Fhs october newsletter 2010

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Francis Holland School

Newsletter October 2010 FHS Summer Camp 2010

From the Headmistress Dear Parents, As this newsletter goes to press, arrangements are being finalised for the school Prize-giving in the Queen Elizabeth Hall at 7pm on September 30th. The success of FHS students in public examination results this summer will be one of the many achievements to be celebrated on this evening. Almost 20% of the Upper Sixth achieved the new A* grade at A level : a tremendous feat and above the national average for both maintained and independent schools. Overall, at A level, 88.3 % were awarded grades A* and B. These results are a tremendous achievement and we congratulate the Upper Sixth on securing some of the most competitive university places. Congratulations also to our current Lower Sixth, who achieved some of the best GCSE results in the country: 93.5% were awarded A*, A or B and a significant number of girls achieved exclusively A and A* grades. Four FHS girls achieved ten or more A* grades at GCSE. Last June, the Lower Fifth sat GCSE science modules in Biology, Chemistry and Physics; seven girls scored 100% in all three examinations. Such results are a testament to the hard work and commitment of both the girls and their teachers.

Ella Roeg and a young friend enjoy the FHS Summer Camp. See report on pages 8 & 9.

Camp 2011 should see Mr. Chiverton for further details. Many thanks to those of you who have volunteered to talk about your work or represent your profession at our Careers Evening on Wednesday October 6th. All Lower Fifth, Upper Fifth and Sixth formers are asked to attend this biannual event and parents are very welcome to accompany their daughters. Refreshments will be available in the library from 6.30pm onwards. My thanks to Mrs. Oakley, Head of Careers, who has masterminded this important evening. Three exciting school trips will happen during the fortnight of October half term. Miss Tucker will lead the 2010 FHS Sports Tours to South Africa. Girls (and their P.E. teachers!) have been training hard before school twice a week to ensure high levels of fitness. We wish them all a very successful tour and every success in their netball and hockey fixtures. Miss O’Toole, Head of History of Art, will lead a group of sixth form artists and art historians on a school trip to Florence in the first week of half term: we hope they enjoy an inspiring visit to see some of the

Proceeds from our annual sponsored walk in Regent’s Park on Tuesday 5th October will be shared between Summer Camp 2011 and a local primary school with which we have strong links, through sixth form voluntary work, St. Edward’s Primary School. Upper Fifth and Sixth Formers who would like to volunteer for the committee of Summer

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finest art and architecture in the world. More than forty girls will go on the Choir Tour to Poland and perform a series of concerts in Krakow. Led by Mrs Rolfe Johnson, the tour will be accompanied by Miss Hack, Mrs. Oakley, Miss Taylor and Mr. Thorne. Thanks to all those colleagues who will be accompanying school trips in October. I look forward to seeing you at the various school events during this first half-term, particularly at the Parents’ Association AGM on Tuesday 12th October and the autumn concert on Wednesday October 13th. The Parents’ Association Committee will again be organising a FHS Christmas Fair on Saturday November 20th from 2-4pm. Grateful thanks to Mrs. Silkstone, Chair of the Parents’ Association, for leading the organisation of this festive event for a third year - and to all those parents who have kindly offered to help.

Mrs. V.M. Durham


Quondam Travel Award for Upper Sixth Quondam, Francis Holland’s Old Girls’ Association, provides a fantastic opportunity for girls currently in Upper Sixth who seek to broaden their education and experience by travelling abroad either in their gap year or the summer before going to university. The Travel Fund is a grant of up to £750 going towards a planned trip, with preference going to applications involving an element of education or service to others. For full details please go to the school website and click under the Quondam section for Prizes - Entry Rules. All proposal entries must be submitted by email to me by January 31st 2011. Nadia Demetriou Ladas FRSA

Vindolanda 2010 In July, for the second time, a team of archaeologists from FHS marched north to the very edge of the Roman Empire, to the 80-mile long defensive barrier which stretches from coast to coast just south of the modern border with Scotland. Digging at Vindolanda is not too difficult, though it is mostly physical work, but the excitement of finding things stops you worrying about that. Sometimes you find unexpected things, like a dead vole that a fox had half eaten and left for Raffy Elliston, Daisy Startup and Taffy Schneider to discover in their trench the following morning. But many people love the experience of digging so much that they want to return. In addition to our week at Vindolanda, a number of girls who attended the last visit, and others who couldn’t make this year’s visit and so booked their own, spent time at the archaeological site this summer. These included Amy Collins, who is starting her degree in Classics at Oxford, Letty Steer, who is studying Archaeology at Reading, and Ophelia Hirst, who is now reading Classical Archaeology and Classical Civilisation at UCL.

Autumn 2010

Form Captains

To be awarded after half term

Games Captains

IIIJ To be awarded after half term

To be awarded after half term IIIM To be awarded after half term To be awarded after half term

IIIS To be awarded after half term

Alfie Watt LIVJ Alex Murphy

Serena Ashdown LIVM Olivia Escudier

Matilda Holt LIVS Rebecca Edge

Sabina Sadh UIVJ Alice Lumley

Katia Pagano UIVM Celia Stolper

Saskia de Borchgrave Niblett UIVS Rosie Minderides

Harriet Mallender LVB Amalia Adams

Grace Dickerson LVH Jade de Tourniel

Kitty Miles LVN Rebecca Harding

Clara Carbajo UVB Olivia Boothman

Mim Sandler-Chadwick UVC Alex Wilson Amy Shinder UVL Anoushka Berberian

Parking Fines! We have been made aware that a new camera has been installed by Westminster Council on a lamp-post in Ivor Place which photographs cars that stop on the yellow line outside school. Unfortunately, this has caused several parents to incur parking fines in recent weeks. The school is currently appealing against these sanctions and we shall endeavour to persuade the Council to allow parents to stop and drop off pupils without incurring fines.

Steve Jenkin Head of Classics Department

Vindolanda 2

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Lower Fifth Cambridge University Trip On a sunny day at the beginning of July, Miss Baig and Miss Sainty took a group of Lower Fifth girls on a tour of Cambridge, which proved to be an informative and inspiring visit for all. Our first stop was the main teaching sites at the university, Downing and Sidgwick, where the girls were able to immerse themselves in the various subject information stands. If the prospect of the exciting and challenging courses on offer was not enough to entice them, they were then utterly enchanted by the magical architecture and grounds of the historic colleges Emmanuel and Kings.

After a relaxing lunch by the river on the backs of Queens college, we walked up to Robinson College, where the admissions tutor, Dr. Warner, gave the girls a personal tour of the college, followed by a talk on studying at university and the Oxbridge application process. The girls left Cambridge feeling positive and excited about their future university applications. Miss Baig Classics Department

LV Cambridge Trip

Lower Fifth Oxford University Trip On July 1st , fifteen Lower Fifth girls accompanied by Mr. Chiverton and Miss Gustave went on an Open Day visit to Oxford University. Our tour started at the famous Bodleian Library, housed in a remarkable group of buildings which form the historic heart of the University. The girls were then given a tour of Brasenose College and University College by a group of enthusiastic students. During the leisurely lunch taken in the University Parks the girls took the opportunity to peruse the brochures they had collected during their visit and exchanged views on the exciting courses on offer. After lunch we went to the Faculty of

Medicine, where they talked to current students and tested their knowledge in an on-line biology quiz. We then walked to Lincoln College and admired its immaculate quads and impressive chapel. Mr. Chiverton, as a true Historian, was not only a mine of information on the history and the architecture of this vibrant city but he also gave the girls valuable insight on the workings of Oxford University. The trip was most enjoyable and inspiring. Miss Gustave Head of Lower Fifth

LV Oxford Trip F r a n c i s

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Summer Term Secondment at St. Amedeus School, Moshi With the concept of “African Time” behind me, it’s now back into the fast lane of London! My time teaching at our Sponsor school, St. Amedeus, in Moshi, Tanzania in the Summer term was an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience. Going with no expectations, I quickly grew fond of everything about the school and everything that my role entailed. Teaching English with a blackboard and chalk to a class of forty five students who were eager to learn was hugely satisfying, particularly with the minimal resources that were available to use. I also thoroughly enjoyed teaching the students football (although, if I’m honest, they taught me more than a few tricks) on the lumpy, unmarked pitch! Introducing students to the game of Rugby was also a highlight. As a few of the rules were kicked out of the window to keep the games flowing, the very skilful and fit students enjoyed a run around expending much energy. The game of Rounders was a hit as well. The students learned the rules very quickly, although they were modified, and looked forward to playing the game during our afternoon sports sessions. As a result, the bag of sports equipment donated by FHS came into great use!

The boys showing off their football skills

Since the official opening of the school in January this year, St. Amedeus is currently operating successfully with the hundred and five students that it has attending the school. The school is far from complete, however, as there is still much structural work to do to allow for its planned growth and development. With further support over time, this will become a reality and St. Amedeus School will become a very well respected and established school in the Moshi community. With the caring and dedicated staff and the self motivated and unique blend of students, it’s a good start! Ms. Gallagher P.E. Department

Break time at Moshi

The girls try their hand at netball with former FHS pupil Iona Denniston

The main building and dormitories 4

Hard at work in the classroom

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Knapp House 2010

Mr. Ward, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Bachle-Morris, Miss Bacon, Dr. Welch and Miss Tucker: the Knapp House team

The annual Upper Fourth trip to Knapp House was a great success again this year. Leaving the London heat-wave behind at the end of the Summer Term, the Upper Fourth, accompanied by Miss Bacon, Miss Tucker, Mr. Smith, Mr. Ward, Mrs. Bachle-Morris and Dr. Welch spent the week diving into a range of different activities near Bideford in north Devon. The week was a reward for the Upper Fourth’s hard work over the course of the year and provided the girls with an opportunity to make new friends, gain in confidence and achieve things that they did not think they were capable of. Sleeping in simple but clean dormitories, the Upper Fourth were put in activity groups for the week and were kept busy, taking part in three activities per day including abseiling, rock climbing, water-skiing, tunnelling, surfing, pedal carting and the terrifying high-ropes which was a new addition to the activity list this year and proved to be very popular. The girls were supported by the Knapp House instructors who encouraged them to take ‘that extra step’ and get the most from all that was on offer. Between sessions the girls enjoyed down-time on the lawn or took part in various games of rounders and football which were organised by the teachers. The girls were hugely impressive both in their attitude and in what they achieved throughout the week. They were ready to dive into any challenge without complaint, and willing to support one another along the way. Knapp House brought out the best in the Upper Fourth and they should be proud of all they achieved. Many thanks to all the staff involved – in particular to Miss Tucker, and to Mrs. Durham for her mid-week visit which caused great excitement amongst the girls!




and sta


Miss Bacon Head of Upper Fourth

The Upper Fourth enjoy a well-earned ice-cream 6

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SUMMER CAMP 2010 When I found out that I had been accepted to take part in Summer Camp 2010 a huge smile spread across my face, as I had heard the charity being talked about constantly at school and had attended countless events in aid of it, and I couldn’t wait to see where the money was actually going. So, in the last week of July, ten excited Francis Holland Girls arrived at school where we met the children for the first time and began to get to know the people with whom we would be spending the next five days. On arrival, after our first experience of the interesting food, we were all given ‘buddies’ with whom we would spend most of our time with and look after, and our first task was to help them unpack their belongings and make their beds (an easier task for some than others).

Don't look down!

What have we caught?

Miss Green helps to build the raft

The whole idea of Summer Camp is to provide less fortunate children with a fun filled holiday and a chance for them to get involved in activities, make new friends and really enjoy themselves. One of the most rewarding things for me was to see some of the more shy children who were timid at the beginning come out of their shells and really start to let go and have fun. Our job was to lead the activities while providing the kids with help, friendship and support, and to ensure this, at the beginning of the week we were all given a ‘buddy’ who we would spend the most time with and look after the most. Throughout the week, there were endless lists of activities for the kids to do from orienteering around the site (a personal favourite) to archery and even rock climbing which allowed the children to have fun while testing themselves and exploring their boundaries. The most memorable activity for me was when my group and I had to lead a game called ‘ballista’ which involved catapults and wet sponges. This inevitably, in less than two minutes, turned into a full-blown water fight with everyone running around in chaos and drenching each other with buckets full of water. Not only were the days packed with one exciting activity after another, but the evening events were just as, if not even more exciting. They included a campfire with campfire songs and marshmallows, and we also had a disco which consisted of many embarrassing dance moves along with desperately attempting to get some of the boys to dance. After countless games of Frisbee, piggybacks and having been tickled enough times to last me the rest of my life I can truly say that Summer Camp will always be something that I look back on with fond memories. It is such a worthwhile cause and going this year really reminded me of how important it is to support these children who are not as lucky as we are. I know that the charity was created to help these children have a better summer, and I really think that it does make such a difference, but honestly I feel that I also benefited greatly from the experience, as not only did I love leading the activities but I also made some great friends with the children, who were fun and warm and friendly. Lastly, big thanks need to be given to Mr Chiverton who puts in so much effort to organise the week every year and manages to make it run so smoothly. Thank you also to Ms Foy, Miss Sainty, Mrs Green and Mrs Forde who also accompanied us to Sayers Croft. Lastly, I think I can say for all girls who went, that Summer Camp was the most enjoyable and rewarding experience. Katherine Arnot Head Girl Caption magic card tricks Learning 8

Caption Trying out the rafts we made – hope we don’t sink!

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ACaption test of balance!


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Maths Trail Monday 28th June 2010

Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclass

On Monday 28th June the Thirds went on a maths trail in Regent’s Park. We were given a map of Regent's Park and a question sheet. All the questions took us a long time to find the answers. We were all competing against each other to get the right answers and win, as there would be a prize!

All students selected for the Royal Institution series of Mathematics Masterclasses, held in several London venues this year, were invited to a finale at the actual Royal Institution on Saturday June 26th 2010. We were treated to two lectures, Patterns Fail but Proofs Last Forever and a demonstration of ‘Famous Experiments at the Royal Institution’. Pictured are Srutti Suresan along with Head of Mathematics, Mrs Martin and the some of John Crank's mathematicians demonstrating that the period of an oscillation is independent of mass. Next year, Ruby Sam Russell, Sarah Kehoe and Eugenia Klemos have been offered places. They will meet talented year 9 mathematicians from schools across London and take part in a very eclectic programme.

The Thirds seeking answers by the lake in Regent's Park

These questions were on symmetry, order of rotation, estimation of distances and many more. It took us a long time to find all the answers, but luckily the teachers gave us clues, which made it a little more fun. And it was a lovely hot and sunny summer’s day. One question I found particularly hard was to find a flower with five or seven lines of symmetry. At last our group found all the answers (hopefully the right ones), with only ten minutes to spare! We also got a chance to explore the park, and got to see things that we didn’t know even existed in the park, like the Rose Garden, which I found very fascinating. I enjoyed this trail immensely. And I hope to do some more fun activities in the Lower Fourth. Thank you to the teachers who organised this. I hope the forthcoming Thirds get a chance to go on the trail, and enjoy it as much as I did. Serena Khemaney LIVJ

Lower Fourth Art Trip to the Tate Modern Gallery On Wednesday 15th September all the Lower Fourth girls set off to a treat at the Tate Modern Gallery on the South Bank, to look at sculptures in the public galleries in support of their current project on ‘Form and Texture’. The girls drew, the sun shone and sandwiches were eaten outside in front of the sparkling River Thames!

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Mrs. Martin and Srutti Suresan at the Royal Institution

Sixth Form Chemistry Visit to UCL The Upper Sixth Chemistry class headed to University College London for a day of spectroscopy in the Chemistry department. Several different spectroscopic methods were discussed, including: Mass spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Infra-red spectroscopy, and pupils were able to actually see these machines in use within a research environment. Lectures were given by the post-graduate members of the University Chemistry department on each of the techniques, and examples of how to analyse data obtained from them were also given. This directly links to the A-Level syllabus, and it was extremely useful to spend an intense period of time really getting to grips with these widely employed techniques. We are grateful to the Chemistry Faculty of UCL for offering us this exciting opportunity to extend curriculum chemistry. Dr. Welch Head of Chemistry Department

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Lower Sixth Geography Trip to Norfolk The Lower Sixth Geographers spent a glorious weekend away in Norfolk collecting data for their Geographical Skills paper at A2. We spent Saturday walking along Blakeney Spit, taking beach profiles, pebble samples and infiltration measurements. We also looked at the sand dune ecosystems. Walking seven miles on shingle was a great workout. It left us very tired but happy with the results. On Sunday we visited Cromer and walked out on transects to see if the town conformed to the traditional model of a seaside resort. It was a beautiful day, culminating in fish & chips on the seafront. Thanks again to Miss Sainty for accompanying us on the trip. Miss Hack Geography Department

Isabelle Apter and Arabella Boyle measuring beach profiles

Lower Sixth Geographers recording pebble size

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St Catherine’s Church

FHS Parents’ Association We would like to remind you of our forthcoming events this term: TUESDAY, 12th OCTOBER 2010 6.30pm to 8.30pm FHS PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION AGM “How our daughters can succeed in the workplace” This year we have invited four very successful career women to briefly talk on their educational background, university We would like to remind you of our forthcoming events this term: life and We working experiences that have brought themthis toterm: would like to remind you of our forthcoming events their level of achievement today.

FHSFHS Parents’ Association Parents’ Association TUESDAY, 12th OCTOBER 2010 th

TUESDAY, 12 OCTOBER 2010 We welcome on the Panel: 6.30pm to 8.30pm 6.30pm to 8.30pm • Dr Ros Altmann F an expert in the world of investment and RE N S ’’ A S S C TTbanking IO A M FH HS SP PFA NTTR SE A S S’O CIIA OIN A Gfinance M AGM H S S A IIG O FA HR SEP PA AR EN NT TS S ’OA AS SA SO OIC C IN ATT ON N AGM • Lulu Guinness renowned accessories fashion designer “How ourworld daughters can succeed in the workplace” “HowSpoudeas our daughters can succeed in the workplace” • Dr Helen This year we have invited 4 very successful career women to briefly talk on their educational background we haveexperiences Consultant inhave Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology yearworking invited 4 very successful career women to briefly on their educational ba universityThis life and that brought them to their level oftalk achievement today. university life and working experiences thaton have at Great Ormond Street Hospital We welcome the brought Panel: them to their level of achievement tod welcome banking on the Panel: ¾ Dr Ros Altmann – anItkin expertOBE in the world ofWe investment and finance Lucy ¾ Dr•Ros Altmann – an expert in the world of investment ¾ Lulu Guinness – world renowned accessories fashion designer banking and finance Director of Action for Prisoners’ Families ¾ Lulu Guinness – world renowned accessories fashion designer ¾ ¾ Spoudeas ¾ Dr Helen – and Consultant Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology at Great Ormond an FHSin‘Polished Corner’

Dr Helen Spoudeas – Consultant in Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology at Grea Street ¾ Hospital Street Please do not miss thisHospital fascinating event where you can ask questions that may well apply to all ou doPlease not miss fascinating event you canwhere ask questions doathis not miss this fascinating event you canthat askmay well apply daughtersPlease and their quest for successful position in where the workplace. daughters and their quest for a successful position in the workplace. questions that may well apply to all our daughters and their --------o0o-------quest for a successful position --------o0o-------in the workplace. th --------o0o-------SATURDAY, 20 NOVEMBER, 2010 SATURDAY, 20th NOVEMBER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 20102010 1.30pm20th to 4.30pm 1.30pm to 4.30pm

1.30pm to 4.30pm


Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to buyopportunity some of your to Christmas presents at the many Don’t miss this wonderful buy some of your Don’t miss this buyjoin some of this yourfestive Christmas presents at the ma stalls…..please put wonderful the date inopportunity your diariestoand us at occasion. Christmas presents at the many stalls…..please put the date stalls…..please put the date in your diaries and join us at this festive occasion. in your diariesFair andwill join at this occasion. All profits made from this amazing gous towards thefestive on-going building works at the St Amedeus profitsfor made Fair will go –towards the on-going buildingbyworks at the BoardingAll School boysfrom and this girlsamazing in Moshi, Tanzania a charity heavily supported FHS and theSt A Boarding School for boys andParents girls in Moshi, Tanzania – a charity heavily supported by FHS Association All profits made from this amazing Fair will go towards the Parents Association • Now in it’s third year, the FHS Xmas Fair at continues to gain momentum – we welcome for the firs on-going building works the St Amedeus Boarding School • Now in it’sBakery third year, the not FHSonly Xmas Fairamazing continues to gain momentum – we welcome f time Primrose Hill selling their cupcakes but also recipe books and for boys and girls in Moshi, Tanzania – a charity heavily time Primrose Hill Bakery selling not only their amazing cupcakes but also recipe b kitchenware supported bySale FHSroom andwill thebeParents' • The Urbankitchenware Outfitters Xmas heaving Association. with clothing for ladies and gents as well as • of The Urban Outfitters Xmas Sale room willthis be heaving clothing for ladies gents an array jewellery, accessories and gifts – new year is awith Vintage Collection andand Designe an array of jewellery, accessories gifts – new this year is a Vintage Collection and goods – ALL AT AMAZINGLY ROCK BOTTOMand PRICES!! • Now in AT itscourse third be year, theFHS FHS XmasPRICES!! Fair continues to gain goods – ALL AMAZINGLY ROCK BOTTOM • Our old favourites will of back: Puddings, the Xmas Café offering mouth watering • Our old favourites course befor back: the jewellery, Xmas Hill CaféAngelique offering mout momentum – will we of welcome theFHS firstPuddings, time Primrose homemade cakes and goodies, the Chocolate and Bottle Tombolas, body homemade cakesgifts andfor goodies, the Chocolate and Bottle Tombolas, jewellery, Forty-five pupils and five staff will visit Krakow duringproducts, the Barker & Walker pets, Santa’s Grotto, the Nail bar and much, much more…Angel Bakery selling not only their amazing cupcakes but also products, Barker & Walker gifts for pets, Santa’s Grotto, the Nail bar and much, much m first week of Half Term. It is the second oldest city in Poland

Francis Holland Choir and String Orchestra Tour to Poland October 17th-22nd 2010

recipe books and kitchenware. and a leading centre of Polish culture. We shall perform TheSUPPORT Urban Outfitters Xmas Sale room be heaving NEED ALL•THE OF THE PARENT BODY SOwill PLEASE ATTEND THESE concert at four venues, including the Queen JadwigaWE School WE NEED THE SUPPORT PARENT PLEASE with ALL clothing forWONDERFUL ladies OF andTHE gents as wellBODY as anSO array of ATTEND T EVENTS and St Catherine’s Church. WONDERFUL EVENTS jewellery, accessories and gifts – new this year is a Vintage Collection and Designer goods – ALL AT AMAZINGLY Look forward to seeing you soon – thanks! Look forward to seeing you soon – thanks! ROCK BOTTOM PRICES!! Sue Silkstone Sue Silkstone Chair – Francis Holland Parents’ Associationwill of course be back: FHS Puddings, • Our old favourites – Francis Holland Parents’ Association Tel: 07764Chair 612737 or email: bac@consultancyonestop.com Xmas Cafébac@consultancyonestop.com offering mouth watering homemade cakes Tel: 07764the 612737 or email: and goodies, the Chocolate and Bottle Tombolas, jewellery, Angelique body products, Barker & Walker gifts for pets, Santa’s Grotto, the Nail bar and much, much more… WE NEED ALL THE SUPPORT OF THE PARENT BODY SO PLEASE ATTEND THESE WONDERFUL EVENTS Look forward to seeing you soon – thanks! Sue Silkstone Chair, Francis Holland Parents’ Association Tel: 07764 612 737 or email: bac@consultancyonestop.com

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Netball Training by Tracey Neville 11th September 2010

What do most teenagers like to do on a Saturday morning? Sleep in, laze around and see friends? Not the girls at Francis Holland School. On Saturday 11th September, twenty seven girls from the Lower Fourth, Upper Fourth and Lower Fifth took part in a full day netball workshop held in Regent's Park. There was certainly no lie in or and lazing around for these girls they were on court and moving about by 9.30am. The workshop was run by two members of the International Roadshow team, head coach Tracey Neville and assistant coach Lisa Panes. Tracey Neville has played in over eighty international netball games, representing England in both the World Championships and the Commonwealth Games. She was part of the successful 1998 England squad which took home the bronze medal from the Kuala Lumper Commonwealth Games. This wealth of experience both as a player and coach was certainly apparent as the girls were put through their paces for almost six hours. A range of drills helped the girls to polish their technique in many areas of the game including ball handling, passing and catching, attacking and defending, shooting and set plays. The day concluded with a forty five minute match and an ice cream to help cool off after all the hard work. Congratulations to all the girls who took part in the day. I know they picked up many new skills they will take into their squads. We wish them the best of luck for another exciting netball season at Francis Holland School. Miss Laytham P.E. Department

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International Netball player, Tracey Neville, coaches FHS students S c h o o l

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FHS Sports Report

Sports Day Results

Sports Day 2010 really was the icing on the cake for the Francis Holland PE Department last year. It was a fabulous afternoon of sun, sweat and sport which was enjoyed by every last student. Just about every girl in the school was involved in what can only be described at the best day in the school calendar! Sports Day 2011 surely will be cherished even more with a slightly longer format being introduced – so watch this space. Many thanks to all staff for making a perfect team effort on the day, to students for participating so well and parents for supporting so loyally. Also, let us not forget our Interform Swimming Gala. With twelve cups up for grabs, this whole school event was a fun and exciting morning of swimming. Autumn is here, trials are completed and we have already started our fixture campaign strongly with many fixture wins under our belts. Parents are strongly encouraged to come along to fixtures and support our many FHS sports teams; it is lovely to hear the cheering from the sidelines. Fixture lists have been sent home this term, but they can also be found on the school website. Lessons are running smoothly and we are starting to build up to our first whole school event of the year, the Interform Hockey Tournament. Now an annual event, the Interform Hockey Tournament will take place in the second to last week of the Autumn term. Come along and join in the day at Paddington Recreational Ground if you can! Finally, our thirty-nine South African Sports Tourists will be departing for the wilds of Africa this October half term for twelve days of tough Netball and Hockey games alongside a great mix of fantastic sights and wonderful animals. I am sure the last ten months of fitness and practice will pay dividends against our international hosts. Good luck girls! Miss Tucker Head of P.E. Department

1st Place 60m Sprint III – Georgia Wright S LIV – Lucy Streeten J UIV – Bea Kilgour M LV – Yasmin Assan C

1st Place Shot Put III – Isobel Aron J LIV – Alice Lumley J UIV – Ella Marshall J LV – Clara Carbajo B

1st Place 800m III – Serena Ashdown M LIV – Eugenia Klemos M UIV – Beth Elms J LV – Paloma Friedrich L

1st Place Rounders III J LIV S UIV J LV L

1st Place Javelin III – Serena Ashdown M LIV – Alice Lumley J UIV – Ella Marshall J LV – Mansi Patel B

Overall Winners 4th Place LIVS (121 points) Tied 2nd Place UIVJ & LIVJ (129 points each) 1st Place III M (149 points)

Swimming Gala Results

Mrs. Durham presents prizes

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Isobel Apter and Courtney Lovejoy in the three-legged race

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Junior Backstroke Cup Serena Ashdown

Junior Freestyle Cup Sabrina Conroy-Iglesias

Senior Backstroke Cup Alexandra Wilson

Senior Freestyle Cup Olivia Boothman

Junior Breaststroke Cup Lucy Streeten

Palariet Cup (Open Backstroke) Olivia Willis

Senior Breaststroke Cup Molly Carl

Rosamund Leach Cup (Open Breaststroke) Olivia Willis

Junior Butterfly Cup El Frame

Speed Cup (Open Freestyle) Olivia Willis

Senior Butterfly Cup Talia Glantz

Individual Medley Cup (Open Individual Medley) Paloma Friedrich

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“What good is sitting alone in your room? Come to the cabaret!” Meine damen und herren, ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs, the Kit Kat girls and boys will be here to entertain you on Wednesday 1st – Friday 3rd December. The cast of Cabaret are busy rehearsing for your delectation. The girls are beautiful…..life is beautiful… even the orchestra is beautiful! Tickets will be available from mid November, price £10.00, available from the staff room at short breaks. Don’t miss out! Mrs Oakley and Mrs Rolfe Johnson need someone with design and making experience to take overall control of the costumes, and a team of willing people to help the girls collate, label and adjust a multitude of costumes for this fantastic show! If you can sew, are interested in clothes or would just like to get involved, we would love to hear from you. Working on a project like this can be lots of fun, and immensely rewarding to see it all come together. Please call the office if you can help, no matter how modest your talents. Performance dates: 1st, 2nd and 3rd December 2010

November 5th Charity Fashion Show in aid of TCT and Marie Curie On the 5th November, six girls from the Upper Sixth are holding a Charity Fashion show at the London College of Fashion. All profits will go towards two charities; these are Teenage Cancer Trust and Marie Curie Cancer Care. We have a personal interest in both of these charities. There will be two showings on the night; the first will start at 6.30pm and the later show will begin at 8pm. On the night there will be a silent auction, a raffle and much more! We hope to make the night as successful as possible. For more information about the show, or if you think you can contribute towards it, please email: fhsfashionshow2010@hotmail.com We will be selling tickets in school later on in October, and we hope to see all of you there!

This year Green Fingers Club will be growing a number of interesting plant species from around the world. This term we are looking after carnivorous plants and planting their seeds, that will hopefully germinate in the Spring. The club meets every Wednesday in the greenhouse. If you wish to join please see Mr Davy.

Future Dates for your Diary Wed 13th Oct Autumn Concert at St. Cyprian’s ....................... 7-9:30pm

The Fashion Show Team! (Lauren Kay-Lambert, Bella Boyle, Isobel Apter, Scarlett Stroud, Louisa Dearman and Ella Roeg)

Sat 16th-Tue 19th Oct History of Art Trip to Florence Sat 16th-Thu 27th Oct Sports tour to South Africa Sun 17th –Fri 22nd Oct Music Tour to Poland Fri 5th Nov Fashion Shows at the London School of Fashion for the Teenage Cancer Trust and the Marie Curie Cancer Fund 6:30pm and 8:00pm Tue 9th Nov

Evening of Nightingales in the School Hall ...... 6.30-8pm

Tue 16th Nov

Teatime Concert in the Music Room ................... 4:20-5pm

Fri 19th Nov 11+ Open Morning for prospective pupils and parents 8:40-10:30am Sat 20th Nov Christmas Fair ............................................................. 2-4pm Fri 26th Nov Staff Inset Day/Pupil Reading Day: no pupils required in school 1 6

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