FHS Inflight News (May 2010)

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In Flight

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Foothill High School: Issue 8, may 2010



Spencer Miller staff reporter

Features 3

Every 15 Minutes Photo Courtesy: Katie O’Brien

Opinions 5

Should Happy Meals be banned? Image Courtesy: huttshead.wordpress.com


Every year, teachers work countless hours to try to help prepare students for the future. Using after-school lessons, demos involving the students, and field trips, teachers take do anything to make sure their students learn. Who are those special teachers who really had a major impact on your student career? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hosted their seventh annual Crystal Apple Award ceremony on May 2, honoring two teachers from Foothill, Amador, and Dublin High Schools who exemplified qualities that made them respected role models. LDS students named their favorite teacher and explained why. Favorite lessons, demos, labs, or stories were some reasons why the students chose a teacher. Later, committee members made up of LDS high school students read the student responses and voted on the top two candidates from each school. The Foothill teachers selected were Greg Haubner, who teaches Economics, AP Economics, and AVID, and Zach Lipman, who teaches regular and AP US History. “I was truly honored to be recognized by the church and by the youth group. It was a great surprise, because I had no idea I

was even considered, and when I found out more about it, I was very touched,” says Mr. Lipman about receiving his award. Students expressed thanks and appreciation for their teachers’ creativity and different teaching styles. “The Crystal Apple Award not only lets the teachers know how important and influential they are to us, but also helps the kids think about and realize all they do for us,” comments Kevin Miller (’10). The ceremony touched many people, especially the recipients. Mr. Haubner reflects, “It is the greatest honor I have received as a teacher, and it motivates me to do a better job teaching at FHS. Also, I feel even better about knowing the other teachers that received the award with me and other teachers that have received it in the past. I could not have been happier to be at the ceremony.” After the teachers all commented and reflected on the reward for their hard work, there was dessert. Some students noticed Mr. Haubner staying very close to the tables. “The church had cheese cake at the ceremony. I had two pieces. Number three was on my radar, but I figured that would not be appropriate to go for it,” he said. It was a great way to close the night, with teachers socializing with students and parents. Many extraordinary teachers were honored for being role

models to students. These adults were recognized for teaching, but also for being individuals who are not afraid to be who they are. Mr. Lipman closed with saying, “I think this just helps remind me that my subject is an important part of teaching, but really what makes teaching such a great profession are the experiences and students that you are able to have and the relationships you build with them.

Teaching is so much more than just history, math, or English. Teaching is about creating an environment with students where they feel welcomed, cared about, and want to learn.” All teachers work incredibly hard to try to mold the young minds of today and prepare them for tomorrow. It is wonderful to be able to recognize and award someone you admire.

Photo Courtesy: Spencer Miller

Mr. Haubner and Mr. Lipman pose with their Crystal Apple Awards, given by the LDS church in Pleasanton to great teachers.


California protests Arizona immigration law Jack Lambert staff reporter

World Cup preview Image Courtesy: soccertv.wordpress.com

Entertainment 7

What movies should you see this summer? Image Courtesy: moviesonline.ca

The country just cannot seem to wrap its head around illegal immigration. Arizona governor Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 on April 23, 2010. It is the toughest law on illegal immigration thus far, and several political leaders and other spokesmen oppose it. The law requires police officers in the state of Arizona to detain anyone suspected of being in the country without authorization. Strictly speaking, immigrants are required to carry documents stating their legal occupancy at all times. If suspected immigrants are found without proof (green card, citizenship, etc.) they could be convicted of a state crime and be off to jail. The Senate bill has friends and enemies alike. President Obama opposes it, claiming that its goal is “to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as

the trust between police and our communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.” Sixty percent of Arizona residents are in favor of the bill. The popularity of the bill could be divided among Republicans and Democrats. Most Republicans are for the bill, while most Democrats and nearly all Hispanic-Americans are against it. Those in favor of the bill say it is the first step in solving the problem of illegal immigration. Those who are against it claim that it is a form of racial profiling, and some even call it “Nazism.” Governor Brewer tells critics that racial profiling will not be tolerated and that police will undergo proper training to use the law appropriately. Others who are against it also claim that it is unconstitutional, but in fact, the federal government allows states to control their own foreign affairs. The bill has caused Arizona to face several protests. For example, the Phoenix Suns, the Arizona

NBA team, wore jerseys with the name “Los Suns” on them in protest. San Francisco has banned all government travel to the state. San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom has called for a boycott on all Arizona-based companies. Oakland has called for boycotts as

well. Franchises like restaurants, sports teams, and businesses face losing several sponsors. Tourism is also a $38 million industry, and is predicted to decrease. The state could expect perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars lost from boycotts worldwide.

Photo Courtesy: dailycal.org

UC Berkeley students protest the Arizona immigration laws, which face increasing opposition from much of the country, especially California.


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Oil spill threatens US coast Kristen McDeavitt Copy Editor

An offshore drilling rig exploded April 20, causing a major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Crude oil continues to spill into the water at a rate of about five thousand barrels a day. The spill has already reached the US coast, seeping into Florida and Louisiana rivers. The oil may enter the Florida Keys or spread to tropical coral reefs. The spill is beginning to trigger political unrest, as politicians and citizens are questioning offshore drilling methods. The rig’s explosion is challenging beliefs of supporters of offshore drilling, and its human and environmental costs will be difficult to pay. This rig was not the only one to explode and cause environmental destruction. It presents a challenge to the oil companies, who will have to figure out the best way to clean the waters. Regardless of when the

oil is cleaned from the bay, it will still wreak havoc on coastal environments. Each oil spill threatens marine life for years to come. Oil from the spill could harm all kinds of marine life in the Gulf of Mexico, from endangered sea turtles and migrating birds to commercial fisheries and marine mammals. Oil is traveling quickly and widely, entering into the areas of the Gulf where birds, turtles, and fish are harmed. Now, the protected Florida Keys are currently in danger of oil seeping in. Oil companies have currently tried to contain the spill, but so far, their efforts have failed. President Obama pledged to do whatever it takes to clean up the Gulf- hopefully, that’s what will happen. Ayesha Omarali (’13) says, “Right now, I think they should just focus on the best short term solution to the leak… whatever doesn’t make it worse at this point will work. It’s just getting out of control.”

Noah’s Ark: real or fake? Boloa Gbadebo staff reporter

Wooden remains of Noah’s Ark may have been discovered 13,000 feet up the eastern Turkish mountain, Mount Ararat, by a group of evangelical explorers from China. Several archaeologists working on Mount Arat are almost certain that they have found parts of Noah’s Ark. A distinguishing feature that has led people to believe that one of the most significant historical artifacts was found, is a structure containing wooden beams. Although it has been separated into a number of parts, using the method of carbon dating, archaeologists

Image Courtesy: www.news.nationalgeographic.com

discovered that the important artifact goes back approximately 4,800 years. This supports the biblical belief that a flood took place around that time period. In the Book of Genesis, Chapters 6-9, God was said to have flooded the Earth after witnessing how corrupt and belligerent the people who it inhabited were. The story records that God appointed Noah to construct an ark and fill it with two of every animal, along with his family. According to Noah’s Ark Ministries International, the artifact discovered is not yet factually Noah’s Ark, but they are 99.9% sure that’s what was found. While attending a press conference about Noah’s

Ark, Dutch Ark researcher, Gerrit Aalten, head of www.NoahsArkSearch.com, said, “There’s a tremendous amount of solid evidence that the structure found on Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey, is the legendary Ark of Noah.” However, experts are highly dubious about this finding, and are saying, “We’ll believe it when we see it.,” the chair of the Classics Department at George Washington University, announced on Good Morning America last Tuesday, “I’m waiting for them to convince me.” There are many people who are not quite ready to accept the findings just yet. Research is still being done in order to find out further information on the ark.

Foothill Athletic Boosters holds annual Meat Sale Spencer Miller staff reporter

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is causing desruction of marine life along the coast.

May 2010

Foothill Athletic Boosters has done it again with their annual Meat Sale on May 1st and 2nd, a fundraiser that helps to support Foothill athletics. Located in the front parking lot at school, cars came and lined

up for their choices of rib eye, New York steak, t-bone, bacon and many more assortments of meat. President Jan Hope commented on a hard weekend of work, “We had a wonderful group of volunteers, including parents, coaches and players.” With the profits they are able to pay for a lot of our equipment and

transportation that we use during the year. This year the FAB club was able to earn a little over $6,000 off of selling meat, which will go towards numerous athletic events and teams. Jan Hope went on to say, “The support from the Foothill Athletic community was terrific and well worth the effort.”


MAy 2010

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Every Fifteen Minutes raises awareness about drinking and driving Spencer Miller staff reporter

School starts at 8:12 A.M on March 13th as usual. Students rush into their first period classes getting ready for the days lessons. The teacher gets up and starts to discuss last night’s homework that you forgot on your kitchen table. There’s a knock and a police officer is at the door and asks for a student who happens to sit next to you. The student packs his stuff, gets up, and leaves. You don’t see him for the rest of the day. Fifteen minutes later, you see your best friend with an officer walking down the hall. Yes, even high school kids can get emotional every now and again. For Foothill, it happens every two years with the Every 15 Minutes program. Based on the the statistic that every fifteen minutes someone dies from an alcohol related accident, this program is designed to teach teens

not to drink and drive and has been going on for a couple of years here at Foothill as well as across town at Amador. Students are pulled out of class and are called “living dead” to effectively show how students would react if their best friend or close relative died in a fatal car accident involving drinking. During passing period students were able to view tombstones in the grass with the names of “living dead”. More and more stones were set in the grass as the day went by. Every fifteen minutes to be exact. A live crash was in place on Foothill Road as hundreds of students gathered around while firefighters and paramedics rushed to save students lives. Some, they were not able to save. Discipline Clerk Coni Miller and Matt Beadle (’11) were not able to withstand the crash. Witnessing body bags laid and cars being chopped open, in order to save students in the car, were some tactics the program presented in order to try to pierce

the hearts of teenagers and steer them away from consuming alcohol and driving at the same time. The next day, March 14th, hundreds of students gathered into the large gym and listened to two speakers pour their souls out. Ken Williams, father of Laurel Williams, who died in a drunken driving car accident, told his side of story: the father’s side. He expressed his love for his daughter and knew that these actions that many teenagers

participate in at parties should not be mixed with driving. Tears began to stream down students faces as some hugged one another. There was such an emotional aroma in the room that anyone present could tell you how it has made them think before they act. “It immersed Foothill into a realistic scenario. The simulation really helped staff and students visualize what could happen. I really hope everyone was impacted

and that they will think before making these kind of decisions.” said Arianne Olarig (’11) after reflecting on the event. I think we have found a soft spot here at Foothill. Perhaps this program can work for the better. Maybe students will hopefully now realize what Austin Whitney, one of the assembly speakers, said, “There are definitely more ways to have fun, you just need to find them.”

Photo Courtesies: Katie O’Brien and Aisha Hanif

Top Right: Nick Byron (‘10) patricipates in the crash scene as students look on in horror. Left: Paramedics treat Taylor Schoonover (‘10) on the scene. Middle: An officer arrests Ben Krebs (‘11) for drinking and driving. Right: The Living Dead’s tombstones were displayed in the quad.

First Wednesdays return Students take action for schools Nicolette Sirotta Staff Reporter

Everyone in Pleasanton knows that summer is officially here when the First Wednesday comes to town. In case anyone out there doesn’t know what Pleasanton’s First Wednesdays are, it’s basically a large street party that takes place on Main Street. No invite is needed, for anyone can come and join this party. Something special about the First Wednesday of 2010 is that it’s coincidentally on May 5; so in honor of this, the First Wednesday was themed with Cinco de Mayo in mind.

Photo Courtesy: Nicolette Sirotta

The First Wednesday was a success, almost all of Pleasanton was there.

A band named La Ventana supplied the live music near the Beer and Wine garden. In addition to live music there were booths lining Main Street from many local businesses and organizations, amazing food which included everyone’s favorite kettle corn, and basically all of Pleasanton’s friends, and families. Many students from Foothill, Amador, as well as all the other schools in Pleasanton could be seen either strolling the street with friends or hanging out in front of Tully’s Coffee and Round Table to socialize with friends of the present and past. Adults enjoyed the scene at the beer and wine garden or strolling among the booths for some information about Pleasanton’s businesses. All of the Main Street shops were also open for business. The First Wednesday Street Parties officially begin at six o’clock pm and end with the opening of Main Street at 10’oclock. If you missed the may First Wednesday, don’t fret, for they will continue on every first Wednesday of every month till the end of summer. Pleasanton is lucky to have such a fun event for all of Pleasanton and neighboring communities to come out and enjoy, but plan ahead for parking can be a challenge! See you there on June 2nd!

Photos Courtesy: Kaitlyn Su

Ji-Hern Baek (‘12), Lauren Loanzon (‘12), and Tim Na (‘12) participate in the lunchtime event that benefited schools.

Evelyn Minaise News Editor

Students, parents, teachers, and administrators district-wide have had only one thing on their minds this year: the recent budget cuts. California’s economic crisis has hit the education system hard, forcing schools to make major changes to accommodate less funding. Even Pleasanton, one of the most privileged districts, is being drastically affected by these changes, forcing PUSD to lower their standards. Pleasanton parents and students, however, have chosen to rise against this problem and help our teachers through fundraising; while these people are mainly in elemen-

tary school, Foothill High School can make a difference, too. Pleasanton Partnership in Education Foundation (PPIE) took action after the Parcel Tax failed to pass. They are currently collecting any donations to give to the district. Their goal is to collect $150 per student, the amount one would pay if the Parcel Tax would’ve passed. If every student donates $150, the next school year will run a lot smoother. Unfortunately, PPIE is not as close to their goal as they planned. FHS students have noticed some changes and are doing everything they can to make things right. Our Movement President Ji-Hern Baek (’12) contacted and met with many clubs in hoped of collaborating to raise money for

the district. “Everyone is donating to these great charities and causes, but no one is helping the education system,” said Baek. On April 23, a group of dedicated students led by Anna Oh (’10) joined in the quad to pick up trash and provide entertainment to raise awareness about the cause. The group of club officers plans to hold a large event during the ’10-11 school year to raise as much money as possible to donate to the district. FHS is in poor shape, teachers are being laid off, classes are being cut, and funding is short. If you want to stop these circumstances from having a large impact on next year’s experience, do something about it – your small contribution could be what saves our schools.

Opinions May 2010 Florida teachers and reform: the problem with merit-based pay and tenure Page 4

Katie Ronan features editor

Florida teachers rejoiced on Thursday when Florida Governor Charlie Crist vetoed a bill that would have based their salaries on how well their students perform. The bill would have eliminated tenure for new teachers, thus significantly altering the teaching profession. Republican supporters of this bill fought to change how teachers are evaluated. But do standardized tests actually reflect a teacher’s performance? This question is one of many being asked around the country as the economic crisis affects the

education system. Unfortunately, teachers have been paying the price as some lose their jobs because of the budget cuts. Even more unfortunate is that the teachers fired are often new teachers who have not received tenure, a contract guaranteeing their job after a state-specified amount of years teaching. Once a teacher achieves tenure, he or she cannot lose his or her job unless there is just cause. Teachers are not rewarded for how well they teach or interact with students, but instead, how long they have worked in the profession. While job security makes the teaching profession more appeal-

ing, the system does not distinguish between good and bad teachers. Thus, when school districts fire teachers based on tenure, they risk keeping low-performing teachers and losing high-performing teachers. Call me crazy, but the system seems flawed. Teacher tenure does not enforce teachers to performespecially teachers who already have their tenure. Consequently, older teachers remain teaching and cannot be fired. It is very costly to fire a teacher with tenure; tenure teacher dismissals usually cost up to $200,000 in legal fees. In California, the teacher tenure is two years. This short length of time severely affected teachers

this year in the Pleasanton Unified School District. In 2005, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger lobbied for an initiative that would have increased the tenure from two to five years. The ballot initiative, which did not end up passing in January 2006, would have enforced proficiency among new teachers and veteran teachers. Yet, California remains in a stand still. The recent events in Florida have focused a review of the tenure system versus the merit system. Merit-based pay has become yet another controversial solution to determining teacher compensation during the financial crisis. The bill

had severe faults because test scores do not always account for how well a teacher performed. For many subjects, such as English and math, standardized tests account for how much a student has learned from the time they started school. Furthermore, standardized test scores do not take account for other factors, such as socio-economic status and a student’s home environment. Bottom line: students need teachers that will motivate them and help them achieve. Teacher tenure and merit may not be the answer to rewarding teachers, but a system needs to be established before we jeopardize the future.

Is Pleasanton’s bubble bursting? Inked up and put down Sayali Vilekar

Lionel Sanchez

staff reporter

crummy article writer

We live in a city called Pleasanton. The name itself is assuring to us that we live in a safe, homey, ‘pleasant’ place. This view of ours is sure to change as people continue to commit crimes. Statistics show that Pleasanton’s violent crime rates are significantly lower than California’s average levels. While this is still true, the rate of crimes in our city has recently gone up, and the economy is to blame. According to Pleasanton Weekly, there were 296 DUI arrests made in our city, which is the most made in the last five years, as DUI is the most common cause for arrest here. But in the past few months, Pleasanton has seen more robberies, kidnappings, and other felonies. Is stress about the economy influencing more people to drink and do drugs? A couple of years ago, a robbery in Pleasanton would probably be a huge shock. Today, it would still surprise people, but not nearly as much as now. The down economy in California has emptied many people’s pockets, which makes them want to unfairly and illegally steal things from other people and stores.

Today in society people seem to look at tattoos as something other than just body art. People with tattoos are judged and looked at very differently than people without them. Those who are “inked up” see tattoos of more of an art than just a meaningless rebellious act, which is what most people think the reason is that people do get tattoos. At Foothill High School, tattoos have started to become a new trend, and some students see as a cool thing to do; while others see it as stupid. Some people don’t agree with what others decide to get on their body. I asked Stephanie

Image courtesy: http://pleasanton.patch.com

The recent increase in crime may be a trend that can burst our “bubble”.

But the economy is no excuse for theft. Every single one of us has been affected by the money shortage. Does that mean that all of us the right to commit robbery? Of course not! Although Pleasanton is nowhere near Oakland’s crime level, it started out as very low, and it is gradually rising. Some people think that because there are now more felonies committed here, that our city has become less boring, and more of an “actual city.” I disagree with this. Crime is not, nor has it ever been, a good thing. No matter the nature of it, there is always a victim, maybe more than one, whether direct or indirect.

Pleasanton has been known for its safety, with this economy, we can expect more rises in illegal activity unless we do something about it. You can help keep our community safer by not committing crime in the first place. Keep it legal! If you witness a wrongdoing, report it; don’t just let it go and act like it never happened. Also, stay informed. Being aware of what’s been going around you will help you be prepared for a dangerous encounter or situation. Pleasanton’s reputation of being a safe city is one we should want to keep. The increase in crime is ruining this rep and should be stopped!

InFlight Staff 2009-2010 Editors-in-Chief Aisha Hanif & Lawrence Lam

Opinions Editor Katie O’Brien

features editor Katie Ronan

entertainment editor Jonathan Yankowski

news editor Evelyn Minaise

Sports Editor Jason Min

crummy article writer Lionel Sanchez

copy editor Kristen McDeavitt

Business manager Shreya Arora

photo editor Maria Mercurio

May-June May 4- Freedom Riders challenge racial segregation in bus station terminals

Staff Reporters June 10 - Portugal Day, Camões Day and Day of Portuguese Communities

May 5 - Congress passes Geary Chinese Exclusion Act

June 11- Festival that celebrates Celtic music and culture with national and International acts.

May 6 - Congress passes Chinese Exclusion Act May 19 - Congress passes Emergency Quota Act re immigration

May 28 - First Black regiment leaves Boston to fight in the Civil War

May 19 - Birthday Malcolm X (civil rights leader)

May 29 - Tom Bradley elected first black mayor of Los Angeles

Lowe (’10) if anybody had given her any criticism because of her tattoo and she said, “Yes, but I don’t care. It’s my body and I should be able to do what I want with it”. It shouldn’t matter to anyone else what you decide to do with your own body. People need to stop judging and categorizing those with tattoos as “stoners”, “gang bangers” or “rebels”. We get tattoos because they mean something to us, because we believe in something, because we want to keep a memory of something in the past. All I’m saying is stop telling us what to do. We understand that it might be harder for us to get a job, but that’s just another experience we will have in our lifetime that you won’t.

June 16- Sikhs remember the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Sahib, 5th Guru and all those who have suffered for the faith. June 25 - Mozambique’s Celebrates Independence Day

Adam Bailey

Gianna Livigni

Bola Gbadebo

Spencer Miller

Haris Hanif

Duncan Morrow

Andrew Huang

Nicolette Sirotta

Jack Lambert

Alison Smith

Ryan Lanning

Sayali Vilekar

Advisor Mary Crawbuck Lovingly Dedicated to Sharon Cao If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact the InFlight staff in Mrs. Crawbuck’s room, C-16, or by email at inflighteditor@gmail.com

The content of these articles does not necessarily reflect the views of InFlight Newspaper.


MAY 2010


Controversy sparked about Arizona’s new immigration policy Ryan Lanning staff reporter

After the passage of the recent Arizona law regarding illegal immigration, the national debate about the issue has taken center stage. The bill makes not carrying one’s proof of legal residence in the United States a misdemeanor, which is already a federal regulation. Police are given the responsibility and obligation to ask for proof of legal presence in the United States if a “reasonable suspicion” exists that they are illegally present. This can only happen during a previously initiated police encounter. The bill also makes it illegal to foster or hire illegal aliens within the state. The controversial aspect of the law is that “reasonable suspicion” clause all but requires racial profiling among the Arizona police force. The clause is not a new concept in federal and state law. Officers are given that judgment call in all types of arrests, especially DUI’s. Arizona has little power to do much what beyond this bill does. The Federal government has done next to nothing since the Reagan administration regarding the issue of illegal immigration, while illegal immigrant crime has been on a massive upswing for several months in Arizona. This is a major reason that a majority of Arizonans and Americans support this policy. The United States has possibly the most lenient immigration policy in the world. Mexico can detain Americans, or any other alien, for not being in their countr y leg ally and

have the ability to make that call based on “reasonable suspicion”. Until now, the United States either could or would not. Similar laws also exist throughout Europe. That aside, the real problem here is illegal immigration. The United States needs to take action to secure the border and make sure the money isn’t being spent out of a bankrupt government to care for those taking jobs away from taxpayers. The first step is to build a f e n c e, a r e a l l y, r e a l l y b i g fence, to secure the border. We also need to amp up the border patrol and let them do their job. After that is done, the U.S. needs to eliminate the benefits of being here illegally. We need harsh punishments for employers who hire illegals and a card-check

system that makes it easy to verify the legality of potential employees. The option of altering the Constitution to make it more difficult for an individual technically bor n within the borders of the United States should be debated on Capitol Hill Once the border is protected, we can start dealing with the large population of illegal immigrants already here. We c a n a l l o w t h e m t o attain citizenship after living here for a number of years This is an expensive problem for the United States. Many lives have been lost to violent actions taken by those that were in the US illegally. Arizona simply passed a law to tell its police to enforce the federal immigration laws that are already on the books.

Duncan Morrow staff reporter

Politicians have been promising to reform immigration for years, but political bickering always stopped it from happening, at least on a nationwide level. Politicians never took the action to set out a sensible plan to improve our outdated laws on this issue, and now the citizens of Arizona are paying the price. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, signed this immigration overhaul into law last April, sparking massive uproar from citizens both on the left and the right. Why is the law so terrible? The heart of it is the authorization of officers to stop people for “reasonable suspicion” of being an illegal immigrant, and allows people to

Image Courtesy: http://www.foxnews.com/

The Arizona law has led to demonstrations of both support and opposition throughout Arizona and the rest of the nation.

sue if the police aren’t enforcing the law. This is also the main problem with the bill – it’s literally impossible to enforce the law without resorting to racial profiling, which is both illegal and morally wrong. It’s obvious Hispanics will be stopped much more often than other races, whether they’re legal immigrants, illegal immigrants, or natural born citizens, just because of the color of their skin. Racial profiling is now not only legal in Arizona, it’s illegal not to do it. To make the law even worse is that you are required to keep proof of citizenship with you at all times, no exceptions. If you’re caught without your immigration papers, ID, or birth certificate, you could be fined and put in jail. Because people can be stopped anywhere for any reason, even a short walk or run would require keeping your papers on you at all times. The practice of racial profiling is outlawed by our Constitution in the Fourteenth Amendment, which gives me even more hope this law will be repealed in the near future. Helping even further, pressure on the state to stop the law is growing, a boycott of the entire state of Arizona is emerging, including the cities of San Francisco and Oakland, who have banned all non-essential business in the state. Even a number of politicians in Arizona have come out in support of the boycott. I have faith either the courts or the federal government will strike down this law in the near future.

Should the government ban happiness? Senioritis is an epidemic Andrew Huang staff reporter

Santa Clara County recently passed a ban on restaurants giving away toys with foods that have excess fat, sodium, and calories, specifically Happy Meals. The county is among the first to pass laws regulating nutrition in fast food. It’s no surprise that the county would impose such an ordinance on fast food restaurants. According to local reporters, Supervisor Ken Yeager, said that it “breaks the link between unhealthy food and prizes…it is unfair to parents and children to use toys to capture the tastes of children when they are young.” Many citizens are not happy about the new ordinance. A California Restaurant Association spokes-

man said, “The people of Santa Clara County believe they are in a better position to make decisions about what to feed their kids than politicians are.” The organization described the ban as misguided and another example of the government overreaching. It also feared that the ordinance could have far greater consequences on the restaurants and that it may consider alternative ideas. I think that the government shouldn’t try to tell me what and what not to eat. I’m also skeptical of the idea that taking away a toy will help end child obesity. We should teach the parents not to buy Happy Meals, instead of banning them. The lack of a toy is not going to stop millions of American children from eating fast-food. It’s cheap

and delicious. The only guaranteed method is to take away burgers and fries altogether, and that is nothing more than wishful thinking. Michelle Chang (’13) thinks that the ban is “stupid because parents need to buy their kids food.” Brenton Hsu (’12) also agreed that the ban wouldn’t work. While the debate rages on, my opinion is clear. If the county’s goal is to reduce childhood obesity, they need to find a better way. Our childhood memories are at stake here! Countless students have ordered a Happy Meal at one time or another. The government shouldn’t take that away. It needs to find a more effective way to stop child obesity than to take away my free toy with those junior cheeseburgers and curly fries. No! to the ban on Happy Meals.

Image Courtesy: http://images.brisbanetimes.com.au/

A female child stares at the menu at her local McDonald’s. Children will not be receiving the famous Happy Meals toys with their Happy Meals at any McDonald’s restaurants and drive-throughs in Santa Clara County.

Lionel Sanchez Crummy Article Writer

There would be an article here about this year’s Senioritis epidemic. Unfortunately, its writer has a severe case.

Photo Courtesy: Spencer Miller

Lionel Sanchez (’10) plays with his Nintendo DS while he should be developing comprehensive articles for this issue of InFlight..


May 2010

Page 6

Playoffs 2010: Lakers win again? Sharks bite hard in 2010 Adam Bailey Staff Reporter

While the majority of sports fans are just getting over how shocked they are that they didn’t win the money from their March Madness pool, the winners are focusing on the next level, the NBA Playoffs. This years playoffs included some more popular teams such as the Cleveland Cavaliers, Orlando Magic, Chicago Bulls, Boston Celtics, L.A. Lakers, Dallas Mavericks, Denver Nuggets, and San Antonio Spurs. On the other side, there were teams that were almost ridiculous to see in the playoffs at all, such as the Miami Heat, Atlanta Hawks, Milwaukee Bucks, Charlotte Bobcats, Portland Trail Blazers, Utah Jazz, and Oklahoma City Thunder. The surprising upset of the first round was the Utah Jazz

moving on by beating the Denver Nuggets in six games. However, the biggest story of the first round would have to be how the Lakers should have swept the Thunder in the first round, without breaking a sweat. Their plan didn’t quite work out, but they pulled away with the victories they needed, and moved on to the second round where they would play the Utah Jazz. The only real exciting series in the first round would have to be the Bucks versus the Hawks. The Bucks put up quite a fight, but in the end the Hawks came away with the advancement in a seven game thriller of a series. The second round was either boring or thrilling, depending on how you view sports. In the match-up between Orlando and Atlanta, Orlando completely demolished the Hawks by beating them by over thirty points in each of the first three games. The only

interesting sweep was the Phoenix Suns beating the San Antonio Spurs. This game was predicted to have six or seven games and it ended up finishing in four. The series between the Lakers and Jazz was no surprise, the Lakers swept for the second series in a row. In terms of suspense, the only game that stuck out in the second round was the game between the Celtics and Cavaliers. In the only interesting series of the second round, the Celtics and Cavaliers ended their feud on Thursday, May 13. The Celtics took the Cavaliers out of the competition in six games and won the series 4-2, despite LeBron James’ triple-double. In the third round the Celtics will take on the Magic, and the Lakers will take on the Suns. It will be an interesting third round, but I see the Celtics and Lakers in the finals. However, I do not see a Lakers’ repeat.

Allison Smith & Nicolette Sirotta Staff Reporters

Round 1&2 of the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs have come to a close; round 3 is underway. At the start of round 1 there were 16 of the season’s best NHL teams from both the Eastern and Western Divisions. Reams needed to win 4 out of 7 games to advance. A surprising advance in Round 1 was The Washington Capitals, the Eastern Division’s 1st seed team losing to the 8th seed, The Montreal Canadiens; no one expected what some say to be the best team this season to lose in the first round. Many underdog teams advanced over higher ranked teams, such as the Philadelphia Flyers, a 7th seed team, who took the win against the New Jersey Devils, a 2nd seed team.

Image Courtesy: www. switchlane.files.word-

In the 2010 Playoffs, the Lakers and Magic have been the center of amazing. However, the Celtics are starting to shine.

The Pittsburgh Penguins tried their hardest to defend their title as the 2009 Stanley Cup Champions, but had a tough battle with an 8th seed team, the Montreal Canadiens, who is now advanced to Round 3. The San Jose Sharks could have had a surprising 4 game sweep against the Detroit Red Wings, but advanced after their win in game 5. The Philadelphia Flyers came out on top after losing the first 3 games to the Boston Bruins; they saved themselves with 4 wins, advancing to Round 3 where they now play Montreal. Evenly matched Chicago and Vancouver took it to game 6 with a win by Chicago now playing the San Jose Sharks in Round 3. Four teams remain. Will the Sharks rise above and attack the Blackhawks, will the Candiens conquer the Flyers? Who will win The Cup? Only time and great hockey will tell.

Image Courtesy: www.buffalospree.com

The San Jose Sharks have overcome their hardships in this year’s NHL playoffs.

2010 World Cup: now is the time for soccer to shine Jon Yankowski Entertainment editor

For one month this summer, the world will be entranced by the most popular sport in the world. Soccer’s biggest event, the World Cup, will commence on June 11th in South Africa. It will bring every nation together to be awed by this amazing game as thirty-two countries compete to win the most prized cup in all of sports. Although many Americans do not recognize soccer’s magic, our national team did secure a place in the competition. Led by captain Carlos Bocanegra, highscoring Landon Donovan, and our phenomenal goalkeeper Tim Howard, the U.S. is primed to make a run into the next round and possibly beyond. In the group stage, the U.S. is to face off against England, Algeria, and Slovenia. England is a strong adversary with roots in the game that go way back, fans that will never quit, and players with much more skill and experience than the young American squad. Although the U.S. will most likely lose their first game, they definitely are the favorites over Algeria and Slovenia. Since two teams advance out of

each group, I expect the U.S. to get second and manage their way into the second round. However, they will most likely face Germany and see another exit from the Cup. The World Cup will not only be a competition but a spectacle as well. The best players in the world will be present and will be giving it all they have in every match. The talents of these players are simply magnificent. Lionel Messi, the “Argentinean Wonder-kid,” will be there to display exactly how the game should be played. Many consider him to be the best player to ever live as he has drawn comparisons to Maradona and Pele. Messi is extraordinary and defies logic in almost every game he plays. With nicknames like “The Little Wizard” and “The Atomic Flea,” Messi will attempt to lead Argentina to the top once again. Another player who has stepped his game up is Wayne Rooney, England’s top striker. Rooney truly is ready to prove he is one of the best. Christiano Ronaldo has surpassed the old Ronaldo and is looking to help Portugal succeed this year. With his lightning speed and jaw-dropping moves on the ball, Ronaldo can blow by almost

any defender in the world. There are so many quality teams out there this year that it is definitely a challenge to decide on the winner. Argentina, England, Germany, Netherlands, Brazil, Italy, and Spain are the teams to look out for this World Cup. They all have so many quality players that one of them is bound to come out on top. My prediction is that

England, Brazil, Argentina, and Spain will make the semi-finals. In the end though, Brazil and Spain will square off in the final. The top two teams in the world have fantastic players and this will be a match that we will remember for years and years. The Brazilian side will be star-studded from back to front, with players like Kaka, Luis Fabiano, Dani Alves, and Maicon.

The Spanish side is no different as Xavi, Andres Iniesta, David Villa, and Cesc Fabregas look to bring Spain their first World Cup title ever. To everyone’s surprise, Spain will come out on top over Brazil and should claim the greatest prize in all of soccer. Watch your schedule for the summer because this is one World Cup you will not want to miss.

Image Courtesy: www. i.telegraph.co.uk

Italy won the last World Cup in 2006. In 2010, fans feel Spain will be able to overcome Brazil and win the prized cup.


may 2010

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Hogwarts in Orlando The third dimension is taking over Ryan Lanning Staff Reporter

On June 28, The Wizarding World will officially allow Muggles to enter their world for the first time. Universal Studios Orlando Resort in Florida has remodeled the “Lost Continent” area of its second theme park in Orlando, Universal’s Islands of Adventure, to a Harry Potter themed land—The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The new land contains three rides. Flight of Hippogriff is a small rollercoaster. Dragon Challenge is a large, looping, inverted rollercoaster. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey will be the flagship ride of the land—a large-scale dark ride that will guide

visitors through Hogwarts Castle and scenes from the movies, following a storyline yet to be released by Universal. It will utilize Kuka robotic arms, a new ride technology being used on a smaller scale in Legoland California and Epcot, suspended from the ceiling, that will guide passengers through the story. The Hogsmeade Village area of the island is home to the Three Broomsticks, Ollivander’s Wand Shop, Zonko’s Joke Shop, and Honeyduke’s Sweet Shop, stores all taken directly out of the books authored by J. K. Rowling. The crosscountry trip to Orlando is quite expensive for a typical family that lives in Pleasanton, but a vacation to Universal Studios Florida should be on any Harry Potter fan’s bucket list.

B.o.B. bein’ all he can be Haris Hanif Staff Reporter

B.o.B. is a brand new artist whose rise to fame is not like many others. With his grabbing voice and smooth rhymes, it didn’t take much time for him to climb to the top. As a poor young man in Atlanta, he made beats and rhymes, and soon was signed to the label Grand Hustle Entertainment. After being signed, it didn’t take much time for other artists to recognize that his talent. With T.I. mentoring his every move, B.o.B. successfully came out with his first single “Nothin’ On You” featuring Bruno Mars. In a few weeks, his first single was a number one hit. Following his

newly acclaimed success, B.o.B. came out with two new singles “Don’t Let Me Fall” and “Airplanes” featuring Hayley Williams of Paramore. “Don’t Let Me Fall” came up to the top twenty, but his next single “Airplanes” took over “Nothin’ On You” and became the number one song in America. With only three singles out, the young man from Atlanta was already being compared to a hip-hop veteran such as Eminem or 50 Cent. After a few weeks of anticipation, B.o.B. came out with his debut album B.o.B. Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray. It quickly gained hype and soared to number one on the charts in about a week. B.o.B. is on top, and will continue top put out great records in the future.

Shreya Arora Business Manager

The illusion of being on Pandora struck the audience as amazing, for multiple generations have made the movie theater experience a bigger and more exciting adventure. But there is always a time for things to rise and fall and it seems that 3D movies are at their zenith. Although the 3D golden age was in the 50’s, the first 3D feature film, Power of Love, was presented in 1922. The three-dimensional movie craze was not popular until 1952 with the release of Bwana Devil, which started the golden age. The more recent 3D movies have set on legacies and are more popular with our generation. The Harry Potter series caused commotion among youth with the special effects and realism of the movie. Other popular demands have been Up, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, A Christmas Carol, Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, and How to Train Your Dragon. Many eyes have been opened (or have been hidden

are 20 upcoming movies in 3D premiering in 2010. So far, there haven’t been major flops of these movies. Unfortunately, the expectation for these movies has been set very high by Avatar. Will this industry be able to keep up with this high standard? Or will it fizzle then fade as it did in the 80’s? There are further questions and controversies as to whether the industry should or should not back down.

Photo Courtesy: http://www. 3dtvsource.com

Will 3-D films live up to its hype? Or will it lower the art of screenwriting?

Summerconcertfestivalbringsreappearances Gianna Livigni Staff Reporter

It’s a Big F’ing Deal! This year’s BFD is sure to be a great one! With its musical variety of artists and bands, it is sure to live up to its full potential. 2010 BFD is set to take place on June 6, 2010 at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View. This year’s mu-

Summer will bring movie madness Jack Lambert Staff Reporter

Out of all seasons, summertime is the best time for movies. This coming June and July are packed with new features ranging from family animations to hardcore shoot ‘em ups. When you’re not sleeping in or relaxing beside the pool, buy a ticket for these films: Get Him to the Greek Bogus rocker Russell Brand and Jonah Hill team up for this comedy where a record company intern must escort out of control Aldous Snow to L.A.’s Greek Theatre. The A-Team Based on the 80’s TV series which brought Mr. T to popularity, the movie features four war-vets out for revenge, played by Bradley Cooper (The Hangover), Liam Neeson (Clash of the Titans), Sharlto Copley (District 9), and UFC fighter Quinton “Rampage” Jackson. Toy Story 3 The Pixar classic returns with Woody and Buzz Lightyear and all the toys are dumped in a box as their owner departs for college Dinner for Shmucks Paul Rudd and “The Office” star Steve Carell feature in this comedy where a man must find the most intriguing idiot for a traditional dinner with his boss.

by 3D glasses) after the film Avatar, directed by James Cameron, made over $2.7 billion dollars around the world. Three-dimensional films make more money than movies in a regular theater simply because of the craze for the recent technology. The average extra expense for watching these films in comparison is between $4-6 per ticket. Despite the price increase, the 3D movie industry has been flourishing. There

sic festival is split into 4 stages; the Main Stage, the Festival Stage, the Subsonic Tent, and the Local Stage. On the Main Stage, we expect a return of the legendary reggae band Sublime. They haven’t preformed for years due to the death of their singer. Though Sublime is making another appearance, they are not exactly how they used to be. Sublime will be performing alongside Rome, the “new” singer of Sublime. Moving forward, Courtney Love’s Hole will also be performing on the Main Stage, without her Hole par tner Kur t Cobain, who passed away in 1994. We will

also be graced with performances of Silversun Pickups, Deftones and Cage of the Elephant. On the Festival Stage, rising bands such as Spoon and Temper Trap will be gracing the stage with their presence. At the Subsonic Tent, performances by Matt & Kim and Dan Black should definitely spice up the variety and lastly, on the Local Stage, local bands such as Geographer and Scene of Action will shares their graces. 2010 BFD is sure to attract thousands of fans, who are looking for a fun, music filled experience varied with multiple styles and sounds.

Bieber fever hits America Katie O’Brien Opinions Editor

Image Courtesy: http://www. screenrant.com

The A-Team and Toy Story 3 are expected to be successful in the box office.

Salt Angelina Jolie takes the role as a mysterious double agent named Evelyn Salt, who must save herself from the CIA and the Soviets. The Last Airbender M. Night Shyamalan recreates the short-running animation

series. It features stunning CGI effects, and a story line that could compete well with Avatar. The Expendables An explosion-filled action movie with Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Jason Stathom, and Jet Li.

Justin Bieber, a 12 year old Canadian pop sensation, has gained the hearts, ears, and money of teenage girls across the world. Often getting confused with a young girl, his voice is quite distinct. Starting as the newest craze, Bieber quickly gained stardom. His debut single, “One Time”, was released worldwide during 2009, and charted within the top thirty in over ten countries. His debut album, “My World”, was released in 2009 and was the first album to have 7 songs on the Billboard’s Hot 100. He then released “My World 2.0”, his first full studio release. First discovered on YouTube by Usher’s recording manager, he signed with Island records in October 2008. His fame has escalated into a crazy phenomenon. Just recently, a few teenage girls were injured at one of Bieber’s concerts, getting trampled by the eager crowd. With his baby face, high-pitched tones of puppies and rainbows, and his noticeable charm, who wouldn’t love this precious girl? I mean, boy?

He has been labeled a “teen heartthrob”. On April 27, 2010, a scheduled promotional performance was cancelled by Australian police after several girls were injured in a crowd crush. An estimated 4,000 pre-teen girls showed up at 3:00am and stormed past safety barricades. In addition to those injured, dozens were treated for hyperventilation. With such quickly attained fame, it seems like Bieber gained popularity overnight. All from a single YouTube video.

Image Courtesy: http://spin1038.com

Bieber flashes “gangsta” signs to fans.

The Year in Review

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The year in review 2009- 2010: The end of a Decade Katie Ronan & Shreya Aurora Features Editor & Business Manager

As the year comes to a close, it is time to reflect on the amazing accomplishments and events that students participated in. Foothill students showed off their talent, cheered for teams, and, most importantly, had fun. Inflight presents you with the best moments of 2009-2010.

Photos Courtesy: Nikki Sirotta Photos Courtesy: Astra Lincoln

We the People: With Jeremy Detamore as the adviser, Foothill’s We the People made it to the state competition. After a year’s worth of hard work Foothill’s We the People placed 4th this year in the competition.

Photos Courtesy: Nicolette Sirotta

Mr. Foothill: On March 3rd, twelve senior boys competed for the title of Mr. Foothill, showing off their wacky talents,and strutting their stuff. In the end, the judges crowned Matt Clark (’12) as Mr. Foothill 2010.

Character Week (left): Character Week was the week of September 21st and was filled with a variety of events such as the True Blue Pledge Day, True Blue Ties That Bind Day, Take a Second, Make a Difference Day, Character Carnival, and the Character Assembly.

Photos Courtesy: Katie O’Brien

Junior Prom: On April 17, juniors danced the evening away at the Robert Livermore Community Center for an ‘Evening in Venice’. Other highlights of the night included a magician, delicious chocolate fountain, beautiful dresses and handsome tuxedos.

Photos Courtesy: Katie O’Brien

Homecoming Rally: Teachers showed off their dance moves at the Homecoming Rally on October 16. Students also performed parts of their homecoming skits and enjoyed the new “Lori Story” from Lori Vella.

Photos Courtesy: Nikki Sirotta

Welcome Back Rally: Foothill High School seniors show their pride as they cheer and scream during the Welcome Back Rally.

Photos Courtesy: Dean Rosenburg

Exchange Students: Through GAPP, Foothill German students hosted international German exchange students in their houses.

Photos Courtesy: Katie O’Brien

Every Fifteen Minutes: On April 13 and 14, the Every Fifteen Minutes Team organized a powerful presentation about the dangers of drunk driving. The Team staged a fake crash scene involving Foothill students and held a memorial assembly with speakers and the crash video.

Photos Courtesy: Ayesha Omarali

Spring Musical: Seussical, a musical performed by Foothill and Amador high school students, turned out to be a success with the lovable stories of Dr. Seuss performed by talented students.

Photos Courtesy: Tami Raaker

DECA Talent Show: Foothill’s DECA went to regionals, states, and nationals this year, placing with high honors. On February 16th at 7:30 PM, Foothill DECA presented the “Live Out Loud” Charity Talent Show. The talent show raised money to benefit the victims of the Haiti earthquake. It was a major success.

Photos Courtesy: Katie O’Brien

MCC Week: Multicultural Week, held in March, expresses the diversity of the Foothill campus. This fan dance represents the country of Korea.

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