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Neuropsychology Courses
NEPSY-825 Neuroanatomy and Brain-Behavior Relationships, 4 semester credits
The structure and function of the peripheral, autonomic and central nervous systems with emphasis upon the brain regions critical for neuropsychological functioning from the brain stem, cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex. A broad range of topics, such as the cortical organization of language, perception, and action; hemispheric specialization; the frontal lobes; cognitive development and aging, will be discussed. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Letter
The major disorders and syndromes associated with injury to the brain including language disorders (aphasia), perceptual disorders (agnosia), movement disorders (apraxia), memory disorders (amnesias), spatial disorders, emotional and personality disorders and disorders of executive functions. Emphasis will be placed upon a functional systems approach focusing upon the role of different brain regions in the production and breakdown of these behaviors. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Letter
NEPSY-827 Methods and Principles of Neuropsychological Assessment, 4 semester credits
Covers the components and methods of performing a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation including the clinical interview and history, behavioral observations and mental status, and the administration and interpretation of a wide range of neuropsychological and personality tests and measures. A dynamic, flexible approach to case assessment and interpretation emphasizes the role of individual age, education, handedness, language, culture, gender, etiology, neurodiagnostic findings, and several other factors impacting the neuropsychological performance. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Letter
The review will include dementias, cerebrovascular diseases, traumatic brain injury, seizures, viral/bacterial encephalopathies, neoplasms, movement disorders, and other disorders. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Letter
The review will include schizophrenia, affective disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette's syndrome, and other disorders. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Letter
The review will include language-based learning disabilities, nonverbal learning disabilities, attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, autism, and other disorders. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Letter
The Final Professional Evaluation assesses skills in intervention and assessment at the postdoctoral level. The evaluation takes place after completion of all course work and of the majority of the clinical practicum experience. You submit a written, comprehensive case study and do a final oral presentation to your faculty as your final professional evaluation. It is reviewed by two faculty examiners. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Credit/No Credit Only
This zero credit course is used to show the student is continuing with the process of accruing clinical case conference and/or practica experience hours in their third year. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Credit/No Credit Only
Your 200-hour case conferencing requirement is typically obtained in a group format. You are required to present at least one full case workup two times each year. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Credit/No Credit Only
One thousand hours of self-guided clinical experience involving neuropsychological testing and report writing with a minimum of fifty cases is completed and recorded by the end of the program. This experience is typically found on-the-job. Delivery Method: In person Grading Default: Credit/No Credit Only