Fiat Lux Vol.XXVIII No.2&3

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by D. Martinez and R.

J. Barbosa

This 2018-2019, NrC has

undergone a series of renovation which focuses primarily on the safety and security enhancements with more than PlIp. 500 million as budget, affirmed by Ms. Rosalie Dimaano, Exerutive Vice President (EVP) for

Finance, Administration, and rooms, enhancement in bathrooms, Students' Services. The renovaand construction of the canteen extion projects are expected to be tension which will provide the stucompleted before A.Y.2019-2020. dents a lounge andstudyarea. These The 90-year old institution upgrades would offer a variety of goes on a massive renovation and physical spaces for NTC commurestoration which prioritizes the nity. As a matter of fact, according upgrading of offices in the Ad- to Engr. Rolando Arcega, Head of ministration building, installation ....--------------------------, of air-conditioning units in class-

Congratulations to our Lamplighter graduates!

Second Semester Enrollment hits 15% Mark

• Cynthia Recto, BSEdBiologicalSdence- Editor-in-Chief (2017-2018) • Mayen Armamento, BSEd English - Assodate Editor (2017-2018) • Joanna Mae Acain, BSEd English - Managing Editor (2017-2018) • Carla Christel Salgado, BSOA - Managing Editor (2018-2019) • Iemimah Keren Carag, BSEd English -News Editor (2017-2018) • Lindsy Eunice Lalisan, BSEd Physical Sdence -Filipino Editor (2016-2018) • Ma. Angelique Dacutin, BSEd Filipino - Filipino Editor (2018) • Red Candaza, BSEd Physical Sdence - Fil.Ed Understudy (2017-2018) • George Miguel Liwanag, BSEd English - Layout Artist (2016-2018) • John Hubert Capito, BSEd English - Cartoonist (2017-2018) • Christine Mae lagurin, BSEd English - Photojournalist (2017-2018)

by Claire Mabutas

The college student population in the second semester reached 4,932 and hit the 15% mark as

compared to 4,204 of the second semester of the previous academic year. The Office of the Registrar issued the summary of enrollment where among the five colleges ofNTC, the College of Education (COE) got the highest number of enrollees with a total of 1,832 in its BSEd and BEEd programs. It was followed by the College of Accountancy and Business (CAB) with 1,275 headcount, while the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management (CHTM) trailed next with 830. The College

3 LET results fluctuate News


of Information Technology (CIT) came next with 500 student enrollees, and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) had the lowest number of enrollees with 495. According to Dr. Agnes Sunga, Registrar, since NTC has been under the Ayala administration, the number of enrollees increased due to several factors such as the open admission policy; improvement in school facilities, and the advertising campaigns headed by Mr. Ramy Hocson, Chief Marketing Officer. NTC now actively uses sodal media and other web platforms to inform the public of the vision and mission of AC Education



NTC'sVPAA Newest

Facilities and Security Department, the fully renovated Accounting, Registrar, and Admissions offices are expected to be completed before the enrollment opens for the first semesterofAY2019-2020. As regards the renovation in the Administration building, the I.... 7

The graduates of 151 st Commencement Exercise are set to march on June 1,2019 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC). The theme of this year's graduation rites is "NTC: Nurturing Transformative Citizens:' The schedule for the Graduation Ball, with the theme "Starry Night: A Night to Remember", is on April 29, 2019, and the Baccalaureate Mass is on Ma 30,2019. /

20 Isports


NTC, Muting Maglalaas Malrikula Belite




December 2018 - March 2019

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Science Club pits I-debate and Annual Quiz Bee by Dexter Martinez

The Science Club conducted its 1st I-debate and annual quiz bee, with the theme "Science for the People", on January 23,2019 at the Social Hall. This was participated in by the Science majors and interested students.

"Innovation for Collective Prosperity" was the topic for the Innovation debate, dubbed as I-debate, which was conducted from

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n.. The aim of the debate is to educate the students as regards scientific and technical innovations in the country. The panelists were Mr. Romeo Robino Jr., Adviser of SSAC,Ms. Jennifer Alarcon, Program Head of BEEd, and Mrs. Jennifer Consing, Head of Science Department. The winners of I-debate are as follows:

The annual quiz bee ''Brainwhich ran from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

iac" followed I-debate

and participated in by non-Science majors. The following were hailed as winners:

Jon Ray Luciano Dean Francois Magalong (BSEd-Social Studies)

1st Place

Iazel Iapson (BEEd-SpEd) 2nd Place

Alvin Patrick Asis (BSEd-TLE) Ronaldo Sese Jr. Therese Baybado (BSP)

3rd Place

Ariel Borja Angela Betic

1st Place

Jerimiah Colesio Iona Mangulabnan

by Hannah Sofia Quitaleg¡

Jayson Dennis Sadang Alexander Joseph Harder

2nd Place

Frank Abelar Jean Mangulabnan Daniella Panican Sylvester John Navarro

3rd Place

Allea Enriquez Seiji Hiraoka Hannah Lee Cillo Fiona Racines 4th Place

Ivan James Brillantes Jon Delos Reyes

Math Club celebrates Math Day by Carla Christel Salgado

The Mathematics Club celebrated the Mathematics Day in showcasing the problem solving skills and logical ability ofNTCians. The event happened on January 25, 2019 at Social Hall. The affair was supervised by Ms. Marissa G. Rocha and Mr. Roderick Z. Morales, elected and appointed advisers of Mathematics Club. In the morning, the UltimateMath Wizard Quiz Beewaspartidpated in by COE students. The winners are as follows: Major Category Jericko Tablatin


Armand Jeremy Zulueta

1st runner up

Hanz Kristian Aguila

2nd runner up

Micaela Lauchengco

3rd runner up


Fiat Lux welcomes First HUMSS Interns


Jake Ace Sulit and Diana Nicole Alba -Science Majors


Alvin PatrickAsisand John Mark Belamino - T.L.E.Majors

1st runner up

John Nino Chacon and Ysabel Narvaez - English Majors

2nd runner up

Joy Marie Dela Pefia and Shera Cabug -English Majors

3rd runner up

In the afternoon, the Cine-Math and Mathalentado was joined by MathematicsMajorswheretheypresenteda shortvideocliprelatedto Mathematics.The Math majors also showed their talentsin dancing, singing, and acting. The winners for Cine-math and Mathalentado were from 3rdyearBSEdMathematics.

Fiat Lux, the Official Student Publication of The National Teachers College welcomed the 14 students from Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) to accomplish their internship from March 12 to 29,2019. The Fiat Lux accommodated internship from Senior High School. The first batch of interns are aspiring journalists who are determined to learn and experience the life of writers in a publication including the covering of an event, data gathering, writing news stories and other articles, sharing of their realizations and learning from the whole day. The following are the names of the first batch HUMSS interns: John Mel Morada, Daniela Marie Bustamante, Ma. Chricel Arado, Mary Joyce Sta. Cruz, Noelle Mortillero, Ianiel Ann Kaye Dela Cruz, Carla Grace Rogador, Joseph Alvior, Princess Nifi.a

Garcia, Mouline Sagun, Keith Candice Cruz, Hannah Sofia Quitaleg,AubreyRoseRivera,and Stephen KyleAcio. The Fiat Lux staff has given their support and contribution for bringing out the best of the HUMSS interns by immersing them into news media activities. Furthermore, the actual immersion program became meaningful with real-lifeexperiences and knowledge on the works of a journalist such as collecting, writing, and distributing news and articles. The actual immersion program would not be possible without the help of their two advisers, Ms. Jennifer Alarcon, English Adviser; and Mrs. Ruth Balagat,Filipino Adviser. The essential keys of campus journalism the interns have learned throughout their immersion will be their guide as they enter the world of media.


December 2018 - March 20 19

Page 3

NTCians attend YMCA Nat'. Congress

NTC launches E.T.

by Gayle Faith Mortel

by Dexter Martinez

Explore, Learn, and Enjoy! These are the words to remember as the Administration launched the English Tuesdays (E.T.) on January 15, 2019 at the Science Quadrangle with the activities which were participated in by NTCians. As regards the second phase on the Three-Development Phase of the Administration, the English Immersion Environment (EIE) was implemented to engage the students, Administration, faculty; and other staff in speaking and learning the English language fluently and effectively. The highlight of the event was the Acting Contest which was partidpated in by students from elementary to college. Each of the partidpants picked a clip from a Filipino movie and translated it to English. The winners are as follows: Elementary Department

1st place

Student Government

2nd place


3rd place

High and SIS

Everyone is expected to participate in the said program; though this is non-punitive. Every Tuesday; individuals who practice and exert an effort to speak English will win and receive special prizes.

LET results fluctuate by Roy Jerome Barbosa

The results of the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) held last September 2018 was released in November of the same year. The overall ratings for this year's examination are 65.28% for Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) and 34.35% for Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd). Compared with the recent results, BSEd exam results slightIy went up to an 82.33% passing rate, with 247 NTCians making the cut, out of 300 first-time takers from last year's 82.14% or an equivalent of 184 out of 224 examinees. Meanwhile, BEEd examresultswentdown, witha50% passing rate or 77 out of 154

first-time takers compared to last year's 64.67% or 97 out of 150 examinees. The repeater examinees pulled down the overall percentage of NTC in the board examination with a passing rate of 2.63% or two among the 74 BEEd repeaters and a 26.52% or an equivalent of 35 out of 97 BSEd repeaters. Since 2015, the over-all percentage for BEEd slid down from 51.60% to 34.35%; while, the BSEd graduallyincreasedits rating from 52.14% to 65.28%. The table below shows the comparative result of the LET passers of BSEd and BEEd programs for the past four years.

NTC was among the 41 schools that attended the 43rd annual YMCA National Congress of College Students and 23rd YMCA National Campus Club Adviser's Seminar- Workshop held at Senior Mess, Teacher's Camp, Bagnio City last December 3 to 7, 2018. The delegates from NTC were Agakhan Indol, President of NTC College- Y Club; Gabriel Emmanuel Gabral, President of Student Government; Ricky Dolores, Litrato; Eugene Kier Amplayo, Buwan ng Wzka2017Spoken Word Poetry Champion; Cynthia Recto, George Miguel Liwanag, Gayle Faith Mortel, Fiat lux; Cristine Joy Balido and Maria lann Porras, BSEd English. With the theme "y Minds: Citizen with Advocacy': various seminars and activities were conducted with regard to leadership, volunteerism and responsiveness. Atty. Eduardo Pilapil, President of YMCA Philippines discussed about "Servant Leadership" which he defined as service by example. Mr. mac Diaz, Executive Director

of MyShelter Foundation Philippines expounded on ''Humility and Volunteerism." Mr. Diaz believed that the 21st century youth has every potential to contribute and to transform the world if humility and volunteerism are practiced. Ms. Consuelo Zapata, Chief Culture and Arts Officer in the Cultural Center of the Philippines shared her points about ''Responsibility and Integrity" dting that one must be responsible enough for his/her every action. She also encouraged the audience to appredate the Philippine culture more. Similarly; a seminar about "Nurturing Positivity" was attended by Club Advisers. They were taught about managing the organizations in a positive way to enrich and enlighten the relationship between them and their members. Aside from the seminars, delegates also joined different contests such as Quiz Bee, English and Filipino Essay Writing, Extemporaneous Speaking, Poster Making, Spoken Word Poetry; Debate, and Photography contest. They I'" 9

T.L.E. Department convenes for Home Economics Day by Matthew De Castro

The Technology and Livelihood Education (T.L.E.) Department celebrated the Home Economics Day on December 19,2018. The event was led by the H.E. Club Officers. Different activities were held and participated in by T.L.E. Majors and other interested NTC students.

At 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n., a Food Bazaar was put up at the Science Quadrangle to showcase the HE. Club's entrepreneurial skills. Simultaneously with the Bazaar was a T.L.E. Quiz Bee held at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n. at the Lecture Room. The winners are as follows:


Major Category 65.28%



Yula Agustin & Arlene Eguila (On-Campus Majors)

1st place

Vedasto Verso & Laarni Villaluna (3rd year Majors)

2nd place

Ruth Faith Beltran & Leviejoy Damagan (Off-Campus Majors)

3rd place

60 52.14% 51.60%

: 5~




40 I


Non-major Category





2016 •


2017 BSEd



Gavin Malala & Catherine Denise Tabuzo (Biological Science Majors)

1st Place

Kate Allen Tan & Jon Ray Luciano (Social Studies Majors)

2nd Place

Angela Mariz Betic & Jean Louis Fidel (Biological Science Majors)

3rd Place



December 20 18 - March 20 19

Page 4


Roy Jerome Barbosa Editor-in-Chief

Carla Christel Salgado Managing Editor

Hazel Joy Cuanan Gayle Faith Mortel Man. Ed. Understudies

Franz Peter Gugol Juanito Legaspi Lay-out Artists

Reuben Ivan Albacea Filipino Editor

Jet Rivas Cartoonist

Matthew De Castro Claire Mabutas Dexter Martinez Kaidee Mae Mauleon

In the face of any change, NTe remains constant from its avowed Mission as the COUlltry's pioneering educational institution that reaches out to the marginal group by keeping the tuition feeaffordablewithout sacrificing the quality of education. This vision is, likewise, supported by the current Administration. With the tagline: ''Simple

beginnings; Remarkable Endings', the AC Education holds a lot of promise for the NTC community. As dted in Mr. Alfredo Ayalas message, the Administration envisioned the school to be the top college with the aim of delivering both good quality and affordable education which produces industry-ready professionals, and with good quality comes the important variables in play: strengthened school personnel, equipped learning fadlities and upgraded laboratories for the 21st century learners, and heightened security and administrative processes to ensure the safety and quick office transactions in the Institution. In 2019, there have been noises heard within the walls of the campus; these were the sound of the major renovation projects and the clamor of the students as

regards the tuition fee increase. It was during the 3rd Kapehan session held on March 28 when the Fiat Inx asked the admins about the renovation in the Main Building. Kapehan is a table meeting organized bytheAdministrative staffand Dr. Ma Elma Cordero, Head of the Office of the Student Affairs, uniting all student leaders where they were able to be vocal as to their concerns, suggestions, and recommendations with regard to the issues discussed in the meeting. Ms. Rosalie Dimaano, Executive Vice President (EVP) for Finance, Administration, and Students' Services, affirmed a budget estimate of more than PHp. 500 million prior to the renovation project. According to her, the Administration invested on a lO-year bank loan to subsidize the initiatives of the First Phase in its Three-Phase Development Plan. It can be noted that the First Phase is for the enhancement in school personnel, fadlities, and academic processes and systems. Moreover, the EVP mentioned about the priority of these upgrades were primarily on the safety and security enhancements. However, with the ongoing renovation projects comes the assumption of the students in line with the schools application for

tuition hikes. The clamor brought about the students worried for the renovations to be reason behind the proposed increases. On a consultation meeting happened on February 26, Dr. Jennifer Buen, Assodate Vice President (AVP) for Finance, proposed a 3% tuition fees increase which will also help to fund the initiatives of the Administration. Nonetheless, according to her, the increases will be implemented upon the approval of the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd). As these profits will help the Administrations key initiatives; therefore, all are intended for establishing the schools foundation for greater heights in providing a wider access to quality education. In this regard, we, as students need not to criticize in a negative perspective; instead, we should all be optimistic as to the Administration's plans for the betterment of our Institution. With these major renovation projects, an emerging culture of receptiveness to innovation prompts NTC to move forward and to stay relevant in the ever-changing world These changes will fOrtify not only the schools infrastructure but also strengthen its integrity and its culture, enabling to pursue a shared purpose of the Administration


Anne Rasco



Mrs. Ruth Balagat Filipino Adviser

Ms. Jennifer Alarcon English Adviser Contributors

Romeo Robiiio Jr. Professor

Cynthia Recto Former Editor-in-Chief

Joanna Mae Acain Former Managing Editor

George Miguel Liwanag Former Lay-out Artist

Ma. Angelique Dacutin Former Filipino Editor


Mae Jagurin

Former Photojournalist

Hannah Sofia Quitaleg SHS Intern

with the NTC community. On the other hand, the late NTC President, Dr. Priscilla Y Arguelles, shared as her introductory message from the NTC 80th Founding Anniversary magazine for the School Staff

'May I address the Faculty and the Administrative staff members by saying that what is important isfor you to look ahead as you continue to make quality educationfor the Youth under our care:'



2018 - March 2019

Reality in Motion


available but I was particularly interested to apply as a Photographer. "What better way to know

your school by capturing important Christine Mae Iagurin events, since I never attended one"

Through The Lens Out of the blue, a former student of mine from APEC SchoolsPateros, where I spent myoff-campus practice teaching journey; sent me a message through Facebook Messenger saying, "Can you give

me an advice on what I can do to improve myself?" It took me a few minutes to respond because I struggle with it, too, just as how I try to fight with my daily struggles and be productive. Truth be told, I was never the type of person who gives pieces of advice to someone, but I realized how important to give one because she looks up to me. As I type my cliche answers, I looked back on how I got this far. Reminisdng my early college days in NTC: an irregular student with no friends; no one to share my five-hour break time, no one to tell how my classes went. Although I wasn't completely alone in my first two years, there are just no permanent friends to be with. I have no motivation to attend my classes to the point that I almost flunked all the subjects and exceeded the allowed number of absences. I even spent most of my days being exdted to go home. As I enter my third year, still with no sense of belongingness, I managed to find company when I took my majors. Meanwhile, I am still disconnected to the people around me, until I joined the school publication. Various positions were

I pondered But, the catch was, I know nothing.abo~t photo~phy other than taking pictures usmg a smartphone. With the help of my co-majors, they pushed me to try. First day in Fiat Lux. I was assigned to cover an event of the Social Sdence Department. As expected, the results of my taken images were either dark or blurry. Alongside was the social anxiety which makes it hard for me to be in front and find a decent spot to take pictures. I even misplaced the cap of the lens and did not even bother to return the camera in its bag. It'ssafeto say that I failedmyfirst assignment. Comparing myself from my first day to what I've had in the after numerous experiences - from battling the weather, regardless of the heat and rain, thirst and sweat, shaking legs from hunger, and editing more or less 500 pictures, I can attest that the responsibility of being a Photographer, then a Photojournalist in Fiat Inx has shaped me as to who I am today. Fiat has made me eager, responsible, and confident. Fiat has unlocked things that were never present to me, things that I also applied when I became a student teacher. These values contributed in my growth, not just as a student but also as a hurnan being. As Ileavemybeloved school,my fuur-cornered haven will be gone, too. But its shine will never cease as long as there arelamplighters.

''Bloom where you are plamed" -Saint Francis de Sales


what are you eating?" I just smiled and replied, "Hotdog, meat loaf, corned betf, ham, and chicken; these are my favorites!" As to why I don't

Menu for Tomorrow ''Hindi po ako kumakain ng gulay, seafood atay, at baboy. Umiinom lang po ako ng tubig kapag kailangan tapos, kaya ko pong uminom ng tatlo hanggang limang baso ng kape at soft drinks:' This is what I've shared after a professor asked us in the class about our eating habits. Surprisingly; all my classmates reacted and asked me, "So,

eat healthy foods? Simply because I don't like it and I stand by that principle. The following days after that discussion, I became ill which would likely cause my actual death. On the 29th of January 2019, I was brought to our school clinic and the doctor said I have asthma which I never had before. The doctor ordered laboratory tests and procedures for blood and urine analysis. He, then, gave me prescriptions and a note to my professors indicating that I have

graphic designing and layouting. Imagine, an always tardy, C student, arguing on equal grounds with NTCs cream of the crop-recogGeorgeMiguelLiwanag nized for their leadership, academic achievements, and representation in Med" m? No. Well done. co~tests o~si~e .the ~ on the IU • tOpICSof objectivity, desgn, grammar, The College of Education (COE) and journalism- seems improbable, is an amalgamation ofhonor roll stu- right? But that is exactly what hapdents, exemplary leaders, bom ed- pened during my tenure as a lay-out ucators, and a few wanderers. In the artist, and a member of the Board of COE, students who do not excel in Editors. A group of people asking classes, tardy, and barely pass are few 'why?" instead of dismissing an arandfarinbetween. Excellingisthe de- gument, valuing the opinion of every fault expectation for educators. How member of the publication instead would you instill greatness upon the of only select group, and rewarding future ifyou, yourself; are mediocre? merit and hard workwith tuna sandBefore everything else, one must wiches and pancitfrom v. Mapa. realize that mediocrity is inevitable. At first, Fiat Inx required me to One cannot be the best at anything come to school daily due to the arand everything that they do, some- ticles and deadlines, but eventually one will always be better than you I found myself corning to the office in some aspects; but, just because at every moment available, looking they are better at studying, drawing, for ways to contribute to the paper. writing, teaching, or what have you, Fiat made me fOrget my self-cateit does not make you any less of a gorization as a "mediocre' student person. and made me really look at who I As said by countless articles, am outside the classroom - an opingrades aren't everything as these are ionated individual that will argue till the quantifications of the assessment I am convinced or satisfied with the of skills/competendes required in final outcome. a particular course/subject. Grades Mediocrity might be inevitable, are not an evaluation of who you are but anyone can change their peras an individual or your place in the spective of one; self You might be world Being a "mediocre' student mediocre in academics, but you can myself, an exception in Fiat Lux, is also be the next Mozart, Picasso, or clear to me. I entered the publication Zuckerberg. You just haven't found through the push of Dr. Evangelina what you're good at. Find yourQ. Mallillin which, while she might se1f, join a dub/organization, go not even remember doing so, I am to interviews, ta1k to people, and deeply thankful for-without which, discover who you are inside and I would probably still be wandering outside of the dassroom; because, the hallways ofNTC looking for the once the time has come and the rooms of my subjects. years have gone, you'restillyou,and I started out as an English youshouldknowwhoyouare. Writer, but I guess my terrible writing "Reea your sense of injury and the led to my editors and former lay-out injuryitselfdisappears:' artist to see my meager skill in -Marcus Aurelius

Laying it Out

to rest for a couple of days. Exhausted with pain, it was hard to absorb all of his advice. One thing I understood, that time my health was compromised After a couple of weeks, I thought Iwasalreadycured-butno,itworsened Everyday; I suffered headache, sore throat, and cold There were also rashes that appeared on my skin and face. That day; I had to absent for a week because of body pain and high fever. From then on, I realized that the root of all these was because of my unhealthy lifestyle. Not everything I

want is good for me and not everything I dislike is bad for me. Sometimes, what I don't want to intake is essential. So now; I should invest on a healthy body by eating green leafy vegetables; avoid drinking too much sugar and addic drinks, and taking adequate sleep. Indeed, you only live once. We only live once and we are expected to live it the best way we can. Therefore, I advise to students like me, be responsible in every action you make. You should not always forget your health and have disdpline in everything you do.


December 20 18- March 2019

Page 6

NTC's Ne\Nest VPAA by Carla Christel Salgado

''NTC is a 9O-year old school I have only read and heard about it through dasses in the history of Philippine Education. I knew few things about it. When I came in, I thought it was a 'sleepinggiant'. Its been hereforever but people might not have heard much about what it has done and what it could stilldo." -Dr. Edizon A. Fermin Various changes have transpired with the Ayala Administration at the helm. As a matter offact, they have established their initiatives with regard to enhancement of personnel, infrastructure, and academics. This year, the Administration appointed Dr. Edizon A. Fermin as Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) of NTC to oversee curriculum design and the delivery of programs from basic education to advanced studies. According to Dr. Fermin, the students of NTC have the qualities of willingness to learn, being transformative, and flexible which are essential for the good foundation of 21st century youth.

excited to support all activities and programs of the College and get employed on a job that suits their program. The same way; he advances for "SVLIT' education at NTC. SVLIT is an acronym for: S is Saya, he believed that the NTC is a happy place to stay in while studying; U is Unawa, he believed that each student has struggles in life and the school offers the necessaryhelp to respond on these; L is Lingap, as NTC should care for the member of the community that they can rely in whatever circumstances they have in order to aid the necessary needs; I is Ingat, so that everyone will see NTC as a safe place regardless of an individual's belief and preference; and lastly; T is Trabaho, as he envisioned the students landing on a job that can support and help their families and the community. As a student, Dr. Fermin is desirous to learn. He is a man of interest for he is fond of reading books, writing, painting, running for fitness, and dancing; he is also into board games particularly; scrabble. These interests reflected onto his profession as he received recognitions as the UP Gawad

'1 would like to see the students of NTC that they are having fun in their quest for learning across all levels, and that they are thrilled to Tsanselor bilang Pinakamahusay tryout new things in learning,"he na Di-gradwadong Mag-aaral ng asserted. Furthermore, his plans Sektor ng Batas at Agham Panfor the NTC community are to lipunan in 2000 and the Miribe Engaged, Excited and Employed which stands for 3 Es, Dr. Fermin believed that students should engage themselves and be

am College President's Awards for Research in 2005 and 2010. Moreover, he was chosen as the youngest recipient of the Professional Achievement Award of the

UP College of Education Alumni Assodation in 2014 and became the first recipient of the Oscar M.

Lopez Award for Traniformative Educational Leadership in 2016.

member of the Learning Area Team for Languages in DepEd's Technical Working Group on t h K-12CurricuThe National Education,

The Lopez Award is the highest ~-~ level of recognition given by the Lopez Group of Companies people and organizations demonstrate performance excellence in their fields. Dr. Fermin mentioned about his affiliations in the international honor societies such as Phi Kappa Phi and

Gamma Mu. Phi Kappa Phi encour-


ages and recognizes superior scholarship in the area of study and promotes democracy and unity of education, while Pi Gamma Mu encourages and promotes academic excellence in social sdences that nurtures scholarship, leadership, and service. In his affiliations, he wrote and refereed various articles, delivered lectures, and facilitated trainings concerning e-Iearning literacy; teacher education, sociolinguistics, student affairs program development, and curriculum development in different parts of the country and overseas. With regard to his profession, Dr. Fermin became the co-chair of CHEd's Technical Panel in Teacher Education and a chief consultant of the National Executive Education Assistance Committee through the Fund for Assistance to Private Education in 2019. Also, he worked as a

and the Higher Education Commission of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines. Having spent 18 years of service at the Miriam College, Dr. Edizon Fermin served in different posts as the High School Principal, Director of Basic Education and Director for Innovation Development. He earned his degrees in Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in English and minor in Filipino, Master of Arts in Language, and Doctor of Philosophy in Filipino at the University of the Philippines- Dilirnan. Now that NTC has an honorable and dedicated man who envisions true excellence in the academe, the NTC community hopes and looks forward to a better academic future with Dr. Edizon Fermin, our new VPAA at the helm.


December 20 18 - March 2019


Mrs. Ruzol flies to U.S. by Matthew De Castro

Among the 30 delegates from different schools around the Philippines, Mrs. Jocelyn Ruzol, a faculty member for the College of Education (COE) of The National Teachers College (NTC), went to Washington D.C. from February 18 to 27th, to attend a u.s. Study Program sponsored by the Resource for Educators and Academic Professionals (REAP) of the REX Group of Companies, a private teacher training organization. After a long search for the school's delegate for Washington DC, Mrs. Ruzol was chosen by Dr. Edizon Fermin, the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), to attend the u.s. Study Program. Dr. Fermin is also the Advocacy Coordinator of REAP which financed the expenses of



the program. In Washington nc, Mrs. Ruzollearned about the "WholeChild Tenets" where its objective is to make the students healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged through their learning experiences in schools. She observed that this vision is similar to the Administration's ''Learner-Centered approach" utilized in our Institution. Mrs. Ruzol also shared that the Association for Supervrsion and Curriculum Development (ASCD) gave them a tour to some of the schools in Washington, DC .. These were Discovery Elementary School, Arlington Career Center for High School Vocational Subjects, and Oakridge Elementary School, where they were exposed to

different learning environments. From these schools, she observed that the students were very active and responsive in learning. In addition, the usage of gadgets and advanced technologies as teaching materials are observed, and the traditional teaching materials such as flashcards, charts, and diagrams are still in use where the students are equipped with effective learning. With these techniques, strategies, and methods presented at the US Study Program, Mrs. Ruzol took this as an opportunity to learn more about the enhanced educational technology which will also be beneficial for the College.

NYC renovation gears up

entrance is widened and the national heroes will be replaced by the figures of Dr. Flora Ylagan and Dr. Segundo Infantado Sr., the school founders Part of the upgrading of the School is the installing of the structural cabling, internet, data and voice system in school offices and classrooms. In fact, the Go- W!fi is now fully operating and students can enjoy the free internet access inside the campus. Also, reroofing and water proofing of the campus

buildings is one of the priorities in room and faculty offices are also in the renovation. progress. In addition, the athletes will beMs. Rosalie Dimaano, EVP come more motivated in the sports for Finance, Administration, and studio with the provided sports Students' Services, discussed the equipment. E-libs will also be avail- information as regards the budget able in our libraries for students' allocation for the renovation of the wider access to educational tech- campus. According to her, I, nology. The developing and the Administration invested upgrading of the Social Hall, a lO-year bank loan to subbiology, chemistry, food labI sidize the initiatives of the oratories, and the additional First Phase in its Three chrome laboratory; defense I

Phase Development Plan. It can be noted that the First Phase is for the enhancement of school personnel, facilities, and academic processes and systems. Now that the NTC has started treading the path towards change, the NTC community is about to witness the 9O-year old institution evolving the modem phase of infrastructure and boost in education.


December 2018 - March 2019

Page 8

English Club holds Caravan 2018 by Claire Mabutas

The English Department, in partnership with the English Club, spearheaded the Language and Literature Caravan last November 12and 13,2018. Various activities and seminars were attended by the English majors and interested students ofNTC. On the first day; different contests were partidpated in by NTCians. In the morning, the Spelling Bee, Declamation Contest, and Quiz Bee took place at the Lecture Room and at the Social Hall simultaneously. The winners are as follows: Spelling Bee Major Category Christine Mae Jagurin and George Miguel Liwanag

1st place

Roy Jerome Barbosa and Wilfredo Matro

2nd place

Kayra Braga and Dominic AJ Corpuz

3rd place



John Ray Luciano and Recaela Repalda

1st place

Arjhay Hernandez

2nd place

and Geraldine Dixie Cac

Czarina Atud and Armand Zuluela Declamation

3rd place


Sheren Lea Caberio

1st place

Angelique Floralde

2nd place

Jerica Alfaro Dalisay

3rd place

Quiz Bee Major Category John Hubert Capito and Jemimah Keren Carag

1st place

Raniella Salamanes and Griego Dumlao

2nd place

Maria [ann Porras and Althea Loise Ordiales

3rd place



on the basic skills learners must ley Santos, 3rd year BSEd English possess to cope with the rapidly and director mentions, "A play changing world. His talk centered is a collaborative act. As a direcon 3 rs: Learning, Literacy, and tor,I consider myself as a leader, a Life Skills. On the other hand, leader that always engages himself Dr. De Guzman gave tips and with the actors and the production effective methods in conducting staff. They gave me their ideas and quality research paper by spec- I will refine their ideas to put up ifying the step-by-step ways to something new. As a piece of adfollow for every chapter of the re- vice to the aspiring actors and production staff, try not to get yourself search paper. stressed and do not be afraid to exThe celebration continued with the "ENGLYMPICS 2018: plore new things." Aside from the director, Breaking Barriers" held at 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Social Hall. some of the casts were also inThis activity challenged the lead- terviewed and asked about their ership skills of the English majors experiences working with the in different tasks by playing dif- other actors. Mr. Neil Pantone, 1st ferent games like Human Chair, year, BSEd English, who played the Paper Tower and Do What I don't lead role of Dr. Henry Jekyllstated, Say that tapped on this strategic, "Working with my co-actors made leadership, and social skills. me feel conifortable since we all On January 21, the English participated in the workshop, they Club staged their annual play help me to build up my character entitled "The Chemical Imbal- more as Jekyll." While Mr. Roy Jeance: A Jekyll and Hyde Play" at rome Barbosa, 2nd year, BSEd Enthe Social Hall. Set in Victorian glish, who played the role of Xavier Gothic Era, this horror comedy Utterson stressed, "Acting methods depicts the result of wrong deci- reallyhelped me a lot" Mr. Teodore sions made by Dr. Jekyllwhen he Calilap, 4th year, BSEd Social Scicreated the potion and turned him ence, who played the role of Coninto the bad Dr. Hyde. With itsener- stable, shared his thoughts to his getic and hilarious stage presence, last play in the curtains of English the actors perfectly executed the Club, 'Tm actually sad, Ifeel like I'm dying and that my dreams actually message of the play. In an interview with Mr. Har- died after thisplay."

Lanvin Sean Delos Santos and Sam Joshua Pongco

1st place

Haziel Galarpe and Marry John Santiago

2nd place

BSOA bags awards in PASOA Convention

Jessica Lyka Santos and Sylvester John Navarro

3rd place

by Carla Christel Salgado

In the afternoon of November 12, the Reader's Theater was held at the Social Hall. The winners are as follows: Block 2-1/BSEDBlock 14-1


1st place 2nd place

On November 13, a two-part seminar entitled "21st Century Learning Challenges and How to Overcome Them" and ''ResearchMade Easy" were tackled by Dr. Richmond Viray and Dr. Michael De Guzman from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n. at the Social Hall. Dr. Viray emphasized

The Bachelor of Science in annually to showcase the Office Administration (BSOA) knowledge and skills of BSOA students won three awards in students in applying what they the 15th National Convention have learned in Stenography; of Philippine Association of Advanced Keyboarding, and Students in Office Adminis- General Education courses. The tration (PASOA) themed "Peo- winning traits of successful people, Purpose and Passion: Road ple and discovering the purpose to Success in Office Adminis- and passion in work is the main tration" on March 6, 2019 at purpose of the theme. The winCuneta Astrodome, Pasay City. ners in the following contests are The convention was held as follows: Vincent Gener C. De Guzman- 2nd year

The actors of "The Chemical Imbalance: A Jekyll and Hyde Play" in their dinner scene where Dr. Jekyll, portrayed by Neil Pantone, expressed about his evil plans.

Patricia Mariel S. Villaruel- 3rd year

2nd place in Shorthand Writing trained by Prof. Iacquiline C. Serrano

Rayheart T. Domingo- 4th year

Mr. PASOA 2019 1st runner up, trained by former Professor Ameer Gamama


December 2018 - March 20 19

Page 9

CAB fetes 10th year

Business Case Analysis Group 4- Rosemarie Tubo, Kassandra Rogel, and Mark Santianes


Group 2- Richard Yordan, Steffany Kho, and Carissa Lilio

1st place

Group 1- Marcus Pinon, Emilyn Enteria, and Angel Napenas

2nd place

by Carla Christel Salgado

In its 10th year anniversary, the College of Accountancy and Business (CAB) conducted a week-long celebration with the theme "CABX: Thinking Without the Box" on March 25-30, 2019. On March 25, CABengers, Trade Fair, and ADWARS were joined by CAB students to exhibit their diversified talents, marketing skills, and promote NTC with the use of creative advertisement. The winners of CABengers and Trade Fair are as follows: Best Mascot: Champion- Thanos (BSBA-MM1); 1st place- Hulk (BSBA-MM3); 2nd place- Loki (BSBA- MM2); Best performance: Champion (BSBAHRM1); 1st place (BSBA-FM1); 2nd place (BSBA-MM5); Best in booth design: Champion (BSBA-FM2); 1st place (BSBA-M5); 2nd place (BSBA-M4); Best product: Champion (BSBA-M5); 1st place (BSBA- M4); 2nd place (BSBA-FM2); Highest Sale Achievement: Champion (BSBA- FMI-5, 397); 1st place (BSBA-OMI-4,075); 2nd place (BSBA- M5-3,609). In ADWARS, the competing groups were Batch, Barya, Bromance and Oras. The winners were Daryll Hermoso of Oras- Best Actor; Rafaela Padilla of Bromance- Best Actress; Iezreel Decena of BaryaBest Director; Bromance- Best Story; Barya- Best picture; Barya- Best Live presentation; Barya- ADWARS 2019 Champion; and the overall runner-up was Oras, where they promoted NTC as a pleasant community to be in. On March 26, Quiz Bee, Skills Olympics (Keyboarding and Stenography in Junior and Senior Division), Business Case Analysis and Web of CFAS (Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards) were held to test the different skills and abilities of CAB students in research presentation, Shorthand writing, Advanced Keyboarding, and General Education courses. The winners are as follows:

There were 25 first year Bachelor of Sdence in Accountancy (BSA) students who participated in the Web of CFAS (Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards). They were divided into five teams in presenting their research about Accounting and Reporting Standards: Conceptual Framework divided by Theory of Accounts or ARS = CF/TOA. The research focused on the Accounting conceptual paradigm. On March 27, an Outreach Program was conducted at the NTC Elementary Parking area with the theme "CAB Cares:Cabiyaheng Upuang may Gulong." The students and faculty staff were the persons involved in the event where they gave gifts to the Bukang Liwayway Foundation. A series of business seminars and research colloquium were held at Social Hall on March 28-29, 2019.The research presentations focused on the marketing concepts, strategies and customer satisfaction. Also, the League of Executive Assistants of the Philippines (LEAP) Seminar was held on March 30 to present their scholars and discussed the real-world environment in workplaces for the BSOA students. The LEAP speakers were Ms. France Peria, who introduced the LEAP scholars; Ms. Rose Escueta, who tackled about the preparation of the office professionals in the digital workplace; Ms. Ching Bognot, who lectured about the gender equality and diversity in the workplace; and Ms. Jinky Aguinaldo talked about the Impact of Industrial Revolution on office professionals. In the evening, the CABattle of the Bands: Acoustic OPM Songs was held at the Sdence Quadrangle which was partidpated in by Absraa; Acousti-

cian,Banda ni loneeed;Black Hearts, Covalem. Jit lirit-Sutsu;Leave itBlank, Marso, Metamorphic, The Late Comers, Chenelin Bumblebee, Sentimental and 5 Ps bands. Leave itBlank emerged as the champion; followed by Banda ni kmeeeel as the 1st place, and 5Ps band was hailed as the 2nd place. The Best Vocalist was also awarded to Julius Ceasar Buhian of the band,

Leave it Blank.

Quiz Bee Ma. Crisanta Esteban, Alberta Estoque, and Jenel Talavera- 2nd year BSA


Jomari Bristol, Joy Basarte, and Angelica Mamaclay- 2nd year BSA

1st place

Jessa Sisno, Joanna Rose Dela Paz, and [ham Laurice Badiong- 3rd year BSOA

2nd place



Senior Division

Junior Division


John Paul Velasco


Deannalyn Dantes

1st place

Clifford Macasuhot

1st place

Reynold Arandela

2nd place

Eduardo Temundo

2nd place

Miguel Salajero


Junior Division


Leslie Silos

1st place 2nd place


Senior Division


Marinella Zarate

Aira Benitez

1st place

Esther Elisha Fababaer

Jessica Amacna

2nd place

Karrah Faith Marquez

....12 NTCians attend YMCA Nat"1 Congress also participated in the election of the new set of officers for the National Congress of College Students. To highlight the significance of the event, Mr. Danilo A. Sanchez, President of YMCA Manila and Orlando F. Carreon, Director General of YMCA Manila released a joint statement: "This training serves as

soiled-pot for the young people giving them wide venue to speak

their own stand and witness them sprouting as they develop their initiative in being responsive to different economic, political and social issues affecting the lives of the Filipino people." YMCA aims to create higher level of awareness for the young people to contribute solutions for societal problems, provide an avenue of healthy sharing, and prepare their personal roadmap towards a better future.

by Reuben Ivan Albacea

There are times when I want to give up. When nobody cares to cheer me up; When nobody wants to talk to me sincerely. Oh, I wouldn't forget how they ruined me! Insecurity made me believe that I should strive harder to live; Soon, Iwill reveal the new me, One who's self-assured and free. "You've changed!" so you say. You're ready to talk me, but no way! My sweet revenge isyet to come as my innerself channels this warm welcome!

by Juanita Legaspi I'm good at keeping secrets, not with hiding the truth. They say I'm a bad liar, who fueled the fire in you. My word isyour instrument, used as bullet, that wears down my defenses, making me unsafe. You said all men are liars, as it is in your culture, while I'm not one of them--because I'm a bad liar.

Sa lipunang ating ginagalawan Kamera'y nakatutok kung saan-saan Gawain mo'y kanilang babantayan Larawan mo ay tiyak na mahuhusgahan.


Ang kamerang ginugusto ng bawat indibidwal Ang kukuha sa anggulong unang mauunawaan Negatibo man ang obrang unang mailalabas Kung obra'y pakatitignan, ganda nito ay makikita. Obra'y kung minsan hindi na maipaliliwanag Pagka't katauhan nito'y nabalutan na ng kadiliman Dumarating sa puntong lubid na ang tanging sandalan, Madalas na dinaragadagan pa ng pangungutya. Minsan, tayong tao ay naihahalintulad sa kamera, Nasanay sa nakukuhang anyong panlabas, Pero kung kikilalanin nang lubusan at ng may puso Mapagtatanto mong ang tao rin ay may ginintuang puso.

Sa Ngalan Tutulo Patawarin lIayo Niyo

ng Ama, Arl na po ang d Niyo po at dl po ako sa m

Inang Maria nawa'y m Sa pangangamote ng ~ Wala po kasi talaga ak Kundi ang pangunguya

Santong kabanal-banal Nawa'y patnubayan Niya Haplusin Niyo ng milagra Nang hindi nila ganap m

Mga anghel sa langit a Himno na lubusan ko Lagpas kalahati ang I Ano ba kasi nakain ko

Ang huling samo ko 0 Biyayaan naman ng 9 Pangakong kailanm Lalayuan ang tropang

ni Hazel Joy Cuanan Bakas sa kanilang katauhan, Taliwas sa inaasahan, Tatag ng samahan, Susubukin ng kapalaran.

Nirarayuma na en Isang oras na okoi Bakit naman kasi o Panginoon, dinggin



Wari'y lahat sa iyo ay nagbago, Hindi na ikaw ang taong unang nakilala. Naging sandalan sa oras ng kalungkutan Ngunit ikaw ay nasaan? Tuwing lulubog at nawawala ang sinag ng araw, fila hindi mawari ang iyong mga galaw na humantong sa aking paglisan, Nagsilbing daan upang ika'ytalikuran. Ngunit sa aking pag-iisa, Bato sa akin ng kapalaran. Iyong buhay na hindi masisilayan kailanman, Patuloy na hinagpis sa aking kalooban.

Kamot ko na oIay sa~ Nangangako na ako' Ipapasa ko na kahit n Di na talaga kaya ng

Sa ngalan ng Ama, A1 Tama na ang pagtungg Markang itinali sa akingl Sasamahan ko na buka

," ni Kaidee Mae

Madolinga Mata'y naka dornpi nq kr

rifiOJr. ng aking utak ng nakasadlak ~iako nag-aral Mo aking dasal. ~ak at Espiritu Santo ugo so ilong ko ko alam ang sagot agsasabi ng lagot. amagitan po Kayo Clbang memorya ko Dng maisip tandaan koy ko so nakaraan. an tulungan mo ako ang mga propesor ko Dang kanilang puso aisip no ako ay ipako. Iko'y Inyong awitan ng kinakailangan Clapat kong ipasa at di ako nagbasa. Rosaryo so langit kahit no sabit In di no ito mauulit may dalang kalawit.


o mahal no Poon 'y magbabangon no walang loman aking bunbunan.


,. /I


't ''Hindi ko ~e1Q-isa!" So aking isipa~y-sinasambit Mga hamong dumaraan araw-araw, Pilit kong hinahanap bilang kabataan! Nabubuhay so makabagong henerasyon, Samu't saring tao ang nakakasalamuha, Habang ako'y nagmamasid so bawat sulok, "Ganito no ba silo ngayon?" aking nasambit! Ramdam kong pasan ko ang daigdig, So nakikitang mundong maligalig. Sana'y makagawa ako ng pagbabago No pakikinabangan ng nakararami. Noong iniisip ko no kayo kong mag-iso, Hinamon ako ng mapaglarong tadhana. Mapanghusgang tao ay nagsulputan! "Hindi ko palo taloga kayang mag-isaJ"

by Roy Jerome Barbosa

ok at Espiritu Santo a ng pulang kabayo pananampalataya IS ng tamang gawa.



For once, I thought that one purge was enough, As it had been in the holocaust; That a man may soon forget to laugh when things would go uncertain and rough. In times when the youth calls out for a life of freedom and sanity, they caterwaul without a pausemarching with a purpose.

raw~iti9 so Clmay

Thishas been the realness of realitywhere the humankind has the power, regardless of age and status, to condemn atrocity.

A midnight thought; I let out a deep sigh. To the vast, serene of nothingness I always get along just fine. As the clock ticks, I have this thought to ponder: ''How do I get rid of regrets?" They play tricks on my mind. Then, I asked myself again: 'When willi overcome these thoughts?" Instead, Ijust closed my eyes; Wishing I didn't end my time.


Disyembre 20 18- Marso 2019


Kultura at Paskuhan, ipinagdiwang ng mga NTCian nina H.J. Cuanan at CA. Rasco

Isang selebrasyong handog ng NTC Student Government (SG) ang Kultura at Paskuhan noong ika-19 ng Disyembre, 2018. Ito ay may temang "Pamana ng Nakaraan, Regalo ng Kasalukuyan" na sumasalamin sa makulay at magarbong pagdiriwang ng mga Pilipino tuwing sasapit ang kapistahan.

"Minabuti ng aming organisayon na mag-isip ng bagong konsepto upang makapaghatid ng kasiyahan at makabagong karanasan sa mga mag-aaral", ani ni G. Daryl Dela Cruz, Business Manager ng SG at tagapangasiwa ng Kultura at Paskuhan. Unang ipinatikim noong ika-12 ng Disyembre, 2018 ang pagdiriwang sa pagtatanghal ng mga lumahok sa Indayog. Ang mga mananayaw ay may isang musika lamang na ginagamit sa isang mainit na paghataw at pag-indak. Ginanap ang pagtatanghal mula ika-9 n.u. hanggang ika-ll n.t. sa Science Quadrangle. Noong ika-14 ng Disyembre, 2018, sabay na binuksan ang dalawang patimpalak: Una ang Parol making na ipinagmalaki ng bawat departamento sa pagiging malikhainiginawad ang unang karangalan sa Math; ikalawang karangalan sa Tropang Rizalista; at, ikatlong karalangalan sa Science; Ikalawa ay SiLKa (Sining na Likhang Kamay) na binubuo ng mga kalahok na mula COE (BSEd at BEEd), CAS, CHTM, at CAB na naglalayong ipamalas ang kani-kanilang pagkamalikhain sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng recycled materials upang makalikha ng isang bagay, at sa paghulog ng piso sa kahon ng napiling likhang kamay ang naging basehan sa hinirang na nanalo. Nasungkit ng BEEd ang unang karangalan, ang CAS sa ikalawang karangalan, at BSEd sa ikatlong karangalan. Ang mga nalikom na pera mula rito ay gagamiting pondo sa pagbili ng mga kagamitan ng Blue Bearers Team na ating kinatawan sa NAASCU. Pormal na sinimulan ang programa noong ika-19 ng Disyembre, 2018 sa pamamagitan ng matinding paghataw sa sayawan ng mga piling mag-aaral mula SHS. Ang lalong nagpainit sa gabi ng mga NTCian ay ang pagtanghal ng mga kalahok sa Indayog. Ito ay pinangunahan ng RCYTechnoSciMat-

ics, Sanlahi Sindayog Dance Troupe, Soksayaw Dance Troupe, Bagwis, at Niyugyugan Dance Troupe. Ang Indayog ay hinango sa sinaunang salita ng Timog Katagalugan na tumutukoy sa bilis ng tunog na magsisilbing kagamitan sa musika upang makapagbigay ng kasiyahan at kasaganahan sa pagsasayaw. Isinagawa ang Indayog upang maipakita ang kooperasyon at matibay na samahan ng bawat departamento tungo sa inaasam na tagumpay. Pinakamaindayog sa lahat ang Sanlahi Sindayog Dance Troupe nang sila ang hiranging kampeon ng Indayog at tumanggap ng premyong nagkakahalagang PHp 3,000; RCYTechnoSciMatics sa ikalawang puwesto na tumanggap ng PHp 2,000; at, Bagwis sa ikatlong puwesto na tumanggap ng PHp 1,000. Taos puso namang ipinaramdam ang diwa at tunay na kahulugan ng Pasko nang ihandog ng Archangel Chorale ang Christmas Medley bilang panimula ng sumunod na programa - ang Paskuhan. Hindi nagpahuli ang mga kalahok ng Himig Tanglaw na tunay na kinagiliwan ng mga NTCian. Ang unang karangalan pagdating sa kantahan ay ang Psych orale; ikalawang karangalan ay ang Metronotes; at, ikatlong karangalan naman ay ang Sirens. Sa bandang dulo ng programa ay inanunsyo ang mga nagsipagwagi sa NTC Station ID, kung saan ipinakita ng bawat grupo ang simbolo ng pagmamahal at pagkakaisa sa pamamagitan ng paggawa ng Music Video tulad ng ginagawang "Christmas Station ID" ng mga kilalang TV networks na

ABS-CBN at GMA. Ang unang karangalan ay nakamit ng Filipino Department; ang ikalawang karangalan ay nakamit ng Tropang Rizalista; at, ang ikatlong karangalan naman ay ang Science Department. Ito ay patunay lamang na hindi nagpapahuli ang mga NTCian pagdating sa iba't ibang aspeto ng pagtatanghal. Habang lumalalim ang gabi, kapansin-pansin na lalong ginanahan ang mga mag-aaral dahil sa espesyal na panauhin. Pinatibok ang puso ng mga NTCian sa pag-awit ni G. Argee Guerrero na kilala sa tawag na I Belong To The Zoo. Kaniyang itinanghal ang mga kantang Porter, Courage, Game of Question, Balang Araw at ang pinakapopular na kanta nitong Sana na sinabayan ng mga NTCian. Naging matagumpay ang programang ito kaya't taos-puso ang pasasalamat ng SG sa mga aktibong lumahok sa Kultura at Paskuhan. "Tatoo nga na ang kultura ay pamana ng nakaraan,

at regalo sa kasalukuyan dahil sa ipinakitang kagandahan at kahalagahan nito mula sa sayaw, musika, at iba pang aspeto, nabigyang buhay rin ang kultura dahil halos mamatay na tayo sa impluwensya ng modernisasyon."

Argos, ibinida sa 15th Sweep Innovation ni Charlotte Anne Rasco



Ngayong taon, kabilang ang College of Information Technology (CIT) ng NTC sa Top 10 finalist ng 15th Sweep Innovation and Excellent Award, na inihandog ng Smart Sweep, na gaganapin sa ika-6 ng Mayo. Ito ay nilahukan ng 135 mag-aaral mula sa iba't ibang paaralan ng ating ban sa.

Argos 0 Behavioral Detection System ang naging entry nila para sa paligsahan na naglalayong rna-detect ang pag-uugali ng isang tao sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng CCTV na may kaukulang System Command. Argos ang ipinangalan nila sa programa na hinango sa isang Greek God na may isandaang mata sa buong katawan. Inihalintulad nila ito sa program dahil maari nilang mamonitor ang buong paaralan laban sa bullying 0 kahit ana mang sakuna. Naging inspi-


rasyon nila rito ang sunod-sunod na insidente ng bullying at kabataang nasasaktan at namamatay. Lahat ng ito ang kanilang naging susi upang makapasok sa Top 10 finalist. Isang pribilehiyo ang mapabilang ang NTC sa ganitong patimpalak. Pangungunahan ito nina Michael Jay S. Lupos, Team Leader; Mark Adam Hu-Amar, Charles Philip Pintuan, Wilmer Ray Nabung, AIdhen Rizal Bitara, Ashley Gomez, Jasper Jan Palma, Claire Anne Dela Cruz, Michael Mindo, at Patrick Besmonte na kapwa mula CIT. Sila ay hinubog at sinanay ni G. John Clement Escobanez, propesor ng ating institusyon. Kung ito man ay mabubuo at mapaghuhusay, malaking tulong ang maibibigay nito para sa mga mag-aaral upang maiwasan ang insidente ng bullying hindi lamang sa paaralan kundi sa ating komunidad.


Disyembre 20 18 - Marso 20 19


FEB - IBIG 2019 ni Kaidee Mae Mauleon

Sa pangunguna ng NTC Student Government (SG), ginanap ang Araw ng mga Puso noong ika-14 ng Pebrero kasabay ang pagkakaroon ng iba't ibang gawain na dinaluhan ng bawat mag-aaral na gustong kiligin at magsaya. Ang unang aktibidad ay ang pagsuot ng Status Shirt na may kaakibat na kahulugan sa estado ng buhay pag-big. Layunin nitong bigyan ng kalayaan ang bawat mag -aaral na ipahayag ang kanilang saloobin hinggil sa kanilang buhay pag-ibig. Ikalawang aktibidad ang Film Viewing kung saan ipinalabas ang dalawang klase ng pelikula sa mga magaaral nang libre; Midnight in Paris (2011), na pinagbidahan nina Owen Pender bilang Gil Pender, isang manunulat na nagnanais na mabuhay

sa Paris




Roaring 205 at Rachel McAdams bilang Inez, ang kasintahang babae ni Gil na pinakasalan niya sa bandang huli. Ito ay tungkol sa dalawang taong nagmahalan kahit pa nabuhay sila sa magkaibang panahon; at The Notebook (2004), na pinagbidahan din nina Ryan Gosling bilang N eah Calhoun at Rachel McAdams bilang Allison ''Allie'' Hamilton. Ito naman ay tungkol sa dalawang taong nagmahalan kahit magkaiba pa man ang estado nila sa lipunan. Ang ikatlong aktibidad ay ang Spoken Poetry 0 Open Mic na ginanap sa Lecture Room mula ika -1 hanggang ika-3 n.h. Ito ay naglalayong maipahayag nang malaya ang mga tulang ipinasa ng mga NTCian. Kasabay nito ay ang Harana na naglalayong bigyang pagkakataon ang

Sa Likod ng Mapanghusgang Lipunan nina R.

J. Barbosa

at R. 1. Albacea

• Gender Sensitivity Seminar

"Whyshould we be limited?" Isang makahulugang tanong na bumuo sa isipan ng mga nag-

sipagdalo sa palihan ng Samahan ng Ikatlong Salinlahi (SIS) hinggil sa Gender Awareness, Inclusivity, and Equality na may temang "Gender Sensitivity" na ginanap noong ika-17 ng Disyembre 2018, sa Lecture Room. Layunin ng palihan na bigyang linawangfbatlbanguring sekswalidad at gender roles maging ang mga isyu't suliraning kinahaharap ng LGBTQ+ Community sa makabagonghenerasyon. Batid ng panauhing tagapagsalitang si G. Robert Peter Ancheta, isang talk show host sa DWDD Katropa Radio, na hindi dapat limitahan ang isang indibidwal ayon sa kaniyang sekswalidad. Marapat na tingnan ang tinataglay nitong potensyal at kapasidad pagdating sa tungkulin at gampanin sa kaniyang mundong ginagalawan. Dagdag pa niya, "Sexism cre-

ates bias, it exists among men and

women. It also does not respect an individual according to his or her aspirations" Tinalakay rin ni G. Ancheta ang usap- I ing stereotyping na kumukondena sakarapatang pantao. Ani niya,

"Kinakahon tayo nito (stereotyping) sa misconception dahil kung ganito ka, ito lang ang kaya mong gawin:' Ang stereotypingayisangparaanng panghuhusga nang walang sapat na impormasyon tungkol sa (mga) tao 0 anumang gawi nito. Ang ganitong uri ng diskriminasyon ay lubhang nakaaapekto sa tao partikular na sa mga miyembro ng LGBTQ+. Ngunit sa kabila nito, may mga programang isinasagawa ang ibat ibang organisasyon, tulad ng

mag-aaral na haranahin ang kanilang kapwa mag-aaral. Bilang donasyon, puwede silang magbigay ng instructional materials na magagamit sa IS-



Teaching on Streets

na programa ng SG. Ang Valentines Day 0 Araw ng mga Puso ay ang pagdiriwang ng kapistahan ni San Balentino, isang patron ng mga magkakasintahan. Ginaganap ang kapistahan tuwing ika-14 ng Pebrero. Dito ipinahihiwatig ng mga magkakasintahan, mag-aasawa, at magkakapamilya ang pagmamahal sa isa'tisa sa pamamagitan ng pagpapadala ng mga bulaklak, kard, o tsokolate. Ang pagmamahal ay isa sa pinakamakapangyarihang kasangkapan upang makamtan ang respeto at pagtanggap ng mga taong nasa paligid mo. Ito ay isa sa mahalagang utos ng Diyos; at higit sa lahat, ito ay susi rin para sa maaliwalas at mapayapang pagsasamahan ng mga tao sa lipunan. SIS,na nagtatanggol sa karapatang pantao hindi lamang para sa kasapi ng LGBTQ+ kung 'di maging sa ikabubuti rin ng lahat. Ito ang unang gawain na isinagawa ng SIS sa NTC. Sa pagtatapos ng palihan, nagagalak na binanggit ni Atty. Rolando Bernales, ltinalagang Tagapayo ng SIS, ang katagang, "SIS, we

have arrived:' Miss Un iv e r s e Spain 2018 Bag a mat sinasabing unti-unti nang tinatanggap sa komunidad ang mga miyembro ng LGBTQ+, hindi pa rin ito sapat upang matiyakangpantaynapagtingin sa kanila. Gaya na lamang ng pagsali ng kauna-unahang transgender woman na nagmula sa Espanya na si Bb. Angela Ponce sa patimpalak





ANUNSYO Enrollment for Summer Classes Mayo 7 - 11,2019

Start of Classes Mayo 14, 2019

End of Classes Hunyo 14, 2019

Sa New Building ng NTC magkaklase ang mga nag-enroll ng Summer Classes dahil sa kasalukuyang pagsasaayos ng Main Building.

Universe 2018 noong ika-17 ng Disyembre. Sa kabila ng mga natanggap niyang negatibong pasaring, lakas-loob niyang hinarap ang hamon ng mapanghusgang lipunan. Matapang siyang tumuntong sa entablado kahit mararning nagsabing patay na RAW ang kredibilidad ng Miss Universe noong pinayagan siya ng Miss Universe Organization na sumali rito. Hindi lingid sa kaalaman ng lahat na noon lamang taong 2012, pinayagan na ng organisasyon ang pagsali ng isang transgender woman sa Miss Universe kung saan siya ay nanalo sa local/nationalpageant. '1 don't need to win Miss Universe. I only need to be here:' Isang mensaheng ipinabatid ni Bb. Ponce sa madla kasabay ng adbokasiya niya sa pagpapalawak ng Gender Equality, Inclusivity, Tolerance, at Acceptance. Hindi man siya pinalad na maiuwi ang korona ng nasabing patimpalak, nakuha naman niya ang malaking respeto ng mga tao. Para na tin siyang nanalo dahil ang gusto lamang niya ay makarntan ang pagtanggap na hindi lamang sa kanya kundi salahat ng miyembro


BALITA Pahina 14

Disyembre 20 18 - Marso 20 19

NTCians, bumida sa Quiz Bee nina H.


Cuanan at D. Martinez

at NTC na mayroong limang kalahok na binubuo nina Caryl Julianne Sabar, Erika Rae Manalo, Jenny Aubrey Elizalde, Krishia Gonzales, at Carl Obenzana na nasa 12-ABM. Sa pagtatapos ng kornpetisyon, nasungkit ng NTC ang unang karangalan sa iskor na 80 at nakatanggap ng premyong PHp. 5,000. Nakamit naman ng San Lorenzo Ruiz Senior High School ang ikalawang karangalan sa iskor na 77 at nakatanggap ng PHp. 3,000. Ang ikatlong karangalan ay nakamit ng N 0tre Dame of Greater Manila sa iskor na 66 at nag-uwi ng PHp. 2,000. Ang mga nagsipagwagi ay tumanggap din ng medalya at sertipiko ng pagkilala. • NTC Wagi sa 1st National Quiz Bee for Pre-Service Teachers Namayagpag ang pambato ng NTC mula College of Education (COE) sa isinagawang 1st National Congress and Quiz bee for Pre-service Teachers noong ika-18 ng mally informed and formally invited, we failed to register." Enero, taong kasalukuyan sa Gayunpaman, pumunta pa Diocesan Hall Ressurection rin ang mga estudyante sa TIP Compound, Lower Magsayupang maging panauhin. "I say, Lungsod ng Baguio. Ang programa ay sinuportahan asked the dean of Accountancy, Dr. Froilan Labausa, if they ng Educational Service Prowill be allowed to watch even vider (ESP). Ang mga nagsipagwagi ay if they failed to register, and the dean changed his mind. binubuo nina Dancel Flores He said, Why not registered mula BSEd Physical Science, Lanvin Sean Delos Santos at and be one of the participants rather than just being part of Sam Joshua Pongco mula BSEd Mathematics. Sila ay ginabayan the audience?" Dagdag niya. Ang kompetisyon ay at hinasa ni G. Dindo Aseron, nilakuhan ng 15 paaralan ng Program Head ng BSEd. Ang SHS mula sa San Lorenzo naturang patimpalak ay nakaRuiz Senior High School, No- pokus sa Professional Educatre Dame of Greater Manila, tion Courses at dinaluhan ito Manuel A. Roxas High School, ng siyam na kalahok mula sa Philippine Women's Univer- iba't ibang kolehiyo at unibersisity, Far Eastern University dad sa Pilipinas. Sa kabilang banda, ang High School-Manila, Sta. Lucia High School, Chiang Kai mga kalahok mula sa TechnoShek College, Centro Escolar logical University of the PhilUniversity, STI College-Recto, ippines- Taguig Campus ang Technological Institure of the nag-uwi ng ikalawang gantimPhilippines Manila, Ramon pala at nakuha naman ng BiAvacefia High School, Ignacio col State College ang ikatlong Villamor Senior High School, gantimpala.

Nasungkit ng mga NTCian ang kampeonato sa Quiz Bee Competition na idinaos sa magkaibang lugar na nilahukan ng mga piling mag-aaral mula COE (kolehiyo) at Senior High SchoolABM. • 12-ABM, Kampeon sa Quiz Bee Umarangkada ang mga kalahok ng NTC-SHS nang hiranging kampeon sa naganap na Business Quiz Bee sa Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) noong ika-29 ng Enero taong kasalukuyan mula ika 1:00 n.h. hanggang 6:00 n.g. Isang liham paanyaya ang ipinadala ng TIP noong ika15 ng Enero sa NTC upang pormal na imbitahan ang mga piling mag-aaral ng Senior High School na lumahok sa kompetisyon. Sa kasamaang palad, sila ay nabigong makapagrehistro sa nasabing kornpetisyon. Ayon kay G. Rogelio Valdesco, kanilang tagapagsanay, "Although we are infor-

RCYC, nagsagawa ng talihan ni Hazel Joy Cuanan

Dinaluhan ng mga magaaral sa NTC ang programa na pinamunuan ng RCYC, isang palihan na may paksang "Be Prepared, Be Alert, I am Ready" na ginanap noong ika-18 ng Enero, sa ganap na ika-8:00 n.u. hanggang 5:00 n.h. sa Bulwagang Panlipunan. Inimbitahang magsalita sa naturang palihan siG. PatrickSevilla, Chapter Service Representativeng Red Cross YouthCouncil. Masusi niyangtinalakay ang mga layunin ng kanyang paksang ipinaliwanag

at mga pamamaraan kung paano tayong mga mag-aaral sa NTC ay maging handa at alerto sa panahon ng sakuna. Sa pagtatapos ng palihan, ang pangunahing tagapagsalita ay nagbigay ng makabuluhang pahayag sa mga mag-aaral.Ani niya,

"Filipino are born to be resilient. The Filipino spirit is stronger than any disaster."Nagtapos ang palihan sa paggawad ng sertipiko ng pagpapakilala na iginawad ni Bb. Therese Jane Diones Baybado, Pangulo ng NTC-RCYC.

Palihan ng SEAD, idinaos ni Reuben Ivan Albacea

Pinangunahan ng Special Education Association for Development (SEAD)angisangpalihan na may temang ''Bridging the Gap in Education: Celebrate Diversity:' Ito'y idinaos noong ika-19 ng Enero, sa ganap na ika-7:00 n.u. hanggang ika-12:OO n.t sa Lecture Room upang pahalagahan ang mga batang may kapansanan at ang tamang pagbibigayngatensyonat pag-aa1aga sakanila.lto aydinaluhan ng mga mag-aaral na kumukuha ng kursong BEEd SpEd, BSNEd, MA-SpEd, at ng mga mag-aaral sa iba't ibang kurso na interesado ring makinig.

"Inclusive Education: Trends and Issues" ang naging paksa ng unang tagapagsalitang si Dr. Elvira P. Rocal, SpEd High School Principal ng St. Joseph College, Quezon City. "Deaf Education: Meeting New Challenges" naman ang naging paksa ng ikalawang tagapagsalitang si Dr. Eddie Bulanadi, propesor ng institusyon. Ang bawat paksa ay nagbigay diin sa kamalayan tungkol sa batang may kapansanan. Kasabay rin nito, inilahad ni G. Jose Luis Nava, co-founder ng Autism Strong Philippines, ang kaniyang karanasan tungkol sa pagkakaroon niya ng Autism.

Tagisan ng Talino, isinagawa ni Matthew De Castro

Sa pangunguna ng Samahan ng Gabay ng Wika (GAWI), ang Tagisan ng Talino na isinagawa noong ika-7 ng Nobyembre, 2018 sa ganap na ika-8 n.u. hanggang ika-12 n.t. sa Lecture Room. Ito ay dinaluhan ng mga mag-aaral na nagpapakadalubhasa sa Filipino. Ang nasabing patimpalak ay nahati sa dalawang kategoryang may kinalaman sa Wika at Panitikang Filipino upang mapalawig ang kaalaman at kahusayan ng mga medyor sa Filipino. Sa unang pangkat, ito'y nilahukan ng mga mag-aaral ng

ikatlo at ikaapat na taon. Ang unang gantimpala ay nakamit ni Bb. Maria Cristina Caranto, ang ikalawang gantimpala naman ay nakamit ni Bb. Bea Marie Dela Cruz, at ang ikatlong gantimpala ay nakamit ni G. Daryl Manansala. Sa kabilang banda, ang ikalawang pangkat ay nilahukan naman ng mga mag-aaral ng unang taon. Nakamit ni Bb. Cindy Avenion ang unang gantimpala, ang ikalawang gantimpala ay nakamit ni Bb. Joyce Maderazo, at ang ikatlong gantimpala ay nakamit ni Bb. Kate Dela Cruz.


Disyembre 20 18 - Marso 20 19


CIT Week, ipinagdiwang ni Gayle Faith Mortel

Nagdaos ng taunang CIT Week na may temang ''Expand-

ing Opprotunities towards Innovative Technology" ang College of Information Technology (CIT) noong ika-18 hanggang ika-22 ng Marso, taong kasalukuyan. Sila ay naglunsad ng iba't ibang paligsahan at palihan na nilahukan ng mga magaaral at guru mula sa iba't ibang departamento. Sa unang araw; ipinagdiwang nila ang DanceRave. Katuwangang LISO, binuksan nila ang taunang Book Fair na tumagal ng limang araw; ang CIT Olympics na kung saan kinilalang kampeon ang 2nd

yearparasaBasketballMerishabang ang 3rd at 4th year naman para sa Basketball Women.

Sa ikalawang araw; inilunsad naman ang CIT Exhibit na may temang Carnival na naglalayong ipamalas ang kanilang kakayahan sa pagbuo ng mga Android Apps. Kinilala bilang kampeon ang grupo ngBingo na binubuo nina Ricky Dolores, Ivan Jasper Esguerra, Gabriel Emmanuel Gabral, Charles Pintuan, Jonathan Sol1ano, Joan Mendoza, Sherry Mae Gamboa, Ed Daryl Seperidad, Jonathan Piamonte, Kent Cadatal, Christian Tamayo, at Dexter Miranda Sa kabilang banda, ang Gamecon Tournament naman ay naglalayongmaipamalas angkaalaman ng mag-aaral sa mga larong tulad ng DaTA, Mobile Legends, at Counter Strike. Naging kampeon ang Team Gulapanatics na binubuo nina Jeff

Linggo ng Sikolohiya, tunay na makabuluhan ni Roy Jerome Barbosa

Nag-uumapaw ang kasiglahan at kaalaman sa taunang selebrasyon ng Linggo ng Sikolohiya na pinangunahan ng Psychological Society noong ika-18-23 ng Pebrero, taong kasalukuyan. "Fostering the Psychology of Well-beingfor the Filipino" ang tema ng selebrasyon kalakip ang mga palihan at aktibiti na dinaluhan ng mga mag-aaral ng Sikolohiya at interesadong estudyante. Sa unang araw ng selebrasyon, tinipon ang mga mag-aaral ng Sikolohiya sa isinagawang Wellness at Amazing Race mula ika-8 n.u. hanggang ika-12 n.t. sa Science Quadrangle. Tampok dito ang mainit na paghataw sa sayawan at isang makabuluhang aktibiti na naglalayongpaunlarinang thinking at psychomotor skillsmagingang kooperatibong pakikipagkapwa-tao ng mga mag-aaral. Kasabay nito ang Film Showing na ginanap mula ika-l hanggang 4 n.h. sa Lecture Room kung saan ipinalabas ang mga pelikulang may kinalaman sa Sikolohiya; ito ayang The Black Swan, Temple Grandin, at The Front of the Class. Sa ikalawang araw ng selebrasyon, ginanap ang Psyche Exhibit mula ika-8 n.u. hanggang ika-5 n.h. sa Science Quadrangle. Inihanda ng mga mag-aaral sa ikalawa at ikatlong taon ng Sikolohiya ang mga booths na hindi lamang nagbigay ng kasiyahan pati na rin ng impormasyon na tumatalakay sa napapanahong isyu tungkol sa Sikolohiya. Kinilala ang booth ng Release to Win In (3rd year, Block 1) na namukod-tangi at itinanghal bilang kampeon sa iskor na 85%; sumunod ang Latibule (3rd year, Block 1) na nagkamit ng unang karangalan sa iskor na 83.7%; ikalawang karangalan naman ang natanggap ng Tribooth (2nd year) sa iskor na 77.2%; at ang ikatlong karangalan ay ang Booth League (3rd year, Block 2) sa iskor na 75.2%. Ang mga hurado ay sina Prop. Jennifer Consing, Prop. Romeo Robino [r., at Dra. Perlita Mallari. Kasunod nito ang inorganisang Psychology Got Talent (PGT) mula ika-2 hanggang ika-5 n.h. sa Bulwagang Panlipunan. Ito ay hinango sa Got Talents

Divinagrada, Errol John Rivera, Jonathan Piamonte, Ryan Lorenz Canares at Ejay Jesus Serrano sa DaTA; Team Gel na binubuo nina Vincent Dale Miranda, Anthony Allyson Ty, Kayle Raymond Morales, Mark Angelo Aquino, at Eljohn Barrer naman para sa Mobile Legends, at, Sean Kyle France, JM Ocampo, John Angelo Tria, John Stephen Limson, at lonard Lopez Abad para sa Counter Strike. Sa ikatlong araw; ginanap ang CIT Quiz Bee na hinati sa dalawang kategorya; ang Majors Category kung saan hinirang na kampeon ang grupo nina Gabriel Emmanuel Gabral, Charles Pintuan, at Michael James Mindo; at ang Non-majors Category kung saan ay nakamit ang kampeonato nina Sylvester John Navarro at Rose Beverly Berganio na kapwa mula Science Department. Ginanap din sa araw na ito ang palihan tungkol sa pag-vlog na kung


saan inimbitahan sina Emman Nimedez at Pau Sepagan, mga sikat na Youtuber bilang kanilang pangunahing tagapagsalita Sila ay nagbigay ng kaalaman tungkol sa pag-vlog at nanghikayat sa bawat mag-aaral na patuloy lang na mangarap. Gayundin sa araw na ito, ang TechnologyFestival0 mas kilala bilang TechFestkung saan nagwagi si Mark Christian Manzano para sa Programming;Mark Jayson Mamolo para sa Digital Poster Making; at Eduardo Pablo para sa

PC Assembly and Disassembly. Sa huling araw; ginanap ang kanilang ONE CIT: Spectacular Nighto CITNightnakung saan ang lahat ng mga mag-aaral mula CIT ay nagsama-sarna upang magsaya Sa araw ring ito, ang Gabi ng Parangal ay ginanap na kung saan ay ginawaran ng parangal ang bawat indibidwal at grupo na lumahok sa ibat ibang paligsahan na kanilang idinaos sa loob ng isang linggo.

na patimpalak at ginagawa sa ibat ibang bansa maging sa Pilipinas kung saan naipamamalas ng mga kalahok ang kani-kanilang talento sa iba't ibang larangan. Namayagpag si Bernabe Conception (lst year, Block 5) nang hiranging kampeon sa PGT; sina Laine Albos (2nd year, Block 2) at Remegio Madarang (3rd year, Block 1) ang unang karangalan; at, si [ernina Kate Somera (lst year, Block 6) ang ikalawang karangalan. Ang mga hurado sa PGT ay binubuo nina Bb. Lovely Bofion at G. Cedric Topacio, kapwa alumni ng NTC sa kursong Sikolohiya; at ni G. Joel Valeras, Choir Master ng San Sebastian Church. Sa ikatlong araw ng selebrasyon, ginanap ang Quiz Bee mula ika-l hanggang ika-5 n.h. sa Bulwagang Panlipunan. Binubuo ng pitong grupo ang mga kalahok na mayroong apat na miyembro mula una hanggang ikaapat na taon ng Sikolohiya. Ang grupo ni Mike Jonson ang itinanghal na kampeon na binubuo nina Justine Palmones, Maricar Nogales, at Sophia Trongcoso; ang unang karangalan naman ay nakamit ng grupo ni Mark Anthony Molina na binubuo nina Annah Baybay, Arnulfo Teleg, at Zena Israel Nocum; at ang ikalawang karangalan ay natanggap ng grupo ni Ruskhine Dimla na binubuo nina Rachel Lopez, Maria Theresa Asedillo at Ardge Villamor. Sa ikaapat na araw ng selebrasyon, ginunita ang Psychology Alumni Workshop sa pangunguna ng mga alumni ng Departamento ng Sikolohiya; ito ay sina Bb. Mercy Lyn Gailemit, Bb. Marian Reyes, Bb. Herlene Samook, at ni Bb. Cassandra Batoon. Tinalakay sa worksyap ang mga paksang may kinalaman sa clinical, educational, guidance and counseling, at digital marketing. Sa hull at ikalimang araw ng selebrasyon, ginanap ang ibat ibang palihan na dinaluhan ng mga mag-aaral ng Sikolohiya mula ika-8 n.u. hanggang ika-5 n.h. sa Bulwagang Panlipunan. Pinangunahan ni Dra. Imelda Villar ang paksang "Basic Neuro-Linguistic Programming". Ang paksang "Handling and Managing Challenging Behavior" ang naging pokus ng ikalawang panauhing pandangal na si Bb. Karen Arvie Gabriel. Kasunod nito ang "Trauma Assessment" na tinalakay ni Gng. Donna Marie Arcaya. Sa pagtatapos ng programa ay iginawad ang mga sertipiko, medalya, at tropeyo bilang pagkilala sa mga nagsipagwagi sa ibat ibang patimpalak sa Linggo ng Sikolohiya.


Disyembre 20 18 - Marso 20 19


KALAKASAN NG KABATAAN: IBANGON! Ngayong ika-21 siglo, masasabing napakalayo na ang narating ng mga kabataang may taglay na iba't ibang kakayahan. Ayon nga sa ating pambansang bayani na si Dr. Jose P. Rizal, l\ng kabataan angpag-asa ng bayan', isang katagang nagmulat sa mga kabataan upang mas paigtingin ang kalakasan para lumaban. Paano nga ba natin masasabing TAYO, bilang kabataan, ang pag-asa ng bayan? Kailangan ba talaga nating makiayon sa takbo ng mundo kung saan ay hinuhusgahan tayo sa ating mga pagkakamali? Marahil ay may kalituhan pa rin sa ating isipan ang mga katanungang ito. Ayon kay Howard Gardner, isang propesor sa Harvard University; "we should also practice equal

nakatatanda sa kanila. Hindi sa sinasabi na lahat ng kabataan ay ganito dahil mayroon pa rin talagang malinis ang budhi na handang ibigayang buong buhay para sa ikabubuti ng nakarararni. Sa ating institusyon, may iba't ibang patimpalak na idinaraos taon-taon tulad ng Tagisan ng Husay 0 mas kilala bilang TagSay na kung saan ipinamamalas ng mga NTCian ang kanilang kalakasan at kagalingan sa iba't ibang Iarangan ng isports tulad ng

basketball, volleyball, table tennis, -~___.--. scrabble, at chess.


attention on individuals who show gifts in other intelligences... " Ma-

Ang nasabing patimpalak ay hindi rin sasabing kailangan nating mag- nagpahuli sa tagisan ng gankaroon ng pantay na pagtrato sa dalkisig at talino nang ibaniba't ibang kakayahan ng kabataan dera ang mga pambato ng dahil dito mas mahahasa pa ang iba't ibang departamento/ tunay nilang kalakasan. Sa positi- kolehiyo sa Mr. & Ms. Tagbong anggulo, maraming maibuSay. Hindi pa riyan nagtatabuga ang kabataan sa iba't ibang pos angpagsasaya dahil itinamlarangan tulad ng quiz bee, beauty pok ang iba't ibang kumpas at pageant, at maging sa isports. Dito galaw ng katawan sa TagSayaw. pa lamang ay pinatunayan nang Masasabing ang mga nakilahok may pag-asa pang maibangon ang ay tunay na kahanga-hanga datunayna pagkatao ng kabataan. Isa hil manalo man 0 matalo, ipinairal rin itong magandang panimula sa nila ang sportsmanship, isang tradipaghahanda nila sa makabagong syonal na pag-uugaling Pilipino na mundo na kanilang tatahakin. Sa ang ibig sabihin ayang pagtanggap kabilang banda, may negatibong sa pagkatalo, at pagkapanalo ng anggulo pa rin ang nakasisira sa kalaban. Ang bawat kalahok din imahe ng kabataan ngayon tulad aynagbigayng kanilang pinaghirang pagkagumon sa masamang pang iffort upang maipamalas ang bisyo, pagkalulong sa teknolohiya, tunay na kalakasan. Sa larangan at kawalan ng respeto sa ibang tao naman ng pautakan ay masasakung kaya't walang pakundangang bing naipamalas ng mga NTCian hinuhusgahan sila ng ang tunay na tanglaw matapos mas mag-uwi ng karangalan sa ginanap na Quiz bee sa Lungsod ng " . Bagnio, at ating karatigKayo na nagbabasa nito, paaralan sa Technological . b k Institute of the Philippines ngayon nmyo su u ang (TIP). !sa itong katan-

maliitin ang kakayahan at

gi-tanging parangal na ill kailanman matutumbasan kalidad ng kabataan. Hinahamon ng ano man dahil itdy nakamit ngmgamag-aaral sa ko ang lahat na nagpapatunay sarilingpagsisikap. Sa kabilang banda, na wa Ia na ngang pag-asa ang ang mas lalong nagpataas ng respeto sa kabataan ay kabataan!" ang pagtanggap sa mga kasapi ng LGBTQ+ Community sa

p am am a g itan ng paglahok nila nang malaya sa iba't ibang patimpalak gaya ng TagSay; walang makapipigil sa pagkakaisa ng kabataan. Bagamat sila'y nakararanas pa rin ng mga panghuhusga nglipunan, hindi parin sila nagpatinag, ''Laban lang atwalangsusukof" Balikan natin ang sinabi ni Dr. Jose P. Rizal at pagnilayan natin ito nang mabuti. Kayo na nagbabasa nito, ngayon ninyo subukang maliitin ang kakayahan at kalidad ng kabataan. Hinahamon ko ang lahat na nagpapatunay na wala na ngang pag-asa ang kabataan! Sana'y mas bigyan pa ng pagkakataon na bumawi ang iba upang makabangon mula sa kani-kanilang gabundok na problema. Hindi pa hull ang lahat upang magsimulang mull. Hindi tayo ang makapagpapasya ng kinabukasan para sa ating kapwa. "Hilaw pa tayo sa katanasan," ika nga ng mga matatanda, at tama naman sila, kung kaya't mararni pa tayong dapat malaman

at maranasan sa buhay. Maaga pa at huwag magmadali! Gawin ang tama at huwag magpapadala sa bugso ng damdamin. May bukas pa, ''Bangon kabataan! Magsimulang muli para

sa bagong kinabukasanl" r-------------

Hindi lnaasahang

Propesyon Talagang napakabilis ng araw. Parang kailan lang mula noong ako ay unang tumuntong sa kolehiyo at halos walang kaaIam-alam sa magiging takbo ng aking buhay hinggil sa napili kong propesyon. Pagiging guro ang aking napiling propesyon. Sa totoo lang ay hindi ko ninais na mag-


Disyembre 20 18- Marso 2019

Deo Volel1te God Willing

Joanna Mae Acain


Pahina 17

mga salitang natanggap ko sa aking mag-aaral, dahil naramdaman ko na tanggap nila ako kahit isa pa lamang akonggumng nagsasanay.

"Bakitkaya aka pinasalamatan ng estudyante ko kahit hindi pa naman aka aalis?" Ang taogiog kasagutan ko ay

G uro, sino ka b a? Para sa il. ang mga mag-aaral, itinuturing silang dahil may nagawa akong tarna sa walang konsiderasyon, dahil sa kanila Lagi kong naririnig sa coopwa1ang katapusang pagbibigay ng erating teacher ko na wala siyang mga gawaingpampaaralan. Sa kabil- problema sa akin lalo't madali raw ang banda, itinuturing din silang akong matuto. Ganoon din sa ilan modelo nabumrhubogsapegkaao pang kaguruan na kasarna ko sa ngmgamag-aaral at nagbibigay kaa- English Department. Gayunpaman, laman. hindi ako magiging isang rnabuting Bakitpaako kumuhangkursong nilalang kung hindi rill dahil sa mga Edukasyon kung ituturing din lang taong humobog sa akin kung sino naman akong masama ng mga rna- man ako ngayon Bukod sa aking giging estudyante ko? Para saan pa mga magulang, kamag-anak, at mga ang pag-aaral ko nang rnabuti kung guro, naging rnalaking bahagi tin ang tingin nila sa akin ay hindi rna- ang Fiat Inx upang hubugin ako bilganda? Kung babalikan ko ang araw ang isang mabait, masipag, responsnoong nagpasya akong kumuha ng able,atmahusayna tao. Ako'ynagpakursong ito, marahil ay hindi ko ito pasalamat nang lubusan, lalong-lalo napag-isipan nang rnabuti. KUng tu- na sa mga kasabayan ko at sa aming tuusin, hindi ko naman talaga pangbutihing tagapayo dahil nagsilbi siarap namaging isang gum dahil gus- yang ina naming lahat at hindi karni to ko lang ta1aga ay makapagtapos iniwan ano man ang mangyari. ng kolehiyo. Ngayong kinahaharap Nakapagpasya na akong ipagpako na ang kalbaryo sa kursong ito, patuloyang akingpagtutum Jpapasa ako'y nanghihina dahil pwnapasok ko ang LET para magkalisensiya at sa isipan ko ang pagsasaway ng mga maging isang ganap na gum. Hindi rnakukulit na mag-aaral. Ako na- ko alamkunghanggangkailanko ito may naluluha sa tuwing sumasagi papangarapin pero, isalang ang sigusa isipan ko ang katagang "Maram- rado, ipagpapatuloy ko ang aking naing salamat po Mitni', na nakasulat simulan Sana ganoon din ang ibang sa kapirasong papel na nagmula sa kabataan na kumukuha ng kursong aking mga estuciyante. Dito ko na- Edukasyon Pakatandaan na sa kabipagtanto na mahalaga rill ako sa langmgabalakidnakakaharapinng kanila Sa pagdaan ng mga araw, pa- mga guro, hindi sila susuko alang-alkiramdam ko'y babagsak na ako sa angsaisangmithiin. sobrang pagod dahil sa dami ng ga'In teaching you cannot see the wain tulad ngforms, class records, les- fruit of a diÂĽ work. It is invisible and sonplans,atktmgano-anopaParasa remainsso. maybefortwentyyears:' akin, walang kanrnbas na pera ang - Jacques Ba17Zun -----------------------1

ing isang guro sapagkat bata pa lamang ako ay alam ko na kung gaano kahirap ang propesyong ito. nan sa mga ito ay ang arawaraw na paghahanda sa pagtuturo at mahabang pagpapasensya sa mga estudyanteng may 'di kanais-nais na pag-uugali. Lumipas ang mga araw at nagiba ang ihip ng hangin. Ang mga ninanais kong kurso sa kolehiyo kagaya ng doktor ng medisina, at journalism ay napalitan ng propesyon ng pagtuturo. Hindi ko man hinangad na maging guro subalit natutunan ko naman itong pag-aralan sa pagdaan ng panahon. Ang unang taon ko sa NTC ay

naging mahirap dahil sa dami ng units na kailangang makuha. Aral dito, aral doon, makapasa lamang sa inaasam na scholarship. Sa ikalawang taon narnan sa kolehiyo ay mas lalo pang nadagdagan ng units at major subjects. Pinili kong magpakadalubhasa sa asignaturang Biological Science dahil napaka-challenging nitong pagaralan. Dumating ang ikatlong taon, halos panghinaan na ako ng loob sa dami ng aking kinaharap na suliranin. May mga pagkakataon din na halos ayaw ko nang pumasok dahil sa sobrang pagod na aking bitbit hanggang sa paguwi; maging ang isip ko ay pagod na rin kakaaral sa ibat ibang asig-

isang mamamahayag. Sa kabila ng aking mga maling akala, hinubog ako ng Fiat Inx hindi lamang bilang PIUPINO isangmamamahayagkung illbilang Ma. Angelique Dacutin isang indibidwal. Tatlong bagay ang itinuro nita sa akin upang ako ay . Bagong BI*as, Bagong Simula magmgbornak tapangkinahahatrnatatag samga pagSll na ki arap ng isang "Iomorrow is another daY.' Hindi mamamahayag ito ay huwag pangna bago sa atin ang katagang ito. Sa hinaan ng loob at sumuko, bagkus, bawat araw na dwnarating sa ating magsikap pang lalo sa pagsulat dahil buhay; tiyak na rnayroong bagong hindi kailangang maging perpekto karanasan tayongmararanasan. ang kasanayan ng tao sa pagsusulat, 'Dirnaiwasangminsandumaratikanga, "sulatlangnangsulaC ing sa punto ng ating buhay na tayo Hindi tatayo ang isang pubaynagbabalik.-tanawsamgakaranalikasyon kung walang mga rnarnasang hindi natin malimutan magpa- mahayag. Kayatsa parnamagitanng hanggang ngayon. Marahil, rnalaki pagsolat nito, nais kong isatinig ang ang naging impact nita sa ating bu- taos-pusong pasasalamat sa mga tahay kayat ganoon na lamang kung ong naging bahagi ng aking paglalito ay ating pahalagahan- at gaya akbay sa pamamahayag. Kina ngnakararami, ako ay hindi tin naii- Ate Tinie, Roy, at Ivan sa kanilang ba lsa sa mga naging karanasan ko paniniwalang kaya kong gampanan sa kolehiyo na patuloy kong inaalala ang bawat tungkulmg ibinigay sa ay kung paano magturc ang aming akin; saamingmga butihingtagapapropesor hinggil sa mga rnakrong yong sinaProp. Ruth Balagat at Prop. kasanayan ng wika at hindi lingid Jennifer Alarcon sa kanilang paggasa ating isipan na isa ang pagsulat sa bay at paniniwala sa kakayahan ng rnakrong kasanayang palagi nating bawat isa; kina Hazel, Charlotte, Kai, ginagamit. Sa parnamagitan nito, Claire, Juanito, Jet, Franz, Kuya Dex naipahahayag natin kung ano ang atsakapwaka-fiatnanagingkasarna nais nating sabihin na hindi natin ko sa mga panahong ako ay nagsukayang maisatinig. Ang pagkatuto sulat sa ating publikasyon. Higit sa ko sa pag-aaral ng mga makrong lahat, sa Kanya dahil sa pagbibigay kasanayan ng wika ang isa sa naging Niya ng pagkakataong sila ay aking daan upang ako ay maging bahagi rnakilala ng Fiat Lux, ang opisyal na pahayaHindi ko lubusang maisip na sa gangpangkampusngatinginstitusyaking pananatili rito ay mag-iiwan on. ng espesyal na bahagi sa aking puso Gayangisangbaguhangrnarnaat isipan Sa aking pag-alis, lahat ng mahayag, inakala ko na ito ay isang aking mga naging karanasan bilmadali at simpleng gawain lamang. ang isang mamamahayag, maging Mayroong mga impormasyong ang mga masasayang alaalang amkinakailangan ay makasusulat na ing nabuo, ay babaunin ko tungo ng isang article 0 kaya kapag tapos sa pagharap para sa bagong simula nang makapag-interview ay OK na ng panibagong kabanata ng aking Ngunitgayangpagigingisangmagbuhay. Ikaw, paano mo haharapin aaral, hindi rill madaling maging ang bagongbukas nadarating?





natura. Subalit, ako'y nagpatuloy na Iumaban at naging matatag sa kabila ng lahat ng mga pagsubok, Ako'y muling bumangon at pinagpatuloy ang aking sinimuIan. Sa aking ikapaat na taon, dito ko ini-apply ang lahat ng aking mga natutunan mula lma hanggang ikatlong taon sa kolehiyo. Ito rin ang taon na tinatawag na akong "maam' 0 kaya naman ay "miss" ng aking mga estudyante. Ito ang taon kung saan minama hal ko ang pagtuturo. Nakatutuwang isipin na sa pagdaan ng ilang taon ay natutunan kong mahalin ang propesyong

ito. Patunay nita ang aking mga naging karanasan kung gaano kahirap maging isang guro. Ang aking mga natutunan mula on at off-campus ay siguradong tatatak sa aking isipan magpakailanman. Mas lalo kong naintindihan kung bakit pagtuturo ang tinahak kong propesyon. Ako ay naging isang guro dahil sa pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral sa kasalukuyan. Hindi ko man ito ginusto noon subalit dahil sa aking mga naging estudyante at mga natutunan, minahal ko ang propesyong ito at patuloy pang mamahalin sa pagdaan ng panahon.



Disyembre 2018 - Marso 20 19


NTC, muling magtataas ng matrikula ni Roy Jerome Barbosa

"Simple beginnings; Remarkable endings!'

Elementary Miscellaneous Fees


PHp. 2,745 (8%)


PHp. 2,715 (12%)

Grade 1 at Grade 2

PHp. 625 (5%)

lnstl. Devt. Fee

Elementary Nursery- Pre-Kinder


Kinder- Grade 2


Grade 3-Grade 6



Junior High

Ito ang naging mensahe ng administrasyon ng Ayala sa naganap na Consultation meetingnoong ika-26 ng Pebrero, taong kasalukuyan sa Lecture Room hinggil sa muling pagtataas ng matrikula sa darating na semestre. Tinalakay sa pagpupulong ang pagtataas ng matrikula mula primarya hanggang kolehiyo na tutugon sa hakbangin ng Administrasyon ukol sa Three-Phase Development Plan. Binigyang pokus sa unang hakbangin ang pagpapatibay sa mga school personnel, mga pasilidad at laboratoryo ng paaralan, at mga proseso sa institusyon. Ang kabuuang bilang ng mga pagtataas ay sumusunod:

Tuition Fee

Energy Feel Aircon Fee

PHp. 2,695 (12%)

Grade 7-Grade 10





PHp. 60/unit

PHp. 1,500/semestre

Senior High Grade 11 College Undergraduate and Graduate

Ang mga dumalo sa pagpupulong ay sina Bb. Rosalie Dimaano,

Executive Vice President (EVP) for Finance, Administration, and Students' Services; Dr. Edizon Fermin, Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA); Dr. Jennifer Buen, Associate Vice President for Finance; Dr. Agnes Sunga, Head, Office of Registrar; Gng. Ma. Elena Parayno, Faculty Association of NTC President (FANTC); G. Carlo Jimeno, Linkages Director; G. Marco Mirafiores, School Admission Officer; Bb. Amor Diaz at Gng. Marilou Dimacali, mga Tagapayo ng NTC Student Government (SG); Dr. Fely Moreno; at, mga student leaders ng Kolehiyo. Ang pagtataas ng matrikula ay ipatutupad ayon sa pag-aapruba ng Commission on Higher Education (CHEd).

Grade 3

PHp. 2,895 (13%)

Grade 4 at Grade 5

PHp. 2,935 (13%)

Resulta ng PBE, inilabas na

Grade 6

PHp. 2,955 (13%)

ni Kaidee Mae Mauleon

Junior High Tuition Fee

Miscellaneous Fees

PHp. 375 (3%)

PHp. 4,640 (22%)

PHp. 4,650 (22%)

Grade 7 at Grade 10 Grade 8 at Grade 9

Senior High Grade 11 Tuition Fee


Miscellaneous Fees PHp. 4,400 (19%)


PHp. 4,400 (18%) walang pagtataas

PHp. 4,400 (15%)

College Undergraduate Tuition Fee

Miscellaneous Fees

College of Education (COE); College of Accountancy and Business

PHp. 14 (3%)

(CAB); at, College of Arts and

bumabang PHp. 375 (10%)

Sciences (CAS) College of Hospitality and Tourism

Inilabas ng Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ang resulta ng Psychometri-

cian Board Examination (PBE) noong ika-13 ng Nobyembre, 2018. Binubuo ng 24 na magaaral na nagtapos sa kursong Sikolohiya ang nakapasa sa pagsusulit na ginanap noong Oktubre 28 at 29, 2018. Umabot ng 28.57% ang passing rate ng NTC sa inilabas na resulta ng pagsusulit. Kung susuriin ang naging resulta, malaki ang naging diperensya nito sa 35.48% na resulta noong 2017 na may bilang na 33 pumasa Ayon kay Gng. Aida Monterozo, Program Head ng Bachelor of Science in Psychology, may mga

hakbanging isasagawa ang kanilang departamento kaagapay ang administrasyon upang umangat ang bilang ng mga papasa sa PBE. Ani niya, ang konsepto ay nagmula sa ideya ni G. Derrick Latrielle, Chief Learning Officer ng AC Education. Una ay ang tinatawag na Traditional Review, ang mga tagapagsanay ay external Lecturer. Pangungunahan naman ng mga batikang tagapagsanay ang ikalawa at huling hakbang na tinatawag na Intense Review. Ang bawat hakbang ay magkakaroon ng Pre at Post TestExamination. Ang mga ito ay naglalayong mapalawak ang kanilang kaalaman pagdating sa kursong tinapos, at ihanda sa darating na pagsusulit .

KR: "Rizal sa Maynila", isinagawa

PHp 15 (3%)

ni Reuben Ivan Albacea

Management (CHTM), at, College of Information Technology (Cl'T)

Magkakaroon din ng pagbabago sa miscellaneous fees. Ang institutional development fee ay ilalaan para sa Capital Expenditures, samantalang ang air-conditioning fee 0 energy fee ay nakabatay sa classroom hours mula sa fixed charge na PHp. 550 noong nakaraang

Ang Kabataang Rizalista (KR) ay nagsagawa ng dalawang araw na eksibit at pagpalabas ng pelikula noong ika-14 at 15 ng Enero sa Bulwagang Panlipunan na may temang ''Rizal sa Maynila". Ito ay dinaluhan ng mga mag-aaral na kumukuha ng asignaturang

Tampok sa ginanap na eksibit ang iba't ibang lugar na may kaugnayan sa buhay ng ating Pambansang Bayaning si Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Kasabay rin nito ang pagpalabas ng iba't ibang pelikulang pangkasaysayan tulad ng May Pag-asa, Heneral Luna, Rizal sa Dapitan, at Bayaning


Rizal's Life and Works.

3rd World.

Graduate Masteral (M.A. Ed.)

PHp. 17 (3%)

Doctoral (Ed.D)

PHp 22 (2%)

bumabang PHp. 375 (10%)


Disyembre 20 18 - Marso 20 19



Estratehiya at Husay, pinaigting CAB, Hinirang na Mr. and Ms. TagSay'19 ni Charlotte Anne Rasco

ni Carla Christel T. Salgado

Sa patuloy na selebrasyon ng TagSay,hindi nagpahuli ang iba't ibang manlalaro ng Board Games (Chess at Scrabble),kasarna na rin ang Table Tennis na nagpamalas ng husay noong ika4 at ika-8 ng Marso, taong kasalukuyan sa NTC Gyrnnasimn at Bulwagang Panlipunan. Nasungkit ni Sf. Mae Ellanie Gabriel mula COE ang kampeonato sa Scrabblehabang si Justin

Cueto mula sa Cl-Il M ang nakakuha ng kampeonato sa Chess.Sa kabilang banda, nasungkit ni Adrian Dante mula CAB ang kampeonato sa Table Tennis (Merfs) habang si Karen Diolata mula COE ang kampeon sa Table Tennis (Womem). Samantala, tinanghal naman sina Nimfa Marie Espino at Ietzy Muralla mula COE bilang kampeon sa Mix


Kampeon ng TagSayaw 2019, ibinida ni Charlotte Anne Rasco

Nasungkit ng College of Accountancy and Business (CAB) ang kampeonato sa TagSayaw

ang ikatlong puwesto. Sa pakikipanayam sa isa sa mga mananayaw mula sa CAB na si Reynold Arendela, ibinahagi niya ang naging problema nila sa mga bakanteng oras dahil sa kani -kanilang prayoridad ngunit nagawan pa rin nila ito ng paraan kahit na sila'y kinapos sa oras.

2019 na naglalayong maipakita ang pagkakaisa, tibay at lakas ng mga NTCian, pagkakaroon ng sportsmanship ng manlalaro, at madiskubre ang kanilang talento. Ito ay ginanap noong ika-4 ng Marso sa Science Quadrangle. Nakamit naman ng College of Education (COE) ang ikalawang puwesto; at College of

"I-enjoy lang nila ang bawat galaw ng katawan nila, mana10 man 0 matalo, dapat masaya pa rin at proud sa sarili," ang

Information Technology (CIT)

kaniyang payo.

NTC-CYC, namayagpag

YMCA 2019 ni Hazel Joy Cuanan

Nagbunyi ang mga manlalaro ng NTC-CYC sa larangan ng isports na Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, at Board Games nang makamit nila ang karangalan sa taunang Sporstfest na inihandog ng

Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA). Ito ay ginanap noong ika-16 hanggang 31 ng Marso, taong kasalukuyan. Sinimulan ang nasabing patimpalak sa pagpapakilala ng mga manlalaro sa iba't ibang kolehiyo at unibersidad kabilang ang Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS), Eulogio ''Amang'' Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (EARIST), Philippine State College of Aeronautics (PHILSCA),


Ngayong taon, hinirang na bagong Mr. and Ms. TagSay sina Jethro Santos at Rose Marie Cedonio na kapwa mula Collegeof

Accountancy and Business (CAB). Ipinamalas nila ang angking galing sa pagrampa at pagsagot sa katanungang ibinato sa kanila. Sa pakikipanayam sa dalawa, ibinahagi nila ang karanasan sa naturang patimpalak. Ayon kay Jethro Santos, isang karangalan na mabigyan siya ng pagkakata-

ong maging Mr. TagSaydahil ito'y para sa kanilang Kolehiyo(CAB). Dagdag naman ni RoseMarie Cedonio, siyaaymasayadahil ito ang kaniyangunangpagsalisa ganitong patimpalak at pinalad pa siyang manalo; pakiramdam niya sa pagkakataonna iyon aynapaka-blessed niya.Bilangmensahe para sa mga nagnanais sumali sa Mr. and Ms. Tagsay2020, maging natural confidou; huwagpanghinaan ng loob, at magkaroon ng tiwalasa sarili.

....119 Volleyball Men's at Women's sa

TagSay 2019 gilas pagdating sa depensa ang lalong nagpainit sa buong paligid. Urnigting ang lakas at tibay ng koponan ng CIT na nagbigay rason upang masungkit ang kampeonato kontra COE. Sa pagtatapos ng laban, kinilala ang Mythical 5 na sina John Darwin Icawalo mula CHTM; Iay-r Ricafrente mula COE; Ronald David mula CAB; Ryan Espino, at Reymar Nabung mula CIT. Hinirang naman bilang MVP of the Game si Patrick Vencio, Open Hitter ng CIT. Siyay nagbigay ng mensahe sa mga nangangarap na sumali hindi lamang sa volleyball kung 'di sa ibat ibang isports. ''Lumabas

kayo sa comfort zone ninyo para maipamalas ang potensyal na hinahanap at mahigitan pa ang mayroon kayo," ani

Philippine Maritime Institute niya. (PMI), Polytechnic UniversiCIT vs. ty of the Philippines (PUP), CAB Womens, Rizal Technological University Matinding (RTU), Technological Univer- Opensa at sity of the Philippines (TUP), Depensa ng University of the East-Caloocan Koponan (UE) at The National Teachers NamayagCollege (NTC). pag ang koponan CAB na Nasungkit ni G. Roy Jerome ng Barbosa ang kampeonato sa binubuo ng mga Word factory; si Bb. Gayle Faith beteranong manMortel naman ang unang ka- lalaro na patuloy rangalan sa Scrabble. Sa Ball na dinepensahan Games ay naiuwi ng NTC-CYC ang korona para sa ang unang karangalan sa Vol- 4-peat 0 ikaapat na leyball Men's habang ikaapat na titulo. Sinubukan karangalan naman sa Volley- ng CIT na agawin ball Women's. Nakamit din ng ang titulo bilBasketball Team ang ikatlong ang kampeon ngunit hinkarangalan.

nagpadaig ang CAB dahil nagpamalas sila ng agresibong opensananagtataglayngmatinding paghampas ng bola upang magdala sakanila sa rurok ng tagumpay.Kinilalabilang Mythical 5 sina Nikki Olivamula CHTM; Chelsea Marie Sagariomula CAB;Andrei Marie Garda mula COE; Joan Castillo, at Patricia Anne Perez mula CIT. Hinirang bilang MVP of the Game si Bb.Micca Nazario, Open Hitter at Setter ng CAB. Siyay nagbigay rin ng mensahe sa mga bagong manlalaro na nagnanais sumali sa larangan ng isports, "Tiwala lang sa sariliat hu-

wag magpapaapekto sa sinasabi ng ibang tao; basta kung ano ang kakayahan ninyo gawin lang!"Ani niya.

Nagkaisa ang koponan ng CAB Women's Volleyball Team upang mapanatili ang kampeonato sa ikaapat na pagkakataon.


ni Carla Christel T. Salgado

Ang Tagisan ng Husay 0 mas kilala sa tawag na TagSay ay ang taunang patimpalak na kung saan ang mga mag-aaral mula sa ibat ibang Kolehiyo ay nagpapamalas ng kanilangkakayahan sa ibat ibang larangan ng isports. Ito ay pinangunahan ng NTC Student Government. lsa rin sa nagbigay ningning dito ayangtagisan ng ganda, kisig, at talino sa Mr. and Ms. TagSay2019, habang ang talento sa pagsasayaw

ay mas pinaigting at binigyang sigla matapos ibandera ang ruga kakaibang dance moves na nagbigay ingay sa buong institusyon. Ang mga larong pinaglabanan naman ng ibat ibang Kolehiyo para rnaipamalas ang galing, husay, at estratehiya ay ang mga sumusunod:

Iginawad ng NTC Student Government sa kauna-unahang pagkakataon ang TagSay Special Award kina Romel Morales mula College of Hospitality and

ing problema sa uniporme ng mga manlalaro nang hindi ito kumpletong ibinigay sa takdang panahon. Gayunpaman, sa kabuuan ay naging matagumpay ito sapagkat naging usap-usapan ang mga nagsipagwagi at nagkamit ng mga tropeyo at sertipiko. Itdy naghatid ng saya sa mga NTCian dahil mas nanaig pa rin ang sportsmanship sa mga manlalaro manalo man 0 matalo ito; at kapwa ipinakita ang kanilang husayparamaglaro at ipaglaban ang kani-kanilang departamento.

masungkit ang kabuuang pagkapanalo na may kabuuang 345 na puntos, na sinundan ng Collegeof Education (COE) na may kabuuang 280 na puntos, at CollegeofIriformation and Technology(CIT) na may kabuuang 205 na puntos. Chess, Scrabble, Table Tennis Mix, Sa patuloy na pagbabago at ino(Mens and Womens), Volleyball basyon ng institusyon, masasabing (Mens and Womens), Basketball, at ganoon pa rin ang kaganapan sa larongLahi patimpalak dahil ipinagpapatuloy Samantala, nagtagumpay lang nita ang tradisyon na nasimuang College of Accountancy and Ian na, ngunit nagkaroon ng kaunt-

TagSay Special Award 2019 ni Kaidee Mae Mauleon

Business (CAB) matapos nitong

ng payo sa mga susunod pang manlalaro. "Hindi ko inaasahan

nagtiwala sa akin. Para sa mga Sa kabilang banda, kinilalang nagsisimula pa lang,focus at sipag Mythical 5 sina Kevin Dominsa practice ang maging puhunan go at Neon Lacson na mula sa paglalaro," sabi niya Samanta- College of Information Technology

ang award na ito. Para sa ibang mga manlalaro, magkaroon ng determinasyon at ibigay ang puso sa bawat laro," ani niya Sa unang

la, disiplina at sipag sa pag-ensayo naman ang naging puhunan ni John Carl Nicol para masungkit ang Final MVP of the year. ''Mag-

(CIT); Red Tayao, Miguel Salajero, at Vince Villena mula CAB. Ang mga manlalaro na nakatanggap ng nasabing parangal ay tiwala sa sarili, lakas ng Ioob, at handang lumaban mull sa darating disiplina sa Ioob ng court," na TagSay 2020 para sa karangalan an kani an pa o. n kanilan departamento.

Tourism Management (CHTM) pagkakataon, mapalad namang bilangLeading Scorerof the Year; nasungkit ni Red Tayao ang Rook Red Tayao bilang Rookie of the ie Award of the year dahil sa sipag at puso niya sa paglalaro. "Salamat year, Miguel Salajero bilang SeaVolleyball Men's at Women's sa sons MVP of the Year, at, si John sa buong CAB Community at Carl Nicol bilang Finals MVP parents ko na nagbigay ng tiwala TagSay 2019 ni Hazel [oy Cuanan na pare-parehong mula College at naging inspirasyon ko. Para sa of Accountancy and Business kapwa ko manlalaro, maging allIpinamalas ng CAB, CAS, Kasing-init ng panahon ang out lang tayo sa game," pahayag COE, CHTM, at CIT ang hiyawan ng bawat kolehiyo/de(CAB). Ito ay ginanap noong ,---'-'-_-'----'-'-"--...L-

ika-8 ng Marso, taong kasalukuyan sa Science Quadrangle. Sa pagkasungkit ni Romel Morales ng titulong Leading Scorer of the year sa tulong ng 99 puntos niyang ginawa, inihayag niya ang kaniyang pagkabigla at nagbigay

naman niya Napawi ang lahat ng paghihirap at pagod ni Miguel Salajero nang makamit niya ang titulong

Seasons MVP 2019. "Bilang isang Captain Ball, thankful ako sa award na ito at pati na rin sa mga

......._ __

kanilang galing sa larangan ng volleyball. Ito ay ginanap noong ika-8 ng Marso mula ika-9:()() hanggang ika-ll:30 n.u. sa Science Quadrangle • CIT vs. COE Mens, Dumausdos para sa Korona





partamento na patuloy sa pagsuporta para sa kani-kanilang ipinagmamalaking koponan. Sa patuloy na bakbakan ng dalawang koponan sa Volleyball Mens, ang pagpaulan ng matinding palo at pagpakitang I.... 19


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