MONSTERS OF ART– 20 Years of Havoc

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ON THEON RUN THEBOOKS RUN BOOKS togethertogether form anform encyclopedia an encyclopedia that catalogs that catalogs graffiti graffiti and urban andart urban fromart around from the around world. theSince world.1990, Sincethe 1990, OTRthe team OTR has team builthas an built an ever-growing ever-growing archive, archive, eventually eventually to be donated to be donated to the Museum to the Museum of UrbanofArt, Urban a Art, a

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project presently project presently under development under development as part of as the partCampus of the Campus of UrbanofCulture, Urban Culture, which focuses which focuses on Hip Hop on Hip andHop graffiti andculture. graffiti culture. With every Withtitle, every we title, digitize we and digitize and public. All public. this, All andthis, in keeping and in keeping with ourwith motto: ourKNOW motto:YOUR KNOWHISTORY. YOUR HISTORY.

MoNsTErs oF ArT 20 YEArs oF HAVoC MoNsTErs oF ArT 20 YEArs oF HAVoC

mostmost notorious notorious train train crew,crew, Monsters Monsters Of Of EuropE’s EuropE’s Art, celebrates Art, celebrates 20 years 20 years of train of havoc. train havoc. It is with It is great with great pleasure pleasure that we thathonor we honor their their anniversary anniversary with awith mona monster edition ster edition of ONofTHE ON THE RUN.RUN. Join us Joinforusa for rarea and rare and privileged privileged glimpse glimpse into the into unruly the unruly worldworld of MOAS. of MOAS. With With over over 200 pages 200 pages that detail that detail MOAS’s MOAS’s history history and and unique unique crew crew concept, concept, alongalong with classic with classic tales tales from from the train the train yard,yard, including including greatgreat escapes, escapes, writerwriter beef,beef, legendary legendary busts,busts, extreme extreme graffiti graffiti feats,feats, trains, trains, trainstrains and more and more trains. trains. This This is a must-have is a must-have for allfordiehard all diehard fans of fans train of train graffiti. graffiti. MOAS MOAS blasted blasted onto onto the Copenhagen the Copenhagen scenescene in in 1991.1991. OnceOnce they they had Denmark had Denmark locked locked down,down, MOAS MOAS expanded expanded through through a series a series of high of high profile, profile, internainternationaltional affiliations affiliations to become to become omnipresent omnipresent in Denmark, in Denmark, Europe Europe and now and now the world. the world. TheirTheir infamous infamous working working methods methods have have become become the standard the standard for those for those daring daring to compete. to compete. ManyMany have have attempted, attempted, but most but most fail. For fail. For thosethose willingwilling to try,tobe try,warned, be warned, they they are ruthless are ruthless in- inside and sideoutside and outside the yard, the yard, so proceed so proceed with caution. with caution. MOAS—20 MOAS—20 yearsyears on the on run the and run and still going still going strong. strong. Don’tDon’t listenlisten to thetorumors; the rumors; get the getstory the story directdirect from from the source. the source.

MoNsTErs MoNsTErsoF oFArT ArT

2020 YEArs YEArs oFoF HAVoC HAVoC

preservepreserve original original materialmaterial from various from various key artists, key and artists, bring and their bring story their to story the to the supported supported by by



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