7/26/22, 11:11 AM
How to Handle Medical Bills | fidomoney US | Business
How to Handle Medical Bills by domoney US | Jul 26, 2022 | Business, Business News, domoney US, Finance, Fintech
Even if you have good health insurance, an unexpected medical bill can all but ruin you nancially. Fortunately, you have a few options available to you if you don’t think you can handle your medical debt. Make Sure the Bill is Correct Foremost, take a close look at your bill to make sure everything is correct. Medical bills are notorious for being inaccurate, with 80 percent containing at least one error, according to one report. Ask for an itemized bill if you didn’t receive one to make sure that there aren’t any duplicate charges or charges for services you didn’t receive. If you don’t understand your bill, ask the medical sta to explain it to you. Negotiate