The Master's Degree Programs

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The Master’s Degree Programs Full-time, part-time and distance study


TECHNIKUM WIEN > Technology is exciting.


“Our master’s degree programs offer you an array of opportunities for specializing in technical fields.”


Dear Prospective Student, A master’s degree program is the perfect opportunity to

community and industry and they can look forward

enhance the knowledge and expertise you have already

to good career prospects in the future: Engineers with

gained and to specialize in certain subjects. The University

a practice-oriented education are in high demand on

of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is Austria’s largest

the labor market.

purely technical university of applied sciences and offers you a wide array of technical master’s degree programs:

On that note, I would invite you to look through the pages

There are 17 programs to choose from in total. They are

that follow and gain an overview of our master’s degree

conducted as full-time, part-time or distance study degree

programs. Have fun reading through, and I hope to

programs, and five of the programs are offered in English.

welcome you to UAS Technikum Wien in the near future!

Our master’s degree students at UAS Technikum Wien not only receive a comprehensive education. They also benefit from our numerous excellent contacts to the business

Rector FH-Prof. DI Dr. Fritz Schmöllebeck 3

University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien

The master’s degree programs at UAS Technikum Wien

Technology is exciting! With 17 master’s degree programs, UAS Technikum Wien offers a wide array of exciting options for gaining in-depth

MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMS Biomedical Engineering Sciences



Distance study

knowledge and specializations in a broad range of technical fields. In addition to imparting the necessary theoretical Language




Embedded Systems



Environmental Management and Ecotoxicology



Game Engineering and Simulation Technology



Healthcare and Rehabilitation Technology



Industrial Electronics



Information Management and IT Security



Information Systems Management



Innovation and Technology Management









Renewable Urban Energy Systems



Software Engineering





Intelligent Transport Systems

International Business and Engineering Mechatronics/Robotics

knowledge particular emphasis is placed on practical applications. Technical projects are developed and implemented that cover many different areas of everyday life and business. A large number of these projects are supported or commissioned by well-known international and Austrian companies and institutions.

In addition to technical know-how, every degree program at UAS Technikum Wien includes management knowledge, soft skills and language training. This comprehensive education gives you the necessary tools to independently manage projects, develop optimal technical and business solutions and collaborate with international partners in a professional

Sports Equipment Technology


Telecommunications and Internet Technologies



Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine



manner. With a Master of Science in Engineering (MSc), you will be in high demand in business!


University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien Technology is exciting!

Studying at UAS Technikum Wien

Theory and practice

Building on a bachelor’s degree or an other equivalent academic degree,

The combination of theory and practical application is of central importance in both

a master’s degree from UAS Technikum Wien provides an excellent

research and instruction. In addition to an extensive theoretical education, all programs

foundation for professional life in the future. UAS Technikum Wien offers

at UAS Technikum Wien include the practical application of the skills learned in projects.

17 master’s degree programs, which are offered as full-time, part-time

Many of these projects are conducted in cooperation with or on behalf of well-known

and/or distance study degree programs. Five of the master’s degree

international and Austrian companies and institutions. In the course of such projects

programs are conducted in English. This allows students to choose the

students often get to know their future employers at a very early stage.

degree program that fits their needs.

The benefits speak for themselves

Strong partners in business The research and development activities at UAS Technikum Wien have grown significantly

There are a limited number of spaces for each degree program at UAS

in recent years. The R&D activities are relevance-oriented. Numerous contract R&D

Technikum Wien. This keeps the seminar groups small and ensures that

activities are performed in close cooperation with industry and business. The research

there are enough lab spaces for everyone. The predefined curriculum

activities are often part of the curriculum and help to ensure that the institution offers

means that the degree programs can be completed within a fixed program

a high-quality, internationally recognized education. Since many instructors come from

duration of two to four semesters. And graduates of the largest purely

the business sector themselves, a valuable exchange occurs whereby everyone benefits.

technical university of applied sciences in Austria are highly sought-after in business and have excellent career opportunities.

Technology + business + personality The main focus of education at UAS Technikum Wien is, of course, on technical knowledge. However, more than this is often needed to be successful in your future career. For this reason, much emphasis is also placed on languages, business and personal development subjects, in addition to the high-quality technical education.


“At UAS Technikum Wien, instruction and research go hand in hand.”


University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien Technology is exciting!

From applying to studying – the admissions process Prospective students interested in a master’s degree program at UAS Technikum Wien can apply online any time on our web site. The main component of the admissions

“Students have the opportunity to study at one of more than 125 partner institutions worldwide.”

process is a personal interview between the prospective student and the program director. Some degree programs also require applicants to take a written test in the relevant field. You can obtain more detailed information about the admissions process and application deadlines on UAS Technikum Wien’s website or from the relevant degree program’s administrative assistant.

Women and technology Even today, few women decide to pursue a technical education or a technical career although the field offers creativity, freedom, teamwork and, last but not least, good advancement and salary opportunities. UAS Technikum Wien would like to get more women interested in technical education programs and therefore takes measures that are specially geared towards supporting women and alleviating their apprehensions.

Technology is international Knowledge is mobile and mobility increases knowledge. Students at UAS Technikum Wien have the opportunity to study at one of our more than 125 partner institutions worldwide or to do internships abroad in order to improve their language skills and gain international experience. Students are supported in this area by the Center for International Relations, which among other things, provides assistance with student exchanges and internships abroad as well as with the procurement of financial support.

The bachelor’s and master’s degree system “Women and technology – a promising combination”

The UAS Technikum Wien was the first university of applied sciences in Austria to switch to bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The system not only improves the international comparability of academic degrees; it also offers a great deal of flexibility in shaping the course of one’s education. For example, it is possible to embark on a career after completing a bachelor’s degree and at the same time complete a master’s degree program part-time. Additional advantages of the system include increased student mobility and the enhanced attractiveness of the academic courses on offer for foreign students.



FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Sauermann, Program Director “Modern medicine is not only becoming increasingly complex, but also more technically demanding. Therefore, the industry needs experts with know-how in both the technical and medical fields who can develop and implement special technical solutions and products for the healthcare sector.”


Course Contents

Job & Career

Medical engineering

Biomedical engineers are highly specialized experts

Biomedical informatics

working at the interface between medicine and

Elective modules from medical engineering

technology. The vital importance of health care systems

and biomedical informatics

and the institutional provision of related services,

Management, business and law

hospital technology and medical research in the public

Personality training and language skills

and private sectors generate an on-going demand for highly skilled workers.

Facts & Figures ■

Graduates work in the following fields: ■

Research, development and manufacturing

Project development companies for medical plants

Hospitals, hospital networks and related health

Master of Science in Engineering (MSc) &

Medical research

Master in Biomedical and Ecological Engineering (Ing.)

Medical consulting

Organizational structure: full-time degree program (can be combined with a career since courses are

of medical technology equipment

held Monday to Friday from 2:30 pm to 9:00 pm) ■

Biomedical Engineering Sciences

Biomedizinische Ingenieurwissenschaften Technology is biological.

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

and buildings

Academic degrees (double degree):

Annual intake: 20

Language: English

Program duration: four semesters

care facilities

The Biomedical Engineering Sciences master’s degree program offers technical solutions at the very highest level for medical requirements in an interdisciplinary education. The degree program, which is conducted in English, focuses on two areas: Medical Engineering and Biomedical Informatics. In addition to the prescribed courses and projects, students can choose individually courses in these areas from elective modules in the first three semesters. This allows them to structure their

Admission Requirements


studies according to their requirements. Special emphasis is placed on practice-oriented working methods in team-based

Bachelor’s degree or a degree of a similar study

Administrative Assistant

projects. The curriculum is rounded out with subjects covering business and project organization. In addition, students

program in biomedicine, medicine, sciences,

Mag. Marion Mittelmaier

have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and technologies. The degree program can be combined with a career since

engineering or health studies (MTD) amounting

T: +43 1 333 40 77-563

courses are held Monday to Friday from 2:30 pm to 9:00 pm. The master’s degree program is also offered as a double

to at least 180 ECTS credits.


degree in cooperation with the Brno University of Technology (BUT).



FH-Prof. DI Peter Balog, Program Director “Our information society could not function without embedded systems. Our graduates are employed in a wide range of fields and industries developing and implementing these highly specialized and virtually invisible computer systems.”


Course Contents ■

Technology (e.g., software design for

Graduates of the Embedded Systems master’s degree

embedded systems, embedded control systems,

program will work in many different areas over the course

system architectures for embedded systems)

of their professional careers. The industry demands

Management (project and process management,

qualified employees who not only have the skills required

quality and safety management)

for their own field, but who also understand the business

Soft skills (teamwork and leadership skills,

environment, allowing them to apply the skills they have

societal impact studies)

learned both in technical contexts and in management.

Master’s thesis (issues related to industry, linked to R&D projects)

Facts & Figures

Embedded Systems

Job & Career

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 30

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Graduates work in the following fields: ■

Electrical engineering and electronics industry

Aeronautics and automotive industry

Industrial automation

Consumer and entertainment industry

Health and medical engineering

Environmental engineering and measurement technology

Sports and recreation industry

Technology is intelligent. Embedded systems have become such a natural and omnipresent part of our daily lives that we do not even notice them Admission Requirements


issues like reliability, safety, and security have to be considered very carefully. In the Embedded Systems master’s degree

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic degree from

Administrative Assistant

program, students acquire the specific knowledge and skills needed to develop, employ and maintain embedded systems.

a technical university of applied sciences or university (electrical

Katrin Marenits

The program focuses on the design of trustworthy hardware and software for safety-critical applications, in line with all

engineering/electronics, informatics, technical informatics,

T: +43 1 333 40 77-262

the dependability requirements. Coursework is highly practical, and based on the well-founded scientific state-of-the-art

computer sciences) amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits.


any more. Today’s society depends on embedded computing, and precisely because of this all the well known dependability

of relevant disciplines. 12


Mag. Dr. Dominik Rünzler, Program Director “Environmental engineering managers and ecotoxicologists work in a wide range of fields and often have very different educational backgrounds. This degree program allows students to gain additional skills and qualifications that will give them new career opportunities in the future.”


Course Contents ■

Job & Career

Engineering (e. g., metrology and environmental

Environmental engineering managers and ecotoxicologists

technology, recycling technology, propagation

recognize the strengths and weaknesses of operational

calculation, ecotoxicological methods)

and organizational processes and take appropriate

Natural sciences (e. g., environmental chemistry,

measures to make improvements. They help to link the

ecology, ecotoxicology)

internal and external components involved and make

Soft skills (mediation, conflict management and

an important contribution to creating overall economic

media training)

and ecological benefits in their role as cross-disciplinary

Management (e.g., environmental management, sustain-


able business practices, project and risk management) ■

Environmental Management and Ecotoxicology Technisches Umweltmanagement und Ökotoxikologie

Law (e. g., environmental law, regulatory ecotoxicology

Graduates work in the following fields, among others:

– REACH, dealing with public authorities, workplace

Manufacturing industry


Environmental consulting

Environmental technology

Pharmaceutical industry

Chemical industry Transport

Facts & Figures ■

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Environmental authorities

Annual intake: 35

Waste management

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is ecological. Economic growth carries risks for the environment: increased consumption of resources, larger volumes of waste, use Admission Requirements


Ecotoxicology degree program have the necessary know-how to combine technical, economic, scientific and legal aspects

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree in a related

Administrative Assistant

in order to find solutions for these problems. The degree program offers two specializations: Ecotoxicology and Environ-

field of study from an accredited postsecondary

Mag. Marion Mittelmaier

mental Management. The Ecotoxicology specialization provides specialized knowledge about the effects of materials on

educational institution located in Austria or abroad

T: +43 1 333 40 77-563

all biological levels of the ecosystem. The Environmental Management spezialisation offers comprehensive knowledge

amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits.


of hazardous materials and technologies that harm the environment. Graduates of the Environmental Management and

about the use of alternative technologies in environmental management systems. 14


FH-Prof. DI (FH) Alexander Hofmann, Program Director ”The video game industry now generates higher sales than Hollywood’s film industry. In order to break into this booming industry, you need technical and scientific knowledge – knowledge that students acquire in the Game Engineering and Simulation Technology degree program, the only one of its kind in Austria.”


Course Contents Game engineering (game engine design, efficient

The rapidly growing video and computer game industry

programming and advanced software engineering)

is constantly looking for new specialists. There is a broad

Artificial intelligence and simulation

spectrum of possible careers and graduates of the Game

Real-time graphics, advanced algorithms and

Engineering and Simulation Technology degree program

data structures

are highly sought-after specialists.

3D modeling, animation, sound

Game design and applied communication

Graduates work in the following fields:

Console and mobile platforms

Game development

GameLab (e.g., development of Playstation 3 games)

Cross-platform development

Multiplayer networks

Engine design

Game business (legal aspects, production and

Game design

quality management)

Level design

Game production

Quality management

3D development

Development for simulation and visualization

Facts & Figures

Game Engineering and Simulation Technology Game Engineering und Simulation

Job & Career

Organizational structure: full-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 20

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is playful. Admission Requirements


to create various genres of electronic games. It deals with everything from development to design all the way to

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized

Administrative Assistant

production. Graduates of the program have comprehensive technical, business and legal knowledge. This makes

academic degree from a (technical) university

Marianne Peitl, BSc

them not only ready to work in the creative career field of game development and design, but also to take on the

of applied sciences or university amounting

T: +43 1 333 40 77-562

business-related responsibilities of game production. They can also work in the exciting fields of computer simulation

to at least 180 ECTS credits.


The Game Engineering and Simulation Technology master’s degree program gives students the know-how needed

and visualization or in research. 16


FH-Prof. DI Dr. Martin Reichel, Program Director ”Healthcare and rehabilitation engineers develop intelligent technical rehabilitation devices for prevention, relearning and permanent replacement as well as information and communication systems in the healthcare industry. But they can also take on quality management responsibilities and work with prosthetics. They are the link between equipment technology and information processing in the healthcare industry.”


Course Contents ■

Individually organized master’s thesis project

Graduates of the Healthcare and Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation technology and health telematics

Technology master’s degree program are highly

(planning and implementation, research and development)

sought-after specialists. They have a host of

Technology for prophylaxis and regeneration,

fascinating career opportunities in a wide range

permanent assistive technology

of fields in medical and rehabilitation technology

Utilization and marketing of healthcare and

as well as health telematics.

Healthcare system, medicine

Graduates work in the following fields:

eHealth, electronic health records (EHR)


Management, business and patent law

Rehabilitation technology

Soft skills and English

Medical engineering

Health telematics – eCard, eHealth

Medical computer science

Clinical gait analysis

Orthopaedic technology

rehabilitation technologies

Facts & Figures ■

Organizational structure: full-time degree program (can be easily combined with a career due to 3 days

Healthcare and Rehabilitation Technology Gesundheits- und Rehabilitationstechnik

Job & Career

optimized schedules) ■

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 30

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is alive. Admission Requirements


and demographic developments, and the demand for specialists in these fields is rising fast. Therefore, the master’s degree

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic

Administrative Assistant

program focuses on rehabilitation technology and health telematics (with a strong emphasis on current research and

degree from a university of applied sciences or

Iris Nemec, MSc

development issues) as well as the utilization and marketing of technologies in the field of healthcare and rehabilitation.

university amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits or

T: +43 1 333 40 77-561

The curriculum also includes selected projects, case studies and practical exercises to ensure a good balance between

postsecondary training in a related field (e.g., MTD).


Healthcare, preventive medicine and rehabilitation are becoming increasingly important economic factors due to social

theory and practice. Thanks to optimized schedules, the degree program can easily be combined with a career. 18


FH-Prof. DI Christian Kollmitzer, Program Director “The Industrial Electronics master’s degree program gives students technical and business know-how at the very highest level. Our graduates can look forward to a secure future with excellent career opportunities, especially in the fields of power generation, transmission and distribution and the electronic aspects of urbanization and automation.”


Course Contents ■

Job & Career

Technical subjects (e.g., power electronics, control

The Austrian electronics industry enjoys a very good

engineering, control and measurement technology)

reputation internationally and is always looking for highly

Law and management (legal principles of industrial

qualified employees in order to maintain this position.

electronics, organizational development, change

Graduates of the Industrial Electronics degree program

management, project management)

have the qualifications the industry is looking for and

Languages and personal development (business and

are therefore highly sought-after specialists.

technical English, intercultural communication, presentation techniques, motivation, communications,

Graduates work in the following fields:


Automation engineering

Electronics for power plant construction

Automotive industry and technology


Electrical engineering


Power conversion and distribution (power supply)

Facts & Figures

Industrial Electronics Industrielle Elektronik

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 20

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is industrial. The industry needs highly complex industrial facilities for production – as well as experts who have the expertise to Admission Requirements


qualified electronics specialists, enabling industrial production. The degree program offers specialization areas in the

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized

Administrative Assistant

fields of power electronics and industrial electronics as they are applied in railway technology, power generation,

academic degree from a technical university

Maria Elgner

transmission and distribution and for power adapters for small electronics devices. The core topics of the program

of applied sciences or university amounting

T: +43 1 333 40 77-263

are alternative energy systems, power electronics, drive technology and electrical power supply, as well as control

to at least 180 ECTS credits.


develop and operate these systems. Graduates of the Industrial Electronics master’s degree program are such highly

electronics and process automation. 20


FH-Prof. DI Alexander Mense, Program Director “In our society, information is one of the most important assets for companies and organizations. The efficient handling of information and the comprehensive protection of data are crucial challenges of our time. In view of these circumstances, a wide variety of jobs awaits our graduates.”


Course Contents ■

Job & Career

Information management

Companies and public institutions require specialists that

(e.g., data management, system integration)

understand and can assess the value of information and

Information security (IT security, security structures,

knowledge. In order to make this capital useful and also

applied IT security, security management)

protect it, solutions have to be developed for complex,

IT organization (e.g., information systems

interdisciplinary problems related to the preparation,

& IT management)

storage, transmission and security of information.

Multidisciplinary qualifications (e.g., project management, advanced english communication,

Graduates work in the following fields:

information law, leading teams)

Information management

Data management

IT security

Security management

System integration

Facts & Figures ■

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Information Management and IT Security

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 40

Informationsmanagement und Computersicherheit

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is forward-looking. Information has become an essential resource for companies, governments and societies. This is associated with a Admission Requirements


and information systems has become an absolute necessity. Because information is even the most important form of

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic degree

Administrative Assistant

capital for many companies, the security of data against loss or destruction and the protection of data against misuse

from a technical university of applied sciences or university

Marianne Peitl, BSc

are of the utmost importance. Graduates of the Information Management and IT Security degree program have the

(computer science, information management, business infor-

T: +43 1 333 40 77-562

skills needed to develop concepts and solutions for the handling and protection of information resources while taking

matics or similar fields) amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits.


tremendous increase in the volume of data and as a result, the intelligent and efficient handling of electronic information

technical, organizational and social factors into consideration. 22


FH-Prof. DI Helmut Gollner, Program Director “In the Information Systems Management master’s degree program, we prepare our graduates to work as managers in the IT sector. They are able to develop and implement IT and organizational concepts in all areas of business.”

Part-time and distance study

Course Contents ■

Facts & Figures

ERP SAP and Navision (incl. preparation

Master’s degree program

for MS Navision certification)

Project Management (incl. preparation for

program (in German), distance study degree

certification PMI, PRINCE2)

program (in English)

Business Process Management

(incl. preparation for certification)

Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Systems Engineering and System Integration

Annual intake: 40 (part-time), 30 (distance study)

Data Warehousing

Program duration: three semesters

Mobile Business

IT Infrastructure, IT Security

Double degree program in English

IT Strategy, IT Law, IT Management

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degrees: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc) & Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Job & Career


Information systems managers are highly sought-after

Annual intake: 30

Program duration: three semesters

experts who act as interfaces between the IT department and other specialist departments within a company. Female students in particular are increasingly exploiting this combination of interdisciplinary training with great

Technology is business-oriented.

Academic degree:

Information Systems Management

Organizational structure: part-time degree

success. What distinguishes our graduates is their ability to work in a particularly wide range of occupational fields.

Contact Administrative Assistant (part-time and distance study)

Business informatics covers the technology behind IT management. Shaping and utilizing information and communication and implementing these powerful tools in operational applications systems – this is not just one of the key challenges

Mag. Maria-Christina Fischl Admission Requirements

T: +43 1 333 40 77-365

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic


degree from a technical university of applied sciences or

Administrative Assistant (double degree)

university in the fields of computer science, information

Nikolett Leitner

systems management, business (with IT specialization)

T: +43 1 333 40 77-384

or similar fields amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits.


faced by companies and their employees today, but also represents a significant opportunity. The Information Systems Management master’s degree program gives students the academic expertise to work in middle and upper management where they are responsible for operational information and communication systems. A particular focus of the program is the modern management of information systems. This degree program is offered as distance study degree program in English and as a double degree program (MSc and MBA) conducted in English in cooperation with Kharkiv National University of Economics. 24


DI Dr. Kurt Woletz, Program Director “Innovation – that is successful change. Innovation management is about successfully guiding change. This requires people with a good sense of business, familiar with the latest technological developments, ready to facilitate innovation and with the know-how to successfully guide the process of change.”


Course Contents

Job & Career

Human resources development,

The competent handling of new technologies and the

organizational development

successful implementation of change processes are

Innovation management

extremely important in a location strongly dependent

Project management

on (technological) innovation such as Austria.

Advanced technologies (manufacturing industry)


Graduates find high-profile jobs in the following fields:

Information management


Industrial process design

Electrical engineering/Electronics



Project co-operations with high-tech companies

Mechanical engineering

Elective modules

Information management

Computer science

Medical engineering

Technology-driven added value service providers

Facts & Figures ■

Innovation and Technology Management

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 35

Innovations- und Technologiemanagement

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters*

Technology is challenging. Admission Requirements


and economies. The process of searching for innovative ideas and then successfully implementing them requires the proper

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic degree

Administrative Assistant

organization, a culture embracing new ideas and the commitment of the people involved. Graduates of the Innovation and

from a technical or technical/business university of applied

Tatjana Stadt

Technology Management degree program have the necessary knowledge and gain practical experience through projects

sciences or university amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits;

T: +43 1 333 40 77-565

with high-tech companies that involve the implementation of technology and the management of change processes. They

at least two years of work experience is recommended.


The ability to develop unique and promising products and services is a decisive factor in the competitiveness of companies

are capable of working in project management and managerial positions in many different fields of business. * subject to approval by the AQ Austria



FH-Prof. Emil Simeonov, Program Director “Traffic telematics specialists have expert knowledge of traffic management – on land, in the water and through the air. They develop and implement solutions and technologies to organize all aspects of public and private transportation with the aim of increased safety, sustainability and efficiency.“


Course Contents ■

Satellite navigation

A master’s degree in Intelligent Transport Systems offers

Traffic data aquisition

an excellent basis for a national and international career

Traffic information systems

in the private and public sector as well as in research

Traffic management

and development.

ITS system architecture

Cooperative systems, driver assistance systems

Graduates work in the following fields, among others:

Communication technologies

Traffic management

Computer science

Traffic infrastructure operation and maintenance

Sensor technology

Traffic information suppliers

Transport economy and law

Roadpricing and tolling

Mobility behavior research

Transport companies – waterways, rail, air and road

Facts & Figures

Transport and traffic providers

Organizational structure: full-time degree program

Fleet management and transport logistics

Academic degree: Master of Science in

Automotive industries (producers, suppliers)

Intelligent Transport Systems Intelligente Verkehrssysteme

Job & Career

Engineering – MSc (UAS Technikum Wien), Ing./Master of Science (CTU), Master of Science (LiU) ■

Annual intake: 30

Language: English

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is networking. Whether for traffic management in the traditional sense or for high-tech traffic information systems, satellite navigation,

Admission Requirements


eTicketing, road pricing or section control, our current and future mobility requirements can only be met by intelligent,

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic

Administrative Assistant

secure and efficient management and control applications. Intelligent Transport Systems represents the missing link

degree in a technical field of study from a university

Mag. Stephanie Gubser Moosleithner

between intelligent vehicles, intelligent infrastructure and people. The Intelligent Transport Systems degree program

or university of applied sciences and certification of

T: +43 1 333 40 77-362

is offered as a multiple degree program in cooperation with Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and Linköping

excellent English and mathematics skills as well as


University (LiU). Students can complete parts of their studies at these three institutions and earn up to three separate

basic programming skills.

master’s degrees. For more information, please visit 28


FH-Prof. DI Dr. Erich Markl, Program Director “Now more than ever before, management positions are being filled by outstanding engineers who also possess business expertise and can be assigned interdisciplinary tasks. With this master’s degree, you will be optimally prepared for a management job like that.”


Course Contents ■

Job & Career

Specialization in technical areas (e.g., mechanical and

International business engineers work at the interface

plant engineering, energy and environmental technol-

between technology and business. Accordingly, they

ogies, production technologies and advanced material

work in a wide range of management functions in many

science, design & management of manufacturing,

different areas.

logistics and supply chain management) ■

Business, law and management (e.g., international

Graduates work in the following fields, among others:

finance and controlling, international marketing,

Manufacturing industry

business administration, innovation and technology

Metalwork factory


Automotive and automotive supply industry

Management skills (e.g., human resources development,


intercultural management, communication)

Chemical industry

Logistics and transportation

Information technology

R&D in the natural and engineering sciences

Facts & Figures ■

International Business and Engineering

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 55

Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is international. Admission Requirements


and business. They enjoy managerial success at an international level in pioneering career fields that require technical

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic

Administrative Assistant

and business-related qualifications. The part-time International Business and Engineering master’s degree program offers

degree from a technical or technical/business

Birgit Tichy

exactly the kind of interdisciplinary education with a strong scientific foundation at the very highest international level

university of applied sciences or university in the

T: +43 1 333 40 77-465

and at the cutting edge of technology that is required to excel in these positions. Graduates are optimally prepared for

amount of at least 180 ECTS credits.


International business engineers are innovators and entrepreneurs who work at the interface between engineering

the challenges of the business world and the management positions. 30


Dr. Wilfried Kubinger, Program Director “Mechatronics specialists are highly qualified all-round talents, who understand and combine different special disciplines in order to find an integrative solution. They are well suited to work as project managers in the field of automation engineering or as specialists in research and development.”

Full-time and part-time

Course Contents ■

Mechatronic methods and systems

Thanks to their broad-based education, graduates of

Intelligent manufacturing systems

the Mechatronics/Robotics master’s degree program

Digital factories

are qualified to work in many fields in both the public

Service robotics

and private sectors.

Industrial robotics

Business and project management

Graduates work in the following fields, among others: ■

Automotive industry

Autonomous vehicles

Computer industry

Computer science

Mechanical engineering

Medical engineering

Organizational structure:

Mobile robotics

full-time and part-time degree program

Environmental engineering

Facts & Figures


Job & Career

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 40

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Mechatronik/Robotik Technology is creative. Admission Requirements


the future. Mechatronics/Robotics is a fascinating, technical landscape that combines the traditional engineering disciplines

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic

Administrative Assistant

of mechanical engineering, electronics and computer science. The seamless integration of these disciplines makes it possible

degree (relevant to the field of study) from a

Tina Kiciak

to create products with enhanced functionality and abilities that were unfeasible until now. This increasing complexity

technical university of applied sciences or university,

T: +43 1 333 40 77-472

requires an equally complex, cutting-edge education, which is just what the Mechatronics/Robotics master’s degree

amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits.


Robots are the perfect machines – and we are only at the beginning of a trend that will play a decisive role in defining

program has to offer. 32


FH-Prof. DI Hubert Fechner, MAS, MSc, Program Director ”The market for renewable energy sources is booming! The future of our energy supply lies in the hands of energy system technicians with expert knowledge about systems that save energy and integrate renewable energy sources – particularly in urban areas, where the demand for energy is the highest.”


Course Contents

Job & Career

Energy related urban planning (smart cities)

The efficient use of energy, the increasing integration

Intelligent power supply networks (smart grids),

of renewable energy sources into centralized urban

energy storage systems, energy efficiency of urban

structures, the utilization of all potential in urban areas

power supply systems

and, finally, a holistic approach – these are the challenges

Energy systems in buildings (smart buildings)

of the future for energy system technicians.

Energy industry and energy law

Financing, marketing, management

Graduates work in the following fields, among others:

Socioeconomic analysis of urban power supply systems

Planning, construction, operation and maintenance of

Life-cycle analyses /ecological evaluation of energy systems

Building technology (smart buildings)

Personal development and languages

Energy service

Energy-related urban planning

Interest groups, media

Research and development

Facts & Figures ■

Renewable Urban Energy Systems

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 35

Erneuerbare Urbane Energiesysteme

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

systems for the utilization of renewable energy sources

Technology is impulsive. Admission Requirements


for the kind of experts that are trained in the Renewable Urban Energy Systems master’s degree program. The expansion

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized

Administrative Assistant

of renewable energies and their integration into urban power supply systems, intelligent networks for efficient power

academic degree from a (technical) university

Gabriele Strohmeier

distribution, the balancing of power generation and consumption and holistic approaches to urban power distribution –

of applied sciences or university amounting

T: +43 1 333 40 77-574

these are just a few of the issues covered in the program. The majority of the courses are held at UAS Technikum Wien’s

to at least 180 ECTS credits.


The dynamic growth currently being experienced in the renewable energy sector is creating a great deal of demand

second location, the innovative passive energy office building ENERGYbase. 34


FH-Prof. DI Dr. Robert Pucher, Program Director “These days, software solutions are usually developed by international teams. Our graduates are very well prepared for such international working conditions: They organize and manage software projects at the highest level – all over the world.”


Course Contents ■

Job & Career

Software development (software measurement,

Graduates of the Software Engineering master’s

software quality management, usability,

degree program have a wide range of interesting

user-centered design, software evolution,

career opportunities.

software frameworks, collaborative software ■

development, intercultural aspects)

Graduates work in the following fields:

Media and IT (multimedia information systems,

The software industry

communication, computer graphics and animation,


data management)

IT consulting

Management and law (project management,

Financial services

project controlling and risk management,


legal aspects of computer science)


Master’s thesis: 3rd and 4th semester


Facts & Figures

Software Engineering

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)


Annual intake: 30

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is diverse. Admission Requirements


expect technically sound, high-quality solutions to complex tasks. At the same time, however, these solutions must

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized academic

Administrative Assistant

be simple and quick. In the part-time Software Engineering master’s degree program, students expand their technical

degree from a technical university of applied sciences

Jutta Kofler

knowledge and their management skills in order to prepare themselves to optimally meet the current challenges of

or university with a focus on computer science

T: +43 1 333 40 77-264

software development. The program also covers business and legal knowledge, project controlling and risk management,

amounting to at least 180 ECTS credits.


Modern software development requires tremendous skill due to the diverse and stringent requirements involved. Users

and the handling of software evolution, ensuring a well-rounded education. 36


FH-Prof. Ing. MMag. Dr. Anton Sabo, Program Director “Sports play an extremely important role in our society – not only for healthcare and preventive medicine but also for the economy and tourism. Our highly qualified graduates use their scientific know-how to develop the sports technologies of tomorrow for business and industry.”


Course Contents ■

Job & Career

Engineering (e.g., materials, production engineering,

The sports equipment technology does not compete with

surface technology, computer aided product

the career fields of sports science and athletic coaching,

engineering, applied material development analysis,

but rather supplements them in many areas. Through

applied computer science and simulation, applied

the development and manufacture of optimal sports

biomechanics, bionics)

equipment using cutting edge technology, the sports

Medicine (applied sports medicine, anatomy,

equipment technology industry lays the foundation for

physiology, motion analysis)

record-breaking athletic achievements in the future.

Business, management and languages (e.g., business management, personal development, business English)

Graduates work in the following fields, among others:

Sports practice

Industry (production and process engineering,

Competitive sports

Therapeutic fitness, wellness

Equipment technology

Recreational sports

Sporting events

Performance and competence centers for sports

material and equipment design)

Facts & Figures

Sports Equipment Technology Sportgerätetechnik

Organizational structure: full-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Academic degrees (double degree program): Master of Science in Engineering & Master of Science

Annual intake: 30

Language: German

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is sporting. Sports equipment represents a € 6 billion market in Austria, and the sporting goods industry invests in extensive research Admission Requirements


expertise than ever before. Graduates of the Sports Equipment Technology master’s degree program develop and monitor

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized

Administrative Assistant

the production of optimum sports equipment for the growing sporting goods market. They work in equipment design,

academic degree from a technical university

Denise Sailer

material engineering and research and development. This degree program also focuses on developing and manufacturing

of applied sciences or university amounting

T: +43 1 333 40 77-366

equipment for new trend sports. The master’s degree program is also offered as a double degree program in cooperation

to at least 180 ECTS credits.


and complex technologies. As a result, the industry requires more experts with technical, sports science and medical

with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT). 38


FH-Prof. DI Dr. Thomas Sommer, Acting Program Director ”Our Internet and telecom experts develop the creative communications solutions that ensure the optimum interplay between interactive media and innovative applications in our everyday lives. They work in research and development, product management and sales and distribution management.”

Telecommunications and Internet Technologies Telekommunikation und Internettechnologien


Course Contents

Job & Career

Communication networks and the Internet

Telecommunications and Internet technologies are key

Mobile and wireless systems

technologies for the entire economy. Thanks to their

Digital transmission systems

broad-based knowledge in the fields of Internet technol-

Network technology, network and cyber security

ogies and telecommunications combined with business

Internet applications and services, web technologies

expertise and soft skills, graduates are highly sought-after

Voice over IP, IPTV, unified communications

in many professional fields and companies.

Smartphone application development

Mobile security, malware, cyber crime

Graduates work in the following fields, among others:

Social networks and semantic web

Network engineering and the Internet

Smart home, ambient assistive technologies

Software and system development

Smart meters, smart grids

IT consulting and services

IT project management, IT markets

Energy supply and smart grids

Intercultural communication, dealing with customers

Internet service providers, media and content providers

Home automation, intelligent building engineering

Facts & Figures ■

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Academic degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)

Annual intake: 40

Language: German or English

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is far-reaching. Admission Requirements


areas of business. From Internet services and Voice over IP to network and cyber security, Long Term Evolution, wireless

Bachelor’s degree and/or other recognized

Administrative Assistant

LAN and smartphone applications – in the future, there will be great demand for intelligent, secure and efficient solutions.

academic degree from a technical university

Mag. Agnes Kriz

Responsible for their development are specialists like the graduates of the master’s degree program Telecommunications

of applied sciences or university amounting

T: +43 1 333 40 77-560

and Internet Technologies. The efficient organization of the program and the use of distance-learning elements allow

to at least 180 ECTS credits.


Internet, telecommunications and mobile communication are cross-sectional technologies that play a decisive role in all

students to optimize the coordination of their studies with their work schedules. 40


DI Dr. Carina Huber-Gries, Program Director ”Developing different types of artificial tissue is an exciting challenge for modern medicine. Finding themselves at the crossroads of science and technology, our students acquire both the background knowledge and the methods required to develop new ideas in this interdisciplinary field.”


Course Contents

Job & Career

Cell and tissue engineering

Graduates of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative

Regenerative Medicine

Medicine master’s degree program have in-depth

Biochemistry and cell biology

expertise in the fields of cell and tissue engineering


and regenerative medicine. Combined with the practical


experience gained during their studies, this gives them

Quality management and quality assurance

a wide range of career opportunities in both the public

Business and law

and private sector. Graduates work in the following fields

Facts & Figures

Medical laboratories

Medical research centers

Organizational structure: part-time degree program

Biotechnology companies

Academic degree:

R&D and marketing departments of pharmaceutical

Master of Science in Engineering (MSc) ■

and biotechnology companies

Academic degrees double degree program: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc) & Master

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Tissue Engineering und Regenerative Medizin

of Medical Sciences in Medical Biology (MMSc) ■

Annual intake: 20

Language: English

Program duration: four semesters

Technology is constructive. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are new interdisciplinary fields in biomedical sciences that aim to replace defective parts in the human body. In this master’s degree program students acquire the skills to develop methods to replace injured or diseased human tissue. They receive a technical-scientific education which provides them with a solid background in natural sciences. Ongoing collaboration with research groups at other academic institutions and with the business community ensures cutting-edge know-how and practical hands-on experience.

Admission Requirements


Bachelor’s degree or a degree from a similar study

Administrative Assistant

program in biomedicine, medicine, natural sciences,

Rita Leitner

engineering or health studies (BMA) amounting to

T: +43 1 333 40 77-482

at least 180 ECTS credits.


This degree program is also offered as a double degree program (MSc and MMSc) in cooperation with Linköping University. 42


University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien Technology is exciting!

From a bachelor’s degree to a master’s degree –

Our partners

The bachelor’s degree programs at UAS Technikum Wien A bachelor’s degree program at UAS Technikum Wien is the perfect foundation for a follow-up master’s degree program. The 12 bachelor’s degree programs are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study degree programs:



Biomedical Engineering

Business Informatics

Computer Science

Electronic Engineering Electronic Engineering/Key Area Smart Homes & Assistive Technologies


Distance study

Language German



AIT Austrian Institute of Technology


ANECON Software Design und Beratung

AT&S G.m.b.H.

Beko Engineering & Informatik AG


BRZ Federal Computing Centre

EEP Maschinenbau GmbH

FEEI – Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries

Fachverband MASCHINEN & METALLWAREN Industrie (FMMI)

Frequentis AG

IVM Engineering

Kapsch AG

Knorr-Bremse GmbH

German German

Electronics and Business

Information and Communication Systems and Services


International Business and Engineering



Mechanical Engineering*


Montech AG



OVE Austrian Electrotechnical Association

Rehau GesmbH

Sports Equipment Technology


Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG

Transport and Environment


Schrack Technik

Urban Renewable Energy Technologies


Siemens AG

Wien Energie

* subject to approval by the AQ Austria



Our locations

Hoechstaedtplatz Hoechstaedtplatz 6, 1200 Wien, Austria Arriving via public transportation: Metro: U6 – Dresdner Strasse station Tram: Lines 2, 31 and 33 – Hoechstaedtplatz stop Commuter train: Handelskai station or Traisengasse station Bus: Line 37A – Hoechstaedtplatz stop

ENERGYbase Giefinggasse 6, ground floor, 1210 Wien, Austria Arriving via public transportation: Commuter train: Lines S1, S2, S8 and S9 – Siemensstrasse station Bus: 31A – Heinrich-von-Buol-Gasse stop Media owner: UAS Technikum Wien, Photos: Daniel Gebhart, Wolf-Dieter Grabner, Aleksandra Kawka, Bernhard Wolf, Graphic design: Linie B, Print: Seyss, Wien, as of 2013/14


Contact UAS Technikum Wien Hoechstaedtplatz 6, 1200 Wien, Austria E: Admission counseling: 0800 500 300 (Austria) +43 1 333 40 77-333 (International)

University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien With some 6,800 graduates thus far and roughly 3,300 students, the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien is Austria’s largest purely technical university of applied sciences. The educational offerings consist of 12 bachelor’s and 17 master’s degree programs, which are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study programs. Eight degree programs are taught in English. The educational offerings are based on a solid scientific foundation and are also practice-oriented. At UAS Technikum Wien, emphasis is not only placed on providing a high-quality technical education, but also on subjects with a focus on business and personal development. Close ties and collaborations with business and industry give students and graduates excellent career opportunities. The combination of theory and practice is of central importance in both research and instruction. The research and development activities at UAS Technikum Wien have grown significantly in recent years and are currently concentrated on four research focuses: eHealth, Embedded Systems, Renewable Energy and Tissue Engineering. UAS Technikum Wien was founded in 1994 and in 2000 it became the first institution in Vienna to receive the status of a university of applied sciences. It became a member of the European University Association (EUA) in 2012 and is also a network partner of FEEI – Association of the Electrical and Electronics Industries.

> A Network Partner of the FEEI – Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries

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