Francis Holland School Newsletter April 2014 Happy 136th Birthday FHS!
From the Headmistress Dear Parents, Sincere thanks to everyone who sent me messages of congratulation following the February 2014 ISI inspection. The inspection took place during the week of the school’s 136th birthday: as ever, a wonderful school birthday cake made by school chef Mr Steve King was the centre of the celebrations, following the traditional service in St Cyprian’s church. The excellent quality of teaching and learning which was observed by inspectors is a testament to the professional skill and commitment of all my colleagues. The inspection team were highly impressed by the girls’ courtesy, intelligence and enthusiasm. As you will read on page three, it was heartening for all of us to receive such an emphatic and glowing endorsement of every aspect of school life. The Rev’d Jules Cave Bergquist, who is a member of the FHST Governing Council, led the school’s Ash Wednesday Service in St Cyprian’s Church (pictured right). On Saturday 22nd March, FHS hosted the annual Model United Nations Conference, involving Lower Fifth, Upper Fifth and Sixth Form students from several London schools. Many thanks to all those staff and sixth formers who have worked hard to ensure the success of the day - and to Mr Clayton (Head of History and Politics Department), who has coordinated the event Mr Robert Patterson, F r a n c i s
who joined
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The oldest student, Julia Muccio, and the youngest pupil, Grace Glinsman, celebrate the 136th School Birthday with Mrs Durham and the Head Girl, Rebecca Harding. The three girls cut the school birthday cake which had been specially made by the FHS chef, Steve King.
Celebrating the school birthday with a service in St. Cyprian’s church
FHS as Director of Music at the start of this term, accompanied senior members of the choir to take part in a weekend workshop at Harrow School with the world-renowned Thomas Tallis Singers. This unique opportunity to perform Renaissance polyphony culminated in a truly memorable performance of Spem in Alium on Sunday 9th March. I look forward to seeing many of you at next week’s performance of Verdi’s Requiem which is this year’s joint choral concert with Harrow School.
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We hope that all those going on the Classics trip to Sicily during the Easter holidays have a most enjoyable week. Congratulations to the Head of the Classics Department, Miss Hana Baig, who is leading this trip, on her recent marriage. She will be known as Mrs Packford from next term. With best wishes for a happy Easter,
Mrs V M Durham
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Staff News Congratulations to Miss Kay Hotchkiss on her appointment as Head of Chemistry with effect from September 2014. Kay has taught in the Chemistry Department since 2011.
Sixth Form Scholarships and Awards
Sixth Form Art Scholarship Imani Strangeway Al Sayigh UVF Sixth Form Art Award Isabelle Shirley UVC
Miss Kay Hotchkiss
We also send congratulations to Miss Hana Baig on her marriage to Matt which took place on Saturday 22nd March. Hana will be known as Mrs Packford from the beginning of next term.
Sixth Form Music Scholarship Miranda Soskin UVF
Sixth Form Academic Scholarship Amalia White UVC Sixth Form Academic Awards Amelia Mehra UVH Elisabetta Quacquarelli UVC
Young Person of the Year
Mrs Hana Packford (nĂŠe Baig)
We offer our congratulations to Mr Josh Peters and his wife Nicole on the birth of their third daughter Drew on Wednesday 12th March.
Mr Peters and Drew
Stella Moore was shortlisted for the John Lewis Young People of the Year awards in London, or the "YOPEYs". The YOPEYs are "Revealing, Recognising and Rewarding" young unsung heroes across London and Stella has been shortlisted for the help she gives at home and at school. This is a fantastic and much deserved achievement in a competition that hails the achievements of young Londoners.
Sixth Formers collecting for Marie Curie in Hampstead
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Best ever Inspection Report! FH S was reported as "Excellent" in all key areas including quality of teaching; pupils' achievements and learning; curricular and extracurricular provision; personal development and pastoral care and quality of leadership and management. The Inspection Report by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) was published in March 2014 and follows excellent academic results last summer with "over 80% of grades at A* and A at GCSE and almost two thirds A* and A at A level." The Inspection Report noted that "Pupils throughout the school are extremely keen and enthusiastic about their studies, both inside and outside the classroom." Francis Holland has a strong reputation for being "academic and kind" and the Report comments on the "first-class relationships between staff and pupils." Mrs Vanessa McKinley Director of Communications
Jumping with joy!
Tallis Scholars' Performance at Harrow School
Singers from FHS perform with the Tallis Scholars at Harrow School
Ten talented singers (Tessa Sandford-Bondy, Constance Polydor, Eleanor Bogle, Amelia Mehra, Srutti Suresan, Sophie McMeikan, Rim Douba, Rindala Douba, Lulu Renney and Natasha Lucas) had the chance to sing at Harrow School with the famous Tallis Scholars on Sunday 9th March. They covered five different parts of the forty-part motet Spem in Alium by the Renaissance composer Thomas Tallis, with the other parts being provided by Harrow School and the Tallis Scholars themselves.
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This was a tremendous experience for the singers to sing in concert with a world-renowned choir, as well as getting an insight into the demands of rehearsal at a professional level. The singers held their own in this very demanding piece and this will be an experience that will not be forgotten. Mr Robert Patterson Director of Music
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Extended Project: beyond A level
Globetrotters' Charity Cake Sale This term the Globetrotters have been examining mountain gorillas and the reasons why they are so endangered, and they decided to raise awareness for this cause by raising money for the WWF! The Globetrotters are led by Sixth Formers, Deanna Chaytor, Ciara Bodicoat and Katharine Marris, and along with some of the younger members held a wonderfully successful cake sale on Thursday 20th March. The money raised will contribute to conservation programmes and helps to pay for training and equipment for anti-poaching teams. To get involved and join Globetrotters, come to G13 on Fridays at 1:30pm!
Congratulations to the six Upper Sixth students who completed the Extended Project Qualification this term, with five achieving A grades.
Ms Jodie Farthing Help Fund Co-ordinator
The Extended Project is an optional qualification offered to all students in the Sixth Form and is taken in addition to A Levels. It is designed to challenge the most able students and those with a real interest in a topic outside their A Level studies. It is worth half an A2 level grade. The Extended Projects this year included: Anna Cutteridge: Which is the more vengeful gender? Cleo Fabian: Is the female brain a construct of evolution or is it socially engineered? Bea Kilgour: Are children aware of gender stereotypes in the workplace? Isobel Schaw Miller: To what extent was the clean up in Italian politics in the 1990s successful? Srutti Suresan: What is the most effective treatment for Parkinson's Disease? Emma Taylor: To what extent can Genre painting be used as historical evidence? We would like to congratulate all the students on their outstanding results! Miss Jacqueline Zugg Academic Deputy Head Caterina, Amelia, Arisa and Antonia help with the cake sale
Upper Fifth Work Experience Work experience for the Upper Fifth takes place after GCSEs. We are hugely grateful to FHS parents who kindly offer placements to girls just after their GCSEs. These opportunities are gold dust! Just one week in the workplace expands girls’ horizons hugely, sometimes ruling out certain careers, sometimes nurturing the seeds of a lifetime’s ambition; but more often it simply helps them realise what responsible grown-ups do, and this is not a bad lesson to take with them into the Sixth Form. I would be delighted to hear from any parent who can offer a placement for a girl interested in medicine, film and theatre or law. Mrs Kate Oakley Head of Careers
Upper Fifth Work Experience
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Young Shakespeare Company Drama Workshop The Young Shakespeare Company came into school on Tuesday 25th February to talk about and perform Macbeth to all the Lower Fourth, who are studying the text this year. It is the first time this year group has studied Macbeth at FHS so it was an exciting and stimulating afternoon for teachers and students alike. The company of five actors first talked about the different ways they could have chosen to stage the play, giving snippets ranging from very "plummy" Thespian to very contemporary hip-hop! As Shakespeare’s plays have very few stage directions (and even those were questionably written by him) modern actors have to get involved in lots of “work-shopping” with the director to decide on the angle they will take. The YSC presented us with a version that was in modern dress, with the soldiers referencing Afghanistan in their uniform and fighting techniques, and reading mobile phone messages rather than handwritten letters, but they retained all the key elements that are inextricably linked with the play: ambition, witchcraft and superstition, bloodshed, death and madness. The girls were gripped by the power of the story and the acting. Mrs Nicky Foy English Department
A member of the Young Shakespeare Company acts out a scene from Macbeth
Upper Sixth Theatre Studies Play
Anna, Rebecca and Kitty perform Cheeky Scarlet's club
The Upper Sixth Theatre Studies group performed Cheeky Scarlet's club on Tuesday 28th January. Devised, written and directed by Anna Cutteridge, Kitty Miles and Rebecca Kent, this short play featured three night club hostesses whose individual acts satirise the pressures women face, in the home, family and workplace. The humour was breakneck, often dark, with songs, monologues and audience participation. The overarching conceit of the piece was a quest to find the perfect woman, to become the fourth Cheeky Scarlet: in the end this turned out to be a skeleton, bewigged like the other F r a n c i s
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three in scarlet, and clad in skimpy red lingerie. Stick thin and silent, this “big reveal” formed a shocking indictment on the distortion of the female body in the name of beauty. Cheeky Scarlet’s club played to an enthusiastic audience seated at night club tables in the hall, covered in scarlet fabric. Congratulations to Anna, Kitty and Rebecca on a provocative and moving piece of theatre. Mrs Kate Oakley English Department
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Lower Fourth Disco: February 2014
A packed hall of Lower Fourth students enjoy the school disco
The queue of boys and girls formed at the main doors well before the doors opened at 7:30 on Friday 7th February for the annual Lower Fourth disco. The air was full of excitement and lively chatter as everyone waited with anticipation. The guest list was our largest yet with representatives from UCS, Wetherby Prep, Westminster Under, Lyndhurst House, Sussex Hall and The Hall. The Sixth Form prefects and friends did an excellent job transforming the hall with red hearts, streamers and balloons ready for an early Valentine’s encounter! Our DJ’s Barabara Prunas and Saskia de Borchgrave Niblett created an excellent playlist and soon the beat was pounding out and the dance floor was full. Olivia Muccio wrote, “Thank you to all the teachers and Sixth Form for such a great night. I can’t wait to be running the disco when I’m in the Sixth Form." We are grateful to everyone for their support in raising £500 to help the students of St Amedeus School in Moshi, Tanzania. Mrs Sharon Bexon Head of Lower Fourth
Lily, Suzanna, Felicity and Anna
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Sixth Form lecture by BBC’s Hugh Pym
Careers Evening 16th October 2014 This is an important event, to which all the girls in the Lower and Upper Fifth and the Sixth Form are warmly invited to attend together with their parents. We fill the school with experts from as many career fields as possible.
Hugh Pym, the BBC’s Chief Economics Correspondent, spoke to Sixth Formers as part of the Sixth Form's weekly lecture programme.
It’s an event we organise every two years, and it provides first class guidance from the people who really know what they are talking about. In 2012 we had over fifty guest experts who offered one-to one consultations, and a few special presentations.
Mr Pym provided highly beneficial careers advice to pupils interested in journalism and discussed topical issues relating to media ethics. The girls were given an insight into what it was like to work for the BBC and the daily account of life as story researcher and on-air presenter. The Sixth Form are so grateful to Mr Pym for giving such a candid and insightful talk.
Please get in touch with me if you would like to come and share your expertise, and advise girls on qualities and qualifications needed for success. My email is kate.oakley@
Mr Hugh Pym
Mrs Alex Francisco Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Kate Oakley Head of Careers
The MFL Department hosts the Onatti Theatre Company On Monday 31st March, the MFL Department welcomed the Onatti Theatre Company to the school. The theatre company has a great deal of experience in performing to students at this level, using lots of visual clues, actions and props to enhance their performance. The German play entitled Der Erster Eindruck (The First Impression) told the story of a first date, with great humour and audience participation. The Pupils from Queens School joined us. This is only the second time that a German play has been staged at FHS, so it was a definite treat for us all! All students of Spanish were delighted to attend the play La Habitación de Mateo, which was performed entirely in Spanish. The students enjoyed the clear Spanish and amusing storyline, watching as the main character, Mateo, was given a makeover by several different girls in order to impress Marta. Some students found themselves performing alongside the cast, with the audience being treated to some very interesting dancing and guitar-playing! Mrs Bryony Edwards Head of Modern Foreign Languages Department F r a n c i s
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Geography Trip to the Natural History Museum On Monday 24th February, the Geography Department took the Thirds to the new and improved Earth Gallery at the Natural History Museum. There they learnt about the structure of the earth, plate boundaries and what happens when a volcano erupts or an earthquake occurs. The exhibition has been recently refurbished and it was well worth a visit! My thanks to my colleagues who accompanied us and to the Thirds who behaved so well. Ms Sarah Hack Head of Geography Department
Stephanie and Kalliopi at the Natural History Museum
Budding geographers!
Sixth form Geography Lecture On Tuesday 11th March, the Geography Department organised a guest speaker for the Sixth Form geographers. Adam Dawson, currently completing his post-graduate Masters at Oxford Brookes University spoke to the girls about the issues communities in less developed countries face when confronting an emergency disaster, such as severe flooding. The lecture was an exciting opportunity to develop students' understanding of key issues studied in their curriculum, such as sustainable development. It also helped to develop their analysis and apply their understanding to real life scenarios. It was an enjoyable experience for the girls and my thanks go to Adam Dawson for taking the time to come in and speak to the girls. Miss Jo Hallett Geography Department 8 A p r i l
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FHS hosts National Classics Conference 2014
A packed school hall for the National Classics Conference
On Friday 31st January, the Classics Department held its annual National Classics Conference on Virgil's Aeneid, which is the set text for both Latin and Classical Civilisation at A2 level. Two well-respected speakers, Dr Armand D'Angour from Jesus College, Oxford, and Dr Ingo Gildenhard from Kings College, Cambridge kindly gave up their time to give two insightful lectures each on different aspects of the text. The conference was well-attended; one hundred and thirty Sixth Form pupils and their teachers, from twenty-five different schools, including the Exeter School, Uppingham School and Exeter College descended upon Francis Holland to deepen and broaden their understanding of their set texts. The day was a marvellous success; both speakers were accessible yet engagingly informative, and gave four varied and enriching 45-minute lectures. The insightful content of these questions encapsulated the amount that the pupils had learnt that day, as well as the taste it had given them of university, particularly Oxbridge, academic life. Some of our Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth students also had a chance to speak to the lecturers individually during the day, which was a wonderful opportunity to ask questions about persuing Classics at university. Miss Hana Baig Head of Classics Department Dr Ingo Gildenhard speaks on Virgil's Aeneid F r a n c i s
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The Inter-form Drama Competition 2014
Best Ensemble for UIVM in An Inspector Calls
IIIM in Little Red and The Wolves
Best Programme went to UIVJ for The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Daniella, Jessye, and Alice in The Perks of Being a Wallflower Amelia and Milly
On 27th February the Inter-Form Drama Competition final took place. Our judge was Lisa Gershon, née Jaffa, a true polished corner who was thrilled to be returning to FHS. She was generous with her comments and, as she kept reiterating, “blown away by the professionalism” of each performance. In the morning the girls saw a classic period whodunit – LIVJ with “The Mousetrap”, a quirky comedy – LIVM with “The Parent Trap”, a lively, school-based satire – UIVJ with “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” and a thoughtful dramatisation of The Pied Piper of Hamelin – LVP with “Frank and Ferdinand”. After lunch UIVM performed a slick rendition of “An Inspector Calls”, followed by IIIM
with their madcap presentation of “Little Red and The Wolves”, a real crowd-pleaser. LVB provided the shivers with “The Woman in Black” before the final play – UVH and their hilarious version of a few well-selected scenes from Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”. Everyone performed brilliantly and the day was marked by a real sense of team spirit. Special mention must go to UVH who deservedly received the coveted “Best Play” award for “The Importance of Being Earnest” – an excellent and fitting close to a wonderfully enjoyable day.
Best Original Script - Jessica Spannier & Emma Radcliffe IIIM - Little Red & The Wolves
Best Programme - Emilia Wilson & Holly AnnessBradshaw UIVJ - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Best Ensemble - UIVM - An Inspector Calls
Best Cameo Performance - Sophia Chitty as Grandpa LIVM - The Parent Trap
Best Supporting Actress - Elle Bogle as Aloysius LVP - Frank & Ferdinand
Best Comedy Duo - Charlotte McBurney & Abigail Howard-Yam, IIIM - Little Red & The Wolves
Best Actress - Millie Williams as Algernon UVH - The Importance of Being Earnest
Best Genre Piece - LIVJ - The Mousetrap
Best Directors - Eleanor Shanahan & Savannah Sandford LVP - Frank & Ferdinand
Most Ambitious Play - LVB - The Woman in Black
Dr Francesca De Bono English Department
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Best Play - UVH - The Importance of Being Earnest
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Parents’ Association News The April Supper Quiz Night is quickly approaching. The questions have been set by Quiz Master Simon O’Hagan and teams have been arranged. The response has been wonderful and once again tickets sold out within days. All proceeds from the evening will go to support our chosen charities: Swiss Cottage Specialist School, Moshi School, FHS Summer Camp and FHS teacher wish lists.
nights at a villa in Tuscany, fencing lessons, a guided art tour, weekend stay in a flat in Verbier, a training session with a former Olympian, a signed Gareth Bale shirt, tickets for England v India cricket at Lord’s and more. The entire list will be posted on the PA section of the school web site. You do not need to attend to bid, so please take a look.
on Thursday, 25 April 2013, gh Pym of the BBC and Simon he highly competitive staff teams Raffle and Silent Auction prizes, some great ents – There ourarevery grateful thanks go prizes on the silent - a have guitar etter, auction you will returned your signed by Chris Martin of Coldplay, three March…if not, please search deep Quiz Master Mr Simon O'Hagan soonest by email. th
We look forward to seeing everyone there. Mrs Larel Rafter Chair FHS Parents’ Association
FHS Design Competition
e on 25 April and giving those grey cells a work out!
Isabelle, Olivia, Ms Gardener, Cecilia, Alessia, Allegra and Amy
Congratulations to all the young designers in the Thirds! The girls have been working on designs for new breakfast cereals and boxes inspired by a fascinating talk by the design and branding company, absolutezerodegrees. The girls learnt about how to analyse and decode the world of branding, marketing and advertising and then applied this new knowledge to their own designs, appealing to a range of different demographics from teenage boys to young professionals. On Friday we were very fortunate to welcome Mark Hampshire, director of the company and judge of the competition, into the school to announce the winners of the competition and to award the girls some wonderful 'Mini Moderns' prizes. Ms Clare MacDonnell Director of Extra-curricular activities 1 2 A p r i l
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World Dance Day Workshop On a chilly morning in January, Bollywood came to FHS in the form a Dance master class for the Thirds and Lower Fourth year groups. It didn’t take too long before everyone’s hearts were pounding and feet were jumping in time to the thumping beats of the Indian dance style. Ms Cara Bain Physical Education Department
Chilton and Thames Regionals Rider Championships Congratulations to Georgina Miller who has qualified for the Chilton and Thames Regionals Rider Championships. We wish her every success!
Westminster Mini Marathon
On Sunday 9th March, six Francis Holland students ran the Westminster Mini Marathon at Paddington Recreation Grounds. In the U13 race congratulations go to Ellie Eden (third), Amelia Carney (fourth), Sian Khan (sixth) and Honor Greig (eighth) and in the U15 race Ella Roeser placed third and Janet Thomson fifth. There were fantastic race conditions on the day and all put in mighty performances. Special congratulations go to Ellie Eden, Sian Khan, Amelia Carney, Ella Roeser and Janet Thomson who have qualified to run the last leg of the London Marathon 13th April 2014.
Congratulations Congratulations to Ella Marshall who has been awarded the Independent Schools Travel Association Scholarship to support her work with Project Trust teaching Science and Maths in a secondary school in Guyana, South America next academic year. We are delighted for her and wish her every success! Congratulations to Phoebe Bor in the Thirds who swam 2.5K raising over £400 for St Amedeus School in Tanzania. Georgina Miller F r a n c i s
Phoebe Bor H o l l a n d
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World Book Day 2014
As part of our World Book Day celebrations on Thursday 6th March, author Dr Julia Golding visited Francis Holland School. Julia spoke to the whole school in Assembly about her career as a writer and the books that she has published and even gave us a sneak preview of her latest title via a book trailer that she had produced. Julia then ran a workshop for the Thirds, talking about how she develops the plots and characters in her novels and her latest series, Young Knights. There was also an opportunity for the girls to have a book signed by Julia. Staff all wore badges with the title and author of their favourite book for a special World Book Day competition that the girls could enter. Prizes were awarded in assembly the following week to our winners, Hannah Unwin, Sylvia Empson and Sian Khan. Miss Lindsey Barlow Librarian Dr Golding and Jessica
Grace peruses a book by Dr Golding
Embracing their creativity
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Science Week Stefan Gates "Gastronaut" Lecture We were delighted to host the highly acclaimed BBC presenter and writer Stefan Gates to FHS as part of a number of events to celebrate National Science Week. Stefan performed a vast array of inspiring and amazing demonstrations to a huge audience in the hall. Students assisted Stefan with experiments including: ethanol rockets, explosive custard powder, plasma in a microwave, freezing cheese with a fire extinguisher, underwater photosynthesis and fluid dynamics with a leaf blower. The show was brilliant entertainment, demonstrating and explaining complex scientific phenomena in a fun, dramatic and memorable way. The show concluded with a plethora of exploding rockets made with simple cooking ingredients, followed by an opportunity for photographs and signing of Stefan’s Incredible Edibles bestselling book. The large number of students, parents and teachers who attended, were treated to a truly fantastic show.
Mr Stefan Gates
Mr Derek Ward Head of Science Department
Students enjoy the Science lecture
Mr Ward and Amy test the "Incredible Edibles"
Amy experiments with fluid dynamics F r a n c i s
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This term seventy-eight girls have registered to begin their Bronze, Silver or Gold level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. All participants have now been registered and will have received their welcome packs. Online training sessions will take place for all Bronze Award candidates before the end of term. Congratulations and good luck to them all! Well done to the twenty-six girls who took part in the expedition training session on Saturday 8th February. This session was for the Gold and Silver Award participants and was led by the staff at Mountainwise. The girls took part in a variety of sessions including: compass and map reading skills, camp cooking, first aid and route planning. They will put these skills to use during their expeditions during the summer term. A reminder that if your daughter is having difficulty with any aspect of the ‘e D of E’ system then please encourage them to come along to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award online clinic which takes place every Tuesday at short break in F12. Mrs Kirsty Lombard D of E Co-ordinator
Fencing Competition 2014
Congratulations to our fencers, Chiara Argenti, Poppy Menzies Walker, Courtney McNeil and Annabelle Pelster on their performance at the Public Schools Fencing Championships at the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre. This is the largest fencing competition in Europe hosting eighteen competitions over three days, with 1300 fencers from over one hundred and fifty schools in Britain. There was an amazing atmosphere of fast and exhilarating fencing and the clashing sound of blades echoing throughout. Chiara and Poppy competed in the Junior Epee and Courtney and Annabelle in the Mount-Haes Epee. The girls all fenced well and are to be congratulated on their success. Ms Clare MacDonnell Director of Extra-curricular activities
Chiara competes in the Junior épée
Poppy, Chiara, Bella and Courtney
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Ski trip to Switzerland On Saturday 15th February, thirtytwo Francis Holland students, from a range of year groups jetted out to Switzerland for some ski action along with five members of staff. We were very lucky that the snow conditions were excellent, and despite a few overcast days, we managed to ski the entire week. The beginner group, along with Miss Thomson, learnt the joy of clipping on your boots and pointing down the mountain! Mr Gridelli and the lower intermediate group got to develop their parallel turns, whilst the rest of us enjoyed learning to do "wee" hop turns (our instructors were Scottish) as well as doing half pipes and jumps! The last day was absolutely fantastic skiing, with fresh snow and clear, blue skies. We returned having learnt new skills and with very toned thigh muscles! Mrs Rona Grant Ski Trip Co-ordinator
Enjoying the Swiss Alps
Taking on the slopes
Miss Thomson and Mr Gridelli take a spin on the ice
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Gym and Dance Display
Helena displays her ballet skills The FHS cheerleading squad
The 2014 FHS Gym and Dance Display was a superb evening of endless creativity, dynamic energy and sublime performances. The dedication and determination to perform at their peak ability has been building across the months since September and before. The dancers delighted the room with a variety of different dance styles. It was an evening of sister acts, starting with the Tap routine from Helena and Charlotte McBurney. Ballet was given a master class by the duo of Andrea Salguero Ramsohoye and Emilia Franco, along with an individual routine by Helena McBurney. Maxine Freeman impressed us all with the super-styling moves of Streetdance. In their last performance together at FHS, Srutti and Swathy Suresan dazzled the crowd with their South Indian Traditional Dance piece - which was truly an awesome display of precision and expression. I am so pleased that the passion and proficiency for Gymnastics continues to grow at FHS. This year’s Gym and Dance Display showcased another year of hard work for both the Gymnastics Squad and Gym Training Squad. The collaboration between the year groups is none more evident than in these training sessions and the you can see in their final performance pieces that they just absolutely adore and get a great deal of enjoyment from the clubs.
The FHS gym squad
Congratulations and thank you to all girls and staff involved in an outstanding 2014 FHS Gym and Dance Display - especially to the untiring efforts of Mrs Lombard, Miss Laytham and Ms Bain, who were the driving force behind the whole production. Miss Jane Tucker Head of Physical Education Department
Srutti and Swathy perform a traditional Indian dance
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Sports Report The PE Department can truly boast about a fantastic Spring term! Who knew you could pack so much into such a small term? The term started with a bang when the Thirds and Lower Fourths were treated to an hourlong Bollywood Dance Workshop. Our Gymnasts then performed very well at the Middlesex Gymnastics Competition, also in January. February Fitness Fortnight was crept upon us, with all of the girls matching their strengths and endurance against each other – and against their results from last year! After the half term, the build towards the annual Gym and Dance Display started and
reached a pinnacle on a wonderful evening in the middle of March. Also, the Mini Marathon and Inter-form Netball tournament rounded off the term nicely with a wonderful whole school event – more to come in next term’s newsletter. And to boot, we have had some great wins and some narrow losses in our regular sports fixtures. Rest up over the Easter break, as the summer term will be short, super sweet and action packed also. Miss Jane Tucker Head of Physical Education Department
A great result at the Middlesex Gymnastic Competition
Head Girl Rebecca
Dates to note: Thursday 24th April
Summer Sports Trials (cont.) Regent’s Park
Thursdays ongoing
FHS 3-a-side Soccer competition School Playground
Tuesday 1st May Summer Fixtures begin Various
Rosie and Tilly perform at the Gym and Dance Display F r a n c i s
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Monday 1st July
Inter-form Swimming Gala FHS Pool
Tuesday 2nd July
Sports Day in Regent’s Park
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Sixth Form Lectures Summer Term 2014
UK Intermediate Mathematical Challenge February 2014
28th April
Libby Purves British radio presenter, journalist and author
5th May
Bank Holiday
12th May
Miss Jo Green: Former Academic Deputy Head The Amazon Adventure
The following pupils have received Bronze Certificates: Andie Macarthur Amber Khan Yasmeen Louis Constance Polydor Lael Johnson Emily Jerjian
19th May
Study Leave
26th May
Half term
2nd June
Summer Examinations
9th June
Summer Examinations
Lael Johnson and Emily Jerjian also receive the Certificate for Best in Year.
16th June
30th June
Sandra Gregory Drugs and cultural boundaries
On Thursday 6th February the UK Intermediate Mathematical Challenge took place and we have received the results:
Well done to all who participated. Miss Neermala Murugan Mathematics Department
Mrs Alex Francisco Head of Sixth Form
Upper Fourth Take Your Daughter to Work Day
Active Kids
This is coming up soon after the start of the summer term. All members of the Upper Fourth go to work with a parent on Thursday 8th May. This is a unique opportunity to get a taste of the workplace, and the girls’ projects about their experiences are entered into a competition. Prizes are presented in an assembly at the end of term in July. Mrs Kate Oakley Head of Careers
Future Dates for your Diary The Sainsbury’s Active Kids scheme delivers real benefits in the form of the equipment and coaching, that go beyond the traditional curriculum based sports and PE lessons, for all types of nurseries, schools, Scout and Guide groups and sports clubs, and for all ages and abilities. Should you wish to contribute, there is a collection box situated outside my office. Thank you in anticipation. Ms Clare MacDonnell Director of Extra-curricular activities F rancis
Tue 1st Apr
String concert in the Hall ................................. 6:30pm
Tue 8th Apr
Classics trip to Sicily departs (returns on Sat 12 Apr)
Tue 22nd Apr Staff INSET Day
Lower Fifth Geography trip to Castle Head departs
(returns on Fri 25th Apr)
Visit to Black to Ven Farm ................................... 9am
Wed 23rd Apr Term Begins ........................................................ 8:25am Thu 24th Apr Parents’ Association Supper Quiz ....................... 7 pm Wed 30 Apr
Parents’ Prayer Group meeting in the Gloucester Room ............... 9am-10am
Upper Fourth Parents’ Meeting for Knapp House ............................... 5:30pm
Wed 7th May Parents’ meeting for the swimming team trip to Mallorca ................. 5:30pm Mon 26th May Swimming team trip to Mallorca departs (returns on Fri 30th May) H olland
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