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Enhancing Capital Asset Value through Leading Technologies and Delivery Processes

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FIATECH 2010 Technology Conference & Showcase Program

March 29-31, 2010 – AT&T Executive Conference Center & Hotel – Austin, TX W h e r e t h e B e s t G e t B e t t e r

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Table of Contents

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Welcome from Our 2010 Chair


Conference Schedule at-a-Glance


Keynote Speakers


General Session Speakers


Educational Breakout Sessions


Optional Sessions


Floor Plan


Technology Showcase Exhibitors


FIATECH Board of Directors


Conference Planning Committee


Thank You to All of Our 2010 Sponsors!


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Welcome from Our 2010 Chair

interoperability & ISO 15926, enhanced project management and delivery management, market-ready interoperable solutions that can help your company manage data, and innovative approaches to deploying safe, sustainable and energy efficient capital projects.


hank you for choosing to participate in FIATECH’s 2010 Technology Conference & Showcase. We are celebrating FIATECH’s 10 years of industry contribution, advancement and leadership. The Technology Conference and Showcase is focused on Enhancing Capital Asset Value through Leading Technologies and Delivery Processes.

The main program includes a session on the future direction for FIATECH developed from last year’s strategic planning session. The presentation will highlight FIATECH’s strategic vision for development, deployment and demonstration of technology and practices to advance the efficiency of capital projects. And, you will have an opportunity to provide your perspective and input on the direction forward for FIATECH.

It is has been my pleasure as FIATECH’s Conference Chair to lead the development of this year’s program, working with a highly capable and committed conference program committee. I am confident you will find high value throughout the conference thanks to the leadership and hard work of the committee. To commemorate FIATECH’s first 10 years, the event will highlight FIATECH’s industry-leading achievements, contributions and practices as well as feature FIATECH’s forward vision for continuing development and advancements in capital project delivery. The main program has world class keynote presentations and is full of informative and inspiring presentations on leading topics by a wide range of industry leaders. In addition the track sessions have outstanding content in the following four areas. • Emerging and Market-ready Solutions for Interoperability • New and Innovative Technologies • Achieving Success in Safety, Sustainability, and Energy Efficiency • Academic Research and Advancements These track sessions have over 40 presentations focused on key areas, such asautomating your supply networks, construction automation and safety, building with BIM, integrating new technologies, modeling & simulation,

In addition, we have the Technology Showcase where you can see demonstrations and talk to the solution providers with ample time allotted to test the technology and get your questions answered. You will have a unique opportunity to fill out a Showcase passport and maybe go home with a new Kindle! We will also be honoring the CETI Award recipients on Tuesday evening during the CETI Award Gala which will be hosted by Andrew Guard, IT Director/CAE Director, Shaw Power Group. The Program Committee and all of the FIATECH Board members are excited and proud of the program that will be presented during the next 2.5 days.. The FIATECH consortium provides an opportunity for sharing advancements and future direction for capital project delivery with peer-to-peer exchange and collaboration on emerging technologies and innovative solutions that brings value and benefit to all of the capital project industry. By participating in this event, you will get a chance to see what FIATECH and its members have been achieving in developing, demonstrating and deploying technology and advancements in capital projects and what is coming up in 2010 and beyond. We have designed this event to cross all aspects of the capital project life cycle from planning and design through construction, operations and maintenance -- something you won’t find anywhere else. Thank you for coming to share this unique and valuable experience!

Raymond E. Topping Executive Vice President CH2M HILL (retired)

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Conference Schedule at-a-Glance Sunday, March 28 3:00-6:00

Registration Open

Monday, March 29 7:00-5:00

Registration Open


Technology Showcase Exhibitor Set-up


Managing the Creative Process for Technology Innovation (Optional Pre-conference Interactive Workshop)


Classroom 203

Total System Approach to Productivity Improvement Planning & Implementation (Optional Pre-conference Workshop)


Ampitheater 204

Open Meeting of Software Developers to Discuss ISO 15926 Implementation (Optional Pre-conference Workshop for software developers only)

Classroom 202


Welcome from the FIATECH Board of Directors

Ampitheater 204


Conference Chair Welcome

Ampitheater 204


Welcome from Gregory L. Fenves, Ph.D. – Dean of the Cockrell School of Engineering, UT

Ampitheater 204


Keynote: A Vision of the 21st Century by Gentry Lee – Sponsored by Oracle

Ampitheater 204


FIATECH Overview

Ampitheater 204


FIATECH’s Strategic Look Ahead

Ampitheater 204


FIATECH Projects Update

Ampitheater 204




Educational Breakout Sessions


A Texan BBQ Welcome Reception – Sponsored by Microsoft


Off-site Tour of the UT Tower (Optional; must register in advance)

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Ampitheater Foyer

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Technology Showcase Hotel Lobby


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Tuesday, March 30 7:00-7:00

Registration Open


Breakfast – Sponsored by OnTrack Engineering


FIATECH 101 (Optional)


Conference Chair Welcome

Ampitheater 204


Keynote: Is There an Upside (to This Downsized Market)? by Mark Sherwood

Ampitheater 204


North American Market Sizing Survey - Intelligent and Integrated Technology

Ampitheater 204


FIATECH Project Showcase

Ampitheater 204


Break – Sponsored by AVEVA


Educational Breakout Sessions


Social Networking Technology Luncheon


Lessons Learned from Ras Tanura

Ampitheater 204


Stereoscopic 3D - The Next Wave of Visualization

Ampitheater 204


Jumpstarting Smarter Computing

Ampitheater 204


Break – Sponsored by Bentley Systems


Educational Breakout Sessions


Track Change


Educational Breakout Sessions


CETI Reception – Sponsored by AVEVA


CETI Gala – Sponsored by AVEVA

Classroom 203

Technology Showcase

Tejas Grill

Technology Showcase

Interior Courtyard Grand Ballroom

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Technology Showcase

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Wednesday, March 31 7:00-4:00

Registration Open


Breakfast – Sponsored by Intergraph


Conference Chair Welcome

Ampitheater 204


Keynote: The Electronic Project Management (ePM) implementation for the GSA’s Public Buildings Service by Tom Kollaja

Ampitheater 204


Breaking through the Glass Wall from Design and Construction to Facility Management

Ampitheater 204


Enhancing Quality & Driving Productivity Improvement in the Nuclear Industry

Ampitheater 204


Break – Sponsored by Siemens


Educational Breakout Sessions




Data Mining Cleanroom Energy Benchmarks

Ampitheater 204


5D & Beyond

Ampitheater 204


Information Integration to Improve Capital Project Performance

Ampitheater 204


Passing the Hammer to the New Millenniums; or is that a 3D Metal Printer?

Ampitheater 204


Emerging and Market-ready Solutions for Interoperability

Ampitheater 204


Conference Wrap-up

Ampitheater 204


Break – Sponsored by Coreworx


Committee & Project Meetings


Closing Reception

Technology Showcase

Technology Showcase

Tejas Grill

Technology Showcase


Thursday, April 1 8:00-12:00


Classroom 101


Board of Director’s Meeting (invitation only)

Classroom 107


Roadmap Champion’s Meeting (invitation only)

Classroom 108

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Keynote Speakers

Gentry Lee

Chief Engineer of the Solar System Exploration Directorate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory


ajor biological breakthroughs toward the end of the twentieth century basically guaranteed that not just medicine and health, but also the fundamentals of birth, death, and all phases of life will be drastically altered by continuing discoveries throughout the twenty-first century. But the “Biological Revolution” will be accompanied by equally dramatic change in many other areas. In geopolitics, the complete integration of Europe and the rapid emergence of China, India, and Brazil will create new economic and military alliances. The world will eventually agree to reduce the anthropogenic contribution to global warming, but the exact form of that agreement will evolve over time and ultimately have a significant impact on our daily lives. New Earths will be discovered, planets around other stars, where water is liquid and life is possible. At the personal level, the availability of ever more appealing and sophisticated “virtual worlds” will cause a large fraction of the world population to spend less and less time and energy in the “real world”. What will happen in the 21st century that will alter our daily lives as much as the cell phone and email? How can individuals, groups, and corporations keep track of the dizzying pace of change in so many dimensions and determine which innovations and discoveries will impact them the most? In “A Vision of the 21st Century”, Gentry Lee will address the coming changes and suggest a blueprint for being successful in the decades ahead.


urrently Gentry Lee is Chief Engineer for the Solar System Exploration Directorate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. In that position Mr. Lee is responsible for the engineering integrity of all the robotic planetary missions managed by JPL. His major recent work included the engineering oversight of the Phoenix mission that landed successfully in the Martian arctic in May 2008. Previously, Mr. Lee provided

oversight for all engineering aspects of the twin rover missions to Mars that landed in January 2004, as well as NASA’s successful Deep Impact and Stardust missions. Mr. Lee was Chief Engineer for the Galileo project from 1977-1988 and, after working in a variety of positions on the Viking project from 1968-76, was Director of Science Analysis and Mission Planning during the Viking operations. The historic Viking mission was mankind’s first successful landing on another planet. The Galileo mission explored Jupiter with both an atmospheric probe and an orbiter that mapped the major Jovian satellites during a decade of operations. In addition to his engineering work, Gentry Lee has been an active novelist, television producer, computer game designer, media columnist, and lecturer. Between 1989 and 1994 Mr. Lee co-authored four novels, CRADLE, RAMA II, THE GARDEN OF RAMA, and RAMA REVEALED, with revered science fiction grandmaster Arthur C. Clarke. All four books were New York Times bestsellers and were translated into over twenty languages. Since his collaboration with Mr. Clarke, Gentry Lee has written three more successful solo novels, BRIGHT MESSENGERS, DOUBLE FULL MOON NIGHT, and THE TRANQUILITY WARS. From 1976 until 1981 Mr. Lee was the late Carl Sagan’s partner in the creation, design, development, and implementation of COSMOS, a science documentary series for television that won several Emmys and the prestigious Peabody Award. COSMOS was the most successful nonfiction documentary of its time, eventually being shown in over sixty different countries. Mr. Lee received the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement in 1976 and the Distinguished Service Medal (NASA’s highest award) in 2005. In October 2006 he received the prestigious Harold Masursky Award from the American Astronomical Society’s Division of Planetary Sciences for his career contributions to planetary exploration. Gentry Lee received a B. A., Summa Cum Laude, from the University of Texas at Austin in 1963 and an M. S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1964. He then attended the University of Glasgow in Scotland on a Marshall Fellowship for one year. Mr. Lee has seven sons.

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Mark Sherwood

organizations do to stay on top. Raised in Southern California, but currently calling Denver Colorado his family’s home, Rusty holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and International Finance from USC and an MBA from Pepperdine University.

Vice President, Channel Partners, McGraw-Hill Construction


s we venture into a new decade, and away from a year we’d all just assume forget, the question is what’s next? Will design and construction begin to recover, or will US construction activity bounce along the bottom. And if the market remains tight what are the factors and trends shaping our industry that represent opportunities for some and serious threats to others. Based on McGrawHill Construction’s extensive market analytics and market research this 30 minute talk will explore both a 12 month view of national construction start potential and a longer view on the trends, including the impact of BIM and interoperability, that are transforming design and construction.


ark (Rusty) Sherwood is Vice President, Channel Partners, McGraw-Hill Construction. Backed by the power of Dodge, Sweets, Architectural Record, Engineering News-Record (ENR), GreenSource, and MHC’s 11 Regional Publications, McGraw-Hill Construction serves more than one million customers within the $4.0 trillion global construction community. A senior manager with McGraw-Hill for over 11 years, Rusty has developed, organized and led business development and market strategies for all of MHC’s customer segments including the regional and national AEC community and the national building product manufacturers group. Most recently Rusty co-led the redesign of Mcgraw-Hill Construction’s sales organization shifting structure and methods from “product-centric” to “voice-of-thecustomer” solution teams. Rusty co-founded and chairs the AEC Business Builder’s Forum a consortium of senior level AEC marketing and business development executives convened for the purpose of debate and consideration of present trends, economic issues and best practices shaping our industry. A regular speaker at numerous US construction conferences and events Rusty offers a unique take on the US construction marketplace based on 27 years of industry experience and MHC’s ability to recognize key trends, market potential and what leading

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Tom Kollaja, AIA

Program Expert, Strategic Programs & Professional Resources, National Office of Design & Construction, GSA Public Buildings Service


PM is a critical solution for the GSA to manage new facility construction and renovations of existing government buildings, including court houses and border control stations. Attendees will learn about the ePM solution, the rapid deployment strategy and how the GSA and its design and construction partners will be using the system in addition to GSA projects in Texas and the greater southwest region.


om’s federal career began in April 2006 as Program Expert with the Office of Chief Architect at GSA Central Office in Washington, D.C. He is currently the Business Line Liaison for the Project Information Portal (PIP), manages the PBS Standard Statement of Work templates system and pilot database, the GSA MASTERSPEC Division 1 update, the GSA Order 3490.1 (SBU) rewrite committee, is OCA representative for the PBS National Program Management initiative, and is COTR for the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) and GSA memberships in NIBS, FIATECH, CURT, and OGC. Tom has been a speaker on various programs topics at past GSA PM Conferences in Phoenix, Las Vegas, Seattle and Miami. Since early 2009 Tom has been leading the GSA deployment of an enterprise ePM system, promoting standardization of design and construction delivery processes and fully electronic delivery team collaboration. Tom is a Registered Architect in the States of Texas and Virginia, is certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards and has been a Member of the American Institute of Architects from 1985 to present.

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General Session Speakers



Conference Chair Welcome

Welcome from the FIATECH Board of Directors Tom Hannigan, President, ISG, Zachry; Jerry Gipson, Director, Engineering Solutions Technology Center, The Dow Chemical Company

Conference Chair Welcome

Raymond Topping, Executive Vice President, CH2MHILL (retired)

North American Market Sizing Survey - Intelligent & Integrated Technology Ron Zimmer, President & CEO, Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA)

Raymond Topping, Executive Vice President, CH2MHILL (retired)

CABA and BSRIA (Building Services Research and Information Association) recently launched a “Market Sizing North America - Intelligent and Integrated Technologies” research study. Due to many factors, high performance buildings and integrated systems for intelligent buildings are gaining prominence in the marketplace, especially with end-use stakeholders (i.e., green/sustainable buildings owners/operators, architects, builders/developers).

Welcome from Gregory L. Fenves, Ph.D. Dean, Cockrell School of Engineering, The University of Texas

FIATECH Overview Ric Jackson, Ph.D., Director FIATECH

FIATECH’s Strategic Look Ahead Jerry Gipson, Director, Engineering Solutions Technology Center, The Dow Chemical Company; Tom Hannigan, President, ISG, Zachry; Raymond Topping, Executive Vice President, CH2MHILL (retired)

The research will assist in evaluating the value of the market for integrated and IT-converged solutions; evaluate the proportion of hardware passing through the principal direct and indirect routes to market; quantify the scale of threat from new entrants to this business; analyze and assess what positions are being taken by those in the supply chain; carefully assess how the energy agenda has moved forward and distinguish between hype and substance.

FIATECH Projects Update Neill Pawsey, Project Manager, FIATECH

FIATECH Project Showcase Moderated by Ric Jackson, Ph.D., Director, FIATECH

Kindle Sponsor

• ePlan Review & the ICC Guideline for Replicable Buildings – Saving Energy, Speeding Safety Compliance & Disaster Recovery, Thomas Phillips, Codes Compliance Administrator, Target; Ron Loback, CEO, Avolve Software

Drawing Wednesday afternoon in Technology Showcase. Must be present to win!

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• A Happy Marriage for ISO 15926 & BIM, Francois Grobler, Research Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ERDC-CERL; Neill Pawsey, Project Manager, FIATECH • Academic Committee: Research Solutions for Industrial Problems, Sami Kazi, Ph.D., Chief Research Scientist and Research Coordinator, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Allan Chasey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Arizona State University

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Wednesday Lessons Learned from Ras Tanura

Conference Chair Welcome

Bob Donaho, Project Director, Ras Tanura Integrated Project, The Dow Chemical Company

Raymond Topping, Executive Vice President, CH2MHILL (retired)

Stereoscopic 3D - The Next Wave of Visualization

Breaking through the Glass Wall from Design & Construction to Facility Management

Alex Shows, Stereoscopic 3D Technologist, Office of the CTO, Dell

Deke Smith, Executive Director, buildingSmart Alliance

Stereoscopic 3D technology is rapidly moving to the mainstream, from Hollywood movies to computer gaming to online virtual reality to more traditional CAD, engineering and scientific applications. This presentation will include experts and demonstrations of the latest in 3D technology and outlook for the near future.

For hundreds of year’s facility managers have had to rely on their own capabilities to operate new facilities, because often marked up construction drawings were slow to arrive and were not truly representative of the final facility. Yet now a new day may have arrived that the design and construction world may be able to deliver true as-builts, but the FM community is slow to warm to the idea. How does the industry change this culture to the new thinking? This session will look in depth at one such situation at the University of Southern California and discuss other ways such as the use of construction operations building information exchange (COBIE).

Microsoft Point of View – Jumpstarting Smarter Computing Brian Zeve, Managing Director, Microsoft Professional Services Industry Solutions

Microsoft offers architecture, engineering and construction firms unique capabilities for creating value -- improving productivity, accelerating service delivery by connecting professionals, sharing knowledge and know-how, enabling business insight to gain visibility into project performance and lowering IT costs. Skip ahead for a vision of the future, where information is seamlessly identified, consumed and shared while reviewing major advancements in technology offering a roadmap for the future including smart devices, smart sensors, natural user interface, presence technologies, auto-classification, virtualization technology and cloud-based computing.

Enhancing Quality & Driving Productivity Improvement in the Nuclear Industry Moderated by Reginald Gagliardo, Senior Vice President, Burns & Roe; Kevin Gribbin, Director-Integrated Management Systems, Intergraph

• Creating a Configuration Information Management System with Advanced Database Integration Technology, Bill Rice, Director, Systems, Components, and Configuration, Westinghouse • Approaches to the Verification and Validation of Data & Documentation in the Current Generation of New Nuclear Design and Build, Dale Whitchurch, New Units Solutions Architect, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy • Automation in Work Flow Processes Addresses Client Demands in New Commercial Nuclear Programs While Enhancing Quality & Driving Productivity Improvement, John DeBruin, Vice President Nuclear Engineering Power Group, URS • Lifecycle Information Management for Nuclear Facilities – A Next Generation Approach, Thomas Ellis, Director of IT, UniStar Nuclear Energy; Andy Webster, Partner, Accenture

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Data Mining Cleanroom Energy Benchmarks

new investments, this approach provides a process, a maturity model and an integration opportunity assessment tool. These tools and associated assessments should aid efforts in corporate planning, education, and development of specific implementation plans. The tools and assessment processes reviewed in this presentation will help companies move forward no matter its current state.

William Tschudi, Principal Investigator, Applications, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Energy benchmarking in cleanrooms provides a high level understanding of energy end use and key systems’ performance. Energy performance of air or water systems for example helps to identify energy efficiency opportunities and points to best practices. When LBNL benchmarked a number of cleanroom facilities, however, additional information was captured. In “mining” this data, additional insight can be gained in how systems are designed and operated. Understanding the range of possibilities can influence future design and operation leading to better performing systems. This presentation will discuss some of the less obvious findings from the benchmarking project.

Passing the Hammer to the New Millenniums; or is that a 3D Metal Printer? Robert Middlebrooks, Industry Programs Manager, Autodesk

5D & Beyond Zuhair Haddad, Vice President Corporate Affairs and CIO, Consolidated Contractors Company; Rayan Jreije, Manager 3D Integration, Consolidated Contractors Company

This presentation will share CCC’s success in using 5D technology and tools for site planning and construction activity management and control.

Information Integration to Improve Capital Project Performance Bruce Strupp, Technology Director, CH2MHILL

This presentation summarizes research done through a 2008-2009 CII research team. Research Team RT 258 addressed the current state of information integration practice among CII member companies and offers processes and tools to help them improve. The current state of information integration practice in the industry is generally viewed as well below the potential of current technologies – even for leading firms. To help firms make a systematic assessment of their current information integration practices and plan for

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The New Millenniums, a generation that is raised on models and virtual environments, will find the arcane methodology of two-dimensional drawings redundant and unintelligible. This iPod App generation is clearly the most connected we’ve ever seen, tolerating nothing less than instant answers. Modeling and leveraged analysis tools now provide better techniques for us to design, analyze, test, refine and perfect proposed solutions. Even construction, possibly the world’s oldest profession and most difficult to change, now sees model based coordination, pricing, sequencing and even fabrication as an efficient workflow continuum. These new attitudes and perspectives may clash with the realities of the design and construction process, but the groundwork for change to empower them is happening today. Ultimately the new millenniums will be gifted with tools and techniques that will empower them to meet their challenges.

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Emerging and Market-ready Solutions for Interoperability, Driving Asset Life Cycle Benefits Thomas Struzik, Domain Architect, Engineering Information Management & Tools and Barbara Migl, Discipline Technology Leader, Engineering Information Management & Tools at The Dow Chemical Company

Wrap Up Jerry Gipson, Director, Engineering Solutions Technology Center, The Dow Chemical Company

Building on past success and a history of excellence in capital asset life-cycle management, 10 years ago Dow Chemical defined a vision of integrated engineering, construction and operations that would use lifecycle data management to bring a step change in safety, reliability, and engineering productivity. We then dedicated significant resources to make that vision a reality. It is a long and continuing process, we have learned what the challenges are, implemented new value-adding capabilities, and with all of you are laying the foundation for continued and even accelerated progress toward what has become our shared vision for the future. It is only through new models for collaboration, with FIATECH as an example of new thinking and innovation, that results both achieved and anticipated are possible.

If you would like to receive Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for the conference email Pam Wooten-Griggs at

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Educational Breakout Sessions Monday

Green Track: Achieving Success in Safety, Sustainability and Energy Efficiency Classroom 202

Enhanced Project Management


Moderated by Andrew Guard, IT Director/CAE Director, Shaw Power Group

Red Track: Emerging and Market-ready Solutions for Interoperability

• Institutionalizing Your Company’s Project Delivery Process, Stephen Cabano, President/COO, Pathfinder

Ampitheater 204

Putting Engineering Information to Work

• A Practical Approach to Earned Value Methodology, Mike Milinusic, P.Eng., President, OnTrack Engineering

Moderated by Patrick Holcomb, EVP Business Development, Intergraph

• A Portal Called ALIS: Leaner, Cleaner, Cheaper Interoperability for Your Engineering Data, Andrew Hall, Senior EDM Systems Coordinator, Woodside Energy • Leveraging Your Data: Decision Support for Rapid Commercial Evaluation of Engineered Equipment Suppliers, Bill O’Brien, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin; Marcelo Azambuja, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University • Availability of Quality Reference Data Globally, Nils Sandsmark, Ph.D., General Manager, POSC Caesar Association

• Eco-footprint Management: A Long-term Business Benefit, Not Just a Short-term Trend, Antony Bourne, Global Industry Director, IFS

Orange Track: Bonus Classroom 102

Work Packages, Materials & Project Specifications–Efficiently Manage The Future Today Moderated by Allan Chasey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Arizona State University

Blue Track: New and Innovative Technologies Classroom 203

Modeling, Simulation Moderated by Todd Sutton, Business Unit Manager – Project Controls, Zachry

• Use Simulation Models to Optimize Project Team Fitness, Russell Cusimano, Principal, ePM and Tim Doran, Head of Facilities and Project Management, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics

• Interoperability Work Packages & Material, Dan Slade, Manager Construction Automation, Jacobs • Intelligently Managing Your Codes, Standards & Engineering Specifications, Leon Gorbaty, Founder and CEO, The Engineering Essentials Company (TEEC) • Why and How ISO 15926 Must Succeed: A Software Vendor’s Perspective, Andrew McBrien, Director, Product Management, Aspen Technology

• ConstructSim on Motiva Crude Expansion Project, Cheryl Brackett, Lead Work Pack Engineer, Cianbro Constructors; Eric Crivella, Plant Construction Executive, Bentley Systems • Building Information Modeling: How It’s Changing the Process in Which the AEC Industry Is Carrying Out Their Business, Paul Francis Loreto, President, Paul F. Loreto architect inc

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Tuesday Red Track: Emerging and Market-ready Solutions for Interoperability Ampitheater 204

Blue Track: New and Innovative Technologies Classroom 203



Interoperability & ISO 15926

Automating Your Supply Network

Moderated by Neill Pawsey, Project Manager, FIATECH

• A Working Perspective of Interoperability & ISO 15926, Duane Toavs, Director, Human Centered Design Institute, Emerson; J. P. Blake, Director, Project Delivery Group, Hatch

Moderated by Francis Rabuck, Director, Technology Research, Bentley Systems

• Work Process Technology for Mega Capital Projects, Joel Gray, Senior Product Manager, Coreworx; Steve Harper, Department Manager, Facilities Engineering, Fluor Offshore Solutions

• Using an ISO 15926-based Schema to Manage Catalogs & Specifications to Improve Project Execution and Performance, Renee Lamoreaux, Information Solutions Manager, CH2MHILL; Rob Brawn, P.E., Director Automation Systems Integration, CH2MHILL • Interoperable OpenPlant and ProjectWise Lifecycle Solutions Implementing Latest ISO 15926 iRING Protocols, Manoj Dharwadkar, Ph.D., Director, Data Interoperability, Bentley Systems

2:55-3:55 Management Tools for Construction Automation and Decision Improvement

• Utilization of RFID, Yu-Tzu Chen, Assistant Clinical Professor, Drexel University • Global Material Management Solution (GMMS), Reginald Hunter, Director, Next Generation Productivity Solutions (NGPS); Chuck Hanebuth, CEO, HAL Inc.; Ken Long, Vice President Business Development, Panprojects/Panalpina

2:55-3:55 Laser Scanning & 3D Imaging Moderated by Todd Sutton, Business Unit Manager Project Controls, Zachry

Moderated by Marc Krichman, Director of Product Marketing, Meridian Systems

• Construction Automation Strategy for the Dow Chemical Company, Shanaya Averill, CAE Engineering Specialist, The Dow Chemical Company • The SMARTboard, Paul Jagen, Global Energy Leader, DuPont • Communicating the Critical Design Elements - 2D & 3D; What’s the “Right D”?, Don Jacob, VP of Engineering, Bluebeam Software

• Shining a Light on “As-Built” Nuclear Facilities with 3D Imaging, Al Casas, PLM Sr. Energy Oil & Gas Consultant, Dassault Systèmes • Field Construction Implementation of Laser Scanning, Jayan Mundakkal, Construction Automation Manager, Bechtel Construction Operations; Steve Jennings, America’s Sales Manager, PPP Division, Trimble Navigation; Dave George, Commercial Manager, Strategic Accounts Division, Trimble Navigation

4:00-5:00 New Innovations in Technology Moderated by Richard Sappe, E&C Industry Strategist, Oracle

• Dashboards & Reports: Leveraging Data for Operational and Strategic Advantage, Erik Horn, Skire; Chris Macon, Manager of Program Control Systems, University of Texas System • Maximizing Value from the Structural Supply Chain, Paul Daynes, Head of EPC Division, AceCad Software

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Purple Track: Academic Research

Next Gen Wireless

Classroom 202

Moderated by Francis Rabuck, Director, Technology Research, Bentley Systems


• Mobile Satellite Services: Creating Efficiencies for the Construction Industry, Simon Curran, Market Development, Inmarsat

Integrating Technology

• Private Wireless Broadband: Cost Effective Connectivity for the Worksite, Chip Yager, Director of Operations, Mesh Network Product Group, Motorola

• Strategic Research Roadmap on Information & Communications Technology (ICT) to Enable Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Sami Kazi, Ph.D., Chief Research Scientist and Research Coordinator, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Moderated by Jerry Gipson, Director, Engineering Solutions Technology Center, The Dow Chemical Company

Green Track: Achieving Success in Safety, Sustainability, and Energy Efficiency

• Integrating Technologies to Locate Underground Utilities, Allan Chasey, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Arizona State University

Classroom 202

10:45-12:00 A Smart and Safe View to Construction


Moderated by Dake Stagner, Director of Turnaround Services, Zachry

The Role & Potential of Mobile Solutions In Capital Projects

• Sentinel PRO®: Managing Hazardous Work in a Smarter Way, Mike Neill, President, Petrotechnics USA

Moderated by Sami Kazi, Ph.D., Chief Research Scientist and Research Coordinator, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

• TCS Way to Green Buildings, Samir Menon, Head, Client Relationships, Eco Sustainability Service, Tata Consultancy Services

• User Acceptance of Mobile IT, Neill Pawsey, Programme Manager, COMIT; Andrew May, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow, Loughborough University

Congratulations to All of the 2009 Award Recipients

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• Improving Safety in Urban Excavation with Mobile Information & Visualization Technologies, Vineet Kamat, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan; Sanat Talmaki, Research Assistant, University of Michigan

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Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Red Track: Emerging and Market-ready Solutions for Interoperability

Purple Track: Academic Research

Ampitheater 204

Construction Automation

Building with BIM Moderated by Marc Krichman, Director of Product Marketing, Meridian Systems

• Barton Malow: BIM beyond Clash Detection, Jason McFadden, Project Manager, Barton Malow Company; Corinne Ambler, Project Engineer, Barton Malow Company; Andy Dickey, Business Manager – Construction Group, Tekla; Josh Kanner, VP of Marketing, Business Development, Vela Systems • Integrated BIM & Program Controls for a New Healthcare Campus - Case Study of Program Delivery Technologies for the New Parkland Hospital Campus in Dallas, Patrick Casey, Director Design & Construction, Replacement Hospital Program, Parkland Health & Hospital System; Shelly Sipes, Eastern Regional Manager, Enterprise Collaboration Solutions, Critigen • Implementation of a Web-based BIM Server Platform for the Texas Facilities Commission, Jordan Brandt, Ph.D., Director of Business Development & Co-Founder, Horizontal; Chris Tisdel, Director of Building Information Modeling, Texas Facilities Commission

Classroom 202 Moderated by Dake Stagner, Director of Turnaround Services, Zachry

• Ethical Protocol for Virtual Supervision to Monitor Construction Operations, Lahiru Silva, Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Calgary; Janaka Ruwanpura, Ph.D., Canada Research Chair, Director and Associate Professor of Project Manager, University of Calgary • Lessons Learned From “i-Booth©” Construction Projects, Janaka Ruwanpura, Ph.D., Canada Research Chair, Director and Associate Professor of Project Manager, University of Calgary; Lahiru Silva, Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Calgary • Automated Multiple Object Tracking System (AMOTS), Tharindu Weerasinghe, Research Assistant, University of Calgary; Janaka Ruwanpura, Ph.D., Canada Research Chair, Director and Associate Professor of Project Manager, University of Calgary

Blue Track: New and Innovative Technologies


Classroom 203

2010 Member Meeting

Web-Based Implementations Moderated by Lisa Hogle, Program Manager, Arizona State University

October 4-6, Philadelphia, PA

• The Engineering Internet - Making the Web Work for Us, Aaron Freedman, Principal Technologist, AVEVA • Biometric Employee Identification on Capital Projects, Firas Hijazi, Head of Business Systems Unit, Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC); Evan Smith, CEO, Eye Controls

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Optional Sessions Monday 8:00-12:00


Classroom 203

Classroom 202

Managing the Creative Process for Technology Innovation: An Interactive Workshop

Open Meeting of Software Developers to Discuss ISO 15926 Implementation

Jorge Vanegas, Ph.D., Dean, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University; Francis Rabuck, Director, Technology Research, Bentley Systems

Ric Jackson, Ph.D., Director, FIATECH

This special meeting is for all software developers who attend the conference, member or not. This meeting will provide an opportunity for software developers to discuss issues that are common to you all and that FIATECH, as a community can address, in a meeting environment free of your customers. In particular, now that we are moving forward to develop a self-sustaining entity for the furtherance of ISO 15926, we will be especially interested in whatever issues you might face in delivering off-the-shelf products that are compliant to that standard. We will also brief you on the project plan for the 2010 ISO 15926 Operational RDL/WIP Project.

This interactive workshop will focus on general creativity principles, processes, and mechanisms that organizations can use to manage technology innovation more effectively and efficiently. Inhibitors, obstacles, and barriers to creativity and innovation will be discussed, together with enablers, obstacle-removers, and barrier-breakers to overcome them.

8:00-10:00 Ampitheater 204

Total System Approach to Productivity Improvement Planning & Implementation Reginald Hunter, Director, Next Generation Productivity Solutions (NGPS); Todd Sutton, Business Unit Manager - Project Controls, Zachry; Gary Wyka, CTO, NGPS; Ken Long, Head of Panprojects USA (Panalpina Inc.); Chuck Hanebuth, CEO, HAL-Inc.

This interactive workshop introduces a structured approach to realizing productivity improvements from a total system solution perspective. Techniques for identifying, analyzing and ranking existing systemic and non-systemic inefficiencies in information flows, material flows and work flows will be discussed in conjunction with strategies and cost/benefit analysis methods associated with potential productivity improvements. This workshop also describes the purpose and structure of a comprehensive Productivity Improvement Plan and incremental implementation strategies.

Tuesday 7:00-8:00 Classroom 203

FIATECH 101 Ric Jackson, Ph.D., Director, FIATECH; Board Representatives

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FIATECH’s director and representatives from the FIATECH Board of Directors will provide an overview of the FIATECH consortium. This is a great forum for new members or those thinking about joining!

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Room 210

Classroom 101

Scenario-based Project Planning Project Meeting



Richard Sappe

Classroom 107

Classroom 203

Engineered Equipment Life Cycle Application Tools (EELCAT) Project Meeting

Board of Director’s Meeting (invitation only)

Sharon Bickford


Ampitheater 204

Classroom 108

Projects Committee Meeting

Roadmap Champion’s Meeting (invitation only)

Neill Pawsey & Gary Barnes Classroom 108

Membership Committee Meeting Jerry Gipson

Classroom 107

Academic Committee Meeting Allan Chasey, Ph.D. & Sami Kazi, Ph.D.

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Floor Plan

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Technology Showcase Exhibitors

Arizona State University




ceCad is a leading supplier of software solutions to the international structural steel industry since 1986, with core business areas in the Building and Construction, and Plant Industries. AceCad has over 2000 customers in 80 countries, with international operations in over 20 offices, supporting a global network of sales, support and services. At FIATECH 2010, AceCad Software will be featuring its recently launched StruPLANT evolution suite that enables complete interoperability through the Structural Supply Chain. StruPLANT evolution uniquely integrates the work processes of engineering, fabrication and construction companies to design, manage and collaborate effectively to reduce steelwork design, fabrication schedules, and construction time and costs.



ith 35 offices worldwide, Aconex is the world’s largest provider of online document management and project collaboration solutions for Engineering and Construction projects. Our neutral platform facilitates industry-leading levels of adoption on even the most complex Industrial and Power projects, involving multiple organizations, dispersed teams and critical timelines. Effective collaboration is essential and good information management is the key to addressing some of the challenges faced by asset owners, engineers, project managers and other project participants Aconex complements internal, behind the fire-wall systems and existing project controls by bridging the gap between companycentric information management and cross-project collaboration. We standardize project-based document management, vendor data management, workflows and correspondence management and in doing so, reduce cost, drive efficiency, and mitigate risk. Aconex is used by world-class asset owners and EPC firms around the globe.

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SU is building bridges to connect academia with industry in an effort to enhance education and research. CREATE, a research consortium focused on advanced technology facilities at Arizona State University, has developed a training method combining hybrid (on-line and resident) courses utilizing technology as a method to provide an educational platform to better prepare our workforce for the challenges of today’s increasingly complex facilities. CREATE has also capitalized on this out of the box thinking to allow professionals the opportunity to gain the necessary technically focused knowledge while maintaining their focus on upgrading their skill set. Other projects include teaching construction management students the basics and benefits of BIM, utilizing lasers and GPS as a more accurate way to locate utilities. CREATE has also developed a competition to introduce and excite High School students to ‘green’ construction.



spenTech in Engineering - AspenTech is a leading supplier of software that optimizes process asset creation for EPCs and licensors, and process manufacturing for energy, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other industries that manufacture and produce products from a chemical process. With integrated aspenONE solutions, process engineering organizations can implement best practices that reduce time to market, improve engineering workflow and optimize their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. As a result, AspenTech customers are better able to shrink cycle time, increase capacity, improve margins, reduce costs and become more energy efficient. AspenTech fully supports the ISO 15926 initiative and has released productized vendor neutral interface capabilities based on the ISO 15926 standard. To see how the world’s leading process manufacturers rely on AspenTech to achieve their operational excellence goals, visit



VEVA is the world’s leading engineering software provider, whose vision and commitment have completely redefined the plant, power and marine industries. An active member and supporter of FIATECH, AVEVA is honored to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of this consortium with other industry leaders who want to

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identify and accelerate the development of integrated and automated technologies.

cycle-time, while providing improved risk mitigation and team safety.

At the FIATECH technology conference, AVEVA will showcase its lifecycle management and Open PLM solution, AVEVA NET, which provides a powerful, ISO15926-compliant information management hub to control, link, evaluate and deliver all types of data regardless of the application and format.

Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in1984, Bentley has more than 2,800 colleagues, offices in more than 50 countries, annual revenues surpassing $500 million, and, since 1993, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions. Nearly 90 percent of the Engineering News-Record Top Design Firms are Bentley subscribers. Bentley is committed to open systems and interoperability and has been a member of for more than five years. We have senior representation on the Board. For additional information about Bentley, visit

A highlight at the conference will be a presentation by Woodside, one of Australia’s largest oil and gas E&P companies, where they will present their Engineering Data Management roadmap and further demonstrate their successful integration of AVEVA NET. Please join the Woodside case study Monday afternoon during Track 1: Emerging and Market-ready Solutions for Interoperability.



volve Software Corporation is the maker of ProjectDox®, and a market leader for ePlan submission, review and tracking solutions for governmental jurisdictions. ProjectDox can be integrated with a range of government software products, providing a rapid and friendly path to paperless plan submission and managed document workflows for secure, optimized customer service and control. ProjectDox also supports web access to digital assets for inspections and cross-departmental (emergency services, Homeland Security, FEMA) first response and disaster management/recovery. Cities, counties and states from east to west – such as Clark County Nevada, San Bernardino California, the City of Atlanta, Maricopa County in Arizona, the State of Idaho and the City of Miami in Florida have chosen ProjectDox for its comprehensive capabilities, flexibility and support for environmental and resource conservation.

Bentley Systems


t the Conference, Bentley will be showcasing OpenPlant Modeler V8i, the first 3D plant modeling software based on ISO 15926. OpenPlant Modeler is both more versatile and productive than any existing “3-D piping” application. Also, we will be demonstrating the features and benefits of the NEW ConstructSim V8i solution. ConstructSim V8i supports the construction process by increasing productivity, driving down costs and reducing project

Bluebeam Software


luebeam PDF Revu is an intuitive, affordable PDF solution for engineers, designers and construction professionals. Create high quality PDFs with the click of a button from AutoCAD, Revit, SolidWorks and Office, or convert batches at a time. Markup and edit PDF drawings and documents with customizable, industry specific symbols to share information electronically, access and manage files with ease, perform quantity takeoffs on screen with built-in measurement tools, and more. Visit our booth to learn how Bluebeam PDF Revu can improve the way you communicate and share data on projects and pick up a free trial CD.



MiC ( is the leader in creating the most complete, integrated and advanced enterprisewide software solutions for the construction and capital project owner industry. For over 35 years, CMiC has worked closely with some of the largest and most technologically progressive construction and project owner firms in North America, granting CMiC insight into the unique business needs of the industry. From that experience, CMiC has created CMiC Open Enterprise v10, the most advanced construction software solution on the market. Combining an incredibly flexible technological infrastructure with a philosophy of total integration, CMiC Open Enterprise v10 improves productivity, enhances communication between all project stakeholders and increases interoperability.

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oreworx Inc. provides project information control and automated workflow management for mega capital projects in the energy infrastructure and resource sectors. The Coreworx solution is a proven web-based enterprise software system that enables engineering and construction contractors and owner/operators to automate best practices and improve performance throughout the entire project lifecycle. With Coreworx, our clients - companies such as Fluor, Chevron and BHP Billiton - benefit specifically with mitigated commercial risk, improved control, workflow scheduling, and reduced costs. Coreworx services a portfolio of projects valued at over $500 billion across more than 50 countries, on more than 400 capital projects with nearly 70,000 users. Visit us online at

Dassault Systèmes


s a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Dassault Systèmes (DS) brings value to more than 100,000 customers in 80 countries. A pioneer in the 3D software market since 1981, DS develops and markets PLM application software and services that support industrial processes and provide a 3D vision of the entire lifecycle of products from conception to maintenance to recycling. Our solutions for the Energy & Process Industry seamlessly cover end-to-end processes for the conception, definition, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of equipment, facilities and assets. The Dassault Systèmes portfolio consists of CATIA for designing the virtual product - SolidWorks for 3D mechanical design - DELMIA for virtual production - SIMULIA for virtual testing - ENOVIA for global collaborative lifecycle management, and 3DVIA for 3D lifelike experiences. For more information on Dassault Systèmes and our solutions for the Energy and Process Industry, visit


ability and control. A GMMS proof-of-concept has been deployed at the Panprojects facility located near the Houston Airport to validate and demonstrate the solution. This deployment allows all aspects of the system to be refined without disruption to any construction job site and enables ongoing evaluation of productivity improvement systems and technologies.



FS Applications is a global leader in Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and enterprise resources planning (ERP) software functionality designed to maximize enterprise value during an entire asset lifecycle. IFS speaks to the entire design, operate, maintain (DOM) process. Industrial facility designers and those who operate and maintain those facilities need to work together closely to improve plant efficiency and business profitability over time, and this is precisely what IFS Applications for asset management is designed to enable.



nmarsat has stood at the forefront of mobile satellite services for 30 years. We are internationally recognised as pioneers in our field and we continue to introduce new technologies that redefine the standard for our industry. Inmarsat has developed a comprehensive portfolio of land based satellite solutions that deliver real value to organizations globally across a broad base of sectors. Construction, Oil & Gas, Mining, Government and Media customers, amongst others, rely on the Inmarsat satellite network for voice and IP data services, enabling them to increase their efficiency, reduce operating costs and compete more effectively in an increasingly challenging business environment. Our services are delivered through the most versatile and reliable satellite network in the world. We own and operate 11 satellites in geostationary orbit 35,786km above the Earth, controlled from our HQ in London. Our customers know they can rely on us for mission-critical mobile communications.


MMS (Global Materials Management Solutions) represents a collaboration of established construction industry logistics (Panprojects), data (Hal) and material management (NGPS) suppliers working in concert with Owners, EPCs, fabricators and various organizations to realize end-to-end materials visibility, predict-

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Intergraph Process, Power & Marine


ntergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) is the world’s leading provider of enterprise engineering software for the design, construction and operation of plants, ships and offshore facilities. Our customers rely on Intergraph software to create, manage, and use critical engineering data to increase productivity and provide for safe and clean operations. As the industry’s market leader, we provide the future of engineering - today.



he iRINGUserGroup is an open online community of users, companies, and organizations who use, are considering using, or are developing or deploying ISO 15926 Part 7, 8, & 9 implementations. This workshop will provide a face to face setting for the discussion of iRINGUserGroup activities and future planning. The vision/strategy, benefits, and direction of the iRINGUserGroup will be presented and discussed.

Meridian Systems


eridian Systems, a Trimble Company, is the PlanBuild-Operate technology solutions leader for project-based organizations (PBO2). Building owners, construction and engineering firms, and public agencies use Meridian software to effectively manage capital building programs and facility assets. Meridian offers construction project management and infrastructure lifecycle management solutions that reduce project costs and schedules across the plan-build-operate project lifecycle. To learn more about how project-based organizations are benefitting from Meridian solutions, download a user study from FMI by visiting:

OnTrack Engineering


nTrack Engineering ltd addresses the projects controls layer of Fiatech Road Map. With OnTrack Project Manager single point data entry integrated software you automate in real time via the Internet the functions of cost control, procurement, contract management, material management, planning, financial transactions and document control. OnTrack Project Manager is SOX compliant and uses earned value methodology in progress measurement and cost reporting of the engineering, procurement and construction functions.

OnTrack Engineering Ltd has been in the project controls business for 25 years and OnTrack Project Manager Software have been internationally used for the last 13 years on thousands of projects ranging from few millions to over a billion dollars.

Siemens PLM Software


iemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services with nearly 6.7 million licensed seats and 63,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas , Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products. For more information on Siemens PLM Software products and services, visit



kire, Inc. is the leading provider of capital program, integrated workplace, and project portfolio management software. Founded in 1998, Skire developed our flagship Unifier platform based upon our first-hand understanding of our customers’ need for a system to better manage a portfolio of projects and facilities across the lifecycle. Skire has now become the recognized market leader in providing capital program lifecycle management software for owner-operators from a wide range of industries across both he private and public sectors. Skire’s flagship Unifier™ platform provides customers unprecedented visibility and control across the lifecycle of facilities, projects, and assets. Unifier is a 100% web based, collaborative platform offering a rich tool set that includes business process automation; project cost and schedule control; document, asset and resource management; collaboration, and powerful dashboards and reporting. The enterprise-class platform is easily configured using Skire’s uDesigner™ to match the client’s exact data and business process requirements in a graphical drag-and-drop environment, without requiring software programming expertise.

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Tata Consultancy Services


ata Consultancy Services provides world class IT services, Business Solutions and Outsourcing to businesses across the globe delivering positive and assured results. It has helped asset intensive organizations worldwide become agile, resilient and proactive by providing them with the finest of solutions catering to entire asset lifecycles. TCS provides innovative solutions in Engineering & Design, Energy Efficiency & Eco Sustainability and Asset Lifecycle Management space and helps you derive the maximum value out of your assets. For additional information about TCS, visit

TEEC – The Engineering Essentials Company, LLC


EEC – The Engineering Essentials Company, LLC is an entity incorporated in 2009 to lead the consistency and interoperability of engineering codes, standards, and specifications across all industries worldwide. TEEC is developing commercial computer software applications and software solutions to efficiently create and edit technical documents while separating the data from the presentation. The content will be manageable and interoperable with other business processes and applications. TEEC products and services benefit many engineering, architectural, construction, manufacturing, and other industrial disciplines and markets by enabling them to save man-hours on projects, derive higher returns from fixed resources, and improve overall quality and reliability by strict compliance to specifications. TEEC’s SpecWave® suite of specification authoring and productivity tools leverage simple-but-powerful XML technology and are first-of their kind, state of the art, highly intuitive, highly integrated and automated, and based on innovative, patent-pending, electronic methods. “Intelligently Managing Your Codes, Standards, and Engineering Specifications”

experts, over 27% or $600 billion is lost each year from construction inefficiencies, errors and change orders. Theometrics (translation = “God’s measure”) is the art and science of precision measurement and navigation in and on construction sites. It is creating the “New Standard and Best Practice” by which architectural and construction measurements are performed world-wide. With lasersharp accuracy, Theometrics navigates users from any point on any CAD (Computer-Aided Design) drawing or BIM (Building Information Modeling) model to the exact field location.

Trimble Power, Process and Plant


n the industrial plant environment: safety, productivity and cost reduction are critical elements for success during plant design, construction and ongoing operation & maintenance. Power, Process and Plant addresses these needs by providing innovative positioning solutions that transform the plant workflow process. Our solutions allow highly accurate position data to be captured quickly and discretely, which: – contribute to increased worker safety though discrete measurement and reduced plant exposure time; – increase productivity by delivering fast, accurate data with minimal impact to plant operations or project timelines; – reduce costly rework by providing accurate existing condition data that enables correct, data driven decisions.

Harnessing the breadth of Trimble’s offerings, including 3D laser scanning hardware and software; Power, Process and Plant provides a comprehensive range of positioning solutions for the plant lifecycle. Our solutions are utilized in the Oil & Gas, Power Generation and Manufacturing industries, including Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Metallurgy. For more information, visit



here is a new digital measurement system on the market that will help eliminate construction errors that lead to waste, inefficiency and higher construction costs. The construction industry is the second largest industry in the world, with a global output of $4.6 trillion annually and $1.6 billion every year in the US. According to the

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Conference Planning Committee

FIATECH Board of Directors

Ray Topping - Chair

Jerry Gipson – Chair

CH2M HILL (retired)

Richard Allen


Allan Chasey

Arizona State University

Reginald Gagliardo Jerry Gipson

Burns and Roe The Dow Chemical Company

Andrew Guard

Shaw Group

Tom Hannigan


Lisa Hogle Patrick Holcomb

Arizona State University

The Dow Chemical Company

Ray Topping – Vice Chair

CH2M HILL (retired)

Dave Anderson


J.P. Blake


Buddy Cleveland

Bentley Systems

Harry Daglas

Dassault Systèmes

Mark E. Fusco

Aspen Technology

Reginald Gagliardo

Burns and Roe


Andrew Guard

Shaw Power Group


Zuhair Haddad

Consolidated Contractors Company

Marc Krichman

Meridian Systems

Tom Hannigan


Francis Rabuck

Bentley Systems

Richard Sappe


William T. Murphy

Dake Stagner


Stephen H. Makredes

Todd Sutton


Frank Matthewson

Abdul Samad Kazi

Patrick Holcomb

Intergraph DuPont Target Bechtel

John McQuary


Derek Middlemas


Ray Simonson


Jorge Vanegas, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University

Emeritus James B. Porter, Jr.

DuPont (retired)

K. Keith Roe

Burns and Roe

Ex-Officio Wayne Crew

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Be Sure to Join Us Next Year!

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Thank You to All of Our 2010 Sponsors!

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Your Passport to Cool Tools and Solutions! Visit the companies within our Technology Showcase area, learn a little about what they do, and get that space stamped! Submit your completed entry (all spaces stamped!) at the registration desk by Wednesday at 1pm for a chance to win a Kindle! You MUST be present to win at the afternoon break on Wednesday!


Theometrics Dassault Systèmes



OnTrack Engineering

TCS Siemens PLM Software











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Bluebeam Software Meridian

University of Calgary




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