Portfolio Filip Fichtel
SPEED is a main factor in this the main factor in this design. The fire station glorifies the horizontal forces, the panoramic moun tains, the nearby highway, the speed of the fire trucks and the Concrete Masonry Units. The apparatus bay is the heart of the fire station and with the tilted ar rangement it is present from every angle of the building (except the dorm rooms). Just one custom cut CMU block is needed. With clev er rotating that one cus tom block is enough to build every occurring corner in the building.
This project was a group project with actual clients. We designed for a business, which manufactures nanosprings, a type of nano-structure which utilizes its large amount of surface area for increased chemical reactions. The building's use of vernacular materials in a technical fashion creates a contemporary and regional aesthetic.
A scientific laboratory bringing environmental conscious technolo g y to eastern Washington and beyond. This laboratory is designed to maximize functionality and showcase the technologies manufactured within. Acting as a beacon for its industrial neighborhood, the production space is placed close to the road and entry, and the buildings' circulation routes are a mind focal point from the street to energize the neighborhood 24 hours a day.
Construction Construction Details: Details: The building facade uses local materials, such as stone in the gabion baskets and wood for the rain screen. The gabion baskets also create an extra layer of protection and insulation. The construction type is steel bearing-wall studs in conjunction with steel post and beam to span the length of the open office space. If this building is torn down, the steel can be repurposed for another building.
This project was a group project; the work was based upon group consensus. As opposed to individual work that was put together at the end, creating the whole of this project, we worked intensively, on each issue, as a group. For this project this group dealt with an existing barn structure that has been retrofitted to create a winery and a tasting room. Multiple real- world clients of interests were involved in the project: Lewiston City Planning, the Nez Perce County Zoning Commission and the Umikers, the owners of a winery currently located downtown in Lewiston. It was a great experience to work with multiple clients, because it forced our group to think about a lot of aspects and impacts associated with building and landscaping that we haven't dealt with in previous studios.
The sun and views were the main influences for the design. The buildings are arranged to promote maximum exposure to sunlight flooding the apartment with light. The views are simultaneously limited and extended, allowing for privacy and views of the courtyard. A main feature in the design is the black strip that wraps around the buildings, working as a unifying element and defining individual apartments. The circulation is toward the courtyard, connecting apartments and courtyard. The community space is sunk partially into the ground so that there still is connection on the one hand but that it is not too omnipresent on the other. The community area becomes part of the courtyard where there is a visual connection between the courtyard and the space, while apartments radiate around the common space.
"I don't know anything until I have drawn it!"
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