Versace Les Tresors De La Mer

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LEs TrEsors dE La mEr Rosenthal GmbH | Philip-Rosenthal-Platz 1 | D-95100 Selb

Die reichen Schätze des Meeresgottes Neptun – goldene Statuen, Muscheln, Perlen, Seesterne und Koralle – und die Faszination einer magischen Vergangenheit erwachen in der exklusiven Welt des Ateliers Versace zu neuem Leben. Eleganz und Raffinesse werden zum fantasievollen Event.

Plate 18 cm

Plate 22 cm

Plate deep 22 cm

Plate 27 cm

Service plate 30cm

The abundant treasures of the sea god Neptune – golden statues, shells, pearls, starfish and coral – combined with the fascination for ancient eras lives on in the exclusive Versace world. Elegance and refinement in an imaginative dinner service. I ricchi tesori del dio Nettuno della profondità marine – statue dorate, conchiglie, perle, stelle marine e coralli – e il fascino di magiche epoche passate - rivivono nel prezioso ed esclusivo mondo - Versace. Eleganza e raffinatezza diventano un avvenimento ricco di fantasia.

Espresso cup & saucer Coffee cup & saucer

Tea cup & saucer

Sugar bowl




Plate 22 cm

Espresso cup & saucer Coffee cup & saucer

Plate deep 22 cm

Tea cup & saucer

Sugar bowl

Plate 27 cm


Service plate 30cm



Creamsoup cup & saucer

Table light small / Ă˜ 5,5 cm

Sauce-boat 2 pcs.

Box 2

Salad bowl 20 cm / 25 cm

Mug w/o handle

Bowl 12 cm square flat

Covered vegetable bowl

Dish14 cm

Platter 34 cm / 40 cm

Vase 26 cm

Picture frame 23 x 18 cm

Auswahl aus der Gesamtkollektion | Selection of assortment | Selezione dalla collezione

LEs TrEsors dE La mEr

Plate 18 cm

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