Pen and Ink Magazine 2015

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Pen & Ink

Table of Contents Love Only You…………………………………………………3 You……………………………………..…………………3 Stay………………………………………………….……4 My Only Sister………………………………….……….4


Members and Advisors Christine Wieder, Student Leader Tyler Bokan Rachel Loh

Springtime Strolling Memories……………….………5

Sarrah Hussain

Summer Sun…………….………………………………6

Atticus Rivas

Why the Utmost Care Should be Taken While

Tanner Roman

Catching Snowflakes…………………………….……7

Maya White

Winter Winds……………………………………………8

Hayley Guzzo

Autumn…………………………………………………..8 Red on White……………………………………………9

Miscellaneous Story of a Rainbow…………………………………..10 The Journey……………………………………………10 Wish Upon a Star……………………………………..11

Alaina Karcher Nicole Klitchko Melanie Linares Ashley Morales Leilani Van

The Vacation Cycle…………………………………..12

Mrs. Karla Erdman, advisor

Public Speaking in a Nutshell………………………13

Mr. George Ziegler, advisor

Life and Death Sammy………………………………………………….14

Mr. Michael LaPorta, principal Dr. Joseph Roy, superintendent

In Your Hands…………………………………………15 A Purpose………………………………………………15 Macabre………………………………………….….….16 The Hour Glass………………………………..……...16

Thought Provoking Ignorance……………………………………………....17 Free Verse Poem………………………….……….….17 Who Am I……………………………………………....18 Fever Dreams……………………………………….…19 Nowadays………………………………………..……19 The Snake and the Angel…………………..……….20 Lost to Found……………………………….…………21 Consequences…………………………………………22 Disclaimer………………………………………………22

Mission Statement Pen & Ink is a student-run organization of writers and artists, who selectively display the talents of students throughout Freedom High School. The staff of Pen & Ink wish to spread the literature and the arts throughout the halls, the school, the community, and the world through original writings such as poetry and short stories and original artwork and photography. These creative aspects of our students deserve to be highlighted and shared with the world.

Purpose………………………………..……..…………23 Willow……………………………………….………….24


Freedom High School 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18020 Published May, 2015


Only You

Sarrah Hussain

Karla Erdman You touched me. Not just my skin, but much deeper-way down inside. You touched that place that I only keep for myself. You touched My Soul. The area within my body, the place no one anywhere, anytime has ever touched-Like you. The day you left... Correction: The day you died, Shattered my Soul like breaking expensive, priceless crystal and the shards were scattered into the wind. In memory of RozeBud 9/22/01 - 12/1/14


You. I like a lot things about you, The things you say, the stuff you do. I like the way you smile real wide, So wide that your eyes scrunch up so tight. I like you when you cry, I like you when you sleep, You’re the gem in my collection that forever I will keep. You’re a walk through the woods, you’re that smell of pine, You’re that first sip of an exquisite wine. You carry the radiance of a thousand suns, You’re the burn of nicotine to a smoker’s lungs. You’re the crispness of an autumn morning wind, You’re a candle whose flame could never be dimmed. You fill me with fire and ice and frost and heat, In every way possible, you make me complete.

Rozebud: Karla Erdman


My Only Sister

Ellyce Nieves

Maya White

I have spent the last month rewriting the poem you planted on my lips the night we first kissed.

Always my foe but longer still my close friend you’ve been there since the start and you’ll be there till the end

But no combination of 26 letters, can accurately portray how I feel about you whom I miss.

Little girls in pink leotards giggling beneath the kitchen table I’ve never known just what to call it Sister is a good label

Is it wrong to feel this way so soon?

I love you no matter the hardship despite the ceaseless whining the endless clothes-stealing and the occasional tear-drying

You invaded my heart of ice out of the blue, causing it to melt into red bliss. Since then it has budded with flowers in my damaged places. They are more beautiful than I could have ever wished for.

I know this regardless in heavy rain or bright shine because you’re my only sister and that privilege alone is mine

How have you made me so happy? You’re a criminal who broke into my mind to plant a garden of happiness that I can’t resist. Please be here to stay.

Photo of the Eiffel Tower: Sarrah Hussain 4

Pen & Ink 2015

Springtime Strolling Memories Kayla Rodriguez

Climbing the dreadful driveway, the smell of homemade cooking blow past my face, causing my mouth to water,

The aroma of sugar sprinkled strawberries fills the kitchen, where the table is covered in flowers,

Hot, steaming, buttered dinner rolls are being laid on the table, next to a bowl of creamy mashed potatoes,

A peek of Grandmother’s garden brightens the view of My grandparents join at the table with me in prayer before we devour our freshly made meal, the porch side windows, The bathtub, overflowing with bubbles, Grandfather is rocking the day away, bathing the carrying a rubber duck along the waves created sprinkles of sunlight peering in the screen, by a single movement, As I pour lemonade in the glass, I feel a splash of cool Bath time always came before bed, walking air hit my face as the fan starts repelling, through the house wrapped in a towel, leaving The air outside smells like mint and lemon, the sky, behind little, wet footprints, blue as aquamarine pool side pleasure, My grandmother’s perfume splashes in my Butter cups tickle my ankles, my footsteps leaving face, her words whispers through my ears into indentations in the path that I begin to stroll along, my brain, Friendly feathered creatures feasting at the bird feed, The three little bears take a vacation to the perched upon the big oak tree next to my wooden center of my imagination, along with the ugly swing, duckling, The peppermint breeze blowing the old swing back and forth, making a gesture to go for a ride,

Brushing it off my footsteps trail in another direction of a brand new destination that lies ahead, Down the hill and across the road to the stream of water often visited by my Grandmother and I,

The night slowly dies into silence as I fall into a deep sleep, full of dreams and endless memories, This picture, the picture that creates, memories, my memories.

Skipping stones upon the Mother Nature’s mirror, while I watch the water, trickling forward down the rocky road, The scent of freshly cut grass swirls around my nose as a lady bug trails across my shoe, Removing my shoes I place my feet in the water, little fish race around my ankles, it tickles,

Sunlight slips between the cracks of the sap surrounded canvas that stretches around me, Water running down an uncharted path to the big world of the river leading to an unknown destiny, The whispers of the mountain glide past the willows creating ripples upon the watery bed, As the sun begins to set , I turn down the dirt road and stroll to the house on the high hill, The windows glowing with candle light as shadows move on the inside, preparing a miraculous feast, 5

Painting: Karla Erdman

Summer Sun Kayla Rodriguez

Hair tangled with the sand of the ocean blue Droplets of splashing water trickling down your back

Winged creatures fluttering in the eyes of the sun

Counting the fireworks of the sky on the grass of the desert

Sticky palms making love between twisted fingers

Swirling melt in your mouth balls of clouds

Rays of light slowly tanning the outer cover of this being Cold iced tea slithering down a trail of an icy glass Shredded pieces of green shooting out of the razor beast Laughter of children filling the spaces of the atmosphere Chlorine drown eyes, the burning sensation of the sun Sand covered skin diving into pools of blue Cherry blossom lotion melting into the surface of summer Lips sticky, covered in lipstick, ice cream dripping from the sides

Games and scents of funnel cakes topped with sweet paradise Climbing through the trees like Tarzan and Jane The vines of our plate piled with spaghetti

Covered with the red taken from the rose outside my window Wheels of a spinning thrill ride takes me down that road The road of melting ice cream and chalk covered imagination Your lips will make love with mine under the summer sun Let’s enjoy the summer like a banana split covered with nuts, us.

Smiles bloom as freedom devours the spirits of us Stars of fireflies bring light to the horizon of night The melting browns and cushioning marshmallows between two golden squares Swimming in the nude of the midnight moonlight Thrilling experience of adrenaline and the speed of a race car The cool breeze of fresh night breaking the silence of dawn My alarm is unplugged so my dreams are endless Late night movies, buttery lips and salty tongues Running through the streets of burning pavement Swinging above flowing adventure, the stinging of the rope burning your hands 6

Hawaii: Karla Erdman Pen & Ink 2015

Why the Utmost Care Should be Taken While Catching Snowflakes Emily Rowan Although snowflakes appear quite tame in their lacy and doily-like stature, improper catching of them on one’s tongue, can lead to an outright disaster. Do not simply adopt a BOVINE stance. There are reasons cow’s don’t eat snow. unmoving, a snowflake may enter your eye, or blow painfully into your nose. Such highly unfortunate catching stance, renders one terribly prone, to the maddening dangers of the snow’s dance, in the wind, one is left all alone

catching. They must be banished to the bouncy-ball pit, RELEGATED for their unworthiness in snowsnatching. Such snowfalls can become a GAUNTLET, a maze of twirling, white danger. Don’t mock me or dare to taunt it. I recommend supervision from a park ranger. From INTEMPERATE outbursts please refrain, remember, snowflake catching is really an art. Your anger and hatred won’t lessen the pain. You won’t master it right from the start. The one small glory of snow-catching that enlightens a snow-worthy fellow, is that while onto your tongue, the snow is latching, it’s highly unlikely that it will be yellow.

HYPOTHETICALLY, snowflakes are harmless, but that’s just a theoretical assumption. No, serious snowflake catching, requires courage, strength, and gumption. Those who stand with mouths agape, as if struck by abrupt CONSTERNATION, leave their very lives in danger, they might as well bid us all salutation. What if a snowflake would become lodged, tightly in the back of your throat? Some snowflakes simply cannot be dodged, you would almost certainly choke. What if your once-stable footing suddenly committed an act of PERFIDY? It would be rather off putting, if you poked your eye on the branch of a tree. I don’t mean to make anyone ill, although I know some are SQUEAMISH among us. Imagine if such distraction would cause a spill on your favorite shirt your lunch-time hummus. Some people just can’t handle it, those poor souls IGNOBLE of snowflake 7

Cinderella’s Castle in Walt Disney World: Karla Erdman

Winter Winds


Carol Lin

Erin Cavanaugh The colors dance around me; a sea of yellow and green. Some red thrown in for good measure; oh, how it creates a marvelous scene. My eyes buzz and my mind wonders; not knowing where to look or what to see. Apples fall and children call; roaming around for some fun. They run and play in the leaves; oh what a joyous affair! The aroma of pumpkin pie and apple strudel saturate the clear blue sky; and as the sun sets we wait for tomorrow and say our sad goodbyes.

Ever present on winter days, Resides a beast so great, That snatches and snarls, And quakes and quarrels. It speeds through the atmosphere, Racing here and there, And bites at rosy flesh, Stealing any warmth left. Frozen fangs sink deep into bone, Denying you the right to go, For now it is too late, To reverse your sinister fate. Your limbs have lost all feeling, Leaving your body keeling, Which then begins to shut down, As if you’re about to drown. The winter winds have struck again, Continuing its abhorrent reign, And on this planet with many seas, You will no longer be.

Day Lilies in England: Karla Erdman 8

Pen & Ink 2015

Red On White Jess Taylor Snow is a devil dangerous and beautiful, cold and crystalline. Betrays the eye in a single glare, hauntingly enchanting. A white mystery to be solved. Soon the devil sings Taunting and toying alluring like Sirens. Light at heart fall to the song, melodically drawing. Yearning to walk with the snow. Then the devil calls cunning and deadly, blindly I follow. Trudging slowly behind as voices echo doom, red on white. Do not walk with the snow.


View of the Seine River: Christine Wieder

Story of a Rainbow Stephanie Moya The lady in red Didn’t always need her meds The man in blue Was never told what to do The children: Black, white, and yellow Were locked in a cell; away from wandering fellows The infused in deathly blood orange Was left behind to rot in storage

The Journey Kelly Knappengberger

Sunlight streams steady. Footsteps softly fall. Mountains shade our journey. Masses of grasses growing tall. Shadows sneaking slowly. Barren is the land. Hiking with my closest friends. Freedom where we stand.


The mistress in green Took everything the red had for her greed The man in blue Followed her and swooned The lady in red Never felt her bed The elder in grey Tried her best to stay The child in white Locked herself away with her chains firm and tight The child in black Uses her will and strength to pick up the slack The kid in yellow Left to her home with the swallow A man in purple; strong and bold saved the family in woe

Lock Bridge in France: Sarrah Hussain

Pen & Ink 2015

Wish Upon a Star Stephanie Moya [Year 1] Star light, star bright Please make my wish true tonight I wish for at least one friend for me Someone to hold and keep beside me [Year 2] Star light, star bright Make my wish true tonight My wishes came true All thanks to you [Year 3] Star light, star bright Make my dreams true tonight I wish to hear your loving tone I want us to be sealed together in our own little dome

[Year 4] Star light, star bright Make my wish true tonight

I wish this anger would fade away And never come back any other day [Year 8] Stars now far from me, stars so high in the sky I wish I may stop wishing, I can no longer bare to try I thought that wishing would bring you back again in my dreams again You always come and disappear once again [Year 9] The stars have died, the star’s lights will never come back I finally accept that harsh and unforgiving fact Failing wishes night by night I just want to be with you in death tonight [Year 10] “Star light, star bright... Make this miracle one day come to life” I wish to be in heaven with you soon But until then I live my life for you

I want to tell you ‘I love you’ in poetry everyday I hope you may be able to read them one day [Year 5] Star light, star bright Make my dreams true tonight I wish to freeze time with you by my side I wish to sleep to your heart beat mixed with mine [Year 6] Star light, star bright Make my wish true tonight I wish for your illness was gone I know you will be healthy by dawn [Year 7] Stars whose light seems to have died, stars that no longer look so bright Make this demand come true tonight 11

Lightbulb: Hailey Atiyeh

The Vacation Cycle Brett Moyer School is a chore The days drag by and seem endless When is the end of the day? When is the weekend? The days leading up to break build your anticipation The days seem even longer But there is a light at the end of the tunnel You can make it to the end And then break comes The floodgates burst and ecstasy sweeps across you There will be no responsibilities You’ve beat the system and escaped As the vacation comes to a close You feel as if you’re ready to go back You want to see your friends and peers You walk in with head held high fully prepared But assignments and responsibilities come pouring back Instead of sleeping, you attend classes Instead of hanging out, you do your homework School is a chore


Atlantic City: Karla Erdman

Pen & Ink 2015

Public Speaking in a nutshell Shaelynn Curran Hands trembling, Legs shaking, Fingers tapping, Feet kicking, Throat gulping, Mind doubting, It’s my turn to present Life, oh life, Please pause yourself for a few moments, My voice has given out, Please buy time for your fellow friend, A stomach ache is coming about, Please stall the speech, I’m facing quite the drought, Life, oh life It’s time, it’s time, it’s time, Oh yes, it is time, Time to stand up, Time to try my best, Time to act confident, Time to lie to myself that I am confident, Time to trip over words, Time to think everyone else’s work is better than mine, Time to fall in the face of defeat, Time to fail What’s this? Why is everyone snapping? Why is everyone looking at me and smiling? Why the ”good job”? Ah, I had done it. I had given a good speech


Hawaii: Karla Erdman

Virginia Zoological Park: Karla Erdman

Sammy Christina Concilio What’s gone is gone; What’s past is past. We need to move on Though the sorrow still lasts. When the phone rings On a peaceful day Of all the things To hear you say

Hang up the phone In shock and disbelief Feeling crushed and alone Swallowed by sadness and grief What’s gone is gone; What’s past is past. We need to move on Though the sorrow still lasts.

What’s gone is gone; What’s past is past. We need to move on Though the sorrow still lasts. Beautiful Sammy So young and so pure Such a sad tragic death With time as the sole cure. Beautiful Sammy A sweet baby boy Dead within hours Gone is the joy. What’s gone is gone; What’s past is past. We need to move on Though the sorrow still lasts.

Dressed for the event Walking through silence and stillness So little time had we gotten to spend Before the sadness caught on like a terrible illness. What do you say In a situation like this? Less than a day So much time had been missed. What’s gone is gone; What’s past is past. We need to move on Though the sorrow still lasts. Fighting back tears; Hiding the pain A horrible loss Without any gain. Tears falling like rain All around me Clouding my vision So I could barely see. Lightbulb: Hailey Atiyeh 14

Pen & Ink 2015

In Your Hands Jana Boksan Life is a rollercoaster. One that you design. It might be full of ups and downs, And twists and turns, But you control every aspect. Build it the way you want to, It’s all up to you. Connect the pieces, Make it lead where you want to go. But while you are in control, Don’t forget to open your eyes. For what is life, if you don’t enjoy the ride?

A Purpose By Gizelle Adriguez Live for me when the skies darken in fear; Live in the tearing crashes of thunder; Live for me when the earth twists and nothing But the world's end is near. Please live for me When nothing, not a thing is left, Left to live for. But right now, live for the skies, The crisp autumn leaves, Sweet sugar snow, And grand new years eves. Oh, live for the grass Shifting in the breeze, Fresh spring breaths, And blossoming trees. But still live for me also, so that you may remember My soul's dying wish snagged on your conscience. Live for me always, so that you remain clever Aware of life's gifts, even in my absence. Skies darken, blossoms rot, Snow melts, and trees knot. New olds with age, And even memories fade. But remember To live for me when there's nothing, To live for me when you believe that there's not a single thing left, Left to live for.

Freedom Tower in Lower Manhattan, New York City:

Hailey Atiyeh 15

Macabre Luis Anaya Dead Old Young Sick Poor Alone Lost

The Hour Glass Gabriella Greenhoward

Because in the end, we all end up dead because not even the old get told ‘this is your date, live before it’s too late!’ Because the young live carefree and reckless, while back at home their parents are restless. Because this isn’t something you pick, you don’t just wake up one day and think ‘today I want to be sick.’ Because whether you’re rich or poor, the macabre of death is something you’ll know not

White everywhere. Antiseptic burning my nostrils Time was going in slow motion The sand from the hourglass began trickling down There was a rush around me Doctors running, machines beeping, receptionists typing Sand slid through the glass covering the bottom So many questions Where is she? Is she okay? When can I see her? Slippery sand swimming into the lower section We were running out of time Clammy hands, dry throats, and thick tears I wanted to plug up the hourglass I wanted to be in control I was always in control He came out through the swinging doors His face blank, unreadable Green eyes, greasy hair, groomed nails The sand slipping faster and faster He said a few words to my father I watched him crumble like the topping On my mother’s famous apple pie The doctor was wrong, he mixed up his patients I screamed at him for his horrible mistake But all he could do was apologize for my loss I was drowning in the oozy, black ocean Choking on the sand from the once full hourglass And I felt the death fill up my lungs And seep into my heart

Big Ben: Karla Erdman


Pen & Ink 2015

Free Verse Poem


Kayla Rodriguez

Randell Bradley

Neglected and hated, never appreciated

You know what they say,

Going to prove them wrong, I am strong

Ignorance is Bliss.

Standing in a crowd, my words are loud

But that is just the mist

Speak up, speak out, keep screaming, shout

Covering your eyes

Negativity is all around, knocks me on the ground

from what’s right.

Stand up and face it all, nothing can make me fall

to dull the sight.

Every word, is something worth being heard Freedom of speech, minds of society tainted and bleached My ideas and mind, haters words left behind Who believes me, the truth will set you free Blank canvas of my own, my identity is now shown Pen and ink, peace and solitude to think Earphones in, negative out, what peace is about People say I can’t, I ignore their chants

Using illusions and treachery

Putting things in our path, so that we will feel a god’s wrath. Ignorance is like a bagger forged in the fire of contempt to pierce the heart of the innocent, Making the darkness we all bury deep in our hearts bleed out with lies like a newly formed river of deceit

to poison the flowers of friendship on the banks of humanity.

Looking through the glass, letting the words pass

So, is Ignorance Bliss,

World fall, I rise, jump from behind and yell surprise

the Hate in this world?

or is it a fire that fuels

Faith is extinct, negativity starts to sink I make eyes tear, I make the deaf hear, I make the blind see, I break all impossibilities, Everything I’ve worked for, will open more doors, My name will be known, words of my own I fight till the end, life can make my mind bend I can change the words of society, what can they be Everything I show, people now know, I am a fighter, I am a writer.


Lion resting Virginia Zoo: Karla Erdman

Who am I? Emily Rowan What miracles lie in the shade Of breath and embers long decayed Of burnt out fires long since snuffed Of ribbons sewn of dreaming stuff Of leaves that fade away to dust Of lucky pennies lost to rust Of wine as sweet as rotting fruit Where aging is to sip a flute Of summers left to simmer flat Of springs turned old and mean and fat Of death sanded down to nothing near It’s first sharp promise of bitter fear The volume of memories, loud and quick Being turned down, click by click Of winter’s white faded to yellow Of memories soft and mellowed Of falls that must obey their name That tumble down until quite tame Of stars that once winked from above As white and downy as a dove They burn themselves to nothing more Than meager whispers of before Lights burn brightest before they die And who am I, yes who am I To defy the gnarled hand of fate To beg patiently of time to wait To ask for the snow to never melt To touch the star-studded pelt Of heavens which will never show Themselves to us humans below To walk the roads of dreaming deep That never leave the realm of sleep To lean upon the times of old To share coffee with such tales untold To touch and hold the hand of spring To listen to the moonlight sing To dive fathoms deep into the stream Of mangled hope and drunken dream To hold in a deathless embrace 18

Every legend’s win-torn face Who am I to keep inside Everything I know could fly To hear the songs of auras sung To take the leap with arms out-flung To find the tapestry of youth And beg to see the shine of truth Who am I, yes who am I To dare look into the sky And see an ocean looking back To disappear into the black To try on Orion’s belt To wear the summer sky of felt To take a bit of the Milky Way And watch the threat of eons fray To whisper in the ear of sorrow And paint the sun of new tomorrows To watch Time create his sweet mirage And beg to wear the matching corsage To take a moment to look in the eye The age when I’m not young or spry To challenge it to call me by name To dare to play its lethal game To find Hope’s corpse hung in the gallows And take her to a place much hallowed And from the depths of my own chest Breathe her into life from deadened rest To cradle in my hands the breath Of things that have not happened yet To don the silken gown of age To reach through the bars of wisdom’s cage To like an egg, crack the sunrise And make an omelet of the skies To taste the nectar of springs to come To sip the winter’s windy rum To hold in my unworthy palm Savage seas and meadows calm To wash up on a foreign shore Seeds of hope, and destiny’s spore To shake the hand of mid-December And remember what mustn’t be remembered To in the face of pale death cry Who am I, yes who am I? Pen & Ink 2015

Fever Dreams


Emily Rowan

Michael Harding

Fever burning mind and heart rending, tearing far apart and dreaming not of whim or care but sleeping only to nightmare the pound of heart, the heave of breath the smell of rotting, cloying death skulls that grin and call my name raw as mind becomes untamed and there I linger just the same

People always say “Get off that phone” “Put away the computer” “Log off the internet” People always say “Kids are too absorbed these days” “They have it too easy” “Technology is hurting them” But maybe people just don’t realize There’s a world beyond the one you can see Kids are exploring New places New things Meeting new people halfway around the world Kids have a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips They can do anything Be anyone Live up to all of their dreams On a simple device in the palm of their hand People tell them “It’s worthless” “Those aren’t real friends” “Get a life” But those people Are the people that are miserable Doing what they’re doing They lead a life that’s Boring Dismal Gray Devoid of enjoyment While the same kids they’re criticizing are having The time of their life They’re genuinely enjoying themselves People seem to not grasp the concept that Things are moving faster than they are Technology is advancing And maybe instead of Slowing kids down People need to catch up

breathing lungs of grit and dust to the dawn I owe my trust drowned by night that glows within of fire wrought of fearful sin of hands that grab and lips that scream and drag me deeper in this dream where creatures lurk, so pale sallow in a place that once was hallowed seeds not sown and fields still fallow

the callow kiss of barren stream a tearing at all of this life’s seams fingers pressed to what once was a sky the color of peach fuzz a heartbeat drum of sunburnt skin a bloody bone to pound it in the air it reeks of rancid brine it sings a song long lost to time and all of this, it’s truly mine the truly dreaming, dreamer few of stories old, but nights still new as sickness drags, limbs made of lead and pulls my aching bones to bed embroiled not with flu or cold but a fever hot and brashly bold and sleeping brings not pleasant things but dread that soars on ragged wings and legends of forgotten kings Nothing burns as fierce it seems as the most cruel of fever dreams. 19

The Snake and the Angel Stephanie Moya Trust me! trust me my dear Trust me you have nothing to fear No need for tears trust me my dear I trust! I do! I truly do love you the sting of your sweet poison forever stunning me to a passionate death the sweetest dew from the lie and recklessness I desire more from you “I trust you, my love” luring roses and marigolds protrude from your honey sweet heart Smells of innocence just waiting to be ripped at the seams Lifeful eye tempting me for more Each of it - all of it belongs to me So sweetest treat trust me I trust you I truly do Your gentle touch slow taking the glow of my creamy skin The way I am unable to resist your venomous temptations Unable to the fight, I easily surrender my freedom to you “I love you, I trust you”

No control in my home No law to bound your from my commands No God to save you from your doom However you continue to trust me No hope of escape No control of my person No stopping you from using me to your will No god to somehow save me “I trust you my love I do” You’re mine and only mine From you sweet heart your now clouded eyes your creamy peach skin to your heavenly voice that continues to say “I trust you” Unable to hold back my hunger for you Unable to fight, run or hide I shall devour you alive I shall accept that I will die Trust me you have nothing to fear There is no need for tears No more pain No more hope “Do you still trust me, my tasty little snack?” “.... I trust you”

Come with me angel come to my home, come to my realm follow me to a land of want where your greedy, sinful thoughts may come true follow me honey sweet darling Follow me, trust me The ever so calm in your voice lures me to your land blinded by the sins of lustful want, I slowly lose myself hypnotized by you glowing snake eye I begin to follow you to the end “I trust you, I want you”


Epcot: Karla Erdman Pen & Ink 2015

Lost to Found Alli Singer From the minute I closed my eyes, opened my ears after shutting them out with headphones, and mimicked the words as they skipped across my soundless lips, I found myself dozing away from a chaotic lifestyle and walking into the world of lyrics and poets. A much better world. I lose myself to time quite often to something more than just a word or a verse “It’s deeper than that, it’s deeper than rap” as Childish Gambino says, it’s much more like an open door of opportunities to find who you are. Motives, emotions, achievements are the goals, when I hear those words the goosebumps unfold, the endless thoughts of happiness and wonders that I never thought were possible, my headphones turned out to be something I can turn to when there’s obstacles; that can be overcome with hope, high spirits and messages, to be proud of who you are, no matter how far (you’ve been); that’s what I’m taught. From your simple lyrics with deep meanings that you brought to the sound of music and artists, this is to you for making me true, not to you three, but to me. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me for making me truly see the reflection of myself I aspire to be.


Chenonceau: Sarrah Hussain




Aliceann Trostle

This world is tainted, Overfilled, stuffed, crammed. Polluted with judgement and hatred We were born to be damned. Lies, lies, lies, lies To which God do you pray? You hide and you cry And you cover your eyes But that won’t drive them away You bleed and you fight For the “greater good” But you cry through the night Darling, you misunderstood. Then you take shelter in A messed up society that Changes your beautiful self and grins And gets high off of bloodthirsty combat It takes you It breaks you It laughs at your pain It shapes you It makes you Whispers thoughts in your brain Greed, money, beauty, sex Takes your innocence and turns it to sin Laughs, then moves on to the next Leaving you alone in new skin Shivering, you emerge Into a world all the same No one dares to diverge They fear isolation and shame And you disappear You fade and blend in But don’t let them see tears For it means you feel within Which in their eyes, Is the cruelest of sins

I shouldn't take up dancing It's so hard to be graceful when I know my legs are destructive Because they've been walking All over you for years I shouldn't take up painting My palette of paint will dry Before I even begin to think Of how to move the brush Along the canvas I shouldn't take up architecture The only way the structures I create Will ever be stable enough Is if you're standing underneath them Holding them up with your presence I shouldn't take up poetry The words I recite will never sound natural Coming out of the mouth on a head With a mind that can't sort things out By itself

Versailles: Sarrah Hussain 22

Pen & Ink 2015

Purpose Cameron Gallagher It seems that everyone always wants the answer to one simple question: “Why are we here and why did the human species ever come into existence with the ability of complex thoughts?” Despite all our technological progress, we still are unable to answer that question. But what if I told you that you have a purpose; EVERYONE has a purpose. Maybe it’s for you to make people happy. Maybe it’s for you to make people laugh. I believe that we’re here for many things, and one of the most important is the purpose of being in each other’s lives. Even if you aren’t responsible for the next biggest breakthrough in medicine, or being the first person to walk on Mars, we are here for that lady whose bags you helped carry and the beggar in the street who you bought a hot lunch for with your charity. You brought happiness. You brought joy. And THAT is your purpose. Everyone has had those friends, you know, the ones who are constantly going through breakups and complaining about their exes. But you were there for them, you cheered them up and made them feel important, and you sat with them while they cried for hours wondering what they did wrong all while eating their own weight in Haagen Dazs or Ben and Jerry’s. THAT is your purpose. Everyday people feel worthless, unloved, unappreciated, but simple fact is that YOU are important. As alone as you may feel, there’s always a rainbow after the storm, and you WILL find your purpose. That one person WILL come along, your friends WILL pull through for you, and most importantly you WILL be okay. I’ve had plenty of days where I actually step back and look at my life and I realize; life isn’t easy, and it can seem meaningless at times. I start to worry, and I start to think about all the bad things that happen, and I begin to think that maybe there is no purpose. Maybe our existence is hopeless, just a rock full of elements and compounds that just so happened to combine in the perfect way to create us, a complex being with the capabilities to travel thousands of miles in a hunk of metal through space to the moon, or create an intricate system of 0’s and 1’s that somehow all add up to form television and the internet and cell phones. These technologies are wonderful, amazing things all used for us to connect to each other and make our big world just a little bit smaller, and I realize, THAT is our purpose. I believe that the Dalai Lama says it best, “Our prime purpose in the life is to help others. And if you can’t help, at least don’t hurt them.” As a man who envisions peace and love and friendship between all people, purpose to him is the will to help others and be there for them and to better lives and make them feel important and needed. In the end, we may never know exactly why we were put on this planet, but until the day when we do, it is easiest said that our purpose is to be there for one another, to care, to be each others, but most importantly, to love.

View from the Sacre Coeur: Rachel Loh 23

Willow Ashley Rissmiller She was a Tree. Growing long And lean. Her body was tall and had long phalanges That grew Like branches And liked to cling And give physical touches to people in need.

She was the tree Who comforted And swayed with life. She was the oldest tree With The longest life Of suckling damage And crumpling pain. Smiled and laugh and was the soul to See and Drift On.

She had a strong outer layer built of pieces of bark. She applies Make Up. Patching up her uncomfortableness And insecurity. The picture would match her layer Of perfect integrity. Strong, Wise and Mature. She was a wise old owl Reflecting so put together Was quiet and Light like a Feather. She was a Mother of the ground, the sky and earth below. Learned to accept the Thunderstorms and Sunshine in life.

With such grace; Comforted and listened Did her best to resolve it all, But not things small. She was the tree to comfort thee. She was the tree to hug, That tried to accept it, But Had a hard cold bark And a strong wall That have given back a sense of rejection And A sense of uncomfortableness. 24

Waterfall at Virginia Zoological Park: Karla Erdman

Pen & Ink 2015

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