Fhs september 2011 newsletter

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Francis Holland School

Newsletter September 2011 SUMMER CAMP 2011

From the Headmistress Dear Parents, Summer already seems a long time ago, but the public examination results which were achieved in August reflect the hard work of FHS pupils and their teachers. Amongst the successes at A level, particular congratulations should go to Eliana Neidich Schwartz, who has chosen to accept a university place in the USA. Eliana achieved four A* grades at A level in English, History, Politics, Religious Studies, and an A* grade in her Extended Project on Literature. Many congratulations also to the new Lower Sixth, who achieved some of the best GCSE results in the country this summer: over 40% were awarded GCSEs at grade A*; 95.8% were grade A* - B. The Lower Fifth also sat GCSE science modules in Biology, Chemistry and Physics and many achieved A* grades in all three examinations. Congratulations!

Initiated by Mr Chiverton and now in its fifth year, FHS Summer Camp is one of the most important aspects of the school’s charitable work. At the end of July, a team of FHS senior pupils and several members of staff voluntarily gave time in their summer holidays to provide Westminster children in foster care with a memorable activity holiday week. Mr Chiverton led FHS Summer Camp 2011, assisted by Mrs Drummond, Mrs Forde and Miss Mahieu. Miss Green also spent a day at Summer Camp. Two important school trips will take place during the fortnight of October half term. Miss Baig, Head of Classics, will lead a Classics trip to Italy. Miss Gallagher, accompanied by colleagues, will lead a group of senior pupils to our sponsor school; St Amedeus School, Tanzania. During their time at Moshi, the group will undertake some voluntary work at the school and neighbouring orphanage.

During the summer holidays, Mr Gridelli, Head of Italian, accompanied by Miss Mahieu, led a highly successful school visit to Naples and Sorrento. Also in July, Miss Baig and Mrs Hillier accompanied a group of the most enthusiastic horse-riders in the school (and there are many!) on a residential equestrian week in Hampshire.

I look forward to seeing you at the many school events during this first half-term, particularly at the Parents’ Association Evening on Monday 10th October, at 6.30pm, when a panel of experts will discuss “your daughters online”: this evening is open to all FHS parents, free of charge. The Autumn Concert promises to be one of the musical highlights of the term; it will be held in St Cyprian’s Church on Wednesday 12th October at 7pm, preceded by drinks in the School Library at 6:30pm.

Proceeds from our annual sponsored walk in Regent’s Park on Wednesday 5th October will be shared between Barnado’s and Summer Camp 2012. Upper Fifth and Sixth Formers who would like to volunteer for the committee of Summer Camp 2012 should see Mr Chiverton for further details. F R A N C I S



The Parents’ Association Committee ·

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will again be organising a FHS Christmas Fair on Saturday 19th November from 2 - 4pm. Grateful thanks to Mrs Sue Silkstone, (Chair of the Parents’ Association Committee) for leading the organisation of this annual event and to the many parents who have already offered to help. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012 has slightly altered the timing of the June half term. Many GCSE and A-level examinations will start early May 2012. FHS parents may wish to note that school examinations for the Thirds to the Lower Fifth (inclusive) will be held in the week before June half term. Further details of all these and many other future school events can be found on the school website: www.francisholland.org.uk

Mrs V M Durham 1

Staff News Welcome to all new colleagues including our new Deputy Headmistress, Ms Amanda Triccas who was previously at St Paul's Girls' School, where she was an assistant Deputy Head

Autumn Term 2011

Ms Triccas

Congratulations to two colleagues who are getting married during October half term. Miss Francis, who has taught Maths and Science at FHS since 2003, will marry Mr Michael Grant, who was the Head of Art at FHS from 2008 – 2010, on 15th October 2011. Miss O’Toole, the Deputy Head of Sixth Form and History of Art teacher, will marry Mr Vincent Francisco on 18th October 2011. Both Miss Francis and Miss O'Toole intend to change their surnames, and will become Mrs Grant and Mrs Francisco from October 2011. Best wishes to both couples for the future.

School Exams May 2012 Parents are requested to note that all girls from the Thirds to the Lower Fifth (inclusive) will have school examinations from 28th May 2012 to 1st June 2012. Lower Fifth exams may extend into the week of 11th June 2012 dependant on Science GCSE module exams. Therefore school exams will take place in the week before summer half term, not after the holiday, as usual. The celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee on 5th June 2012 has slightly altered the schedule for the summer term. Public exam dates will be confirmed for the senior girls doing GCSE and A levels after Christmas. 2

Form Captains

Games Captains

To be elected after half term IIIJ To be elected after half term

To be elected after half term IIIM To be elected after half term

To be elected after half term IIIS To be elected after half term

Zoe Lowdermilk-Oppenheim LIVJ Lucy Minderides

Constance Polydor LIVM Martha Barron

Cara Heppell LIVS Charlotte Hogarth Ambre de Tourniel UIVJ Charlotte Bridgham Lucinda Keegan UIVM Elisabetta Quacquarelli Rosie Roberts UIVS Helena Snider Athena Thrasyvoulou LVF Alice Acland Madeleine Guinness LVP Rosie Minderides

Isolde Shirley LVT Nell Hewetson

Molly Teshuva UVC Rebecca Harding

Grace Dickerson UVH Julia Muccio Harriet Mallender UVP Hannah El Gazzar

Junior Concert 2011 At the end of the Summer term and after a long and busy year, the junior musicians of FHS managed to pull off another triumph with their summer concert. The audience was entertained by a varied programme which reflected the various talents and sustained hard work of the girls involved. Praise is due to the many girls who performed in the vocal and instrumental ensembles and there were a number of outstanding solo performances demonstrating the technical accomplishments and musicality of the girls. Among these, many will remember a lovely harp solo by Holly Loveday, the depth and maturity of Sarah Kehoe’s playing of Poulenc, and the virtuosity of Olivia Hugh Jones’ rendition of the famous Czardas by Monti. There were many more delights too numerous to mention, and members of the audience will take with them their own special memories. Above all, the enthusiasm and habitual effervescence of the younger members of the school was much in evidence, and we are proud of them all. Mr Thorne Music Departmnent S E P T E M B E R

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Italian Trip to Sorrento A group of eleven Lower Fifth students visited Sorrento, Italy, from 8th - 12th July. While there, the girls attended lessons for a total of six hours over two days at a local languages school. They embarked on a number of cultural visits, including the remarkable archaeological site of Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius. Another highlight was the excursion to the Emerald Grotto, one of the most famous caves in Italy, filled with unusual and exquisite rock formations.

On the final night in Sorrento, the girls wrote poems, songs and essays on their experience, and one written by Jessica Bernberg, Talia Glantz, Yasmin Robinow and Srutti Suresan was chosen to appear in the school magazine as it gave an excellent account of the unforgettable moments we had in Italy. Mr Gridelli Head of Italian Department

Great fun was had as the girls enjoyed beach sport sessions and, of course, lots of pizza and ice cream tasting. The girls proved to be excellent linguists and enjoyed their time in Italy. We, the staff, were highly impressed by the girls’ enthusiasm and behaviour. We were also delighted by the organisation of the trip.

Jordana and Kitty admiring the frozen city of Pompeii

The long walk to the top of Mount Vesuvius

The girls on their way to language classes F R A N C I S




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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Welcome back to another year of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme. Many of your daughters appeared to have dusted off their walking boots over the summer holidays. It has been great to hear of the many challenging walks completed over the warmer months. Bronze Award news Our newest members to join the Bronze award will be setting off for their practice expedition and assessment expeditions in the coming weeks. I am sure you will all enjoy this new experience and wish the best of luck to you all. Silver Award news Congratulations to the last girls in our Silver group who completed their assessment weekend in Chesham over the weekend of 10th – 12th September. They were very thankful that the mini hurricane due to hit in the early hours of Monday morning was downgraded, and they only endured heavy winds and not lashing rain to accompany it. D of E online clinic Something new that we are offering this year to all Duke of Edinburgh's Award participants is a clinic every Thursday at short break. This is an opportunity for all girls to come along to the ICT room and ask questions or rectify any difficulties they may be experiencing from using the online log-in system. If your daughter is signed up to any level of the scheme then please encourage them to come along to this clinic so that they can log their progress and complete the award successfully. Miss Laytham Duke of Edinburgh's Award Co-ordinator

Miss Addinall, Deputy Headmistress 1983-2011 On Friday 1st July 2011, the Governors held a special party to thank Miss Jeannine Addinall for 28 years’ exceptional service to the school as Deputy Headmistress. Many past colleagues and friends joined current staff in a memorable evening. Mrs Durham and Mrs Cohen gave speeches in tribute to Miss Addinall and she was presented with a specially engraved gift from the Governing Council. Miss Addinall will continue teaching in the Classics Department until the end of the summer term 2012 when she will retire.


Mrs Durham, Miss Addinall and Miss Williams, former maths teacher

Miss Sifleet,( Deputy headmistress 1965-83) and Mrs Parsonson (Headmistress 1988-98)

En famille – Miss Addinall’s husband Geoffrey and son Charles

Miss Webb, Miss Laytham and Miss Gallagher, colleagues past and present! S E P T E M B E R

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Lower Fifth Trip to Oxford, July 2011 Visiting the beautiful city of Oxford is always a wonderful experience. Everyone on the trip felt very lucky for being given the opportunity to visit the city as well as the magnificent University Campus. We visited a number of the faculties that pupils had expressed an interest in, including English, Law and Medicine to name a few. We also had the opportunity to visit the history faculty before making our way into the University Parks for our picnic lunch. It seemed unusual for year 10 pupils to be visiting when the Open Events are mainly attended by older pupils however everyone was delighted to have the girls there and thought it a very positive idea to inspire GCSE pupils to aim for Oxford. We all highly enjoyed the day. Mrs Forbes Head of Sixth Form

Lower Fifth trip to Oxford University colleges

Lower Fifth Trip to Cambridge It takes a special trip to get twelve 15 year olds out of bed before 8am on the first day of the summer holidays. However, the trip to Cambridge University Open Day on Friday 8th July was such a trip. Aside from the scenic tour of some of the beautiful Cambridge colleges, we visited several faculties (departments) including History, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Law and English, where we amassed a huge number of prospectuses and other information. The Question and Answer session at Corpus Christi College was a particular highlight as we were able to hear current students discuss what academic life was like at the college. As a real treat, we had our own private tour of King’s College conducted by Ben, Mrs Oakley’s son (pictured with us opposite), who is studying Music and is a Choral Scholar there. He showed us some facets of college life which are not normally seen by external visitors. Then after walking through ‘The Backs’, we passed the vast University Library and took in the spectacle of the ‘Geometric Bridge’, designed by Newton, just a few hundred metres from where the atom was split! Cambridge was brought alive to us, helped by our ‘tour guides’ Miss Williams, Head of English, Miss Green, the Academic Deputy and of course Ben! We are all very grateful to them for this opportunity. Catriona Biggs UVH F R A N C I S


Lower Fifth trip to Cambridge S C H O O L


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The Regent’s Park Maths Trail Last July, the Thirds went to Regent’s Park for a Maths Trail with their Maths teachers, Miss Murugan, Miss Le Roux, Miss Conway and Miss Francis. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining down and flowers in bloom. The questionnaire was about everyday objects and their relationships with Mathematics. We applied various techniques such as measurements, estimating distances and connecting shapes in the environment to mathematical shapes to answer the questions. Some questions were quite challenging, but some of us still managed to answer them. It was a brilliant trip and we had a lot of fun. This trip has made me realise that if we look carefully we will find that we are surrounded by Mathematics in everyday life. Thank you very much to the teachers for organising it. India Owens LIVS

Problem solving in Regent's Park!

Nadia, Francesca, Lucy and Layla are all smiles!

Aditi, looking for answers!

London Mathematics Society Popular Lecture at Logan Hall, Institute of Education

Thea Waxman and Ami Matsubara accompanied Mrs Martin to the London Maths Society Popular lecture at Logan Hall. Inspiringly for us, both speakers were women. Colva Roney Dougal described symmetries, starting with dice, spinners, primes and then all of a sudden, the Monster group. Also known as the Friendly Giant is this group of finite order 246 · 320 · 59 · 76 · 112 · 133 · 17 · 19 · 23 · 29 · 31 · 41 · 47 · 59 · 71 = 8080174247945 128758864599049617107570057543 68000000000 ≈ 8 · 1053. Apparently it could help timetable NHS staff rotas efficiently.

sources and sinks, and works against gravity in our model. We were divided into a 16-member human computer to do the computations, we were the forecasting processor. And we discovered to our peril what it was like to be held up by a slow link, though Ami was fast and contributed the 3 point Swansea temperature to the floor. Hilary then compared observed values to the average of 14 models, and we could see from the graphs that there was sufficient accuracy to inform policy, but possibly not enough detail to predict regional climate. It was a jolly and productive day.

Do we need and use Mathematics Hilary Weller spoke about "How Thea and Ami at the maths lecture in our lives? Yes! Climate Models Work". If we divide up the atmosphere, ocean and land surfaces into Mrs Martin grid boxes, we can find a numerical solution to an equation Head of Mathematics Department to generate hourly temperature values, accounting for heat 6


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Lower Sixth Geography Trip to Overstrand, Norfolk On a sunny weekend in June, Ms Hack and Miss Sainty took the Lower Sixth Geographers to Norfolk in preparation for their A2 Course. It was a lovely day at Winterton, spent studying the sand dune ecosystem and succession. After a tiring day of collecting data, the girls enjoyed some outdoor pursuits, getting tangled up on a “Jacob’s Ladder”. On Sunday morning we took a lovely coastal walk to the resort of Cromer where the girls undertook a land use study and enjoyed fish and chips and ice cream. A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all. Ms Hack Head of Geography Department

Phoebe, Natalia, Charlotte and Thea measuring beach profiles

Elina and Anna collecting data

Lower Sixth Geographers

Thea and Phoebe getting tangled on ‘Jacob’s ladder’ F R A N C I S




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FHS Summer Camp: July 2011 For the fifth consecutive year, FHS Summer Camp took place in the beautiful Surrey countryside, over the holidays. Fourteen girls from last year's Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth, four members of staff and six social workers from Westminster Social Services accompanied a dozen looked-after children to Sayers Croft Field Centre for five days of fun, activities and, believe it or not, plenty of sunshine! Some of the children who came away with us in July were familiar faces from last year’s group, but it was equally good to welcome many new faces. The week was a great success and everyone really enjoyed the variety of different activities available, ranging from raft building to rock climbing, pond dipping and archery, many of which were skilfully led by our girls, under the supervision of trained Sayers Croft staff. We were blessed with sunny, warm weather and, as a result, many of the group were able to take full advantage of the outdoor swimming pool, in order to cool off after a hard day’s running, jumping and climbing.

Lighting the camp fire!

Our evenings were also packed with activities, whether gathering around the camp fire to toast marshmallows and sing songs or being entertained by the hilarious ‘Animal Man’ and his amazing collection of rescued wild animals. I should also mention the delicious barbeque which the FHS staff lovingly cooked one evening.

Rachel and friends

I would like to thank a host of different people for their support in making Summer Camp such a success. Once again, the Parents’ Association’s generous donations to Summer Camp have been an invaluable source of funding. My thanks must also go to my colleagues, Mrs Forde, Miss Mahieu and Mrs Drummond, who gave up a week of their holidays in order to come along., and also to Miss Green who joined us for a day. However, the last and biggest thank you should go to the Francis Holland girls, whose energy and enthusiasm made the week such a resounding success for all concerned. I hope that they will take away many fond memories of Summer Camp 2011. The FHS Summer Camp Team • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Roxy Afifi-Sabet Rosie Lom Numaira Choudhary Mansi Patel Mim Chadwick Lucy Collins Rachel Lowe Nicola Michaelides Rebecca Lumley Anna Gillespie Leona Mehra Nicole Morrell Natasha O’Sullivan Antonia Aveline

Our resident pony on Summer Camp

Mr Chiverton Head of Thirds


Mansi doing an activity with friends


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Mrs Drummond supervises break time!


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Sports Day in Regent's Park At the end of the Summer term, the FHS Sports Day was a resounding success – definitely our best one so far, with the extra Sixth form events and the new location! The weather was perfect and the girls had a fantastic time. Competition in the events was fierce and old battles between forms and foes were brought to the surface – great fun! Miss Tucker Head of P E Department

Sports Day Results 1st Place 60m Sprint IIIS – Charlotte Hogarth LIVM – Elizabetta Quacquarelli UIVJ – Lucy Streeten LVN – Ella Marshall LVIAM – Isabella Stone Wilson

1st Place Shot Put IIIM – Zinnia Silver LIVM – Sasha Vanger UIVS – Olivia Willis LVN – Ella Marshall LVISJ – Xanthe Hirst

1st Place 800m IIIJ – Lucy Morris LIVM – Serena Ashdown UIVM – Eugenia Klemos LVN – Ella Marshall LVIAM – Anastasia Kinsky

Overall Winners 4th Place – UIVS (119) 3rd Place – IIIM (128) 2nd Place – LVN (131) 1st Place - LIVM (148 points – only one point less than last year)

1st Place Javelin IIIS – Alice Haine LIVM – Miranda Soskin UIVS –Alice Lumley / Nina Sarin LVN – Ella Marshall LVIG – Charlotte Golembo

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FHS students meet Olympic gold medallist!

FHS students were invited to meet Olympic athletes at the ‘Girls go Gold’ conference, organised for the Girls’ school association (GSA). The Girls Go Gold conference was a particularly special event this year as the calibre of guests and speakers was of great magnitude in the world of sport. Baroness Sue Campbell opened the conference with a very heart felt and inspirational address, which was followed by a series of lectures on Sports Psychology, Sports Nutrition and the training routines of elite athletes. The Speakers included Miss Hannah England, winner of a silver medal in the 1500m event at the Athletics World Championships in South Korea earlier this month, and Dame Kelly Holmes who certainly stole the show, giving an hour long speech and Q & A session, giving insight into her training and life both pre and post-Olympic glory. A university fair and talk also had our GCSE PE girls thinking of their futures and possible career paths, along with life at university. It was a thoroughly useful and enjoyable day. Miss Tucker Head of P E Department

Parents' Association News Welcome to the new Thirds' parents, and welcome back previous members – I do hope you have all had a bright and sunny summer holiday with all batteries totally recharged and raring to go!! Important dates for your diaries this term and not to be missed: • The Annual General Meeting – Monday, 10th October – the theme this year is “Your Daughters Online”. You should have all received an invitation/RSVP advising details of the event. After the formal business, no more than 15 minutes, there will be a talk by a panel comprising FHS staff and visiting doctors from St Mary’s Hospital on how to keep your daughters safe when using the Internet. This talk should be of great interest to parents of daughters in both the junior and senior parts of the school in showing how care must be exercised at all times with online activities. We would encourage as many of you as possible to attend as we feel it will be a very interesting and rewarding evening. After the talk and questions, drinks and a light finger buffet will be served. The invitation will also be available to print off from the Parents' Login on the FHS website. • The FHS Christmas Fair – Saturday 19th November – as always, this will be a great opportunity to buy some Christmas presents at amazing prices (considerably lower than the high street), herald in the festive season and sample some amazing fayre at the Xmas Café. Please look out for all sorts of advertising to come your way that will give you a taste of what to expect. Thanks to all those who kindly volunteered to help and/or bake cakes/biscuits for the Café – we are always so spoilt! We are sad to announce that after many years of valiant work on the Committee, Mr Chiverton (known to us all as Head of Thirds and renowned History teacher) is resigning his post with us – he is soon to become a father and will need to spend a little more time at home with his new offspring. We would like to formally thank him for all his support and sterling work over the years – he will be sorely missed. We will announce his replacement very shortly. Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the above events and please remember that all funds raised at the Christmas Fair go towards the main charities supported by the school. Mrs Sue Silkstone Chair, FHS Parents’ Association

Parents' Association Committee 2011 Mrs Sue Silkstone – Chair Mr Rob Haine – Treasurer Mrs Fran Whitehead – Secretary Mrs Varney Polydor Mrs Andrea Haine Mrs Laurel Rafter Mrs Shalini Hinduja Mrs Fariba LaCosta Mrs Susan Pym Mr Patrick Allen Mrs Sally Cowan Mr Paul Turner Dame Kelly Holmes addresses students 1 2

Co-opted for LVI: Mrs Zoë Goodway


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All the girls with their rosettes on show day!

Eleanor in a jumping lesson

Bella and Bethan with their ponies

In July this year, myself and nine other girls spent a week of our holidays at Wellington Riding School on our Equestrian Club residential trip. We were so excited to be told that we would be ‘adopting’ our own horses, which we would ride and look after throughout the week. Each day we had a flat lesson, a jumping lesson, a hack and a lecture. After lessons each day, we had dinner in the centre’s own restaurant, appropriately named the ‘Nosebag Cafe’ – the food was really tasty, and there was a tuck shop where we could stock up on treats to last us throughout the day. We also had free time and evening activities, including limbo, high jump, a talent competition, and the highlight of the week – a trip to the local swimming pool, which had amazing waterslides and wave machines! We stayed overnight in a cabin on the premises: this was made up of a living room (where we sometimes were allowed to watch films in the evenings), and a big dormitory which all of us shared, which we tried (and often failed!) to keep tidy.

Georgie and her pony for the week, Goldie

Bella and her pony for the week, Tommy

The final day of the week, ‘Show Day’ was great fun. Our parents came along to watch us compete in dressage, show jumping, and tack and turn out. All of us won rosettes for something, which left us all feeling very proud of our achievements. We had an absolutely amazing week, and would like to thank Miss Baig and Mrs Hillier for organising and taking us on such a brilliant trip – it really was a horse lover’s dream! Bella in a jumping lesson F R A N C I S


Georgia Wright UIVS S C H O O L


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Ambre de Tourniel with Simba 1 3

Thirds’ Activity Day to Sayers Croft Friday 23rd September 2011

Joyful faces of IIIS!

The Thirds’ Activity Day was a really enjoyable and bonding experience for everyone in the year group. The three classes were divided into two groups, each doing a different combination of activities during the course of the day. In my group we did three activities: high ropes; team challenges; and raft building. My favourite activity was the high ropes course, which involved moving along different rope obstacles between several platforms, positioned up in the trees! Although we were quite high up, I felt very safe thanks to my partner on the ground, and I really enjoyed towering above everyone else. The team challenges were really fun because they got us using our brains and working together as a group, trying to fathom out different mind-boggling practical puzzles. Raft building was also lots of fun as we had to build a raft out of ropes, a wooden platform and large plastic containers. I enjoyed learning how to make a ‘reef knot’ to secure the ropes. Once we had finished building our raft we got the chance to try it out on a large pond, although some people seemed to spend more time actually in the water than on their rafts! We all had an excellent day at Sayers Croft and I would love to go back there again. Alice Ward IIIJ

Working together to build a Ballista 1 4

Giada, having fun with class mates! S E P T E M B E R

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FHS Sports Report Wow! Where has the term gone already? With our team and squad trials over in the blink of an eye, the fixtures have had a flying start. With a couple of nice wins already, our girls have started the Netball, Hockey and Swimming seasons on the right foot. Our GCSE PE girls have taken an excursion to Edgbaston High School for Girls in Birmingham for the ‘Girls Go Gold’ conference and thoroughly enjoyed the speech from Dame Kelly Holmes, the guest speaker. And it was nice to recognise the sporting achievements of Lizzie Quacquarelli and Ella Marshall, our respective Junior and Senior Sports ‘All-Rounder’ at the QEH Prize giving ceremony. With the term already buzzing, it is easy to forget the wonderful summer that has just been and gone. The Interform Swimming Gala also was a great sporting triumph and the new format of events worked a treat. It was also fantastic to introduce our first Interform Water Polo and Volleyball competitions for the UIVth and LVth. Congratulations to all of our winners (listed below) and for everyone else – training starts now for next year! Some of the Sixth form also had an extra treat with a trip to the All England Lawn Tennis Club in Wimbledon for the Championships – a great summer’s day and night.

Summer Term Cups Junior Rounders Senior Rounders Junior Swimming Senior Swimming Most Improved Swimmer Junior Tennis Intermediate Tennis Senior Tennis

Charlotte Bridgham Ella Marshall Charlotte Hogarth Olivia Willis India Owens & Madeleine Gavin Zinnia Silver Clio Georgiadis Ella Marshall

Junior All Rounder (For all round excellence in P E) Elisabetta Quacquarelli Senior All Rounder (For all round excellence in P E) Ella Marshall

Contribution to Sport

Becky Lumley

Looking ahead, we have the Sri Lanka Sports Tour launch and Parents' Information Evening on 5th October; details are on the school website. The Middlesex Netball tournaments are due to take place after the half term. Also, the Interform Hockey tournament is looming quickly as December will be here any minute I am sure! Parents – please do come along to watch if you have the morning free. Well I can announce quite happily, the new PE kit looks absolutely brilliant. Our new Thirds look the smartest ever and are wearing their uniform with pride. Schoolblazer, our new supplier has certainly provided a very efficient and hassle free service, and with names already sewn in to the kit – I can already see the lost property numbers going down. Miss Tucker Head of P E Department

Thirds in the new PE kit

Swimming Gala Results Junior Backstroke: Senior Backstroke: Junior Breaststroke: Senior Breaststroke: Junior Butterfly: Senior Butterfly: Junior Freestyle: Senior Freestyle:

Serena Ashdown Rachel Cowan Freya Pinckney Lucy Streeten Aditi Bhandari Romy Denton Hall Isabel Garnon Rosie Minderides

Palariet Cup (Open Backstroke)

Olivia Willis

Rosamund Leach Cup (Open Breaststroke) Olivia Willis Speed Cup: (Open Freestyle)

Olivia Willis

Individual Medley Cup: (Open Individual Medley) Olivia Willis





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Main School Play: December 2011


Auditions are over, the cast list is up and rehearsals have begun in earnest for Arthur Miller's twentieth century classic, 'The Crucible'. Set in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, the play charts a community's terror of witchcraft, whipping up a hysteria that will test the ability of individuals to stand up for their principles. In many ways Miller's allegory is just as relevant for our own decade.

Huge congratulations to girls in last year’s Swimming Team who took part in a Swimathon, raising money for Breast Cancer.

There will be three performances on Wednesday 30th November 30, Thursday 1st December and Friday 2nd December, all starting at 7:00pm. Tickets will go on sale from mid-November, priced at just £2.00 each. The play provides food for thought for all ages, and the girls in both the cast and the backstage crews are very excited about the project. Let's make a big effort to provide them with as big an audience as we can fit in the Hall.

An outstanding combined total of £3287.25 was made in their quest to swim as many lengths of the school pool as possible in the one hour allocated. This grand total went above and beyond the initial target set of £2500.00 and was also the highest total raised from the three years the team has taken part in this wonderful event. The girls can be very proud of themselves!

Thank you to all those wonderful parents who have volunteered to help with the project. We will be calling on your services in wardrobe and make-up very soon. Mrs Oakley and Dr Rush English Department

New Art Press

Many thanks to all the FHS parents who helped us support this wonderful charity.

The Art Department are delighted with the arrival of a new etching press which has been generously donated by the parents of a current pupil. The large size of the press will enable girls to produce some very ambitous work as well as consider using printmaking for their final outcomes at GCSE, AS and A2 level.

Ms Gallagher P E Department

Harry Potter’s Website

On behalf of the Art Department and all the girls who will be using the press, we would like to say a big thank you to our donors.

Congratulations to Aine Monaghan who was selected to write a review, for the Daily Mail, of the Harry Potter website. Well done!

Future Dates for your Diary

British National Swimming Championships Congratulations to Charlotte Hogarth for gaining a bronze medal in the 200m freestyle. Well done!

Sports Tour to Sri Sports Tour to SriLanka Lanka

Performance of “Messiah” at Harrow School for Child Bereavement charity ................................................. 7:30-10pm

Mon 10 Oct

Parents’ Association AGM in the School Hall ............................. 6.30pm

Tue 11 Oct

Sixth Form Open Evening ........................................................... 5:30-8pm

Wed 12 Oct

Autumn Concert at St Cyprian's ........................................................ 7pm

Thu 13 Oct

Presentation by Luciana Berger, Labour and cooperative MP for Liverpool Wavertree ................................................................. 4:30pm

Sat 15-22 Oct Classics Trip to Italy

Parents' Information Evening Parent’s Information Evening Wednesday, 5th Wednesday 5th October October @ 5.30pm 5:30pm in the School Hall in the School Hall.

Open to all girls in the current F R A N C I S H O L L A N D – LVIth in a Netball or 0 2 Hockey team

Sun 9 Oct

Sat 15-26 Oct Trip to St Amedeus School, Moshi, Tanzania

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Mrs North Head of the Art Department

Isabella printmaking with the new art press

Tue 1 Nov

Thirds Parents’ Evening ................................................................. 5:30pm

Thu 3 Nov

Thirds Parents’ Evening ................................................................. 5.30pm

Sat 5 Nov

Quondam Birthday Lunch ............................................................. 12-4pm

Mon 7 Nov

Evening of Nightingales in the School Hall ........................ 6:30-8:30pm

Wed 9 Nov

Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening ........................................................ 5:30pm

Sat 19 Nov

Christmas Fair ................................................................................... 2-4pm

Mon 21 Nov

Parents' Prayer Group in the Gloucester Room ........................... 8:30am

Wed 30 Nov – 2 Dec ‘The Crucible’ in the School Hall .............................................. 7pm Mon 5 Dec S C H O O L 0

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Presentation of Extended Projects in the School Hall, all parents and pupils welcome ......................................................... 6pm C L A R E N C E

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