MEdaillon MEandrE d‘or Rosenthal GmbH | Philip-Rosenthal-Platz 1 | D-95100 Selb
Klassische Eleganz mit frischer, kühler Ausstrahlung wird vom Atelier Versace durch die hochwertige und raffinierte Kombination von Weiß und Gold zum Ausdruck gebracht. Das Haupt der Medusa aus Biskuitporzellan, umrandet von filigranen Mäanderbändern aus Gold, bringt den einzigartigen Charakter dieser klaren, aber vielsagenden Kollektion zur Geltung.
Plate 18 cm
Plate 22 cm
Plate deep 22 cm
Plate 27 cm
Service plate 30 cm
Service plate 30 cm with relief
Classic elegance with fresh, understated charm are expressed in the precious sophistication of white and gold, designed by Versace. The head of the Medusa in biscuit, delicately framed by a meandering band of gold, shows off the unique spirit of this simple and yet impressive composition to its best advantage. Un‘eleganza classica dal fascino fresco e sobrio si esprime -attraverso la preziosa e raffinata combinazione di bianco e oro, ideata dalla Maison Versace. La testa della Medusa in porcellana biscotto contornata da delicati meandri in oro evidenzia lo spirito unico di questa collezione essenziale ma emblematica.
Espresso cup & saucer
Coffee cup & saucer
Tea cup & saucer
Sugar bowl
Espresso cup & saucer
Plate 22 cm
Coffee cup & saucer
Plate deep 22 cm
Tea cup & saucer
Plate 27 cm
Sugar bowl
Service plate 30 cm
Service plate 30 cm with relief
Platter 28 cm / 34 cm / 40 cm
Salad bowl 1 / 17 cm
Soup tureen
Salad bowl 2 / 20 cm
Covered vegetable bowl
Salad bowl 3 / 25 cm
Creamsoup cup & saucer
Tart platter on foot Ø 33 cm
Sauce-boat 2 pcs.
Salt shaker / Pepper shaker
Auswahl aus der Gesamtkollektion | Selection of assortment | Selezione dalla collezione
MEdaillon MEandrE d‘or
Plate 18 cm