October 2016

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Volume 50 Issue 2

October 2016

Photo: Christmas City Studios

Freedom High School celebrates the 2016 Homecoming King and Queen, Adam Recke and Shae Banas

Becoming Homecoming King

What are you most afraid of?

Adam Recke, a hero to the Freedom Family Madison Walther The Freedom Forum

"I'm pretty claustrophobic. I don't like being in tight places it freaks me out." Morgan Johnson, junior

“Snakes because they’re scary” Mathew Kingfield, fr eshman

“I believe there is a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, that gives us strength and makes us noble.” “Spiderman” When people think of heroes, they think of firemen saving people from burning building. They envision nurses and doctors saving a person's life in an emergency room. However, heroes can be found in all walks of life. In fact, the Freedom Family has its very own hero; Adam Recke. The presentation of the 2016 homecoming court was a huge hit for students at Freedom High School during the pep rally on Fri. Sept. 23. Nominees all performed short skits in the gymnasium; however, there was one performance that will never be forgotten. Students came together and started chanting for Adam Recke, who walked in shooting spider webs just like movie character Peter Parker. “I really enjoyed being able to share this experience with Adam. He is such an inspiration,” said his partner

In case you missed it “Separation because I lost my mom, and I don’t want to lose anyone close to me.” Silvia Morales, sophomor e

Christina Lavin, The reason Recke’s performance stood out is because he has a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, often called “Childhood Alzheimer's”. He cannot metabolize cholesterol and other lipids in his body. This causes them to build up in his liver, spleen, and brain at toxic levels that destroy the cells controlling mobility and cognition. This disorder affects only 500 people around the world. Recke's hero status has evolved over his time with family and friends throughout the years in the Bethlehem Area School District. “It is amazing to see how much he has grown, and what a warrior he is. Adam is strong, and a fighter that I look up to,” said Allen Onofre, senior. At the football game that same Friday evening, Freedom High School’s student section, the Riot Squad, came together and began chanting Recke’s name again, showing him that all the students rally behind him. This moment touched Recke, blinking back tears, as his

parents stood on either side of him. Recke was soon crowned homecoming king along with Shae Banas as queen on Sat., Sept. 24. Students again chanted Recke’s name, this time with tears in their eyes. “Seeing Adam’s face light up after they called his name was such a touching moment,” said Shae Banas, senior. “It was an honor to talk, dance, and take pictures with him. It is definitely something I will never forget.” Students who grew up with Recke are mesmerized to see how far Recke has come and are grateful to share such a wonderful and inspiring moment with him. “He deserves everything. I started to tear up when I saw his smile. I’ve known him for so many years, and just to see him still going strong is just such an amazing thing,” said Amie Januszkiewicz senior. Winning was a complete surprise to Recke. “It feels awesome to be homecoming king,” said Adam Recke, senior. “I feel grateful for the Freedom Family.”

Rader’s Rants

Spirit Week Schedule

Updates on terrorism attacks

Christina Lavin: senior reflection

My time away from school

Themes for the week

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.FHSForum.com - @FHSForum

Celebrating 50 years of serving the Freedom community

2 News

October 2016

The Forum

World’s first baby born with DNA from 3 parents New scientific technique leads to advancements in obstetrics Joshua Christiansen Editorials Editor

A digital model of DNA, which was altered, fertilized, and moved in this new scientific technique. Photo: Pixabay

Scientists have discovered a new technique in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which could create healthier babies with less likely of a chance of genetic disorders or diseases. DNA is the hereditary material in humans and

almost all other organisms. The interesting part about this is that the scientific operation results in a baby carrying the DNA from three different parents. According to an article by NewScientist.com, this is a very controversial technique, which allows parents with rare genetic mutations to have healthy babies, but has only been legally approved in the UK. The first successful birth to occur, performed by a US team of doctors in Mexico, was with a baby of Jordanian parents. In using DNA from three parents; two women and a man, researchers were able to take some of the mother’s DNA from an egg and remove the disease-ridden DNA. The healthy DNA was slipped into the egg of a female donor, which was then fertilized. Thus, the child inherited DNA

from his two parents and the egg donor. The reason that they performed this new conception technique was because of the changes it could make when dealing with genetic disorders and diseases. “The boy’s mother carries genes for Leigh syndrome, a fatal disorder that affects the developing nervous system. Genes for the disease reside in DNA in the mitochondria, which provide energy for our cells and carry just 37 genes that are passed down to us from our mothers,” said an article by NewScientist.com. The leader of the medical team that carried out the technique was Dr. John Zhang, of the New Hope Fertility Center in New York, who in an article for FoxNews.com, ensured that this process was to save lives and do the

ethical thing. This technique is the first of its kind, but many are wondering if it will be used more commonly in the future. “I think that in special situations, where the parents know that there is a lethal disorder or disease and they have no other option, I think this will be used, but I don’t think that the average person or couple is going to use this technique because it costs too much [considering] its high rate of success, and it’s just not commonplace enough yet, so I do not see it catching on in that sense,” said Mr. Eric Baltz, chair of Freedom High School’s Science Department. Even if it may not catch on quickly in the medical field, this genetic advancement is revolutionary and will begin saving more lives in childbirth.

Bringing full attention to Pediatric Cancer BASD strives to raise pediatric cancer awareness Keri Kipp Pates’ Post Editor

Pediatric cancer is real. It is not something you can hide from or just ignore; it will not go away. Every three minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. It is the leading cause of death in children today. Though there are certain treatments that the children may go through to cure the cancer that they may have, it is not always a guarantee that the results will go in their favor. These adolescents have to live with the struggle of fighting a battle every second of their lives. Kids are stronger than most people think. They have hearts of gold, their smiles will warm the world, and their stories will bring tears to everyone’s eyes. Students at Freedom High School (FHS) strive to achieve their goal of raising awareness about horrible disease. “Pediatric cancer is a terrible disease. Every child deserves a lifetime full of the milestones that they deserve, and cancer does nothing but take that away from them. It is not only devastating to them, but [also to] their entire families,” said Hailey Atiyeh, captain of Bethlehem Area School District’s (BASD) MiniTHON events committee. Causes of pediatric cancer are unPLEASE ACCEPT THE FORUM’S APOLOGY In the Back-to-School September 2016 Edition, two teachers names were spelled incorrectly. FHS English teacher: Ms. Karen Buchanan FHS Business teacher: Mr. Brad Bloszinski We apologize for the error. If you notice errors in The Freedom Forum, please email us at: FHSForum@gmail.com.

known, and the research is underfunded. Two out of three childhood cancer patients will experience chronic side effects from all of their treatment procedures, and one in five children that become diagnosed with cancer will die within five years of the beginning of their treatment. “We can all do things to raise the awareness in our community. Things just as simple as sharing a Facebook post, or Tweets about this topic will bring a new understanding of what these poor families go through and will bring a whole new respect. While it is incredible that we continue to increase the fundraising total as the years go on, it is not all about the money total. If we can increase the involvement, the possibilities are endless. Of course, the ultimate goal at hand is to not need to host a mini dance marathon, all because the cure to pediatric cancer has been released,” said Atiyeh. Childhood cancer is not one disease alone. It is made up of over 50 types and countless subtypes as well. Each type is a different disease to the body’s cells. These cells can grow in an abnormal and uncontrolled way and can metastasize and continuously spread through the child’s body. Any child could be in danger of becoming diagnosed with this disease. In the Unites States, the increasing rate of cancer among children is growing at a greater rate than any other age group. “This disease is not just something to sit around and let happen just because there is nothing we can do. I feel that it is very important to educate people on what pediatric cancer can actually cause. It affects everyone in some shape or form. People should begin to realize the research being done all to help these children have a better and more fulfilled lifetime,” said Bella Pompa, junior class overall captain of BASD’s Mini-THON. They are this world’s gold. That is why the pediatric cancer awareness ribbon shares the same color. These children fight to live. If one could im-

Poster for Pediatric Cancer that illustrates numbers and statistics that relate to the disease Photo: Alexslemonade.org

agine a child’s face when they hear the words, “you are cancer free,” that should be enough drive for the world, or even just the community, to do everything that they can possibly do. “The money that mini-THON raises all goes to the Four Diamonds Fund. They use it to give these children the treatments that they need at the Hershey Children’s Hospital. This money also goes towards funding for the research in order to find a cure. Everyone involved has one goal in their minds that we all aim for from beginning to end,” said Pompa. This year already, BASD Mini-

THON has hosted many events that lead up to the 12-hour dance marathon in April 2017. The FHS versus Emmaus High School football game was held on September 30, and the theme for both teams and student sections was “Gold Out.” This theme was inspired by the fact that September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. Also, the BASD Mini-THON 5k Color Run was held on October 8. Many community members walked for the kids while getting colored chalk all over them. The first Fall Festival occurred on October 22 from 4-8 pm in the FHS old gym upstairs. Mini-THON invited everyone to come out and in support of a fun night filled with fall activities. Someday, they will find a cure for this awful disease. However, for now, Mini-THON members will not only fight for the kids, but they will also be by their sides as they fight the battle and climb the mountain to the top.

Freedom High School versus Emmaus High School football game on September 30, 2016 goes gold for Pediatric cancer awareness. Screenshot: Keri Kipp

October 2016

The Forum

In case you missed it Terrorism in 2016 is a greater issue than media portrays it to be

What are you most afraid of?

response to the shooting, the hashtag #PrayForOrlando was trending on several social media sites, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. 50 killed; 53 injured July 7, 2016 - Dallas, Texas 25-year-old veteran Micah Xavier

New York A bomb shocked residents of NYC’s Chelsea neighborhood. Police are not In the news and on social media, yet sure of who was behind the blast. many stories are about terrorist at0 dead; 29 injured tacks in the Middle East and in EuIn response to the numerous terrorist rope; however, terrorism is actually attacks on American grounds, the just as much as an issue in the United States government United States as it is across has been becoming strictthe globe. So, in case you er towards gun laws and have missed it, here is a list of gun control. Hillary Clina few terrorist attacks in the ton is known to be exU.S. that occurred in the past tremely anti-firearms. In 12 months. addition, presidential canNovember 27, 2015 - Colodidate Donald Trump has spoken out on his policy rado Springs, Colorado Robert Lewis Dear, rightto hinder terrorism in the wing extremist, fired a gun at States. The fate of these Planned Parenthood clinic. issues relies on the results The incident reflects the reof the upcoming election, cent debates on abortion and along with U.S. efforts to LGBT topics. He targeted stop ISIS. both civilians and police officDespite all the hate ers. 3 killed; 9 injured across the globe, there have been positive efDecember 3, 2015 - San Police cars crowd to the scene of the shooting at Pulse Night club. Photo: City of Orlando Police Department forts to encourage peace Bernardino, California Married couple Sayed Rizwan among diverse religions, Farook and Tashfeen Malik shot and Johnson targeted police officers at a races, and lifestyles. The social media killed fourteen people at an office protest in Dallas. Protesters were de- trends #PrayForOrlando and holiday party. Police are still investi- manding justice for an African- #PrayForDallas allowed for people gating whether or not this act of ter- American male who was shot and from all over the world to share their rorism is associated with radical Is- killed by the cops. Johnson took his sympathy with the victims of the terlamic motives. 16 killed; 23 injured. left-wing extremist views and gun rorist attacks. Hopefully, in the fuexpertise and shot several police of- ture, the world can start to promote June 12, 2016 - Orlando, Florida Omar Mateen opened fire on crowds ficers. He is now known as the Dallas international peace, so less people at Pulse nightclub, a known gay sniper. 6 dead; 10 injured suffer from violence and more people nightclub in Orlando. He murdered live in unity. 49 civilians, including himself. In September 17, 2016 - New York, Rachel Black The Freedom Forum

3 News

"Roller coasters with loops because they might get stuck or I might fall out." Stephen Vander Schauw, senior

"Snakes because I think they are freaky and my brother would wave his around my face." Mr. Michael DiBilio, assistant principal

Striking to keep their pensions Workers at Just Born Candy Company hope to end disagreements Hayley Guzzo Entertainment Editor

Walking a picket line with signs asking people to honk as a means of support, the Just Born Candy employees take a stand against their employer. But not every ends well. On Wed., Sept. 7, 2016, production and maintenance workers at Just Born Candy Company (members of Local 6 Bakery Confectionery Tobacco and Grain Millers Union International aka BCTGM) in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania went on strike following unsuccessful contract negotiations with the candy maker. During the time of a strike, which lasted just over 3 weeks, workers of the family-owned candy company picketed day and night, while candy continued to be produced in a limited capacity. This all happened as Just Born union leaders and company representatives had been trying to come to an agreement on a new 3 year contract, where the main sticking points were pension plans, health care cost increases and wages. When an agreement to the contractwhich expired in June- could not be reached, it resulted in a full-blown strike by the first, second, and third shift factory workers. Other reasons why this happened was because union leaders had spoken about how the

company wanted to increase workers’ share of health insurance cost. This had been The Just Born Factory a heated topic for a while at Just Born. According to lehighvalleylive.com, the company framed the strike “as part of an attempt to disrupt Just Born’s business during a period of peak production.” During the strike, the company had stated that it wanted to keep current employees in their pension plan while placing newly hired workers in a 401 (k) retirement plan. However, the strike did not affect only the people behind the making of the candy. In fact, every single employee was somewhat affected during the strike, including cafeteria workers at the plant “During the strike, I was forced to work a few extra hours a day since we were only open first shift rather than first and second,” said Kyle Ruggiero, cook. The providers of the food in the Just

Born cafeteria do not work for the company. However, they were still forced to shut down the cafeteria during second shift for a few days due to many of their customers outside picketing. “Since much of our business was on strike, we were forced to close the cafeteria during second shift for about two days,” said Ruggiero. In addition to these workers, the other parts of Just Born being affected by the strike include the office workers who worked extra hours to make sure customers are satisfied with their product, while also coming up with new creative ideas. During and even after the strike, many employees from the office volunteered to work on production in the factory during the day and overnight to make sure that candy continued to be produced.

At this time, the strike has ended as many employees are back at work. They are still trying to get over the rough Photo: Just Born Website patch caused by these disagreements between the union and company. Unfortunately, not all production and maintenance workers were lucky enough to return to their jobs. A few days after the strike began, job ads for the candy company had started printing on the local papers to hire permanent replacement workers. This caused even more divide between the company and its workers. To this day, the employees who have been replaced during the strike are protesting day and night outside the doors of Just Born, hoping to return to their jobs soon. It is still uncertain what will happen next for the popular candy company. Things may never be the same, but hopefully all parties will come together and make it even stronger and sweeter than it was before the strike.

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District

The Forum

Is patriotism diminishing in the United States Standing for National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance Freedom Forum Staff

3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.FHSForum.com

Editor-in-Chief Gabriella Greenhoward News Editor Maya White Editorials Editor Josh Christiansen

Pates’ Post Editor Kerilyn Kipp Entertainment Editor Hayley Guzzo Center Spread Editor Juliana Maffea Analisa Jeffries Sports Editor T.J. Schaeffer Web Editor Juliana Maffea Analisa Jeffries Assistant Editors Bridalia Tatlow Bryce Kollar

Chuck Tichy

Photo: Josh Christiansen

His cleats were tied tightly, and he was ready to play the game. He sported his red and metallic gold jersey on his back. What he did not sport that night, however, was pride and allegiance for his country. On August 26, Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, sat in protest as he watched his peers and fans stand for the playing of their National Anthem. Fans berated him and accused him of lacking American patriotism, which is love that people feel for their country. Kaepernick is utilizing his influence as a well-known professional athlete to speak for all those fighting against these issues, but he is going about it in a way that has sparked controversy on the national stage; turning a political protest into a sign of disrespect for a nation. When a well-known professional athlete, celebrity, or other public figure displays their actions in this manner, it often leads their followers to think that it is okay to disrespect a nation and ignore

Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

L-R: Mr. William Cecchini, Mrs. Holly DeNofa, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, and Mr. Michael DiBilio Photo: Christmas City Studios

October 2016

the sacrifices others have made to keep it as “land of the free.” Many citizens also argue that military veterans have fought and risked their lives for the freedom of Americans to exercise their rights; however, while this is one topic of the debate, one must not forget Kaepernick’s reason for this protest, which is to shed light on the topic of police brutality and racial discrimination. So, how can Americans find a balance between fighting for equality and respecting their country and those who died for their sake, all while promoting patriotism? A more relatable example of this growing unfaithfulness towards the nation, specifically at Freedom High School, would be the deficiency of respect for the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem in the morning. Often times at the beginning of first block, students will not say the Pledge of Allegiance when it is recited over the loudspeakers. Similarly, on Fridays, they will continue walking during the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner” until a teacher politely asks them to stop, or groan in annoyance when it is played while they stand in their classrooms. Thus, classrooms are now silent when the pledge is spoken every morning. Students walk to class, totally ignoring the nation’s song, groaning in aggravation. Although it is the Constitutional right of every American to refrain from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, many believe that doing so shows a lack of patriotism. The right for students to stand, sit, recite, or stay silent as they would peacefully please is maintained by their First

Amendment right and several Supreme Court decisions including Rabideau vs. Beekmantown Central School District. "It just teaches children who they are. That they're Americans, I think. I grew up with the Pledge of Allegiance and I just think it's the right thing to do," said Marine Corps Veteran Dan Smoot, in an article on Keloland.com. Some Americans may not be able to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance for religious reasons or political beliefs, but society expects almost everyone to adhere to this simple American oath. It is not a hard expectation to follow, but somehow, many of the young people in today’s society barely stand, let alone pledge, to the country that has given them so much. Individuals in the United States have the freedom to stand up against issues that may have negative effects on themselves or others. Although times may be growing and changing, the respect that Americans have for their country should not waver.

Screenshot: The Freedom Forum’s Twitter poll demonstrating that 95% of respondents agree with showing patriotism at sporting events. Screenshot: Josh Christiansen

Kicking off standardized testing with the PSAT’s Find out what to expect for the PSAT’s Linda Mao The Freedom Forum

The season of cooler weather and cozy sweaters also brings the beginning of this school year’s standardized testing. Everyone has at least heard of the dreaded SAT and PSAT, but what are they and how do you prepare for them? The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions. The test is nationally administered a total of seven times annually in January, March, May, June, October, November, and December. However, the PSAT is a preliminary SAT given only once a year in October. It also serves as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program, which is an annual academic competition for recognition and college scholarships. Only juniors are eligible for the scholarship. What is the format of the PSAT? It is broken down into three sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math.

The logo for the National Merit Photo: National Merit Scholarship Program

The Reading Test consists of 47 multiple-choice questions with a time limit of 60 minutes. The Writing and Language Test is 44 multiple-choice problems that need to be answered in 35 minutes. Composed of 40 multiple-choice questions and 8 student-produced responses, the Math Test has two subsections of no calculator (25 minutes) and with calculator (45 minutes). As for how to prepare, CollegeBoard and the popular online learning website Khan Academy have partnered to provide free official practice for both the PSAT and SAT. The program offers personalized practice questions in a schedule to keep you on track. In addition, the booklet you received after registration contained an official PSAT practice test to give you an idea of what to expect. Also, because the PSAT is a preliminary SAT, doing the more difficult SAT practice tests is a useful way to prepare for the PSAT. CollegeBoard has released the Official SAT Study Guide book, which can be bought at bookstores or borrowed from your local library. Another helpful tip is to make sure you know the rules and format of the PSAT before testing. It sounds like a nobrainer, but you would be surprised by the number of people who are unfamiliar with the Writing and Language section or how to answer student-produced math questions. This way, you will not

The PSAT booklet given to students after registering for the test. Photo: Linda Mao

have to go over them in the actual test and save time. Your 2016 PSAT score report will be available online Dec. 12, 2016 and a paper copy will be distributed by schools in 2017. It will contain a total score out of 1520, with a EvidenceBased Reading and Writing score out of 760 and a Math score also out of 760. Registration for the 2016 PSAT at Freedom began late September and concluded Oct. 5 with a fee of $23. The test itself is scheduled to be held on Oct. 15, 2016 at Freedom High School.

October 2016

The Forum

The Election: Hillary vs. Trump

Editorials 5

Ashley Adams

Unleashing the truth behind a famous discovery An expose on Christopher Columbus are now the Baha- Christopher Columbus deserved a October 10 is recognized as a day to Gabriella Greenhoward Editor-in-Chief

It is incredulous the way American history reports only one side of a situation; usually, the one that paints the U.S. as the good guys. There is no better example than the “great” American land discoverer, Christopher Columbus. Photo: Pixabay In many circles, he is regarded as an American hero, credited for discovering the new world. Why not praise a decent man, who discovered the country millions of people call home today? By offering excessive adulation to Christopher Columbus, Americans are worshipping an aggressive racist, who devalued women and did not even discover the country in which he is so famously known. In fact, according to an article in the Washington Post, during his famous exploration, he did not actually stop in North America. Rather he came across “various Caribbean islands that

mas.” holiday, The Freedom Forum posted a pay homage to Christopher ColumThis is the kind of withheld infor- poll on Twitter. There were 132 votes, bus. The whole day is used to celebrate the achievements of a cruel and relentless man, who felt that any people who were native to the white race should not be considered with the same decencies and rights extended to everyone else. What about the people who left their imprint on the world, in their own unique ways, without Poll Result Number 1 Poll Result Number 2 excessive violence? What about Screenshots: Gabriella Greenhoward mation, that misleads Americans into the hero Harriet Tubman? What idolizing individuals who are com- 63 percent saying yes, and 37 percent about the brilliant Albert Einstein? pletely unworthy of their admiration. said no regarding justification of a What about the ingenious Walt DisHowever, when Columbus did land holiday for Columbus. ney? in America, he came across the Native If that 63 percent knew that Colum- It is these kind of people who are Americans who lived there. The ques- bus not only enslaved the native peo- worthy of a national holiday. These tion that many people have not ple, but allowed his men to rape their are the kind of people who Americans thought to consider is how is one women, all the while spreading his should want their children not only credited with discovering land if there peaceful message of his religion, as learning about in school, but also celwere already people living there? Truthout.com described, would they ebrating for the amazing legacies they Should they not be the ones acknowl- change their minds? left behind. edged as the initial discoverers? What better way to know than to test Photo: Flavorwire Nonetheless, upon his eventual arri- it out. After editing the poll with a val, Columbus failed to treat the na- fact about who Christopher Columbus tive people with the respect that they actually was, the results changed. The deserved. Instead, he terrorized these new percentages showed that 66% of men and women and desecrated the students thought that he should not values of life that they held so dear. have a holiday, and 34% thought that To find out whether or not Freedom he should. High School students believed that Right now, throughout the country,

Battling the heroine epidemic in the Lehigh Valley The effects of drug use in local neighborhoods Kiara Conaway The Freedom Forum

Heroin has become a major problem in Pennsylvania. In fact, Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Harrisburg have requested a special legislative meeting with Governor Tom Wolf to address this increasing issue. According to a poll created by the Morning Call/Muhlenberg College, nearly one in two residents knows or knows of someone addicted to heroin or other substances in the Lehigh Valley. Chris Borick, the director of Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion conducted the poll. "That tells you this epidemic — and it is an epidemic — has reached the public consciousness. They're seeing it … And in many cases, they're experiencing it." said Borick.

In Lehigh County, 40 people have died from overdosing on heroin and other opiates within the years of 2014 and 2015. Another startling 76 people died due to the overdose of multiple drugs within the same time bracket. Cheap and easy accessibility to the drugs have caused grave consequences, mostly resulting in death. The victims of the overdose has no discrimination. The victims varied from college graduates and pharmacists to truck drivers, factory hands, and college dropouts. The Lehigh Valley has recognized the growing situation between the town’s residents and heroin and other related drug usage. The majority of the poll respondents found that heroin is a problem within the area. Tracey Maholland, a mother of five

and a resident of Bethlehem, has had her own personal trials with heroin. She has been battling with her addiction for years, which has also affected her children, but now is off the drug and much happier. “Before, I didn't want the kids to see what I was doing. Now, I'm happy and they're happy because of it," said Maholland, in an article on LehighValleyLive.com. Her story is alike to others in many cases. In the Lehigh Valley, her case is becoming more and more common. In response, the community has taken an active response against the epidemic. The Bethlehem Police Department opened up to the public with a presentation about drug abuse. This event took place at Freedom High School on Thurs., Oct. 20. The presentation started at seven p.m and all were welcome.

With such a large epidemic in our hands, citizens must join together in order to eliminate the threat of drug abuse within the community. Drug addiction is a disease, but with proper medical treatment and cooperation with each other, drugs can be eradicated from the Lehigh Valley.

Flyer for a drug awareness event being held at Freedom. Photo: Kiara Conaway

Black Cats

The Bus to Nowhere

The idea behind black cats


The ride to nowhere

Black cats have always been given the bad reputation that they are unAn Urban Legend here in Pennsylvalucky or evil, but is that really true? nia is the Bus to Nowhere. The legend When people hear of black cats, originated from Philadelphia, Pennsylvathey immediately think of them as nia. witches’ sidekicks. It is said that when someone is in a reAll throughout folklore, people ally bad place in his or her life, this bus thought that they were incarnations Photo: Wikimedia Commons will show up with others who are in the of witches or that they had somesame situation. The passengers on the bus sit facing forward, thing to do with deaths. There are many ideas of what the cats really almost like they are in a daze. They do not speak to anyone, and they do are, and many countries have different ideas. not make any sounds. In Greek mythology, it is thought that Galinthias, the servant of the Some say the only way to get off of the bus is if the person temporarily mother of Hermes, was turned into a cat and became a priestess to awakens to pull the chord, but others say that those people have been on the goddess of the underworld, Hecate. Around the Middle Ages, people believed that the devil turned into a cat, and many of those cats died when Pope Gregory IX warned

The Blair Witch Project The legend behind one of the most witches

Elly Kedward moved from Ireland to the U.S. to a town called Blair. The citizens found that she was cutting into children and draining them of blood. Kedward, accused of being a witch, was cast out of town into the forest during the harsh winter with no supplies. They think she died due to the harsh weather, but her body was not found. By winter’s end, kids were disappearing, and people thought it was Kedward. They came to the conclusion that the town was cursed.

People began to abandon the town, but in 1824, people renamed the town to Burkittsville. A year later Eileen Treacle was pulled into the creek by a white, skeleton hand. Her body was never found. In March 1886, Robin Weaver went missing in the woods, but returned to say that an old woman, floating in mid air, led her to a house where she escaped through the basement window. The first search party that set out to find Weaver was later found by a second search party. The first group was found disemboweled with strange markings on their bodies. The second party left to get the police, but when they came back the only thing left was the stench of death.

Article contributions by: Juliana Maffea, Marcus Pinkowski, and Mrs. Karla Erdman Photos: Openclipart.org


Not clowning around anymore

Spooky sightings enhance natural fear of clowns.

For a while people have been scared of clowns, from their creepy looks to their scary backstories. Today, the clowns have returned, and they are wandering the streets, scaring people, and luring children into the woods. Most reports are about clowns being spotted in woodland areas or on the sidewalks. In Pennsylvania, there has been a report of a 16-year old boy who was fatally stabbed, but it is unknown if the boy or the attacker was the clown or not. Also, there have been multiple fake calls and social media posts from clowns claiming to attack schools. Some southern schools closed due to the children’s safety. Police are worried that someone else might get hurt if they are trying to prank people. The clowns have also walked near schools, and chased students when they get off the bus. “Just run as fast as I can,” said Eric Navijo, freshman.

The fear of clowns is called coulrophobia, and it is not as uncommon as others may think. According to a Twitter poll on The Freedom Forum’s page, 51 percent of people out of 49 responses, voted that they were afraid of clowns over birds, small places, or other. People think it is dangerous to trust someone who has been hiding their identity. Clowns also have a dark, disturbing history, including kidnapping, murder and pedophilia. “I find creepy and odd, and I think they will attack on Halloween due to that they can blend in well with people,” said Navijo. The movie “It” based on the book by Stephen King also gives people nightmares of clowns. The movie is about a demon disguised as a clown to murder a group of

Slender Man

The legend of the man in the woods

Two girls were convicted of murdering one of their classmates because Slender Man told them to kill her. The two girls convinced their classmate to play a game of hide-and-seek in the woods, and they stabbed her 19 times. A bicyclist found her the next morning and rushed her to the hospital. The girls told the police that they killed their classmate because of the man in the woods. Slender Man has been around for a while and is very popular online. He is said to be very tall and thin and have tentacles that are coming out of his back. Some say that he has no face, but that he wears a black suit. When people see him, they usually see him lurking in the back of their videos or photos. However, it is possible that they photo shopped the videos and photos to make it look like he is there.

History of Jack-o-Lanterns The story behind carving pumpkins

Carving a pumpkin is a family tradition in which many people throughout the United States partake each October. Delving into the history of this family tradition finds one sorting through religion and myths. The term jack-o-lantern originated in Ireland. The moniker is built around an Irish myth about a man, Stingy Jack, and his dealings with the devil, said History.com. The myth builds up Stingy Jack as trying to swindle the devil, but his efforts have the devil punishing Jack by making him walk the earth with only a burning coal to guide his way. Originally, the Irish carved out potatoes and tur-

nips, but as the tradition came to the United States from the Irish immigrants, pumpkins became the canvas for the ghoulish carvings. The purpose for these items is to scare away evil spirits. This in turn fits well with the idea of Halloween, the day preceding All Saints Day, because it represents purgatory. All of these ideas began in during the Pagan society, but morphed into Christianity as the times changed, said The Prospectus online. So, gather those gourds and pumpkins this season and carve a unique,

8 Pates’ Post

October 2016

The Forum

Dear Gabi: Cooking 101 A guide through the busy kitchen Gabriella Greenhoward Editor-in-Chief

Dear Gabi, I consider my life to be very busy, and I’m only in high school. My mom goes to work everyday, comes home to clean up, help me with homework, play with my younger siblings, and then cooks a full meal. And I said I’m busy. My dad can’t really participate in household responsibilities; because he works the overnight shift, his sleeping schedule is the complete opposite of ours--he works all through the night and sleeps during the day. I am writing to you this month because I want to have a greater contribution to our household tasks. My goal is to cook dinner once or twice a week. I think this would really relieve my mom of a huge task, and maybe even give her some time to relax. The problem is I can’t cook. I love watching culinary competition shows like “Chopped” and “Cutthroat Kitchen,” but when I try to make things of my own, it turns sour. Do you have any suggestions for me? Sincerely, Upside-down Cake

Dear Upside-down Cake, I was very excited to read this because I absolutely love cooking…now, anyway. Like you, and most people, cooking was not something I was born knowing how to do. Lucky for you, there are endless resources that can help make this learning experience, an amazing one. My first suggestion is to truly utilize the internet. To try and help you get started, I did some research myself. During my search, I found this amazing website called thekitchn.com. This site has a 20-day online cooking school that walks you step by step through the cooking processes for different ingredients. It also teaches other skills like sharpening knives, keeping the kitchen clean and organized, and shopping efficiently in the grocery store. These tools will definitely help you navigate through the kitchen like a pro. Even though I have been cooking for a few years, this is a website I am definitely going to start using myself. In addition to seeking out good websites like The Kitchn, take advantage of your local library or bookstore. I live for cook books. When you get to the cooking section, you will find a ton of books

with different themes, different recipes, and sometimes even different cultures. Explore. By flipping through just a few of these books, you will be left with a ton of new recipes and meal ideas. Some cookbooks not only have recipes, but they also include anecdotes and family connections, which are really exciting to read. In addition to taking advantage of the websites and books out there, I have a few small tips of my own. To begin, before you start a recipe, make sure to read it from top to bottom, covering everything from the name and ingredients list to the actual steps. This is very important because it gives you a snapshot of what tools you will need, and what order you will need to perform the tasks. Another tip I have is to be very careful with your measurements. Putting too much, or not enough of an ingredient, can lead to the downfall of a good dish, like when I accidentally put two tablespoons of vanilla into my chocolate chip cookies, instead of two teaspoons. Let’s just say, it did not end well. Lastly, when you are cooking, do not forget to be mindful of everything. As you work, be sure to keep your eyes on all areas of the kitchen. This means watching that pie you have in the ov-

en, stirring your alfredo sauce every few minutes, and not letting your pasta boil over. I know I have given you a ton of information, but if you choose to take two things from this article, they should be take advantage of your resources, and always be mindful when you are in the kitchen. And lastly, remember that you are new to the culinary world. This means understanding that you are not going to be familiar with all of the terms, tools, and even some ingredients. Be prepared for recipes to be a little foreign at first, but know that with time, you will progress immensely. The first meal that you prepare for your family may not be perfect, but with continued effort, you will be cooking like a professional in no time. I think what you are doing is very admirable. Best of luck. Love always,


Getting serious about leaving for college Advice for seniors preparing for college

who are looking into Analisa Jeffries more years of schoolCenterspread and Web Editor ing, they may not know where to start. “The best way to prepare for college while in high school is to do the best you possibly can while maintaining a strong schedule of classes that are appropriate for you as an individual,” said Mr. Michael Hercik, guidance counselor. Fliers for open house at colleg- Photo: Analisa Jeffries Succeeding in college all es outside of the office 207 starts with taking classes that are chalIt is common to hear that high lenging to a person, such as Advanced school will be the fastest and best Placement (AP), Honors, or Academic years of a person’s lifetime. High Classes. Colleges like to see those school is where a student determines classes, but that is not to say that takwhich path he or she would like to ing other classes will not get you into take after these years, such as college, a college, because it will. military, or the work force. For those Also, for an easier transition into

college, Dual Enrollment is offered senior year, said Mr. Hercik. Dual Enrollment is taking a college class at a local college in either first or fourth block. This allows a student to get a better idea of how college classes will actually be run. For those who would like to look into colleges more seriously during junior and senior year, there are always opportunities. There are college fairs, college tours, and college representatives that come to the high schools. “We currently have College Representatives visiting us. Juniors and Seniors can sign up through Naviance,” said Mrs. Carol Lee, guidance counselor. With the advancement of technology in the last few years, it makes finding the correct college very easy. Naviance and CollegeBoard.org are sites

that will help to narrow down which college an individual should attend. Guidance counselors highly suggest if someone is interested in college, but not sure where to go, that he or she should log onto Naviance. “To go on a college tour, log onto the college’s website to sign up,” said Mrs. Lee. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to go on tours, especially starting local, ifhe or she is interested. “Most seniors apply [to college] between September and December. However, this is unique to the school the student is applying to and students should be aware of application deadlines,” said Mr. Hercik. If a student is looking to apply to colleges, it is best to do it soon, and if he or she is struggling with what to do a guidance counselor is always available to help.

Christina Lavin reflects back during senior year Meeting senior Christina Lavin Lauren Abel The Freedom Forum

Senior, Christina Lavin’s, favorite memory while attending Freedom High School was being paired with Adam Recke, another senior, on homecoming court. Lavin is very involved in Freedom High School (FHS) by being part of Big Brother Big Sister, BBQ club, volleyball (freshman and sophomore year), tennis, and FCA. When asked for advice to give to underclassmen Christina said, “Be proactive, and make sure you manage your time well.” Seniors stress the

importance of time management and involvement, because those are the things that they would go back and change. One thing that Christina would change if she could go back is not being involved earlier. She wishes that she joined more activities as a freshman and sophomore. Most seniors do say that their high school career would have been more enjoyable if they were more involved. Christina feels as though high school has changed her as a person and made her more outgoing. Taking steps out of your comfort zone now, will help to

make you grow as a person and a to a four year college with an anatomy friend by the end of major into pre med. Christina has high school. focused on her major by taking Christina said, “I elective and regular course refeel I have all the quirements for this major. knowledge to take “My friends have been on of my on the real world,” main support systems and will when asked about forever be,” said Lavin, about her high school preparfriendships continuing on through ing her for the fucollege. ture. High school is the time to get Preparation for the involved and make new friendPhoto: Lauren Abel future is what eduships that will hopefully last a lifecation is for and taktime. Take advantage of the opporing advantage of what is offered is tunities offered to better your high beneficial to every student's future school experience. career path. In the future, Christina looks forward

October 2016

The Forum

9 Pates’ Post

Scouting for a better future

Meet Peter Docteroff, October Student of the Month Maya White News Editor

Ever met a Boy Scout? Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was inspired by and modeled on the Boy Scout Association, established by Baden-Powell in Britain in 1908. As the story goes, W.D Boyce, American entrepreneur, was lost on a foggy night on the streets of London. He recorded that an unidentified Scout came to his aid, guiding him back to his destination, and when asked for his reasoning in helping Boyce stated that he was merely doing his duty as a Boy Scout. Immediately following this event, Boyce and others founded the program in the United States in 1910. Since then, the program has grown into the largest youth organization in the United States. Peter Docteroff, junior, has been involved in scouting since the begin-

ning. “I started off as a cub scout in first grade; my parents put me in it, and I really liked it,” said Docteroff. Docteroff stayed with the program, continuing on to Boy Scouts in sixth grade. “Now I’m a Life Scout.” A Life Scout is the second-highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program, just below Eagle. Being a Life Scout denotes active service within the troop, a position of responsibility, community service involvement, and participating in earning merit badges. Currently a member of Troop 317, Docteroff is the assistant patrol leader, helping preside over the Photo: Maya White troop’s weekly

meetings and monthly campouts. “I enjoy being the assistant, which is kind of like being second-incommand,” said Docteroff. Docteroff credits BSA for instilling good values in him from an early age. “It’s taught me a lot of things, like how to tie knots in survival situations, which is important. It also teaches you values. We have a scout law. There’s a lot of things you can learn from it.” The Scout law touches upon twelve points, maintaining that a scout must do their best to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Thinking ahead, Docteroff plans to become an Eagle Scout, proof of his commitment to the program, as well as to his community. In order to advance to the rank of Eagle, a boy scout must complete the necessary requirements. In addition to other prerequisites, a

scout must plan, seek approval, and execute an extensive service project. Such service projects can include activities like outdoor work, park restoration, contributions to nonprofit organizations, event planning, and genealogy indexing. Boys, you should all keep an eye out. Participating in boy scouts, particularly as an Eagle, appeals to college admissions officers. In addition to service projects, scouts take part in structured trips. “Camping is the best part. We have a lot of fun- we go on hikes, boating sometimes, it’s fun to hang out with my friends there,” said Docteroff. Docteroff plans for a future in BSA, one which includes his future family. “If I have a [son], then I’ll put him in boy scouts and hopefully he’ll enjoy it. Then I’ll get involved there as a parent,” said Docteroff.

Rader’s Rants: My time spent out of school Staying home to learn is not really all that great Gabrielle Rader The Freedom Forum

Imagine being able to stay at home and complete all of your work from your teachers. It is almost homeschooling, but not quite. I had the opportunity to experience this because I was out of school for six weeks. I know, being broken had some perks *insert hair flip*. Other students probably think--man, that right there would be the life! Well, they are wrong. Yeah, I was able to sit at home and binge watch “How I Met Your Mother” and “American Horror Story,” but things got boring really quickly. I could not go to any games nor extra-curricular activities, which was as dreadful as someone can imagine. However, something got used and abused constantly over those six weeks: my BASD email and Google Classroom. My email was used daily

but sitting on the computer all day to connect with my teachers in order made it worse. Students think doing to ask questions and to repapers, grammar, ceive assignments. Additionand history is boring ally, my laptop would ping at school; well, try every five minutes from doing it at home. BO Google Classroom updates, -RING! which was super annoying, The key to my sucbut at least I had something to cess during this time break up the monotony. was communication. At least one time per week, I Some of my teachers would Skype with my English did not email me at class when I had to take a test all, and then there or to be “in class” for a leswas a teacher who son. I was even able to do my Skyped with me and oral presentation via Skype made sure I had evewith my peers. Seeing my ry assignment, unface up on the board was Photo illustration of Rad- derstood the conpretty funny especially when er using Skype to be in- cepts, and was up to I was rocking that ‘just out of volved in her English date with my class. bed look.’ Shoutout to that class with Mrs. Erdman This schedule does not seem Screenshot: Gabrielle Rader teacher; you are the exhausting, but do not let it MVP! On a side note, fool you.. My back hurt already be- some teachers need to step up their cause of the surgery I had in August, Google Classroom skills.

In the end, I could have requested a tutor for the other classes, but that seemed like a lot more work for another teacher who does not have me as a student this semester. Why put that burden on a homebound instructor when I can just get the assignments and complete them? Technology has changed the face of education, as long as the teachers are willing to embrace the modes of delivery. I was fortunate not only to have the technology skills myself, but also to have some teachers who were willing to go the extra mile in order to blend their curriculum and my needs on a temporary basis. Thus, I am coming back to school on the same page as all of my peers. All in all, this experience was not the most fun because I was trapped in my house, but at least now I am caught up on my Netflix programs. As much as students dislike school, it is better than teaching yourself at home.

Looking back at Freedom at 50... Reflecting on the 50 year existence of FHS Robert Whirl A special to the Freedom Forum

As the 196667 school year at Liberty progressed, and the boundary lines divided the student body into two schools for Photo: The Freedom the next year, the Forum Photo File reality set in… some students were moving to the “new school”. To give the students ownership of that school, the administrators, led by Liberty Assistant Principal, Joseph J. McIntyre, who was to become principal of the new school, asked the students to name their school. After gathering suggestions, the choices were

narrowed to three: John F. Kennedy, Eugene Grace (Bethlehem Steel President), and Freedom. Student balloting chose…Freedom! The next choices by students were the school colors and mascot. As one Freedom class of ’69 alumna stated, “We thought it would be cool to keep our ties to Liberty. Since they are Red and Blue, we chose Blue and Red!”. So Blue and Red it was (that is why the original cafeterias were painted Blue and Red). Also,the mascot selected was the Minutemen. Both choices were later changed. Allegedly Mr. McIntyre’s favorite football team was the Pittsburgh Steelers, so Freedom’s colors became Black and Gold. And the mascot became the Patriots, rather than the Steelers. During the summer of 1967, Free-

dom’s identity began to take shape… with a divided student body. Imagine having a class ring engraved “Liberty HS Class of ‘68” and now moving to a new school. However, as the school building took shape, the excitement grew. A new building, a new Alma Mater (faculty member Robert Cofenas wrote both the original and the current version), a new faculty (the majority were not from Liberty), new clubs, athletic teams, and a new band (without uniforms – members wore white shirts, black ties, black slacks, and white shoes). Getting to the new school would be a test for drivers, for the only roads through the new East Hills Middle School development were Butztown, Shakespeare, and Hecktown Roads. Along with those changes, the residents of East Hills were wary of stu-

dent drivers… so the mandated traffic pattern required students who drove to school to use Oakland Road, north of Freedom, and park in the lot which is now used by the faculty. No students were permitted in the front lot, and the lot by the tennis courts was chained off and used as a Driver Education course. So, on September 7, 1967, Freedom Senior High School opened its’ doors for the first day of classes… even though the building was not complete. Despite continuing construction, no swimming pool, and limited athletic fields, the new student body enthusiastically embraced Freedom and became involved in all aspects of student life. The most popular clubs were Scuba Club and Surfing Club. Thus was born the original Freedom Family!

10 Entertainment

October 2016

The Forum

Monday 10/24

Tuesday 10/25

Wednesday 10/26

Thursday 10/27

Friday 10/28

PJ Day

Crazy Sock, Shoe, and Hair Day

Wayback Wednesday (1960s)

Frat, Sorority, and College Day

Freedom Friday

Monday 10/31

Costume Day

Joining BASD Mini-THON’s Fall Festival Introducing MiniThon’s new Fall Festival Destiny Panik The Freedom Forum

An organization dedicated to finding a cure for pediatric cancer, also known as Mini-THON, is hosting a first year event called the Bethlehem Area School District Fall Festival. The Fall Festival took place on Sat., Oct. 22 from 4-8 p.m., in the old gym. According to fundraising captain, Addison Streeter, the Fall Festival will be a fun filled day. “The aim was to bring the community closer together, and create a fun and safe night for kids who can enjoy the fun events taking place at fall fest and have a good time with friends and family,” said Streeter.

Kids of all ages were encouraged to come out and dress in their favorite costumes while “Truck-or-Treating” in the back parking lot of Freedom High School, along with food supplied from numerous food trucks. Multiple activities happened, in addition to the “Truck-or-Treating” such as haunted houses, arts and crafts, and photo booths that all taking place in the Auxiliary Gym. It cost $5 for children to enter and additional activities also cost extra. BASD Mini-THON is hoping to raise money to help achieve their goal of curing pediatric cancer and also to have a great time and unite the community.

“We were just hoping to bring our community together rather than stress over the amount of money we make,” said Streeter. While children are welcome, drivers are as well. Cars were welcomed to park in the parking lot and decorate their car in any theme they wish. All the BASD Mini-THON committees aided the festival to help make it as successful as possible. Gisselle Lopez, Helping Hands Captain, explains how her committee helped. “Helping Hands was in charge of making the welcome sign, a cutout head picture frame, and other miscellaneous signs,” said Lopez. While Helping Hands created decor, Ashley Morales, corporate fundraising captain, explains how her committee

is helping supply items. “We provided the pumpkins, asked local farms for a reduced price, and made a haunted house,” stated Morales. Photo: BASD Mini Other commitTHON Publicity Committee tees assisted in the festival, and all contributed their time to help create a memorable day for the Bethlehem community.

The do’s and don’ts of fall fashion How to look your best in the fall season Madison McTier The Freedom Forum

Fashion is an everyday thing, from head to toe the look you pick out describes not only your personality but your style. Of course we all know that fashion is an art, and can vary in many different forms. But like everything in life there are rules. Someone is always going to criticize you on your style. As everyone has different taste, sometimes it is okay to break the rules. But there is a point where some rules shouldn’t be broken. There is a reason the fashion world has Dos and Don'ts. Once you learn the basics of fashion, you can expand and create your own looks while still looking chic. Let’s embark into the Dos. An easy Do is to always emphasize your top features. If you have long legs, show them off! If you have nice shoulders, show them off! It’s ok to show off what you like about yourself. Embracing your shape and picking clothing that flatter you personally can make you outfit look ten times better. Another do is accessories. Accessories not only accent your outfit but can improve it. They are an important element of Fashion that should always be

pair seven pieces together. The less you wear, the better it looks. Most of included. The simplest way to make the time, simple outfits are the most an outfit an outfit is to impressive. add accessories. Now let’s talk Another fun do is about color etimixing and matching, quette. Matching to an extent. Sticking to is very important one look can be boring, in fashion. If and make your outfit your colors do dull. Pair a more pronot compliment fessional piece like a each other it blazer with pointed-toe throws the whole pumps and casual disoutfit off, maktressed jeans to come ing it clash and up with a stunning unappealing to look. But this also the eye. You drags me into the forwant you outfit bidden don’t list. Do to be as aesthetinot wear a large array cally pleasing to of different prints. the eye as possiWhen I say “mix and ble. Neutral colmatch” I do not mean Fashion Designer Coco Chanel ors are a big part Photo: Biography.com throw on a polka dot top of fashion, and are with a flower cardigan and striped a good stepping stone as most neutral pants. That is a fashion disaster wait- colors compliments each other. Exing to happen. Mixing and matching is cept black and brown. Black and tan styles NOT patterns. is acceptable, in some cases, but black One big tip that people forget is not and brown is a tragic accident many to wear everything. Coco Chanel once people commit. If you are wearing said, “before you walk out the door black pants, do not wear brown shoes. everyday, take one thing off.” I could It does not look good. Other terrible not say it better myself. Do not ignore pairs can include pink and red or mathe balance just because you want to roon, black and navy, and blue and

yellow. Another component to matching is the different shades of one color. We all know that each color has different shades, there are even different blacks that don't look the same. And it is not ok to pair them. If your skirt is white with pink and blue flowers, a pink or blue top would compliment the skirt nicely. But you have to make sure that the pink in your skirt is the same pink as your shirt. If it is not it can ruin your outfit. There are the popular fashion rules like vertical over horizontal stripes, and no leggings with big prints, and not wearing fake name brand accessories. These are all important when picking out an outfit, as they can all make you look like a walking train wreck. If I am telling the truth, I have only skimmed fashion etiquette and rules. Fashion is not just do’s and don'ts and every designer can tell you so themselves. There are many tips, tricks, and trends that change over time. But most of these rules have been set in stone, and if you break them, it is probably a given that your outfit is not as stylish as you think it is.

October 2016

The Forum

11 Entertainment

Watch Bailey’s 13 Halloween Blockbusters Essentials for a great Halloween night Bailey Navin Journalism Student

Here is a list of 13 essential Halloween movies to watch. Each of these movies fits a certain preference that you may enjoy. If you like cliches “Scream” (1996) Phone calls from people will never be this interesting Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), Casey Becker (Drew Barrymore), Stu (Matthew Lillard), Gale Weathers (Courtney Cox) For the don’t go in there ones “House of Wax” (2005) This is what will happen if you try to beat traffic Nick (Chad Michael Murray), Paige (Paris Hilton), Wade (Jared Padalecki), Carly (Elisha Cuthbert) If you like mean eating machines “Jennifer’s Body” (2009) What bands will do for fame Jennifer (Megan Fox), Needy (Amanda Seyfried), Nikolai (Adam Brody), Chip (Johnny Simmons)

If you are a witch “The Craft” (1996) Teen girls throwing each other under the bus. Sarah (Robin Tunney), Nancy (Fairuza Balk), Bonnie (Neve Campbell), Chris (Skeet Ulrich)

For the kids “Halloweentown” (1998) The realization that families can do anything Marnie (Kimberly J.Brown), Aggie (Debbie Reynolds)

For the classic people “Hocus Pocus” (1993) Witches revive because a new kid is a skeptic Winifred (Bette Midler), Sarah (Sarah Jessica Parker), Dani (Thora Birch)

If you like babysitters “Halloween” (1981) Years later when your brother seeks revenge because you changed the channel Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis), Dr Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence)

If you like personification “Christine” (1983) This car that can do whatever it wants Arnie (Keith Gordon), Roseanne (Kelly Preston), Will (Robert Prosky)

If you like mind control “Carrie” (1976) A teen girl becomes a fire-starter Carrie (Sissy Spacek), Billy (John Travolta), Sue (Amy Irving) If you like confusion “Black Swan” (2010) If you like extra-terrestrials This ballerina wants to be perfect so “The Mist” (2007) she becomes her role Some people Nina (Natalie Portman), Lily (Mila should not open Kunis), Beth (Winona Ryder) magical portals to other worlds For the unrealistic ones David (Thomas “Planet Terror” (2007) An explosion takes over this town Jane), Brent (Andre Cherry (Rose McGowan), Dakota (Marley Shelton), Lt. Muldoon (Bruce Braugher), Jim Willis), (William Sadler) Tammy (Fergie)

For the gruesome viewers “Wrong Turn” (2003) A group of friends go into the forest for no reason Jessie (Eliza Dushku), Scott (Jeremy Sisto), Evan (Kevin Zegers) If you like mean eating machines “Jennifer’s Body” (2009) What bands will do for fame Jennifer (Megan Fox), Needy (Amanda Seyfried), Nikolai (Adam Brody), Chip (Johnny Simmons) Photos: IMDB

Experiencing Dorney Park’s Thrilling Haunt 2016 Checking out the spooky rides, and activities Bryce Kollar Assistant Entertainment Editor

Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom welcomed back yet again another year of the Haunt, which began on Sept. 16 and ends Oct. 29, 2016. With 11 frightful attractions, new mazes, and a wax museum, there is a lot to look forward to this year. A blackout, one of the many new indoor maze attractions, lets the lights go out and the Dorney Park visitors to find there way around with no source of light. Blood on the Bayou is another new maze that allows you to discover the

An iPhone 7 Review

dark secrets that trouble the monsters of the French Quarter. Cutthroat Island is one Photo: Dorney Park Website of the outdoor attractions that allows for visitors to find themselves amongst pirates and sirens. Here you can discover their ship at your own risk. Grave Walkers is where the dead have risen; some of them have a mighty appetite. If you do not care for people touching you or scaring

you, you can grab a band color that will allow for a scary-free park experience. Tickets are being sold for an admission fee of $38. There are also many park admission bundles available online. Some include the fright lane, admission pass, park pass, fast lane, and an all season bottle for only $99. The park also has many shows that include: The Blood Drums, Skeleton Crew, and The Awakening: Power Struggle. “Dorney Park seems to be getting a lot more entertaining each year,” said Bailey Kollar. Do not get too caught up in the

attractions, and make sure to ride on Dorney Park’s many roller coasters. The Talon, set on a 135 foot hill, sends riders through four inversions: a zero gravity roll, a vertical loop, an Immelmann loop, and a cork screw. Riders are dangling and soaring through the open skies of the Haunt with 180 degree turns, all for fun. Dorney Park also had other rides, some that include the Demon Drop, Hydra, Thunderhawk, Possessed, and Steel Force. The Haunt season ends soon, so make sure to buy your ticket today. Catch spooky thrills at Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom today.

Why I love my iPhone 7

Jess Deemer A Special to The Freedom Forum

Although there has been controversy on the iPhone 7, I really like this Photo: The Telegraph new phone and it's features. The larger camera really

improves the quality of pictures and captures a lot more details than the previous iPhones. The battery life has improved as well. I can go a whole day without charging my phone, which is really handy. One complaint that I have is that I do not really understand the purpose of taking away the headphone jack, but it does not really get in the way. The phone does

come with an adapter, so I'm able to use all of my previous devices with this new phone. The iPhone 7 also comes with a new pair of headphones that plug into the charging spot, so there is no need to buy the wireless headphones. Although there are not too many changes, the few changes they made are very noticeable and work very well.

IOS ten is automatically downloaded on the phone, which does take some time to get used to. But, when you get the hang it, there are some really cool features and it's a lot of fun to use. For example, you can draw some of your messages instead of typing them. Overall, I really enjoy this phone and would recommend it to anyone looking for a new phone!

October 2016

The Forum

12 Sports

Battling for the bragging rights What to expect for the Freedom vs. Liberty Game By T.J. Schaeffer Sports Editor

In the 1967-68 school year, two high schools living in the same city took to the gridiron to play a game of football. Forty-nine years later, the two schools will the do the same exact thing. On October 29, 2016, the Freedom High School football team will play rival Liberty High School at the Frank Banko stadium for the 49th time in its school history. It is one of the most prominent and notable events in the city of Bethlehem, as over 10,000 people attend the event every year. Before the game, hundreds of people tailgate outside of the stadium, eat good food, and throw around a football. During the game, the attitude is electric, as students in the student sections and the fans cheer their hearts out for their respective teams. The winner of the game receives the

During the week, students can George Resetko participate in a numerous of trophy, given to the activities, including hallway best public high school decorating, special dress-up football team in days, and much more. Overall, Bethlehem since 1974. the week is nothing short of “The energy levels in exhilarating for all students. both schools are as “There isn’t a single high as it goes. You conversation that I have with my throw the records friends at Liberty where the away for the FreedomFreedom-Liberty rivalry isn’t Liberty game, and it’s brought up at least once,” said really for the bragging Christina Lavin, senior. rights,” said Mr. Additionally, the week leading Freedom Liberty Game in 2015 Photo: Bill Leicht (Facebook) Michael LaPorta, up to the Freedom vs. Liberty principal. “We understand that we represent game is even more exciting for the Usually, the game is last of the our school and the Freedom students who play in the game, as they season for both teams, so the game community on a big stage, and get to be the center of attention all sometimes has post-season regardless of record or playoff week at Freedom and the senior implications for both teams. For implications, the game is huge in of football players are recognized for example, in last year’s Freedom- itself,” said Mr. Jason Roeder, head their hard work all season. Liberty game, Freedom had a chance coach. “It’s definitely one game that I look to win and share its first divisional If you are a freshman or are new to forward to every year. Everybody’s title in school history with Parkland Freedom, you better be ready. At adrenaline is going, and it’s a good high school, and they ended up Freedom, the rivalry with Liberty is game atmosphere for everyone,” said achieving that dream by beating no joke. The whole week leading up Joe Young, senior. Liberty 35-21 in a high-scoring game. to the game is known as “spirit week.”

Freedom sports drive the ace again Golf and tennis complete the 2016 season with success By Zak Boncher Journalism Student

Natalie Sinai, sophomore, is really The 2016 tennis and into tennis. She is in golf season has finally now finishing her come to an end. Both second season on the teams finished their seaFreedom girls’ tennis sons or were wrapping and her success up over the past month; shows. now, how did they per“I really enjoy playform? ing tennis at FreeThe girls wrapped up dom High school,” their 2016 season doing said Sinai, tennis well, getting 4th place in player. Rebecca Packo (left), Kaitlyn their standings. Sinai started playSwint (middle), Natalie Sinai The girls’ tennis team (right) ing tennis when she Photo: Zak Boncher finished up the week of was younger. She Oct. 3, 2016 at the district started when her older tournament called EPC’s (Eastern brother needed someone to hit with Pennsylvania Conference), where they him. After hitting the ball around for performed well. awhile, Sinai really started enjoying it.

Sinai is now 11-3 in singles, but she has not finished the season yet. After one of the biggest tournaments of the year, EPC’s, Packo won second place, Sinai won third place, and Swint won fourth place. Girls’ tennis coach, Mr. Sigmon seems to be loved by the team. “Awesome coach. He’s really supportive, even if I don’t have a good game, he always looks at the positives,” said Sinai. Additionally, the golf team’s 2016 season was a little rough for the golfers since they finished with an overall record of 4-9. They played tough throughout the season, losing a lot of close games. All in all, they have to keep their heads up for next season. Coached by Mr. Michael Evans, some notable players on the team are Nate Spearko,

Justin Kinter, and Austin Negron. Overall, the Freedom girls’ tennis season was very successful, while the golf team will regroup for next year. Many of the returning athletes for these teams are already itching for the start of the 2017 season and hoping for success.

Freedom 2016 Golf Team Photo: Christmas City Studios

Catching up with Okezie Alozie Meet a new football coach By Jalen Stewart Journalism Student

Okezie Alozie, a Freedom High School (FHS) alumnus, was a star varsity football player during high school. Through a successful high school football career, he earned a Division 1 scholarship to the University of Buffalo. Now, he has returned to FHS as a coach to assist the football team in anyway he can, even if it just as an emotional leader. This does not surprise Ms. Jennifer Wescoe, one of Alozie’s favorite teachers at FHS. “Okezie has a gift of leadership, ” said Ms. Wescoe, drama teacher. Ms. Wescoe also recalled his skill for improvisation in drama class. “Okezie liked to play this game

where everyone would get on the stage, and you had to find a way to get everyone off the stage, and who ever was the last one on the stage won. So he would pretend to be a cop and arrest everyone off the stage,” said Ms. Wescoe. Mrs. Karla Erdman, another one of Okezie Alozie favorite teachers at Freedom, also enjoyed him as a student. “I am a bit humbled that after four years Okezie remembers me, let alone said that I was one of his favorite teachers. He was a great student. He was in two of my classes, and he got along well with students and faculty alike,” said Mrs. Erdman. “I had the pleasure of seeing Okezie play for Buffalo against Penn State in September 2015. It was surreal to think that my former student was playing in such a large stadium such as Penn

State with all of those people watch- differences. ing. It was fantastic.” “Being a player is more physical Alozie also reminisces about his time and mental, but as a coach it is a lot at Freedom. more mental,” said Alozie. “Coaching “I describe my time at Freedom as high school football made me miss interesting. I made a lot of new playing high school football more.” friends, and it was overall a great experience,” said Alozie Alozie also said that his “favorite memory in high school was beating Liberty his senior year and his biggest accomplishment was earning a Division 1 scholarship to Buffalo University.” Football players and coaches are essential to each other; howevPhoto of Okezie Alozie playing football in high school. er, each position has its Photo: Bill Leicht (Facebook)

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