but many that having to wear the you wear expresses your there are some who like to same thing every single day mood and your personality,

and that’s one huge reason kids do not want the schools to switch to uniforms. “The best part is picking out outfits in the morning, but if you take that away from kids you are kinda taking away their creativity and it’d be pretty dull,” said Linares. So, bottom line is that there are many pros and cons to having school uniforms and everyone has different opinions when it comes to something like this. There are already so many dress codes about the belly shirts and the saggy pants. Many kids are just getting tired of all this focus on what they wear. Maybe, schools should focus more on what kids are learning in the classrooms and a little less about the clothes on their bodies.

Can you hear me now? Important announcements not projected efficiently By Destiny Panik The Freedom Forum

Every morning, before first block starts, the warning music can be heard playing on the overhead speaker rushing students to class. However, this does not mean that students pay attention to what comes on after the music. Announcing congratulations to sports teams, but sometimes not mentioning all that deserve recognition, is one part of morning announcements. In addition, clubs or activities looking for students to join are sometimes not being de-

livered clearly. There are many after-school clubs and activities offered at Freedom High School, but many students are not aware of what these clubs offer. The announcements fail to recognize certain clubs, and the information they state is too brief for students to understand the benefits of each club. Most students are unaware that simple clubs, such as Poetry Aloud, offer monetary rewards for just memorizing poems. The announcements do not give information about certain clubs, and they often forget to

mention sports teams. Certain sports are not as broadcasted as others, such as the field hockey and cross country teams. Teams need to be recognized equally. “The announcements rarely mention field hockey. We work hard to win and it is annoying when they announce every other sport, but us. It makes us feel under appreciated," said Tessa Dellapa, sophomore. Dellapa is not the only person who feels under appreciated by the announcement. Many other field hockey players also complain about not

being recognized. Students often struggle to be aware of certain information because they did not hear it on the morning announcements. Solutions to this could be to announce certain information at different times throughout the day. Also, announcers could go in more depth about the subject, because stating information briefly does not always inform the students. The announcements on the overhead speaker are not the only way to obtain information, as there are papers scattered around Freedom with useful information. Miscellaneous papers in hallways

are not always the best way to give out information because students do not always notice them. Therefore, there should be a set location in the school where students can access paperwork informing them on club information, not just random papers hung up in the hallways. A certain location for students to access information on clubs about meetings and other important information could benefit students both by informing them and giving them a much easier access to information.

Dear Gabi...do not roast me By Gabriella Greenhoward Web Editor

Dear Gabi, Okay, I don’t want this to sound silly, but I am considered to be a “popular boy.” I’m a sophomore playing Varsity Sports, I have the “looks,” and I work really hard in school. However, my image doesn’t reflect my family situation. My mom is a single parent, so we live off of one income. On top of that, I have 3 younger siblings. Where is this going you ask? I don’t have money. My mom works crazy hard to make sure we’re fed at night. This means that we don’t have leftover money to buy the

newest clothes and sneakers. The problem is that whenever my friends and I are at practice or lunch, we all play around and “roast” each other. It’s all fun and games because everyone laughs and jokes, but sometimes it sucks when it’s my turn to be made fun of. It’s so easy for my boys to get carried away because I never have the newest sneaker or the most expensive clothes. I really don’t like everyone laughing at me, even if it’s just my friends. I know they don’t realize it, but it hurts my feelings because my family can’t help it. I just don’t think I wanna be involved in it anymore. But, I don’t want my friends to think I’m whiny or can’t handle it. Thanks, Roasted Chicken

Dear Roasted Chicken, I understand that you are in a very tricky situation. But, let me just start by saying that joking around with your friends should be something that everyone enjoys. Just because the person being “roasted” is smiling or laughing does not mean that the person is happy or finds it funny. If you are starting to feel uncomfortable with the things they are saying and how that makes you feel, there are several ways to approach the situation. First, you could try and shift the conversation in another direction once they start messing around. You may find that to be a difficult if it is something that they are used to doing all the time. Just say something like, “On another note,” and start talking about something else. Another sug-

gestion would be a direct approach. Maybe you can just try saying you don’t want to get involved in that type of banter. This might work if you pull aside one friend and explain the situation. If you get one person on your side, he may assist you in ending the trash talk. Depending on your friends, they may be fine with it. Although, they may tease you for not wanting to do it anymore, hopefully they won’t really care. Lastly, you can try to truly explain what you are going through at home. This can be extremely difficult because it means swallowing your pride. However, if you go to them, explaining that things have been tight at home and present your situation in a serious manner, they may let up on you. Furthermore, you can use that

to go on and say that they don’t know what each person is going through, so it’s not cool to do it. This may give them a minute to realize that their words are hurting you even though they are not aware of it. They can also see that roasting may be negatively affecting someone who is already having a rough time at home. Someone else may also come forward with issues at home that no one is aware of, which will make you all become closer friends. If you go with this option, I highly doubt that they would say that you’re weak because the your situation is out of your hands. I hope this helps and whatever you choose goes smoothly. Love Always,


4 Pates’ Post The Freedom Forum

Student of the Month

A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.FHSForum.com

Editor-in-Chief Elyse Sanford News Editor Cassie Sedler Editorials Editor Josh Christiansen Pates’ Post Editor Analisa Jeffries Entertainment Editor Kerilyn Kipp

Jeshlian Plaza, 9th grade ESOL By Maya White The Freedom Forum

Who is Jeshlian Plaza? She is The Freedom Forum’s Student of the Month. Jeshlian is a 9th grade (ESOL), or, English for Speakers of Other Languages, student this year who “goes above and beyond to help her fellow classmates,” said Mrs. Steckel, ESOL teacher. Freshmen are not recognized as often as upperclassmen, so it is definitely a nice change to hear about so many 9th graders doing amazing things. “She is called upon often to translate what I say into Spanish for the whole class. She is sometimes put on the spot and really takes it in stride,” said Mrs. Steckel.

Center Spread Editor

Sports Editor

Chase Hoover Web Editor Gabriella Greenhoward Adviser

For ESOL students, it can be especially difficult to learn academic subjects in a language in which they may not be completely familiar with yet. Having someone who can speak both languages is extremely helpful, both to teachers and students. “We really appreciate all that she does to help all students understand what is being said in class,” said Mrs. Steckel. Concerning her plans after high school, “I want to go to a university. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, because I like helping people,” said Plaza. Her desire to help others is apparent through her actions both in class and plans for the future. “I like music, and I like to sing

too. My favorite class is biology,” said Plaza, when asked about her other interests. Plaza was chosen as student of the month through a Google form that was sent out to FHS faculty members. Each teacher was asked to fill out the form with one name of a student in grades 9-11 who they think deserves to be recognized for their hard work, whether inside or outside of the classroom. Many names were submitted, and all had great things that separated them from their classmates. However, it was Plaza’s that stood out the most.

Photo: Maya White

Homecoming 2015

Julia Ingarao

Mitchell Coriell

October 2015

The Forum

By TJ Schaeffer The Freedom Forum

The Freedom High School Homecoming Football Game took place on Friday, October 2nd at Frank Banko field. The

result was a 35-14 Freedom win over Allentown Central Catholic. The Homecoming Court included: Dylan Brown, Roland Cash, Creily Torres, Brenda Reninga, Jeremy Parker, Raegan Pechar, Hunter

Hostage, Laura Kurtz, Brennan Reinart, Sha-Tayah Phillips, Mitchell Coriell, Angela Argese, Mezen Abdalla, Meghan Eller, Roberto Diez, and Jayla Northington. The homecoming dance took place on Saturday,

October 3rd. Roberto Diez and Sha-Tayah Phillips were crowned homecoming king and queen.

Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy

For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

The FHS Riot Squad cheers on the team

(L-R): Sha-Tayah Phillips and Roberto Diez, homecoming queen and king 2015 Homecoming Court

Photos: Christmas City Studios

October 2015

Pates’ Post 5

The Forum

Bringing heat to Spanish Heritage Month Freedom celebrates Spanish Heritage Month By Gabriella Greenhoward Web Editor

Every culture has a time dedicated to its recognition. From September 15th, to October 15th there is a celebration of the culture and traditions stemming from people of Latin American descent. During this month, America takes some time to celebrate everything that the Latin American culture brings to the national table. Hispanic Heritage month began in 1968, and was derived from the independence celebration of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. However, this was just the beginning of a commemoration that still goes on today. Freedom High School did its part in contributing to an observance that is well respected

Mrs. Cierech’s Honors Spanish 4 class Photo: Jennifer Cierech

by the American people. Mrs. Cierech invited students from Spanish-speaking countries in order to give her students the chance to learn about their culture first hand. There were 3 visitors, who

were all going into different careers, which they got the chance to discuss. They also spoke to the students about all of their traditions and ways of life. This was the Honors Spanish

4 class’s way to show its interest in the culture of other countries. They had the amazing opportunity to practice their conversational skills with fluent speakers. This year, we also had an impressive amount of FHS students who took it upon themselves, to try and enhance the experience of the celebration. An Argentinian relative of an FHS student also came to visit and talk about her lifestyle traditions, and the culture of her home. In addition, the father of a student stopped by to discuss his home country. This heritage month is all about cherishing everything the Latino community has to offer. Students at FHS did their part by listening to, as well as sharing, experiences of the Latin American and Hispanic cultures.

Spirit Week (Begins Friday, October 30)

Friday (10/30) Costume Day

Monday (11/2) Pajama Day

Adventuring into a new country All about becoming a foreign exchange student By Elyse Sanford Editor-in-Chief

Every school year, semester, and even summer, students from all around the world have the opportunity to travel to a different country and become a foreign exchange student. While living in a different setting, students learn how to adapt to a new culture, environment, and a different type of schooling. According to US News, 1 in 10 students in the United States at some point in their academic career travel to a different country to study. Because of the Internet, it is easy to find a vast amount of

websites and organizations that allow students to apply to travel overseas to study. Additionally, these websites also allow families to become “host families,” which entails that foreign exchange students

quirements that are involved with becoming an exchange student. Some of these requirements include: grade point average, age, and the different costs involved with studying abroad. Becoming a foreign exchange student is not an easy process. It takes several months in advance to plan and send the application in. Students receive more than just education while on their trip. It is an experiPhoto: Creative Commons, Flickr ence that one will most likely stay at a family’s home during never forget and they will be their trip. able to use the life lessons These websites state the re- they learn forever.

“You’ll only be gone for a school year but the experience will enrich the rest of your life. Living in another country for a school year is something most people never have the opportunity to do. You’ll return with new knowledge, cultural understanding, maturity and lifelong friends from your host country,” states the ASSE (American Scandinavian Student Exchange) International Exchange Student Programs website. If a student does not get the opportunity to study abroad in high school, almost every college has a study abroad program for students. Several colleges encourage students to study abroad and have several different programs that students can choose from.

Come to the annual FHS Bonfire You are cordially invited to: What– The annual FHS Bonfire When– November 6th, 2015 Where– Behind the boys’ baseball field

Time– 7 - 10pm It’s that time of year again! Come joins us for some fun and school spirit the night before Freedom vs. Liberty as we host our annual FHS Bonfire.

Tuesday (11/3) No School Wednesday (11/4) Hawaiian Day

Thursday (11/5) Twin Day

Friday (11/6) Freedom Friday

Bullying in the modern era verbally, and covertly torment their victims for short or long periods of time.

From the top of our federal government to the dinner tables in many American homes, bullying has developed into a debatable national dilemma. Bullying can occur in a varie-

On a more modern scale, the new advances in technology and social media has placed cyberbullying as the main issue at large. It not only allows the public to witness the bullying, but it also takes the Graphic created by: Karla Erdman bullying into what some would consider a safe ty of ways; for some it takes environment, the home. By place at home, in school or enabling that negativity to ineven in the workplace. Bullies filtrate the victim’s house, are creative in how they terrorthere is no escaping the shame ize their victims as well. They and embarrassment associated can physically, emotionally, with bullying.

Another current point surrounds the word “roasting” and what it means to modern bullying. Technically, Merriam-Webster defines “roasting” as, “To cook (food such as chicken, potatoes, or beef) with dry heat in an oven or over a fire.” However, English slang has another connotation. To “roast” someone means to verbally assault them about his or her undesirable personality characteristics. When taking a step back and looking at “roasting” from the outside, it allows others to list all of the things they think about a person negatively, but cannot say to the person’s face outside of the “roasting” setting.

In addition, when the “roasting” comes to an end, the phrase “we’re just kidding” may or may not be said. However, do the roasters really feel as though they are joking? There are times when roasting seems to be acceptable, especially in adult situations, such as a retirement celebration. While at times it can be viewed in a light-hearted manner, some people may take it seriously and those verbal attacks can sting for a while after the fact. In the end, while bullying may be spoken about a lot in school, it is not something to

Types of bullying defined Physical - This type of bullying involves hitting, kicking, fighting stealing and destroying one’s property. Physical bullying is often not the first form of bullying one is exposed to. (respect2all.org)

Verbal -

This type of bully uses words in a negative way such as insults, teasing, put downs,

etc. in order to gain control of one’s life or emotions. (nobullying.com)


- This popular form of bullying involves using electronics such

as computer’s, tablets, and cellphones to harass someone. (stopbullying.gov)

Covert - This is a subtle form of bullying that is non-physical and not easily noticeable. This prevents the situation from being seen by others, such as teachers. (bullyingnoway.gov) Free Anti-Bullying Posters

Emotional/Psychological - Psychological or emotional bully-

Poster: http://michiganschoolshows.com/ bullying_prevention_posters.html

ing is when a person is subjected to harassment that may result in psychological trauma such as anxiety, chronic depression, regular depression, etc. (healthyplace.com)

Preventing bullying at school and home “The most effective approach to bullying is a proactive and preventative one . . . It continues to be important to challenge anti-social beliefs and develop pro-social attitudes,” states the National Centre Against Bullying (ncab.org). Bullying can include actions such as violence, aggression, conflict, or harassment. A bully’s actions often stem from one or more of these 4 categories.

Photo: Openclipart

By educating schools to look at these differences when approaching bullying, it would allow for a more effective approach. This could also allow schools to develop strategies that deal with reducing any harm arising from these situations.

For example, Freedom High School (FHS) and other schools in the Bethlehem Area School District engage in anti—bullying programs, such as No Place For Hate. This program raises awareness about bullying in the school environment. This year, a new program called Freedom Friends is a student assistance club that helps students who feel deflated in the academic and social setting.

adviser. The FHS administration continues to warn students about the consequences of bullying and makes sure that students know it is punishable by law to bully others. "I think Freedom does a good job of informing students about bullying and how they are going to handle various bullying situations," said Diego Serrano, senior

Not only is it important to inform students in school, but it “You know most of you have is also important for parents to the experience, and you have talk to their children as well. the wisdom, and you know First, it is important for parwhat it takes to make this school better," said Mrs. ents to look for sudden changes Maureen Calvo, special educa- in their child’s mood. For extion teacher and Freedom ample, a student may become Friends community program suddenly depressed, or they

Scan the QR code and vote for your favorite anti-bullying

poster and video

No Place for Hate poster

Photo: Julia Ingarao

Free Anti-Bullying Posters

Results will be posted in next month’s issue of The Freedom Forum.

8 Entertainment

October 2015

The Forum

Hauntings in the Christmas City Three urban haunts in Bethlehem By Keila Lopez Journalism Student

Halloween is a perfect time to visit local haunts. Recognized by the Lehigh Valley paranormal group, the Sun Inn is a local haunt on 566 Main Street. In fact, legends say that the Sun Inn is haunted by Elizabeth Moore, a nurse who died in the hotel in 1897. It is often said that you can even hear her whisper your name. Another famous haunt is located at the Hotel Bethlehem. The hotel was built in 1741, and rumor has it that this historical building is haunted by Mary Augusta

The Sun Inn Photo: Wikimedia

Yohe, a lively and energetic little girl who sings and dances in the lobby for all of the guests. It is noted that Yohe made headlines across the country for biggest stage star in 1888.

But after enduring in two divorces, Yohe’s fondest times were singing and dancing in the hotel lobby. Thus, her spirit has remained where she was happiest. Some guests today say that they can hear a woman singing in the lobby, and when the player piano turns on by itself, employees think they know who it is. Last but not least, the Newburg Inn, a restaurant in Nazareth, has a documented

“Every time I went up to the second floor to get buckets of ice for the ice machine, I always had the feeling of someone standing behind me, or lightly brushing up against me. I would race down as quick as I could,” said Kelly Magyarics, a former Newburg Inn employee, to WineEnthuThe Hotel Bethlehem siast.com. Photo: Hauntedhouses hauntIf you are a ghost enthusiast, ed his- visit one of the locations tory. The tavern has even above. Happy Halloween. been on the TV show “Ghost Finders.” People have reported strange noises, such as hearing children playing, even when the restaurant is empty. Others say they have been tapped on the shoulder by The Newburg Inn something. Photo: Weebly

2 DIY projects you can do at home How to make ghosts out of empty water bottles By Analisa Jeffries Pates’ Post Editor

Seasons are changing and with that comes different decorations. Instead of bright colored items around the house, there will be fall and Halloween themed things. Pumpkins, skeletons, ghouls and ghosts are some of the many new decorations that you will see at this time of year. Materials needed:  Empty 16 oz. plastic bottles (the amount of bottles will be the number of ghosts)  2 googly eyes for each bottle  Square pieces of white fabric (21 inches by 21 inches)  Medium size Styrofoam balls (One for each bottle)  Hot glue Steps: 1. Lay down newspaper over the area where you are working, and plug in the hot glue gun; another glue is optional. 2. Take an empty 16 oz. water bottle, wash it, dry it and remove the label. 3. Cut off the top of the bottle so that the mouth of bottle is slightly smaller than the Styrofoam ball. 4. Apply glue to the rim of the bottle and attach the Styrofoam ball, hold for 30 seconds to make sure it will stay. 5. Apply glue to the top and sides of the Styrofoam ball, and center the white fabric on it. Press down and hold the fabric on the ball for another 30 seconds. If the fabric does not stay in some places, add more glue. 6. Center and glue the googly eyes to the Styrofoam ball. Before making the ghosts make sure to place scrap paper over the area where the ghosts will be assembled. The bottles should be washed before use. First, center the Styrofoam ball on

How to make a seasonal decoration out of mason jars and colorful leaves

the top of the bottle, and press down. This will make gluing easier. The ball By Kyah Smith should be centered, and then glued Journalism Student around the seem. This step could be skipped if the Styrofoam ball is atFor fall it is always fun to decorate tached well enough without glue. empty spaces. Decor could be bought, When gluing, anywhere on the but that could take a big chunk of ghosts, be sure to hold the parts to- money out of your wallet. So instead, gether for a few seconds after apply- you could do it yourself, save money ing. This will ensure that the ghost and make seasonal decorations. Most says together, but more glue can al- projects out there, you can do yourways be added. self, one in particular is a leaf mason This craft does not need to be made jar. with store bought items. Replacements laying around the house will Materials needed: work as well. Instead of a Styrofoam  A surface covering (ex: old newsball an old tennis ball or any ball that paper) is small enough and light enough  Empty, clear mason jars would work. An old ripped t-shirt  10 or more leaves would work rather than new fabric  A jar of Mod Podge or any clear and paper eyes would suffice. drying adhesive Over all, the craft was simple to put  A sponge paintbrush together, but the materials needed to  Twine or straw string (optional) be bought. Nevertheless, this craft is  A hot glue gun family friendly and great for children.  Hot glue gun sticks  A fake tea light candle  Almost all of these materials can be bought at a local craft store such as Michaels, Hobby Lobby, or A.C Moore.

Photos: Analisa Jeffries

Steps: 1. Go outside and collect freshly fallen leaves (Do not use fake leaves) 2. Cover your surface with newspaper or scrap paper to prevent a mess 3. Set the jar at an easy reach for gluing on the leaves 4. Cut off any stems on the leaves 5. Cover the back of the leaf with the hot glue and quickly stick the leaf onto the jar 6. You put as many leaves as you want on the jar. Repeat that step until you have the leaf coverage you desire 7. Let the jar sit and dry for about thirty minutes 8. After that thirty minutes, dip the sponge paint brush in the Mod Podge or adhesive and paint the

jar with it 9. Sit it out to dry for about an hour depending on how much adhesive is applied 10. When it’s all dry, place a fake tea light candle in the jar 11. If you want, tie string around the top of the jar There were a few problems while trying to make this project. Try not to use fake leaves because they will not stick to the jar well. The fake leaves are not flexible enough and are too stiff to form around the jar. Use hot glue to apply the leaves first because the Mod Podge was not strong enough to hold the leaves. When gluing on the real leaves, to make sure the leaves are dry, bend them. If the leaf crumples up, do not use it, they should be flexible and have a rubber texture. Lastly, when painting on the Mod Podge do not stipple it on, the adhesive will not dry clearly. This project could bring some warm accents to your space and it is pretty to look at. You can replace the leaves for something else depending on your taste and the season.

Photo: Kyah Smith

October 2015

9 Entertainment

The Forum

Book Review: “Everyday” by David Levithan By Aliana Davis Journalism Student

Imagine if you woke up in someone else’s body every single day instead of your own. It is pretty interesting to think about. I am sure it is probably all fun and games for a while, but every single day? I don’t think so. In “Everyday”, the main character does not have a real identity because he/she wakes up inside someone else’s body everyday. So this person just calls themselves “A” because “A” does not have their

own body or gender. “A” can be totally different everyday in hair color, eye color, height, weight, name, style, etc. No matter what “A” did to stop changing bodies, nothing worked. Being someone else everyday can be fun, but what happens when you fall in love with someone in one day and have to leave the one you love the next day because you are going to someone else’s body. “A” found a solution to the issue, but that solution left a lot of marks on previous bod-

ies they have been in. Read this book to find out how this person dealt with not having their own identity and how they solved the solution of falling in love with someone in somebody else’s body. This book is personally one of my favorites. It is one of those books that will make you say “one more page,” but keep going anyway. Every chapter is written in the perspective of a

whole new person, so it never gets to be boring. I have read plenty of books, but out of all them, this is by far the best. I would rate this book a five out of five stars. I researched reviews on amazon.com and they were all mostly four or five star ratings. I highly recommend this book. Put this on your list of what you want to read next. And if you also happen to be in the bookstore for hours, trying to find a book, just remember “Everyday” by David Levithan.

Photo: Aliana Davis

The movie that abducted audiences all over “The Martian” By Josiah Soto The Freedom Forum

I think it is safe to say that everyone loves movies. Everyone has their own taste in movies, whether they are into romantic, thrillers, horror, or comedy. October has been a great month for movies, and that very fact shows true in the box offices. With all the movies that came out this month, it is fairly difficult to tell which one is considered the movie of the month. Many people agree about what the movie of the month is, which by popular opinion is “The Martian,” which came

out October 2, starring Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain. “The Martian was by far my favorite movie that came out this month. It has Matt Damon in it, and he is one of my favorite actors, so I already knew that it would be good,” said Katie Dalla Piazza, senior. Also, “The Martian” was not a movie that was diPhoto: Creative Commons, Wikipedia rected for a specific audience. The movie attracted an audience of all teenagers, and toddlers could ages. Grandparents, parents, all come out to see this movie

and enjoy it. “I give it a ten out of ten. It was a great movie based on good science. The main character played by Matt Damon was witty and fun to watch as he tried to survive all alone in Mars,” said Kevin Ryer, father of, Meagan Ryer, senior. “The Martian” also did extremely well in the box office. According to BoxOfficeMojo.com, the movie made over fifty-four million dollars it’s opening weekend, from October 2 to October 4. As of now, its total domestic gross is onehundred and eight million dollars. So it is safe to say that the people of America also enjoyed the movie. The movie is also rated nine-

ty-three percent on RottenTomatoes.com, which is very high and also rare, because not many movies are able to attain such a score. In conclusion, due to the popular cast, the variety of the audiences it attracted, and successful box office, “The Martian,” without a doubt, is the movie of the month.

Things to do in October Activities and adventures in the fall around the Lehigh Valley By Bryce Kollar The Freedom Forum

As the once warm, humid days of summer slowly drift away and the cool, breezy days of October make their way upon the Lehigh Valley, many activities and things to do in the changing season become more popular. For one, the familiar pumpkin picking experience is brought to a whole new level at Strawberry Acres, a picking farm located in Coplay, Pennsylvania. Not only do you take a tractor ride just to go to your picking spot, but you can pick apples, pears, peaches, strawberries, cherries, and of course, pumpkins “It’s special to go and pick different fruits and vegetables with the family at Strawberry Acres each year, the people and atmosphere is wonder-

ful,” said Nicolette Thomson, an annual visitor of Strawberry Acres. After your picking and ride back, you are not only brought to a store with many amazing goods, but you can also indulge yourself in otherfriendly activities, such as a stroll to the goat pen, or even a horse ride. Another event to look forward to is "First Friday," which is a monthly celebration of arts and culture on Bethlehem's south side. Not Photo: Clipart Panda only do you get to explore arts and unique shops, but all while enjoying music, refreshments, in store refreshments, and of course an amazing meal in one of Bethlehem's countless restau-

rants. Next, what most are waiting for; Halloween, where candy bags, costumes, and “Trick or Treat,” are used for one night out of the whole year. Make sure to check out the "Haunt" at Dorney Park, where you not only enjoy yourself on roller coaster rides and dines, but also the thrills and chills of people popping up to scare everybody, there forty dollar ticket, and there pants out the front gates. Finally, another thing to do this October is take a hike on the 2,185 miles of the Appalachian trail. Although the trail stretches to most of the Eastern coastal states, this time of year shows a budding growth in walkers, runners, and bike riders. Not only do

Strawberry Acres, Coplay First Friday, South Bethlehem

Photo: Pexels

you get to see the changing season in a whole new perspective, but also see all the amazing colors on the changing trees. “This time of year, the Appalachian mountain trail is so beautiful and it’s definitely a must have for me and a couple of friends to go walk,” said Amy Rissmiller, a junior, who soon hopes to go to this beautiful destination. As the school year approaches the changing seasons, make sure to look for the Lehigh Valley's many different events and things to do.

Haunt, Dorney Park Appalachian Trail Grim’s Orchard, Breiningsville Archibald Johnston Estate, Bethlehem

10 Entertainment

October 2015

The Forum

“Honk!” is bound to hit all the right notes Preview of the fall musical: “Honk!” By Carly Pfaff The Freedom Forum

The Freedom Theater Company never seems to disappoint with its award winning musicals, cast performances, and sets. Therefore, there is no doubt expectations will be high for this year’s fall musical. Here is a preview of what to expect from the cast and crew of “Honk!” You may be asking what exactly is “Honk?” “Honk!” is a musical comedy based off The Ugly Duckling. It begins with the story of Ugly, the main character, and his quest to find his mother. Everyone seems to make fun of Ugly because of his odd looks. As the plot develops, Ugly

runs away and is manipulated by the cat who wants to eat him for dinner. Does Ugly manage to escape? Who will Ugly meet along the way of his journey? Are looks really what matter? Looks like you will have to wait and find out for yourself. The cast list is incredibly talented this year. The lead of Ugly will be played by Michael Brandle, senior. Abbigail Arnold, also a senior, will play the female lead as Ida. Other standout performers include Mitchell Coriell as The Cat and Sarah Sturm as Penny. “I am excited to play the part of Ugly in this year’s fall musical. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to be

apart of such an amazing cast list,” said Brandle. Show dates are set for November 12th (at 7:00), 13th (at 7:00), 14th (at 2:00 and 7:00) as well as the 15th (at 2:00) Tickets are ten dollars. The order form is available on the Freedom High School website. “Honk!” has especially started to take shape over the last few weeks. Sets are coming together on stage and the cast has put in countless hours to make (L-R) Abbigail Arnold and Michael Honk! really come to life. “I would highly encour- Brandle who will play the leads in Photo: Carly Pfaff age any underclassmen “Honk!” who are interested to join theater. It is such a rewarding said Arnold. experience where you meet The audience should expect new people, learn new skills, the unexpected out of Honk! and make lifelong memories”, “It is emotional but funny.

The musical shows everyone it is okay to be different”, said Arnold. Remember, tickets are on sale now. The musical is based on a children’s story, but will certainly have all ages interested. From the looks of things, Honk! is bound to hit all the right notes. “I am most excited for the audience to see this production come to life. This show has so much to offer- music, dancing, talented performers, and a universal message that rings true for everybody in life. I hope that the audience will learn that being different is not necessarily bad,” said Brandle.

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Key: Acrophobia: heights Arachnophobia: spider s Athazagoraphobia: being for gotten Claustrophobia: enclosed spaces Coulrophobia: clowns Mysophobia: ger ms Ophidiophobia: snakes Pedagophobia: teacher s

“Oh my gosh I love the Triskaidekaphobia!! I've never heard of that before! You know all things come from the Greek Language as Kosta says in My Big Fat Greek Wedding! Triskaidekaphobia literally means. 3 and 10 phobia! So funny,” said Mrs. Niki Hahalis.

Seplophobia: fear of caves Triskaphobia: the number 13

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October 2015

11 Sports

The Forum

Four team racing to the playoffs Top four teams in College Football By Roland Cash The Freedom Forum

It is never too early to talk about the the College Football Playoffs. There are currently four top teams that are looking like playoff contenders: Ohio State University , Baylor University , Texas Christian University , and University of Utah. Last year Ohio State set the pace by winning the National Championship and will look to repeat it this year. Ohio State is starting the season 6-0 and 2-0 in Big Ten Conference, though they are undefeated they continue to face

many unanswered questions. Ohio State has keys returning players such as wide receiver Mike Thomas, running back Ezekiel Elliott, quarterbacks Cardale Jones and JT Barrett, and fifth year senior Braxton Miller. "Ohio State has too many unrated players to repeat another national championship," said Chris Rich, sophomore. The next team Baylor nobody figured would be in a playoff race after losing star quarterback Bryce Petty, to the NFL. Baylor is ranked second nationally and ranked third in the Big Twelve. Baylor is dominating their opponents

every week and showing the college football committee they belong in this year’s playoffs. Their new starting quarterback Seth Russell is making a lot of noise this season by, passing for 1527 yards with 22 touchdown, and only five interception. “ Baylor has a good chance winning the national championship,” said Aaron Powell, a senior After just missing the playoffs by one spot last year, TCU is ready to show the world that they are a playoff contender. Standing in second at the 2015 Heisman Watch poll, Trevone Boykin is one of the elite players in college right now. As a senior,

Boykin has stepped up and is looking to bring his team a national championship. “ TCU has a lot of speed and strength to be an elite team,” said Juwan Northington, a senior The biggest surprise of the college football season right now might be Utah, who is currently ranked fourth in the Ap Poll. Utah has remained an underdog for the past few seasons and but has started out strong and in turn has become a favorite this season. Every week Utah brings everything to the table to beat their opponents and also showing the college football committee they also belong in the playoffs. 6’7 233 pounds

quarterback Travis Wilson does not have impressive numbers this year but getting done winning every week. Also , Utah have one an elite and decent running back Devontae Booker , who rushes over 100yds almost every week. “ Utah deserves to be in the playoffs,” said Northington. This season the “ College Football National Championship” will take place in Glendale, AZ on Monday, January 11th. As the season get close to the end , these teams battle every week to keep their spots for the playoffs. One of these teams will rise or one of these teams will fall out of the top four.

Fantasy football Helpful hints, keys, and tips to win your league By Chase Hoover Sports Editor The 2015 fantasy football season has seen more ups and downs than one can count. We have seen pre-season sleepers and stars such as Chris Anderson, Marshawn Lynch, Jimmy Graham, among others fall miles short of expectations. “I took Chris Anderson in the third round of my draft and have already dropped him and it’s only week six,” said Cole Nicholson, Senior. Even if your early round selections have happened to fall short or your team has been derailed with injuries,

thank you Jamaal Charles. It is no time to panic. I repeat it is no time to panic. Instead it is time to step up your game, dominant that waiver wire. Focus on matchups and not projections. “I always try to take a defense facing the Buccaneers because Jameis Winston always throws a ton of interceptions,” said Chris Fereno, senior. The key to remaining a powerhouse in Fantasy is to find that waiver wire gem of the week. Nearly every week, no matter how big your league is there is always a couple of unowned players

options include quarterbacks Blake Bortles, Jay Cutler, and who will exceed their projec- wide receiver Stefon Diggs. tions. Look at players such as The list is endless, every David week there is a hidJohnson of den gem and it’s the Arizoyour job to find him na Cardibefore your friends nals who can. is owned “I picked up Lamar in only Miller and Danny 43% of Woodhead after they Yahoo were both dropped. Fantasy Since I have picked Leagues. them up they have He is a exploded,” said Cole short yardNicholson, senior. age and In order to beat Photo: mytakeontv.com goal line your friends you player must control the who has a chance to explode waiver wire. You must utilize every week. Other possible players going into favorable

matchups while also taking advantage of injuries. Avoid acquiring players from stagnated offenses such as the Broncos, no idea where Peyton Manning’s arm has gone, the Chiefs and the Cowboys. On top of that, try to start players who face struggling teams such as the Browns who have the league's worst rushing defense or the 49ers who currently have the league’s worst passing defense. The 2015 season is still young and so is your fantasy season. With some hard work and a little luck you might just get the ultimate bragging rights over your friends.

The NBA’s upcoming season, its previews and predictions Predicting this seasons biggest teams By Kevin McNulty Journalism Student

With the Warriors winning the NBA Finals championship, all other 29 teams are looking to do the same thing in June of 2015. There are many teams from last year that are expected to have a duplicate season as they did last year. However, many of them are looking to rise from the ashes and have a rebuilding season as they aim make the playoffs or just try to have a winning season. “The Lakers can have a very good team if they can stay healthy and they all learn to play together,” said Nick King, junior There are many teams that will be rebuilding around new draft picks, such as the Lakers who drafted the number 3

overall pick in D'Angelo Russell out of Ohio State and still have a superstar in Kobe Bryant, if he can stay healthy. The Lakers have the talent, but it just needs to work together, so it will be awhile before it can work as a unit. A team that is most rooted for in Pennsylvania is the Philadelphia 76ers, it is certainly not going to be a top prediction to win it all, but can have a serious turnaround season, the key is stay healthy. The 76ers 2014 first round pick, Joel Embiid, saw minimal action during the regular season due to a right foot injury, but if he can stay healthy, the team can certainly have a bright future. “Lebron is unlikely to play in the pre-season due to an injection in his back, but they

are expected to make it to the finals this year with a healthy Kyrie Irving and Lebron James,” said Lewis Hargett, junior This is an accurate prediction because last year they had 3 superstars in Lebron James, Kyrie Irving, and Kevin Love. If Love did not have so many injuries, the Cavaliers probably would have won the finals. There are so many teams that win in the regular season and finish very close to the top of the division and win in playoffs but come up short of making the NBA finals or they do make it but cannot take home the trophy. A team that epitomizes this is the Houston Rockets. They have players like James Harden, Dwight Howard, along with other stars and they constantly win but fall just

short of the ultimate goal in making it to the Finals. They will certainly be looking to do as good if not better than they did last year because they made it to the conference finals but lost to the eventual champs, Golden State Warriors, in 2014, they lost in the first round to the Portland Trail Blazers in 2014 so this past season certainly was a step in the right direction for

the Rockets. There are many teams that are looking to win the NBA finals or hoping to at least make the playoffs or for some having a winning season so we will see what is to come of the new NBA season.

Photo: Flickr

October 2015

12 Sports

The Forum

Freedom’s soccer teams kicks it into District Playoffs Girls’ Soccer Teams Season in Review

Boys’ Soccer Teams Season in Review

By Thomas Durham The Freedom Forum

By Thomas Durham The Freedom Forum

Following its successful season last year, the Freedom girls’ soccer team continues to build momentum within the program. They finished the regular season in third place in the EPC Steel Division with a 9-9 record. The team ended the season on a 4 game win streak and as a result clinched a district playoff spot. “We have grown as a team and improve each and every time we play,” said Amber Buck, sophomore and defender for the team. Over the second half of the season, the team won 7 of its last 11 games, which includes a 1-0 win over Bethlehem Catholic on a goal by Brianna Vera with 18 seconds left in the game. Jaiden Coyne is the team's leading scorer with 17 goals, which is the most any player has scored in a single season over the past 4 years. Ava Markle and Coyne are tied for the most assists with 9 each. Emmy Joseph and Brianna Vera are not far behind with 8

apiece. On the other side of the ball, Tara Hathaway is the team’s starting goalkeeper and has 6 shutouts on the year. Hathaway, junior, has led the team in saves the past 3 seasons, according to Lehigh Valley Live. “Being with the team is like being with family,” said Buck. Before the season started the team’s goal was to win a district playoff game. With teamwork, they have put themselves in a position to do so with playoffs looming.

Photo: Thomas Durham

After finishing last year’s season winning 4 of their last 5 games, the boys’ soccer team started off the season by winning its first 5 of 6 games, outscoring opponents 19-5, according to Lehigh Valley Live. “We have come a long way from last year and have grown as a team and a program,” said Curtis Brewer, junior forward. The Patriots finished the regular season with a 13-3 league record and a 13-5 overall record. Their record earned them second place in the EPC Steel Division. The Patriots closed out their season by defeat-

ing crosstown rivals Liberty 3-2. Steven Riad had two goals and an assist. John Eltringham also had 12 saves on the night, with his biggest save coming off of a Liberty corner. Eltringham made a crucial diving save to protect Freedom’s 3-2 lead late into the second half. Steven Riad is the team's leading scorer with 15 goals on the season. Mezen Abdalla, injured in the first meeting against Liberty, provided 8 goals on the season. The team had 11 different goal scorers on the season, according to Lehigh Valley Live. Chris Szymanski led the team in assists with nine, followed closely by Riad who

had eight and Silva who had six. John Eltringham has made 79 saves on the season. “The team learned to play better with each other and be more positive,” said Brewer, who had 3 goals in the regular season. The Patriots will look to continue their momentum and have their sights set on a deep playoff run.

Photo: Christmas City Studios

Anticipating the brawl in Bethlehem Freedom and Liberty fight it out on the gridiron By TJ Schaeffer The Freedom Forum

This year, the FreedomLiberty football game will be played on November 7, 2015 at the Bethlehem Area School District Stadium. The game is traditionally one of the largest sporting events held in Bethlehem. Last year, a FreedomLiberty day was created in honor of the competitive rivalry between the 2 schools. Last year, the 7-2 Freedom Patriots shutout the 5-4 Liberty Hurricanes, 29-0. Freedom’s win would be even more bittersweet as it got the chance to knock Liberty out

of the District 11 playoffs. This year, the stakes are higher than ever. The Freedom student section, the Riot Squad, and the Liberty student section, Category 6, have been talking trash back and forth not only on the playing field but also through social media. Before the season started, the Riot Squad and the Category 6 exchanged Tweets over who had the better student section. Mr. Michael LaPorta, who will be in his 9th year as the Freedom High School principal, is all for the FreedomLiberty football game. “It’s the only game in the

Photo: The Patriot Club

city that is going to bring 10,000-plus people every year,” said Mr. LaPorta. “It also might be a time where Freedom and Liberty are ranked #1 and #2 in the EPC, which will definitely raise the stakes of the game,” said Mr. LaPorta. Kevin McNulty, a sophomore player on the Freedom Football team, also has the same mindset about the Freedom - Liberty matchup. “It’s important because it’s ultimately bragging rights for the better team in Bethlehem,” said McNulty. “Also it’s our last game of the regular season so it can really help or hurt you in terms of playoff seeding.”

Bell Count Update: Freedom….…...3


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